How to place a hashtag in a contact. How to write hashtags on Instagram: step-by-step instructions for everyone

Finding relevant information for you among many posts on a social network has become much easier using hashtags. By placing a hash symbol in front of a keyword in the search bar, you can filter its results. Similarly, using a hashtag, you can assign your posts, photos or videos to certain thematic groups, which will increase access to them to other members of the social network and increase the number of views. In this step-by-step instructions with photos you will learn how to make a hashtag on the VKontakte social network.

Step 2

Next, separated by commas, starting with the “#” symbol and without a space, enter the keywords. It’s worth noting that when writing a hashtag, you can use an underscore to separate words (for example, “#Windows_10”). Then click the "Save" button.

Step 3

The hashtags for the post have been saved. To find posts with a similar hashtag, left-click on it.

Step 4

You have been taken to the search results for the selected hashtag.

Step 5

How to put a hashtag on a photo on VKontakte

In order to assign a photo to a specific thematic category, you can use a hashtag. You can set a hashtag for a photo while adding it to a social networking site. Start by clicking the Photos menu item and clicking the Add Photos button.

Step 6

Now select the folder where the photo is saved, select the photo and click the Open button.

Step 7

Now you can add hashtags to the photo description. To do this, enter the “#” symbol and enter the keyword without a space. Thus, you can enter several hashtags separated by commas. In order to use a phrase in a hashtag, you can put an underscore between the words. Now click the “Post to My Page” button.

Hashtag is a label that is used to structure content on social networks. You assign your post to a topic, and because... the audience on social networks is quite curious and willingly follows links within the network (especially if there is something relevant or trending there) - then we can receive free traffic, we just need choose the right hashtags and create quality content. I will share my experience :)

Just for starters, this is what the combination looks like: correct and relevant hashtags + content that is interesting to your target audience:

An example of working with VK hashtags in my public page

Let's start with what hashtags are for and why they are used. I have identified 5 reasons:

  1. Visible highlighting of keywords;
  2. Grouping posts by topic and by cycle (especially relevant for serious projects in social networks, ala;
  3. Quick search by hashtags and filtering;
  4. Increased coverage and traffic;
  5. Protection from content parsers using brand tags.

I didn’t write about the fact that there are bots that monitor special tags and like, subscribe, leave comments, etc. because there is not much benefit from this. But for the appearance of activity, this can be used 😉

How to use hashtags?

There is nothing easier than making a hashtag. You need to put a sign # (hash), and then specify the desired word or phrase (without separating it with spaces) and it will automatically be converted into a link. Example: , . Please note that the case of letters does not matter, i.e. #hashtag = #Hashtag.

A very relevant hashtag these days!

You can put hashtags both in the context of a post and after/before it (and even in the photo description), these are the subtleties of each specific social network. network and below I will give some tips on how best to do it.

Let's summarize the correct spelling:

  • You can write in Latin and Cyrillic, even Latin-Cyrillic; 🙂
  • The hash mark (#) and the word do not have spaces;
  • Hashtags are separated by spaces (#seo #marketing #blog);
  • Words in tags do not contain spaces. The space can simply be deleted or replaced with an underscore (#Search Engine Optimization #site_promotion);
  • Do not use special characters: +, $, &, %, -, etc.;
  • Don't use too long strings of words;
  • Use general and author tags so that when you are found using general tags, you can additionally pull up author tags.

The subtleties of working in individual social networks. networks

As I said, there are features of using tags in individual social networks, I will briefly go over them.

Hashtags on Twitter

This is the birthplace of hashtags, because... they came to social media. networks from Twitter, as a convenient clusterer of tweets. Using hashtags greatly increases the reach of a post. I recommend using no more than 2-3 hashtags. 1-2 in context, the rest after the tweet. Don't spam! The effect gets worse if people consider your post to be spam.

To find the right hashtags, use: and don’t forget about the trends that are visible on the left.

The ranking is based on the selected group: Popular, Latest, People, Photos, Videos. It is best to get into the popular ones.

Vkontakte and Facebook hashtags

The VKontakte team went further and improved the structuring algorithm. VKontakte hashtags not only group posts, but can also structure posts within a specific community (ala tags on blogs). Example: #seo@seo_romanus, will display all posts with the “SEO” tag specifically in my VKontakte community.

