Choosing a cloud PBX. Now with statistics and auto secretaries! Overview of cloud telephony services PBX telephony

Regardless of the niche, a clear and streamlined business process scheme not only increases the number of new customers, but also increases the company’s profit. This moment also allows you to increase loyalty, which is important now.

One of the industries that you should pay attention to is cloud telephony services, which allow you to connect several operators simultaneously, ensure clear and high-quality communication, record, develop and improve scripts for sales and service of warm, cold and hot traffic, etc.

Cloud telephony. Dire necessity or new benefit?

Before we look at the 5 most popular cloud telephony services and identify their pros and cons, we should understand the benefits of using the new cloud PBX technology. So, the main advantages are as follows:

    automation of processes without the need to purchase new equipment, including telephones and automatic telephone exchanges;

    possibility of expansion if necessary without purchasing additional equipment;

    forwarding to any phones, including cellular numbers;

    extensive capabilities for monitoring, tracking and analyzing offline telephone traffic;

    reliability, high-quality communication and security;

    cloud telephony services allow integration with ready-made CRM systems involved in the client’s business

    other benefits.

Now let's look at 5 telephony services built on cloud technologies and identify their main advantages and possible disadvantages.

"Mango Telecom"

It is one of the leaders in the modern market in providing cloud PBX, IP and VOIP telephony services. When you get to the site, you can see a clear and understandable logic and structure of sections, allowing you to quickly find the necessary information. Tariffs start from 490 rubles per month and end at 2,450 rubles per month (*at the time of writing).

Accordingly, it is possible to choose the tariff that best suits your business. Developers are constantly working to improve functionality and implement them into the system. At the moment there is API integration with the easily customizable and convenient “CRM Mango Office”, as well as with the Google Analytics statistics service.

It should also be noted that there is a free trial period of 7 days with unlimited functionality, allowing you to fully try out the system and find out how suitable it may be for you.


Based on customer reviews, it can be judged that this cloud telephony is one of the simplest and at the same time easiest to understand. They have been on the market for more than 10 years, which indicates the reliability of the company.

A distinctive feature of the service is cheap international calls, due to the fact that the connection bypasses roaming. It is possible to use the service both from a PC and from smartphones and tablets. The ability to purchase a SIM card allows you to use cheap Internet (compared to the same mobile operators) and communications abroad. The quality of communication is one of the best.

The site has a useful article “How to choose a tariff?”, which will help you choose the optimal tariff among such as “Economy”, “Standard”, “Free”, “Unlimited”, “Corporation”.

The cost of the tariff ranges from 0 to 3,200 rubles. Simple use according to the principle: register, pay, download the program (if necessary) and you can make calls. Most suitable for those individuals and companies who often make international calls or their employees often have to be abroad.


The cloud telephony service in question was created in 2013. A free trial period of 7 days, which includes 5 hours of calls, is enough to evaluate all the benefits of using it and understand whether this service is right for you or not.

Fast and easy setup is a distinctive feature of the service. There is the possibility of installation on different operating systems, both for PCs (Windows, MacOS) and mobile devices (Android, iOS). There are tariffs for services with a description of their cost, tariffs for calls and numbers. At the moment there is a promotion “Virtual PBX for 299 rubles. per month!" Good call quality.

Considering its short time on the market (about 4 years), the company has already proven itself ambiguously. Judging by numerous reviews, approximately half of the users are satisfied with the services, the other half is angry at the unreasonable increase in prices for calls without warning. Therefore, before choosing, you should familiarize yourself by choosing a trial period and then decide whether this cloud telephony service is suitable or not?

"Yandex telephony"

The company has also been successfully developing this niche since relatively recently. There are several interesting advantages to immediately note. The trial period is 14 days, which is an order of magnitude longer than that of similar cloud telephony services.

You can connect by simply linking telephony to your Yandex mail account, or register a new one (if necessary). There is a demo version mode that allows you to evaluate your personal account and other tools thanks to clear interactive instructions.

There are three tariffs: “trial” (14 days free); “start” (0 rubles per month); “pro” (1,299 rubles per month). The website details tariffs, the cost of connecting rooms (including beautiful ones) and other services.

