Rogue, don't steal: copy protection of images (9 ways). How to protect content from copying (theft)? How to make copy protection

Hello friends! If you are wondering how to protect your content from copying, then this is exactly what you were looking for. Here I will try to tell you about effective ways to protect your copyright. There is a site with successful texts, unique photos and videos - there will be those who want to appropriate all this so as not to pay copywriters, photographers and other people.


The question of how to protect content from copying is acute for one reason: search engines may well run through the site where the stolen goods are posted earlier than the resource from where it was taken.

As a result, the robot will declare the site with stolen texts and pictures as a source and lower the rating to the one who honestly bought the content and posted unique materials. To prevent this kind of meanness, it's helpful to learn a thing or two about copyrights and how to properly enclose your content.

Before implementing different tips, you need to decide what exactly needs to be protected: unique articles with attribution, descriptive texts on service pages, information about products in an online store, photos. My methods of defense are effective, but not universal: it is desirable to combine approaches, to observe the dynamics.

How to protect the home page from copying

Usually such texts are copied by hand (not programmatically). Such techniques will help prevent thieves from doing this.

Javascript blocking material copying

The page code includes a script that prohibits manual selection and copying of the article.

The body of the script looks like this:

This method has a drawback. Many people follow internal site links by right-clicking on them.

If you include this script in the source code of the page, you can create inconveniences for users: they will less often move from page to page, and the number of views (a direct consequence of which is the conversion of users to customers) will decrease. But content will no longer be stolen by newbie copywriters who do not yet know how to get around this ban.

Brand copy protection

The method is suitable for service pages. If the company name is evenly scattered throughout the article, thieves will have to rewrite the copied one. This takes up time, which users who are capable of mindless theft usually want to save as much as possible. It is not excluded that the thought of meticulous proofreading and rerite will discourage them from the desire to harm.

Zhukov's technique

According to this approach to protecting texts, it must be divided into unique sentences. Each sentence must contain up to 100 characters. Proposals to anchor links that will be posted on third-party resources. Such anchor offers " will support " content on the page in several places, and the search robot recognizes it as original on the source resource, and not on the thief site.

Lack of Zhukov's method - expenses for. In addition, if the article needs to be changed, the links will have to be rearranged, and it will take an incredible amount of time if the site consists of hundreds or thousands of pages.

Product description in the online store

If you are promoting an online store using a product, it is important to keep product cards unique. Numerous product cards do not copy with their hands - for a long time They strive to do this programmatically. To protect them from theft, the three methods described above are suitable, but additional methods are recommended.

Using social signals

Robots calculate the original source of the text by time. The authority of the resource also matters. The latter is positively influenced by social signals such as likes. You can directly invite people to like them in product descriptions and from time to time like them themselves.

Articles and news

Informational texts and news content are stolen automatically. For example, through a parser or from an RSS feed. Compared to product cards, articles and news are more voluminous, so it is worth using such approaches to protect them.

Link inside the article to your site (contextual linking)

Bulky news and information materials are checked by search engines " as it is"... Having found links on the page that send people to the desired site, the robots will correctly calculate the origin of the article.

Lack of method - the ability to quickly replace internal links with others in stolen articles. Re-linking + company name distributed throughout the text + attribution is a comprehensive solution to this problem. In a disputable situation, you can send a complaint to Yandex or Google technical support about the theft of copyright material, and it will be satisfied.

Link articles to your Google+ account

If you do this, a photo of the author will appear in the search results, and it will be easier for Google technical support to establish fairness when filing a complaint about copyright infringement. The likelihood of punishment for thieves of copyright texts will become even higher if you call yourself a non-standard “ admin "oh, and enter your real name.

To do this, you should:

2 ... Log into your account and link from there to the site or specifically to those texts that need to be protected from copying.

Lack of method - the need in combination with other methods of copy protection.

Working with the Yandex webmaster option "Original texts"

The Yandex administration notifies that it adjusts search algorithms based on the stored texts. But it limits webmasters by the number of characters ( <32 000 ) and ( >10 ).

