What is the difference between the smartphone from the phone? What is the difference between a cell phone from mobile? What is the difference between the smartphone from.

Now almost every person has a mobile phone. Time does not stand still, and this means of communication is constantly improved and modified, acquiring an increasing amount of various functions. It came to the point that the ordinary mobile phone appeared "fellow" - a smartphone that dials among users of cellular communication is becoming increasingly popular. And if you want to update your "tube" and think what to buy - a smartphone or a phone, you will certainly be offered a huge range in the store, among which both types will be attended. True, unfortunately, not every seller can explain sensible than the smartphone differs from the phone. Our article is to help.

Phone and smartphone: Who is who?

Despite the external similarity between these two devices, they actually possess many differences. The phone can be defined as a portable communication tool for voice communication, which allows you to make and accept calls, change and receive SMS and MMS. In addition, the mobile phone has additional features, such as Internet access, the ability to take photos and video, play games (truth, primitive), and also use as alarm, notebook, etc.

The difference between the smartphone from the mobile phone primarily consists in the title. It comes from the English Smartphone, which is translated as a smart phone. And it really is like that. The fact is that the smartphone is a kind of hybrid of the phone and a portable computer, since the operating system (OS) is installed in it. Then the difference between the smartphone and the phone lies: thanks to the OS, the owner of a smartphone is significantly increased possibilities compared to the user "Mobile". The most popular operating systems are Windows Phone from Microsoft, iOS from Apple and Android OS from Google.

What else there is a distinction between the smartphone and the phone?

As mentioned above, the phone cannot boast a variety of functions. What you can not say about the smartphone, because it is a two-in-one device: telephone and minicomputer. This means that in the smartphone you can install various programs and applications that you usually use on your PC. This is primarily standard Word, Adobe Reader, Excel, e-book readers, online translators, archivers. Possible viewing videos in high quality. And on the phone just there are primitive functions of Java games and viewing pictures, photos and videos in low quality.

The difference between the smartphone from the usual phone consists of a more high-speed Internet. In addition to the usual output to the browser, the owner of the smartphone can use programs for free communication, providing voice communications and video calls (Skype), correspond in email and even send various files (text documents, programs). On the phone you can send only SMS and MMS, as well as download music, ringtones and games.

The difference between the smartphone and the telephone can be called simultaneous use of several programs on the first device. That is, on the smartphone you can listen to music and send a letter in email. Most phones, as a rule, are made alternately only one function.

If we talk about how to distinguish your smartphone from the phone, then sometimes it is enough to compare them in appearance. Smartphone usually exceeds phones in dimensions, which is due to the need Multi microprocessors. In addition, the "smart phone" and the screen is greater.

Having thought that the phone or smartphone is better, consider some drawbacks of the latter. In addition to the high price, they are very fragile: they can quickly fail to fall into the floor or enter the water. Moreover, the repair of a smartphone can fly to a penny. Phone, on the contrary, a more reliable and strong device: after multiple falls and even moisture, it can continue to work. In addition, the smartphone is vulnerable to viruses and malicious programs, which you can not say about the phone.

Knowing the main differences between these two devices, you will be easier to navigate, thinking that choose: phone or smartphone.

Technologies are walking with seven-world steps. The powerful impulse of the technological progress of the beginning of the twentieth century does not dove until the end.

At the beginning of the century, the current technological breakthrough gave rise to a whole sphere of information technology. Over time, they closely intertwined with life.

No modern person do without computing technologies. And so much that constantly carries with you a small pocket computer.

That's what it is smartphone , The evolutionary heir to the first brick-shaped tubes and lamp computers into three rooms.

What is a smartphone? Smartphone is in the current understanding of the word "smart" cell phones.

There are several key differences from simple phones: the presence of a developed operating system that allows the installation of third-party applications (open OS) and a large computing power.

Difference smartphone from phone

Despite the seeming similarity, mobile phones and smartphones are radically different from each other. The second possess much wider functionality.