Among the “relative” disadvantages, it should be noted that at the moment cloud telephony from Yandex is distributed only in 19 regions of Russia.

Considering that Yandex has been in the IT industry market for a long time and is constantly working to improve its services, it is unlikely that they provided a bad product.


Another cloud telephony service. He placed the main emphasis on integration with many well-known CRM systems, which are presented below.

The cost is 286 rubles per month per user (basic tariff) or 1211 rubles per month per user with advanced CRM integration.

The free trial period is 14 days. High-quality communications, well proven in the market. Of the minuses, it should be noted that connecting the number is paid (the price varies depending on the region).

Another advantage can be noted that the site has a cost calculator, which allows you to estimate in advance the cost of services for different variations.

To summarize, “Sipuni” is a modern cloud PBX with inexpensive subscriber services, depending on the number of operators.


In modern times, the number of cloud PBXs is off the charts. In addition to those discussed earlier, there are also services from Megafon, Beeline, Rostelecom, Telfin and so on. Since their assessment is a subjective matter (some may like the service and the price will be acceptable; some may not like the functionality, but are satisfied with the price), we recommend that in order to make a choice, do the following:

    decide what criteria you need;

    choose 2-3 companies that you trust or like;

    enable and try the test period;

    evaluate and select the most suitable option.

After reading the review and following the simple algorithm described above, you will be able to make up your mind and choose the optimal product that satisfies and combines the maximum advantages and minimum disadvantages at the optimal cost.

ATS, software and hardware complex for organizing telephone communications. An automatic telephone exchange provides telephone communication to all subscribers connected to it, both among themselves (internal network) and with telephones around the world.

Our PBX allows you to connect phones using the Internet. You can install the telephone program on any computer, buy an IP telephone - connecting to an IP PBX will take no more than 15 minutes. Telephone communication via the Internet has a number of advantages: fast connection, connecting IP phones from anywhere on the Internet.

Advantages of telephony over optical cables: high reliability, highest quality of telephone conversations.

ATS can be divided into several groups according to purpose and execution. By design: hardware, software-hardware, software. By purpose and execution: virtual, cloud, IP-PBX, mini-PBX, office, corporate, operator.

Virtual PBX allows you to connect up to 100 IP phones to each subscriber for free, paying a monthly subscription fee and LD/LD. This method of organizing telephone communications allows the company to save significant funds and organize high-quality telephony using optical cables and the Internet.

Cloud PBX creates multiple virtual PBXs that can be managed by different administrators. Cloud PBX has significantly higher performance, allows you to connect up to 5 thousand subscribers and manage one or several independent groups of users.

IP-PBX is a PBX program (asterisk, freeSWITCH) installed on a server platform. Customizable for specific tasks - security, call flow rules. The disadvantage is the need to maintain and maintain a qualified system administrator.

Our PBXs

High quality ATS from a reliable telecom operator - the best solution for your business.

We discuss the installation of corporate and operator telephone exchanges with each client individually in advance. We purchase equipment and prepare programs for the company’s tasks.

Full telephone communication is an important condition for the productive and profitable operation of companies. Modern technology will help ensure this. ATS, are easy to connect, multi-functional and cost-effective. To order it, it is suggested to contact a trusted company - “Canmos”, where highly qualified specialists work and advanced technologies are used.

What PBX stands for is probably known to everyone - automatic telephone exchange. It is designed to transmit a signal from one phone to another. This allows you to receive calls and conduct telephone conversations.

Today systems are developing rapidly. They use the enormous capabilities of the global network to operate. This allows you to significantly reduce overall material costs and at the same time achieve greater functionality, receiving advanced settings, ease of management and ease of use.

