How to clear history in the Yandex browser. How to delete search history in Yandex Where to find search history in Yandex

Kolobov F.V.
Master's student at UrFU,
Institute: Higher School of Economics and Management
"Applied Informatics"
Russia, Ekaterinburg
Email: [email protected]

What is Yandex.Wordstat

Yandex.Wordstat is a Yandex service that allows you to view the most popular user queries on any topic in the Yandex search engine. In this article I will tell you why it is needed and what information one of the Yandex.Wordstat sections contains - Query History.

What is Query History

Query history is one of the functions of Yandex.Wordstat, which allows you to track trends in the queries of users of the Yandex search engine. The results are presented both in numbers and in the form of weekly and monthly charts, so the information from the Query History is clear and easy to read. This section allows you to track the seasonality of requests, i.e. it allows a contextual advertising specialist or business owner to have a clear understanding of how many users are looking for a specific product or service in certain weeks or months of the year. In my opinion, this is one of the main advantages of Yandex.Wordstat over others in this regard, Wordstat is perhaps the most convenient tool.

How to use this feature?

You need to go to and check the “Query history” box (or you can immediately follow the link!/history).

You must specify the required search query (the phrase that users were looking for) and click “Select.”

Information will be displayed in numerical form and in the form of graphs.

The charts initially show information by month, but it is also possible to see the history by week:

In this service you can filter: by region, only by desktop, then by mobile devices, only by phones, only by tablets. This way you can view the data in a certain context.

By placing your mouse cursor over any period of interest on the chart, you will be able to see the exact number of impressions: absolute and relative values.

Absolute and relative values

From Yandex help:

“Statistics can be viewed both in absolute values ​​and in relative ones. To obtain a relative value, the absolute figure is normalized by the number of impressions of Yandex search results for the corresponding month.”

The absolute value is the actual value of impressions in different periods of time according to Yandex statistics for the last 24 months.

Relative value is the ratio of impressions for the search query to the total number of impressions in Yandex. This graph displays the popularity of a search phrase in the general pool of all user queries, i.e. how many times people tried to find information on a given keyword in Yandex in relation to the total number of requests.

In the query history, you cannot use standard Yandex operators for keywords such as: “!”, “-”, “+”.

It is also worth noting that information is displayed not only for the exact key phrase that you specified in the Wordstat search line. All statistics in Wordstat show the sum of all queries in which the entered key phrase appears in different declensions and tenses.

How to use these statistics?

In my opinion, the statistics obtained can be used almost anywhere. The very first example that comes to mind is starting a business, choosing a niche for a business. There are quite obvious trends that can be predicted without using Yandex.Wordstat, but some demand for certain goods or services can really surprise, especially a novice entrepreneur.

The second most popular use case for Query History is contextual advertising. Based on statistics, a contextual advertising specialist can draw a conclusion about the approximate number of visitors who can click on advertisements in Yandex.Direct and end up on the advertiser’s website. I believe that this metric is also important for determining the semantic core, that is, so that it is possible to formulate a hypothesis regarding how deeply the semantics need to be worked out in order to obtain the required number of visitors to the site.


Of course, in order to use Query History, you need to have skills in contextual advertising and understand what the semantic core is, but this Yandex.Wordstat function allows you to draw clear conclusions and formulate hypotheses, despite the small amount of information at the input - only a search phrase.

Thus, we can formulate the main points of this article: Absolute impression values ​​are the main query metric;

The option will be useful for both entrepreneurs and contextual advertising specialists; Query history does not take into account query syntax;

In articles about website promotion, we often recommend the Yandex.Wordstat service. This is a simple, convenient and (what is important!) free resource, which is highly popular among Internet marketers and optimizers. Today we will analyze Yandex.Wordstat for spare parts.

Why do you need Yandex.Wordstat?

Yandex.Wordstat is necessary to track the statistics of search queries in the Yandex system. Based on these statistics you can:

  • develop a semantic core for the site ();
  • select anchors for links;
  • predict traffic to the site (how exactly -);
  • prepare an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct;
  • find out the seasonality of demand.

What does Yandex.Wordstat show?

    The total number of queries containing the desired phrase.

    Requests for specified phrases that include the one you are interested in.

    Other queries that were also entered by users interested in this phrase.

