Gpu vrm heats up to 115. ASUS struggles with overheating of VRM on X299-boards: the fan will help

It all started with the fact that I started a long-planned rework of the circuit of the NWO and temporarily transferred the percentage and vidyuhu to the air. Here's a map
And soon after that, I first encountered the notorious black screens, which, you must admit, is not typical for 760 ovens.
Then I played exclusively in tanks and regular departures from the battle were incredibly enraged.
Lowering frequencies and increasing springs did not affect anything, but the latter helped to reveal an interesting feature: the card was turned off not only in the maximum load mode, but also immediately after the load was dropped ...
True, I did not manage to figure out what exactly this means at once.
Unfortunately, at that time there was nothing to measure the temperature, since the old reobass with a thermal sensor had long been covered, and I still could not get myself together to buy a new one. Then a crisis hit and it became completely wrong ...
After about a week, I got tired of this, I removed the old 7950 from the farm for replacement - in order to calmly deal with the asus.
On the open stand, everything was the same as on the main computer. By that time, I already understood that somewhere and something is heating up, but how to determine where exactly? .. Increasing the valve speed did not help, and since this model has the entire rear panel covered with a plate that does not come into contact with anything, there was no possibility increase the airflow in order to test the theory of overheating, so to speak from different sides.
Fortunately, a few days later I got my hands on Scythe Kaze Server. Well, first of all, I began to figure out what was happening to me with the damned asus.
I put one sensor between the thermal pad and the radiator of the feeder, and sent the second to measure the memory temperature on the back side.

And the very first launch clearly illustrated that "something is wrong in the Kingdom of Danish ..." and specifically, there is some kind of indecency!
Under load (WOT), the BPM (radiator) temperature quickly flew over 90g and continued to grow, demonstrating that this is clearly not the limit. the picture was taken before reaching the maximum temperature and by the time we left the game, there were even more ...
And this is only on the radiator, and I don’t even want to imagine how many were on the mosfets at that time, but it’s a no brainer that more than 100, since thermal pads do not transfer heat well and the temperature drop easily reaches 10 degrees or more!

But then it is even more interesting: after leaving the game, the temperature dropped slowly, slowly and only after 3 minutes it dropped to 50g!
Hmmm, good gentlemen, you can't live like that! .. I said to myself, mentally rolling up my sleeves and remembered another quote that was appropriate for the place: cut to the devil! ©.

... finally the disassembled card lies on the table and I look at the BPM radiator from a renowned manufacturer and quietly oh ...
no, of course I assumed that everything was not all right there, but I never thought that everything was so bad.
So the radiator ... best of all my impressions could be conveyed by this or that obscene bend, but I will try to do without extreme, especially since some time has passed and I have cooled down somewhat.

I must say right away that I have not seen a more curved base yet - a strongly concave, wavy surface simply killed with its absolute curvature, and the beginning of grinding clearly demonstrates this:
A squint-eyed Australopithecus stood before his eyes, cutting down this radiator with a stone ax ... ASUSOPithecus damn it! ..
Measurements of the base showed that the difference between the edges and the center is almost 1.5mm! And this despite the fact that the thermal pad is about a millimeter thick!
Therefore, before leveling with sandpaper, I had to attach a hammer.
Here are some shots of the surface leveling process.

It took a long time to align ... a very long time, but sooner or later everything ends. Finally, the base lost the last fragments of black paint, I polished the base a little more and, after washing it, sent it to dry.
While the radiator was dry, I began to think about how to install it. The fact is that I categorically did not want to use a thermal pad, both old and new, but since good ASUsopitheks soldered decently protruding capacitors between mosfets, I needed to figure out how to get around this limitation.
Yes, actually, I didn't really need to come up with anything - I already solved a similar problem and by the way, too, on the map from the asus. In short, I made a BPM matrix out of cardboard with details interfering with me and, taking a dried radiator, I went to grind grooves for them. More precisely, I wanted to grind (with a dremel), but then I simply drilled out the grooves.

Then, in order to guarantee not to arrange closures, I applied my proprietary technology described in the article "thermal pads from hot melt glue". The work is not at all tricky: after filling the recesses with hot glue, I put a piece of thin film on the BPM and screwed on the radiator. Here in the picture, the radiator is mounted on a film.
After the hot melt glue dried, I got a radiator with insulated recesses for protruding parts, which simultaneously center the radiator during installation - beauty!

Well, for a snack, I was not too lazy to improve the cooling of the memory: after all, the backplate closes the air access and prevents at least some kind of blowing. In general, it is completely unclear what prevented it from being used as a heatsink for memory chips.
To implement this, I made cuts in the backplate film opposite the memory I found aluminum plates in the bins and cut out 4 pieces according to the size of the memory and glued them to the backplate with hot melt glue so that they touched the memory chips. Here in the photo both the plates and the microcircuit are smeared with thermal paste before assembly.