When required ATS in Moscow, you can choose the most suitable type for specific requests, satisfying the functionality and cost. The most popular types today include:

  • virtual – the work is based on the use of IP telephony technology, which allows you to obtain a huge list of necessary and useful options with low material costs. All of them are aimed at promptly resolving business issues, improving the quality of service, allowing us to take the organization to a new level of development and significantly improve many indicators;
  • cloud PBX allows you to create several virtual ones that can be managed independently. Cloud creates several groups of subscribers (phones) that work with different city telephone numbers as telephone exchanges located on different equipment;
  • office – ideal for organizing communications in the office. With its help, you can easily take many calls without losing a single customer, creating all the conditions for rapid sales growth. The employees themselves, receiving short numbers, will be able to immediately resolve everyday issues by communicating with each other. Workers unite not only those working in one building, but also in other departments and representative offices. All this becomes real with the use of the Internet;
  • mini-PBX is an economical option suitable for small companies. If you choose it at low cost, you can easily solve the issue of high-quality communication, using all the functionality to the maximum. The system will delight you with flexibility of settings, team control, and many options;
  • corporate – provides telephone conversations between different departments and within the network. Provides for the use of the required list of additional services. Intellectual abilities contribute to high efficiency and ease of use;
  • IP-PBX creates a telephone network, maintains communication with subscriber (connected) telephones via the IP protocol;
  • operator - based on innovative technologies that allow, with a small investment, to obtain a fully functioning system with a large range of options that demonstrates stable and correct operation.

Once you get acquainted with the features and purpose of each type, you can decide. Professional advice from experts will also help with this. They are ready to answer all questions. When working with clients, an individual approach is practiced. This means that all wishes are taken into account. For specific tasks, appropriate options are offered.

Virtual stations have become especially common today. It’s not surprising, because their undeniable advantages make such a choice fully justified. They are managed using your personal account. You can access it on the official website of the service provider. All information is indicated here, and users can make the appropriate adjustments, perform all the required operations, set the required options, and also solve many other issues. Management is not very complicated and does not take much time.

The automatic secretary shows itself perfectly in action. He successfully copes with several issues at once. This includes receiving calls. Subsequently, they are redirected according to specified scenarios. If necessary, you can leave information. The forwarding feature becomes very useful when the line is busy. Due to this, clients are not lost; they are provided with answers to all questions that arise.

ATS allows you to significantly reduce the material costs required for negotiations. This is facilitated by free communication between office employees. They are invited to use internal numbers. They are short and easy to remember. Another plus is the organization of negotiations between branches located in different places. As a result of effective interaction, all issues will be resolved with ease, without taking much time, subject to significant savings due to low tariffs.

The only condition that is required is a permanent connection to the World Wide Web. By the way, Canmos will also help with this issue, because the provider specializes in providing this category of services. Here you can choose the most suitable package that suits your connection speed, technologies used, as well as prices and other conditions.

Together with the station, excellent internal and external communications are organized. Thanks to good power and excellent characteristics, there are no problems during calls. Subscribers can always get through. They are redirected to the employee they are interested in. Also, the employees themselves communicate with each other without any problems.

To achieve this result, you need to make the settings correctly. So, employees are divided into certain groups. The optimal number of lines is intended for them. Calls are sorted according to the specified settings. The system automatically allocates free lines for subscribers. This feature eliminates failures and allows you to contact the desired subscriber without delay, without wasting time on tedious waiting or numerous call backs.

IP telephony has its own characteristics regarding its operation and basic principle of operation. The station itself is located on a server: on the server of a provider specializing in providing this category of services, on a server on the Internet, or on a server in the subscriber’s office. Its customization is carried out taking into account the specific requests of the customer. Special protocols are designed to transmit information, including multimedia and voice messages. If the PBX is located directly on the telecom operator’s server, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment, and connection is very easy and quick, requiring only the appropriate settings.

Modern PBX

The systems used today are becoming an accepted standard that companies cannot do without. IP stations have become the most popular type. They are indispensable for small, medium and large businesses. In each case, an optimal package of services and functionality is selected that allows us to solve the full scope of the tasks.

Modern PBX has a clear operating principle. It includes a server, a certain number of phones, and the gateways required to connect to the networks. Contacting a provider to order services allows you to quickly resolve the connection issue without resorting to complex work and without purchasing expensive equipment. Such attractive features contribute to significant savings.