People here are not used to hashtags and consider them something “alien”, unlike Twitter or Instagram. Therefore, insert 1-3 tags in the post (in context or after) and 5-7 in the description of the photo or video that goes with the post. In total, I do not recommend exceeding 10 marks.

Ranked in chronological order (or “interesting first” on VKontakte).

I haven’t found a service for searching hashtags and their coverage, I use a small life hack: I select marker words (single-word and 2-word) and scrape all the posts based on them, then I separate only the hashtags and count the number of mentions in this list. After that, I additionally scrape the number of posts for each unique tag, then put it all into Excel and look at the popular options. It seems to work :)

Hashtags in Odnoklassniki

Everything is the same as in the “big brothers”, but there are tips there. When you enter a hashtag, your classmates will suggest popular options to you. Alya T9 on a smartphone :)

Instagram hashtags

Here hashtags are the main content, because... this is 90% of the information in each entry. 🙂

Read your hashtag carefully and become zen :)

We write up to 30 hashtags. We use relevant, trending tags and our coverage increases dramatically. Subscribers grow easily (often bots, if you use the “correct” tags 🙂), likes flow like a river, etc. Participation in hashtag battles will give an even greater explosion of popularity, for example #the world should know what we are.

Watch video about hashtags

Frequently asked questions about hashtags

  • How to search by hashtags?- You can click on the tag and social. the network will give you a selection based on it, or simply enter #NecessaryTag into the search bar of the social network.
  • Why are hashtags not working or not active?— Most likely, you added extra spaces or specified prohibited special characters, which is why the label was not converted into a link.
  • How to come up with a hashtag?— You don’t need to invent it, you need to indicate relevant tags from existing ones (if you are not sure that your unique tag will be trending), otherwise it will just be a grouping of your posts, without the ability to increase coverage.
  • How to create your own hashtag?— Just come up with something unique or original (related to your brand/public, etc.), type it into the search, if you don’t find more than 1 entry, consider that you’ve already created it. In VK and FB it is more effective to create hashtags linked to the public, for example: #hashtag@ID of your Public.
  • Is it possible to use the same hashtags in all posts?— Yes, you can, but it’s rational if you write posts on only 1 topic, a very narrow one. Otherwise, you are simply limiting yourself in reaching your audience.

At its core, a hashtag is a keyword that combines several articles, posts (text entries) or photos of the same topic. For example, if you travel a lot and maintain a personal blog, you can tag your travel posts with the hashtag “#travel_notes.” And if a reader of your blog wants to read all the posts about your travels, he doesn’t have to search for them throughout the blog, just click on this hashtag, and all the posts tagged with it will appear on one page - this will save your readers time.

The hashtag must begin with the # symbol. Next comes the same keyword that unites messages on the same topic. They are most often used on social networks Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Instagram and VKontakte, as well as Youtube.

Hashtags on photos

It is noteworthy that using hashtags you can combine not only texts, but also photos into groups. For example, Instagram is a special social network for posting photos, VKontakte and Facebook also allow you to share pictures. Therefore, if you want to group together photos of your culinary creations, travel shots, or photos of your children, you can use hashtags.

In the case of photographs, hashtags should be included in the comments to the photo. That is, you attach a photo to a regular message, and write a keyword in the text. Or several - you can put quite a lot of hashtags in one message at the same time. Don't forget to put the hash symbol (#) at the beginning - such an entry is converted into a hashtag automatically on those sites that support this system. Full list of sites and social networks that support hashtags: Diaspora, Gawker Media, FriendFeed, Google+, Instagram, Orkut, Pinterest, Sina Weibo, Tout, Tumblr, Twitter, VK, YouTube, Kickstarter, Fetchnotes, Facebook, Coub.

The convenience of hashtags also lies in the fact that they can be written in both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet. But it should be noted that there are no spaces in hashtags - the words are either written together - for this you can write each of them with a capital letter (#TravelNotes) - or instead of a space, the underscore character is used (#Travel_Notes).

If you are the owner of an electronic diary (Diary or LiveJournal), you probably know that the tag system has already been worked out there - there is no need to put a “hash” icon. There you can select pre-entered tags from the list and put them in a special line. So in your diaries you can also tag a photo with hashtags - though not the photo itself, but the post (entry) with it.