    Yandex.Wordstat allows you to view general statistics (for all types of devices), as well as selective statistics for desktop (this includes desktop computers and laptops), mobile devices (these are phones and tablets), only phones, and only tablets.

    The mobile-only search rate feature allows you to predict mobile traffic to your site and helps you make decisions about site adaptation. Although “mobilization” is a steady trend in recent years, so in any case it’s worth thinking about how to adapt the site for mobile devices.

    Statistics of impressions in individual regions.

    If you sell bicycles in Tomsk, you are unlikely to be interested in statistics for all of Russia. Just find the region you are interested in and click on the “select” button:

    If you are interested in several cities at once, you can see a general summary by region by selecting the appropriate search:

    Here the data is presented in actual and percentage values. Percentage values ​​show regional popularity: values ​​above 100% indicate that interest in the request in the region is above the Russian average, and conversely, values ​​below 100% indicate reduced demand.

    Information helps make strategic decisions about entering new markets.

    Thus, for a large bicycle seller, entering Yekaterinburg (107%) will probably be more interesting than entering the Novosibirsk market (74%), although the population of Novosibirsk is 125 thousand larger.

    BUT! To make such an important decision, you need to look at other indicators (competition, average income of the population, etc.).

    Query history and seasonal variations.

    If you want to see how query statistics have changed over time, search for “query history.” Select the type of detail (by month or week) and set the region (if you are interested, statistics in a specific region).

    The example shows that the request “bicycle” has a pronounced seasonal demand. Which, in general, is logical, given the climatic conditions of our country.

What do absolute and relative values ​​mean?

Please note that statistics are presented in 2 graphs: absolute and relative. Let's try to figure it out.

Absolute indicator- this is the actual value of impressions over different periods of time.

For example, in June 2018, users requested phrases containing the word “bicycle” 5,909,651 times, and in August 2018 there were 4,152,377 such requests

Relative indicator is the ratio of impressions for the word of interest to the total number of impressions on the network. It demonstrates the popularity of the query among all others.

Both graphs should go smoothly, repeating each other (in the example this is the case).

If the graphs diverge dramatically, this may indicate that there is something wrong with the request. Perhaps the request is being automatically boosted or, despite the general seasonal decline, interest in the request is higher than normal (if the schedule relative value is higher than absolute). Or vice versa - demand should have been higher, but it is lower than expected values ​​(if the schedule relative below absolute).

Yandex.Wordstat operators

All of the above examples demonstrate statistics on a wide range of queries. That is, when we ask Wordstat for statistics on the query “bicycle” and see the number 6,887,204, this does not mean at all that users searched for the word “bicycle” that many times. Statistics show the sum of different queries that include this word, including “buy a bike”, “bike price”, etc.

You can clarify query statistics using various operators.

    Operator "" (quotes)

    This operator clarifies statistics specifically for the word/phrase of interest (without “tails” - additional words).

    Do you feel the difference? 85 thousand requests are no longer 6.8 million.

    How many times has the phrase “buy a tricycle” been requested?

    1,045 times. In this case, all word forms are considered, such as “buy tricycles”, “buy a tricycle”, etc.

    Such an operator helps in developing the correct semantic core of the site.

    Operator! (Exclamation point)

    This operator allows you to fix the form of a word (number, case, tense).

    For example, if you want to find out the frequency of the request “buy a ticket to Moscow” and not “buy a ticket to Moscow”, this operator will be very useful to you.

    Another example of how to use the operator! helps to filter out unnecessary requests.

    Use this operator when looking for anchors for links.

    Operator + (plus)

    By default, Yandex.Wordstat does not count prepositions and conjunctions in statistics (they are considered stop words). Sometimes it is very important to take these parts of speech into account, since in another case the meaning will change. Compare what Wordstat shows when you enter the query “studio recording” just like that, and using the “plus” operator:

    Operator - (minus)

    This operator does the opposite - it excludes unwanted “tails” (words) from the statistics.

    For example, if an online store sells only luxury furniture, then all the information on queries related to inexpensive furniture will only get in the way. They can be removed using the minus operator.

    If we had simply looked at the statistics for the word “buy furniture,” we would have seen 439,013 requests, and having excluded the “tails” that were uninteresting to us, we would have received other data. And again, in this case we make it easier for ourselves to further work with refined queries.

