Instructions for the Mi Fit application in Russian. Translation and meaning of FIT in English and Russian languages ​​English-Russian Dictionary V.K.

Translation: fit

fit; fit suitable; corresponding; worthy; appropriate; capable; adapted; ready; healthy; strong; in a good shape; in a good condition;
just right;
fit; landing; seizure; attack; paroxysm; convulsions; convulsions; hysteria; impulse; flash; caprice; mood; fit;
correspond; fit; suit; fit; have to; sit; coincide; match exactly; fit; adjust; fit; fit; adjust; supply; equip; install; mount


  1. Most appreciated this and said that, provided the timing and subject of the course were right, they could fit in a 6 hour course.
  2. I"ve always owned apartments because I was born in a tenement in Glasgow and I like flat-life., If he has one regret it is that government never saw fit to offer him another major job as challenging as his chairmanship of British Steel when he gave it up in 1976.
  3. If you are thinking of having one of the larger, shaped baths, make sure it will fit through your bathroom door!
  4. One of the most important stages has yet to be started, namely beginning to fit the person into their new job.
  5. "The only car apart from a Rolls-Royce that he could fit into was an extra large Range Rover," says the driver, who also tells hair-raising tales of ferrying Maxwell about town.
  6. The major task involved was to re-design the transmissions to fit the small space next to the engine.
  7. Although the usual coefficient of determination or scaled deviation can be used to indicate the global fit of any specified model, it is also important to examine model performance when estimating populations over areal units other than the wards from which the models were derived.
  8. Concluding, Mr Kinnock looked beyond the conference: "It is an encouragement, an inspiration to see this party working together, coming to a joint position on objectives, and of not only telling itself, but exuding to the British public the feeling that we are fit to serve our country."
  9. We haven't got to fit in with theirs.
  10. Having a wardrobe of fragrances is as exciting as owning a vast array of stylish clothes (with the advantage, after you"ve made your initial choice, that perfumes always fit).
  11. The practical answer is to fit a U.V. sterilizer, an 8W model being sufficient.
  12. He said, "Are you fit enough to ride Fringe?"
  13. Scion and rootstock must make a perfect fit

fit + fit/fitted + fit/fitted (irregular verb)

  1. fit noun
    1. seizure, paroxysm, attack;
      fit of apoplexy

      Examples of using

      1. He began to shake as with an age- fit, till the gun fell from his hand with a splash.

        He trembled as if in a fever, and his gun fell into the water with a splash.

        Love of life. Jack London, page 3
      2. "Yes," said Sermak, viciously, "a huge jack-in-the-box that will jump out at the psychological moment and scare old Wienis into fits.

        Well, yes,” Sermak got angry. - Such a jack-in-the-box that will pop out at the right moment and make Venus faint.

        Base. Isaac Asimov, page 91
      3. ‘And as I was saying to Miss Plenderleith, to think that this morning of all mornings, my sister’s Louisa Maud should have been taken with a fit and me the only one handy and as I say flesh and blood is flesh and blood, and I didn’t think Mrs Allen would mind, though I never likes to disappoint my ladies-’

        And I was just telling Miss Plenderly that this must happen: this very morning my sister Louisa Maud had a fit, and there is no one else but me, and native blood is still native blood, no matter what you say! Well, I thought Mrs. Allen wouldn't be angry, even though I hate letting my ladies down...

        Murder in the passage yard. Agatha Christie, page 7
    2. seizures, convulsions; hysteria;
      to scream oneself into fits

      Examples of using

      1. Atticus kept us in fits that evening, gravely reading columns of print about a man who sat on a flagpole for no discernible reason, which was reason enough for Jem to spend the following Saturday aloft in the treehouse.

        All that evening Jim and I laughed until we dropped because Atticus calmly read to us a long story about a man who, for some unknown reason, climbed up a flagpole and did not want to get down, and after that Jim decided to sit in our house on the plane tree all Saturday.

        To Kill a Mockingbird. Harper Lee, page 33
      2. The gentleman appeared to be enumerating all his qualities to his auditors; and, as I have said, the auditors seeming to have great deference for the narrator, they every moment burst into fits of laughter.

        The stranger, apparently, enumerated all her merits, and since the listeners, as I already mentioned, treated him very respectfully, they burst into laughter at every word he said.

        Three Musketeers. Part one. Alexandre Dumas, page 7
      3. fit for the diadem of a queen.