Since the hashtag must be an active link, it makes no sense to put it on the photo itself using graphics programs.

In less than 10 years, ashtags have gained popularity among Internet users, and most of all, fans of social networks. This lattice has become part of the marketing strategies of large and small firms. On city streets there are numerous billboards with numbers, words and the world famous “#” sign.

What are hashtags?

A hashtag is a hashtag combined with one or more words and/or numbers. Several such combinations can be used at the same time. Their main feature is automatic conversion into a link. If you click on any hashtag, you will get a selection of messages with that combination of symbols. Most often, hashtags are used by ordinary users on social networks. The hashtag is useful for marketers, Internet experts, specialists in popularizing websites, products, services, and even entire companies. Sometimes hashtags are also used in search engines. Main features of hashtags:
  • Availability of keywords. The reader quickly determines whether he should read the post.
  • Structuring. Hashtags provide grouping of homogeneous information.
  • Quick search. You can quickly find the necessary data in thematic messages.
A hashtag is a mark that filters various messages according to topic. It is most often used on social networks, as well as on blogs. If a post is tagged with hashtags, it's much easier to find. You need to enter keywords in the search. This allows you to increase traffic to a site, group, or quickly spread a message.

How did hashtags come about?

Most people are convinced that the social network Twitter is to thank for the emergence of hashtags. In fact, the social platform has only helped spread these icons. The latter appeared in the late 80s of the last century to structure information in Internet Relay Chat. Twitter is the first social network to introduce hashtags. In 2007, designer Chris Messina asked followers about their views on the hash mark. After receiving numerous positive reviews and approval from management, the idea was accepted.

In 2009, hashtags began to be actively used on Twitter. In 2010, they were mainly intended to highlight popular trends and news in the media world. Although Twitter developers opposed it, the hashtags spread to Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, VKontakte, etc.

Rules for writing hashtags

Writing language

On the Russian-language Internet, in most cases, hashtags are written in Cyrillic. However, it is advisable to supplement them with messages in English. And for large global social networks or other sites it is worth using the Latin alphabet.

Various symbols

You can use almost any symbol with hashtags. You shouldn’t limit yourself solely to words and a standard grid. Use symbols such as ~,!,%, &, *, `, @, $^, = or +. Make your messages creative and unique.

Forget about spaces

Hashtags are written without spaces. If you use the latter, then forget about links: you will only get hash marks and other symbols. The main thing is not to forget about the gaps in regular messages when writing on social networks.

Combine words

Spaces separate one word from another when writing ordinary sentences. What to do when you need to enter a phrase? Apply the "_" icon. For example, #how_to_put_hashtags. Do not confuse this with the dash (-) symbol.

How to make two hashtags?

To get two hashtags at once, put a space between them. For example, #how_to_put_hashtags and #how_to_put_hashtags_on_vk are two hashtags, and #how_to_put_hashtags_how_to_put_hashtags on _vk are one. Here are some more examples of hashtags:
  • #Thanks_google;
  • #Live;
  • #Friends;
  • #Passive income;
  • #The world_should_know_what_I_eat.
Hashtags with their own name are in most cases used without capital letters. Although you can write like this: #ThanksGoogle. And to make it more readable, we mark #Thanks_Google.

Hashtags on Twitter

Let's start with Twitter, thanks to which hashtags have spread to other social networks. Let’s immediately highlight two extremes: you can not use signatures with a grid at all, or you can enter only the most popular options. If you don’t use hashtags, the message will, at best, only be read by a few dozen users. But in the second, the inscription will be difficult to find among hundreds or thousands of others. Let's give a specific example of the effective use of hashtags. At the beginning of August 2015, the VKontakte network was unavailable for 3 hours. The latter’s employee, Georgy Lobushkin, used Twitter to substantiate the causes of the problem. In a matter of minutes, thousands of VK users read the message. After analyzing the history of Twitter, it is worth highlighting several groups of hashtags. Topic Twitter users post messages on a specific topic. If they took a photo while in traffic jams, then they can indicate something like #Moscow_traffic jams, also indicating the name of the district or city street. And in case of a delicious lunch they write #photo_food or #blooper. If an article is being presented on the topic of promoting content on the Internet, then it is difficult to do without #seo or #seo. Evental Such hashtags are dedicated to both world, national or local events, as well as personal outstanding dates. For example, such hashtags as #new year, #Sochi2014 Olympics, #presidential elections, #fire are popular. The message also indicates important events for a particular person: #wedding, #new_job, #birth_of_a child, etc. Flash mob Such hashtags are used mainly for entertainment purposes. Popular signatures are such as #I_never_have, #my_favorite_movie, #why_I_love, etc. Such messages do not carry any deep information content. With their help, users report personal hobbies and preferences. Hashtags are often used by famous people to keep interest in their pages on social networks. To create hashtags on Twitter, a special window is used. The procedure is standard: mark # and write the words. When you post a tweet, you will see that the hashtag will be in a different color. Companies often strive to come up with unique hashtags. To do this, caption options are written in the social network search. If no similar combinations of words are found, then the proposed combination is unique. Companies increase the number of customers through social networks. And well-chosen hashtags are also marked on business cards, banners and booklets.

