Choosing a cable for TV. TV cable, which one is better to choose?

Customers often complain about a weak TV signal in bad weather conditions. This may be due to poor quality TV cable. Sellers often assemble equipment from products that are not of high quality. This reduces the cost of equipment, and sellers can make a larger markup.

In order not to fall for tricks, you need to know which wire to choose. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

Types of cables

There are four types:

TV cable, which is better?

We'll sort it out the most common option television wire - coaxial. It is produced under different brands. But, they all have a wave impedance of 75 Ohms. Using this TV cable, you can connect several TVs. So, what brands are there:

  • RG-6 cable. Produced under the Russian brand. Made in China. It has a copper or steel central core, the thickness of which is 1 mm. The central vein is in a shell made of polyethylene foam. The device itself consists of a screen made of foil, copper or aluminum braiding and a protective shell made of PVC. The thickness of the entire wire is 6–6.8 mm. This brand is used to connect digital, cable or regular television. The price for such a cable is low, only 10 rubles per meter. You can buy it in the online store.
  • Cable PK-75. This brand is similar to the previous one. Produced in our country. Copper central core, the thickness of which is 1 mm. Screen made of copper or double aluminum lavsan and tinned copper. The cable has a single shield. Most often used for cable television. If there is a double screen, then you can connect satellite TV inside the building.
  • RG-5 cable. This brand of cable is distinguished by its thickness, which is 0.58 mm. Outer diameter – 6 mm. The cable is designed to transmit any type of signal. Satellite television also transmits. Provided that the distance is no more than 190 m. Due to its thinness, the cable cannot pick up a signal at a distance of more than 190 m. The picture will be of poor quality, and the signal is weak.
  • Worth noting: Model RG-5 and other similar options are used for the same device. Due to its thin structure, it breaks frequently. It is the most difficult to attach to sockets and connectors.

Foreign television wires

Let us highlight several options that are produced outside our country:

The coaxial version has many brands that differ not only in characteristics, but also in price.

How to choose the best TV cable

When choosing a cable for your TV, you need to decide which signal you need to catch. That is, what kind of television will be:

  • Digital.
  • Essential.

If you choose a device for terrestrial television, then digital will work with interference or will not work at all. In this case need to pay attention for the following features:

So, we looked at which TV cable to choose. In order for the cable to work well, it is necessary to choose it correctly. You can select a cable for cable television according to the following criteria: 6.5 mm cross-section, with two screens and a well-known brand. You can buy the device in the online store.

Until now, the signal to many TVs in our apartments is supplied via cable. Neglect of its choice can negatively affect the image even if installed correctly. To avoid such troubles, it is not enough to measure the length required for connection. Before purchasing, you should find out how to choose an antenna cable.

A digital TV or an analog TV connected to a digital-to-analog converter. In both cases, you will need an appropriate antenna connected to the TV or converter. Depending on your location, this could be an outdoor antenna, a ceiling-mounted antenna, or an indoor antenna.

While cable subscribers can still watch TV on their cable systems on their analog TVs, if you only use your TV for an analog signal and want to see the open broadcast station, you will need to use a converter. The converter box receives the digital signal transmissions from open television and converts them for you to see on your analog TV. You can find converter boxes for sale at consumer electronics stores both in your area and online.

In technical documentation, a television or antenna cable may be designated as coaxial (coaxial). The term characterizes the principle of its operation, when both conductors (central core and braid) provide transmission in one direction across the entire cross-section width (the “standing wave” effect), which reduces radiation losses to a minimum.

Are open TV programming companies affected by negotiations between open TV channels and subscription TV service providers? If an open television station and a subscription television station are unable to renew or renew their contracts to broadcast a signal from an associated non-open control station, the subscription television service provider must suspend the transmission from that scheduling service. However, such subscription television programs may be available through other Pay TV services in your region.

Its design is standard and in most cases includes four layers:

  1. central vein,
  2. polyethylene foam insulation,
  3. external conductor screen made of aluminum foil and braid,
  4. shell made of polyvinyl chloride.

What to pay attention to

The market offers a large selection of cable products of imported and domestic production, of different prices. The budget option increases the risk of low-quality television broadcast; the choice of expensive products is not always justified from a technical point of view. The performance characteristics of an expensive cable may not be much higher than that of an average-cost analogue. It is much more important to study the main technical parameters of the proposed purchase:

You can check subscription channel providers in your area to see what programming channels they show. As with open broadcast programming, television programming is available directly on the Internet. However, it is often too late to program for its initial appearance on subscription television services.

