Vertical stripes in games. Stripes on the monitor: possible causes of malfunctions and their elimination

Technical equipment, new technologies, subtle but unnecessary interconnection of various elements - this is what modern progress has reached. We are, of course, talking about a computer, which has a lot of elements, for which care and careful observation are necessary so that they work correctly and do not break. But not all of us can do this, so we are faced with various problems that sometimes manifest themselves very strongly and cause a lot of inconvenience. Basically, we will focus on technical problems that are difficult to diagnose, but it is quite possible to fix it yourself. And in this article we will analyze where and why stripes appear on the monitor, which sometimes overshadow the entire picture on the screen. Fortunately, the problem is not always critical, so in most cases you can fix it on your own. And sometimes it is they who indicate that the equipment has broken down and it urgently needs to be replaced.

What is this problem?

Before disassembling where they appeared on the monitor, it is worth considering the problem itself, which in most cases is of a technical nature. Yes, a program crash, a virus and other problems, even a variant associated with drivers - all this is not the reason for the appearance of defects on the monitor screen. This problem is a consequence of the negative influence of computer elements on the monitor or their improper interaction with each other. The problem is simple and critical, but it will become known only after thorough diagnostics of the equipment. When this unpleasant situation occurs, various defective stripes begin to appear on the monitor, which bring a lot of trouble with them. Either completely obscuring the entire monitor, or replacing colors, or the screen completely disintegrating into pixels.

Why does it arise?

If stripes appear on the monitor, this means that it is time to diagnose all equipment. You should not blame everything on the video card in advance, since it is not always the main cause of the problem. Other elements of your equipment may be involved and may influence this defect. It is worth completely excluding options that relate to programs, driver failures, since image distortion, which is also filled with unnecessary stripes, is a guaranteed technical problem. Therefore, you can safely turn off your computer and start checking all your equipment for damage, dust and much more.

The main causes of this problem

Vertical or horizontal stripes may appear on the monitor due to equipment failure or overheating. It should also take into account the incorrect interaction of various technical elements. In addition, do not forget that the source of the problem can be dust and contamination of the plumes, which are a connecting connection between various elements. Therefore, in order to establish the true causes, it is necessary to conduct a series of diagnostic studies that will reveal the true problem, and only then think about ways that will help get rid of this unpleasant situation. And it is worth remembering that you should not immediately run to the service, since in most cases you can get out of this situation with your own efforts. Well, if a technical problem is classified as critical, then there are no options - you will have to find among your friends those who have experience in troubleshooting such problems.

Video card

Horizontal stripes on the monitor and in general any defects on the monitor can be caused primarily by a malfunction of the video card. It is necessary to check if it works normally, if the cooler is dusty, which can cause overheating of the equipment, and if it is correctly connected to the motherboard, that is, if the wires are not damaged. Yes, the video card is the imaging center that can cause the problem. Therefore, if you suddenly notice that the board itself is working normally, you should definitely clean it of dust with a cotton swab. Then check its connectors and try to clean them. Then check the wires for physical damage. If not, then that's good news; if the wires are damaged, then the equipment must be replaced.

If no problems are found and everything is cleaned up, it is worth conducting another check, which consists in examining the technical features of the video card. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything is simple: you need to check the equipment on another computer. A friend can help you with this: just insert the video card into his computer and check if there will be stripes on his monitor. If there are no bands, then the problem is different; if there is a defect, then the problem is with this graphics hardware. So, you should contact the service or buy a new video card.

Monitor malfunction

When vertical stripes appear on the monitor, don't panic. Just start checking your hardware. And it should be noted right away that the option with a monitor is also appropriate, although this element is not programmable. Any physical impact on the monitor can cause a lot of problems with image distortion. Factors such as sun exposure and exposure to high humidity may also be noted. You don't need any special education to test this device, you just need to test it on another computer. Take this opportunity from a friend. If after connecting the stripes on the monitor disappeared, then the problem is in your computer; if there is a reverse result, then it is necessary to contact a specialized service, since such a problem cannot be fixed with one's own hands.

Checking loops

Stripes can also mean that you probably have problems in the very connections of the elements, which can sometimes be either physically damaged or simply dusty. To check them, you need to carefully examine every millimeter of the train for physical damage. Are there black spots? Is the train itself positioned correctly? Does it have unnecessary bends? Is everything connected correctly? If there is such a possibility, then it is worth checking them on another computer. In fact, the problem of loops is quite complex, and not everyone can fully check these wires, therefore, in order to diagnose such a problem instantly, you must always have several spare loops on hand, which can be replaced on occasion. If, after using fresh options for wires, the stripes on the monitor continue to appear, then you should look for the source of the problem in other equipment. And if there is no problem, then you have already solved it and can continue to enjoy the possibilities of virtual space. It is worth remembering this nuance, since not many people know that this can also be the cause of an unpleasant situation.

