Earnings on affiliate programs: is it really possible for a beginner to earn money? Earnings on affiliate programs from scratch - step-by-step instructions on how to make money on affiliate programs Affiliate programs from scratch

In this section, we present you an article by our author and expert on affiliate programs Igor Krestitin, in which you will learn the most popular affiliate earnings schemes, as well as how a beginner from scratch to make the first money on affiliate programs.

You may have noticed that there are many businesses. And I always had a question: how, using these businesses, can I make my own?

The following conditions have always been important to me:

  • sitting at home on the couch =)
  • no product purchases or cold calls
  • without millions of start-up capital

And, ideally, traveling, making time for family and friends. And I found a scheme for such a business - this is earnings on affiliate programs

Introduction from the editor

The editor-in-chief of Lifehacker, Andrey Merkulov, in his recent video, told how he relates to affiliate programs and showed his start scheme if he didn’t have a team, but there was a burning desire to make money on the Internet.

Step-by-step algorithm of affiliate earnings for beginners

Choose a business (direction) in which you yourself are already buying

Those. in fact, you yourself are already the target audience, and it will be easier for you to find customers. 2nd reason - you have proved with your own money that the product is sold / bought.

Ideal - if you take a training project (infobusiness), in which you yourself are trained. Why? Here are products with a very low cost, which means you can get more money from this =)

Case - 25,000 rubles from the sale of information courses

For example, maximum from one sale I received about 25 thousand rubles=)) and there may be more than one such sale per month =))

Negotiate an affiliate program with a business

To partner means to agree on the supply of traffic (“leads”) to this business.

2 options for connecting to an affiliate program

  1. if you already have an affiliate program- just connect to it, register an affiliate account and start driving traffic
  2. if there is no affiliate program- set up your own affiliate program for business (for example via tds systems like keitaro)

From experience, for beginners, it is easier to choose the 1st option, because. this is done very easily, in 3 minutes =) For example, here is an affiliate program (by the way, a very good affiliate program, on which I (Igor) earned more than one tens of thousands :-))

Start PR and drain traffic through an affiliate link

So, let's say you signed up for an affiliate program. Now you should take your affiliate link and start promoting it.

2 main pluses for beginners who are just learning to make money on the Internet

Dummies always have a lot of questions and little money in order to build a full-fledged online business structure - traffic + sales + order fulfillment. In affiliate programs, everything is much simpler - since you only need to make traffic.

  1. The partner organizes the entire sales process, collection of applications, dialing, reminding letters - those. professional affiliate managers will sell
  2. A partner provides a service or delivers a product for you

What is better to advertise in affiliate programs

In media affiliates that sell courses, it’s better to promote a free product/offer (because people are more likely to respond to a free product than a direct sale).

In commodity partnerships that sell physical goods(Chinese business, cpa-networks) it is better to advertise a selling page right away.

How and on which sites to advertise an affiliate program on the Internet

In the beginning, it is better to use free and inexpensive advertising channels.

An example of free advertising channels

  1. Your Youtube videos with an honest review of the affiliate product
  2. Your articles on the site with a product review (it is optimal to start your own mailing list to interact with subscribers)
  3. torrents
  4. Social media posts
  5. Adding friends to the target audience (in different social networks)
  6. Personal recommendations offline

Cheap ways to advertise

  1. Buying inexpensive posts in public VKontakte
  2. Different ways of lead generation
  3. Buying issues in paid email newsletters
  4. Targeted advertising VKontakte
  5. Advertising in the Yandex advertising network (a lot of hot traffic, but the cost depends on the topic)

Also pay attention to our inexpensive seminar - 50 ways to make money online.

Advertising on the resources of your friends and acquaintances and partnership with them for %

If you have friends with your traffic channels, you can choose an affiliate program for them and negotiate with them about advertising

  1. at a huge discount for
  2. advertising for % of sales

Algorithm for quick earnings on affiliate programs without your own website

  1. you negotiate with the owner of the affiliate program about increased commissions, provided that you place yourself on well-known sites (preliminarily make a list of sites)
  2. learn about the second level partner when you can bring partners and receive % from partner earnings, if any - register a separate advertising account for the partner using your affiliate link (the partner is assigned under you)
  3. you agree with your friends about advertising for a percentage or at a big discount

For example, I arranged this with a friend who had a mailing list. I just wrote letters for her and selected an affiliate program, and he sent them through his database. And the profit was divided in half =) by the way, so I earned my first 70 thousand rubles per month =)

Reverse traffic monetization

It is also important to consider an interesting life hack, which I call “reverse traffic monetization”

For example, when I did an advertisement in a group on the topic "simoron", I, investing 200 rubles, received about 3,000 rubles. Just because I found a really live group and gave people what they were interested in (namely, teaching "simoron" or "fulfillment of desires")

How guaranteed to earn 50,000 rubles on affiliate programs

I have coaching in which I help you earn the first 50,000 rubles, while I guarantee under the contract (!) That you will earn them. Sign up for the program at this link

Of course, you can postpone and look for the best, simple, fast and proven ways on the free Internet, or you can accept my offer without risk (!), since you are guaranteed to earn more than the cost of this program or get all your money back, without any conditions.

Few people give such a guarantee for educational programs, because a lot depends on the student, and not just on the teacher. But our scheme is so proven that we took this step.

What kind of traffic is best for affiliate programs

The best traffic is the one in which you understand at least a little bit

It is likely that you have already studied advertising channels and you have some experience - you were getting clicks. Tune those channels first.

For example, some time ago I poured traffic through Youtube to my old health product, but I got very little from it - about 5 thousand per month (a subscriber brought about 2 rubles).

Then, just starting to pour traffic through Youtube to another, more profitable topic, I managed to earn more than 100 thousand rubles (a subscriber brought about 20 - 30 rubles).

Kim Ahan Start

Everyone dreams of having money work for them. What could be better than earning while relaxing. As long as you do what you want, the successful investments you make will bring impressive returns.

How to make money from scratch

The Internet has already fully entered into all spheres of human life. Internet access is everywhere and always, so choosing to work on the World Wide Web can be a very good decision.

To start earning without investments, you will need your account in one of the many. Well, then, it is necessary to attract users to perform the actions required by advertisers. Bringing people to various projects, you can make good money.

Affiliate programs imply not only a quick turnover of money on the Internet, but also the possibility of arranging long-term cooperation that requires a large amount of your work at the beginning, but minimal actions later. Even a single user you refer can generate huge amounts of money. The only question is which offer you choose and how successful the ad will be.

Before starting work on the Internet, it is advisable to study all the main mistakes made by beginners, which does not allow building a profitable cooperation scheme. Some of them may seem useful to already experienced webmasters. In the end, knowing the basics never hurt anyone.

I would like to say right away that there is money in the global network, and a lot of it. And you can earn both with initial investments, and generally from scratch. To date, there are many examples of successful work on both schemes. The most important thing is to be prepared for a lot of work and constant self-education.

To create your own successful business on the Internet, you need to follow a number of simple steps:

  1. Register in the most suitable affiliate program for you;
  2. Get personalized links to products and services that you will promote.

