How work watches wrist sensory My fit. Instructions for application MI FIT in Russian

Active lifestyle recently in fashion - more and more people are involved in the process of physical development of their body, they are interested in sports. In order not to do this mindlessly, the modern world offers many smart gadgets to help novice athletes and athletes. Fitness tracker is one of these devices. These electronic gadgets are able to keep the statistics of your sports, while not burdening the burden on the body. The weight of the fitness tracker is commensurate with the weight of ordinary hours, and sometimes they are even easier to the strap classic jewelry bracelets.

Xiaomi is one of the most "folk" companies producing electronics, also has its own model of a fitness tracker. It is called this wearable device Mi Band. For many ordinary people who are not strongly followed by the development trends of the smart gadgets industry, it may be in a novelty such a device. On this page we will give detailed instructions for MI Band in Russian. This instruction will contain several stages that will need to be performed when preparing for use, as well as a list of available functions for working with the device.

Instructions for MI Band in Russian: Getting Started

In a box from Mi Band, you will find except the tracker itself, such items:

  • Cable charger with input made according to USB standard.
  • Strap, with the help of which you can wear a tracker on your hand.
  • Instructions for MI Band in Russian.
  • Tracker and battery charging device.

In order to fully charge the Fitness tracker Xiaomi, you must insert one end of the charging cable into the tracker, and the other in the USB slot of your PC, a laptop or charging adapter, the current of which does not exceed one amper. You will learn about 100% accumulator charges for the tracker LEDs - they will stop flashing and will emit a uniform light. To pump the battery, the first charging must be performed within two hours. In the future, the device will be charged much faster.

In no case should not use the excess power charger or any non-original charging device - the instruction for MI Band in Russian is reading about this. Otherwise, the tracker can "burn" from excessive current. Also, do not try to start working with the device, without having not charged it.

Creating a personal profile on the Xiaomi website

Before you start working with the application on your phone, you have to create a special profile in this application or do it using a web browser.

If you are using Xiaomi Mi Band 2 and instructions in Russian, it will be indicated that it will be necessary to pass authentication through the browser on the link:

Next, you will need to fill out a reference registration questionnaire using your real data. You can also remove a tick that talks about the agreement to send Xiaomi advertising messages, because it is currently inaccessible in Russian.

Your identifier in the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 application system, according to instructions in Russian, can become e-mail and mobile phone number.

After the registration procedure, you will get access to the user's office. Registration in the appendix occurs according to an identical procedure. If something has not happened, it is better to look again into the instructions on Mi Band in Russian.

Installation of applications

Working with the tracker involves using the application on your smartphone, so it is necessary to install it.

For devices that are used as an Android operating system not lower than version 4.3, and also support BT technology above 4.0, simply install the official application from the Google Play Store. It is called Mi Fit and works in English.

If you bought the Xiaomi Mi Band and are looking for instructions in Russian with iPhone, you can also install MI FIT on the iOS device not lower than version 7.0. You must have an iPhone 4S or a newer model. The next step will be setting the application.

Configure an application for a smartphone

Perform authorization in MI FIT. Initial installations for the application will be such parameters as your height, weight, age. It will be necessary to specify nickname (alias), and then connect the tracker to the Bluetooth wireless technology smartphone. Please note: your phone must support bluetooth fourth version or higher to connect to Xiaomi Mi Band. The instruction in Russian for iOS 8 here will not be different from similar to Android.

In order to connect the smartphone and tracker, turn on both devices and run the application. Then, following the instructions on the screen, binding one gadget to another. If everything went successfully, the phone automatically initiates the firmware update for the tracker - it can last different amounts of time, depending on the speed of your Internet and the amount of updating.

We use a destination tracker

The graphical interface of the application elements was created in such a way that all the necessary functions and tabs are in view. The main screen contains such tabs:

  • notifications;
  • profile;
  • activity.

The application contains convenient statistics, go to which you can by pressing the circular diagram. The detailed information will be displayed there, as well as the histogram about the number of your steps throughout the distance and burned calories. You can switch to swipe to the left of the past days, or you can group information on certain days, weeks, arbitrary periods.

The Sleep tab displays information about your states at night. The phases of slow and fast sleep, the moment of interruption of sleep - all this is displayed in the tab. A little lower than this information you can view the time detail all these phases. Swile left, according to tradition, displays the previous night data. Button "Statistics" will display us the data for the grouping on weeks, months or other periods.