    This operator helps to narrow the number of viewed keywords, for example, when compiling the semantic core of a site.

    . Operator (|) - parentheses and vertical bar

    To avoid entering similar queries one after another, we use the brute force operator.

    For example, we are interested in queries such as “buy a folding bike”, “buy a sports bike”, “buy a mountain bike”, etc. depending on the store's assortment. You can search for statistics on all these queries one by one, or you can do them all at once

    This operator helps in developing a semantic core, significantly saving time on query selection.

    * Several identical words in the request

    When using the operator "" (quotes), repetition of the same word/preposition/number is perceived by Wordstat as any word from Wordstat results for the specified keyword length. That is, if there are 3 words in quotes, 2 of which are repeated, then Wordstat shows statistics on phrases of 3 words, including 2 specified + 1 any other.

    If we enter the query “buy a bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle” (5 words in quotation marks), we will receive statistics on queries such as “buy a bicycle in Moscow inexpensively”, “buy a bicycle in Moscow on sale”, etc.

    This point must be taken into account when working with queries that include repetitions. For example, statistics for queries such as “movies about films”, “1+1” will be distorted.

    If you need statistics on such repeated requests, use the “!” operator.

Disadvantages of Wordstat operators

Yandex.Wordstat operators are a convenient thing. They allow you to obtain accurate data on a large number of requests in a short time. But even they have shortcomings.

First, some operators do not combine with each other. So, for example, you cannot use the operators “” and (|) at the same time, but you would like to. However, use the operators "" and! at the same time you can:

Secondly, the operators do not work when viewing the request history. Therefore, we can view history and seasonality only for requests from a wide range.

Common mistakes when working with Yandex.Wordstat

    Working with a wide range of keys

    If the user does not know how to use service operators, he often receives erroneous data and wastes his time on dummy requests.

    When developing a semantic core and searching for anchors for link promotion, be sure to use the operators “” and/or “!”.

    Region selection

    If you are planning to promote a website in one specific region, but do not specify the region when viewing statistics, you will receive erroneous forecasts.

    Ignoring seasonal demand

    If the site owner orders promotion from specialists, then dishonest optimizers can deceive him, especially if the promotion is based not on positions, but on traffic (we wrote about the difference between these 2 methods). After all, traffic growth can occur naturally.

    Or, on the contrary, the keywords are chosen correctly and the promotion tactics are chosen correctly, but the decline in seasonal demand is not taken into account - the result is not impressive, after which a decision is made to change course.

If all of the above is tiring for you, then contact us, we will help. When working with keywords and anchors in the “Business” tariffs and when writing texts, as well as during complex promotion, we take into account the operator “” (quotes) and be sure to look at the region in which the site operates.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. When you surf the Internet, you use two mandatory tools for this task - a browser and a search engine (in RuNet this is most often Yandex).

Both of them know how to lead and store history of your visits, page views and search queries that you entered. If necessary, you can restore the chronology of events and find the page that you opened yesterday, or the query that you entered into Yandex search six months ago. It is very comfortable.

But often the opposite situation arises, when you need to erase all traces of your activity on the network. In this case, you have a question: how to delete history in Yandex? How to “clean up after yourself” in your browser? How to find and remove all other traces?

Today I just want to draw your attention to this topic. We will talk about both cleaning your searches and deleting all traces of your online activities in your browser (including the Yandex browser).

How to view the history of searches and views in Yandex?

As I mentioned above, history is kept not only by the browser, but also by search engines. For example, in Yandex, a special set of tools called "My Finds".

P.S. Unfortunately, Yandex developers considered this functionality unnecessary (unclaimed by users) and removed it completely. Now you won’t be able to dig into the history of your searches. Although, it seems they left it.

I decided not to delete the information below so that you can see what it all looked like before, if anyone finds it interesting.

It is there that you can delete the entire history of your communication with this search engine and, if desired, completely refuse to keep a log of your views and visits (although it may be useful, for example, in order to restore a page lost in bookmarks to which you came from Yandex, which is very convenient).

Which is used by more than half of RuNet users. Recently, we already looked at its settings, in particular, we talked in detail about, and also discussed in detail the issue: at a professional level. But the settings of this search engine are not limited to this, because there are also settings for the history of your visits, which are definitely worth touching on.