You can place ads both on your own resources and use popular social networks and other sites that collect your target audience. The easiest way for beginners will be to use the services of resource aggregators that facilitate meetings between contractors and partners. Delegating work that you can't do to specialists is often the most effective solution.

Do not forget that cooperation with affiliate programs does not always lead to quick and fabulous enrichment. It happens that you, and sometimes even lose money. Be careful and do not lose control of the situation. Do not assume that by investing money you will certainly succeed. You can engage in advertising without having your own resources in the network at all, and quite effectively.

By taking the matter seriously, you will be able to achieve the income that you have always dreamed of. True, this may take some time. Do not despair because of starting failures, they happen to everyone. Keep bending your line and develop. This will certainly help you fulfill your dream.

What is an affiliate program

In the broadest and most common sense, this is a type of cooperation in which there is a commercial relationship between the owner of a product or service and the person who becomes his partner.

In fact, this means that you act as a seller who receives a commission for every purchase made by the client you referred. This becomes possible due to the receipt of a personal link that you will advertise on the network so that users follow it and perform actions paid by the advertiser.

Contracts allow people who bring customers to the store, and thereby contribute to sales growth, to receive a percentage of the profits from these same sales. You just need to find an interested seller or manufacturer who is willing to share their profits with those who will increase the number of products sold.

In ordinary life, letters of recommendation can be considered successful examples of such cooperation. When a good specialist does his job well, the employer gives him a letter of recommendation so that in the future his qualifications are not called into question.

People often share information about companies that provide quality services or products. And often when buying, you are interested in the opinion of a trusted person, whose advice you listen to. On the Internet, everything works exactly the same. There are a large number whose opinion is valued and taken for granted. When they recommend a particular product, they may well count on material compensation from the manufacturer. After all, many people will follow this advice.

Affiliate programs allow you to earn not only popular personalities, but also ordinary people who compensate for the lack of fame with material or labor investments. You can also receive a certain percentage of the profit of the offer if you start recommending some goods or services to your friends and acquaintances on the Internet. Someone will certainly follow the recommendations and make a purchase.

Ultimately, you play the role of a manager who paints the merits of one product over others. With a fairly serious approach to business, over time, you will be able to completely abandon your work in favor of an online business. After all, online income depends only on you, and they can be really big.

There are a number of effective schemes outside the Internet. For example, teams that repair apartments or sell and install plastic windows can pay part of the profits for clients brought by people who have concluded a cooperation agreement with them. Finding clients is not an easy task, and a team of workers loses a lot of money in one day of downtime. Therefore, it is beneficial for them to constantly receive orders, albeit for a certain fee.

Affiliates as a way to earn money

Thanks to a variety of affiliate programs, you do not have to look for performers who would be willing to pay part of their profits for providing clients. You just need to get your own link to share it with everyone around and promote your chosen offer.

Thanks to the link received in the affiliate program, you assign yourself all the attracted customers. Cookies on their computers store information that they visited the advertiser's resource directly through your advertisement. At the same time, cookies can live from several days to a year or even more. Therefore, do not despair if the conversion did not occur immediately after the transition. Perhaps the user will eventually return and make a purchase when they mature.

After the purchase has been made, the advertiser checks which of the partners brought the client and pays him a commission based on the terms of the agreement concluded with the affiliate. Often, the percentage of deductions can reach seventy percent of the cost of a product or service, or even more. But it all depends on the specific offer and the conditions on which he agreed with the affiliate program.

For goods, the situation is somewhat different than for services, because they have a cost. In addition, the features of the acquisition may also increase the price. Well, the seller must at least earn something. At the moment, advertising of online games is very popular. The advertiser usually pays for registering or reaching a certain level in the virtual world. In some cases, the webmaster receives a percentage of the money that the player he referred spent in the internal game store.

There are banks that specialize in remote banking. They are also willing to cooperate with affiliate programs and pay commissions for attracted customers who ordered credit cards, issued a loan, or performed any other useful actions.

As a rule, the financial sector is much more monetary. Making a loan can bring you several thousand rubles in deductions. And that's just for one effective client. Of course, there is a very high level of competition. It is recommended to start, as a rule, with something more mundane. imply the use of the cheapest type of traffic, so if you do not want to immediately start investing serious money in promotion, you should think about choosing such a topic.

Types of affiliate programs

Of course, affiliate programs, like any other type of business, must be divided, depending on the topic of the prevailing offers and the additional options provided. First, let's look at the differences, depending on the type of payment:

  1. Pay Per Click (CPC)

At the moment, almost no one works like that anymore. Advertisers, as a rule, do not want to pay just for clicks to their resource. After all, the seller wants to sell, and not watch how an endless crowd of people are constantly trampling around in the store and just looking around. Today, this scheme works only at a very low cost per click. Just a couple of cents will fall to you as a reward for such actions. If you are dealing with large volumes of low-quality traffic, then this scheme may be profitable for you. But increasing the quality of traffic will certainly make this approach unprofitable, or at least ineffective.

  1. Pay per impression (CPM)

This type of cooperation is more interesting for advertisers, but almost completely a failure for a webmaster. The banner is placed on a thematic resource and is constantly shown to visitors. Whether they follow the link to the offer website built into it or not does not matter. You get your commission only for the fact of displaying ads. At the same time, deductions are extremely small and can be a dollar or even less per thousand impressions.

  1. Pay Per Action (CPA)

This is the most popular cooperation scheme today. The offer pays a reward not for the fact that you bring visitors to it, but for their effective actions already within their own resource. That is, if a person has done something interesting from the point of view of the advertiser, then he pays you a reward, and you will not receive anything for those who came just to watch. On the other hand, pay per action can be very high in some cases. And the average rate here is large enough to be able to test a variety of cooperation options.

  1. Pay Per Sales (CPS)

This approach forces the webmaster to motivate users not only to go to the advertiser's site, but also to purchase something. In fact, you have to focus on a certain category of goods, or even on something specific, and give a link not just to a store, but to a unique item. This is the most expensive way of cooperation. Such traffic is very expensive, because out of a hundred people who are interested in a product, there can be only a couple of purchases, and in case of an unfortunate set of circumstances, there will be none at all. But, if you generate really high-quality traffic, for example, place contextual advertising, then this is the most suitable way to convert it into money.

Ultimately, all methods of cooperation between webmasters and advertisers have the right to life. The resources from which traffic is merged can be completely different, so the approach to work must be personal. Do not try to copy something successful, because you most likely will not be able to compete with a trusted resource. First, find some not very popular niche and take it. And already from the finished resource, start your offensive on all fronts and expand to infinity.

Starting with one specific store, consistently building traffic and trust from search engines, you can become a major supplier of product traffic. When the scale grows enough, you will not be limited to one advertiser, or even one affiliate program. Constantly experiment with different options for converting your traffic. Try new offers that competitors have not yet managed to overcome. Active daily work will certainly bear fruit.

Rules to follow when working with partners

Today, almost all major network projects enter into agreements with affiliate programs in order to promote their products. Ultimately, such a scheme of working with a large number of webmasters, whose services are concentrated in just one contract concluded with an affiliate, is extremely effective. In some cases, they do not even advertise their own resource, but an account on a social network or a forum section.