On the Weight tab, at the top of the screen, the schedule of changes that happened with your weight is displayed. Add another user to this section can be independently, as well as switch between profiles. Warning indicators occurs according to single pressing on a special button. The Weight Tab also allows you to learn the body mass index, analyze the dynamics of changes in the mass of your body, determine the type of your physique: heavy, excessive, normal, secondary or easy.

Your achievements

Function "Running"

First of all, you need to enable GPS satellite navigation feature, then wait until the program connects with the required number of satellite systems. As soon as the green light comes around, you can press the "Start" button. In this mode, you will be displayed on the smartphone screen. Basic information about your body's condition when running. To switch to view the navigation on the map, press the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the screen. This will allow you to track the trajectory of the running route. For a pause, you must perform a long press on the screen.

Mi Band alerts

It is also possible to configure notifications for the period when you use the Xiaomi Mi Band fitness tracker. The instruction in Russian with an iPhone says that, for example, for incoming calls, you can install an alert at a specific time after the call or disable at all if the call was made from an indefinite number. The alarm function on the tracker will work, even if your smartphone is in a discharged state. In addition, you can configure notifications about any types of text messages or alerts from another software on your smartphone.

Features of the use of tracker

For correct and continuous operation and the safety of the device, you must adhere to some important requirements.

The Fitness Bracelet Xiaomi Mi Band Pulse in the instructions in Russian is represented as a gadget, which has the level of protection according to the IP67 standard. This implies protection against splashes of water and exposure to dust. The bracelet is able to withstand immersion under water to one meter depth, but is not adapted for regular use in such conditions.

Sometimes interruptions in the synchronization between the bracelet and the smartphone are possible. This happens due to the effects of radio signals, which act as interference for bluetooth technology. The device, however, can cope with this problem and independently restores communication with the application on the phone.

To date, mobile technologies entered the life of almost every person and occupy a leading position in it, if we talk about the frequency of use of certain devices. A modern smartphone is not positioned for a toy for a long time, since its functionality has turned the device into a full-fledged working complex. The developers were cut off on time, which can earn, and therefore began to create various accessories (bracelets, clocks) and gadgets, expanding the functionality of the already smart mobile phones. The following is detailed for Xiaomi Mi Band 2 instructions with all the nuances of using the bracelet and the MI FIT application, at the expense of which the device is connected and synchronized with the smartphone.

In fact, then the Xiaomi Mi Band contains instructions in Russian, but it is natural to start naturally with the very unpacking of the product. If the original bracelet was purchased and the appearance of the packaging, then you need to start working with charging the device to finally confirm its authenticity and prepare for first use.

The package must contain the following items:

  • xiaomi Mi Band 2 bracelet itself, divided by the strap and the tracker inserting into it;
  • charging USB cable.

Terms of use of the charger and tracker

For MI Band, the setting is an important stage, but you still need to learn how to charge the bracelet correctly. By connecting a new band, you need to pull the tracker from the strap, and then insert it into the charger with contacts inside (as deep as possible, but without effort). Then the charger must be inserted into your computer's free USB port (recommended) or a USB adapter for a standard outlet. The charging time of the bracelet does not exceed two hours.

The level of the tracker's charge is marked with three LEDs flashing in the process of charging and evenly luminous when the device is fully charged. The standard time of the first charging cycle is about 2 hours. All subsequent charging will occupy much less time. The tracker needs to be charged completely, it is also worth avoiding non-standard charging methods, since the incorrect current supply will cause the device to burn.

Installing Mi Fit and Account Registration

The next step after unpacking the bracelet is its connection to the smartphone, but it cannot be carried out without.

More detailed instructions can be obtained in an already written article on this issue, but in the abbreviated form of the MI Band bracelet owner's action algorithm.

  1. The MI FIT application is installed from the Play Market or App Store.
  2. Registration of the MI account is carried out through the browser by reference either through the application itself.

After registration, MI Band 2 can be configured, but for this you have to make the initial settings in the MI FIT application, thanks to which the bracelet is tied to the smartphone and constant data synchronization occurs.

Initial settings MI FIT

Now you need to configure the application itself for correct operation with it:

  1. Naturally, authorization is performed first with or only registered login and password.

  1. Then it is necessary that the user enters its personal data into the application: the name (nickname), the floor, date of birth, growth, weight, the minimum number of steps that is planned to be overcome daily.

  1. Immediately after entering the specified data, the bracelet binding menu will open, where it will be necessary to select the connected device.