Sending pings

The speed at which text is indexed is usually important to the author. As soon as new material appears on the site, you should notify the search engine as soon as possible. The fastest way is to send pings.

On sites that manage RSS feeds through the FeedBurner service, it is recommended to go to the " Publish"And enable the option. Activating it will automatically notify Google that the RSS feed has been updated with texts. The method works well for the articles just posted.

WordPress webmasters can use a plugin that works with an RSS feed. It sends information about the appearance of new articles to the specified services.

Placement of announcements

If a search robot discovers announcements of informational or news articles on third-party sites, it manages to index them faster than those who wish to react " take someone else's ".

You can announce texts on the VOTT website, on the Grabr web project, as well as in the blogosphere - in LiveJournal, on LiveInternet, etc.

How to protect pictures and photos from copying

This is not the most reliable way - experienced copywriters will bypass obstacles and still download photos. But if the value of the published images, for some reason, is higher than the conversion (users are less likely to click on links when they cannot bring up the context menu), it can be applied.

More effective including a watermark in the picture... Let it be semi-transparent and occupy a tenth of the image area, but its placement should exclude quick editing in the photo editor (cutting, feathering, scaling).

If you make a sign part of the background, it will be impossible to get rid of it completely. A watermark with a company logo or author's name will also help in brand promotion: site visitors will involuntarily pay attention to it.

Protecting the picture is simple and with the help if overlay transparent layer... To do this, create a new transparent image that matches the size of the protected image and make it the top layer for this image.

Visitors will see a normal image on the site, but downloading it will save only the transparent image - not the main file.

The metadata will include the camera manufacturer, frame time, shutter speed, aperture settings and other information. Using the Exif Pilot program, you can enter the company name, last name and first name of the photographer, and other information into the metadata.

Premium WordPress Plugin

As you can see on the Internet, there are many ways to protect content from copying, but the most effective in my opinion today is a plugin for wordpress.

Using the Clearfy Pro plugin, you will not only get the maximum protection of your content from copying, but also get rid of garbage pages from your resource that interfere.

Thanks to the developers of the clearfy pro plugin, it is quite easy for the owners of wordpress sites to install the add-on on the site and activate the necessary functions to protect the content from copying. All other things, like code updates and so on, will be done for you by the developers.

Stock - Until January 1, 2019, they provide a discount of 15-40% to everyone who bought the product of the WPShop developer, for more details see the link.


With all efforts to protect from copying news articles, product descriptions and photographs are unique, they can still be stolen: there are always those who want to profit from other people's property, which looks free and defenseless on the Internet.

The likelihood of theft is reduced if:

The webmaster notifies search engines in time about the publication of new texts and pictures, and robots index them before being copied by hackers;

The webmaster uses several ways to protect content from copying at once in order to control the situation from different sides.

Speed \u200b\u200bup indexing additionally of newly created pages with unique content, you can do this:

Enter the addresses of pages with texts in the sitemap.xml;

Announce an article on Twitter or FB by including a link to the site in the announcement;

Organize internal linking and link to the unique article page from the main page.

I hope these guidelines have helped you with the answer to the question: "how to protect content from copying." Protection of copyright content is a painstaking business, but patient and attentive webmasters have every chance of success. If you have your own methods of protecting content, which I forgot to mention, write in the comments, we will discuss. Bye everyone!

Reading time: 14 minutes

Good afternoon, dear site owners.

If you are faced with the problem of stealing content from your site, then you've come to the right place.

Even if you have not encountered it, the material will be very useful to you, since sooner or later it will happen. And this will not happen as late as you think. Protecting your site from copying content is something you need to work on constantly.

Many people think that nothing terrible in this regard can happen from their sites, so I decided to make an introductory point about the importance of protecting the text of the site from copying.

The importance of copy protection

Sooner or later, no matter how you want, your content will be copied to other resources. Someone will do it in good faith and put a link on you. This will be a big plus for you. Such people are conscientious, but there are quite a few of them.