    3. impulse, mood;
      a fit of energy; a surge of strength;
      to give smb. a fit (or fits) colloquial to amaze, outrage, offend someone;
      to throw a fit colloquial a> get angry; throw a tantrum; b> become alarmed;
      to knock (or to beat) smb. into fits to completely defeat, to defeat smb.;
      by fits and starts in fits and starts

      Examples of using

      1. "Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum," all the neighbors joining in for dear life, with the fear of death upon them, and each singing louder than the other to avoid remark. For in these fits he was the most overriding companion ever known; he would slap his hand on the table for silence all round; he would fly up in a passion of anger at a question, or sometimes because none was put, and so he judged the company was not following his story.

        “Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum,” since all the visitors, fearing his violent anger, tried to shout out one another and sing as loudly as possible, just so that the captain would be satisfied with them, because at such hours he was unbridled formidable: then banged his fist on the table, demanding that everyone be silent; he would become furious if anyone interrupted his speech or asked him any question; then, on the contrary, he became furious if people turned to him with questions, since, in his opinion, this proved that they were not listening to him attentively.

        Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, page 4
      2. I have to say I find it sort of fitting that as a community,

        It should be noted that this is very much in our spirit,

        Subtitles for the video "Why not everyone has one true calling. Emilie Wapnick", page 3
      3. "I shall be very fit to see Jane-which is all I want."

        But I can look after Jane, and that's all I need.

        Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen, page 25
  2. fit
    1. noun
      1. technique; technology- fit, landing

        Examples of using

        1. “I should be fine,” Rachel assured him, her voice muffled by the smothering fit of the mask.

          “Nothing will happen to me,” Rachel assured, her voice muffled because of the mask.

          Point of deception. Dan Brown, page 38
        2. In the deepest spot of all stands the castle of the Sea King. Its walls are built of coral, and the long Gothic windows are of the clearest amber. The roof is formed of shells that open and close as the water flows over them. Their appearance is very beautiful, for in each lies a glittering pearl which would be fit for the diadem of a queen.

          In the deepest place stands the coral palace of the sea king with tall lancet windows made of the purest amber and with a roof made of shells that open and close depending on whether the tide is high or low, it is very beautiful: after all, in each shell lies a pearl of such beauty that any of them would adorn the crown of any queen.

          Mermaid. Hans Christian Andersen, page 1
        3. To remake the Matrix as he saw fit.

          rebuilding the Matrix the way he liked.

          Subtitles for the film "The Matrix (1999-03-30)", page 9
      2. to be a good (bad) fit to sit well (badly) (about a dress, etc.)
    2. adjective
      1. suitable, suitable; corresponding; adapted;
        fit time and place proper time and place;
        the food here isn't fit to eat

        Examples of using

        1. However, on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before, and behind it was a little door about fifteen inches high: she tried the little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted!

          She conscientiously checked one door after another, and then she first noticed a curtain that went down to the floor, and behind it... Behind it there was a small door - about thirty centimeters high. Alice inserted the golden key into the keyhole - and, oh joy, it fit just right!

          Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll, page 4
        2. We will find someone who won’t care what you look like, and not just you - anyone, as long as he fits in as a person.

          True love. Isaac Asimov, page 4
        3. In his library he had been always sure of leisure and tranquility; and though prepared, as he told Elizabeth, to meet with folly and conceit in every other room of the house, he was used to be free from them there; his civility, therefore, was most prompt in inviting Mr. Collins to join his daughters in their walk; andMr. Collins, being in fact much better fitted for a walker than a reader, was extremely pleased to close his large book, and go.

          He could always find peace and quiet in the library. And although, as Mr. Bennet admitted to Elizabeth, he was constantly ready to encounter manifestations of stupidity and complacency in any other part of the house, here he was accustomed to rest from them. Therefore, the proposal to take a walk with the Bennet girls was expressed to Mr. Collins in the most urgent manner. More inclined to walk than to read, Mr. Collins accepted this offer with no less eagerness and immediately closed his huge volume.

          Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen, page 59
      2. worthy; appropriate;
        I am not fit to be seen;
        it is not fit;
        do as you think fit

        Examples of using

        1. She immediately appeared with her list, read it aloud and proposed to include it in its entirety in the Declaration, “so that earthlings would know that we are civilized and are fully capable of taking our place among the peoples of mankind.”

          The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, page 187
        2. He said that the boy that had created the disturbance in chapel wasn"t fit to go to Pencey.

