There was a crackling sound in the headphones on the computer. Hiss, noise, crackling and other extraneous sound in speakers and headphones - how to find and eliminate the cause? Noise in headphones when connected to a computer - grounding the computer

Connecting any device to a computer is a process that requires special attention. The more complex the peripheral component, the more difficult the procedure is. Very often, headphones / speakers and microphones are connected to computers. These elements help you communicate online. It is very difficult to imagine a modern user without them.

On the one hand, connecting headphones and a microphone does not require anything special. Only after the implementation of the idea is often necessary to set up these components for a long time. They don't work well. Most often, users think about how to remove noise from headphones on a computer. Why does it appear at all? What will it take to fix the problem? And can you really get rid of it? If you can answer all the questions asked, connecting a headset and working with sound on a PC will not be a problem.

Why is there noise

Initially, it is important to understand where the noise in the headphones comes from. Many users face this problem. Sometimes this is a temporary phenomenon, in some cases the noise does not disappear for a long time.

In fact, the nature of the problem is varied. Noise in headphones (with or without a microphone) occurs for various reasons. It is problematic to predict which alignment helps to correct the situation. For example, noise can be caused by hardware damage or out of order. Next, you need to figure out how to get rid of noise on your computer.

Sound card

The first reason that can affect the sound quality in the operating system is bad. If it is damaged or outdated, noise appears in the headphones.

The sound "breaks", various crackles, creaks and other noises may appear in the headphones or speakers. The situation is corrected only by replacing or repairing the sound card. Only then will the headphones disappear.


The next problem is very rare. We are talking about the lack of grounding at the sockets to which the headset and speakers / headphones are connected in general. In this case, all sorts of noises may appear.

If we are talking about a laptop, most likely, connecting the computer to a grounded outlet will not fix the problem. As a rule, in laptops, it is the boards on the motherboard that may not be grounded. You have to either replace them, or come to terms with the problem. In some cases, users prefer not to use a particular laptop.

USB devices

Do you hear noise in your computer headphones? Usually, different kinds of sounds occur when connecting various devices. They appear immediately, not after a while.

For example, when attaching a mouse, you may hear a monotone sound. And if we are talking about the keyboard, most likely, you will hear clicks when you press the keys.

This happens due to:

  1. Active transfer of information to the computer. Then it is recommended not to connect USB devices to these or those ports. It is advisable to find other places. Or start using a wireless headset and other devices altogether.
  2. Damaged USB port. Repair is suggested. In practice, users simply reconnect all devices to different ports.

Fortunately, this situation is not very common. Modern computers and laptops are made so that users can work comfortably at the machines. Therefore, such an alignment is unlikely to occur in practice.


How to remove noise from headphones on a computer? Much depends on what kind of headset the user has. The thing is that now all devices are divided into wired and wireless. This feature plays an important role.

Often, noise from speakers or headphones is found on cable-connected models. This is the main problem. For example, if a cable is damaged from a microphone or headphones, all sorts of noises occur. This happens due to poor quality information transfer to the sound card.

It is very likely that the cable is damaged. Then the breakdown must be eliminated. If you are using wireless, such a layout will not help.

Another trick for wired headset users is to unplug the cord and plug it back into the computer. This method often helps to get rid of noise.


But the next source of the problem is relevant for all devices. But in practice, it is rare. The thing is that the strong noise in the headphones on the computer is the result of damage or the absence of a sound card driver or device.

In such a case, you just need to reinstall or update the corresponding software package for the normal operation of the operating system with the connected device. For wireless headphones, as a rule, the corresponding drivers are included in the kit on a separate disc. As a last resort, you can download them from the website of the manufacturer of your sound card or headset.

Maximum sound - problems are assured

Background noise in headphones of any model is often encountered when the sound settings are incorrectly set. It doesn't matter if a microphone is connected to the PC or not. Indeed, in this situation, nothing depends on him.