The main advantages of choosing include:

  • scalability – there are no problems with expansion, which makes it possible to easily add new phones and service a large number of subscribers;
  • extended functionality – in addition to the basic options, it is proposed to use a large number of additional ones. As a result, even more issues are resolved. In practice, forwarding functions, voice menu, call recording and much more become useful;
  • ease of management – ​​provided by a simple interface in which you can easily perform all the required actions;
  • customization is carried out according to many parameters. The necessary characteristics are set to use the system with maximum benefit;
  • economical – connection and subsequent use are inexpensive;
  • Efficiency of connection – all settings are carried out in a short time;
  • quality – negotiations become as comfortable as possible due to stable quality;
  • safety – the use of modern technologies ensures a high level of safety.

Distinctive feature modern automatic telephone exchanges The presence of an auto attendant function is indicated. With its help, the process of automating call reception occurs. It is intended to be used for corporate purposes, becoming indispensable for different organizations differing in size, specialization and area of ​​activity. In each case, with its help, the completion of many tasks is significantly accelerated, and the quality of service reaches a new level.

The need to use an automatic secretary is associated with the need to reduce the load on employees, as well as to reduce their total number, which makes fixed costs significantly lower. The work is carried out at an intelligent level, according to predefined settings, without requiring the use of expensive equipment.

For many organizations, in order to develop their business, it is important to resolve two main issues:

  • increase employee performance efficiency;
  • improve the quality of service.

This will help modern PBX, having all the technical parameters and functionality required for this. Thanks to convenient communication between employees, they will be able to quickly resolve all business issues that arise every day. The system brings together different departments, employees, working remotely, and on business trips. All this significantly increases their productivity.

Another issue is high-quality communication with customers, which is an important condition for organizing a high level of service. Potential buyers can easily call the company. The telephone line allows you to simultaneously receive a large number of calls, so no one will be left unattended. A clear voice menu with appropriate prompts will help you contact the desired department. A pleasant greeting and musical accompaniment allow you to form a good impression of the organization itself from the first moments of contacting it.

Our advantages

    Telephony provider

    To each client

    Individual approach


    More than 15 years

    Office in Central Administrative District

    All services


    WebRTC, Call Back

    The best prices

    PBX protection

    Deep packet inspection

    We use

    Innovate experience

    Telephone communications

    Optics, TLS

ATS Moscow

The capital has an active business life. There are many companies operating here in different fields of activity. It is important for all of them to overcome the high level of competition, reach a new level, and increase profitability. To achieve such results, you will need a competent approach to business organization. A significant condition is a highly efficient communication system that ensures high-quality service and constant interaction of the entire team.

For all the tasks listed above, you will need a multifunctional and correctly configured ATS Moscow. You should order its connection from a trusted provider that offers high-quality and stable services at a reasonable cost.

System connection is required for many issues:

  • reduction of fixed costs for negotiations, including calls to other cities and countries - calls are much cheaper due to the offer of attractive tariffs;
  • unification of the entire team - the system promotes effective interaction between individual employees, as well as different branches and representative offices, regardless of their location;
  • mobility – you can contact the right employee to perform everyday tasks anywhere. There are no problems when changing office premises, because the move will not require thinking about communications, it will remain unchanged.

The list of options inherent to the systems is incredibly extensive. Most often used in practice:

  • “smart” call processing – reception and further redirection are carried out at an intellectual level, taking into account the specified parameters;
  • auto attendant – automatically takes calls, processes them promptly, without involving a large number of employees;
  • voice menu - following simple and understandable prompts, you can easily contact the employee you need, who will advise you on emerging issues;
  • recording – telephone conversations are recorded. Subsequently, the saved information becomes very useful. Its careful study creates conditions for resolving conflict situations, assessing the activities of employees, and the level of quality of service;
  • reports – statistics and other information are provided on the negotiations.

This is only a small part of the enormous opportunities that open up with the use of the system. Canmos clients were able to appreciate all of them directly in practice. Immediately after the implementation of the system, its benefits are felt due to the improvement of many indicators. Management is easy, does not involve any difficulties, and connection does not take much time.

The flexibility of the settings allows you to enter all the required values ​​for the main parameters and successfully cope with the entire scope of the assigned tasks. In the future, choosing this option will also allow you to experience significant savings, because negotiations will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, provided that the quality is excellent and the work is stable. Customers of the telecom operator receive a combination of main advantages - excellent quality at a reasonable price, which makes cooperation profitable from all sides.

