Who to like on Instagram to subscribe. How to make a lot of subscribers on Instagram: an overview of methods, effective methods and reviews

Instagram followers

Hello Instamir. So the questions began, on the topic followers on instagram, Instagram people write in a personal direct, how to get a lot of subscribers yourself, without any markups of promotions and promotions. And also so as not to participate in contests like sfs or PR games.

In short, I thought and thought and decided to answer not one or several, but all at once, so that everyone, including you, including this question, disappeared by itself.

Do you need to boost Instagram followers?

Such a burning question, is this promotion really necessary? followers on instagram or you can somehow do without it.

How to wind up subscribers yourself

First, the essence or message of the entire post: for what we do, they find us and subscribe to us.

Now I will explain what this means.

I give you a useful checklist for promoting your profile. What you need to do step by step:

  1. create an idea
  2. we interact with instamer

So far, everything is simple, isn't it? But we do not relax, but we twist every word to ourselves.

I am often asked where to get subscribers.

My answer is: you need to pour traffic to your Instagram from the rest of the Internet

Ideas for Instagram

To have a lot followers on instagram, you must first understand three things and answer yourself to them. To do this, prepare a piece of paper and a pen or notebook and answer honestly three questions:

  • what are you doing?
  • what do you like?
  • what would you like to do?

Once you answer, you will have a base for action.

How to Instagram correctly

The task is:

  1. write out 5 those that you like
  2. we start testing
  3. what shoots, so we do on instagram

Keeping a diary for subscribers

In order for the promotion of Instagram to be free, you need to keep not just a profile with photos like selfies,

but a real interesting diary, which will be interesting to read by accidentally logged in Instagrammer.

How to keep a diary. Very simple: we write a small comment in the game. Then it can be copied and pasted to a blog, add 1500-2000 characters there, make headlines, a small layout and voila - we have not only Instagram, we also have an article.

You can also put on a webcam or an iPhone and say what you wrote on the video, adding a little from yourself, so that it sounds not literary, but in spoken language. I do this sometimes when I need a new article with a video. At the same time, if you like it, you can become a video blogger. You can not show faces, but shoot the screen.

I'll tell you a secret, in order to attract new subscribers to your instagram, you need to interest two categories of people at once: those who watch YouTube and those who are looking for information in Google and Yandex. I'm sure you found this article in one of those ways. Do you understand where I am leading?

So, write in Instagram a comment under the photo as a diary, copy it to your blog (I told you how to start a blog), make a video on this text. Works at 146%!

People love to surf

Yes, people love to surf the net, click and tap from one link to another. Sometimes even forgetting about the time and where to start the search. Sometimes you can find that it is already morning, and you just checked your mail and VKontakte messages. And so it started, as they say .. We need to use this moment for our traffic on Instagram.

Instagram diary for subscribers

This could be:

  • Blog (required with a mobile version)
  • Video Blog (YouTube channel)
  • Vk group or public

We start something from this and drive people (visitor traffic) from the network to our instagram. And there they already decide whether to subscribe or not. The funnel principle works here, which I talk about in webinar... In the same place, and about that if you are terribly lazy / and what kind of varics are.

Let's summarize. The scheme is the same, which I also use:

People search on Google - find your blog blog - subscribe to you on Instagram

How to write on Instagram

There are only three options:

  1. write as if you were writing to descendants
  2. write cool
  3. write as you can

Diary example in my small #ilyacore_cards project

We interact with insta subscribers

How to attract the attention of people who have already subscribed to us or casual visitors.

  1. in the post we write a question. provoke a dialogue
  2. we answer to everyone who wrote to us. even on emoji
  3. we enter into a discussion on active instagram (which, I tell at the webinar)

If you are lazy, again, there are services for buying comments.