In the video, Silvio demonstrates the device and speaks. Go to Santa Efignia and buy this little antenna here, O,” Silvio says, showing off the device. These are just antennas, they have five meters of wire. You put it on the TV, it's very easy.

  • resistance and attenuation,
  • core material,
  • braid composition and density,
  • shell quality,
  • diameter.

Marking on the outer covering

Many of these criteria can be determined from the information posted on the shell. It is applied every meter, and its presence is mandatory. According to the standard, the data is indicated in the following order:

It's very easy and you won't have to pay for it anymore. You should buy this antenna. Are you looking to expand your TV offerings? Thanks to this, you can enjoy flawless picture quality even in bad weather conditions.

Connection cable: the key to a seamless image

At Conrad, you can easily select your connection cable according to your needs and expectations. You can choose a connection cable with a ferrite core or with gold-plated contacts. The color of the connecting cable, its length, as well as its shielding type can also be selected according to your wishes.

  1. manufacturer,
  2. brand in alphanumeric designation,
  3. number of screen conductor cores,
  4. quality,
  5. wave resistance,
  6. footage

On the shell it may look like this: CABLETECH RG-6U/48 HIGH QUALITY COAXIAL CABLE 75 OHM 0.66 M. More detailed information can be obtained from the technical documentation that comes with the cable.

Satellite adapter for installation under any circumstances

With Conrad, purchasing a connecting cable that suits your needs is quick and easy! Good news: they are many and varied on Conrad's site! Again, you are still in control by retaining the ability to select an adapter based on your own criteria. Select the features you want from the list of products we offer: Only products that meet your expectations are displayed, so you can order them as soon as possible. Consult the product sheet associated with each link: it contains valuable information to guide you through your purchase.

Characteristic impedance

Any television device used in everyday life is designed for a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms. The purchased television cable must have appropriate resistance. If this indicator is higher, the quality of the broadcast will deteriorate significantly or it will be unsuitable for transmitting a television signal. Along with resistance, an important characteristic is attenuation at the appropriate frequency and length. The lower this indicator is, the better the television broadcast will be.

To be completely satisfactory and for a long time, we offer you access through our catalog to products of the largest brands. Trust us for your adapter and antenna cable purchases: We have been in business for over 90 years to offer our customers the guarantee of high quality equipment at the best price. We know our business and throughout the year we use our know-how.

In order for you to receive a digital or terrestrial TV package, you need a TV antenna. And to ensure the proper functioning of your receiving device, you must make a suitable assembly. To do this, you need to install antenna cables, which are necessary for the connection between devices.

Center conductor

The conductor material has a direct impact on the signal. Manufacturers use copper, copper-coated or tin-coated steel to make it. The preferred option would be a copper core, which is guaranteed to provide excellent reception, but will be more expensive. A steel conductor has a lower price, but the transmission may not be the best. The material of the conductor can be easily determined by the cut; for a steel core it will be silver in color.

Cable Antenna: Points You Need to Know

To properly shop for each antenna cable you need, here are a few tracks. The quality of transmission from the antenna to the TV depends on the cable and the metal of the conductor: usually copper.

  • The insulation is covered with aluminum and serves as mass.
  • This prevents interference and limits interference.
To select an antenna cable, here are a few points that require your vigilance.

Cable antenna sales points

Internet: privileged sites specializing in audiovisual equipment or sites of major electronics brands. Prices are reasonable, but you should be sure to check the product specifications depending on the type of connection required for your installation; Electronic equipment signs: you can check on site and compare prices between products. The advantage of this type of store is also the possibility of direct consultation by a seller familiar with the domain; Antenoneer: Not only does it select and provide you with different cables, but it can also handle the installation of your TV. You are confident in your connections and the reception is impeccable. . Here are a few price ranges based on model type to better guide you as you invest in an antenna cable.

The thickness of the core affects the television image and its transmission range. A larger diameter will mean less resistance, which means a greater transmission range without interference or loss of stability. The downside of thickening is a decrease in flexibility.

A single-core cable is usually used to connect the antenna. If a large number of bends are expected horizontally and vertically, then you can use multi-core with greater flexibility and resistance to metal fatigue. In this case, the signal quality may suffer.