Order an effective and multifunctional ATS Moscow with phone numbers in codes 499 and 495!

PBX functionality

Intelligent PBX

The distribution of incoming calls among telephone sets is set by the administrator in the PBX interface (dialplan).


Deep packet inspection, HTTPS, control from specified IP addresses.

New technologies in PBX

WebRTC telephony, Call Back.

Separate control

Each administrator manages his own group of users.

Call greeting

Any voice file is installed for each subscriber.

Statistics, reporting

The administrator can receive any reporting on received and completed calls for his user group.


You can create groups for conferences with more than 3 participants.

Video calls

The PBX allows you to connect video phones.

Integration with CRM

Integration with various database management systems.


Implementation of automatic dialing to subscribers with subsequent call routing.

Fax server

Receiving faxes by E-mail. Sending from a computer.

PBX connection

To resolve the issue of organizing effective telephone communication, you will need to connect a PBX. In this case, you first need to decide on the provider providing the services. Today there are many organizations operating on the market, each of which offers its own terms of cooperation, a certain list of services provided and prices. In practice, it is important to obtain high-quality communications with low material costs. These benefits are available to everyone who chooses Canmos.

The provider has been working in its field for many years. During this time period, the organization has shown itself to be excellent, taking a responsible approach to its work and providing high-quality services. This is facilitated by:

  • use of advanced technologies, including cloud ones;
  • use of modern equipment with excellent characteristics and expanded functionality;
  • attracting highly qualified specialists with extensive experience who are responsible for fulfilling their professional duties;
  • 24/7 support service that promptly resolves all emerging issues.

When working with customers, an individual approach is practiced. The company understands very well that each of them has their own wishes and requests. For this reason, there are different service packages to choose from, differing in conditions and prices. The optimal packages are selected individually in order to obtain the required list of options by investing in the planned amount.

The main selection criteria are:

  • number of external and internal ports;
  • equipment and technologies used;
  • list of options and additional services;
  • price.

Anyone who plans to connect a PBX will find it convenient to familiarize themselves with the list of services provided and the packages offered on the website. A lot of relevant information is published here, including about the company’s main activities, current prices, and so on.

If you have questions or require additional clarification, you can contact the staff. Convenient methods are offered for this. For example, on the website you can order a call back by filling out a short form. Managers promptly call you back using the contact numbers provided to answer all questions. It is also easy to leave a request for ordering a service on the website. All that is required is to fill out a short form with the requested information.

The PBX is connected in a short time, and it will be evaluated in action very soon. Cooperation is carried out according to a simple and understandable scheme. It includes several basic steps:

  • application – you can inform about your intention to order a service through the website or by calling the company at the specified contact telephone numbers;
  • discussing details with the manager - informing about existing wishes;
  • tariff selection – choosing a package that suits all parameters and functionality;
  • providing access to your personal account - making all the required settings and getting started.

Just a few simple steps - and the customer receives a modern, multifunctional, stable system that allows you to successfully solve everyday work issues. Improve the quality of service, as well as actively develop the business as a whole.


SBC (S essay B order C ontroller - session border controller) carrier-grade equipment (software or hardware) ensures the security of operator NGN networks.

Automatic telephone exchange

When high-quality, functional, but inexpensive communication is required, the best solution is automatic telephone exchange. They can be of different types, but virtual ones have become the most popular. Their popularity is associated with the main advantages that distinguish this type from others:

  • quick connection without purchasing expensive equipment or laying cables;
  • Flexibility to customize for specific issues;
  • many basic and additional options for highly efficient use;
  • cost-effectiveness during connection and further operation.

The choice becomes economically justified. Along with it, negotiations within the network between employees will be free. Each of them is assigned its own short number. Calls to other cities and countries will become much cheaper. Savings on them will be up to 80%. This figure indicates the significant economic benefit that all of the provider’s clients receive. In addition, in the large number of packages presented, it is easy to select the optimal types for a specific budget and tasks. Professional advice from employees who are ready to help everyone with their choice will help with this.