The other part will simply parse your texts in batches and place them in one click on another site. It's good if your text is already in the index and will stay there for a while, so that the authorship is finally fixed. But in most cases, such texts are parsed in the first seconds immediately after their publication. You will not have time to drive the text into the index, as it will already be placed on another site.

And the whole trick is that you will not be able to prove to search engines that your site is the author of this content if you do not take appropriate measures, which we will consider in the following paragraphs of the article.

If your project is new, then another thief project will simply secure the authorship of the content, since it will have more trust, which means that search engines will have more trust in it. Once in the index, the page with your text will immediately belong to that site. And try to prove that you were the first to post this text. Your page will be perceived as borrowed content, i.e. copy-paste.

And search engines love only unique content, which is not yet on any resource. Of course, the concept of uniqueness is rather vague and as such it does not exist, because everything has already been written n-th number of times before you. I described in more detail in another article.

But, nevertheless, uniqueness in percentage terms must be observed so that the content is not perceived as stolen. For this, at least, an ACS is given and the development of the site is suspended for a certain time. We have to work further on the site. Redo everything and wait until the filter is removed. Do you need it?

Therefore, it is imperative to take measures so that even when copying content, it does not lose its uniqueness and is not considered a copy-paste on your site.

If you think that this will happen only with thousands of attendance, then this is a mistake.

If your content is really good, then it can be posted on another site even if you have 10 posts on the resource. What does it matter how many visitors you have and how developed your resource is, if the content is worthwhile and solves the user's problem in a specific question?

Another problem when copying texts from your site is the gradual decrease in its uniqueness. In the case of more copying of one or another text, it loses a certain percentage of uniqueness and its significance. As a result, your page starts to fall in search results. But there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is to take action and rewrite the text with a new one upon the fact of subsidence of positions. A little time, but rather positions and traffic.

So, now let's move on to the methods themselves.

Original texts Yandex

Yandex simply had to introduce this tool, since the pages are included in the index only during the next update. Thus, your text can be indexed in a few days. Sometimes it is as much as 10 days or even more. Imagine getting your content copied. Who will the search engine give authorship to, and whom will it consider a thief?

For this, I had to create a tool "original texts", which allows you to notify Yandex about the release of new text on your site. Even if the text is copied, Yandex will know that for the first time it was yours and this will be taken into account in the ranking algorithm.

The meaning is simple enough:

  1. We write the full text of the article;
  2. We copy it in the form that visitors will see after publication, and add it to the original texts;
  3. We publish on the site.

The tool is available only from the Yandex webmaster's panel, as you need to first confirm ownership of the site. If you have not yet added your site to the search engine webmasters panel, be sure to do so.

In the Yandex panel there is a "Content" item, inside it is the "Original Texts" tool.

The original texts item will be at the bottom of the slider. I have it displayed at the top, since I already use this tool.

On the next page, you simply add the entire text.

Then you can safely publish your text on the site. In principle, you can publish immediately after adding it to the original Yandex texts. But I prefer to publish after a while, as I assume that after adding Yandex can check the content for its presence on the network (my personal guess), and it should not be anywhere else. You can wait 20-30 minutes.

By the way, I asked the support service about the work of the original texts. I was interested in the question: "Is it worth adding text before it appears in the index or before it is published on the site page?" I was told that it was before the appearance on the resource itself, since in other cases the application in the original texts may not be taken into account by the algorithm.

In general, the meaning should be clear to you. We deliberately notify Yandex that this text first appeared on our website. This step is required!

In Google, this is easier, since we can drive a page into the index instantly, which will immediately assign authorship to us. Actually, go to Google.

Instant Google Indexing

The most stable content copy protection is the timely indexing of pages. We have already found out that Yandex does not allow you to manage this process. Much is possible with Google, including putting any page in the index immediately after it is published.

I have already described this process a couple of times. But, to make this material complete, I will duplicate the information here.