  1. After successful synchronization, MI FIT will offer to update the bracelet firmware to the current version. During this process, you do not need to turn off the phone or delete MI Band from it. Immediately after the firmware, the application interface will open, which can be started to use.

Using Mi Fit and Mi Band

After connecting the MI Band succeeded successfully, you can start exploring the application interface that has become available to us. On the main screen there are three tabs: "Activity", "Notifications" and "Profile".

Tab "Activity"

From the screen of this tab, you can go to several functional sections: "Statistics", "Sleep", "Weight", "Straight of Achievements", etc.

In the English version, this tab is called "Status". From this section, you can move in statics of various actions by pressing a circle with steps or other sections in the event strip.


In this section, you can get if you click on the circle with the number of steps, which is posted on the "Activity" tab.

Features of working with this section:

  • Svilee will open the statistics section over the past days;
  • Pressing the "Statistics" button will lead to the opening of the overall summary, which can be sorted by day, weeks and months.


Turning to the "Sleep" section, the user can get the following information:

  • Statistics of sleep session for the previous night indicating the duration of all phases and the moments of awakening;
  • Swile to the right will allow you to view statistics for earlier sleep sessions;
  • If you click the "Statistics" button in the "Sleep" section, you can group data by day, weeks, months, etc.


Finding into this section, the user observes the following functional elements:

  • Schedule change weight indicators;
  • The schedule is located a list of users, corrected directly from this section (just click on the desired name for the transition);
  • The specific weight rate is remembered by pressing the special button "WEIGHT";
  • You can always control the index indicators of the body mass, its weight, dynamics, and also evaluate the physique.

"Straight of achievements"

This section is a good stimulus for Mi Band 2 owners, since it displays all the goals that managed to achieve when using the bracelet.

The main indicators are the main:


Running the "Run" section, the user must activate GPS navigation in advance so that the device finds active satellites. As soon as the optimal number of satellites will be displayed in MI FIT (light green), you can press the start and go to the distance. In the running process, basic information on the state of the runner will be displayed, and if you go to the view "Map", you can follow the trajectory of movement. Stop reading information, for example, when switching to step, you can hold the "pause" button.

Tab "Notifications" and Work Principle

On this tab, you can configure configuration of notifications for basic events, as well as configure the function of duplication to the bracelet.

The list of controlled notifications includes:

  • Calls. The bracelet will respond to each call after a certain period of time. Also included the lock function will save from calls from unfamiliar numbers.
  • Alarm clock. After setting up the bracelet will wake the owner even with a discharged phone or duplicate the signal of the phone itself, which may not be enough to remove the host from sleep.
  • Messages. Works by analogy with the call.
  • Applications. Setup is carried out for each application installed on the phone, and notifications on the principle of messages are operating.

Function "Unlock Screen"

Entering this settings menu, the user can:

  • Configure the screen unlocking the screen in such a way that you only have to carry out the phone with a bracelet and do not make unnecessary movements across the screen or the fingerprint sensor;
  • Configure MI Band Visibility Parameters for other devices.

Tab "Profile"

The last tab, in fact, does not require explanations, because it is clear that the profile contains all the information about the user of the bracelet and configuration of this device.

Yet it is worth saying that in this menu you can:

  • View personal information introduced at the configuration stage and connecting the bracelet to the smartphone;
  • Examine the list of devices connected to the smartphone and their configuration. In the case of MI BAND, we are talking about the possibility of searching the bracelet using the phone (forces the sounds of sounds and flash), shifts of LED colors, determining the location of the device, activation / blocking notifications;
  • You can also view the data on the firmware of the bracelet and untie it from a particular phone;
  • Even below, settings are the objectives of the bracelet owner, notifications about the collected statistics, other settings and services.

Other possibilities of bracelet

This list of useful functions MI BAND does not end.

It is worth highlighting the following features:

  • Visual control of the achieved goals for the first version of the bracelet. Everything is simple enough: three indicators were described above, in the working condition of the bracelet (not on charge) are used to measure the level of achievement of goals. To activate this feature, you need to make a certain gesture, raise your hand and turn the bracelet to yourself, as if watching the clock.

  • Search bracelet. Above already described about this function, but still it is worthwhile to give specific instructions for its use. Having passed along the path "Profile - Devices - MI Band", click the appropriate search button.
  • Service "Friends". Your friends and family members who own similar bracelets can become members of the MI Band network. Everyone can follow the achievements of each other, as well as send welcome notices to someone else's bracelet.