In general, it is possible to distinguish five main differences (at least they are actually much more):

  1. The presence of a developed, functional full-fledged operating system. They allow the creation, installation and use of applications by third-party developers. The most common OS from Microsoft (Windows Phone), Apple (iOS) and Google (Android).
  2. Full access to high-speed connection.
    If a mobile phone can provide access to mobile versions of sites through a wireless connection in a mobile network, the smartphone allows you to fully use the Internet when connecting through Wi-Fi or mobile networks.
  3. A large number of existing applications. On the mobile phone you can only install a conditional application based on Java technologies. And on smartphones, the application is compiled into binary code, like on computers.
    It can be office programs, editors, games, and so on.
  4. Synchronizing data between devices using an account in one of the search services is the same characteristic feature of the smartphone, as well as the availability of the OS.
    With it you can use free Instant Messaging Services (If there is a connection to the network).
  5. The QWERTY / YTSUCEN screen keyboard is necessary for working with accounts and an Internet browser. In mobile phones, a trimmed or modified version is used.

In this case, such a list can last for a long time.

With each new model, modern devices are supplied with a large number of all sorts of functions and technological innovations.

It is not known what these devices will turn up next year.

Main functions of smartphone

The first and basic feature of any smartphone is. In this case, the device must support modern cellular standards.

At the moment, such a standard is LTE (fourth-generation cellular networks).

This includes a functional address book with the ability to synchronize with accounts In popular services.

The second main feature is messages. At the same time, not only standard SMS are supported, but also many different services - Skype. , WhatsApp, Viber and many others.

When connecting to the Internet, these services allow you to exchange instant free messages, send photos, documents and other files.

The defining function of this type of device is the ability to install applications.

Applications can be the most diverse - from pedometerand levels to a variety of online games. Fresh models support mobile ports of computer games.

If desire and some persecution, you can even independently develop applications. This feature is provided by the presence of an open operating system.

It is precisely because of this and more powerful computational abilities of smartphones and received their name.

A significant part of the smartphone functional is based on connecting to the Internet.

A full-featured browser has become a necessary attribute for the phone. This supports connectivity both by Wi-Fi and using wireless cellular networks.

Simple surfing, various types of work on the Internet and many applications designed for the presence of a connection make up only a small part of the possibilities of pocket devices.

Working with multimedia files is also one of the inalienable aspects of the functional of any smartphone.

Listening to music, Browse videos (music clips, films, etc.), in some cases the availability of television receiver and radio provide a user with a small multimedia center placed in the pocket.

For a number of reasons, no modern smartphone is made without a camera, but, more precisely, two. The back provides the ability to make high-quality pictures.

Front, however, too, but lower quality. It is used to carry out video calls.

Important! Along with the functionality, smartphones are determined by more powerful technical equipment. The architecture is close to laptops: a compact processor and RAM, as well as the presence of an additional graphics processor.

Operating systems smartphones

The first and main difference between smartphones from simple mobile phones - the availability of the operating system.

It is noteworthy that the adapted OS for desktop and laptop computers is leading here:

  • iOS developed as an absolutely closed system. The possibility of adding third-party software was implemented in 2013.

  • Windows Phone is a mobile version of the well-known OS. Appeared in 2010, becoming the heir of Windows Mobile. The functionality is close to Windows 8 on the PC.

  • Android is a mobile OS based on open source Linux. Since 2007, many versions and assemblies are created. Allows the user to receive full control over its device.

What is a smartphone and communicator

What is a smartphone? Main differences from mobile phone

What is the difference between the smartphone from android? - This question can often be heard from those who do not understand the technique and want to purchase a new phone.

Smartphone - A telephone with advanced features compared with the usual phone. You can download applications on it, take photos, sit on the Internet and much more.

Android - This is an operating system for technique of various categories, including tablets and smartphones.

Based on the definitions, it is clear that the question is not entirely correct, since the smartphone is a mobile device, and the android is an operating system. Therefore, it will be more correct to put the question in this way - the characteristics of the smartphone on the Android OS from other devices.