Adding to the index occurs through the webmaster panel of this search engine in the "View as Googlebot"

I showed us the screenshot where to press. First, we add the address of the desired page, and then on the "scan" button, after which the page should appear in the list below. The "Add to Index" button will also become available, by clicking on which the page is indexed.

The page address must be entered without a domain. See example in the image above

Next, we click on the add to index button and select the scan option. We only need to scan this page. Of course, you can also choose the option of scanning adjacent pages using internal links, if in the article you referred to some other materials that are also not yet in the index. They will also be indexed.

Googlebot will instantly visit your page and immediately add it to the index. As a rule, you don't have to wait more than a minute. Sometimes even a couple of seconds is enough. I personally check the indexing of a new page after 2 minutes and it is already in the Google index.

That's pretty much it for Google too.

And we move on to more advanced points. The next step is the copy protection plugin for the WordPress engine, which allows you to make more specific settings. They can play into the hands, and vice versa. In general, let's take a look at them.

WordPress copy protection

The plugin is called WP-CopyProtect. It is absolutely free and you can download it from here.

  • remove the context menu with the "copy" item;
  • remove the ability to select text.

You can do this without a plugin, which will also be discussed further. So now for the plugin. After installing it, go to the settings and immediately activate the necessary functions, since they are disabled by default.

The settings are found in the new "WP Copy Protect" admin panel menu item.

After the settings, do not forget to save the changes by clicking on the "Save settings" button at the bottom of all settings.

Now a few words about all the settings. Do I need to turn them on at all?

As you could understand, these restrictions in terms of copying text will only help in the fight against ordinary users of the resource. With so-called "parsers" nothing will work.

But even in the case of ordinary users, in some cases I would not use such restrictions, since often the visitor will want to copy something to his notebook on his computer. This is clearly expressed in the culinary theme, where you give recipes. Why hide them from copying and selection? Visitors will definitely not appreciate this.

Also in technical topics. As an example, I will give my own topic, where there are many materials with different codes that need to be copied in order to paste it somewhere later. Because of this, I do not use such restrictions.

Here you should analyze your content and see if it is possible to use these anti-theft text protection features.

Copy protection without a plugin

Implementation of similar functions of the WP-CopyProtect plugin can be done without the plugin. Although, I highly recommend making such settings with the plugin, as this allows you to quickly disable them if necessary and manage with these parameters more mobile. You don't have to go into editing template files every time and transfer them over to the hosting.

So the first and easiest way is to add the "oncopy" attribute inside the template file in the opening body tag. Here is the complete attribute in the construction of the body tag:

That is, you need to take the attribute itself with the required value and write it inside the opening tag of the article body.

This attribute works fine. The text will be selectable and the context menu will work. But when you try to copy the selected text, it will not get into the clipboard. This is perhaps the simplest and easiest option that won't annoy your visitors.

Likewise, you can block the context menu by clicking on the right mouse button. You just need to add another attribute, namely "oncontextmenu". In practice, it looks like this:

Another way to protect content from copying is to turn off the highlighting of the text on the site page. This is achieved using special properties in the stylesheet. The following content is worth adding.

Html (-webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select : none;)

There is an even tougher method, how to protect the text from copying, but your visitors will not really like it if there is a need to copy something, for example, the same recipes or any codes.

The method allows you to remove the selection of text and remove the "cut" and "copy" items from the context menu.

There are 2 pieces of code to put in your template files. The code works in Javascript. Therefore, if the user has javascript disabled in the browser, the trick will not work for him.

We place the first part in the head area between the opening and closing tags. ... Although, you can place it before the closing body tag in the footer.php file, if it works there. Honestly, I have not tested it. But the priority is precisely the second option, since this loads the script last and the site loading speed becomes faster.

We copy the second part of the code exactly into the footer.php footer file before the next php code.

It is this code that displays the footer and in front of it we copy the 2nd part of the code.

Now only those who have disabled javascript in the browser or those who think of disabling it will be able to copy text in manual mode.