We can contact one or more antenna specialists if you wish. They can offer you a free estimate with no obligation. The quality of the installation is of paramount importance for the antenna. All the components that make up the antenna-to-TV reception system are important: the connector, amplifier and splitter must transmit the optimal signal. It goes without saying that the connections and connections should be just as good.

Antenna cable connection and composition

A good connection is essential for good reception. A coaxial antenna cable consists of a center conductor surrounded by an insulator, which itself is covered with aluminum foil, which acts as a ground to shield external interference. The antenna cable also changes depending on its color.

Braid material and density (conductor-screen)

The best material for its manufacture is copper. It is most effective in protecting the signal from external electromagnetic interference. The next important indicator will be the number of fine hairs in the braid, intertwined in a certain way. The greater their number, the less external interference the design transmits and the better the television broadcast. The maximum number of such cores in a braid can reach up to 100.

The quality of transmission depends on the nature of the conductor used and the length of the cable. The internal diameter is also included in the scoring system: the smaller the diameter, the higher the risk of loss. Note. When installing the antenna cable, be careful not to bend or crush it. Under these conditions the signal may be poorly propagated.

Choosing the right cables and connections

To receive satellite signals using higher frequencies, an ultra-shielded antenna cable will provide even greater security.

  • It is recommended to use an antenna cable suitable for your needs.
  • The longer the cable used, the higher the risk of signal loss.
If your rack or satellite dish is located far from your TV, you can use a wireless video transmitter to avoid running antenna cables throughout your home.

A sign of a quality product will be the presence of an aluminum foil screen under the braid. It protects conductors from mutual interference and internal interference. In technical documentation, the effectiveness of the conductor-screen is designated as noise immunity. For good antenna cables it should be at least 80%.

Where to install the antenna cable?

Be sure to check the compatibility between the diameter of the antenna cable and the diameters of the antenna, receiver, amplifier or distributor. Coaxial cables that support signals must connect the receiving antenna to the TV. However, they can connect intermediate elements of the receiving device.

From antenna to amplifier, from amplifier to receiver or from distributor to TV, for example. Open the doors of the most beautiful online store! Enjoy our selection of Cable antenna TV 20m cheap! Be sure to check out our full range of discounted prices. Are you looking for a website that will help you, advise you on your purchase. You will find your happiness, savings and guaranteed smile! And you, dear customers, what are you currently looking for for cable TV 20 meters, cable TV antennas, cable TV antennas!

Shell quality

The outer shell is usually made of elastic plastic and protects the internal structure from damage. The insulation must be solid, resistant to external influences, and moderately elastic to allow bending without damaging the outer layer. It is not difficult to check it, just try to pick off the shell with your fingernail and if there is even a slight detachment of the insulation, then it is better to put such a product aside.

Antenna cable for TV. Which one is better to choose?

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Anti-interference by installing a ferrite ring on the antenna cable

Antenna expansion! If you have any doubts, compare our offer with an extension antenna, you won't have more! Enjoy our selection. Cable for satellite dish! Cable for parabolic cheaper, brings you the latest trends, guaranteeing you a price that rhymes with discounts and deals, you couldn't fall better!


In the store you can purchase products of different thicknesses. The value of this indicator has a direct impact on the permissible bending radius. A cable with a diameter of 6 mm usually has a bend of 70 mm; its counterparts with a smaller diameter bend with a smaller radius. This indicator should be taken into account if the laying perimeter is too complex, with a large number of bends and narrow openings. But for wiring from the antenna to the TV under standard conditions, a thickness of at least 6 mm is recommended. It is better suited for connection to standard connectors and sockets, and installation is not much more difficult than working with a thinner analogue.

Choosing the right material

And what are you looking for now, satellite TV cables with satellite dishes, satellite dish antenna, satellite dish antenna, satellite dish antenna? If you have any doubts, compare our offer. Parabola cable, you won't have them anymore! Would you like to install a TV in your room, but the antenna socket is in the living room?