A significant advantage of the virtual system is its expanded functionality:

  • intellectual qualities;
  • ease of management with division into separate user groups;
  • Call Back;
  • WebRTC technology;
  • clear voice menu;
  • greetings;
  • detailed reports and provision of statistical information;
  • integration with CRM;
  • distribution of incoming calls according to specified settings;
  • holding conferences;
  • connecting video phones;
  • faxes;
  • telemarketing.

Communication organized using new technologies and the Internet is characterized by high quality and security. At the same time, it does not require large financial costs, which contributes to significant savings for the company. The decision becomes justified, optimizing the company’s constant expenses, creating all the conditions for its rapid development, improving key indicators, and team productivity.

An equally important result achieved in practice concerns improving the quality of service. This, in turn, helps to expand the customer base, retain regular customers, and improve profitability, which is the ultimate goal for entrepreneurs.

On the base automatic telephone exchange a full-fledged call center is organized, allowing specialists from different departments to communicate, as well as simultaneously receive a large number of calls. Together with him, you can soon evaluate the remarkable results and form a good impression of the organization itself.

The station improves the company's performance by providing basic statistical information. In particular, this concerns the number of negotiations, their duration and other information. No less useful is the recording of negotiations, thanks to which it is easy to monitor the work of the team, evaluate the quality of service, and make the required changes to activities if necessary.

To get all the benefits listed above, it is important to seek the help of a trusted provider who takes a responsible approach to their work and strictly fulfills all obligations to each of their clients.

Canmos is a company that is ready to offer such benefits to everyone, which is proven by many positive reviews and a good reputation. Here, each client can expect an extensive list of services provided with consistently high quality at reasonable rates, an attentive and round-the-clock support service, and professional advice on all emerging issues. This allows you to create only the most pleasant impressions from cooperation and achieve excellent results directly in practice.

Connect a multifunctional PBX from a reliable provider on attractive terms to develop your business! Submit your application today to receive a ready-made solution soon!

Quickly connect a PBX

Order PBX

The manager will call and help with the choice

We'll provide you with a PBX and you'll start working.

Order PBX

Modern technologies are actively used for the development of entrepreneurship. These include a cloud PBX for business, the functioning of which is based on the use of the Internet. Such telephony is convenient, multifunctional, stable and economical. The level of initial and ongoing material investments remains minimal, and the possibilities are limitless. The combination of such undeniable advantages makes the choice fully justified.

Many Canmos clients have already experienced the benefits of choosing IP telephony technology. A reliable and time-tested telecom operator creates all the conditions for the correct operation of the PBX. It is profitable to come here due to the offer of different packages with excellent characteristics at low prices. You will be pleased with the high level of service, the excellent work of the 24-hour support service with prompt resolution of all emerging issues.

The use of a cloud PBX for small businesses opens up new development horizons, allowing you to create telephony with new capabilities: telephone numbers from different telephone operators, communication management and obtaining statistical data on calls with a high degree of security.

Attractive features of cloud PBX for small businesses

By directly using a cloud PBX for small businesses, you can truly appreciate its advantages and enormous capabilities. These include high quality telephone conversations, making them as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. This makes telephony different from other methods of communication.

Opting for this technology becomes beneficial from an economic point of view. This solution will significantly reduce fixed costs associated with negotiations. They will be free within the corporate network. This will enable employees to make the required number of calls, communicating as a team to solve problems in the most productive way.

Scheme of a cloud PBX with two virtual PBXs

There are no difficulties at the connection stage either. The client will only need to select the optimal package, having previously familiarized himself with the offered options, and, if necessary, in consultation with employees. There is no need to purchase expensive equipment or lay cables. This is due to the fact that the station itself is located on the provider’s server, and the client gains access to it when connected in a short time.

The high popularity of PBX operating via the Internet is also associated with its versatility. Indeed, thanks to its versatility and extended functionality, it is suitable for different companies of different sizes and their main specialization. In each case, flexible configuration is carried out by specifying the necessary parameters and algorithms according to which the station will operate in the future.

The system is completely uncomplicated in operation. Administration and remote control does not present any problems. It is carried out through a special web interface, without requiring any special knowledge. If necessary, you can always increase the number of channels and numbers by easily adding them.