In order not to blow all your money and efforts into the pipe, you should follow a number of basic rules. And they concern the work of not only beginners, but also experienced webmasters, who often follow them even more accurately in their work.

  1. Place ads only on thematic resources . Don't try to fit in wherever it's physically possible. The low quality of your traffic can lead to the fact that the affiliate simply disconnects you from the offer or lowers the rate.
  2. Usually, the most effective advertising is that which describes the advantages of the product based on the experience of a particular person. If you have purchased the advertised product and share your impressions about it, then this will have a good effect on users and motivate them to buy.
  3. Do not immediately rush to the first offer that comes across. . who have already worked with him. There are times when the percentage of confirmed actions is too low to successfully collaborate. There is also connivance on the part of employees who transmit information about confirmed commissions for a very long time. Due to the fact that the reward is paid with a long delay, your advertising campaign may stop, which is not so easy to restart.
  4. Always look through all the promotional materials available for the offer . Familiarize yourself with all before choosing, in your opinion, the most promising. People, after clicking on the link, should get to a page that will fuel their desire to complete the target action, and not cause disgust or boredom.
  5. Competent work with advertising texts is the key to successful work . Don't overload them with links, instead try to make the article lively and organic. People should read your message in one breath and decide for themselves what they want to do. It is by allowing users to believe that they themselves wanted to follow the link, and not you forced them to do so, you can achieve a significant increase in traffic efficiency.
  6. Try not to put all your eggs in one basket . If you are developing your resource, then make it more multidirectional. When working with goods, do not try to focus on one particular store, because it may close and you will be left with nothing. This also applies. Your successful work with a single offer is certainly good, but one feeder will not be able to feed you forever. You need to create advertising campaigns that allow you to quickly change creatives and redirect traffic in the other direction.
  7. Constantly work with all available statistics . The effectiveness of an advertising campaign depends not only on the presence of conversions. The comfort of your visitors should not suffer because of the ads you place. The outflow of visitors is a very serious call, indicating that you made a mistake when choosing a strategy.
  8. When you decide to engage in attracting traffic to a third-party project, you must immediately understand that it is possible only if your own resource develops and expands its audience. Large numbers in the statistics of visits are certainly good, but if the users who are interested in your project do not change from day to day, then advertising will not bring the desired result, because you will offer it to those who do not need it. Those who are interested will immediately follow the link and convert the profit to you, and the rest will not need it, so the profitability will decrease. Only by engaging new people will you be able to keep your commissions high.

Choosing an affiliate program to get started

It is almost impossible to predict the result of the work even before it starts. Nevertheless, when choosing an affiliate program, you should pay attention to a number of parameters that may partially determine your success in the future:

  1. Uniqueness

New offers are more promising than those that have been working with an affiliate program for a long time and squeezed all the juice out of it. New products are always more actively perceived by the audience. Yes, and other webmasters have not yet had time to scroll their ads wherever possible, having covered the bulk of the converting traffic. In the queue, it is always important to stand closer to the cashier, then there will be enough buns for you.

  1. Do not work with free services

When offers with any courses or seminars are added to affiliate programs, which can be easily found in the public domain, you should not even think about working with them. In fact, advertising services that you can find in the free version will significantly tarnish your reputation, because you will deceive people. Therefore, even the presence of conversions will not be able to cover reputational losses. The same applies to the gray areas of business, which are often presented in a wide variety.

  1. Master classes are what you need

Training programs that offer quality services to clients, especially if they are new, will always be popular. When, people are happy to accept his information and do not regret the money spent. Such advertisers should be in the first place for you. After all, the happiness of your audience is what you need to strive for when creating your resource.

  1. Assess the prospects

The possibility of long-term cooperation with the partner program is an integral part of effective work. Being confident in the future, you can build a high-quality and sustainable resource that will delight your visitors with useful information for a long time, and you with big profits. And if you are not sure about the affiliate program and worry every day about the prospects of cooperation, then there will be no result. Ultimately, it is very important that both parties fulfill their responsibilities and guarantee successful work.

  1. Keep the theme

It is important that the theme of your resource is the same or at least similar to the one offered by the affiliate. It is not necessary to advertise to a resource with an exclusively male audience goods for women. Evaluate your visitors and the information you post well before choosing an offer. Its advertising should harmoniously fit into the general line followed by the resource.

  1. Percentage of deductions

There are situations when the same offer offers different rewards in different affiliate programs. Check out several sites before making your choice. Choose the most attractive conditions for yourself. In some cases, when the resource on which you advertise is very large, it is possible to provide personal conditions. True, this applies only to very popular sites. If you are one of those lucky ones, try to contact the support service and negotiate a rate increase, taking into account the high prospects of your resource. As for contextual advertising, here you need to form a certain budget and, before starting work, evaluate the expected effectiveness. Don't invest if you don't have any conversion information. Often, experienced webmasters, before pouring serious money into advertising, conduct tests and check how a particular type of traffic perceives ads. High-quality text and creatives in this case are half the success. The other half is smart targeting. If you show ads only to your target audience, then the conversion rate will be much higher.

  1. Choose the best conditions

Check all the options that advertisers provide to their customers. For example, regarding product offers, you need to pay attention to the delivery options for purchases. Cash on delivery is the most popular option, along with couriers. If the store is not ready to meet the requirements of potential buyers, it turns out that your traffic is losing effectiveness, and through no fault of your own. Such situations must be avoided.

  1. Payout frequency

One of the most important indicators of the quality work of an affiliate program is the frequent and regular deduction of earned commissions to partners. Check that payments occur at least twice a month. Also in terms of payments. Do not cooperate with affiliate programs that regularly delay money. This can negatively affect your emotional state and the created advertising campaign.

  1. Promotional materials and promotions

It is always nice when an affiliate program provides you with a large number of various promotional materials. In this case, you will be able to find the most effective banners and landing pages for your purposes.

The same applies to all kinds. When an affiliate program allocates part of its profits to give away prizes for partners, it is always more pleasant to work. Popular affiliate networks are a reliable choice that you can be sure of.

Try to choose new offers, not new affiliate programs. Time-tested veterans of the advertising business always get the most delicious conditions, and fresh offers appear much more often than in start-up companies. Only experienced webmasters switch to new affiliate programs, who are lured away by more favorable conditions. Ultimately, well-known webs are, in fact, outbid to improve their image and popularize the brand on the Internet.

How to start earning on affiliate programs from scratch

There is a certain algorithm of basic actions, the implementation of which, as a rule, leads the webmaster to the cherished goal. Of course, the process of creating effective advertising campaigns is complex and multifaceted. Some webmasters do not achieve the desired results even after several years. However, to achieve success, you will have to do the necessary minimum, without which the work itself will be impossible:

  1. Affiliate search

Choose a trusted affiliate network and fill out the registration form. After that, confirm the mailbox and go through authorization. Check out the list of offers, in some cases it is more convenient to view the list of products to which you can send traffic.

  1. Link selection
  1. Start promotion

Having an active affiliate account and a link, you are armed enough to get started. There are several directions of advertising that you can choose from:

  • Own resource;
  • Forums and communities;
  • Social media;
  • Contextual advertising;
  • Landing page.