Hiding the Antenna Cable To hide the antenna cable, there are two solutions: you can leave the wire connected to the socket and simply connect the TV to the socket, or use a wire connection without an antenna connector. The easiest way is to simply hide the wire from the socket to the TV. To hide the antenna cable, always take the shortest route, even if it means drilling. Sew the cable along the baseboard using a special stapler. To run the cable through another room, drill into the wall with a drill and a 10 to 12mm drill bit. Caution: Be careful not to drill into the pipe or wire. Thread the antenna cable through the hole, leaving a little slack to hold the rest of the power cable together. Sew to the TV, then connect the cable. Special son of a stapler. Don't hesitate to invest in a special wire with a stapler, which costs around fifteen euros. To load staples, simply open the trigger, insert the staples, and close the trigger. A special wire stapler allows you to place the electrical wire inside without having to pierce it through staples. Finish When finished, paint the antenna cable the color of the walls or baseboards, for added discretion. If the wall splits while drilling, replace the holes with plaster. Our selection of antenna cables includes a wide range of references with a wide range of prices, including cables as well as bare cable, male and female connectors, adapters and connectors, and signal separators and distributors.

In principle, it is not important for a person who is not strong in physics or electricians to know the features of a particular cable; it is better to entrust the choice to a professional. But this is if the matter is related to electricity. You can choose a television cable yourself.

The main thing is to understand that the cable from the TV to the antenna does not conduct current, so you can replace it yourself. But before starting work, you need to figure out how to choose the right antenna wire.

In the store it is called "Coaxial". Inside he has:

  • central vein;
  • dielectric;
  • outer conductor;
  • shell.

This type of electrical cable is always round and is used for signal transmission. Due to its design, this type is used not only for connecting a TV, but in communication systems, connecting home and military equipment.

In special stores, a good and suitable wire for TV is marked:

  • RG-6;
  • RG-59;
  • RG-11;
  • RK-75.75.

In the last marking, the number 75 means characteristic impedance in Ohms. The greater the resistance, the less interference, however, there is no point in choosing an electrical wire larger than 75, but you should not take less either.

Signal attenuation is the next important characteristic, which is measured in dB/100m. Each TV channel broadcasts at its own frequency and the attenuation rate is also different. A good electrical cable should have a low rating.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • type of television system;
  • length from antenna to TV;
  • places where the cable passes;
  • presence of corners and turns;
  • wiring selection;
  • number of TVs.

Now let's talk about everything in order.

Video: “coaxial” for TV

How to choose the right one

First of all, you need to immediately think about where the entire system will go. If the antenna is located outside the house and the wire will run along the street, then you need to choose one that is resistant to temperature changes and moisture. This depends on the density of the cable braid, its diameter, special impregnations and carbon layer. The thicker it is, the thicker the core (and the signal attenuation rate depends on this) and the more resistant it is to climatic and mechanical damage. If the antenna is located on a window or balcony, then there is no need to take the largest one - a cable with an outer diameter of 6–7 mm will be enough.

The wires for satellite and cable television are different. That is, in terms of structure they are completely identical - core, insulation, outer conductor and shell. Only now the satellite signal, together with the power supply to the convectors, passes through a conductor (most often copper), and the cable signal passes along the surface of the conductor. Therefore, wires with a thin core (less than 1 mm in diameter) are not capable of transmitting a satellite signal without interference.

It is possible to mount the antenna wire next to the power wire only if their outer diameter is 6–10 mm and the protection against interference is enhanced. Thick electrical cables can be bent at an angle of no more than 90°.

We can summarize all of the above with one statement - the thicker the television wire, the better.

The dense braiding of the cable is an indicator of its durability. It should not come off easily; it cannot be scratched, for example, with a fingernail. However, too hard insulation will not allow the antenna wire to bend.

Today, foil or aluminum film is used as an external conductor. The absence of this usually indicates that the product in front of you is not of the best quality.

A good antenna wire usually consists of a copper core. There is no evidence that this particular material is better suited than other alloys. But, if you have a choice, it is better to buy an antenna cable with a copper core.

The color of the shell, despite the opinion prevailing in narrow circles, does not indicate anything. The wire can be any color - whatever you like. Manufacturers use special colors to distinguish television from power if they are mounted side by side.

You can find out the “composition” of an electrical cable by asking the seller to make a cut, so it is better to avoid packaged goods, even if everything is written on the packaging. A good option is a copper core with a cross-section of 1 mm, dense insulation, a layer of foil and tin copper braid, and a dense sheath.

The length of the electrical cable is a purely individual matter. Before purchasing, you need to calculate not the minimum distance from the antenna to the TV, but take into account all the indentations along the bottom of the wall and turns. It is also necessary to take the antenna cable “with a reserve” in case in the future you want to move the TV to another location.

