I can not create a new account on instagram. How to create a second Instagram account: detailed instructions

April 29, 2017

Today "Instagram" is not only a convenient application for a gadget through which you can quickly share photos with friends. More and more users use it to promote their own, creativity, interesting project, to increase their personal popularity. One way or another, the need to maintain several accounts at the same time appears for many.

How to create a second account on Instagram: step by step instructions

The second profile becomes necessary for a number of reasons: someone wants to register their pet on the social network, someone wants to upload different photos (and portfolios from professional filming) to different accounts, and most of them want to maintain a personal and work photoblog.

A positive answer to the question whether it is possible to create a second account on Instagram was given in February 2016. Then the application developers announced this convenient feature: the ability to create multiple accounts within one account... In other words, it became possible to switch between several profiles in the official application without leaving your main account.

So, how to create a second account on Instagram:

1. Stop on the main profile page, click on the "Settings" icon ("gears" or three dots, depending on the OS).P

2. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page - there will be the desired "Add account" section.

3. An important point: the second account must already be pre-registered! Registration can be done from another device or exit the main profile, register a new one, then re-enter the main "account" and return to step 1.

4. Enter your username and password in the required boxes, then click the "Login" button.

5. By the way, when you open the "Add account" section, you can directly in the window that opens, click on the link: "You do not have an account? Register".

That's the whole answer to the question: "How to create a second account on Instagram."

Switching between accounts

Switching between profiles is a snap:

  1. Open up home page account.
  2. Pay attention to the top of the page - there is now an arrow pointing down next to your name or nickname.
  3. By clicking on the arrow, you will see all of your additional profiles.
  4. To switch to another profile, just click on its name with your finger.
  5. It is also now possible to add a new profile through this menu - at the bottom you will notice "+ add account".

How many accounts can you have

Today, the Instagram policy allows you to attach up to five accounts to one account (including the main one). Thus, without leaving it, in the official application you can switch between 5 different profiles with one click. The third, fourth, fifth can be connected in the same way as creating a second account on Instagram.

This system does not involve synchronization. That is, subscribers to one of your profiles see only publications within it, and not all photos and videos of your various accounts.

Can't create a second Instagram account

The most common cause of such errors is a "bug" (malfunction) of the system. Try to perform the operation on another device, update the application, or restart the gadget. Often the users themselves are inattentive - they forget to register a new profile before adding it.

If you did not find the Add Account button in the application at all, then you have an outdated version - update Instagram to the latest one. Also remember that for one mailbox, Facebook page, phone number, you can register only one account of this photo application.

Now you are convinced that creating additional accounts on Instagram and switching between them is as easy as using this application. It is possible that the developers will soon introduce new tools and functions to facilitate promotion and PR.

Source: fb.ru

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Greetings, my dear blog readers! Let's talk today on the topic: Your Instagram account.

The social network Instagram is not as simple as it seems. Every newbie asks the question - how to start an account, what to do, how often to post, what photos can and should be uploaded. Here, only at first glance, everything is banal and easy: solid photos, a little accompanying text, likes, a huge number of hashtags and comments.

Your Instagram account. How to start maintaining your account.

It will take time to understand all the nuances. And it is very important not to make gross mistakes at the very first steps, they are difficult to correct later. It should be remembered that on Instagram it is difficult only from the very beginning, when choosing a direction, name, tags and hashtags. In fact, it is a creative and fun process.


First you need to decide on the topic of your account or blog: a page for promoting your services, a thematic page, a personal page. If you decide to create your personal blog on Instagram, remember that promoting such an account is very difficult. If you are choosing a business area, be sure to think about related topics and subtopics. When choosing a thematic page, try to think over the format of the photo so as not to be of the same type and not bore your subscribers. They are very fond of new and interesting things.

For example, the topic is “making money on the Internet”. This is the main theme. Related topics can be - travel, vacation, money, success, motivating phrases, etc. These themes can be developed in parallel. It is important that you are able to post regularly, posting themed pictures and creating engaging content.

After choosing a topic, decide on the name of your Instagram account. It should be in tune with the theme and be recognizable. Much depends on which name you choose. In the future, it will not be possible to change it, because you will start promoting your blog on Instagram from the very first post.

But there is one "but": there should not be more than 150 different actions per hour in one account. If more, then spam is likely, and as a result - a temporary blocking of the "subscribe", "leave like" or "comment" buttons. If, after unblocking, the user continues the same active actions, then the account will inevitably be banned for an indefinite period.

And of course, content and user complaints are tracked. I do not think that you will begin to break the unspoken laws on photos, which are adopted in all in social networks... This is not to agitate someone somewhere, not to sell drugs and weapons, not to post photos in the "18+" format.

What to do next on Instagram?

So, this little information on where to start an account on Instagram, how to register and what you don’t need to do, will help save your time and nerves in the further development and promotion of your blog on this social network.

Try to stick to a certain style when creating your account. High-quality photos, an interesting description and a few basic hashtags will help draw attention to your young blog on Instagram. There are a lot of programs for improving photos, creating collages from photos, adding inscriptions, various effects. Get creative and analyze which moments attract your subscribers more.

P.S. remember that with each new photo your blog on Instagram is overgrown with content. Becomes recognizable and attractive. Pay attention to photos, hashtags, and accompanying text.

Best regards, Alexander Gavrin.

Competition is tricky. One can argue for a long time about where the line is between fair and unfair competition. Everyone withstands the competition in different ways: someone does not pay attention to it, someone spreads its tail like a peacock (for example, winds up likes and followers on Instagram), and someone just blatantly lies.

You've probably already heard (or felt for yourself) that Instagram has recently deleted a huge number of accounts that, in their opinion, violated the rules of the community. But let's first reconstruct the sequence of events.

It all started with the fact that Instagram announced that it had reached 300 million users. All the media picked up the news as "Instagram overtook Twitter." What was it compared to? On the Twitter website in the section about the company there is a figure of 284 million. However, if you are not too lazy and look at the Wayback Machine service, you can see that it has been hanging there since October. Since then, no one has updated it, so the real number of Twitter users is already higher.

What happens next? Under the flag of “fighting fake accounts,” Instagram is launching a campaign to remove accounts. The wording is this: accounts that violate our rules MAY BE deleted. This is exactly what it says. The wording is in the best traditions of Instagram. If you don't believe me, here is a quote from the support site:

We want the to maintain the best possible experience on Instagram, so spam, fake accounts and other people and posts that don "t follow our Community Guidelines may be removed from Instagram.
By the way, few people noticed that they delete not only accounts, but also posts. But let's consider it some other time, but now it's not about that.

According to our estimates, 10% of all accounts were deleted. All major accounts experienced a leap in audience. Someone has more, someone less. The official Instagram account did not stand aside - it lost a third of its subscribers.

It immediately became clear which of the agencies were using which methods to attract followers on Instagram to their clients.

Now for some math. If we assume that one tenth of all accounts has been deleted ... But let's not even assume, but take a very specific number. Number of subscribers to the official instagram account decreased by 19 million. 300-19 \u003d 281. Even taking outdated information about the Twitter audience and even counting the loss of only one account, we still do not have a picture in which Instagram has overtaken Twitter.

And let him not overtake. That is not why he is attractive. Finally, let's make a little positive and compare official account Twitter on Twitter and official Instagram account on Instagram. The first has 34 million subscribers, the second has 45. But at the same time, Twitter tweets collect 300 retweets and the same number of additions to favorites, while Instagram posts collect 300-400 THOUSAND LIKES. So much for audience engagement.