And here is the result i managed to knock down at least 20 grams on BPM and more than 10 grams on memory, which in my opinion is just fine!

After the work done, no glitches were noticed! What was actually required!

As it turned out after the announcement of the new flagship Intel Core X processors, motherboards of the first wave based on the X299 chipset are poorly suited for overclocking Skylake-X due to the critical heating of the power converter. Fortunately, some motherboard manufacturers did not disown the problem and responded to criticism. So, in the new video, the famous overclocker Der8auerwho was the first to notice overheating, says ASUS has redesigned the cooling system for the flagship ROG Rampage VI Apex board.

At the end of June, enthusiasts had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the serial motherboards that manufacturers have prepared for the new Core X series processors. However, such an acquaintance could hardly be called pleasant. Unexpectedly, many overclockers were faced with the fact that the power converter of motherboards overheated even with a slight overclocking of the processor. As it turns out, motherboard manufacturers did not pay enough attention to improving the heat dissipation from the VRM and applied their usual approaches to cooling it. This means that beautiful, but ineffective aluminum radiators with a mediocre thermal interface were widely used. And if earlier manufacturers got away with it, then with older 10-core Skylake-X processors, which can consume more than 300 W during overclocking, such cooling, as it turned out, can no longer cope.

ASUS was the first manufacturer to acknowledge the problem. In this regard, the flagship ROG Rampage VI Apex board, which luckily did not have time to reach the stage of mass production, will come to the market with a modified VRM cooling system.

Original version of ASUS ROG RAMPAGE VI APEX

In the new version of the board, instead of a heatsink made of two solid aluminum bars, a new heatsink with ribs will appear.

However, the cuts forming the ribbing are made on only one of the two aluminum bars. The second bar, connected to the first heat pipe, has retained its simple shape. However, it is understandable. If ASUS engineers endowed it with a developed structure, there would not be a decent place for the “Rampage VI Apex” brand inscription. And without it, the board would have no chance of becoming a popular product.

For those who find 12 cuts in one of the two heatsinks not enough, ASUS offers a special frame with the board that fits over the heatsink and allows an additional fan with a 50 mm impeller diameter to be attached to it.

In confirmation that the changes made to the heatsink shape really relieve the board from overheating, Der8auer overclocked the Core i9-7900X to 4.9 GHz on it. Without using a fan, the VRM temperature reached 103 degrees, but this did not cause throttling, which turns on when the power circuit reaches 110 degrees. Thus, the ROG Rampage VI Apex should be the first second-generation LGA2066 board, which will not face overheating of the power converter. Moreover, most likely, it will be possible to overclock 12-, 14-, 16- and 18-core Core i9 processors on it, but this will have to be done with the obligatory installation of an additional fan.

At the same time, ASUS 'solution cannot be called elegant. The manufacturer did not change the design of the board itself and left the original eight-channel processor power scheme unchanged. This means that all the improvements are just a kind of "crutch" that allows you to fight overheating using the simplest methods.

Der8auer's full video on ASUS ROG RAMPAGE VI APEX:

The main component of any computer is the motherboard. It is to it that all the components of the system are connected; without it, the functioning of any personal computer is impossible. Therefore, in the event of a malfunction, the user is faced with a lot of problems, the most basic of which is overheating. So, and how to determine the source of trouble?

The first signs of overheating and its consequences

The most common symptoms of motherboard is warming up the following:

  • Abrupt reboot of the system, regardless of the occupation of the user;
  • The computer turns itself off;
  • Games freeze, crash, the system hangs tightly during the game (only rebooting the system helps).
  • 15-20 minutes after turning on the computer freezes.

List of components that are most often exposed to overheating:

  • Video card;
  • CPU;
  • Power Supply;
  • Chipset on the motherboard;
  • HDD.

In order to understand what overheats from this in one case or another, we will analyze each of them in more detail. But first, you should know with which programs you can determine the temperature of each of the components.

Diagnostics of the motherboard

To get data on the temperature of all elements of the system, including the motherboard, you need to use convenient programs that you can easily find on the Internet. For example, CPUID HWMonitor, or AIDA64.To monitor the temperature of the processor, you can use the program CoreTemp, for the video card TechPowerGPUZ... After installing these utilities, you can easily find out everything about the state of your system, voltage, temperature and more.

In most cases, the temperature norm for the motherboard can be considered 30-50 degrees, 60 is the limit. This is often the case, and these are normal values. For each individual plan, the instructions indicate its operating temperature range. We strongly recommend that you clarify this indicatively, since the ranges can vary significantly in different models of boards.