Again, think about whether it is worth making such restrictions on the resource? I have abandoned this kind of prohibition. And the subject does not allow and simply does not want to, because often visitors, when they read, simply highlight the text in order to focus their attention on it. I saw this from the Yandex metrics web visor.

We reduce the negative impact of copying content

The essence of the method is not to completely limit the ability to copy content, but to reduce the negative impact of this action. And in some cases, even remove the effect.

To do this, we will use the service, which will add a link to the source to the copied part of the text. In practice, it looks like this.

The service offers to place the script in a section between the opening and closing head tags. But I suggest dropping it into the footer area before the closing body tag. I just checked it and the script works there.

Since the invention of writing, humanity began to transfer personal, state and universal secrets to suitable material carriers. As soon as the ancestors were not sophisticated in that the texts were not read through the eyes of others. The most ancient and demanded method of protection by right is a cryptogram (translated from Greek means "secret writing"). For example, the sacred Jewish texts were encrypted by the replacement method - instead of the first letter of the alphabet, the last letter was written, instead of the second - the penultimate, etc. This ancient cipher is called Atbash.

Steps were also taken to protect transmitted secret messages from interception and spoofing. Usually, armed guards were used for this, but they did not refuse alternative methods - they frightened with God's wrath and ancient curses, which was very effective for those years.

People have come up with a myriad of ways to protect paper documents from copying and editing (substitution). Some of them moved to digital, and some were invented specifically to protect electronic documents.

Why protect documents from copying and editing

Basically, copy and edit protection is required for working documents in DOCX and PDF formats. Analytical agencies, design institutes and other information product companies provide research results in a secure format to prevent unauthorized use and distribution. It is also important for business to provide protection against substitution - to reduce risks, you need to ensure that the document will remain unchanged forever.

However, copy and edit protection can be useful for personal purposes as well, for example, when creating a book, a training course, or providing consulting services. That is, such functionality can be useful to anyone who develops smart products and wants to control their distribution.

Protection of electronic documents DOC and PDF today

Let's take a quick look at the most common methods.


You can put information on a document that it has a special status and cannot be edited or copied. Sometimes the marking is made invisible in order to identify the "mole" - the source of the leak. In a simple implementation, a point in the document is put in different places and it is tracked which variant "pops up". An improved version is the use of specialized hardware and software systems in conjunction with MFPs, which allow you to change the spacing and font size individually for each copy of the document. Such protection is reactive in nature, that is, it allows you to identify the culprit upon detection of the incident. Next, we will look at methods that are proactive.


The most common and accessible to everyone way to protect electronic documents from unauthorized access is to set a password for the document or archive. This is usually done by the built-in tools of the program, for example, in the Acrobat application you can restrict editing, copying content and printing (link to instructions). But you need to consider the following - the file itself can be copied, and if you upload a document and password protected in this way on the Internet, then everyone can easily open it.

Access by digital key (flash drive)

The method is based on the user's physical key (flash drive or SD card) to decrypt the document. There is a flash drive - there is access. That is, the file can be copied, but the copy cannot be opened without a certain physical medium. This solves the problem of unauthorized distribution, but with limitations. Firstly, a flash drive or SD card costs money, and, secondly, it is necessary to ensure the delivery of this item to the user, which increases the cost and makes it difficult to exchange documents online. Thirdly, the user will always have to have this key with him, and, fourthly, any technique tends to break down - and you will need to negotiate a warranty period and provide replacement in case of breakdown.

Access rights management system

This method of document protection is mainly used for corporate users based on Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). AD RMS-protected documents are encrypted and the author can set permissions for those who can access the files.

List of possible restrictions on rights:

  • Reading, changing, printing.
  • Document validity period.
  • Prohibit email forwarding.
  • Preventing the printing of an email.

But what if the document just needs to be sent to an external addressee?

Combined methods of document protection

All of the above methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Document security vendors are constantly working to combine strengths in one solution. This combination seems ideal:

  • providing access to the document by password, which can be sent by e-mail or dictated by phone;
  • binding to a unique material medium, but so that it does not need to be additionally purchased and delivered to the end user;
  • management of access rights over the Internet, so that you can grant and revoke access to a file in real time;
  • displaying special labels on the document to indicate a special distribution mode.