Performance features of the bracelet

What you should know about the features that are not included in the description, but playing an important role:

  1. The device has "waterproofability", but this does not mean that it can float. The bracelet can not be removed in the shower, in the rain or when washing dishes. A short dive to a depth of 1 meter The device is likely to stand, but it is better not to risk. Especially fear of salt water in the resorts.
  2. Automatic recovery of contact with smartphone. The cause of rare cases of disynchronization may be interference, created by other devices running with Bluetooth wireless connection. The tracker when disabling independently continues attempts to restore the connection until another synchronization.
  3. Long service life without recharging. The average user MI Band 2 can do without recharging the bracelet for about a month. This time decreases if the device is constantly synchronized with the smartphone.
  4. Convenient fixing the housing in the strap. There is only a slight risk that the tracker will be squeezed from the fixing compartment on its elastic and elastic strap. However, this situation is possible only with excessive mechanical pressure on the device.
  5. Real utility of the bracelet for the body. Naturally, the device will not remind the owner of how much you need to walk / run, sleep, eat, etc. This is only auxiliary tool that simplifies the process of achieving the optimal condition of the body and spirit.
  6. It is worth mentioning about the curve translation, with the result that you can see the temperature parameter, in fact it was so translated burned calories.

Alternative models of bracelet.

As an alternative version for the considered MI Band 2, we have written for MI Band 1S user manual indicating the main differences of this device.

What you need to know about this bracelet:

  1. It all also connects to the phone via Bluetooth wireless technology.
  2. When first use, asks for it, and in the future requires this procedure in about a month of operation.
  3. To work properly, you will need to enter your data in the MI FIT, and then using the detailed guide presented above, to connect and configure.

Differences with a newer (second) version are not so much. When considering the MI Band 1S Pulse, the instruction to it makes it clear that this model with the Pulse prefix is \u200b\u200bdirected precisely for measuring the heart rate of the owner.

Naturally, Mi Band 2 also knows how to do this, but in this modification, the pulse analysis is made from different sides:

  • measurements are made by means of phototypes;
  • the data is displayed on the display in 15 seconds;
  • the work of the bracelet is carried out in active (with manual activation) and passive (everyday) mode (2 times per minute).

The disadvantage is that the Xiaomi Mi Band 1S Pulse fitness bracelet will not measure the pulse when the charge is reduced below the value of 10%.


Of the foregoing, it is important to understand only that to achieve optimal physical condition and high level of health, not enough to buy a bracelet, entering its parameters and properly configuration. Regular sports, walking and steadily active lifestyle is what remains for the owner of the bracelet.

Despite the fact that Xiaomi has already released the third version of the fitness bracelet, Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is still one of the most popular fitness bracelets in the world. Instructions on the use of this gadget on the Internet mass, but since its launch has passed quite a lot of time, therefore the tracker itself and the MI Fit application received some updates.

We decided to make updated instructions for in Russian. We will also try to answer the most frequently asked questions on this gadget, for example, how to enable MI Band 2, how to set up a smart alarm clock, how to restart, etc.

To begin with, let's go through the main functions and capabilities of MI Band 2. Even from the very definition of the "fitness bracelet" it is clear that its main functions are aimed at tracking activity and sports. One of the most useful features of the device is the pulse frequency measurement. Also, thanks to the built-in accelerometer and gyroscope, the tracker may consider steps, distance and calories.

He can also evaluate sleep quality, remind of activity, wake in the mornings of light vibration on hand, etc. From the smart functions of MI Band 2 supports calls, SMS, and messages from social networks, and, of course, display time and date.

If standard functions are not enough, they can be expanded using third-party applications. For example, configure smart alarm clock, managing the music of a smartphone, etc. But, about this later.

Setting up Xiaomi Mi Band 2

The bracelet setting is very simple and will not take much time.

How to enable / disable MI Band 2

The question is how to enable MI Band 2 usually occurs immediately after unpacking. The answer is simple - no way. If the tracker is charged with a battery, it is already automatically enabled and ready to pair with a Bluetooth smartphone. If, after clicking on a single sensor button at the bottom of the screen, it will not turn on, then the battery is discharged or the device is faulty. There are no other options.

With the shutdown of the device, the situation is approximately the same. You will not be able to turn it off. The only way is to wait for the battery discharge. Some users for rebooting or turning off the tracker resort to unusual ways: put it in the freezer for several days or closed the contacts of the bracelet. However, we strongly recommend this. This can lead to a battery malfunction or the entire tracker.

