The computer is hung on a reboot. Reboot the computer freezes windows

This problem may occur on computers whose BIOS supports advanced power management. The problem occurs in the event of a conflict between the BIOS settings and the advanced power management setting on the control panel in the "Power" section. As a temporary solution, you can recommend disabling support for advanced power management on the control panel. For the final solution to the problem, contact your computer supplier with a request to configure the BIOS or update its version.

Such behavior of the system can be observed when installed network components, including Microsoft TCP / IP protocol. In order to avoid the appearance of this problem, create the ShutDownWaitTime (DWORD) parameter to the address in the system registry and set the time interval in milliseconds during which the system will be in standby mode before starting the shutdown process. This value is selected empirically. Change must be made up to zoom. The default value is 1000 ms.

Often the computer freezes when it is turned off, if the damaged sound file is installed in the settings for shutdown. In order to remove the sound output from Windows, go to the control panel, select the "Sound" section, and in it "out of Windows", after which in the "Name" pop-up menu, select "(No)".

The problem may occur when conflict new equipment with Windows. If the operating system stopped correctly completing the operation after installing the new equipment, try disable it and try to complete the work. If it does not arise any problems, contact the device manufacturer to troubleshoot.

Try delete all programs that are automatically downloaded with Windows. It is possible that one of them prevents Windows to complete the work. Links to automatically downloading programs you can find:

  • In the "Startup" folder. Default path:
    C: \\ Windows \\ Main menu \\ Programs \\ Autoload
  • In the registry at
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run
  • In the registry at
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Runonce
  • In the registry at
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Run
  • In the registry at
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Runonce
  • In the registry at
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Runonceex
  • In the registry at
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ RunServices
  • In the registry at
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ RunServicesonce

After making changes, restart the computer.

Possible troubleshooting when the computer is turned off can be downloading programs or drivers from Win.ini system files, System.ini, config.sys or autoexec.bat. In order to check, run the MSConfig program (enters the standard Windows 98 and above), select Selective Startup and remove the checkboxes in front of the strings: "Process Win.ini File", "Process System.ini File", "Process Autoexec .bat file "," Process Config.sys File "

If the tick is not available on one or several items, then nothing is loaded from this file. After that restart the computer.

Some device drivers can cause similar problems. Basically, these are drivers of sound cards, video adapters and network adapters. Try to check all devices in the following categories:

  • Video adapters
  • Controllers of flexible disks
  • Hard drive controllers
  • Keyboard
  • Network fees
  • PCMCIA fees
  • COM and LPT ports
  • SCSI controllers
  • Audio, video and game controllers.

In order to disable the device, right-click on "My Computer", select "Properties", and then the Device tab. Next, select the desired device from the list, click on the "Properties" button and in the window that appears, select the checkbox "Disabled in this configuration". Do not forget to enable all shutdown devices again after checking. If this method does not help, check your video adapter. To do this, run the standard MSCONFIG utility, select the Advanced section and set the cathroot opposite VGA 640x480x16. In addition, installing a standard VGA driver for a video adapter can help. To do this, right-click on the desktop and select "Properties". Select the Options tab and click on the "Advanced" button. Click on the Edit button. Mark the "List of devices" item in the window that appears. Among the manufacturers, select "(Standard Types of Video Auditals)", and among the models - "Standard Video Adapter (VGA)".

If it helped, contact the video adapter manufacturer to resolve the problem.

In some cases, problems with the completion of the work causes extended support for power management. In order to disable it, right-click on my computer and select "Properties", and then the Device tab. In the list, select "System Devices", and in them - "Extended Power Management Support" and double click on this item. In the window that appears, select the Settings tab and check the Force APM 1.0 Mode and Disable Power Status Polling items. If they are already marked, then remove the checkboxes. After that restart the computer.

Hello dear readers. From the spring itself, I did not add anything new to the blog. This is the reason one - with the onset of summer switched homemade, and since I live in the countryside, in a private house, these are never ended. During this time, Yandex has swap successfully, and not numerous, almost all my recordings from search results. Apparently Yandex Bot found that my blog "died." Annoying. Well, okay, I will continue to publish new materials and hopes that everything will return to its places.

Today I want to tell you about the problem that often arises with the computer, especially currently actual in the summer - this is when the computer has not suddenly begins to slow down, hang or completely spontaneously overloaded.

