Google said that Yandex is a brake. Google fool and other provocative Google searches

Sometimes, when searching, you come across such results that make no sense. Regular users, I guess, will enter another query in this case, but users like us, who are mired in search and search engine optimization, continue to scratch their heads.

I've collected these ten search results from the last couple of months and decided to post them on a blog so that the smart team can take part in the solution.

# 10 - Google's Favorite University

# 9 - Wikipedia as Safe Search

I was hoping that they read the text inside the Flash file, but since this is completely unavailable, I guess they just paid a lot of attention to everyone with the “attractive” anchor text. 🙂

# 5 - your site is not here

# 3 - Where to get married well

I am a busy person and I have to fuss over the wedding very much. So I was looking for marriage license seattle, wa.

I was stopped by a government agency recommended by this card, I can say that this is a good place to get a wedding license in Seattle. However, why no address is shown (even if you follow the map, you cannot find the address) and why the link leads to the wrong page (correct url or, I could not understand.

# 2 - One of these domain queries is not like the others

It's not entirely clear why Google provides URL information upon request.

In general, a query for any other domain will yield standard results, many of which include site links. Since domain queries are so popular, I guess there are many confused users wondering why About got such strange results.

# 1 - Math and the Beatles

Now I am well aware that a week, formally contains seven days, but sometimes there is not enough time, especially when you are in love. So the Beatles gave us Eight Days a Week ... But Google says something strange about this.

It is clear that this is 8 divided by 7, but why the calculator came out I cannot understand.

You can post comments or observations of unexplained phenomena in Google search results to Rand Fishkin's blog.

There are often funny search queries on the web, the meaning of which may not be understood the first time. "Yandex you are a honey, but Google is better" - a similar construction I met recently. Not only the topic itself is unusual, but also its popularity - several thousand requests a month.

The construction of the phrase bears little resemblance to the slang of webmasters or programmers, rather it resembles the casual chatter of teenage girls. Obviously, it has nothing to do with website promotion. The unusualness interested me, and I decided to delve into the topic and look for where the legs grow from. I would like to understand what motivates people who enter this in the search bar.

Query statistics

There are many looking for this topic on the Internet that they want to find on it, let's see below, while I give numbers for related queries that are parts or derivatives of the main one (I checked phrases in quotes - an exact match):

  • Yandex you honey - 23 thousand requests
  • Google you honey - 6 thousand requests

Other related searches:

Interestingly, powerful surges are observed twice a year - in early spring and early summer. During these periods, people are interested in Yandex and Google "paws" several times more often.

What are you looking for on request?

In order to understand the origins of the request, it was enough to go through the results for this keyword in Yandex. As I expected, the key has an artificial origin and the popularity of "Yandex you honey" began to gain after the corresponding answer appeared in the search results.

This is the rare case when it is not demand that gives rise to supply, but supply has led to an increase in demand.

The situation is as follows - the site has prepared a page with the text "I'm not your sweetheart, you stupid cattle" and optimized it for the query "Google you are sweetheart." As a result, a joke was born, in which the user's request showed a boorish response in the search results, giving the impression that the search engine is conducting a conversation through artificial intelligence. I don’t want to assess the level of culture of the authors, I would have implemented something more decent and humorous, but how it turned out.

Of course, Google had nothing to do with this dialogue, but this “Question - Answer” link aroused the interest of users. The viral effect gave a good increase in the frequency of the request and traffic on it.

Inspired by the results obtained in Google, the author of the blog (I found his article as the primary source) decided to do a similar trick with Yandex, simply replacing the name of the search engine in request.

An unusual response appeared and users began to enter the required query to see it - the scheme worked.

Why are these requests needed?

These keywords do not carry any practical benefit for the Internet or any intellectual load. They are an example of how traffic is made out of thin air. There were no Google and Yandex honeypots on the network and there was no traffic for them, materials appeared on the sites - users appeared who wanted to find them.

By the way, this is one of the marketing options. The typical capitalist consumer economy likewise creates demand for many unnecessary goods, without which everyone previously did and did not suffer. Someone invented a nonsense called "selfie", now selfie sticks pump money out of the pockets of stupid hamsters - an example of how money is made out of nothing.

Returning to traffic. A similar method can be used for viral promotion of your site in search engines. You need to come up with an interesting combination "Question - Answer", prepare an answer in the snippet and on the page of your site and then spread the rumor about your joke - if it shoots, you can collect a lot of new visitors.

This method of promotion is simpler than site promotion for existing high-frequency requests, since everything created earlier has competition. By creating interest, you get an unoccupied request, for which no one else claims traffic. It is easy to get into the TOP of the search engine using it.

The only thing worth paying attention to is that this traffic will be a dummy for any topic, except for entertainment - there are a lot of visitors, but there are no sales from it, because they are not targeted people.