Cable components include connectors, adapters and splitters. It is better to choose them in the same place where the wire is purchased, so that the seller can help you select parts that are suitable in diameter. Also, for satellite cables, it is better to purchase corner adapters so as not to bend them.

Video: choosing a TV cable

Antenna connection

To connect the cable to the antenna or TV, you need to attach the plug.

First you need to make a circular cut of the shell at a distance of one and a half centimeters from the edge. You only need to remove the shell without touching the hairs of the screen. The screen hairs and foil are folded back to expose the inner insulation layer. You need to bend it carefully so as not to tear or tear anything out. The layer of internal insulation is cut in a circle and removed. The distance between the bare core and the folded foil must be at least 2 mm.

Next, you need to screw the plug on, rotating it clockwise until it stops. Cut off the rest of the excess strand. Prepare the antenna wire on the other side in the same way. This must be done after it has been laid from the antenna to the TV, in order to shorten it if necessary.

The main thing is to choose a good wire that will meet all the parameters.


Television today still remains the main source of important information, despite the rapid development of the Internet. And although some models of these devices can be connected to the Internet, what makes them TVs is the antenna connector. You can plug a TV cable into it. The signal source in it can be a TV tower, satellite or TV provider. In order for the reader to receive information on how to choose an antenna cable for a TV, we recommend that you carefully read this article.

Supply problem

Sometimes you can come across such a phrase as television wire or antenna wire. This incorrect phrase, however, indicates cables that are structurally different from wire. For example, the simplest wire contains only one conductive core in insulation. There are no types of cables with one conductive core. The cable for connecting a TV contains two conductors through which the signal passes. Structurally, this is an antenna coaxial cable in which one conductor is located inside the other.

The variety of models available for TV cables in any market is simply enormous. Therefore, choosing a television cable becomes a problem not due to the fact that it is difficult to buy, but because the buyer is afraid to sell it on the cheap. In turn, many sellers do not provide the correct information to the buyer. For many of them, it is easier to convince him that there is no fundamental difference between the cable models sold than to explain in detail which television cable is better. Any TV cable contains a conductor and a screen.

But in fact, a high-quality television cable has the following characteristic features:

  • its conductor, also called the core, bends easily due to the softness of the annealed copper from which it is made. If the conductor core is made of steel and covered with copper in places of scratches that will certainly appear during installation, corrosion will begin over time. A rigid core, when deformed at an acute angle with subsequent straightening, will not allow it to straighten, and the television cable in this place will receive additional resistance;

  • if this coaxial cable is bent at an acute angle, the conductor should not move from the central position, which corresponds to the straightened state of the antenna cable;

  • The insulation should allow the TV cable to be easily bent, but when squeezed it exhibits noticeable rigidity. Naturally, the thinner it is, the more acute the angle can be obtained when bending it.

  • The screen of television cables contains a thin first layer of foil covering the insulation and soldered to it through a special polymer film, and a second layer of tinned copper braiding placed over the foil. If the copper braid is not treated with tin, an electrochemical reaction is possible between the foil and the braid, which will destroy both of these layers. When a layer of plastic film remains on the conductor core, even when soldering, this can cause the connection to have unwanted resistance;

  • the last outer layer in the form of a tubular protective shell;
  • The physical properties of each layer are selected in such a way that even a very short television cable or a segment of it, which is arbitrarily forcibly bent, does not deform layer by layer, does not delaminate or crack. At the point of visible deformation, the wave resistance usually changes for the worse;

  • A high-quality TV cable is not slippery to the touch and does not emit an unpleasant chemical odor.

So, the listed images that show how to choose a TV cable should be useful to our readers. However, it would not be superfluous to summarize these data in the form of a short instruction. It will tell you which cable the buyer should choose from the available models, taking into account additional steps. They must be completed if we choose commercially available television cables

  • for antenna;
  • for a digital or analog signal entering a television receiver;
  • for digital TV;
  • for cable television.

So, we start by asking the seller what antenna cable he recommends buying. The seller, of course, will ask a number of counter questions to understand which cable is best to offer for our needs.