          He said that a student who violated order during the service in such a way did not deserve to be within the school walls.

          Catcher in the rye. Jerome D. Salinger, page 17
        3. “They are not fit to associate with me.”

          They are not worthy of talking to me!

          Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë, page 24
      3. ready, capable;
        fit to die of shame
        I am fit for another mile

        Examples of using

        1. “Poeta nascitur, non fit,” said Mr. Avery, and went off into a silent wheeze of laughter which brought on a fit of coughing strangulation.

          Poeta nascitur, non fit,” said Mr. Avery and burst into a silent, sneezing laugh, which immediately caused him to have a fit of suffocation.

          Look at your home, angel. Thomas Wolfe, page 341
        2. Elise shook her head disconsolately. "Madame is not fit..." she began.

          The lady is not ready, she is not feeling well... - Eliza shook her head sadly.

          Last session. Agatha Christie, page 3
        3. Am I fit to judge my own disabilities?

          But can I evaluate my problems myself?

          Slowly degrading. Robert Silverberg, page 5
      4. in good condition, in good shape (about an athlete); strong, healthy;
        to feel (or to keep) fit to be vigorous and healthy (as);
        fit as a fiddle a> completely healthy; b> in a great mood; c> never better
    3. verb
      1. correspond, fit, fit; match, exactly match;
        the coat fits well

        Examples of using

        1. As I have arranged my notes to fit the continuity of the narrative, they are not always in proper chronological sequence.

          Because I have arranged my notes in the continuity of the story, they do not always follow a chronological sequence.

          The Teachings of Don Juan: The Yaqui Way of Knowledge (Chapter 1-5). Carlos Castaneda, page 12
        2. Where would you start an explanation if it is clear from the words of the interlocutor that he is not just a zero in this matter, but is also full of prejudices that contradict the facts, and on top of that, he does not even suspect that he has these prejudices?

          The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, p. 145
        3. Was more fuss when Mum started to place Hazel in school, which fitted neither what Sidris had in mind nor what Hazel had been led to expect as a Party member and comrade.

          Making even more noise was Ma's decision to send Hazel to school, which did not coincide with what Sidris had in mind, nor with what Hazel herself expected as a Party member and comrade.

          The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, page 131
      2. adjust; fit);
        to fit oneself to new duties
      3. supply ( with )

        Examples of using

        1. “It is an ordinary plumber’s smoke-rocket, fitted with a cap at either end to make it self-lighting.

          This is an ordinary smoke rocket, equipped with a primer at both ends so that it ignites itself.

        2. “It is nothing very formidable,” he said, taking a long cigar-shaped roll from his pocket. “It is an ordinary plumber’s smoke-rocket, fitted with a cap at either end to make it self-lighting. Your task is limited to that. When you raise your cry of fire, it will be taken up by quite a number of people. You may then walk to the end of the street, and I will rejoin you in ten minutes. I hope that I have made myself clear?”

          There’s nothing dangerous here,” he said, taking a cigar-shaped package out of his pocket. - This is an ordinary smoke rocket, equipped with a primer at both ends so that it ignites by itself. All your work comes down to this. When you shout “Fire!”, your cry will be taken up by many people, after which you can walk to the end of the street, and I will catch up with you in ten minutes. I hope you understand?

          The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Scandal in Bohemia. Arthur Conan Doyle, page 14
      4. American, used in the USA, colloquial - to prepare (for admission to university);
        fit in a> fit); adjust; suit; b> insert; c> customize; squeeze in;
        fit on to try on, adjust;
        fit out a> equip, equip, equip; b> Australian to punish, reward;
        fit up a> trim; b> supply; equip;
        the hotel is fitted up with all modern conveniences; c> assemble, mount;
        to fit like a glove;
        to fit like a ball of wax;
        to fit the bill meet all requirements

When purchasing smart devices, be sure to read the instructions that come with them. The same applies to working with a seemingly simple gadget like the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 bracelet. It is a smart sports tracker that, using a special Mi Fit program, establishes a connection with a smartphone. And on the smartphone, in turn, all the physical indicators of the person wearing the bracelet are visible. But for all this to work, you need to install the application correctly and make the right settings, and not everyone can do this without the help of instructions.

But the company sends instructions in Chinese, so even with a dictionary it’s too difficult to figure out what’s written in it. But I’m glad that folk craftsmen have translated the manual for Xiaomi gadgets, making it much more convenient to use the Mi Fit application. At least now you don’t have to make all the settings, trying to guess which of them will allow you to count the athlete’s heart rate, and which one is suitable for tracking his steps.