This is the most difficult, in determining the cause, malfunction. Rather, the reasons can only be two: this is a malfunction of iron (motherboard or other components) and software problems (for example viruses, incorrectly installed device drivers, etc.).

Where to begin? You need to start with the question - when did the problems start? Perhaps your system has added some kind of new device or vice versa, something incorrectly deleted. And can be updated (or installed) any application or incorrectly removed old. It is also eliminated periodic updates of the Windows system itself. If you could answer yourself to the question, then try to return it back everything as it was and most likely everything will work stably.

If it did not work or do not remember the possible reason, then we start looking for them.

1. The computer works quite consistently, but one day suddenly hangs or overloaded. The main reason lies in a banal overheating. You must open the system unit and clean the processor radiator. At the same time, clean the radiator and the video card fan (if the video card will overheat - various defects in the formable image will be observed), also do not forget and clean all the ventilation holes and the remaining fans if available.

Figure 1. An example of a processor radiator driven by dust.

Figure 2. An example of dust of the radiator of the video card.

Modern computer devices in principle contain built-in overheating protection, which can be expressed in automatic reducing performance or full disabling device. But still overheating or work at elevated temperatures can negatively affect the operation of the device up to its complete failure. Therefore, do not be lazy to periodically look inside the system unit so to speak with "cleanliness control".

For cleaning, we need a small brush in size, if possible with a long coarse bristle, and a vacuum cleaner with a flat plastic nozzle. Gently remove the fans from the radiators and applying the brush, the vacuum cleaner remove all the contamination from the radiators and the blades of the fans. After cleaning, we check the ease of rotation of the fans. They must rotate very easily. If, after trying to turn the fan with hand, it does not rotate, or rotates with difficulty (it does not have the inertness of rotation), makes an uneven background noise (rigging, syrodes), then such a fan is better immediately replaced with a new one. You can of course disassemble the fan to the base and anoint bearings, and the bowl is just a sleeve, but it will be a temporary measure and will not save you from problems in the near future.

Sometimes the processor overheats due to a bad heat sink due to the drying "Thermal Pasts" between the processor and the radiator. To restore heat transfer, it is necessary to replace the layer of heat-conducting paste. You can buy it in any radio component store. The old "thermalcase" neatly and without much effort is removed with a cotton swab, then a small drop of fresh "thermal paste" is applied to the center of the processor and the radiator is installed. Also on sale there is a special scotch with the characteristics "Thermal Pasts".

Now, when everyone was cleaned, they checked the ease of rotation, carefully, all that was filmed to install in their places. For confidence, I would even recommend running a computer with an open housing of the system unit to make sure the electrical serviceability of all fans (i.e. visually make sure that all fans are normally rotated).

If the cause of overheating was in insufficient cooling, the computer will earn normally.

2. Another reason for overheating the processor lies behind the so-called "acceleration". "Acceleration" is when the processor, and the remaining components of the PC, are forced to work faster than recommended by the manufacturer's plant. This is achieved by an increase in the basic frequency of the CPU and often, in parallel, the supply voltage of the computer components increases. Yes, this leads to a certain increase in productivity, but it also leads to overheating.

My opinion, you just need to return the operation mode of the devices into normal mode.

To do this, to do not particularly bother, it is necessary in the "BIOS" settings to reset all the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters existing there to the default settings.

To enter the "BIOS", the "DEL" key is most often used, which must be pressed immediately after turning on the computer (if there is no experience, you can press the key several times until the "BIOS" window opens). Sometimes another key, such as "F2", can be used to enter the "BIOS". In general, if you are attentive, then when you turn on the computer, usually at the bottom of the screen (but not always), for some short time, a message of type "Press - to Setup" appears, so instead of these docking, the entrance key to "BIOS" .

The "BIOS" window is, for the uninitiated, most often a window with a blue or light background and some of the text blocks (Figure 3A and 3B). On modern motherboards in the BIOS window, a graphical interface is already used and the "Mouse" manipulator (Figure 3B) can be present.


Figure 3. Examples of BIOS interfaces

To reset the settings, we need to find the "Load Setup Defaults" or "Load Optimized Defaults" item, i.e. Translated the meaning of approximately the same - load the default settings. You select this item (Figure 4), press "ENTER" and agree to the confirmation window (Figure 5) using the changes by pressing the "YES" item.