So, first you will need to go to the main page of this search engine. It is from this that we can get to the settings section we need, which are accessible from the drop-down menu of the gear located in the upper right corner.

We select the lowest item “Other settings”, and on the page that opens we will be interested in, in terms of studying the history of your actions in Yandex, two items of the menu given there:

When you click on the item “Search results settings” you can at the very bottom of the page that opens allow or block the search engine from logging with the history of your search queries, pages visited, and you can also separately prohibit or allow the use of this data to generate search results and search suggestions.

Here you can only sort of disable or enable history recording, but you can see what has already been recorded by clicking on the inscription “My finds” (in both screenshots above). Here you will find a lot of interesting things and will be able to restore previously found but then lost information. Yandex search history is quite a powerful tool:

Here, using the switch located in the upper left corner, you can again stop or re-enable event log recording. In the left column you can separately view the history of your search queries, products in the Yandex Market store, and you can also save and download (export) all this data if necessary.

At the very top there is a time line, which will very quickly allow you to move to the moment where you want to find something or, conversely, delete it from the history of your visits on Yandex. If you have accumulated a huge number of requests, views and other requests, you can use history search, whose line is located directly above the timeline. Oddly enough, this is not at all an obvious action - searching according to search results.

How to partially delete or completely clear history in Yandex?

P.S. As I wrote above, Yandex completely destroyed the “My Finds” service, but the opportunity remained "Clear query history" on the linked page. There you can click on the button of the same name.

As you've probably already noticed, you don't have to clear the entire history, but delete some individual requests or pages visited, simply by clicking on the cross next to them. This request and all the pages you went to when searching for an answer to it will be deleted.

For example, when viewing the Yandex Market magazine, you can delete individual viewed products from it, or you can clear the entire history using the button of the same name located at the top:

By the way, I forgot to say that the search history will be saved (written) only if you are authorized in Yandex (you can see your login in the upper right corner). If you are not authorized, then no “My Finds” will be available to you, which means there will be nothing to clear.

Yandex, of course, still keeps its own internal statistics, but there you will appear only as the IP address of your computer or as the one through which you searched. You won’t be able to delete this history (only), but almost no one will be able to access it, so you don’t have to worry about it. IMHO.

If you want to, . If this doesn’t seem enough, then , which allows you to leave virtually no traces on the network, so you don’t have to delete your history on Yandex or anywhere else.

Yes, I almost forgot to tell you, how to clear all Yandex history en masse, not one at a time. To do this, on the “My Finds” page you will need to click on the “Settings” button located in the upper right corner:

Well, on the page that opens you can both stop recording and completely clear the already accumulated history using the button there:

This is all about the search engine and the statistics of your activity maintained in it.

How to view and clear Yandex Browser history?

However, the history is kept not only by the search engine, but also by the browser you use. If this is enough (see), then it also keeps a history of views and pages you visited, which means there may be an urgent need to clear it. How to do it? Let's get a look.

To call the history clearing window, you can use key combination Ctrl+Shift+Delete, while in the browser window, or go from the button menu with three horizontal stripes in the browser settings and find the “Clear history” button there.

In both cases, the same window will open for deleting the history of your Internet browsing using the Yandex browser:

Here you need to select the period for which the entire history will be deleted (for complete clearing, it is better to select the “All time” option), tick the required fields, and click on the corresponding button below. That's it, your browser history will be completely cleared.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Yandex Market is your online assistant for any purchase

Anyone who has looked for information on the Internet at least once in their life knows that various search engines are used for these purposes. The most famous of them are Google and Yandex. And if Google is more typical for English-language sites, then Yandex is best suited for Runet.

It is characteristic that Yandex saves your information search history, regardless of whether you want it or not. In addition, your search history will be saved regardless of which browser you use for these purposes: Yandex, Opera, Chrome or Mozilla.

You should immediately clarify what exactly you want to delete: request history in the Yandex search engine or browsing history in Yandex Browser.

But there are situations when, for one reason or another, you need to delete your browsing history completely. How to do this and what is needed for this?

Today there are various ways to clear the log, but I will give you one that has been tested in practice.