As for landing pages, here you will need to create a special resource, but it allows you to accumulate targeted traffic, filtering out everything bad through a quality funnel.

For beginners, as a rule, it is easiest to start working with forums and various thematic communities, where in an ordinary conversation you can recommend one or another product you advertise. No less often, the first steps in the webmaster field are made using your own resource. You create some attractive text, titled with a suitable headline, and then you just need to organically insert an advertising link into it. Along with this, you can also place banners that will be displayed on all pages of your site.

  1. Getting income

One of the most important steps. The process of promoting advertising links inevitably leads to conversions and, as a result, commissions. After a week, you can start analyzing the received statistics.

  1. Profit withdrawal

The most popular way for webmasters to receive commissions is the WebMoney service. It allows you to withdraw cash in the form of dividends on shares that are not taxed. If you want to organize a full-fledged business, then it is better to register a legal entity and pay income taxes. But this only applies to large amounts of money.

Earnings on affiliate programs without own resources

Active work with affiliate networks can lead to the fact that you have already completed your work a long time ago, and traffic is still flowing, bringing sales and deductions. The lifetime of cookies means that users can make their purchases months after clicking on the link, and you will still receive commissions.

Of course, to work with affiliate networks, it is not at all necessary to have your own resource. You just need to place your advertising link on third-party resources and receive referrals. Non-standard solutions in this case may be the most effective. Ultimately, it doesn't matter to the advertiser where you brought the customers from. The most important thing is the high quality of traffic and the presence of conversions.

However, different offers have a different approach to working with partners. Please read all terms and conditions carefully before starting work. What kind of traffic is allowed for use, and which, accordingly, is prohibited. If you violate the terms of cooperation, you can be disconnected from work, while losing all the money that has not been withdrawn.

Consider the main available traffic sources:

  1. Social media

I think everyone is familiar with such resources. To date, many of them are equipped with their own. All you need is proper targeting and ad creation. Moreover, you can use your own page as a platform for advertising. Place an affiliate link in your profile. You can also write a review of the advertised product or service and post it in the appropriate groups.

If you are ready to plunge into, then you can use the services of numerous programs that generate and maintain the activity of bot accounts. True, this can also lead to permanent bans, so be careful.

  1. Guest posts

Popular blogs are quite suitable for hosting guest posts with sponsored links. Try to write something interesting and relevant, otherwise no one will read your post, or the owner of the resource will simply delete it. A number of resources are hosted for a fee. But you need to choose the right site and evaluate the potential profit in relation to the invested funds. Do not start working obviously in the negative.

This online marathon as part of the project “Knowledge base site”, just the same is intended for beginners, it will help you understand all the intricacies of this type of earnings on the Internet and build a stable monthly income of 20 thousand rubles.

Those who have been reading my blog for more than a month know that I have been studying affiliate programs for a long time and sharing my experience. Recently I started to maintain a column in which I talk not only about how much I earned, but also what I did for this.

In just over 2 years, I built a source of income from affiliate programs from scratch, which consistently brings in more than 150,000 rubles a month.

Today my task is to give you material that will help you understand what it is in general and figure out where to start making money on affiliate programs.

But let's start with this, I want you to read at least the first half of the article. There I talked about the whole essence of the Internet, where the money comes from and who pays for everything. This will help you understand what earning in affiliate programs is based on.

How to make money on affiliate programs?

In three words, I can answer this question as follows: you take any product or service with an affiliate program and advertise on the Internet, people buy it / her through your affiliate link, and you receive your commission for each sale.

Everything seems simple, but this leads to such unresolved questions as:

  1. Where to look for products and services with an affiliate program?
  2. How to register in the affiliate program and where to get the link?
  3. How to work with partner systems?
  4. What types of affiliate programs and commissions are there?
  5. How and where to withdraw the earned money?
  6. How to communicate with the authors of affiliate programs and receive special conditions?
  7. What is passive income based on?
  8. Well, the main question is how to advertise? There are hundreds of answers to which.

Specifically, you can get answers to all these questions by completing the online marathon “Earnings on affiliate programs from scratch”. I could expand on this whole topic in a series of articles, but for you it would be confusing and not as effective as taking consecutive lessons and doing simple homework.

Are not only knowledge important to you, but also the result in your wallet? Correctly?

Who can earn on affiliate programs?

Many, many people - most of the users on the Internet do not know and do not want to know what affiliate programs are, and because of this they lose easy money that absolutely anyone can earn.

In addition, you yourself can earn through an affiliate program on your own purchases. How? Find the product you want to buy, register in the affiliate program, take the affiliate link and buy using it. This usually works for online stores and products that participate in CPA networks. With services and various courses with large price tags, this rarely works. I'll tell you more about this at the marathon.

So, even an ordinary user can earn on affiliate programs. And if you work on the Internet, provide some kind of service or build a business, then it’s generally stupid not to study this topic.

How to get started: free and paid way

From the foregoing, I think you already understand that you can start recommending something through affiliate links and earn money right now, without any investment.

Such earnings will be simply, as an additional, to your main activity.

But what if you are going to take it on a more serious level and create an income of 20,000 rubles a month? In this case, it is worth considering 2 ways that contain different methods for promoting affiliate products.

The first way is free. when you create your own platforms that gather an audience and advertise affiliate products on them. For example: an account and a group in social networks, your website / blog, YouTube channel, e-mail newsletter, etc.

The second way is paid when you invest in advertising on other sites. For example: buying advertising posts in promoted publics on social networks, Yandex Direct and other types of contextual advertising, buying ads in top articles, banner ads, etc.

The second method is more risky and may not always pay off, here you also need to be well versed in each individual method in order to make a profit, and not drain money.

Therefore, I advise beginners to start with those free methods that I will now list.

The most effective:

  • Personal account in social networks (VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki). Efficiency also depends on the target audience of the product.
  • Group (public) in social networks.
  • Content site, forum, educational portal.
  • E-mail distribution (mini-funnel of sales, automatic series of letters, affiliate traffic).

Less effective:

  • Services of bookmarks, mailing of news and reviews (Subscribe type).

Last update:  02/23/2020

Reading time: 20 min. | Views: 21928

Hello, dear visitors of the business magazine site! In this article, we will tell you in detail about making money on affiliate programs from scratch, how you can make money without a website, is it possible to make quick money on affiliate programs on the Internet.

No one will hide the fact that at least once in their life they dreamed of finding a job that would not involve complex tasks or could even be performed automatically and bring good profit.

Earning from scratch with the advent of modern technology and the Internet, it has become more real, because access to the network in our time is practically unlimited. This means that for the arrangement of the workspace you will need a computer connected to the World Wide Web.

At the same time, there is one interesting method of making a profit, which allows, - earnings on affiliates. In fact, it will be necessary to engage in attracting people to various projects, and many resources are willing to pay for new users in our time.

Partnership programs provide an opportunity not only to receive momentary profit in the form of bonus for bringing a new person to this or that project, in which he himself will be able to earn, which means it will be interested in registration, but very often they offer permanent deductions.

Their essence will be discussed further, but already now I would like to note that at their expense, with a thoughtful approach, you can even, following the example of some lucky ones, abandon your main place of work and establish income from the Internet on an ongoing basis.