Figure 4. The default settings will be selected.

Figure 5. Confection with the default settings.

Now you can close the BIOS window. To do this, you can press the "F10" or "ESC" key, or go to the EXIT & SAFE CHANGES menu item and in the window that appears, conjugates with saving the changes made to the settings by selecting the "yes" item, press the Enter key . Now the modes of the processor and other computer elements will be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Figure 6. Output from the BIOS with the preservation of the settings produced.

The computer will automatically reboot, and the changes made will take effect. Now you can check the stability of work.

If the measures listed above did not help solve the problem, then the processor or motherboard is faulty and require replacement. Check, in this case, what exactly is faulty or working unstable at home difficult. You can only admit to install, if possible, suspected of a fault component to another computer and test it with its performance. But for this you need another computer, and it turns out that this is at home this is not always possible.

In the next post I will try to describe the solution of such problems that have arisen about the fault of the software. Therefore, I recommend issuing a subscription in a form just below so as not to miss a new material.

P.S. Part of the problems of which can be attributed to the program I have already affected the post "".

10 tips on what needs to be done if the computer constantly hangs

  • Restart the computer. Believe me, the simplest and rapid way to solve the freezing problem with rebooting the operating system. Yes, you fully do not solve the problem, but get rid of the symptom. After all, sometimes the reason for the hang is a random error, so after a normal reboot, everything will go like oil. You can restart the PC by either the button on the screen or the button on the system unit. Before that, make sure that you will not lose any important data. For example, if you worked with a text document, and a computer hangs, and you did not have time to save, you will have to wait until everything to get out and do not do "Restart".
  • Disconnect all unnecessary programs at the moment. In many, we have observed such a harmful (for a computer) habit: launch not one dozen programs and windows, after which it is resenting the slow work of the system, repeating the question: "Why is it hung?!". Take yourself a rule - do not run programs more than it is necessary in the next 5 minutes. And turn off the working utilities that you do not need or have already stood in idle for more than 10 minutes. Such a hard way you can reduce the load on the system. Disable programs recommend through the "Task Manager", as you will find in it, perhaps those programs that you did not run manually. Disconnect the unnecessary list of programs and in autoload (it can be found in the same "task manager").

  • Check the computer to viruses. In 70% of cases, regular hangs and illogical behavior of the computer signals the user that the virus started in the system. Malicious software can heat all components of the computer (processor, RAM, hard disk, etc.). In this case, you need to urgently carry out a deep check of an antivirus program or even a few. We have already described a more complete guide to your actions in the article "How to remove the virus from a computer", where you will find all the answers to questions related to viruses.

  • Clean the computer from dust (it can overheat).Previously, you could already read about how to clean the computer from dust, and if we talk in a nutshell, then you need to turn off the power of the system unit and spend your computer well, just to do it very much and very carefully, so as not to damage important details as For example, motherboard. It is necessary to clean the computer because the dust layer covering the processor, a video card, a hard disk or motherboard, can significantly affect the speed of all processes. Slow-down processes in turn can hardly cope with the tasks that subsequently will lead to such a symptom as hanging. Cleaning must be carried out at least 1-2 times in 6 months.

  • Faulty any device in the computer. We are naturally talking about the system unit, as other components (mouse, keyboard or monitor) cannot be the reason that the PC hangs. The cause of the hovering can be a broken motherboard, a hard disk and even a microcrack in RAM. However, in this case, in addition to hanging, there will be sharp interruptions of the PC (automatic reboot). It is quite difficult to determine this reason yourself, as it is necessary for special equipment that can make your verdict: is there a malfunction in the device or not. Therefore, here we recommend contacting the service center for qualified help.

  • Perform disk defragmentation. Nowadays, we are constantly engaged in both recording new files and their removal, as a result of these numerous actions, files can be divided between all the disk sectors, which creates fragmentation, which significantly slows down the work of the entire system and especially programs. To prevent this one, first, try not to leave a small number of space on the sections of the hard disk. Secondly, regularly perform defragmentation (you will find this feature either in the Start menu - "All Programs" - "Standard" - "service" in Windows 7 or XP, or when you have a search in the Windows 8 operating system).