For many companies, a multifunctional call center has been successfully created on the basis of PBX. With its help, employees communicate conveniently with each other, and customer service reaches a new level thanks to communication. All this together has a positive effect on the company’s performance, allowing it to significantly increase profitability. Achieving such a remarkable result makes the use of ATS a fully justified decision, as well as a necessity for all entrepreneurs seeking to develop their business.

Cloud PBX prices for business

In terms of price/functionality ratio, a cloud PBX for business is the most suitable tool for managing company telephone communications. What are the commercial benefits for a business if you use a cloud PBX? An important advantage for any company is the price of connecting a cloud PBX and telephony, if this price is close to the minimum values.

Cloud PBX for business is a very flexible telephony management tool! In terms of its functionality, a cloud PBX completely replaces an office PBX, even having some additional functions that are difficult to implement in an analog telephone exchange.

The price of a cloud PBX for business consists of those parameters necessary for telephony operation that the subscriber will specify in the technical specifications: performance, number of internal and external lines.

Cloud PBX capabilities for small businesses

Cloud PBX for small businesses becomes indispensable when it comes to achieving good results. It helps entrepreneurs with its excellent features:

  • individual scenarios for receiving calls - setting the time, setting by numbers, availability and other parameters;
  • translation - done with ease using buttons;
  • interception - done for your group;
  • one telephone network – helps organize the fruitful work of a remote office, uniting employees working in different departments;
  • reports – providing clear statistical information;
  • answering machine - an electronic secretary that works automatically with the ability to send by email;
  • voice menu – convenient prompts for connecting with the right employee;
  • call back – integration with a website on the Internet thanks to the Call Back function, which allows visitors to easily contact the company without additional costs;
  • calls from the site - you can call the company, with high quality communication and free of charge for the caller;
  • dialing - performed automatically and provides routing to the voice menu;
  • Receiving a fax is very simple via email;
  • convenient outgoing calls – made using multi-channel and additional functions, including recording for control;
  • clear management – ​​remote administration occurs using a web interface;
  • telemarketing – provides automatic dialing.

Setting up a cloud PBX for small businesses is carried out to solve specific problems. This process does not take much time, since it is done by specialists using simple technology.

Pros of cloud PBX

The list of advantages of stations operating via the Internet is very extensive. These include the provision of a multi-channel number. It features advanced functionality that allows you to receive many calls at once. This allows you to retain potential buyers and overcome competition by creating a high level of service. If all operators are busy at the time of the call, the subscriber is asked to wait in line for some time, which significantly increases the likelihood that the customer will remain on the line.

In a corporate network, communication between employees will occur easily and quickly. Each of them receives a short number. If necessary, you can use extension numbers. Communication within the organization becomes free. Using a cloud PBX for small businesses, all conditions are created for quickly solving problems. This significantly increases the productivity of the team and the entire company as a whole.

The modern way of communication is video calls. They provide an opportunity to see colleagues working in remote branches. With the help of conference calls, no less fruitful business negotiations and meetings are held than with a personal meeting, but this method is more convenient and significantly saves time.

Careful control over them helps improve employee productivity. This is facilitated by the provision of reports. They contain all the basic statistical information in detail. For example, you can find out how many calls were made, what their duration was, and so on. All this data is very useful for developing the business, improving the service system and improving the work of the team in performing professional duties.

Cloud PBX for business attracts with its conversation recording function. This measure becomes a necessity to improve the quality of service. This is also a way to easily resolve conflict situations if they arise. You just need to find the necessary information in the cloud PBX to understand how things really were.

The voice menu deserves high praise. This electronic secretary works continuously without failures in automatic mode. Thanks to it, the load on the line is significantly reduced, and subscribers quickly reach the desired department or specialist, following clear voice prompts. The presence of such a menu makes the organization stable for customers, indicates its reliability, and shows interest in retaining customers.

Redirection is carried out at an intelligent level according to specific settings that were previously specified. Incoming calls are redirected according to certain scenarios in case of no answer or busy line. When specifying specific algorithms, factors such as time and day are taken into account.