If the sound settings are set to maximum, you may experience noise or wheezing on your computer. Users who buy cheap speakers or headsets suffer from a similar problem.

Everything is fixed simply - by reducing the sound. For example, through a mixer in the operating system. You just need to click on the gramophone image (near the hour and date), then move the slider down. So that the noise disappears. Nothing difficult or special. That is why it is recommended to buy headphones of average cost. They face a similar problem less often.

Microphone - good or bad

Now it is clear how to remove noise from headphones on a computer. But these are far from all tricks that can help. What if all the previously listed scenarios did not fit?

The presence of a microphone on the PC plays an important role. It is he who often becomes the source of noise in headphones. What to do?

It is clearly not worth giving up the microphone. Instead, you will have to make small adjustments to the sensitivity and volume of the device. Then you will be able to get rid of unnecessary noise.

How to do it? It takes a little instruction to follow. It looks something like this:

  1. Load your computer. Be sure to connect a headset with a microphone.
  2. Click on the mixer on the right side of the RMB screen. In the menu that appears, click on "Sound recording devices ...".
  3. Find the connected microphone. Double click on the corresponding line.
  4. Go to the "Levels" tab.
  5. Adjust the volume and sensitivity of the microphone by moving the sliders. If there is a PC Beep, turn it off (move the volume label to zero).
  6. In the "Improvements" section, check the box next to "Reduce noise level". You can also check the "Remove constant component" item.

All this will help to get rid of the noise in the headset very quickly. How do I set the correct microphone settings? This is an individual component, each user independently selects the option that suits him.

Conclusions and conclusions

It doesn't matter which headset is connected to the computer - wired or not. The main thing is that the bulk of the problems are found on all device models. for a computer with a microphone are connected and used most often without much difficulty. And the main reason for the noise in the headset is the high sensitivity of the microphone, as well as the really loud environment around the user.

How to remove noise from headphones? All of the above techniques will definitely help correct the situation. If we are talking about a wireless headset, then in case of constant noise, it is recommended to change the USB socket used as a receiver. Otherwise, all the tips listed earlier remain the same.

Extraneous noise in headphones occasionally occurs due to infection with viruses. After the computer is disinfected, the headset starts working properly. Fortunately, this kind of event is not that frequent. And the main methods of dealing with the problem under study are reinstalling the driver, reducing and adjusting the microphone. From now on, it is clear how to remove noise in headphones on a computer.

Causes of noise in headphones:

You connected headphones to a computer or laptop, and instead of pleasant and favorite music you hear annoying hiss or crackling, who will like that? At the same time, you do not understand why there is noise in the headphones, where it came from and what to do with it.

The most annoying thing about the noise effect on headphones is that it is very difficult to figure out why it appeared and how to fix it. There can be many reasons for the occurrence of crackling in headphones, the usual algorithm for finding the cause of poor performance of a headphone is to sequentially enumerate potential noise sources, exclude or isolate them, and then check them further. In theory, this looks simple, but in practice, such an algorithm is completely impossible to implement.

For example, you have only one computer, which is connected to an outlet that is embedded in a concrete wall, the apartment has been renovated and it is impossible to install the computer in another place, or another room, because there is no place for him. And therefore, we cannot rule out all possible causes of the occurrence of extraneous noise in the headphones.

However, we can start with the simplest and most obvious potential causes of interference in headphones, and if testing them will not work, then we will only have to hope that in the future this problem will eliminate itself. For example, the neighbors will turn off the punch, or after a while you will buy a voltage stabilizer through which you connect your computer.

So, let's start looking for the cause of the hiss in the headphones.

Damaged cable is a very common cause of hiss and crackles in headphones

Let's start with the simplest and most common cause of extraneous noise in headphones - a damaged cable or poor contact in the socket.

Take a close look at the headphone cable, it must be absolutely intact, there must be the same density inside along its entire length. Feel the entire cable with your hands, perhaps there was an interruption in some place inside the cable, or once you bent the cable too much and the copper cores inside it broke.