Terms of use. First charge

Charging is the first thing people pay attention to in the instructions, so as not to break the gadget just after purchasing it. Immediately after purchasing a fitness bracelet, you should perform the following manipulations:

  1. Unpack the device and carefully remove the tracker from the strap (it happens that the tracker comes in a separate package, then this procedure is not relevant).
  2. Take the charger and install the Mi Band 2 in it, but so that it is with the contact facing inward. Don't go overboard when installing the tracker. It is important that it fits neatly, but adheres tightly.
  3. Next, the bracelet needs to be charged, and this can be done if it is connected to a computer port or to an outlet. But the option with a computer is preferable. The fact is that the gadget is very sensitive to voltage surges, which often occur in the network, and therefore can break.
  4. Leave the gadget for approximately two hours, and the charge will be full. To check at what level, just look at the charge level indicator. When the bracelet can work fully, the three LEDs on the device will shine with uniform light.

Interestingly, two hours is the time for the first charge. Subsequent charges will take much less time if everything is done correctly now.

Installing the Mi Fit program and registering an account

After the device is fully charged, the gadget should be connected to the smartphone. This is a mandatory step that allows you to take full advantage of it, since without this it is only a decoration that brings practically no benefit other than decorative.

This is why it is so important to download and install the Mi Fit program on your smartphone. Here are some features of working with this application:

  • To download the application to your Android smartphone, you need to go to the Play Market and find Mi Fit among the applications;
  • For owners of Apple smartphones, the application should be found on the App Store;
  • After the application has been downloaded, further settings should be made through the browser or on the smartphone itself, whichever is more convenient for you.

You can proceed to account activation directly in the program itself, so as not to search for a site on the Internet. The setup is quite clear, even if the user is encountering such a gadget for the first time. On Mi Band 2, the instructions for which are now being reviewed, it is very easy to both set up the program and register in it.

But there are some restrictions both when registering from Android smartphones and from Apple products. In the first case, the smartphone must have at least the Android 4.3 operating system and a working Bluetooth 4.0 module installed. But in the case of Apple, the situation is that the smartphone must run on an operating system no lower than iOS 7.0, that is, be no younger than the iPhone 4S.

Setting up the program

In order to ensure normal operation of the program, it is necessary to synchronize the tracker and smartphone. And you can do this with the help of the instruction manual, which indicates the initial settings and when to do them.

So, if the program has started, the person who plans to use it should provide the following information. In this case, it is advisable not to cheat and indicate the most reliable information:

  1. The first step is to authorize. Since you have already downloaded the application and completed the first settings, you will be able to cope with this task.
  2. The second step is to enter your name.
  3. Further setup requires specifying the gender of the bracelet owner, since men and women have different heart rates, and other processes in the body occur differently.
  4. Date of birth is also important, since thanks to it the program finds out the age of the owner of the bracelet, adjusting its indicators to age parameters.
  5. The fifth step is to specify the height. This is important for counting steps and distance traveled.
  6. And of course, the true weight should be indicated. This is in your own interests, otherwise there will be no benefit from using the tracker.
  7. Be sure to indicate the daily purpose for using the gadget. For example, the exact number of steps that should be taken during the day. If the desired number of steps has already been taken, the wearer of the bracelet will feel a vibration.
  8. After entering personal information, from the list of proposed devices, click on “Bracelet”.

It works as follows: the program calculates the distance traveled and calories burned, taking into account the approximate step width. And if the goal is achieved, the gadget vibrates.

If the settings were made successfully, then using Bluetooth the smartphone will update the Mi Band 2 firmware. After this, the system time will begin to be displayed on the tracker display, steps will be counted and other parameters will be tracked.

Features of the Xiaomi Mi Fit program

The application is a very important part of the successful operation of the bracelet, so you need to study its interface well. For example, when you click on the main screen, three tabs will appear:

  • Activity;
  • Notifications;
  • Profile.

Each of these tabs has several functional sections. For example, click on "Activity" and you will see subsections: "Sleep", "Statistics", "Weight" etc.

There is also a notifications tab where you can synchronize incoming messages on the bracelet. So, when a notification arrives on your smartphone, the bracelet will show it.