  1. Having received an offer for the cable and having made sure that its outer layer is not slippery and does not emit a strong unpleasant odor, we ask the seller to cut off approximately 10–15 cm from it, which, of course, we undertake to take into account when purchasing, but provided that the product is of high quality.
  2. Please cut the sample, removing approximately 1 cm of the protective shell from one end. Holding the shell, press the stripped end against the counter. Thus, we check whether the layer will move or not. If any displacement occurs, please replace it with another model. In a high-quality cable, neither the conductor core nor the insulation will move.
  3. Then we bend the test sample. A high-quality model will not have a break or deformation in the middle of the bent part.
  4. We carefully inspect the conductor core and check its softness. It should be the color of copper on the cut, and if not covered with silver, then the same over the entire surface. There should be no films on the surface of the core. Silver plating is done in the best models, but at the same time it increases their price. The characteristic impedance of such radio signal conductors is the lowest and makes it possible to obtain a low-noise antenna connection, which is most relevant for receiving signals from remote sources.
  5. We inspect the braid and foil. They should be the same silver color.
  6. When pressed with your fingers, the insulation should not wrinkle like foam. If it is of good quality, it feels like an eraser.

Types of television cables

A television receiver is a radio-electronic device that contains a special electronic part for processing the signal coming from a radio wave. For this purpose, coaxial cables are used, for which a resistance of 75 ohms is standard, as are the frequencies used to generate the radio signal. However, as information technology developed, devices for connecting to a television appeared, such as VCRs and video players, and eventually computers. These analog connections are made using appropriate composite cables.

They usually use two or three coaxial cables, which are united by a common outer insulation. One or two are used to transmit a mono or stereo signal for two channels of audio reproduction, and the third transmits an image. This type of cable may have variations depending on the design of the VCR and TV connectors. Since there is a certain variety of models of VCRs and players that can have multi-channel sound, a more complex cable is required to connect them.

Types of composite cables

The advent of game consoles, which used computer technology and television receivers specially adapted for connection to such consoles, required a certain modification of the composite cable. So-called component models with an increased number of connectors have appeared.

Further computerization of consumer electronics caused the complete combination of televisions with computers, and therefore HDMI and DVI connectors, which are used in computers to connect to monitors, were added to the housings of television receivers. It has also become possible to use a TV as a monitor.

Additional Information

  • To obtain a high-quality image, it is recommended to place a TV cable of any type away from household electrical appliances in which switching processes occur.
  • Together with TV cables, you can only lay similar conductors designed for transmitting weak signals - twisted pairs of computers, USB connections, etc.
  • It is recommended to perform installation with a minimum number of intermediate connections between sections.
  • It is not recommended to use homemade devices to distribute the signal.
  • Do not create loops or angles other than 90 degrees, including when crossing TV cables.

The quality of the image on the TV screen depends to a very large extent on the properties of the TV cable and its spatial location. We tried to reflect the main points of this in the article and hope that our readers received the necessary information.

To connect your TV to a satellite dish, there is a special antenna cable. When it is correctly selected and properly connected, you can enjoy a clear image when watching your favorite TV shows, and the amount of interference is reduced to a minimum. We will talk about some of the nuances of choosing an antenna cable in this article.

What do you need to know to choose an antenna cable?

A coaxial RF cable is used to connect the antenna to the TV. First of all, it’s worth understanding how it works. This will help determine the quality of the cable by the cut, and not take the word of the salesperson in the store.

    Conductor. At the very “heart” of the cable is a conductor, which is responsible for transmitting the signal. Most often, it is copper, but there are also cables with a copper-plated steel rod.

    Insulation. A kind of layer between the inner and outer conductor. Consists of plastic, usually white.

    External conductor. Usually consists of a screen and braid. The screen is a metal foil, and the braid is metal conductors intertwined with each other. The purpose of this cable layer is to protect the signal from external interference, such as transformers and home radiotelephones.

    Protective shell. As the name suggests, it protects the cable from mechanical damage.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the cable design. Now let’s discuss in detail what you should pay attention to when choosing.

Copper or copper-plated steel in the antenna cable for a TV. What's better?

There is a lot of debate about whether a rod made of copper or copper-plated steel is better. It is generally accepted that copper is the best conductor, and in most cases this is true. But there are some nuances.

If an antenna cable is needed for digital or terrestrial television, then the material of the rod is not particularly important. The fact is that in this case the signal passes along the surface of the rod, and it does not matter whether it is completely copper or just copper-coated on the surface.