Hashtags on Instagram

Instagram is a kind of social network. It seems that the first place here is not communication, but publishing photos. Therefore, you can’t do without hashtags. The most popular hashtags on the social network are:
  • #Love;
  • #follow;
  • #followme;
  • #happy;
  • #Instagood;
  • #tbt;
  • #cute;
  • #photooftheday;
  • #tagsforlikes.
What is interesting for the average observer is not the quality, but the quantity of hashtags. For example, there are almost 1 billion photos tagged #love on Instagram. Hashtags allow you to group millions of photos on the Instagram social network. Just enter a tag to see images that reflect certain emotions or demonstrate the beauty of different parts of the world.

Hashtags and VKontakte

Typically, up to 5 hashtags are used on VKontakte. If you apply more, it will look like spam. VKontakte developers paid special attention to the convenience of searching for information using hashtags. As in the above-mentioned social networks, you must specify search keywords in a special field and press the Enter key. And then the user gets acquainted with the search results. If you are looking for information on VKontakte, use double filtering: both by hashtags and by categories. For example, you can indicate #cars in the News. You can also group information into the following groups.
  • People.
  • Audio recordings.
  • Video.
  • Communities.
Sometimes you need to find or specify information in a specific group. In this case, write a hashtag, @, space and a link to the group. It looks more clearly like this: #hashtag @ gruppa. To get a link to a group, go to its page and copy the address from the search feed.

Hashtags on Facebook

Searching for information on this social network is very convenient. For example, you just need to click on the required hashtag to get all the posts with it. Another way is to enter into the search engine feed and indicate the hashtag. In this case, the hash mark is not needed because letters are used instead.

Hashtags on Google+

Google+ also allows you to use hashtags. In fact, there is only one rule - forget about spaces. An interesting feature is that after publication, only numbers, letters and underscores remain in hashtags, and everything else is moved outside the tag. Google+ allows you to create hashtags using just numbers: #3856, for example. And if you don’t put a mark yourself, sometimes the system will do it automatically. Google+ supporters should adhere to the following hashtag guidelines.
  • Using tags, you can introduce information to people outside your circles. Get more subscribers.
  • Use descriptive labels. Fewer words that are directly related to places, products or events. Messages like “Advice_to_housewives”, “Writing_texts” or “Plumbers_services” will be effective.
  • Check out the Cyfe service. Using it, you can find information in network archives.
The approach to searching using tags is also interesting. The user receives not only the exact entry, but also words that are close in meaning. There are no restrictions regarding the length and number of hashtags.

Where else are hashtags popular?

Previously, Odnoklassniki used tags. However, at the end of 2016, they were replaced by hashtags. The latter actually become a link immediately after the post is published. This greatly simplifies the search for the desired information on a social network. Hashtags are also used on YouTube. They are noted in the descriptions of the videos. You should not enter more than 15 hash icons, since the lion's share of users will consider this spam. In this case, the main purpose of hashtags is to simplify the search for thematic videos. Pinterest also gives users the ability to use hashtags. This social Internet service does not set requirements for the number and length of tags. The latter are used exclusively in descriptions. Most often, users write letters and numbers. Telegram, one of the most popular and reliable managers, also allows you to use hashtags. They are useful if you are writing or searching for important messages in both group and private messages. Other rules on how to put hashtags Having become familiar with the basic rules on how to put hashtags correctly and the features of social networks, let’s focus on some other nuances.
Follow these simple principles and use the right hashtags.