But the profile menu allows you to view personal information that was entered at the time of setting up the program. Also, with the help of this program, it is easy to find a removed bracelet, as it begins to flash and beep, which greatly helps in the search.

Although it should be taken into account that Mi Fit rarely comes with instructions in Russian (unless you specifically looked for one). There are many more English options online. So if you don't know him, have a dictionary.


1. (fıt) n

1. 1) adjustment, adjustment

2) those. fit, landing

3) approximation, fit

2. fit ( clothes)

to a ~ - exactly to measure; exactly to the figure

to be a bad (a good, an excellent) ~ - bad (good, excellent) sit ( about the dress)

to be a tight ~ - to tighten tightly ( figure)

to be an easy ~ - sit freely ( about clothes)

I want my shoes an easy ~ - I want my shoes not to sting

2. (fıt) a

1. 1) (suitable); suitable; corresponding

a ~ time and place - proper time and place

at a ~ter moment - at a more appropriate moment

the food was not ~ to eat - the food turned out to be inedible

materials not ~ for the job - materials unsuitable for work

I have nothing ~ to wear - I have nothing to wear; I don't have anything suitable (for this case)

it is not a ~ life for you - you shouldn’t live like that; this life is not suitable for you

~ for a king - decomposition best quality

2) predic proper, worthy

do as you think ~ - do as you see fit

I am not ~ to be seen - I cannot seem; I'm not dressed

he doesn't think ~ to publish his results - he considers publishing the results (work) inappropriate

it is ~ that we should rejoice - in such cases one is supposed to rejoice

2. 1) fit, capable

~ for duty /for service/ - fit for service

~ to carry arms - capable of carrying weapons

he is ~ for nothing - he is not capable of anything

2) adapted

the survival of the ~ test - survival of the fittest

3. ready

they went on working until they were ~ to drop - they worked until exhaustion

~ to die of shame - ready to burn with shame

he was laughing ~ to burst himself - he almost burst with laughter, he laughed until he dropped

4. healthy, cheerful

to feel ~ - to be healthy and vigorous

to keep ~ - maintain shape; be in shape

he is not yet ~ to go back to work - he is not yet able to return to work / start work /

you don't look very ~ - you don't look good

(as) ~ as a fiddle cm. fiddle I

~as a flea cm. flea I

not ~ to be touched with a barge-pole /with a pair of tongs/ - ≅ disgusting to touch

not ~ to hold a candle to him - ≅ can’t hold a candle to him, can’t be compared with him

3. (fıt) v

1. 1) correspond, suit

the words ~ the occasion - these / such / words are just appropriate here

the punishment ~s the crime - the punishment fully corresponds to the crime

theories that ~ the facts - theories that do not contradict the facts

to ~ the case - to correspond to the occasion

2) fit, fit in

the key doesn't ~ the lock - the key does not fit the lock

the coat ~s you - the coat fits you well

your coat ~s you too tight - the coat is a little narrow for you

tubes that ~ into one another - tubes inserted into one another

~ together - to fit / correspond / to each other

3) match, fit exactly

I shall be late because the trains don"t ~ - I will be late because I will not have time to make a transfer

2. 1) adapt; adjust, customize

to ~ a plank in a floor - fit the floorboard

to ~ a handle to a broom - attach a handle to a broom

to ~ a workshop for a certain purpose - refurbish a workshop for a specific purpose

to ~ oneself (in) to one's surroundings - adapt to the environment

to ~ one "s conduct to circumstances - act according to the circumstances

2) (for) prepare; prepare or accustom ( to smth.)

military training ~s men for long marches - military training accustoms you to long marches

this school ~s students for college - this school prepares students for admission to colleges

to ~ oneself for new duties - prepare to perform new duties

3) try on; to adjust, to customize ( clothes, etc.)

to ~ a ring to the finger - pick up or fit the ring to your finger

3. (with) supply, equip, equip

to ~ a library with new shelves - equip the library with new shelves

to ~ a ship with new engines - equip the ship with new engines

4. install, assemble, mount

5. Australian punish, punish in accordance with the crime committed

to ~ like a ball of wax - fit tightly

to ~ like a glove - to be just /fit/; fully suited

the cap ~s - ≅ not in the eyebrow, but in the eye

to ~ the cap on - take into account

to ~ to a T /to a tee/ - ≅ fit neck to neck

to ~ the bill - to be what you need

what do you want to eat? Will steak ~ the bill? - what will you eat? Is beefsteak suitable?