So, from this material you will learn:

  1. What are the average affiliate programs;
  2. How can you use them to receive both one-time and regular profits;
  3. Is the income limited by something when working with affiliate programs, or does it all depend on the abilities of a particular person;
  4. What types are divided into all existing affiliate programs, as well as what features they have;
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of making a profit;
  6. How to start from scratch? Do I need a website to participate in affiliate programs? Is it possible to attract people without their own resource?

In addition, will be considered common beginner mistakes, as well as recommendations for an effective start.

Special attention will be paid examples, which will allow you to visually see the whole process of earning on affiliate programs from scratch, as well as its main points, which are pay attention as well as those who for the first time faces affiliate programs, and those who already for a long time works with them.

At the very end of the article, an overview of the most common questions that people have on this topic will be made, as well as exhaustive answers to them will be given.

Earnings on affiliate programs from scratch - a complete guide to working with affiliate programs

1. What is an affiliate program and how to make money on it 💸

There are several definitions of this concept, but we will focus on the most used. Thanks to him, it becomes clear what an affiliate program (or affiliate program) is.

affiliate program(Eng. Affiliate program) is a kind of cooperation or commercial relationship between the owner of a product (or service) and a person who becomes his partner, which means that to some extent he can be called a seller.

If we discard dry definitions, then it all comes down to one thing: a person receives certain commission deductions from the organization for a transaction that was carried out on his recommendation.

In fact, the partner has special link , on which the user must go and perform certain actions specified in advance by the rules. The resource that received a new visitor (buyer) shares with the person who brought him a part of his profit.

1.1. The essence of making money on affiliate programs - general meaning + example

Let's take a look at the whole process in a little more detail. Of course, the origins of such cooperation "manufacturer-partner" are in real life.

Quite a long time ago, it occurred to smart companies to enter into special contracts with people who promised to bring new clients. For this they could count on a certain percentage of profit.

At the same time, for a person who decided to try this kind of activity on himself, the task is to find a kind of contractor, that is, some store, service or even an individual, and conclude with it agreement . Thanks to the Internet, the whole procedure is greatly simplified.

Real life example 📌

So, let's consider all of the above with a small example.

Suppose your store needed to develop an online version. To carry out these works, an acquaintance Misha was involved, who did everything at the highest level.

Of course, after successful cooperation, you will be able with a clear conscience to advise him as a specialist to other people who also have a need for their own website. And they immediately fall on a professional, and not on some unverified one, and Misha thus receives gratitude from you in the form of new clients.

And this is just one example out of a thousand, because such situations occur everywhere.

Every day, each person shares his personal opinion with his surroundings about the purchased goods and services, and also wants to recommend something that justified his own expectations.

Very often you can hear from friends, acquaintances and relatives: “Don’t you have a good dentist in mind, to whom you could trust your teeth without fear?” Or something like this: “Can you tell me the phone number of the auto repair shop, in which you restored the body so efficiently and inexpensively?”

To understand the principle of affiliate programs in this example, it is enough to imagine that in this situation all organizations and individuals who have received new clients (dentists, car repair shops, lawyers, etc.) will give back for your actions, For example , 10% from the profit received from new visitors. This situation is quite understandable, because without a recommendation, these people would not have ended up in a particular company or competitive specialist.

According to this principle, you can become a kind manager who sells certain services in his spare time. Read about other methods in a separate article of our magazine.

In fact, you share with your loved ones advice on where it is better to fill a tooth, which workshop will repair the body faster and cheaper, and also why it is worth contacting Misha for a website. At the same time, as a freelance manager, you managed to simultaneously receive income and not spend on the process of earning personal time .

It all sounds very attractive, but for greater confidence in the reality of all these words, you should pay attention to the real numbers. And they, in turn, affirm the following: in this way, you can either get a nice bonus to your monthly basic salary, or even refuse to work at all.

How does it work in practice?

For example, a group of craftsmen did repairs in your apartment. The result of their work was very high quality so you decide reach an agreement with them that you will recommend them to your neighbors, relatives, friends and colleagues at work (after all, they really did an excellent job with their tasks), and in return receive, for example, 10% from future work.

A new client will order a kitchen renovation from this team on your advice. Depending on the complexity of the work, as well as on whether there will be a need to purchase and transport all the tools and materials, the profit of the craftsmen can vary quite widely.

If a person decides to completely change the appearance of his home, you will receive from the brigade from 10 to 100,000 rubles! Based on this, even one recommendation for the entire month can provide you with both a small income and a profit that even many metropolitan residents can envy.

If you have turned to other specialists, for example, to replace windows or furniture, then the potential amount of money deducted for recommendations only increases. Thus, this whole principle is simple and clear, especially after analysis real situations .

1.2. How to make money on affiliate programs on the Internet

On the World Wide Web, it is even easier to make a profit in the way described above, because there is no need to look for real contractors on your own, and it also becomes possible to cooperate even with those companies and services that you have not encountered before, because you did not need their services.

Don't forget and about all kinds of automatic systems that are engaged in mailing lists or offer affiliate programs for cooperation with various systems and commodity platforms.

Of course, the following question immediately arises: how can the contractor know that the client was received from concrete partner?

In this case, everything is quite simple. First of all, the link may contain the answer to the question (very often it may contain partner's nickname or some of his identifier, which will be received by the contracting site after a unique visitor clicks on it). Secondly, all information about visiting certain resources is always stored on a person’s computer using technology cookies, which means nothing prevents you from counting it and simulating the client's route.

According to the scheme described earlier, everything happens as follows: a person is interested in the product on the partner’s website and following its link to the resource of the contractor (manufacturer or owner), performing certain actions there. After making a profit, a real seller shares part of it with his "assistant", who brought a new buyer.

No matter how strange it may seem, but sometimes real income can be up to the full cost of purchased goods or services. Perhaps this is the case if the contractor offers some courses or useful information, which in itself has no price.

Often, it is in the information business that the percentage of commissions can vary from 70% to 90% and higher.

Of course, in product affiliate systems, the reward is less. Its size depends on several factors:

  • the cost of a product or service;
  • their appearance, as well as features of acquisition and use;
  • seller markup.

There are online resources that automate the process of both concluding an agreement and paying profits. A fairly popular system is the site apishops.com. On it you can find various offers for the sale of all kinds of goods.

Almost everyone has heard of Tinkoff Bank, which specializes in remote services and attracts partners everywhere. To make a profit, you need to recommend financial services to some person and make sure that he performs certain actions.

The bank has the following rates:

  1. For writing an application for a credit card, you can get 155 rubles.
  2. For its activation by a new client, the partner will receive 160 rubles.
  3. After filling out an application for registration of a bank deposit, 952 rubles are paid as a reward. and 52 kop.

Thus, affiliate programs are a real way to earn . It actually consists in attracting new customers for various stores, services and information businessmen who are ready to give part of the profits.

Anyone who wants to can organize small extra income and permanent stable earnings by advertising certain goods or services, or by attracting people to perform certain actions.

What are affiliate programs - popular types according to the payment scheme

2. Types of affiliate programs 📑 - 4 main categories

This field of activity, like any other, contains its own specific classification.