It's nice to share your brilliant photos, and when others think about your photos, it's even more pleasant. The number of your subscribers is the main indicator of the “coolness” of a picture. Today we will hunt for followers

1. Upload only the best pictures (but not all at once)

Oddly enough, but the basic rule of success in can be summed up in a few words: take beautiful pictures Photos that resonate with people are the best way achieve recognition. At first, it may seem fun to take pictures of your cat every time he climbs into an empty box, but everyday shots that depict everyday things will hardly attract anyone's attention. Sad but true

As an example, I would like to cite the words of Nick Bilton, the owner of a popular Western blog, who has this moment already more than 36000 subscribers:

“When I first started using Instagram, I used it as a substitute for my daily planner — uploading pictures of drinks, my dog, my night out,” Bilton says “But I soon realized that beautiful and artistic photos were more popular on Instagram. Maybe it's all about the filters, maybe the community, but beautiful images resonate with people very quickly. ”

Be selective, Bilton adds. Instead of publishing all the pictures you took, post the best. Also if you post allthe best shots at a time, that is, there is a chance that some of your subscribers will miss them, and those who will not miss them may get angry because you have “hammered” the entire news feed.

2. Pay attention to techniques that help you gain popularity.

There are several ways to find out which type of snapshot is most popular on Instagram. First, you should get in the habit of constantly checking the Popular tab. You will notice a few things: in the tab there are almost always several pictures of the sky, one or two cute animals, several HDR pictures and at least one attractive girl (see method # 8).

Most pictures in the Popular tab contain one of the following qualities: vivid colors, unusual shooting angles, or interesting contrasts.

Do not impudently copy other people's ideas, just know what type of photos falls into the section of popular pictures and try to transfer some interesting elements of other people's pictures (not the whole picture).

It also doesn't hurt to know which of your photos "shoot" the hardest. This is where the Statigr.am service can come in handy, which is quite suitable for analyzing your images.

3. Use popular Instagram tags

Just like on Twitter, Instagram users use tags to structure their content. Popular tags increase the likelihood of finding your photos. For example, if you take a picture of the sky and put the popular #sky tag, then the picture will appear among many others with the same tag and will surely bring you several followers or likes.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to find out the most popular tags through Instagram, but you can easily find this information on the Webstagram website. The most popular hashtag at the moment is #iphoneography. Other popular tags are #sky, #cat, #dog, #flower and #sunset. By tagging your pictures with these tags, you can multiply the number of people who liked your image.

Try using tags and you will definitely see an influx of new likes and followers!

4. Subscribe to other people's channels

Subscribing to other people's channels is one of the most common ways to acquire new followers. At the very least, this will draw attention to your work and if you love them, then new subscribers are in your pocket. Of course, no one gives any guarantees, but basically, if you consistently subscribe to different people, then some of them will definitely follow in return. Tip - try to look for people with a style similar to yours.

5. Do not disable geogetics on images.

Just like hashtags, geotags help structure content. On Instagram, each registered place has its own page that displays the pictures taken there.

6. Comment and like other people's photos

The easiest way to get the attention of Instagrammers is to “like” the picture you like. If you have something to say about the photo (of course you only need to say good things), then do not keep it to yourself, but just add a comment. It only takes a few seconds to write a few words, but even that can attract new subscribers.

7. Participate in a weekly hashtag project

Every Friday @jayzombie posts a new hashtag. If you get a good shot that is related to the tag, then they will definitely pay attention to it and you can light up on the official Instagram blog. Here you are guaranteed followers!

You have several ways to find out the current hashtag:

8. Dedicated to beautiful girls / women

The easiest way to attract a sea of \u200b\u200bsubscribers is to be born a beautiful girl with a cute face and an awesome figure. If the female sex and excellent appearance is about you, then a lot of followers are provided to you;), of course, provided that you periodically upload your photos. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the less clothes the more popular the picture

Not so long ago, "Media Station" interesting question: Is buying followers effective to promote your Instagram account? The interviewed experts expressed themselves unequivocally: the benefits of "dead souls" are practically zero. This raises a new question: what methods can provide users with continuous growth in the number of followers? Is only interesting content enough for this? Let's listen to the opinion of professionals.

Svetlana ZamaratskayaHead of PR agency Promo Interactive

You won't be alive with content alone. Before your exciting posts start working for you, attracting more and more followers, you have to work hard. And here the main question is - what to do? As Keanu Reeves said, "An action as simple as paying attention can take a lot of your time." And here two words help you: mass-following and mass-like. Simply put, in order to draw attention to your account, you must take the initiative yourself: subscribe to the accounts of potential partners, customers, find relevant accounts by hashtags, give them likes, leave your comments. A small but important note: comments, not advertisements! You can also search for users by geotags, by the hashtags of your competitors. If it is difficult to do this manually, then today there are already services that allow you to like and follow in automatic mode... And here there is already scope for a soul wishing to follow: you can choose a city, gender, identify interests, etc. Perhaps, this is the only legal way to attract not bots, but real people.