Even if you yourself are not a user of one of them, you have probably at least heard about them. Social networks are used everywhere. By registering in them, people pursue completely different goals: from communicating with friends and finding like-minded people to promoting their brand and advertising their company. The “Internet trend” has not spared world celebrities, who constantly delight their subscribers with new publications. The popularity of such platforms gave rise to the emergence of a new means of promoting posts - hashtags. In this article we will tell you what it is and also explain how to put hashtags on Instagram.

How did hashtags appear?

First, let's figure out what these same marks are. If you have an account on Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook or other similar resources, you may have observed words or short phrases marked with a hash mark under the publications. Typically, such entries are blue, the same as links. And the hashtags themselves are unique links. They started on Twitter and gradually migrated to other social networks.

What are hashtags for?

Such designations help group posts into specific topics. It is known that such “giants” as Instagram publish many posts every day. You have the opportunity to view publications not only of your friends, but also of other users who have an open profile. Hashtags make it easier to find a specific post and significantly narrow the list. This way, you will find the news you are interested in much faster. In addition, depending on the popularity of a particular hashtag, the publication may be promoted in the general news feed. This is perfect for entrepreneurs or owners of a particular brand. So how to put hashtags on Instagram? What should you do for this?

How to put hashtags on Instagram?

This is done very simply. To put a hashtag, you need to add a “#” sign in front of the word, and it will automatically convert the word into a kind of link. It is very important to write one word in one hashtag, phrases with spaces will not be accepted, only the first word will be marked, preceded by a hash. If it is important to indicate exactly the phrase, use dashes or write a phrase without separating it. However, writing a long sentence without separation is completely impractical. Here are examples of correct hashtags: “#street”, “#house”, “#dog”, “#shop”, “#my_shopping”, “#romantic_date”, “#mysister”, “#very tasty”. Of course, without quotes.

If you make an entry “#how I celebrated my birthday,” then the hashtag will only be the word “how.” You can verify this if you notice that the word will be highlighted in blue, like a regular link. It is not recommended to write “#how to celebrate your birthday” or similar long phrases. Most likely, such a request will not be popular. Don’t forget that such tags allow you not only to find a specific post, but also to increase the page viewability, and accordingly, you will also have more likes. But this will only happen if you install the gratings correctly. You now know how to add hashtags. But what should they be?

Popular hashtags "Instagram"

What should you write in this very hashtag so that other users find your publication faster? The expression “simplicity is the sister of talent” fits perfectly here. Just look at what's in your photo and try to give it a simple name. If you are with friends in the photo, reply: “#I am friends,” or simply: “#friends.” Continue to place similar links using this principle. At the moment, Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags under one photo. But believe me, this is more than enough. You shouldn’t overload the image with labels either. You can often notice that one publication is teeming with various hashtags, and some of them do not even relate to the topic of the photo itself. It looks stupid and is not interesting to anyone, but the main idea of ​​promotion is that your post should arouse interest.

Universal tags

There are a number of hashtags that are suitable for almost all photos. They are specifically aimed at getting your profile found by other users and liking your posts. For example "#follow", "#followme", "#followforfollow", "#instagood", "#inst". The hashtags #GN, #GM, #gn, #gm have been very popular lately, their decoding is quite simple - this abbreviation is “good night” and “good morning”, they are placed under any photo depending on the time of day. Don't forget that tags can be written in both Latin and Russian. You can enter the name of your city, country or locality. Then people living nearby will subscribe and “like” you. But you don't want to add too many obvious hashtags, it risks looking a little comical. For example, if you drank a cup of coffee in a beautiful place and took a photo, you don’t need to come up with a million tags associated with it, for example: #Brazil #coffeemania #sugar #drink #energy #relaxation. By the way, hashtags for Instagram on topics can be written with spaces, as shown in the last example, or without spaces.

How to find a post using a hashtag?

Searching for a hashtag on Instagram is carried out as follows. Log into the client and pay attention to the panel at the bottom of the screen. Next to the house icon that you clicked on to get to the news feed, there is an image of a magnifying glass (a circle with a dash), click on it. Tap on the search bar at the top and another menu will open in front of you. By going to the "Tags" tab, you can easily find a publication by hashtag.

Now you know how to put hashtags on Instagram. Do it correctly and wisely.