If, after visual and tactile inspection, the cable is not suspicious, check the jack, its joints and the very audio jack into which you plug the headphones.

Check how well you insert the jack into the jack, it should fit easily, with a slight click and hold firmly in it. The jack must enter the socket all the way, there must be no visible part of the jack.

Sometimes, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the nest, about 1 mm of the jack remains visible, but no more, and this is a rare phenomenon.

Poor contact is one of the most common causes of noise and crackling in headphones. Wipe the jack with a dry soft cloth, it may be dirty or covered with a layer of oxide.

If the wire does not arouse suspicion and the jack is connected to the jack securely, but the noise remains, you need to continue the search.

Headphone technical condition - a possible cause of white noise

After checking the wire and jack did not give a result, you must definitely check the headphones themselves.

Examine them carefully, they may have recently fallen on a hard surface, cracks or other signs of damage appeared on the case.

Be sure to try connecting the headphones to another audio source, such as a phone, TV, or tablet.

It is very important to understand and establish that the cause of the white noise in the headphones is not the headphones themselves, but the device to which they are connected.

If, when connected to another device, the white noise disappeared, then the headphones themselves are in order, along with the wire and the jack, and we proceed to further search for the occurrence of crackling.

Inexpensive speakers can cause noise in headphones

If headphone noise occurs when connected to a computer or laptop that has inexpensive multimedia speakers connected at the same time, first try unplugging the speakers to check if the noise has disappeared from the headphones.

The fact is that inexpensive speakers are assembled from cheap elements, but most importantly, when assembling them, they greatly save on soldering, wires and the general level of construction. Therefore, poor contact or short circuits may occur inside the speakers, which will induce interference on the entire electrical circuit, as a result of which extraneous noise may appear in the headphones.

The speakers must be turned off completely, and not just turned off their power.

If completely disconnecting the speakers from the computer did not help eliminate the noise in the headphones, proceed to the next troubleshooting step.

Lack of grounding is the most common cause of noise in headphones when connected to a computer

For some reason unknown to me, sockets in many homes are not grounded. In general, this is not so bad, traditional household appliances such as irons, heaters, filters and air conditioners work fine. But it is worth connecting equipment that is very sensitive to the quality of the power supply to an ungrounded power grid, and problems immediately pop up.

A computer connected to an ungrounded outlet is a direct cost to not only the noise in the headphones, but also a possible reason for the failure of the entire computer due to exposure to static electricity.

The normal workaround for this problem is to ground the electrical outlet that the computer is connected to. But doing it yourself is not easy, if not impossible. To do this, you need to call an electrician, however, in this case, most likely, you will have to rewire the wiring throughout the apartment, and this is already a serious repair.

There is a simple way to check if grounding will really help eliminate noise from the headphones - to throw a wire from the computer to the battery.

You need to take an ordinary copper wire of a small cross-section, on both sides with bare contacts. Lean one end against the computer case (preferably against the back wall), and the other against the battery. Leaning the wire against the painted part of the battery is useless, you need to lean against the metal of the battery, so you have to look for such a place. Bare metal can usually be found on the back of the battery.

If you did everything correctly, and the noise is gone or significantly reduced, then the matter is in grounding.

Remember, battery grounding cannot be considered a permanent solution. Such grounding can lead to a complete failure of the entire computer, it is enough for your neighbor to ground serious equipment to the battery, as the computer, having received a powerful discharge of electricity on the case, will fail. This is just a test, nothing more.

But what if you know for sure that the sockets are grounded, and the test with the wire yielded nothing? We continue to search for a crack in the headphones.

Microphone noise is one of the many causes of noise in headphones

We have considered the possible sources of the noise problem in headphones, which relate to material interference, but now we are left with problems that relate to the configuration of computer equipment.

One of the most common causes of noise in headphones is noise from the microphone of a sound card.

Even if a microphone is not connected to your sound card, noise may be generated from the microphone jack.