Antenna cable braid

It is advisable to choose a cable with copper braid. And here it is worth paying attention to its density - the thicker it is, the less signals from outside will penetrate and create interference.

The presence of metal foil and winding is the main indicator of cable quality. The amount of interference and signal clarity depend on this. It’s better not to save money and buy a cable with a double shield - foil and winding. This way you won't be disappointed in the picture quality when watching TV.

Wave voltage of antenna cable

It is advisable to choose an antenna cable with a wave voltage of 75 Ohms. If you buy a cable with more or less voltage, this may lead to interference and other technical problems.

Pay attention to the thickness of the cable. The thicker it is (at least 6 mm in diameter) the better, since there will be less signal loss. Although thin cables are easier to install and have better flexibility, the image quality suffers with them. In addition, they are easily broken and damaged.

The Myth About Color Differences in Antenna Cables

There is an opinion that white cable is for interior work, and black cable is for exterior use. However, in reality there is no such clear distinction. You should choose the color solely based on your taste preferences, and you should check the purpose of the cable with the seller or look at the markings.

A cable intended for outdoor use must have a protective carbon layer - it will protect the cable from adverse environmental conditions and extend its service life.

How to find the right cable?

So, now we have decided on the main selection criteria. But how to find the right cable without being deceived by an ignorant seller?

To avoid such troubles and unnecessary hassle, and to feel more confident, you need to understand a little about labeling.

The marking is applied directly to the cable. There, the manufacturer, cable brand, wave voltage, and meter mark must be indicated (with each meter it changes by 1 unit). For clarity: the marking “CABLETECH RG 6U/48 75 OHM 055M” means that the cable is from the manufacturer CABLETECH, its brand is 6U/48, the wave voltage is 75 Ohms and the footage is 55 meters.

As already mentioned, the quality of the cable can be visually determined by the cut. In addition, a high-quality cable will be thick and stiff, so pay attention to this when purchasing. Try bending the cable, and if it is difficult to bend, this is in its favor.

Cheat sheet for the buyer

Below we have listed several brands of antenna cables with good quality and technical characteristics:

  • RG 6U;
  • SAT 50;
  • SAT 703B;
  • RG-6U+CU;
  • DG 113.

Frequently asked questions about choosing an antenna cable

Which cable is better, domestic or foreign?

One cannot say anything categorically, but it has been observed in practice that foreign-made cables are better than domestic ones, even though they have aluminum or steel wire.

What length should I buy the cable?

Can I use a cable to connect multiple TVs?

Yes, for this you will need a splitter - a splitter, or “crab”, as it is popularly called. But in this case, it is worth considering that the more devices are connected to the antenna, the worse the signal will be, regardless of whether the other devices are working.

So, when choosing a cable, take into account the features of your type of connection, the above tips and carefully look at the markings - then you will not be disappointed in your purchase.

Where are we today without TV? In many homes, this electrical appliance has become practically a member of the family. We enjoy watching colorful TV shows, documentaries about nature or science, music concerts, box-office films and much, much more. Naturally, we want the picture our pet produces to be as beautiful and high-quality as the one we saw when purchasing it in the store.

But often the image of a house is strikingly different for the worse, and many users simply do not realize that they just need to make the correct connection and the picture will “come to life.” The article will tell uninitiated people which television cable is better, how to choose it correctly, and how to connect.

Of course, we twisted our hearts a little when we said that for a good image it is enough to choose the right cable. In fact, the quality of the received image—its resolution—plays a more important role.

But, nevertheless, this does not detract from the merits of the wires, since if you install a cable that does not correspond to it on a high-quality signal, all you will see is the maximum throughput of the selected option, that is, the image will become worse. We will reveal this dependence in more detail throughout the article.

Today there are two types of broadcast signals: analog and digital. We won’t go into physics and just outline the main difference.

Their transmission principle is similar, and some cables are capable of transmitting both signals. The main difference is that a digital signal is a square wave and carries only two possible values: one is a zero and the other is a one.

That is, all information is transmitted in the form of binary code, like in a computer. Thanks to this, it is possible to cut off all the interference that abounds in the analog signal, and transmit the picture with sound in its original quality. In addition, the analog signal transmits a lot of unnecessary information, which reduces the throughput of these cables.