How to view search history and visited sites in browsers

  • For these purposes there is a combination " Ctrl» + « Shift» + « H" or " Ctrl»» + « H", these combinations may differ in different browsers.
  • After that, you need to find a button in the upper corner near the cross that shows three lines and click on it.
  • Next, go to the Advanced tab and Clear history. This function can also be performed in the browser using the hotkeys “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Del”.
  • After you click them, a window will open where you should click on Clear history.

In Yandex, however, as in Google Chrome, you will be asked to clear, in addition to history, a number of other data, such as cache, cookies, etc. At your choice, you can check the boxes where you see fit, and then “Clear history.”

Selective history deletion

There are times when there is no point in deleting the entire search history, but it is necessary to selectively delete only some sites. This is relevant if several people use the computer, and you do not want others to see what sites you visited. For these purposes I would recommend:

  • Click on the three lines in the upper right corner;
  • go to “Settings”;
  • click on “History”.

After the manipulations have been completed, you need to check the boxes on the sites that interest you, and then click “Delete selected elements.”

Deleting history on your phone and tablet

  • We launch on our device;
  • Go to the “Settings” menu;
  • A list of functions will appear, look for “Privacy”;
  • Here you can uncheck the boxes for saving passwords and history, as well as “Clear history”;
  • You will be asked, as in the portable version, to also delete the cache, downloads, etc.;
  • Select the one you need and click on “Clear data”;
  • Ready!

Deleting history from Yandex browser

  • There is no need to confuse your search history with search suggestions, since the latter are not deleted because the search system automatically generates them based on the most popular queries. At the same time, not only your requests, but all users. Hints do not contain any personal information, so do not be afraid of them;
  • In order to view your search history in the Yandex browser, you need to go to the website This resource will provide you with complete information on your search history and visited sites. You can also export it from here. And if you need to eliminate or disable a number of requests or pages;
  • Deleting an individual request and page is done by clicking the cross on the right side of the request. This method is effective for deleting individual requests;
  • You can activate protection against further entries in the Yandex log. For these purposes there is a corresponding button in the upper left part of the page;
  • You can manage the visit recording functions in “My Finds” and through the page This page allows you to completely and permanently get rid of your Yandex search history by clicking a special button. Please note that this cleaning method does not disable saving further history, since this can only be done by clicking on “Stop recording”. In addition, here you can set a ban on your queries participating in Yandex search queries; to do this, you just need to click Disable.

Your Google Account stores some data about your use of our services, websites, and apps. You can disable this feature or delete information about your activities at any time.

How to manually delete your activity data

How to delete all data

How to delete an individual entry

To remove an individual request or information about a specific site visited in Chrome, follow these steps:

Note. Not all similar actions are combined into blocks.

How to delete actions for a specific period or in a specific service

How to automatically delete activity data

Some activity data can be automatically deleted from your Google Account.

Note. Some data may be deleted before the selected date.

How to delete data stored in other Google services

Activity data is not only saved on the My Activity page. For example, if you have enabled location history, data from it is available in Google Maps timeline. Almost all such data can be deleted.

How to delete activity information about other Google services saved in your account

  • Delete an individual action. To do this, click Delete in the desired section.
  • Go to the page where the action is saved and delete it there. To do this, click on the link in the desired section.

How to disable saving data about your actions

You can manage almost all settings regarding saving information about your activities.

  1. Open the Google Account page.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click Data and personalization.
  3. Under Activity Tracking, select Activity tracking settings.
  4. Disable unnecessary features.

Note. If you sign in to your Google Account in Incognito mode, your search history may be saved.


Deleted data does not disappear from the My Activity page

  • Check your Internet connection. If you've deleted data but still see it on other devices, those devices may not be connected to the Internet.

How data is deleted

Your Google Account stores some data about your use of our services, websites, and apps. Most of them will be available until you delete them (by setting them to automatically delete after a certain time on the My Activity page or by deleting them yourself). However, there are exceptions.

To ensure complete and secure data deletion, we follow certain guidelines. We first remove this information from your account and stop using it to personalize Google services, and then completely remove it from our data storage systems.

Some information about your use of our services will remain in your Google Account even if you delete your activity. For example, if you delete a search term from your My Activity section, we will still know that you searched for something, but we will not be able to know what it was.

Please note that we retain certain information for long periods of time as required by law or business requirements. If you delete your account, most of this data will also be deleted.