To charge the battery, first of all you need to remove the capsule from the strap. This is done by easy melting capsule inside. To charge the bracelet, use the "native" charger supplied in the kit. Connect it recommended to the USB port of the computer, laptop, or power adapter with the output current no more than 500 - 700 mA.

Of course, you can also charge a Power bank or a higher current adapter at the output, but this will lead to a faster wear of the battery. The full charge of the battery will require approximately 1.5 hours.

Charger at Xiaomi Mi Band 2 specific, so unpleasant if it broke or lost. But even if it happened, it did not matter. In any Chinese online store it costs less than a dollar, for example.

To fully use all the functions of the fitness bracelet, you need to connect to a smartphone or tablet. The gadget runs the operating system Android 4.4 or iOS 7 and more new versions. Mi Fit application is used for pairing and configuration. To date, the version of Mi Fit 3.4.6 is relevant. For smartphones running Windows, another application will be required, such as Bind Mi Band.

The application can be downloaded from here, or find by name in Google Play Market Apps for Android smartphones and AppStore for iOS devices. After downloading it must be installed and run. At the next stage, you will need a MI account. If you have it, it remains to enter a login and password, and click "Log in". If there is no account, you will have to go through a simple registration procedure.

To register an account, you will need an email address, a phone number, or an account in one of the social networks: Facebook, Google or Wechat. The registration process is very simple, just follow the instructions and everything will turn out.

  • Name.
  • Floor.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Height.
  • Weight.
  • Purpose (number of steps per day).

Then you need to select MI Band 2 from the list of devices, and take the bracelet sync process with a smartphone. To do this, the bracelet must be reduced as close as possible to the smartphone and after it swings to press the button below the screen. Everything, the bracelet is connected, and you can switch to its configuration.

The application menu is divided into three tabs: status, activity and profile. To verify the success of the bracelet connection, you must go to the "Profile" tab. If the connection has passed successfully, the bracelet name will be displayed in the "Devices" section. Some settings are made in the same tab. Let's go through it in more detail.

The goal of activity. Here you can change the number of steps that you want to pass the day.

Purpose of weight. In this submenu, you can set the planned weight.

Friends. There is an opportunity to add friends or relatives to exchange information about activity and sleep.

Add accounts.

Alert activity. By activating this feature, daily at a certain time will be provided information about activity during the day.

Awakening notifications. In the morning you will be displayed information about sleep status.

Tags of behavior. Some users face the situation when the bracelet does not correctly consider steps. To eliminate this shortage, the pedometer needs to calibrate. Just for these purposes and are designed labels. When performing any action, a certain label is selected, and the bracelet understands, for example, you are currently driving and you do not need to count the steps. The bracelet will remember the movement at every lesson, and in the future it will take steps as accurately as possible.

Smart analysis. When activating this feature, the application will provide personalized recommendations for improving sleep quality.

Help. This tab contains legal information related to the use of data obtained by a fitness tracker.

Running in the background.


Settings. Here you can select units of measurements, and check the availability of updates.

Now let's turn to the settings of the bracelet itself. To do this, in the same tab "Profile" you need to click on the name of the bracelet. In the window that opens, settings are available:

Unlock screen. This feature allows you to configure the so-called "smart unlock". That is, the smartphone will be unlocked when the fitness bracelet approaches it.

Alerts about an incoming call. When you activate this option, the bracelet with an incoming call will vibrate. Also in this tab, you can set the vibration delay when an incoming call.

Alarm clock.

Alerts. In this tab, alerts from social networks are activated and applications are selected, the alerts from which will be displayed in the bracelet.

Not idle. Useful function, which through the set time intervals will remind you of the need to stroll.

Alerts on SMS.

Notifications and goals. When you activate this option, the bracelet will depend as soon as you pass the scheduled number of steps.

"Do not disturb" mode. This tab sets the time to which the bracelet will not vibrate.

Search bracelet. When you click on this option, the bracelet wore, and it can be found, for example, under the sofa.

The location of the bracelet. Here you need to choose the hand on which you will wear a device.

Display settings. This tab selects information displayed on the screen. For example, if the calories are not needed, they can be turned off, and when switching functions, they will not be displayed on the screen.

Time format. You can choose from two options: just a clock or watches on the day of the week and the date.

Screen activation of wrist lift.

Switching functions by turning the wrist.

Pulse tracking during sleep. You can get more accurate data on the tracking of the pulse, but the battery is discharged faster.

