What cable is needed for 144 hertz.

There is nothing important in choosing a monitor. In matters related to the purchase of expensive devices, you should not lose sight of anything. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid wasting the contents of the wallet and creating threats to your own health.

144Hz monitor specifications

In modern screens there are a lot of characteristics that seem secondary, but this is not so. Screens - this is the part of the computer with which human eyes interact directly. And some eye diseases are not amenable to effective treatment, which means that they need to be protected.

But what if the work or study involves constant interaction with a computer screen? Constantly remember the mandatory regulation of time spent? All this is difficult and unrealistic for some users.

Therefore, the best option is to purchase a high-quality screen. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a screen with a frequency of 144 Hz. This characteristic is inherent in game models of monitors.

Sweep frequency

On the Internet there are topics with disputes on the values \u200b\u200bof the frequency sweep (update "picture"). Some users consider the concept of development as a marketing move that allows manufacturers to earn even more money on illegible and illiterate customers. People often succumb to the tricks of marketers and sellers who can find approaches to any client.

The second part of users considers the frequency sweep values \u200b\u200bto be a really important component in the list of monitor characteristics. The parameter for updating the image on the display is called differently by different manufacturers.

The number of frames on a computer per unit of time is called different terms: the number of frames, the scan value, the frame number, and so on. It’s technically correct to talk about the frame rate of a certain number of hertz, but this doesn’t sound very clear.

In older TVs, the number of frames was 50-60Hz. This means the following: for a second of time, the screen displays 50-60 frames.

There is also a dependence on the standard used, where the situation becomes more complicated. An electrobeam produces an image on the surface of a kinescope in rows - the technology of using interlaced scanning. Here the "picture" is transmitted in incomplete frames - there are even and odd lines. This approach is the right way to periodically flicker the image.

Everything becomes even more noticeable if the screen size is larger than standard. This is due to the work of human peripheral vision.

In TVs, the 100Hz mode is found, and it solves this problem by showing frames in repeated mode. With this method, the number of frames is doubled and the problem of flickering the image becomes invisible to the human eye.

How does a 144 Hz monitor work?

Displays with a liquid crystal type matrix work according to other principles. There is no flicker: this is the technology of the device of these displays. the number of frames in them is necessary and applied for other tasks.

In old LCD screens, no such problems were observed. The reason for this is simple: the content of that time did not have a high level of dynamism.

In modern LCD monitors, it is possible to play digital video files: films with HD-resolution, games with a high level of graphics and special effects, and other media files.

When showing a “picture”, characterized by a constant change of image with a frequency indicator of 50 Hz, what is happening on the display will appear vague, and the movements of people, cars will become twitchy.

For this reason, companies producing computer displays seek to increase the frame rate. And today, 100 Hz is easily created for the screen. Using software algorithms, the device analyzes two frames in order.

After that, one frame of the intermediate type is created. It is part of the source frames. To increase the frequency, apply an increase in the number of frames of an intermediate type. This process requires a lot of power.

There is one more urgent question. It is associated with the type of matrix design. For example, VA matrices do not have much time for the response of each pixel. The reason lies in the crystals: they must change their location depending on the speed.

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to achieve a high frequency due to the specifications of the matrix - the pixels “do not keep up” with the new objects on the display. Then the “desync” begins. The consequence of this: image defects, artifacts and other "picture" problems.

This can be seen when watching dynamic films, football or hockey matches, electronic games or when the 3D image mode is on.

Computer tricks

Another way is to increase the visible update of the display by means of a high-frequency backlight with a flicker effect. In this way, a sweep value of 144Hz is achieved using an intermediate image. But the image quality in this case is worse than with the "natural" 144Hz.

Increasing the number of frames simultaneously by several methods is a realistic scenario, however, remember liquid crystal displays with a high frequency response - this is often a competent move by marketers. The reason is the inability of the frame rate to affect the overall quality of the “picture”.

"Sweep" and what it happens

In displays, horizontal scanning is important. It is used to play on the TV screen or screen. It is an integral part of the television scan. The scope is the decomposition of the "picture" into its components.

Lowercase is divided into several types:

  • mechanical - works by rotating the Nipkow disk;
  • electronic - determines the order of reading data from elements characterized by increased photosensitivity.