As is clear from the material that was discussed earlier, it is quite difficult to cover the variety of affiliate programs with a couple of proposals. That is why we consider main types of affiliate programs by payment type available to the modern Internet user:

Type 1. Pay per click

In fact, the contractor (the one who provides the affiliate program) pays for all the people (unique visitors) who follow the affiliate's referral link to his site.

Thus, you can not only increase the attendance of your resource without any extra effort, but also acquire in the future new customers who will make purchases and spend money.

The person who placed the link on their site receives a reward per click, but it is often very small and fluctuates. from 1 to 3 cents. (Read the link -). And the thing is that the visitor can simply get acquainted with the resource and register on it, or he can immediately close the tab and forget that he visited something. That is why advertisers not interested in serious pay through such affiliate programs.

On the other hand, most modern services that place links and banners on a huge number of resources around the Internet allow their customers to specify certain display criteria for which they charge a fee.

Type 2. With pay-per-impression

In this case, the partner places an advertisement of a certain size on his resource, and the contractor rewards him for every person who views this banner. All this sounds very tempting, especially for sites that have a large number of unique visitors per day, however per 10,000 views give just about 5$ .

As a result, less effort is spent, but such earnings are suitable only for very popular resources.

Type 3. With payment for actions

This type of affiliate program is more complex than the previous 2, but it implies better pay . The reward will only be received if the person does something.

Almost always he needs either register by filling out a form, or watch video, or download specific file. Very often they pay for completing surveys, which are pre-adapted to the visitor.

Of course, the more complex the action, the higher the commission, but in this case, not every person will have the desire to do something more complicated than just following a link.

Type 4. With payment for sales

most perfect and profitable way enter into a partnership agreement. Despite this, this method has obvious disadvantage: you need not only to attract a visitor to the contractor’s website, but also to force him to do something there buy , and to do this is often quite difficult, unless you think in advance something like an advertising campaign.

At the same time, a project that is trying to get new customers in this way is ready to pay up to 40% off every purchase, if it does not itself remain in the red. And the thing is that if the partner had not brought a buyer, then there would have been no deal. In this case, his merit in making a profit for the contractor is obvious.

It is worth noting that the last option is actually familiar to all people from life, but on the Internet it is much easier and more efficient to engage in such activities.

Of course, attracting buyers (both goods and certain services) is more difficult than just placing a banner and waiting for site users to see it by loading the page. Despite this, a reasonable approach will attract not just people who will commit one purchase, but the real regular customers . In this case, the contractor will continue to pay a commission percentage every time a visitor orders something, even if this time he himself went to the site.

It is also worth noting that it is impossible to single out from the above list the best a way to make money on affiliate programs, because the more income per person, the more difficult the actions need to be performed by the partner.

Often, the owners of personal or advertising sites organize A complex approach to cooperate with various shops and with those who offer any services. They place both links to go to the contractor's website and its banner, and also recommend purchasing any product after performing a certain action.

3. Working with affiliate programs - 8 important rules for working with affiliate programs on the Internet 📝

Although at first glance everything is quite simple, do not forget about some simple rules , which will make it possible to quickly start as newbie, who had never dealt with affiliate programs before, and experienced people who have earned more than a dozen (and maybe hundreds) of thousands of rubles in this business.

So, you should always remember the following points:

Rule 1 All projects must be advertised exclusively on thematic sites. This is the only way to attract new customers and not lose old visitors who may be disappointed in their favorite resource if irrelevant extraneous materials appear on it.

Rule 2 In order to describe in detail the service offered or to present in a qualitative and interesting way all the advantages of the site to which people should go, better check it out for yourself:

  1. purchase a test product yourself;
  2. order something from a contractor (very often, partners are given discounts);
  3. register on the resource yourself so that the advertising process looks as good as possible natural and convincing.

Rule 3 You should not immediately conclude a deal with an offer (as contractors are called in professional circles by those who specialize in affiliate programs).

Beforehand, it is better to find out more about his reward system, as well as read reviews .

Not always large payments for an attracted client indicate that it is more profitable to cooperate with this service, because the actions required by it can be very complex, which means that not all people will be able to complete them, which will lead to the cancellation of remuneration.

Rule 4 To increase the conversion of existing traffic (this term means the ratio of users who performed the required action, that is, registered, filled out a questionnaire or bought something, to all visitors) it is often customary to use special landing pages (English landing pages or landing pages). Read more about them in the article and how to create it for free.

It is with the help of such “landing pages” that it will be possible to get maximum the number of people who will be interested in the described offer, which means the chance that they will do everything necessary (registration, purchase and other actions), is growing.

It is best not to engage in independent development of landing pages without special experience, but to entrust this business professional web-designers, layout designers and marketers who know how to properly influence visitors.

Rule 5 As mentioned earlier, the higher the “useful” (targeted) traffic, that is, the greater the number of people who have fulfilled all the requirements of the contractor (offer), the greater the partner’s income.

That's why, First of all, you need to place the optimal number of links. Secondly, you can create several resources with similar topics in order to involve them in the affiliate program. More traffic sources - more visitors for which payment will be made.

Rule 6 As in the foreign exchange market, and in the field of affiliate programs, experts advise diversify source of income. About what trading strategies can be used to make a profit, we have already told in one of our articles.

To do this, you need not to focus on individual projects, but to expand your own base. The owner of his own site should be interested in participating in several affiliate programs at once.

Important this is primarily because in which case income will not fall to 0 , but will only decrease by a certain percentage if cooperation with one of the offers (contractor) is terminated overnight.

Rule 7 Cooperating with any organizations and placing new links and banners, Don't Forget About Statistics.

All actions must be analyzed to identify their effectiveness, as well as their impact on income.

If a, For example , statistics show that due to a highly paid affiliate program that does not thematically coincide with the site, visitors leave, then it’s worth immediately think on further actions, because the priority in any situation should be to increase traffic, not reduce it.

Rule 8 According to experts whose main source of income is cooperation with stores, services and various systems, the main task of an experienced site owner who decided to make money by attracting customers to another project is growing your own target audience .

Thus, there are a number of simple rules that are relevant both for those who have long tried cooperation in the "contractor (offer) - partner" format, as well as for those who have only recently become interested in this.

The most important thing - do not forget about visitors to your resource in pursuit of money. Periodically, they need to be pampered with original gifts and constantly fill the site with interesting materials.

Do not forget that the theme of the affiliate project should be similar to that of the resource on which banners, links and offers will be placed, because otherwise you can lose traffic due to the disappointment of regular visitors.

In addition, affiliate programs are available to those who do not have their own website. You can use special advertising networks to promote a contractor's service or product by analyzing the target audience and calculating the expected ratio of income and expenses.

How to choose the right affiliate program to make money on the site or without a site

4. How to choose affiliate programs for making money - 9 basic selection criteria 📋

For any person who decides to start earning money by using affiliate rewards in various projects, it is very difficult to predict how beneficial this or that cooperation will be.

In fact, it is almost impossible to say with complete certainty which system will be more profitable to work with. However, there are several nuances due to which you can choose a project with the least risks and with the highest predicted profit.

Each partner should choose a program for cooperation, taking into account the following important selection criteria, which will be discussed below.