Advantages of a smartphone on android

Google's company is checked, so you should not worry about the deception and leakage of files - everything is reliable.

Other popular operating systems

Such an OS will be relevant for those who actively use Microsoft products. Otherwise, no special advantages for ourselves will notice.

What to choose what is better

iOS. andAndroid are leaders among other systems and are in constant competition. If Android is synchronized with Google, then the iOS has its own cloud, that is, it does not need synchronization with any other services.

In addition to those who consciously love and agree on Android, there is also a large number of those who have no choice. Prices for iPhones have always been tangible than on smartphones.

Each OS has its own nuances, but whatever you choose - Android or iOS, in any case, get quality work from leaders among operating systems.

All in our time are perfectly familiar with mobile, or cellular, telephones, but few people know exactly the same smartphone differs from a mobile phone. We will try to answer this question, look into the story of the formation of these concepts and understand that a smartphone is more than the evolution of the phone, and who can prefer a simple and reliable "dialer" advanced "pocket computer".

Despite the absence of industrial standard and formal criteria for determining both categories of these portable devices, the most important and fundamental differences between the smartphone from the mobile phone is the mobile operating system. Thanks to her, the smartphone can be viewed as a miniature computer capable of saving and run all sorts of applications, edit documents, digital content and contact people ways that are not available by the usual phone. As with a large full-length computer, different operating systems are installed on smartphones:

  • Windows Mobile
  • Google Android
  • Symbian Os.
  • Rim BlackBerry.
  • Palm Webos.
  • and even Linux

Different with phones and smartphones and ways of interaction with the owner. While the cellular usually has a hardware digital keyboard, the smartphone or has a full-format QWERTY panel that facilitates the user to enter a large number of text, or a touchplate, at different times the keyboard, mouse, digitizer functions and used to display information. Like the PDA (pocket personal computer, PDA), smartphones are sometimes equipped with styluses for accurate input and drawing, but recently an increasing number of devices have a stylus-oriented interface and are easily controlled by fingers.

Miscellaneous functional, software and technical support causes different operational performance. For example, at the expense of a smaller screen and less productive processor, regular phones have significantly larger work on one battery charge. Easy interface and a limited set of functions simplify the use of a gadget for people who do not want to understand numerous settings and nested menus.

In turn, smartphones offer the opportunity to launch an application for any lifetime: from the timer for the cooking spaghetti and Twitter client to the most complex navigation cartographic software for professionals, athletes and tourists. Built-in gyroscopes, compasses and sensors, dactyloscopic sensors and other technical innovations are also prerogative of modern smartphones.

But, between smartphones and mobile phones there is something in common. Both categories of communication devices have a key feature concluded in the name - Phone. Both cell phone, and smartphone allow your owner to make calls, send and receive messages and mail. Like "Smart Phones", ordinary "mobile" can have an organizer in their arsenal, contact book, player, camera and a set of simple games.

Modern mobile phone and smartphone provide voice communication on the cellular network, receiving text messages, perform a number of other, constructive provided functions: call notifications and messages, alarm clock, calendar with notes, simple games, MMS, FM radio, Internet browser . Citizens became difficult to understand what the smartphone differs from the phone. In the meantime, these consonant in the title and similar on the functions of the device are completely different. The main criteria for which it is customary to distinguish between these mobile devices are as follows:

  • availability / absence of the operating system;
  • the ability to independently install applications;
  • structural features of the hardware;
  • internet opportunities.

Managing the smartphone features is based on a special software, called the operating system (hereinafter OS). This fact allows you to consider a smartphone. as a laptop computer. An intelligent mobile device can work with various applications, allow you to create and edit documents and images, as well as contact people by email and through social networks. The above functionality is not available to a simple Java-firmware of a cell phone. Therefore, for "kettles", an important criterion for choosing a mobile device is the presence / absence of an operating system in the description of the device.

Important! The lack of the OS name in the characteristics of the mobile communications apparatus is the fundamental difference between the phone from the smartphone.