Alexey Bodrov Co-owner, director of customer service at Little Big Agency

Of course, content is 80, I would even say 90% of the success of your Instagram account. You cannot achieve popularity on Instagram without high-quality content. Unless you are already popular all over the world and just let you know that you are getting yourself new account (this more likely refers to world stars of show business, athletes, presidents), then a huge number of people can immediately subscribe to it. And still, if interesting content does not start to appear in the account over time, people will gradually unsubscribe.

By high-quality and interesting content, I mean not only high quality photos, it can be some cool idea brought to life by an artist (illustrator) or some kind of technological account that can be linked to other accounts, an account with funny videos, useful account and much more.

As I said, a lot depends on the content and it is the most effective method of increasing the number of subscribers. Content that is high-quality and interesting to your audience will work like word of mouth and promote you. Moreover, the content can be not only visual, but also textual, I have met quite popular profiles, where long texts were the main feature of the account, and there is an audience who likes it. Again, the text should be interesting, or useful, or all together. But personally, I still consider Instagram more of a visual social network with beautiful images.

At the end of 2015, it became possible to place targeted advertising on Instagram, this is done through Facebook, many articles have already been written about this. This is an effective method that allows you to quite clearly target the audience you need. But this is a relatively expensive method, and not everyone can afford it.

At Little Big Agency, we occasionally use the mass-like tool, but we use it consciously and unobtrusively. For example, we unload a competitor's subscriber base, delete accounts that we do not need at all, and put one like on a photo from a brand account for the necessary ones. It works, some part of the competitor's audience subscribes to our brand and further interacts with us.

Also, many people use mass-following tools, but we do not resort to it only if the client himself really wants it.

I would also refer to the traditional methods of increasing the number of subscribers using hashtags, indicating geolocation. People interested in the topic of the hashtag or where the photo was taken will see your content and if they like it, chances are they will become your followers.

The new Instagram feed also makes its own adjustments. Previously, posts were published in chronological order, but now they are arranged according to the degree of interest and audience interaction with this content. How exactly the search algorithm works, I do not presume to say, but there are rumors that the more interactions (like, share, comment), the higher the photo in the search results, it is also shown to those users who interact with your content constantly. If before you published photos and did not make any signatures to them, now it is better to avoid this. Provoke your audience to discussions, tag other users, and respond to comments.

As part of Little Big Agency, we run several Instagram accounts for large transnational brands, and we did the first Instagram quest in Russia with forty linked accounts. We love this social network, and we have some more cool ideas that we can implement with new clients.

Irina Makarova Head of the SMM department of the Kokoc Group

Unlike buying an audience, legal methods of attracting followers on Instagram last longer, but they do not give an immediate effect after the first publication of a high-quality photo or launching a contest. However, the quality of the attracted followers is higher: these are real people who are loyal to the brand. Here are the main ways to attract and retain them.

First, the content is important. It doesn't matter how many followers your account has, 50 or 5000 people, you need to create high-quality photo content in any case. Initially, it is useful to think over a creative concept - how brand publications will stand out in the general feed. And further develop your idea, presenting content in a single style.

It is good if the photo is accompanied by an interesting sharp eyeliner. On the one hand, it will help increase audience interest in the post. On the other hand, it will demonstrate the “humanity” of the brand, which is happy to communicate with subscribers. The liner should motivate users to engage in dialogue, so it is useful to include a call-to-action (call to action) in the text, for example: "Share your impressions in the comments." Add a few popular topic tags to each post - this will increase the chances of getting into new users' feeds. By the way, it is useful to create your own hashtag, for example, with the name of a company or one of its activities.

In posts, it is worth indicating geotags - the place where the photos were taken. Especially for network companies with multiple offline locations, which will help attract a local audience.

The time of publications is also significant. On average, an Instagram post "lives" for about 4 hours, after that it goes down and down in the users' feed. Examine the hours when subscribers are most active, posts during this time will receive the most coverage.

Communication with the audience should also be noted. The method is simple, but, unfortunately, not all brands use it. You need to respond to any user comments, be it a question or a compliment on a product. Don't delete negative reviews: subscribers should see that the company is solving problems, not hiding them.