In order to test this hypothesis, you need to go to the sound volume settings of your sound card, find the slider that adjusts the microphone volume level and reduce it to zero. Or, if there is such a possibility, turn off the sound from the microphone altogether.

If the reason for the noise in the headphones was the microphone input, then muting the sound from it should completely correct the situation.

In order to get to the microphone volume settings, open the control panel, find the item "Equipment and Sound" and go to it.

Now find the item "Sound" and go to it.

In the sound settings window go to the tab "Record", then find the active microphone (in my case, this is the Sound Blaster ZxR microphone), select it and click on the button "Properties" in the lower right corner.

In the new window find the tab "Levels", and either slide the microphone volume slider to the maximum left until its value reaches zero, or click on the blue speaker icon to the right of the volume indicator. A red strikethrough should appear next to the speaker. This icon will indicate that the microphone is completely disabled in the system. It is preferable to turn it off, and not just to lower the volume level.

One type of problem with a microphone input, or the microphone itself, is its high sensitivity. This problem can be solved by turning on the microphone noise canceling mode.

Almost all modern sound cards have such a mode. If you find out that the microphone is the cause of the crackling, but you need it, then try turning on the noise canceling mode if you have one. This should fix the problem.

A problem with the volume of sound sources in the sound card may be causing hiss in the headphones

Not only can noise from the microphone cause hiss in the headphones, the same noise can also be generated by adjacent inputs on your sound card.

Depending on the model of the sound card, it may have additional inputs for connecting additional equipment. They can have the following names:

  1. What U Hear
  2. Line in
  3. S / PDIF

Any of them, under a certain set of circumstances, can become a source of interference. Just as you turned down the microphone volume, you need to reduce or completely mute the sound from all of these jacks.

To do this, go to the Windows Control Panel.

Then find the item there "Equipment and Sound".

Then click on the section "Sound".

In the new window, go to the "Playback" tab, select the active speakers (the device that plays sound in the headphones at the moment) and click on the "Property" button.

Then I cannot take a screenshot, because in my case, the volume level of all inputs and outputs is controlled through special software that controls my Sound Blaster sound card, in your case, the tab will most likely be available "Levels", by going into which you can turn off all the inputs and outputs of your sound card.

To check, leave only the headphone output turned on, and turn off all other possible outputs and inputs, or lower their volume to zero.

If the headphone hiss problem was at one of these points, it should disappear.

Volume level - paradoxical, but true, it can cause interference in headphones

In some cases, the volume level may cause interference to the headphones.

Sometimes it happens that the headphones have their own volume control, plus there is an additional volume control in Windows, and there is also a volume control in the application from which you are listening (game, player).

In order for any hardware that has its own hardware volume control to work well, you need to make sure that all software volume controls (especially the main volume slider in Windows) are set to 100%. And the final volume control is done with the hardware volume control.

To eliminate hiss, follow these steps:

  1. Completely mute the sound in the headphones using the hardware control (buttons or knobs on the headphones themselves)
  2. Set the volume in Windows to 100%
  3. Set the volume in the app to 100%
  4. Start gradually adding the volume on the headphones and bring it to a comfortable level.

The fact is that the software volume controls artificially reduce the sound volume, after which you have to crank the volume in the headphones to the maximum in order to listen to it at a comfortable level. However, for any equipment, be it headphones, speakers or a car engine, long-term work at the limit of the possible is extremely detrimental to the characteristics and properties of the unit.

By setting the hardware maximum volume on the headphones, you amplify all the noise that comes from the computer, plus you add distortion that appears in the headphones themselves at the maximum sound level.

Therefore, you need to adjust the volume using the method that I indicated in order to minimize possible distortion and noise from the headphones themselves, as well as remove the artificial amplification of unwanted noise.

Despite the ease of operation, sometimes we still encounter certain problems, such as extraneous sounds similar to hiss and wheezing, due to which the overall sound quality is significantly degraded. To fix this problem, you need to know the possible causes of its occurrence.