As a result, a user's computer or mobile device can be used as a unique material medium, for example, the operating system and processor have their own serial numbers that cannot be faked. This will allow you to control the number of copies of the protected document.

Internet Rights Management provides DRM. When creating a password, access parameters are set: on how many devices you can open the document, how long the access will be valid, is it possible to quickly revoke access. When the password is activated, all specified restrictions are applied.

Tags by themselves do not provide security, but they allow you to detect a leak from a digital fingerprint, since a unique combination of numbers and letters is formed for each user, which is displayed on the document.

Now on the market there are several professional solutions based on combined methods to protect electronic documents from copying and leakage. Having analyzed several options, I propose to get acquainted with the services and

Professional online document protection service that includes DRM, linking to the user's device, watermarks and serial numbers (instead of passwords). This site offers services on a paid basis, but there is free testing. If you need to provide access to files for no more than 14 days, then you can use only test serial numbers, each time opening a new space (project) in your account.

If 14 days is not enough, then you can purchase a license for 30 days. Its price includes 10 serial numbers with an unlimited period of use. The license grants the right to transform files into a protected format. When the license expires, the files will remain in a protected form, and the serial numbers will continue to work, but in order to transform new files into a protected format, you need to purchase a license renewal or a license for a new project.

In general, the solution is decent and really allows you to provide protection against copying and editing for documents in PDF, DOCX and a number of others. If you have any questions, an online chat is installed on the website.

The developers of this service have taken care of the users a little more than necessary. They created not only a tool for reliable protection of documents from copying and editing, but also a full-fledged e-mail, so that you can be sure that your data will fly to the recipient in integrity and safety.

The main functionality of the service is available for free, such functions as revoking access to a letter, setting a timer for viewing, sending from your own domain name are provided as part of paid tariff plans. Ideal for paid mailings. Serious security technologies are hidden under the simplicity of the interface, but you don't need to think about them - check the box and the letter with the document is protected and sent to the address list. If you are a Responsible Privacy Writer, this is the place for you.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this solution, then to view it, you need to install a viewer program by analogy with PDF. It is available for all platforms except Linux.

Protecting documents from copying and editing always imposes restrictions on their use. It is important to maintain a balance between convenience, security and cost.

This article was "born" after one of my sites began to copy content from both large portals and "small fry" with a traffic of 10 people per day. It will describe the methods that I have taken, so that my content is not so actively stolen and tried to complicate the life of the very sites that have already copied it.

The first thing I did was check some of the articles for uniqueness (via Advego Plagiatus) that were driving the most traffic to the site. As many as 16 sites managed to stretch one article and not one bothered to at least link to the source (i.e. to my resource).

I was not lazy and sent a letter to the admins of each of the resources with a convincing request to remove my content from their site, because it was copied without the knowledge and permission of the author, otherwise appropriate measures will be taken. By these measures, I meant the correspondence with Yandex.

What's amazing is that major portals apologized (in a return letter) and deleted news with my content, but several "small fry" sent me a letter with the following content: “I'm not going to delete anything. You won't do anything to me anyway ".

On the other hand, it is understandable - such assholes have nothing to lose, even if their site is excluded from the search results - they will make another GS.

Copy protection script

In general, in order to somehow protect the content from the usual shkolota, I googled and found a script that prohibits the selection of text and its copying.
The script is inserted between the Head tags.

You can put it in a separate JS file, and specify the storage path on the hosting (wrote in more detail in).

Also, if you have a site on DLE, then disable RSS in the settings to complicate parsing on the machine.

It is clear that this will not save the pros who use special software and rivet HS in hundreds, but at least make life difficult for "beginners".

Also you can apply the script at this address or this one ... There, the script allows you to copy the text, but when you paste it, it adds a link to your site at the end.

Auto add source link

Here's another useful script for you that adds a link to the source to the copied text (paste it before the closing tag