II(fıt) n

1. 1) seizure, seizure; paroxysm

fainting ~ - fainting

~ of apoplexy - apoplexy

hysterical ~ - hysterical attack

~ of coughing - coughing attack

he will have a ~ when he knows - his blow will be enough when he finds out about it

2) impulse, attack, flash

~ of rage - attack of anger

~ of generosity - impulse of generosity

he had a ~ of the laziness (of the blues) - laziness (blues) came over him

he has a drinking ~ on - he started drinking

to have sudden ~s of energy - experience sudden bursts of energy

he has ~s of silence (of abstraction) - a silent (thoughtful) mood comes over him

2. mood

when the ~ is on him - when he is in the mood / in the mood /

by ~s (and starts) - a) unevenly, jerkily; b) in fits and starts

to beat /to knock/ smb. into ~s - easily defeat / completely defeat / someone; easy to deal with smb.

to give smb. a ~ - a) to hit, to shake someone; b) to outrage, offend someone.

to laugh oneself into ~s - laugh until you drop

to scream oneself into ~s - desperately scream

to throw a ~ - Amer. become enraged/furious/; throw a tantrum



1) pl spasms, convulsions; hysteria;

to scream oneself into fits ≅ to scream desperately

2) seizure, paroxysm;"

fit of apoplexy

3) attack ( cough and so on. )

4) impulse , mood;

a fit of energy

5) decomposition flash ( anger and so on. ) to give smb. a fit ( or fits) decomposition to amaze, to outrage, to offend someone;

to throw a fit colloquial

a) get angry; throw a tantrum;

b) Amer. to become alarmed;

by fits and starts in fits and starts

fit (fɪt)


1) tech. fit, landing

to be a good (bad) fit about the dress and so on. )


1) suitable, suitable; corresponding; adapted;

fit time and place proper time and place;

the food here isn't fit to eat

2) worthy; appropriate;

I am not fit to be seen;

it is not fit;

to see ( or think) fit to decide, choose ( what to do)"

3) ready, capable;

fit to die of shame

I am fit for another mile

4) in good condition, in good shape ( about the athlete); strong, healthy;

to feel ( or to keep) fit to be cheerful and healthy (as) fit as a fiddle

a) completely healthy;

b) in a great mood;

c) in the best possible way


1) correspond, fit, fit; coincide, correspond exactly;

the coat fits well

2) adjust; fit);

to fit oneself to new duties

3) install, mount

4) supply (with)

a) adapt; adjust; suit;

b) insert;

c) customize; squeeze in;

fit on try on, fit;"

fit out equip, supply with the necessary, equip;

a) supply; equip; trim;

the hotel is fitted up with all modern conveniences;

b) assemble, mount to fit like a glove;

to fit the bill to meet all requirements

Translation of words containing FIT, from English into Russian

New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan

fit in


(ʹfıtʹın) phr v

1. insert (in place); fit; fit

2. correspond, fit

it fits in well with my arrangements - it coincides with my plans

his evidence fits in well with the facts - his testimony does not diverge from the facts

I must fit my holidays in with yours - I must take a vacation at the same time as you

3. adapt, adapt

the new boy fitted in well with his roommates - the new student gets along well with his roommates

how can they ~ in this new land? - How will they take root in this new country?

4. enable ( to the list, etc.); assign ( for an appointment, etc.)

I cannot ~ any more callers today - today I won’t be able to accept anyone else

Mrs. Brown must be fitted in next week - time must be found for Ms. Brown next week

fit out


(ʹfıtʹaʋt) phr v

1. equip; equip

to ~ a ship for a voyage - equip a ship for voyage

2. 1) supply, provide

to ~ a party for a polar expedition - provide everything necessary for a party heading on a polar expedition

2) equip, outfit

fit up


(ʹfıtʹʌp) phr v

1) (with) to supply, equip; equip; furnish

fitted up with electric light - with electric lighting

to fit a patient up with new spectacles - pick up new glasses for the patient

2) install, assemble, mount ( equipment)

the most-up-to-date equipment has been fitted up in the new flats - the new apartments have the most modern equipment installed



(ʹfıtʌp) n theater decomposition

1) summer, seasonal theater; room adapted for outdoor productions

3) traveling troupe or touring theater ( etc.~ company)



(ʹfıtnıs) n

1. 1) (suitability, compliance)

~ for military service - suitability for military service

the (eternal) ~ of things - normal / proper / order of things

2) adaptability, ability, preparedness

~ to do /for doing/ smth. - the ability to do something; preparedness for smth.