The traditional, but still effective method of communicating with the audience is promotions and giveaways that form the image of a non-greedy brand. The optimal duration is 7-10 days, and from the mandatory conditions it is worth specifying a subscription to an account.

Naturally, when launching contests there is a risk of attracting "prizes" that are active only during the draws, but the number of "live" followers also increases significantly.

Advertising can also be used to achieve your goal. It is useful to involve influencers in the promotion who can recommend the product to their subscribers. Naturally, you need to choose them based on the target audience: designer jewelry is unlikely to interest the followers of the autoblogger.

Direct advertising is the most expensive (from 60 rubles per subscriber), but also quick way attracting quality subscribers. The main thing is to correctly target your ad by interests, gender and age of users in order to attract the most relevant audience.

Maria Malkova Smm-manager of digital-agency Deltaclick | AG Deltaplan

Instagram is changing so quickly that not everyone is in time and still uses ancient methods such as mass following and mass liking. What's in the mind of a user who subscribes to page 20 of the day about losing weight or information business? Irritation, of course. But one of the goals of social networks is loyalty. Therefore, in our projects we use only white (honest) promotion methods.

Note right away that not all methods are equally useful. What will cause a splash in the promotion of a personal page may not "shoot" business accounts.

We identify 10 methods (5 paid and 5 relatively free).

1. Publics. A custom post in promoted publics is similar to a seeding on VKontakte. Their advertising costs from 300 rubles. You need to choose a public according to the topic and the presence of the target audience.

2. Bloggers. This method is currently the most popular. It is beneficial for everyone: both the advertiser and the blogger (by the way, many become bloggers only for this). But it's better to discuss the picture and text in advance: frankly selling records annoy no less than mass-following. The price of one advertising record from popular housewives and "fitonies" starts from 10,000 rubles, although you can bargain.

3. Stars. These are those who moved from the big screens to the online world. They have several million subscribers, that is, a large base of potential subscribers, but the price for one post reaches 300,000 rubles.

4. Official Instagram advertising - targeting, which is configured through Facebook. Shown in the news feed of potential customers / subscribers and leads to your account. If you do everything right and post a good post, then the audience flow will be noticeable.

5. Marathons ... This direction of attracting subscribers is actively used by bloggers in recent times... Marathon is a hobby club, sometimes participation is paid. Bloggers unite, give out a lot of useful information, give tasks, and participants share the results in their accounts. You can be the organizer of the marathon yourself or sponsor the initiatives of others. From you - gifts, from the organizers - advertising.

6. Flash mobs. Flash mobs of beauty, sports, awareness have taken over Instagram. Reminds of a marathon, the only difference is that flash mobs are free for participants. The mechanics are the same: the results of your efforts must be laid out in personal profile with hashtags, so the reach increases. A striking example is a flash mob "week without pants" for girls. For 7 days, the participants post photos in skirts and dresses, put hashtags. The main prize is a new dress, spa treatments, etc. To attract users, you can organize a flash mob yourself or provide a valuable prize.

7. Competitions. You won't surprise anyone with a repost contest, besides, this method no longer causes the desired effect, people have learned not to notice such posts, and some - to benefit from this, littering their profile with hundreds of reposts. But other interesting mechanics have appeared: mark three friends under the post, a competition of signatures, names, "guess the false fact", etc.

8. Barter. Post for a product or service - this is how this method can be called differently. You can practice bartering with either budding bloggers or opinion leaders. You can also turn to popular bloggers if the proposed product is approximately equal to the cost of their post.

9. Reviews with mentions. Ask customers to leave a review with your profile tagged in their personal accounts (in return, you can promise a discount). Such recommendations do not always bring many users, but they will definitely be loyal.

10. Reciprocal posting. A technique that is effective when done correctly. It is better to choose a site with the same number of users so that it is mutually beneficial cooperation. The biggest mistake is posting about each other at the same time. It is better to publish a mutual post after at least 2 weeks, so as not to annoy users.

Have you registered on Instagram, but do you want not only to post photos for your friends, but also to be popular on this social network? Let me tell you how to get a lot of followers on Instagram and, accordingly, likes from them, while enjoying the process.

For clarity, I will break all the information that I want to tell you into points.