At the bottom of this tab, there is a short Xiaomi Mi Band 2 instruction, the version of its firmware, the Bluetooth address and the bracelet dislocation button from the smartphone.

Tab "Status"

This tab contains all information about activity. In the upper half of the screen, information on the number of steps has passed, distance and spent calories is displayed. By clicking on the circle I get into the interface in which you can see detailed information about each parameter for the current day or for the previous ones.

In the bottom half of the screen, the status tab is information about the dream, the pulse rate, weight and achievement of goals.

Tab "Activity"

In this tab, tracking four types of activity, such as running, running track, bike and walking. To configure additional parameters, click on the "gear" in the upper right corner of the screen.

Settings are as follows:

  • Automatic stop detection (not supported on a treadmill).
  • Transformation of text into speech.
  • Enable Always Active Screen.
  • Displays information on the lock screen.
  • Choosing a card on a smartphone.
  • Critical Pulse Warning.
  • Warning of slow pace during running.
  • The application seemed to deal with the application, we now turn to additional issues.

MI Band 2 does not support the "Smart Alarm clock" function, but this can be fixed using additional applications. There are their large quantities, but one of the most popular - Mi Band Smart Alarm (XSmart). You can download it from the Google Play store.

You will need the MAC address of the tracker. You can find it in the application, the profile tab, then click on the name of the bracelet and at the bottom we see the MAC address or Bluetooth address.

Enter the address in a special field in XSmart application and set the alarm clock. Now in our MI Band alarm "Smart", and not ordinary.

To control the camera, the smartphone will also need a third-party application. This app is to shoot and app Mi Band 2/3 and Amazfit Selfie to use the bracelet button as a camera shutter control panel.

The MI Band 2/3 and Amazfit Selfie application will request the MAC address of the tracker. Where to find it we have already written above. After entering the address, click "Connect". Now open the Free Camera application and the button on the bracelet make a snapshot.

Music will also help the application from third-party developers. The simplest thing is Mi Band 2 Func Button from the Google Play store. Further, all over the old scheme: Sets, run, enter the MAC address and connect. Settings in the application a lot, but they are very simple and understandable. You can assign music management functions to a single press of a button, two, three-time or twist of the wrist.

Automatically measure the pulse MI Band 2 does not know how. To measure the pulse, you need to switch the bracelet button to the pulse measurement icon and wait a bit. After some time, the current pulse frequency appears on the tracker screen. In the application, the measurement results are not saved.

To fix the pulse in the application you need to go to the Statistics section, then the pulse, then measure. After measuring, we save the results.

How to set up time on Mi Band 2?

At the most fitness bracelet, it is impossible to configure time. After pairing with a smartphone, time is synchronized automatically, and the time and date from the smartphone will be displayed on the tracker screen.

How to update the firmware Mi Band 2?

The bracelet firmware occurs automatically, and often along with the update of the MI FIT application. If you really want to check the availability of updates, you need to go to the Profile tab, then settings, then check the availability of updates.

How to untie Xiaomi Mi Band 2 from the phone?

If you decide to sell, give or simply change the smartphone, the bracelet must be untied. To do this, in the MI Fit application, we switch to the "Profile" tab, select the device and at the bottom of the tabulated tab clamp the "Disable" button.

Buying smart devices, you must read the instructions for them. The same applies to work with, it would seem like this simple gadget, as the bracelet Xiaomi Mi Band 2. He is a sports smart tracker, which, with the help of a special program, fite establishes communication with the smartphone. And on the smartphone, in turn, all physical indicators of the human bracelet are visible. But that all this has earned, you need to correctly install the application and make sure settings, and not everyone is capable of such an instruction.

That's just the company sends the instruction in Chinese, so that even with the dictionary to figure out what is written in it, too complicated. But pleases that the folk craftsmen translated a guide to Siaomi gadgets, thanks to which the use of the MI FIT app was much more convenient. At least, now they do not have to do all the settings, trying to guess which of them will allow to calculate the pulse of the athlete, and which is suitable for tracking his steps.

Charging is the first thing to pay attention to the instructions in order not to break the gadget, just bought it. Immediately after buying a fitness bracelet, the following manipulations should be performed:

  1. Unpack the device and carefully pull the tracker from the strap (it happens that the tracker comes in a separate package, then this procedure is irrelevant).
  2. Take the charger and install MI Band 2 in it, but so that it is contacting inside. Do not overdo it by installing the tracker. It is important that it is placed neatly, but backed tightly.
  3. Next, the bracelet must be charged, and you can do it if it is connected to the port of the computer or to the outlet. But the option with the computer is preferable. The fact is that the gadget is very sensitive to voltage drops, which in the network often happen, therefore may break.
  4. Leave the gadget approximately for two hours, and the charge will be complete. To check at what level it is enough to look at the charging level indicator. When the bracelet can work fully, three LEDs on the device will shine uniform light.