3) relevance

2. endurance, training

to be a good (bad) fit sit well (badly) (about dress, etc.) best fit Thu. most suitable (record when searching) to throw a fit colloquial. Amer. become alarmed; to knock (or to beat) (smb.) into fits to completely defeat, break (smb.); by fits and starts in fits and starts, fit, fit, fit; match, exactly match; the coat fits well; appropriate; I am not fit to be seen; it is not fit; do as you think fit fit in good condition, in good shape (about an athlete); strong, healthy; to feel (or to keep) fit to be cheerful and healthy first fit thursday. method of the first suitable fit in good condition, in good shape (about an athlete); strong, healthy; to feel (or to keep) fit to be vigorous and healthy fit fit, suitable; corresponding; adapted; fit time and place proper time and place; the food here isn't fit to eat the food here is not edible fit American. open. prepare (for entering university) fit ready, capable; fit to die of shame ready to die of shame; I am fit for another mile I can go further mile fit ready fit worthy; appropriate; I am not fit to be seen I cannot appear; it is not fit not appropriate; do as you think fit do as you see fit fit fit wt. fit fit impulse, mood; a fit of energy a surge of strength; to give (smb.) a fit (or fits) colloquial to amaze, outrage, offend (someone) fit suitable fit technical fit, landing fit to adjust; to adapt; to fit oneself to new duties prepare to perform new duties fit fit, paroxysm, attack; fit of apoplexy apoplexy, blow fit fit, attack, paroxysm fit supply (with) fit, fit, fit; coincide, exactly fit; the coat fits well coat sits well fit capable fit pl spasms, convulsions; hysteria; to scream oneself into fits = desperately scream fit install, mount (as) fit as a fiddle in a great mood (as) fit as a fiddle in the best possible way (as) fit as a fiddle perfectly healthy fit for running fit for work fit for running fit for work fit for work fit for work fit for work fit for work fit for work fit in insert fit in fit; squeeze fit in fit; adjust; fit up, assemble, mount; to fit like a glove; to fit like a ball of wax; to fit the bill meet all requirements fit up to assemble, mount; to fit like a glove; to fit like a ball of wax; to fit the bill meet all requirements fit seizure, paroxysm, attack; fit of apoplexy, blow fit impulse, mood; a fit of energy; a surge of strength; to give (smb. ) a fit (or fits) decomposed to amaze, to outrage, to offend (someone) fit on to try on, to fit fit to adjust; fit); to fit oneself to new duties fit out Austral. to punish, to reward fit out to provide fit out to equip fit out to supply fit out to equip, to supply with the necessary, to equip fit out to equip fit up to assemble, mount; to fit like a glove; to fit like a ball of wax; to fit the bill meet all requirements fit suitable, suitable; corresponding; adapted; fit time and place proper time and place; the food here isn't fit to eat fit ready, capable; fit to die of shame ready to die of shame; I am fit for another mile I can go another mile fit up equip fit up equip fit up finish fit up supply; equip; the hotel is fitted up with all modern conveniences fit up to supply fit up to assemble, mount; to fit like a glove to fit; to fit like a ball of wax to fit; to fit the bill meet all requirements fit up establish fit fit, suitable; appropriate; adapted; fit time and place proper time and place; the food here isn't fit to eat fit impulse, mood; a fit of energy; a surge of strength; to give (smb.) a fit (or fits) coll. to strike, to outrage, to offend (smb.) fit up to supply; equip; the hotel is fitted up with all modern conveniences fit ready, capable; fit to die of shame I am fit for another mile fit worthy; appropriate; I am not fit to be seen; it is not fit; do as you think fit fit worthy; appropriate; I am not fit to be seen; it is not fit; do as you think fit to throw a fit colloquial. Amer. become alarmed; to knock (or to beat) (smb.) into fits to completely defeat, break (smb.); by fits and starts in fits and starts, least-square fit Thursday. selection by the method of least squares fit pl seizures, convulsions; hysteria; to scream oneself into fits = scream desperately to throw a fit colloquial. Amer. become alarmed; to knock (or to beat) (smb.) into fits to completely defeat, break (smb.); by fits and starts in fits and starts to throw a fit colloquially. get angry; throw a tantrum throw: to fit the great cast take a decisive step; to throw a fit to become furious; throw a tantrum