It is important to know that, despite all the elementary nature of this device, a person who did not have to deal with problems in its operation and eliminate them before, this problem may seem very serious.

In order to understand where the hiss in headphones comes from, you need to understand at least a little how they work. Pay attention to whether you hear hiss constantly or only intermittently.

One of the reasons why this problem may occur is the incorrect connection of the headphones, or rather, the choice of the wrong settings. Also, if the earbuds are not new, check to see if the pins with which you connect them are working.

Recommendations: How to properly warm up the headphones and whether it is necessary to do it
How to fix earbuds yourself if one has stopped working
Do-it-yourself headphone repair

Headphone noises caused by malfunctioning sound card

A detail such as a sound card has the most direct impact on how well the melody is reproduced by the equipment. If a part is faulty, the personal computer cannot accurately transmit sound signals, which is why normal sound is complemented by hiss, crackling, sound as if it "breaks" and "jumps". In this situation, only the replacement of the defective part will help, and then the sound will no longer be accompanied by extraneous noise.

Faulty wires

The manufacturer of the model is often responsible for the correct operation of the headphones and the correct transmission of sounds.

You should be aware that there are two types of headphones: wireless and with a wire. Extraneous sounds, as a rule, appear in models operating through a cable connected with a plug. If the copper core of the cable is damaged or stretched, noise interference and intermittent sound interruptions occur.

A damaged wire often leads to noise in the headphones on the iPhone. This is because the cable material is thin and flexible and tears easily. A damaged conductor sends the wrong signal characteristics to the sound card, and this affects the sound. How to eliminate the wheezing of headphones? This can be done by removing the torn or bare section of the wire; in extreme cases, you will have to buy new accessories.

Broken USB input

Incorrect sound may occur after connecting other gadgets to the USB connector. A mouse or a faulty keyboard may be causing the problem. In this case, you will hear clicks when pressing a key. There are quite objective reasons why this is happening.

When information is transferred, the load on the PC increases. To reduce it, you need to do the following:

1. Switch the plug to a different port.

2. You can also purchase a splitter and repair the old connectors.

3. Start using wireless devices.

The problem is that very often users do not pay due attention to the computer, do not immediately fix the problems that have appeared. As a result, the USB connectors one after the other become unusable, and there is only one left, into which the splitter is connected and it is on it that the entire load falls, which becomes the reason for its increase.

How to wear in-ear headphones correctly

Mouse noise

When you scroll the page with your mouse, sometimes you may notice noise as well, sometimes it is just unbearable. The solution is to replace the mouse, switch the mouse to an adjacent USB port, or install an external sound card.

Lack of grounding of outlets

This problem is not common, but it still occurs, interfering with the normal operation of the headphones. Lack of grounding can also cause pops, pops and other noises in the headphones. If you've already checked the headphones and found no problems, also check the outlets to which the computer is connected.

This nuance applies only to stationary computers, laptop boards are usually grounded at the stage of their production.

When you use headphones connected to a laptop, the incorrect sounds are most likely caused by an internal device malfunction. Do not delay contacting a service center, where your device will be diagnosed for problems.

The sound source itself does not work correctly

Violation of the rules for using headphones often leads to disruption of their operation, and in particular to sound. Also, problems arise in the operation of the main sound source. Rarely, but still there are driver errors. Software errors and operating system malfunctions cause noise and crackling noise.

The problem can be detected by testing the device using different headsets. If their work is equally unacceptable - unpleasant sounds will be heard in all headphones, it means that the problem is hidden in the device driver.

If you are used to listening to music at very high volumes, you may also notice hiss and crackling sounds. This is usually the case if you are purchasing inexpensive headphones.

Insufficient power supply is another reason for extraneous noise in the sound of headphones (this problem is sometimes encountered by laptop owners who have not yet figured out all its features). The fix for this problem is simple using the following tips.

On your laptop, go to Control Panel, then System and Security, and finally Power Options, and select High Performance. When finished, check the sound quality on your headphones.