  • Computer components are no longer suitable for modern daily tasks. No matter how you want, but your computer will eventually become far from the most powerful and new, and most importantly, this moment can come unexpectedly. For example, if you bought your computer back in 2010 and at that time he was one of the best, now it is a rather mediocre model that has a lot of flaws and does not always cope with the tasks. Thus, if constant hangs were tortured, it is worth thinking about replacing your PC with a more powerful model, but about how to choose a computer, we have already written in earlier articles.

  • Incompatibility of programs. Sometimes the reason for the hangs should be sought in certain programs, so try to notice the dependence: when the program is enabled, the computer freezes and stops performing any actions. This may occur when an error occurred in the installation utility during the installation or it was originally created for this version of the operating system. Incompatibility can still occur due to the use of illegal software, which was done, roughly speaking "self-confined", or not a license key was installed on it, since the introduction of a foreign code can contribute to its improper work, for which no one can Bring responsibility besides you.

  • Clean the garbage system. If earlier we advised you to clean the system unit itself (from dust), then at this point we recommend to conduct Windows system cleaning from unnecessary programs, files, documents, cache and the like "garbage". The essence of the item and the article is to deliver the disk with (where the operating system is installed) from unnecessary files that can be in a temporary folder (temp), and browser caches, as well as in the registry.

  • Reinstall the computer. And the last, the most radical advice that helps even on very weak machines is to install the operating system again, deleting the previous one. This is a rather troublesome and long-lasting process. However, believe me, it is much better than the option at which you simply will endure constant upwards. Reinstalling helps in cases where you cannot delete or even find a virus in the system. If OS is littered with unnecessary programs, and you are too lazy to delete them or make defragmentation, then the system reuse will facilitate the task.

Eliments of breaking breakdowns

Type of work Cost
Diagnostics 0 p.
Departure Master / Delivery to Service 190 p.
Basic software package Installing the archiver, PDF reading programs, CD / DVD recording programs, Internet browser, audio player, multimedia player, set of codecs for multimedia, Skype. 1950 r.
Software Safety Organization Setting up Anti-Virus, Firewall, Firewall, Browser. 1975 r.
Antivirus prophylaxis Deleting SMS banners, spyware and troubleshooting software, treatment or removing all viruses and infected files. 2850 p.
Optimization of the operating system The operating system is universal, the default settings are launched by many services and services that you will never need. We optimize the computer specifically for your needs. He will be able to know everything you need, and all that is not useful, turn off, freeing the system resources for truly important tasks. 1250 r.
Installing Windows with the main set of drivers Preparation of a computer to install Windows, installing Windows, setting basic drivers. 1499 p.
Modernization of computer 350 p.
Replacing hard disk on SSD 350 r. + SSD from 5000 p.
Replacing the hard disk 350 p. + HDD from 2500 p.
Replacing RAM 350 r. + Memory from 2500 r.
Substitution of motherboard 2275 p. + mat. Board from 2900 r.
Removing viruses 320 p.
Cleaning the system unit from dust and dirt 1490 p.
Installing Windows 8. 350 p.
Installing Windows 7. 350 p.
Installing Windows XP. 400 p.

Why does a computer hangs and how to cope with this problem? Look for an answer in the article.

When working at the computer, such a process may occur, which introduces in a stupor not all, but many users.

  • PC hang is an unpleasant situation when the device stops responding to commands both through the mouse and through the keyboard.
  • Someone immediately falls into panic and runs to call friends or familiar specialists. Others are covered with fright, as they think that the fault of the whole complex virus, which penetrates the system or breakage of an important computer system.
  • Let's deal with why the PC hangs and how it can be eliminated or at least turn off the device.

To understand why a computer hangs and does not work, you need to deal with the reasons for this problem. These include the following:

  • Poor attitude to a computer from the user. The processor must be constantly brushing from dust, check on the cooling system efficiency (lubricate fans, etc.). If the processor is overheated, the computer will hang, and turn off spontaneously.
  • "Pollution" OS. The user must periodically clean the system disk, the registry, delete unnecessary files, do disk defragmentation. If all these actions do not help, then you need to reinstall the operating system.
  • Outdated computer systems: Motherboard, insufficient RAM and hard disk that requires repair. Technique moves forward, new programs are created. We set them up, and the outdated elements of our PC do not cope with the work. Often modern software products are not compatible with outdated software and OS. But remember that repairs will cost you more than the purchase of a new, more modern computer.
  • Overloading system viruses. Free antivirus programs are usually ineffective. They do not protect your computer fully and do not properly optimize the system. However, expensive advertised antivirusers do not allow one hundred percent protection. It is necessary to travel with the mind on the Internet and do not download programs on unverified sites.
  • Simultaneous launch of a large number of applications when the device is turned on. If you want to run a lot of programs at the same time, then first appreciate the resources and capabilities of your PC.
  • Incorrect BIOS setup. This microcircuit will help how to improve computer performance and reduce. The BIOS parameters must comply with all the elements and PC systems.

What to do, how to turn off the hanging computer? Here are the tips:

  • Reload your PC. Usually it helps with some problems. This can be done using a special button on the processor.
  • Click simultaneously "Ctrl + Alt + Del". These actions you call the task manager. If some programs depended, this method perfectly helps disable them.
  • If the task manager is not called, and the computer does not respond to keystrokes, go to the next step.
  • Disconnect the computer. If the above actions did not help, disconnect the PC from the network. You can do this by pressing the RESET button. But remember that all unfinished programs and actions during a compulsory shutdown may be lost.

If nothing helps, contact the service center. Specialists in the area of \u200b\u200bIT will find the reason for the hang of the computer and eliminate the problem.

Few users know about three magic buttons that open the task manager window. We mentioned about it above. Now let's look at what keys to click if it is hung and does not turn off.

So, you have a pc, click simultaneously Ctrl + Alt + Del. The task manager window opens.

Highlight the necessary string with the mouse, the task of which is not performed and click on "Remove the task". Opposite the tasks that work normally costs the word "Performed". The task that brakes the work of the PC will be indicated in the column "Condition", as "Not responding".

In the Task Manager, you will see all running processes on your computer. When you remove the task that "slows down" your PC, the system will start working fine. In the tab "Details" or "Processes"Depending on the OS model, you will see which programs or applications most of all load the computer's prompt memory.

Video: Computer hangs - (decision)

Torsho, Windows 7 ceases to respond to any commands, even unable to open the task manager? Such problems appear quite rarely. It must be said that the computer is a rather complex system, and its productivity depends on a huge number of factors. The article will consider the main of them. After reading, you will learn to cope with most problems leading to "friezes".


The first answer to the question of why the computer is tightly freezing is the easiest and most common. It is possible that in your computer has selected guests who are well masked. Usually, viruses not only threaten the security of the system, but also noticeably load computer resources. Sometimes such a load leads to

Everyone knows how to deal with such a victim. It is enough to simply install any antivirus program, update its databases to topical and fully did not help - call and check the processes, there is no suspicious. It will also not be superfluous to look into the startup, entering the "MSCONFIG" utility in the "Run" window.

However, if the computer hangs tightly after switching on, establish a new software, and even more so check the PC will not work. In this case, use any antivirus distribution that can create a bootable flash drive or CD.


I release every new device model, manufacturers are trying to make it "facing" the previous one. And for this requires more power. Last, in turn. Increases heat dissipation. For a while, the regular cooling system copes with its work, but after time its effectiveness decreases - as a result, the computer hangs tightly. What if such trouble happened?

Dust from which it is impossible to get rid of, clogs into radiators and interferes with air circulation. Singing on the cooler, dust masses slow down the rotational speed of the screw. Previously, such problems led to the failure of the device. Today, fortunately, computers have become smarter, there will be no infinite or video library. Modern devices have the opportunity to exchange data with the motherboard, imposing duties for temperature control. Once the values \u200b\u200breach a critical mark, first the controller tries to unwind the cooler screw, but if it does not help, the system slows down the device operation, reducing the voltage. Soon, the computer hangs tightly.

So that such trouble do not happen, remember a few simple rules:

Very often, due to this problem, the computer hangs tightly in games or other graphic applications. To check how computer components are very hot, you can download any program. Fortunately, on the Internet of the Internet there are a huge set.

Problems with RAM

RAM is the most important element of the computer, which has a very big impact on its performance. The normal operation of RAM depends on compatibility with the motherboard, with BIOS, with other installed placards. An insignificant crash, the smallest factory marriage - and the computer hangs tightly when inclusion, not wanting to work even with low productivity.