Cleaning your computer

Breakage of internal elements

But do not forget about the possible breakdown of internal devices, which can also cause defects on the screen. Basically, these elements include tracks and connecting elements on the motherboard. If you check them carefully, you will find that some of the strips are blackened and the resistors are swollen. It is this state of affairs that is the cause of the breakdown, which cannot be corrected by one's own efforts. Therefore, if you find at least one of the items listed, then it is worth replacing the motherboard, since its repair will no longer be possible.

How to solve this problem?

Stripes appeared on the monitor. How to solve this problem? Actually, we have considered all possible solutions in this article, they are all described above. First, it is necessary to diagnose the equipment, clean the computer, since dust can cause overheating of important elements of the computer, and then draw conclusions and look for a way out of this unpleasant situation. A vertical stripe on the monitor or another graphic defect - all this is caused by the problems that we have considered with you. As for the ways to eliminate them, we also examined them, in particular, we mentioned the motherboard itself, which can serve as a source of negative impact. But, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to check it, so the only correct solution can be only contacting the service center. Everything else can be checked and figured out what exactly is the reason for the appearance of the defect on the screen.

Service is a guaranteed solution to the problem

A black bar on the monitor, image disintegration into pixels of different sizes, image disappearance, incorrect color gamut - all this and much more indicates that there is a problem with your computer. This article allows you to fix them or diagnose yourself. But it so happens that the hands are simply afraid to touch anything there and generally disassemble the computer. It is in such cases, when you are not confident in your abilities, that a specialized service center will help you, where they will provide all the necessary services. For a fee, your computer will be cleaned and the normal image on the monitor will be restored. And if the breakdown is critical, then they will definitely tell you exactly what the problem is and how to fix it. Now it has become much easier to navigate in this situation, which will undoubtedly serve as a positive new experience in terms of management and control of computer technology.

The problem is easily solvable. The price of the issue is 50 rubles or tens of times more. But I advise the "masters" to give money in the LAST turn.

Let's talk about stripes on the monitor screen; what to do if vertical or horizontal lines suddenly appear on it? Some personalities advise to immediately run to the "masters". They say that the problem is complicated, and any intervention will only make it worse. Moreover, the price of such a service is about 1000 rubles. But why pay !? Let's solve the problem with our own hands!

To start should determine the reason stripes on the computer screen.

Alas, but the chance of a MI-NI-MA-LEN software error. It's about the pieces of iron. So check:

A) Are hdmi and other cables well connected? Are they damaged?

I recommend unscrewing everything and blowing it out (even when you are sure that everything is in order). Also make sure that the blue cable (which leads to the monitor) is not severely deformed. They could very well be the culprit for annoying streaks.

B) The video card is damaged due to overheating.

Naturally, you will not see it visually. There are practically no blisters and other visual signs of breakage on it. Indirectly, the dust-clogged cooling system and the temperature readings of the Aida can serve as an indication of this.

There are two things you can do here:

1. Remove the vidyahu, clean its contacts (especially the part with which it is inserted into the motherboard). Extremely rare, but it helps, I'm serious: the odds are slim.

2. test it on another, 100% working computer.

But there can be problems with none of it, the third reason is:

C) Malfunction of the motherboard.

The streaks on the monitor screen may be due to this. Whether the voltage jumped, whether there was overheating or a factory defect, is not so important. The fact is, this is happening everywhere. In addition, if when examining it (you do not need to pull it out of the system), swelling of the conduits (such barrels) or their "blackening" are visible, then with 90% chance you have found the reason for your misfortune.

A faulty matrix is \u200b\u200bthe cause of streaking on the screen.

This is sadness. Can't fix it yourself. Except for diagnostics - connect the monitor to a laptop or another PC. Stripes remain - take the monitor to the service center. I will also tell you one “interesting” method.

At your own risk: press lightly (as if you are gently massaging your body) on the switched on monitor, preferably in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stripes. Now watch out: in case of a change in the location of the stripes, the reason is in the monitor matrix or HDMI cable.

Stripes on the laptop screen.

Do lines / ripples change their location when opening, closing the laptop? Move it back and forth at different speeds. Seeing the above? The cable at the matrix is \u200b\u200bfaulty.