1. Your account must be open... If you hide your photos, you are unlikely to gain many followers. Usually such users are treated with caution and less often subscribe to them. In addition, publications from a private profile are not available by hash tags, and you should definitely use them, but more on that below.

2. Your publications should be beautiful... Photos taken with a phone with a low camera resolution look bad and people don't like it. For example, pictures can be taken with a camera and then. If this is not possible, try to beautifully (but not clumsy or tasteless) process photos using built-in filters, as well as other applications, of which there are a great many now.

3. You use, and not only Russians, but also foreign ones. They need to be written in the description for the publication. However, do not overdo it: you do not need to add all the tags you know, but only those that fit the meaning. Participate in (don't hesitate!).

4. Communicate with your subscribers, comment on the posts of other users yourself, find interesting people and subscribe to them. Nobody likes mass following, but it is an effective, albeit tedious, method of recruiting new subscribers.

5. Try to make famous Instagrammers (or just users with a larger number of subscribers than you) mentioned you, or rather your nickname in your publications. These mentions make your page interesting. Perhaps someone will follow the link and subscribe to you.

Well, and finally, I will remember an excellent phrase that recently walked on the Internet: "To become a famous blogger, you must first become famous." What does it mean? And what if you are not a famous person and you have few friends in other social media. networks will be very difficult. So think carefully whether you need it or not. Good luck!

But here's the problem: even if you're famous, you're unlikely to be able to effortlessly attract a large following on Instagram. You will have to spend time on this and pay attention to this process daily.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do right now to attract at least 1000 quality followers. In this article, we'll look at where to focus your efforts.

You might be thinking why not buy followers. The fact is that such profiles will be either fake or of poor quality, so they will not be of value to you. Don't expect any meaningful activity from such followers.

Subscribers whom you attract yourself will like your posts, follow links, be interested in you and your business, share your photos, or even want to collaborate with you. The tactics outlined in this article will help you attract just those subscribers.

1. Create and optimize a profile

Make your Instagram profile visually appealing, introduce yourself, and articulate a reason why users should follow you.

How? Make sure your username is eye-catching and easy to find. You can use your company name. If this login is already taken, then still leave the name of the company at the very beginning of the name so that people can quickly find you. For example, Lorna Jane's clothing line uses the login @lornajaneactive.

Don't forget to add the full company name in the "parameters" - "name" section. It will appear under your profile photo and under your login when searching.

Then select your profile photo, that's great logo fit companies.

Add information about yourself. Describe your brand in a colorful and informative way. This data will help users understand who you are and why they should follow you. Do not forget to add a little "from yourself". Here are some examples:

  • @WeWork: "WeWork is a space, community and services that will make your life extraordinary."
  • @Oreo: See the world through OREO.
  • @CalifiaFarms: "Handcrafting, cooking and brewing a delicious planned future."
  • @Staples: "It's easier to work with us."

Next, add a link to your site so people can go to it directly from Instagram. The URL field in your bio is the only one on the entire social network where you can post external links, so use this option wisely.

Finally, turn on alerts so you know when people are commenting or sharing your photos. This will allow you to contact them much faster. Go to the "options" section and select "push notification settings". Check "from all" in each category.

2. Assign a content creator

Your Instagram profile should have one or two managers. When choosing it, give preference to people who have already worked with this social network and are well versed in it.

If you work for a large organization, you may find that different team members have different ideas about what should be posted on Instagram. This is why official documents can be extremely useful, which will clearly articulate the requirements for posts, when they are published and their value.

3. Work on your photo creation and editing skills

The quality of posts is very important on Instagram. This does not mean that you have to take photography courses or practice for weeks before you start. It will be enough to know the basics and be able to use special applications.

Photography skills

Since Instagram - mobile app, most likely you will take most of the photos with mobile device... Some brands use professional photography, but most still use smartphones.

Here are some tips for taking a good photo:

  • Focus on only one subject.
  • Embrace negative space.
  • Find interesting angles.
  • Watch for symmetry.
  • Notice the details.
  • Make your followers smile.
Editing skills

Instagram has basic photo editing capabilities, but more often than not, it's not enough. Use one or two additional editors before posting photos. Choose those applications in which it is more convenient for you to work.