What is interesting, two hours is the time for the first charging. Applications of subsequent charging will occupy much less time if you do everything right now.

Give gifts

Installing the MI FIT and account registration

After the device is fully charged, the gadget should be connected to the smartphone. This is a mandatory step that allows you to fully use, since without this it is only an ornament that does not bring any benefit except decorative.

That is why it is so important to download and install on your smartphone Mi Fit. Here are some features of working with this application:

  • To download an application on an Android smartphone, you need to go to Play Market and find among Mi Fit applications;
  • For owners of EPL smartphones, the application should be signed on the App Store;
  • After the application was downloaded, further settings should be made through the browser or on the smartphone itself, depending on how convenient.

Go to activation of the account you can right in the program itself, so as not to look for the site on the network. The setting is quite understandable, even if the user first faces such a gadget. On Mi Band 2, the instruction of which is now being seen, it is very easy to create a program and register in it.

But there are some restrictions both when registering with smartphones on android and from Apple products. In the first case, in order for the smartphone to be installed at least the Android 4.3 operating system and the Bluetooth 4.0 working module. But in the case of the EPL, the situation is so that the smartphone should work on the operating system not lower than iOS 7.0, that is, be not younger than iPhone 4S.

Setting up the program

In order to ensure normal operation of the program, you need to synchronize the tracker and smartphone. And this can be done using the operating manual, which indicates the initial settings and when to do them.

So, if the program started, a person who plans to use it, should specify the following data. It is advisable not to sick and specify the most reliable information:

  1. The first step is to authorize. Since you are already when you downloaded the application and performed the first settings, you will cope with this task.
  2. The second step is to specify your name.
  3. Further setting requires specifying the floor of the bracelet owner, since men and women are different pulse frequency, and other processes in the body pass differently.
  4. The date of birth is also important, since thanks to her the program recognizes the age of the bracelet owner, adjusting its indicators for age parameters.
  5. The fifth step is to indicate growth. It is important for counting steps and distance traveled.
  6. And of course, you should specify the truthful weight. This is in your own interests, otherwise the use of the tracker will not be any sense.
  7. Be sure to specify the daily purpose of the use of the gadget. For example, the exact number of steps to be passed throughout the day. If the desired number of steps has already been done, the bracelet owner will feel vibration.
  8. After entering personal information, from the list of proposed devices, click on the bracelet.

It works as follows - the program calculates the distance and burned calories, taking into account the approximate width of the step. And if the goal is achieved, the gadget vibrates.

If the settings have been made successfully, then using a Bluetooth smartphone will update the MI Band 2. After that, the system time will begin on the tracker display, the speed and tracking of other parameters will begin.

Features of the Xiaomi Mi Fit program

The application is a very important part of the successful work of the bracelet, therefore it is necessary to study its interface well. For example, when you click on the main screen, then three tabs will appear:

  • Activity;
  • Notifications;
  • Profile.

Each of these tabs has several functional sections. For example, click on "Activity" And you will see subsections: "Sleep", "Statistics", "Weight" etc.

There is also a tab with notifications where you can synchronize the incoming messages on the bracelet. So when a notification comes to the smartphone, the bracelet will show it.

But the menu with the profile allows you to view personal information that was entered at the time of configuring the program. Also, using this program, the shift bracelet is easy to find, as it starts flashing and serve sound signals, which strongly helps in search.

Although it should be borne in mind that the instruction in Russian to MI FIT is rarely (perhaps you are specifically searched for). There are much more options in English. So if you do not know it, go to the Word.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is a modern "smart" bracelet, which can count the steps, calories traveled by the distance, as well as fix the pulse of its owner. For those who just bought or going to buy this gadget, it will be useful to know what it is capable and how it works.

What is in the box?

Switching between screens is carried out by pressing the touch key located below the display.

The information on the screen alternates in this order:

  • current time;
  • the number of steps passed;
  • traveled distance;
  • the number of calories burned;
  • pulse;
  • battery charge balance.