Mechanical - in a transmitting chamber or a television receiver with an EL tube. This type of scan is needed to create a one-dimensional sequence from a two-dimensional (flat type), i.e. video signal. In the TV screen or personal computer display - to return the signal to the "picture".

The scanning of the line type in EL tubes occurs due to the system of the magnetic-deflecting type. This is realized by supplying a sawtooth electric current to the horizontal coils. The current generates an alternating type magnetic field that deflects the beam.

A sawtooth current is used to increase the forward beam time, and not idle. During the reverse stroke, the beam “goes out” so as not to “cross out” the screen.

Components of a good scan and "picture":

  1. It is important that there is a line type synchronization for both devices - receiving and transmitting. This synchronization occurs due to the clock signal. The clock contains pulses of the line form. These impulses are part of lowercase quenchers.
  2. The sync pulse has a good amplitude - with a weak television signal, the result is displayed in synchronization. So in the "picture" appear distortion, artifacts, interference. The image "falls apart" into parts - lines.

In games, the image is constantly changing, and with a low quality monitor or a mismatch in the technical characteristics of even an expensive monitor, the user will not spend time playing a computer game in comfort.


This is the number of changeable frames per unit of time, which plays an important role in computer games and films, since there is a constant and quick change of image.

Monitors with a high FPS value are designed to prevent the development of a tragic scenario of events. Another case where the FPS is crucial is 3D displays. In them, the sweep value exceeds the 144Hz parameter.

There are films and even games that support the 3D format. This is an interesting technology that allows you to get the maximum immersion in what is happening on the screen. This is another area of \u200b\u200bapplication for monitors with high Hz and FPS.

However, if the monitor is used only for work or surfing the Internet, then there is no urgent need to purchase such a high-frequency monitor.

Saving money in our time is an important issue, so think about the right choice. Why buy a device with a high FPS if the buyer will not use half the capabilities of the new device? This is useless.

However, this feature is very important for gaming displays. The popularity of computer games is off scale today, and this creates a demand for advanced technology for modern high-tech computer games.

High-quality displays are what are in the shopping trend for wealthy gamers who do not spare funds for their entertainment. In devices designed for games of genres, shooter or action, there should not be a low number of displayed frames per second, i.e. FPS

FPS depends on:

  • display;
  • computer processor;
  • video cards;
  • rAM capacity;
  • system board;
  • other components of a personal computer.

However, if the device does not have the ability to display the required number of FPS, no advanced video cards or processors can compensate for this.

In recent years, devices with high FPS values \u200b\u200bhave another area of \u200b\u200bapplication: playing movies in three-dimensional format. This also applies to computer games adapted for this format.

Modern 3D technology has made a leap in technology and has come to every home, becoming an affordable category for wealthy buyers. The main component of watching a three-dimensional film and game is the screen.

A powerful filling of the system unit (processor and video card) is also necessary, however, it is impossible to watch a movie in 3D without a suitable screen. Designers working with 3D images will have to purchase a screen with a high scan rate if necessary.

The screen of our monitor is a window into the digital world, and in many respects the sensations that we receive by consuming content depend on it.

There are several main parameters by which we choose a monitor (in addition to the case design, of course): resolution, contrast level, matrix type, color rendering quality. All of them directly affect the quality of the output image.

However, there is one more technical characteristic of the monitor, which, paradoxically, does not directly affect the image itself, but it affects dramatically our feelings. This is a sweep frequency.

Over the past couple of years, monitors with the mysterious and for some strange label “144 Ghz” have become more and more popular. This means that their sweep frequency is 144 hertz. We decided to figure out what kind of technology it is, how it affects our perception - and why it is important.


Any non-static image on the screen consists of frames. Sweep frequency is the number of frames (“FPS” - “frames per second”) that a monitor can output per second of time. The fewer frames, the more twitchy, torn the image becomes, usually we call this effect “brakes”. If the image twitches, goes jerky - it means the game (or film) "slows down". Due to the nature of human vision, brakes usually begin at around 24 frames per second. Therefore, for example, films are shown at 30 frames per second, and many games for Xboxand Playstationlocked by default at the same mark.