If you are going to build up or change the "RAM", fully examine its characteristics, go to the site of its manufacturer and the manufacturer of the system board in advance, read what speeds are supported, which testing were carried out and it is recommended to use devices together.

If the computer hangs tightly before changing the configuration, you can check whether the RAM will be named, Windows 7 will simply click on the "Start" button and type the "Memory Checking Tool". During the procedure, the program will display all errors on the screen if they were found. Here the recommendation is one: There are errors - change the memory.

HDD instability

Hard disk - a device on which absolutely all data (and custom, and system) are stored. Accordingly, Windows appeals to it all the time, reading and record does not stop for a minute. This means that the performance of the system directly depends on the speed of the operation of this component. Over time, "broken" clusters and unreadable areas may appear on it, which will lead to failures in the system. Often because of this problem, the computer hangs tightly on the Internet, because during the surfing the browser constantly writes and deletes many small files.

Restoration of broken HDD.

If HDD was worn out, it is required to check with special software tools that will find all damaged sectors and mark them as non-working. OS will stop using "Badi" and stop hanging. To check, run the command prompt by entering the "CMD" name in the "Run" window. In it, execute the "CHKDSK" command: / f / r for each section.

Experienced users can determine the state of the HDD on the sound of its work. If he started clicking or whistling, most likely, the equipment is faulty and requires replacement. Be vigilant, often, if the hard disk began "raving", soon it will fail, and it is very difficult to restore data from such a device. Also, if the computer hangs tightly after switching on, the likelihood of the hard disk is the likelihood.

Incorrect configuration BIOS.

If the computer hangs tight after switching on, very often the reason for this behavior of the system is improperly configuring the BIOS. Someone may consider that the usual user should not even try to correct something, you need to contact a professional. But still a computer hangs tight - what to do if a specialist call there is no possibility?

If you approach the configuration of the BIOS with accuracy, a beginner will cope with this procedure. Explore full information about your computer, and especially the motherboard. Usually such data is easily on the official website of the manufacturer. Find out what parameters are most important for what they answer. When working with the BIOS setup utility, never change the set parameters at the same time. First change multiple, reboot, check the computer. Only after that continue editing. A separate mention is the item that is in each BIOS - "Load Fail-Safe Defaults". It brings all the parameters to optimal - according to the developer.

Sometimes on the website of the motherboard manufacturer, you can download and install a new version of the BIOS. Never refuse such a procedure. Often, the updates corrected critical errors and improve the stability of work. It is likely that after installing a new version of the freezing will disappear. The main thing is to learn the instructions in advance.

Windows services

In the operating system, a large number of services included by default or added during operation work all the time. The system can work normally without most of them. If some service does not respond or takes too many processor time - the computer hangs tight.

To see which of them are in the system, and which are running, open the Administration window ("Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administration") and double-click the "Service" label. To get comprehensive information about a service, click on its name twice.

First of all, pay attention to those that run automatically. The boot method is specified in the "Startup Type" column. The edit rule is one thing - if you do not understand the descriptions, do not disable the component, but learn about its work more from the Internet. Try to check the stability of the system after each individual manipulation.

Processes and programs

Each program launches its process (sometimes not even one) if it enters the infinite loop or works with failures, while not always the computer hangs tight, Windows 7 is still trying to independently overlapping oxygen not responding to components. It is very easy to identify the dependent element - usually it occupies a lion's share of RAM and almost all the processor time.

Solving the problem with the assistance of tasks dispatcher

You can view a list of running processes in the Task Manager window. Press the keyboard combination "Ctrl + Alt + Del". If you are sure that some program does not carry a payload, but at the same time it takes 90-100% of the processor time, boldly complete it (by pressing the "Del" on the keyboard or calling the context menu). Also from here you can go to the place of storage of the program. It will be useful if you do not understand exactly the work of what is interrupted.

Checking processes is not always the optimal solution, but this procedure can often help if the computer periodically hangs tightly. Remember that some programs can upload a processor for a hundred percent in the most active phases of their work. However, the hovering utility will not cease to use the maximum of resources, and the one that performs its functions without failures, after some time it will go into passive mode. Also, do not try to complete the process called the "system inaction". It is used to interrogate other programs and system resources, and the variable in it displays not the loading of the processor, but just a residue of free power.