All this does not mean that an analog connection cannot transmit a high-quality signal. In some situations, the use of such wires is preferable to their modern competitor. Let's list all the analog cables used so far and figure out how to connect them

Coaxial cable

Here is a standard television cable, which everyone, without exception, is probably familiar with.

It is made in the form of a round elastic wire, which consists of:

  • Central vein;
  • A dielectric, which acts as an internal insulator and envelops the central core along its entire length;
  • Shielded interlayer - not all cables have it, as this increases the price per linear meter of the product.
  • External conductor;
  • An insulating sheath that protects the cable from damage.

This cable is used not only in television equipment, but also in communications, and even for military equipment. It can transmit both types of signals and has not lost its relevance for many years in a row.

In modern television systems, in addition to connecting external antennas, it is used: when connecting a satellite dish to the receiver; when connecting several receivers in series; on cable television. Consequently, the picture quality in all these cases will depend entirely on the coaxial cable.

Which coaxial cable is worthy of the end consumer's attention? To answer this question, you need to find out all the main technical characteristics of this product, and what external factors should be taken into account when choosing.

From this video you will learn how to choose the right TV cable.

Let's outline the main points:
  • Cable resistance - as we remember from school physics course, resistance is measured in Ohms. For a good home cable, this parameter should be at least 75 Ohms. This value is stamped on the cable itself, and can simply indicate a specific number, or be encrypted, for example, RK - 75.75.

Advice! If you see a cable with one of the following markings - RG -6, RG -59, RG -11 - then you can safely purchase them, as they meet all the requirements for home television systems.

  • Signal attenuation indicator - any television channel broadcasts on its own non-repeating frequency. Accordingly, each of them has its own level of signal attenuation - for some it is higher, for others it is the opposite. Therefore, you should purchase a cable with the lowest loss level, which is measured in dB/100m.
  • Next, you should think about where the TV will be located and what route you are going to take to connect the wires to it. If a significant part of the cable (outside the window does not count) runs along the street, then it is worth choosing an option that is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. To avoid mistakes, choose thicker wires with dense braiding, a powerful core, layers of carbon and various impregnations.
  • Not every coaxial cable is suitable for transmitting a satellite signal. If your version has a central core less than 1 mm in diameter, then interference is inevitable. And all due to the fact that in addition to the signal, power for the convectors passes through it.
  • It is better if the cable cores are made of copper.
  • Choose options with a durable shell. Color doesn't matter.
  • A layer of foil and dense braiding is required.

Now, regarding cable routing:

  • It is possible to lay a coaxial cable next to power lines only if its thickness is at least 6 mm;
  • The cable must not be bent more than 90 degrees, otherwise the dielectric shells may be damaged;
  • The length is selected individually, depending on current needs;
  • Use connectors and splitters to route the cable. Don't make homemade connections.

These tips will be useful to you to answer the question of how to improve your cable television signal. Now let's figure out how to mount a connector on a cable with your own hands. Here are instructions and photos on the topic.

  • To begin, remove about two centimeters of the outer insulator;
  • Then cut off the braid and internal dielectric, leaving about 5 mm at the base;
  • Take a connector - in our case, this is an option designed for a satellite receiver, which has a screw thread for connection.

  • Place the connector on the end of the cable;

  • The connector will be tight, so use some force to get it snug;

Well, to make the connection stronger and not fall apart during operation (the receiver can be moved to another place), reinforce it with regular electrical tape.

We may have devoted too much space to this cable, but it is still the most versatile of all solutions.

Tulips are not only flowers

All the cables that we will consider below are used to connect equipment indoors. It is impossible to purchase them as moldings and mount the connector yourself. And the first on our list will be, perhaps, the most popular option - a composite RCA jack cable. In Russia it is better known as “tulip” or “bell”.

The cable has three cores, each containing a standard RCA male plug at the end, which looks like a contact pin protruding forward, surrounded by a round rim of metal. The mating connector (“female”) is located on the contact panel of the connected equipment and has a diameter of 8 mm.

One core is intended for transmitting a video signal, and the remaining two are for stereophonic.

The image quality that this connector is capable of transmitting is quite good - it is quite capable of handling a 480p signal with minor losses in quality. The disadvantage is that the composite mixes signals together thanks to multiplexing technology, which is why the quality of the restored image deteriorates compared to the original. Such signals, when mixed, create the effect of blurring shades and primary colors along the boundaries of objects - the picture turns out to be slightly blurry.