Criterion 1. Uniqueness

First of all, you should pay attention to those goods and products that differ in their novelty and originality .

Firstly, this way you can attract more people, because they are always interested in getting to know something new. Secondly , competition will be much less, which means it will be easier to get the target audience and increase profits from the affiliate program.

Criterion 2. Unavailability in free form

Do not pay attention to products or services for which you can not pay. for example, it is better not to join the affiliate program of a service that sells any author's courses if they have been online for a long time in free access.

Note! People simply won't want to pay money for things that can be found. for free.

You should not particularly trust services with a dubious reputation, as well as with obviously unpopular services. for example, everyone knows that finding out the user's ip-address is no problem, so if they are trying to make money on it, then it is better to bypass such "information" systems, because they simply will not be popular.

Criterion 3. Preference is given to master classes

The most relevant in our time are affiliate programs for the sale of access to all kinds of training programs.

Criterion 4. Prospects for long-term cooperation

Particular attention should be paid to those affiliate programs that involve long-term relationship "offer-partner".

Often, cooperation with hosting, marketing and electronic mailing services, as well as with all systems offering reusable goods or any services, is more profitable. Such projects are always needed by people, and with their help, you can forget about looking for an offer for a long time.

Criterion 5. Topic

Be sure to look for affiliates with products and services from the same area, which is the resource itself, on which they will be promoted.

The target audience has certain range of interests , which means he wants to see on his resource a certain kind of content of a specific orientation.

If you start advertising and offering to buy women's cosmetics on a men's site dedicated to car tuning, then traffic will begin to fall over time.

Criterion 6. Contribution percentage

When choosing an affiliate program, do not forget about the amount of remuneration .

In some cases, site owners decide to enter into cooperation with some project and start promoting it using contextual advertising, thus placing the necessary links in banners. About and how it works, we wrote in a special article.

Of course, this way you can attract a lot more people even without your own resource, but the most minimal Yandex.Direct package will cost about at 10 dollars, which means the total amount of commission must exceed this figure. At the same time, the difference should suit the partner himself, because it will be his income.

You can read more about and how it works in a separate article.

Criterion 7. Best conditions for potential buyers

If there is a desire to independently promote the product, receiving from its manufacturer or wholesaler a reward for each unit given to the buyer, then you should take care to offer potential customers the best conditions for cooperation .

An important factor is the ability to order a parcel by cash on delivery, because many do not trust stores that want to receive money first, and only then send something.

Criterion 8. Frequent commission deductions

Payments of financial rewards for referred clients must go to the wallet at least once every 2 weeks. Otherwise, it is worth considering whether it is worth cooperating with a project that pays very rarely, or maybe even wants to do so deceive their partners.

Criterion 9. Availability of promotional materials and various promotions

It is very difficult to independently promote a product or a whole brand. It is best to give preference to a project that helps in the creation of promotional materials or does them entirely on its own.

In that case it will easier start a business and attract the first potential customers faster, enticing them with promotions and all kinds of gifts, booklets, technical and full information support.

When choosing, do not forget about such a factor as popularity . The most famous affiliate programs are systems that time tested, which means they won't let you down.

At the same time, the most famous projects that offer to cooperate with them include: Alawar, Ozon, the LovePlanet dating service, and also well-known YouTube.


If you want to try something original, then, based on the criteria described above, it is best to stay on an affiliate program unique product or previously unknown service. At the same time, they must match the theme of the site itself, and also have no free analogues.

In addition, the offer should offer optimal rewards for the actions of attracted buyers, and payments should be made regularly(at least 2-3 times a month).

If, at the same time, the affiliate program implies the assistance of the seller of the service or product in promotion, and also provides for long-term cooperation, then you should pay attention to it. special attention and prioritize it.

How to make money on affiliate programs - 5 easy steps

5. Earnings on affiliate programs from scratch - a step-by-step guide for beginners (on the example of the My Business affiliate program) 🖇

The previously described method of making a profit allows you to get a fairly profitable job using the Internet. To really make money on affiliate programs (and to do this really really) and receive at least the average metropolitan salary, you must adhere to the previously stated tips, as well as act according to a certain algorithm.

Among other things, it is very important to find verified service (network/catalog of partner programs), which will allow not only to communicate with potential contractors, with whom a decision on cooperation will be made in the future, but also to receive regular payments under partner programs.

Consider a small sequence of actions that is needed in order to start earning as a partner, using an example affiliate program "My business".

This affiliate program is considered only because it has already integrated all the necessary tools for the interaction of both parties and provides for the possibility of receiving partner rewards.

Step 1. Search for an affiliate program

There are many “affiliate programs” that have nuances and features, but since we have already chosen an affiliate program, you need to register in it.

The process of creating an account itself does not raise questions, because it requires a minimum of information from a new user. To do this, go to the official website of the service " my business «

Rice. 1 - After switching to the PP "My business" you need to click on the button - Become a partner

Rice. 2 — After clicking the "Become a partner" button, you must correctly fill in all the fields and register in the affiliate program

Rice. 3 - Go to the "Promo materials" section and select promotional materials with which you can attract customers of the service. After clicking the "Create referral link" button, your affiliate link will be presented to attract customers. To attract partners, take a link from the section - Affiliate Network

Attention! In the affiliate program, you can attract both service customers and partners who will attract customers or other partners. That is, it operates in 3 circles. They have different links.(be careful)

You can also read the terms of the affiliate program, where conditions and remuneration amounts for attracting customers.

Step 2. Defining an affiliate link

In the same window (Fig. 5) a partner web link is provided, which will be followed by new customers.

Step 3. Promotion of the "affiliate program" (affiliate link)

After passing the previous two stages, the partner already has everything on hand to start work. In fact, the transition to the most interesting and complex process begins - advertising of the chosen partner (affiliate link).

So, experts identify a number of platforms where you can effectively promote something:

  • on a personal resource (blog/website);
  • on forums and communities of relevant topics;
  • in social networks, creating groups in them;
  • through contextual advertising;
  • on a landing page created for a specific product (landing page).

The latter option involves the development of a special resource, but it makes it possible to accumulate targeted traffic, attracting only interested people.

At the same time, the most popular, of course, is the method in which the link is placed on the partner’s own site, which frames it with a thematic eyeliner text .

Text eyeliner involves writing a short article in order to interest a future client and recommend him to purchase the promoted product, after creating a little intrigue.

Thanks to a concise and useful eyeliner for the visitor, the chance that he still clicks on the link and makes a purchase increases.

Step 4. Income generation

In the case when a person nevertheless registered and used the PP service, the partner is credited remuneration because he was able to find a new client. The amount of deductions depends on the figure that was indicated in the description of the affiliate program at the very beginning (this was discussed in the first step).

Already about in 7 days we can talk about some statistics: about how many visitors there were in total, and about how many of them took active actions.

Step 5. Withdrawal of received funds

After enrolling the first commission, you want to immediately get them in your hands. To do this, "My business" offers various ways to withdraw the money earned, for example, crediting them to the wallet webmoney .

Thus, there is a simple algorithm of actions that allows any novice person to receive income on affiliate programs.