Modern motherboards are equipped with temperature sensors, but there are some that lack them. In this case, even with the help of programs, you will not in any way determine the indicator of interest. The check can still be carried out, but only with the help of external thermometers, for example, an infrared non-contact thermometer.

The problem of overheating is most common in the warm season, when the air temperature begins to exceed 30 degrees, on hot days 35-40. Of course, this very strongly affects your system, many gambling addicts have problems with overheating even on absolutely working systems, only air conditioners and fans save. Because of overheating, you can easily face a series of problems, and for online gamers it is a disaster. If the motherboard does not survive severe overheating, the user can burn most of the other components, almost always the processor immediately "dies". A video card can also go after it.

Motherboard problems

For the average PC user, testing a motherboard is not easy. But still, it is worth considering some signs that the computer is unstable precisely because of the motherboard.

The first thing you might think about is that the board is dying, and this, indeed, happens quite often. This process is irreversible, and it is better to discard the idea of \u200b\u200brepair right away, because even after it, its service life will remain unknown. It can work for a year or a week, but you will pay money for re-soldering or replacing components. If your PC is not quite old yet, it is best to buy a new board, preferably the same one if it suits you. If your computer is more than 5 years old, you should consider a major upgrade. But this option is financially disadvantageous, since at the current dollar exchange rate for the price of components on a PC, you can buy a car.

Another reason is microcracks in the board soldering. In this case, it is better to buy a new board right away and forget about the problem.

Does the computer turn off almost immediately after turning it on? A problem with this can be the failure of one or more capacitors on the motherboard. This case is quite bearable as they are easy and simple to solder. It is best not to bother with soldering, since capacitors are different. It is better to take the PC to a service where you will not be charged a lot of money for this procedure.

Cooling system problems

A processor needs good cooling, and the more powerful it is, the more serious it should be. For example, an old-generation intelcorei3 is enough for a regular boxed cooler, but if you take one of the top-end i7 6900K, you won't get away with a weak cooler, usually such processors are equipped with water cooling. Also with regards to video cards, the cooling of a powerful video card must necessarily be active, that is, it must be equipped with a radiator and a cooler, and preferably two or even three. Overheating of these components may be due to a cooling problem, perhaps one cooler stopped working, or it got caught on the wire. Situations are different. But what should always be the same is the stable operation of the cooling system, and this applies not only to individual components, but also to the system unit as a whole.

Poor ventilation

The motherboard can easily get warm if the coolers are installed incorrectly in the case or if they are absent. Air currents should be directed to the back of the case, thereby blowing out all the heat from the inside, the loops should not be an obstacle to this, so they must be properly laid, since modern cases make it possible to do this.

Ideally, there should be several coolers, one for blowing in, the other for blowing out. This allows air to circulate evenly in the enclosure, cooling all system components. If one of the coolers does not work well, there is no need to lubricate it, it is much easier to buy a new one.

When assembling the PC, you should not rush, all components must be correctly fixed, the board must be fixed and firmly attached to the case, all wires must be fixed so that they do not interfere with air circulation. By the way, from the visual part, it looks a lot aesthetically pleasing, most likely, seeing your order in the system, many friends will be very surprised at this and think about the same for themselves.

Dust in the case

Every few months, be sure to pay attention to the accumulation of dust in the system unit. The heatsink collects dust very strongly; it also collects on the fan blades, on the board itself. Many people think that dust is completely harmless, but it is not. Its large accumulations significantly impair the performance of the cooling system. Of course, because of this, the board and all parts of the system get hotter. An ordinary user will not be able to fully clean the computer from dust, we advise you to contact the service.

Radiator not installed correctly

Is the board getting too hot? Does the computer shut down by itself? Hangs under load? Check if the heatsink is properly attached to the processor! The heatsink must fit very tightly to it, and a layer of thermal paste must be applied for better heat dissipation.

If the radiator is not properly mounted, you can forget about normal PC operation. The same will happen if the heatsink is not properly fixed on the motherboard chipset, on the video card. What kind of cooling can we talk about if the most important part of cooling is not adjacent to the component cover?

Processor defect or malfunction

There have been cases when the board gets very hot, but the cooling system works perfectly. This can be caused by a defective processor, or it has worn out over the years of use.

Also, one of the options for overheating can be an increase in the voltage in the power supply, in which case it must be replaced and a voltage stabilizer bought. Unstable operation of the power supply can cause many malfunctions, so the power supply should be of high quality and branded.

Sometimes the problem of overheating may be in the wrong BIOS settings. Specialists in the service center can easily deal with this. Without knowledge of a computer, you should not engage in self-repair!