Yandex and Google honey, but who is better?

Taking this opportunity and the raised topic, I will express my opinion - unequivocally, as a search engine Yandex is better (forgive Google). No matter how much I tried to get used to Google, when it was fashionable, but I could not get used to it - it does not give me good answers to what I am looking for - one slag comes across. And the archaic design from the 90s is not comfortable for me. Yashka, on the contrary, has everything done for people.

Therefore, I use Google only when I need to search for something in the bourgeoisie in overseas languages. Which search do you like best?

Hello, to all readers of my blog and today I want to write you an interesting post on the topic, Yandex, you are a honey. I don't know, maybe you've heard, or maybe not, about such a very piquant request, which, by the way, collects very decent traffic. The same story with the request for google you honey.

After analyzing this request, I found for myself that it contains a very large competition, but since the popularity of the request is very high, it would be a crime not to write about it.

Now you can say, they say, Yuri wrote a post about some kind of nonsense, or this is complete garbage, but believe me, these things and jokes are hidden, if not the future of the Internet, then very bright prospects. Read to the end and you will learn how you can collect large and targeted traffic from jokes.

So, what kind of request is this, why did I decide to write this post and in general what is happening. Let's try to figure out what's what, but, for a start, I would really ask you to enter such a phrase in Google, namely: Yandex you are a honey.

Then we click on search and what we see.

It throws out to us that he is not at all a honey, right ?? Well, since you checked, made sure that such a joke really exists, now you need to understand why this joke was created and what it gives to its author.

By the way, you can watch my short video on this topic:

Well, look, since there is such a joke, then someone created it and this someone, this is Mr. X. I will honestly tell you that if it had not been for this request, then I would hardly have recognized this person, and so he became more or less famous (let him hide behind a curtain of mystery). Now, a lot of people visit his blog, moreover, the bulk of the data of visitors comes from this particular request.

Now, let's analyze this keyword. Naturally, from the very beginning, this request was zero, well, who would want to introduce the fact that Yandex is so cute, isn't it ?! Then, the number of requests was created piece by piece with the creation of this response.

It turns out that the person has created an interesting answer, as if the search engine itself answers the request, they say, he is not a darling for you, some kind of.

Yandex you are my honey

So, we found out that this request appeared, well, after all, someone, by chance, entered it. Then, seeing a perspective in this, some person, and in this case, a blogger, created an answer to it that many liked, because it is really fun. Then, the time came when this request just began to spread over the Internet like a virus.

“Hello, do you want a joke ?? Want. Enter this phrase in Google. And that will be? You enter and then you will see. " In this way, such requests are spreading on the Internet, and they are just teeming on social networks. It turns out that this request is high-frequency, which means that if you spin it up to good traffic, you can get stable traffic. I am sure that the author of this answer gets from 100-200 visitors per day and this with minimal effort. Therefore, if you want to get good traffic, this way you have to get a little creative.

Of course, now this request has been used many times, and the request “Google you honey” has become just a Runet joke, it can often be seen in public pages on social networks. Well, okay, there is an interesting joke request, but maybe there is an opportunity to create something similar yourself?

I think there is a great possibility that you can create something like this yourself. For example, enter this query again, but just do not rush to click search, just see what other answers people are looking for.

Well, it's just that it just doesn't fit in my head that with such a simple method, many people get very decent traffic to their Internet resources, so if you want to get promoted, and very quickly, you will need to apply some rules.

And so, the rules for creating artificial RF requests:
- your request must be interesting;
- of course, that it should be unique, but, nevertheless, you can always spy on competitors;
- such a request should be fun. For example, Yandex, I love you, I'm waiting for you, well, something from this series;
- you can use these jokes in different search engines, of course, it will be difficult to promote this request in Yasha or Gaucher.

Therefore, a paradox, but it really is that you can be round 0 in the SEO, but, nevertheless, promote your Internet resource to 1000 traffic. I will definitely conduct an experiment, where I will create such a request, which may well give very good and stable traffic. If you haven't heard of this, I recommend that you think about this issue today, because it seems to me that just such requests can bring your site to good traffic.

Moreover, this traffic will be very targeted, since people who come to you will read your article, which you will sharpen under this joke, and will also read your other articles.

Takeaway: The Internet is not only a place to study SEO and promote your queries. On the Internet, you can express your imagination and on this it is good to promote your sites, blogs, online stores, portals.

Well, the queries: Yandex are you honey, Google you are sweetheart are now very popular, but nevertheless, now you can still find such queries that can also be well promoted.

That's all for me, bye everyone!
In order not to miss anything on my blog, I recommend you subscribe to my blog updates .