You can earn on affiliate programs even without your own website. To do this, you can use both paid and free channels to attract traffic - we'll talk about them further

6. How to make money on affiliate programs without a website - TOP 5 sources of attracting customers to earn money on affiliate programs 💻

Partnership programs- a tempting form of earnings, because with their help you can reap the fruits of the once vigorous activity for a long time, being content with deductions from attracted regular customers.

In fact, to become a partner of a project and start promoting its goods or services, you don't have to have your own website (own web resource) to place advertising information and links on it. There is at least 5 effective sources that provide every opportunity to offer something.

In order to discern unusual approaches, it is enough to recall the principle of any partnership agreement: the most important thing is attract customers, but how it was done no longer plays a special role. That is why placing a link on your site is not the only method of promotion, if you try to abstract a little from the classical approaches.

In any case, before you start looking for alternative ways to attract traffic to a partner project, you must study the rules of cooperation , Considering 2 important points:

  1. the system may be able to accept new visitors from multiple sources;
  2. there should be a well-established and transparent way to determine the identity of the partner who brought the next client.

Given all the nuances, you can avoid the mistakes made by beginners. So, For example, the affiliate program can block its participant, if he decided to promote the product through email spam. That's why is a must acquainted with partnership rules .

Let's consider 5 alternative traffic sources with which you can earn money without a personal blog or a full-fledged resource.

Source 1. Social. networks

Now almost every Internet user has a personal page, or even more than one. And few people think that it can become a place for promoting goods.

Of course, the personality must be more or less popular in order to draw attention to the same link as many people as possible. However, it is not necessary that a person actually exist.

for example, you can come up with a believable character and create a realistic page for him with your personal or even photos downloaded from the Internet.

The most interesting thing is that they have already come up with programs that eliminate the need to maintain a page on their own and even respond to messages. Everything is done by an automatic application, for example, Viking Botovod.

The second method involves the creation of thematic groups and public pages with links to the product and periodically published interesting materials. The more interesting the public will look, the more its traffic, which means the more customers will be able to attract. We recommend reading our article on how to make money on it.

Source 2. Guest posts

In this case, it means placing a thematic text with an eyeliner and a link to a partner project in someone else's blog.

Of course, the material should be as interesting as possible and contain a minimum of advertising. The reader should not be forced to buy something, but made so that he wants to do it himself.

Many even well-known bloggers willingly undertake to host such posts, because they themselves receive a certain profit from this and can diversify their daily publications with something unusual. About that, we wrote in one of our previous publications.

Despite this, the more popular the page, the more stringent will be the requirements for the posted content and its advertising.

Many people on the Internet, whose number is growing by the thousands or even hundreds of thousands a day, are trying to find methods on how to make money on the Internet without investing their money and without having knowledge in a particular area.

One of the best ways to get money for such people, newbies in the field of making money online, today, of course, is making money through affiliate programs. But it is also a great way to make money for people who have been working and getting money on the World Wide Web for several years. By participating in affiliate programs, you will get the opportunity to earn more than for copywriting. Your costs will be less, and the profit will grow, it can even exceed 10 times than copywriting - this is beneficial for you.

Today, this method serves as the main money-making scheme for a large number of people who earn money using the Internet. The main thing is to know how to work. You may not even have a personal website to earn through affiliate programs, but you need to make sure you choose such a program. This is what will be discussed in this article. I hope that you will extract the useful information you need.

How to choose an affiliate program?

One of the best ways to make money on the world wide web without investing in it, of course, is to participate in an affiliate program with favorable conditions. To date, there are countless such affiliate programs on the topics that you like, and with different directions. This point is the most difficult in choosing an affiliate program. You need to choose something that you like.

Not the most profitable way is to pay some part of the price of the product, since it is necessary to invest in advertising, because of this you are at risk. There are also affiliate programs that pay for registration, but for this you need to have your own website, which also requires costs to get out in the search engine. There are those who pay for clicks, but they also have a very low income, because the cost of a click is extremely low, this also requires a website, the problem is the same as in the previous form of payment, website promotion.

I offer you a good and time-tested affiliate program that will allow you to receive money without investment, and you can work right away. On the world wide web, several online stores open every day, some are lucky and they quickly unwind, while others stop working due to a lack of buyers who do not have a constant sale of goods, some do not know how to promote their store. Cases are numerous.

The main thing that absolutely every online store needs is people who will buy products, the more often the better. One of the most needed affiliate programs that helps such stores is Admitad. It pays for performing specific actions depending on the choice of the advertiser. For example, some pay a percentage of sales, others for user registration, and others for an active member. Some have a fixed amount of money per sale. Today, a huge number of popular stores are cooperating with this affiliate program, which you must have heard about. These are Eldorado, Lamoda, M-Video, Aliexpress and others.

In this affiliate program, the participant is provided with a huge number of opportunities due to the number of advertisers, and there are a lot of them. In the affiliate program, the interface is quite convenient, you can easily find the program you need, payments are made every week, the minimum amount is 300 rubles. Admitad also has good technical support and a detailed review of statistics. Payments are made through all the necessary services, namely Qiwi, Yandex money, Webmoney and many others.

Registration in this affiliate program is carried out using an open form, but moderation is required. One of the main advantages of this affiliate program, of course, is that you do not need to have a personal website. That is, there you can earn big money even without your own website. For beginners on their way of earning, this method can serve as a good start on the path of making money on the global network.

How is work with partners carried out?

There are many ways to transfer traffic on the world wide web that will help you work with this affiliate program. I bring to your attention a few basic methods that absolutely anyone can use:

Social media

Social media- this is a good source of traffic for which you do not need to pay. With the help of them you can sell absolutely any product. It is also better to pay attention to what is actively advertised on the Internet in order to earn more goods, as people pay attention to the popularity of the product.

Owning Your YouTube Channel

To create your own channel on YouTube.com, you do not need a lot of effort and time, and even more so money. I especially advise you to direct the audience to offers that are somehow related to games. People move very well on them. One profitable way to do this is to create a channel where you play one or more popular online games. In the description, you can place a referral link to the game you are playing. People will be interested in playing with someone else, and if you have a certain amount of followers, then people will switch much more often. This method is absolutely free.

One page website

For the selected referral link, you can create a one-page site, which will contain a detailed description of the product to which you want to direct the audience. You can also make a site with descriptions and pictures of several products so that there are more links, the likelihood of a transition, respectively, is also greater. The method is very efficient.

Maintaining a personal blog

Today, every person visiting the world wide web can create his own website in a few days. You can also run your blog on a free hosting. This is a pretty good way to drive traffic to your links, as long as you get your readers interested.

Various forums

Forums are also a great way to get free traffic. To get it, you just need to find a forum that is suitable for the topic, which, as we all know, are countless on the Internet. Many can still be found large online. The most effective way is to leave referral links in signatures using shortened links. Recently, the Admitad service has its own link shortening system, you can use it too.

Websites that ask questions

Using this method, you can get potential customers, they will follow the link to the advertiser. This method is quite efficient.

I have told you about some of the most affordable methods of making money with affiliate programs. If you have any questions, you can ask all that you are interested in in the comments. If you have a desire to earn money, you can already try this method today, it is very effective. The main thing - do not stop on the way to achieve results.