4. Start posting photos

It's time to start posting your first photos! Before attracting followers, it's best to fill your profile with at least 15 posts. This will help them understand that you will regularly post more of the same quality content.

But before that you need to create a publication schedule. Think about your target audience when planning your posts. The timing of posts and their frequency will depend on potential subscribers, especially if they live in different time zones.

Optimizing the schedule for the target audience will take some time, but at the very beginning, you can focus on general statistics. It is better to post to Instagram on Monday and Thursday anytime, except between 15:00 and 16:00 in the time zone in which your potential followers live.

Since Instagram is a mobile application, people use it all the time, but they often study the content carefully in their free time. Experiment with the timing and appropriate days of the week to find out which schedule suits your target audience.

5. Curate employee content

Of course, one or two people are enough to maintain an Instagram profile. But they just can't be everywhere. To ensure you don't miss out on great photos, create a system where you can curate photos and content from your team members. There are several ways.

First, you can create a separate address emailwhere all your employees can submit their photos, short videos and other content. Ask them to give messages relevant topics so that you can easily sort them by content. This method is simple and straightforward, so many employees will be happy to send you their content.

Secondly, if your team has accounts in cloud storagelike Dropbox, you can create shared folderto which people can automatically send their photos and videos. This approach is a little more complicated, and not everyone can have the required application installed.

6. Make captions addictive and charming

For example, Instagram @frank_bod, which offers skin care products, attracts users with its inimitable descriptions. The photo with the gold pendant is signed as follows: “I can't give you this piece of jewelry, but I can give you the most beautiful neckline to wear, baby. #letsbefrank "... Pay attention to the hashtag. Fans often use it when posting their own photos, which brings them even closer to the brand.

Another way to increase the number of shares and encourage users to ask questions is to place a call to action in your signature. For example, you can write: "Press twice if you find it funny" or "Share your story in the comments"... In this example, @HubSpot asked users to tag a coworker with whom they shared their morning coffee.

7. Use appropriate hashtags

On Instagram, hashtags help connect people who are talking about the same topic. If you use hashtags, then you open yourself up to a wider audience, beyond your followers and those who already know about your brand.

Use hashtags wisely and in limited quantities. Don't add more than three hashtags to one description. Also, don't use hashtags like #likeforlike or # like4like. This tactic will only attract low quality followers.

To find the hashtags your target audience uses, do a little research. First of all, use the capabilities of the application itself and try to find suitable hashtags in the "search" section. When you enter a request for one hashtag, the system offers you similar ones.

To connect with users on a personal level, you can use popular hashtags that everyone knows.

Once you have your first followers, you can try creating your own hashtag - a company name or slogan that fits most of your photos. This will significantly strengthen your brand position.

8. Interact with other users, including subscribers

Instagram is a community, and the best way to become a part of it is to find people who are posting content of interest to you and follow their profiles. This way, you will draw attention to your account and find many sources of inspiration.

First, when they receive an alert from you, users will review your profile and decide if they want to subscribe to it (which is why it is so important to fill your account with quality content at the very beginning). Secondly, you will see their recent posts in your feed and you can comment on them if you are interested.

When you have your first followers, show them how much they mean to you - reply to their comments, follow their profiles and share their content.

9. Use cross-promotion

Once you establish a strong relationship with those users who have a similar audience, you can offer them collaboration. The more natural the content created for promotion is, the better. In any case, it is better not to get carried away with this tactic.

For example, blogger @sprinklesforbreakfast and photographer @graymalin promote each other's profiles as follows:

10. Organize a competition

Another way to draw attention to your photos is to organize a contest and ask people to subscribe to your account, like or comment on the photo in order to participate in it.

You can include user-generated content in your competition by asking people to post photos with a specific hashtag while still subscribing to your profile. Here's an example of such a post from Next Step Reality:

11. Make your profile searchable and subscribe

Place a "subscribe" button on your site and other available resources. Remember to check that you are logged in required accountwhen you add the button to the site.

If you have a physical store, tell your visitors that you have an Instagram profile and invite them to follow.

Don't forget to share your account with others in social networks, link to it in other profile descriptions. Many followers will want to join you on Instagram too.

Let's repeat one more time: create a profile and start posting photos, test and optimize it. It will take days to acquire subscribers, but the more solid the foundation you build, the more quality subscribers you will attract.