In order for the start information to be displayed on the display, you must do the following:

Register Mi account

Install the MI Fit application

The MI Fit application allows you to fully interact with the "smart" bracelet MI Band 2. You can use not only Android devices to connect it, but also Apple products with some restrictions:

  • android 4.3 operating system or higher with the presence of the Bluetooth 4.0 module;
  • the operating system from the IOS 7.0 version and the smartphone is not older than the iPhone 4S.

For android smartphones, the application can be downloaded from Google Play, download MI FIT in Russian or install a modified version, and for iOS you will need to find it in the AppStore application store.

When you first start the program, you will be logged in with the help of a recorded earlier MI account and enter information about yourself:

  • date of birth;
  • height;
  • daily goal (the desired number of steps covered per day).

This is necessary for more accurate calculations, since the system considers the distance and burned calories taking into account the exemplary step width.

After entering personal data from the list of selected devices, choose "Bracelet".

During connection, some problems may arise. In the event that MI FIT does not see MI Band 2, try to find a solution in these articles:

If everything went successfully, using Bluetooth connection, the smartphone updates the MI Band 2 firmware and a set system time appears on the tracker display, as well as the counts of steps and other parameters.

If desired, the list of displayed information can be changed going into the fitness bracelet settings.

Xiaomi Mi Fit.

Since the MI Fit application is set in Russian by default, it will not be difficult to deal with it, but we still consider the main features of the program.

The application consists of the main windows: status, notifications and profile.

In the upper left corner of the window "Status" there is a button switching devices to run mode.

Thanks to him, it is possible to conduct a permanent account of his heartbeat during jogging, fix the route, distance, burned calories, step rate, average pace and other parameters.


The main indicators are displayed, including: free information, weight (installed automatically or measured using smart scales Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale), pulse, as well as the results of achieving daily target. In each of the indicators you can go and study the statistics in more detail.

Sleep statistics makes it possible to find out how much it lasted and in what periods was deep or easy. Awakening moments are also recorded. The application allows you to view daily data, as well as Monday and monthly.

Section with weight tracking will be interesting to those who want to lose weight or recover. If you do not have "smart" scales that are able to synchronize with Mi Fit, you will have to periodically enter data manually.

As for the pulse measurement, the MI Band 2 pulsometer is able to operate both in automatic mode (by pressing the touch button by calling the appropriate menu item) and through the Mi Fit application. The difference is that when calling through the application, the measurement will fall into the database, and by pressing the tracker button, they will simply appear on the display of the bracelet.


In the Notifications section, you can configure events in which the bracelet will vibrate or display information messages.


At this point, you can configure information about incoming calls and display on the bracelet bracelet screen.

Alarm clock

Ability to configure vibration when the alarm is triggered.

Each of the alarms can be configured for a certain time and a certain period of operation - one-time, daily or on certain days of the week.


Vibration of a smartphone with certain programs notifications.

The list of programs is configured individually.


Vibration MI Band 2 In the event that the user sits without movement for more than an hour.

There is an opportunity to set up the start time and end of the wake period. At another time, the bracelet will not disturb reminders about the need to go a little.


Alerts with vibration about the arrival of short text messages.

You can configure the name or sender number.

Do not disturb

Setting the period during which vibration does not work.

The system can keep track of what you sleep and automatically disable vibration.

Loss of Communications

Alert vibration in case of loss of communication with a smartphone.

When you enter the Bluetooth zone, the bracelet is automatically connected to the smartphone.

Unlock screen

The ability to unlock the smartphone without having to enter a password or a graphic key when the bracelet is close near the mobile device.


Allows other devices to see the bracelet.

Synchronization with Google Fit

Synchronization of data from Google, which is designed to collect and storing data on the physical activity of the user.

Tags of the behavior

In this section, you can mark periods of performing various exercise.

It is assumed that in this case the device self-learning and adapts to the rhythm of the life of its owner.


This section is designed to establish goals, search and add friends, inclusion of notifications of activity and sleep, as well as search for friends, setting up and functioning the bracelet.

Here you can untie the bracelet from your account or find it if you lose among things in the room.


  • The Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness tracker has IP67 protection, which allows you to use it in the rain or shower. Do not wear a gadget while swimming in the pool, river and especially in salty sea water.
  • In some cases, the strap rigidity can be observed, which can lead to the tracker's loss. You can eliminate this problem by purchasing a new bracelet.
  • It is recommended to charge the MI Band 2 charger with a current power of not more than 1 A. Modern charging with current in 2a can derive a gadget.