If you can put up with many errors and problems on the computer, then you cannot put up with defects on the screen (the same stripes as in the picture on the left)! They not only interfere with the view, but can damage your eyesight if you work for such an image on the screen for a long time.

Stripes on the screen can appear for various reasons, but most often they are associated with problems with the video card (many say that artifacts appeared on the video card ...).

Artifacts mean any distortion of the image on the PC monitor. Most often, they are ripples, color distortion, stripes with squares across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe monitor. So what to do with them?

I want to make a small reservation right away. Many people confuse artifacts on a video card with dead pixels on a monitor (a clear difference is shown in Fig. 1).

A dead pixel is a white point on the screen that does not change color when the picture on the screen changes. Therefore, it is quite easy to detect it by flooding the screen alternately with different colors.

Artifacts are distortions on the monitor screen that are not related to problems with the monitor itself. It's just that the video card sends such a distorted signal to it (this happens for many reasons).

Distinguish between software artifacts (associated with drivers, for example) and hardware (associated with the hardware itself).

Program artifacts

As a rule, they appear when launching some 3D games or applications. If you observe artifacts when Windows boots (also in), most likely you are dealing with hardware artifacts (about them below in the article).

There are many reasons for the appearance of artifacts in the game, but I will analyze the most popular of them.

1) First, I recommend checking graphics card temperature when working. The thing is that if the temperature has reached critical values, then everything is possible, from distortion of the picture on the screen to the failure of the device.

You can read about how to find out the temperature of a video card in my previous article:

If the temperature of the video card exceeds the norm, I recommend cleaning the computer from dust (and pay special attention to the video card when cleaning). Also pay attention to the operation of the coolers, perhaps some of them do not work (or are clogged with dust and do not spin).

Most often, overheating occurs during hot summer months. To reduce the temperature of the system unit components, it is recommended to even open the unit cover and put a regular fan in front of it. This primitive method will help to significantly reduce the temperature inside the system unit.

How to clean your computer from dust:

2) The second reason (and moreover, quite common) is drivers for the video card... I would like to note that neither new nor old drivers guarantee good performance. Therefore, I recommend that you first update the driver, and then (if the picture is just as bad) roll back the driver or install an even older one.

Sometimes the use of "old" drivers is more justified, and, for example, they have helped me more than once to enjoy some game that refused to work properly with new versions of drivers.

How to update drivers with just 1 click:

3) Update DirectX and .NetFrameWork. There is nothing special to comment on, I will give a couple of links to my previous articles:

4) Lack of support for shaders - it will almost certainly give artifacts on the screen ( shaders - this is a kind of scripts for the video card, allowing you to implement various special. effects in games: dust, ripples on the water, dirt particles, etc., everything that makes the game so realistic).

Usually, if you try to run a new game on an old video card, you get an error stating that it is not supported. But sometimes this does not happen, and the game is launched on a video card that does not support the required shaders (there are also special shader emulators that help to launch new games on old PCs).

In this case, you just need to carefully study the system requirements of the game, and if your video card is too old (and weak), then, as a rule, nothing will be done (except overclocking ...).

5) When overclocking the video card artifacts may appear. In this case, reset the frequencies and return everything to its original state. In general, overclocking is a rather complicated topic, and if you don't use a skillful approach, you can easily disable the device.

6) A glitchy game can also cause picture distortions on the screen. You can usually find out about this if you look at the various communities of players (forums, blogs, etc.). If there is such a problem, then not only you will face it. Surely, they will also prompt a solution to this problem (if there is one ...).

Hardware artifacts

In addition to software artifacts, there can also be hardware artifacts caused by poorly performing hardware. As a rule, they will have to be observed absolutely everywhere, wherever you are: in the BIOS, on the desktop, when loading Windows, in games, any 2D and 3D applications, etc. The reason for this, most often, is the delamination of the graphics chip, less often there are problems with overheating of memory chips.

With hardware artifacts, you can proceed as follows:

1) Replace chip on the video card... It is expensive (relative to the cost of a video card), it is dreary to look for an office that will make repairs, it takes a long time to look for the right chip, and so on. It is not known yet how you will carry out this repair ...

2) Trying on your own warm up the video card... This topic is quite extensive. But I will say right away that such a repair, if it helps, will not help for long: the video card will work from a week to half a year (sometimes up to a year). You can read about warming up the video card from this author:

3) Replacing the video card with a new one. The fastest and easiest option, which sooner or later everyone comes to when artifacts appear ...

That's all for me. Good PC work for everyone and fewer bugs 🙂