There are several options for operating software for smartphones, and most popular ones - this is iOS, Android, Windows Phone. Depending on the OS smartphone used on board, smart devices are divided into iPhones, windows backgrounds, android smartphones and devices running other less common OS (BlackBerry OS, Tizen).

Windows Phone operating system

Android operating system

IOS operating system

Opportunities for smart gadgets thanks to operating software

The presence of the operating system is significantly expanding the functionality of the mobile apparatus, and in this the main difference between the "smart" device from the cell phone. Mobile OS similar to the operating "brain" of the computer supports the work of various programs: Internet browsers, messengers, reading programs, listening to music, view photos and video, various text and graphic editors, application applications.

As a rule, manufacturers enjoy smartphones by a number of branded applications that ensure the following functions:

  • internet access to search for any necessary information;
  • playing audio and video records;

  • creation of playlists;
  • email correspondence;
  • communication in social networks;
  • photo and video shooting;

  • creating notes, memos, books of contacts;
  • creating and editing texts, graphs, tables, presentations and other office information;
  • GPS navigation, work with cards, fitness capabilities;
  • search and install third-party applications (application store);

  • programs for reading books in electronic format;
  • games and other entertainment;
  • payment functions.

Important! The set of standard functions of the smartphone depends on the level of equipping the hardware platform and the version of the operating system.

In addition to the programs provided for by the manufacturer, the owner of the smartphone can establish and use the applications necessary for the solution of certain objectives from third-party developers, and search and the installation of which is recommended to be carried out through the application store.

The difference between the phone and smartphone in the hardware

The firmware of a regular phone provides interconnection of component elements of the device. This is a cellular module, display, keypad, speaker, microphone, battery, other additional modules.

Smartphone, unlike a mobile phone, is much more difficult. Like a computer he built on the basis of the central processorWhich is associated with the RAM and the graphics controller constitutes a productive basis generating commands for embedded modules. In addition to the basic architecture, including chipset, RAM and ROM, the main modules of modern smartphones are:

  • touchscreen;
  • module Cellular communication with 2G / 3G / LTE modem;
  • domestic and external speakers and microphones, voice recorder;
  • wi-Fi adapters, bluetooth;
  • gPS navigation module and sensor set;
  • cameras basic and frontal;
  • battery.

Depending on the status of the model and the manufacturer, mobile smart devices can be equipped with the following functional elements:

  • photo list;
  • NFC - chip;
  • FM - radio;
  • dactyloscopic sensor;
  • scanner of the iris.

Operating system task - control potentially possible functions of a smartphoneThe provision of which is assigned to the generating commands of the computing unit and built-in modules. Control is carried out by 2-3 physical buttons (on / locking, volume control, for example), touch buttons, virtual keyboard and voice commands.

World Wide Web Access

Mobile operators provide users with a variety of tariff plans, most of them include Internet traffic packages in different generation networks (EDGE, 2G, 3G or 4G). All smartphones and most models of ordinary cell phones are equipped with support for networks of one or another level.

Tip! Determine whether the device supports the possibility of entering the worldwide Internet, it is possible by the presence of an installed browser.

Special settings of the device after purchasing a SIM card with the optimal tariff at the first start from the user will not need. Providers are provided semi-automatic installation of cellular network parameters With the minimum participation of the Subscriber.

What to choose what is better

What is better to choose, phone or smartphone with internet access? Much depends on the owner itself, its preferences and the skills of using mobile devices. Both devices have their advantages and disadvantages.

Smartphones multifunctional and producedCan be replaced by a number of devices: from voice or Wi-Fi source to audio and video player, a camera or payment facility (terminal). And this is the undoubted advantages of smart devices.

Vulnerability to malicious programs and viruses, energy-efficiency of smartphones on the one hand, as well as the ability of users to master the wide functional and monthly considerable payments at the rate on the other hand are forced to think about the feasibility of buying a smart devission.

Tip! People of older and younger schoolchildren will quite fit both a simple mobile phone, without unnecessary functional, with which you still need to be able to handle.