However, this does not mean that since our eye distinguishes only 24 frames per second, an increase in the frame rate beyond thirty will not be noticeable. The difference between 30 and 60 frames per second is visible to the naked eye. Watch this video by switching the quality in the player settings to 1080p60 or 720p60. At 60 frames, the picture seems more dynamic, rich, vibrant.

The generally accepted scan rate of a conventional monitor is 60 hertz, so it is simply technically incapable of displaying more than 60 frames per second. This is where the 144 Hertz monitors come into play. They are arranged in such a way that they can show up to 144 frames, even more “animating” the picture.


The difference between a 60-Hz monitor and a 144 Ghz monitor is huge, about the same as between a video in 30FPS and 60. One of the best monitors of this type is Predator XB1, Acer. Firstly, its sweep frequency is 165 hertz, and secondly, it has an IPS matrix with good viewing angles, giving out a rich picture. Thirdly, he simply looks brutal. On it we tested all the charms regarding the new technology. It is worth noting that taking a monitor like that makes no sense to watch a movie - as we have already figured out, the vast majority of video content is displayed on the screen in 30 frames. Therefore, the ideal niche for monitors with a high “hertz” is games.

And the game experience in practice is completely different. It is difficult to describe it in concrete words, this must be seen. Watch the video above in 60 frames and multiply the "liveliness" of the picture by two. The image is much smoother, "live", natural. Playing new Doom, you are afraid that the demons will crawl out of the monitor into the room. After using such a monitor for a week, the traditional ones will annoy you - such a kind of minus. It seems that the mouse cursor on the screen of the office PC is slowing down, leaving behind the cables the length of a Chinese wall.

If you want to fully experience the advantages of technology, you should take care of a powerful system: a computer should produce more (ideally these same 144, but a hundred) will be enough 60 frames per second in games. So you definitely need a powerful graphics card: in multiplayer projects (like Overwatchor Battlefield 4), where the frame rate has a special role, it’s quite enough, for example, R9 390 the company Radeon.

But if you like games and you already have a powerful PC, we strongly recommend that you take a closer look at monitors with a high scan rate. They are significantly more expensive than their traditional counterparts, but you will not forget the sensations soon.

If the monitor frequency is 144 Hz, then between point A and point B there will be six intermediate points - A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3. These are SIX chances to hit the enemy. And no, the eye does not perceive the maximum 24 frames per second. The maximum for an ordinary person is 200 frames, for an e-sportsman - somewhere around 300. That is, ideally, buying a monitor with a refresh rate of 244 Hz will stop the pursuit of progress at least somewhere, because you will not physically notice the difference above.

Back to eSports. The banal difference in frames means that you and your opponent have unequal chances of winning, and in your favor. And in shooters like CS: GO, Quake Champions, Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, where the reaction speed decides, this is like the most genuine, although quite legal, but cheat. That is why, if you are a beginner cybersportsman, not even in shooters, but in DotA 2, let's say, the principle is preserved, and you will benefit even from a budget 144 Hz monitor.

Source: monitornerds

We interfere with the pleasant with the useful

Pleasure is a slightly different question. The first thought that appeared in my head was this ... Surely 144 Hz will have to give a new charm to old games! To revive them, to make them noticeably more beautiful, more pleasing to the eye, more realistic, simply due to accelerated animations!

First, it only works on 3D games, where animations are not limited by the number of sprites. Do not expect revelations from Fallout 2 or Diablo, but games like Gothic, Morrowind, Hard Reset, Victor Vran, Half-Life 2, and so on, will feel different - fresher, more real, smoother. Gameplay involvement will be stronger. As for me, 144 Hz is an ideal way to make a remaster from any game, without any extra graphic improvements or impairments.

Source: ployted

The second - do not expect a CONSTANT high from smoothness. Your eye will become accustomed to 144 frames per second and you will cease to be aware of the changes, but try switching back to 60 Hz and you will feel almost physical pain.

Technical details

Now - conventions in the form of iron. By a budget system, I mean a graphics card of the GTX 1050 level and a processor like Ryzen 3 1200. Not an APU, but a full-fledged system, albeit assembled on a budget.

This combination greatly limits our ability to “squeeze” 144 Hz. In addition, if you really want to get the most out of eSports, then you will be interested in MINIMUM twice as many as 144 FPS, so that even in large batches your eye will not be distracted by the frames jumping up and down.