Yours faithfully, Yuri Vatsenko!

Yandex is stupid- I called this article. But life shows that anyone who has worked on the Internet for more than 5 years, one day there comes a moment when, like Zadornov, he cries out, pushing himself off the table with a chair: "Yandex, you are stupid !!!"

Check requests and see how many people come to this conclusion every month:

Yandex is stupid- 1.668 people per month.

Yandex you are stupid - 715 people.

The dumbest Yandex - 138 (if you choose the dumbest search engine in the great four - Yandex, Bing, Google and Yahoo !, then, as they say in Odessa, "Yes, Yandex is the dumbest!").

Yandex Google is dumb - 106. But here I will argue, because if you drive Google into this list, then the question arises - does the webmaster himself create a low-quality shit site that is equally negatively perceived by all search engines?

« Yandex you are dumber than Google"- I agree with those 99 people who reason in this way.

Well, then a cry from the heart follows:

« Yandex you are a stupid brute!!! " - 74 people cry about it.

And after him:

« Why Yandex is stupid

Why is Yandex stupid? I can name 10 reasons for this right off the bat:

1. ТИЦ - legalized racketeering, forcing any webmaster to buy left links, otherwise he will not break into the top. With the statements of Yandex itself that it is only important how you write, not take into account the behavioral factor: time on the site, user activity, depth of views, number of comments, building results only on the TIC is somehow hypocritical. Do you agree?

2. History with copy-paste - create a bot that will find copy-paste, and automatically make invisible links to the site from which the text is stolen - is it so difficult? And after all, everyone would immediately stop stealing, knowing that by posting the stolen text, you automatically wind up the TIC to the one from whom you stole.

3. And second, it is just as easy to understand where the source is, and where. But no, Yandex stupidly does not pay attention to this, allowing thieves to get into the TOP, and those whose text is stolen hang out in position 101.

6. Of all the search engines mentioned, it is the dumbest Yandex, and this point (I have no doubt about it) does not require special proof.

7. Yandex you are dumber than Google - another point that I accept without the most controversy, loving Google more. And if so, then I do not agree with those who declare "Yandex Google is stupid", rowing everyone with the same brush. And at the same time I regret that our fellow citizens do not use Yahoo! - the most honest and categorical of search engines.

8. Another explanation why Yandex is stupid is an attempt to assign a certain regional identity to each site. And as soon as a blogger from St. Petersburg writes “today in Ulan-Ude, this and that took place” and until you get drunk on technical support and prove that you are not a deer, your site will be assigned to something that has nothing to do with you Buryatia.

9. Those who suffered by writing the word "" in their article, from which they thundered either into black lists or under the mark "18 +", can also tell you a lot about how Yandex stupidly merged their resources.

10. Well, you will fill in this item yourself, if you came here for the requests "Yandex are you stupid", "the dumbest Yandex" "Yandex are you stupid brute" or "why Yandex is stupid".

A search algorithm is a set of lines of code that were written to most effectively solve the problem of providing the user with relevant results. This means that no "humanity" can be expected from algorithms, but, as you know, there are exceptions to any rule.

At some point in time, the Runet was full of various pages with collections of "search humor". The most absurd and funny queries made users bewildered and laugh at the same time, but there are a number of keys, starting a search for which, the search engine begins to behave completely atypical for itself.

A very, very old curiosity in the field of search queries to the Google system - Google is a fool. The user tried to insult the search engine, but the robot does not go into his pocket for words and immediately responds to the user with the first line of the issue: “Google is not a fool, it will not advise shit. Of course, there is an explanation for this, which is much simpler than it might seem: the phrase is taken from a page about this curiosity on some resource.

For a certain period of time, the search engine gave this phrase first, letting the user know that you are not addressing a soulless set of commands, but artificial intelligence with good self-esteem. Ranking algorithms do not stand still, and the site that came out on top for the query "google fool" was constantly changing in order to get a share of the glory.

Today, it is not known for certain who was the first to suggest such an answer to the search, but it is obvious that the machine liked it. Specialists in the field of search engine promotion agree that this is by no means a machine response, but the result of the intervention of the human factor in the ranking, because sometimes in the first place for this request were absolutely non-meaningful pages with low quality content.

Google wouldn't be as popular if it were a thoughtless, dry search engine. This has been repeatedly stated by the developers at numerous conferences, and the answer to the request "google fool" is a direct proof of this.

Another example of a funny search engine response. The fact is that if you start a search on the query "google you are a honey", the robot will answer you very unequivocally: "I'm not a sweetheart, you are a stupid brute."

As in the case of the above-described humorous response, it is probably also the work of not the search algorithm, but errors or human interference in the work of the algorithms, since the sites in the top-1 for this query change, but the literal search response for this query does not change. ...