Proper connection of the system with the site helps to achieve amazing results. In particular, the well-known call back function helps this. Visitors to web resources just need to use one button to quickly talk with an employee, get advice or answers to their questions.

Instead of a regular fax, it is proposed to use a more modern type - electronic. It differs in receiving messages by email. If necessary, they are printed later. Practice shows that this method is more convenient.

Connecting a cloud PBX

To get all the above-mentioned features and benefits when using the station, it is important to order such services from reliable providers. These include “Canmos”. The company attracts a large number of clients with its significant advantages:

  • reliability – successful operation on the market for 15 years;
  • many services - in addition to telephony, Internet connection, television, hosting, video surveillance and other relevant areas are offered;
  • favorable prices – each package provides attractive conditions;
  • quality - the use of modern equipment and a responsible attitude to the performance of all work ensures the stable provision of services without interruptions.

Customers will be able to order a cloud PBX connection for business in the most convenient way. The website contains contact information where you can contact employees. They will be happy to immediately advise on all questions that may arise and provide guidance on the cost and timing of connection.

It is equally convenient to apply online. This can be done at any time thanks to the 24-hour service. In a short form, visitors are required to indicate their coordinates, at which specialists will soon contact them to discuss all the nuances.

The use of proven operating schemes allows you to cope with connection and configuration very quickly. Thanks to this, clients receive the desired results in a short time, without having to face long waits. The setup is carried out taking into account all existing wishes, the specifics of the company, as well as the assigned tasks.

Entrust the connection of a cloud PBX for business to a team of true professionals - the Canmos company!

Quick connection to a cloud PBX

Order a cloud PBX

Rusbase is faced with the fact that some entrepreneurs do not know what cloud telephony is, also known as VoIP telephony, or virtual PBX. Since we ourselves use cloud telephony, we would like to tell you what it is and why business needs it. At the same time, we asked other companies about this.

If your company already uses a cloud PBX or virtual office, this article is unlikely to be useful to you. If you have not used ATS yet, then this material is for you.

What is a virtual PBX

A PBX is a company's telephone system that connects internal numbers to external telephone lines and mobile networks (in general, all the work phones of your employees in general). A virtual PBX is a service that replaces a physical office telephone exchange. The client receives a software IP-PBX for use.

In the case of a traditional PBX, the hardware is located on the client’s side, and in the case of a virtual station, all equipment and software are deployed by the operator, and the client connects to the PBX via the Internet.

So, why does a business need a PBX?

Create an image of a reliable company

Imagine that you have decided to order yourself... kitchen furniture. You type “buy kitchen set” into the search engine, and the search engine returned online store sites. Some sites provide a city phone number and the numbers of all departments, while others only provide a cell phone number. Who would you call first?

Often, startups and young businesses may simply not have an office; employees work from home and use cell phones, and young entrepreneurs indicate personal mobile numbers on their websites. In such a situation, cloud telephony will help improve the image - create the image of a large company that can be trusted. You get city numbers, and you can also create separate numbers for your “departments” (even if you don’t have one). This feature can be especially useful when communicating with large corporate clients.

Clients will not have time to leave for competitors

Imagine that you decide... to change your hairstyle. To do this, you need to sign up for a beauty salon. You have chosen a hairdresser; three numbers are listed on its website. You call the first - busy, the second - busy, the third - no one answered. You close the site and go look for another beauty salon.

Cloud telephony allows you to receive calls using one number on as many devices as you want. One employee could not answer, another will answer.

I literally started a business “from home.” There was no money for a full-fledged IT system, so I simply bought a SIM card with a direct phone number and worked like that for some time. The business grew and began hiring managers. There is a need for multichannel. Publishing a dozen issues on a website is stupid. The client will call one or two times, it will be busy - and he will go to competitors. The solution is to organize IP telephony and PBX.


Previously, to connect to city numbers, you had to run telephone lines to your office or buy corporate SIM cards from mobile operators. Now all you need is a laptop and an Internet connection.

It was unwise to host the PBX on our own equipment in the office (expensive maintenance, possible interruptions in electricity and communications), so we placed it in the cloud. Renting a cloud costs us less than 1,000 rubles per month, including storage of conversation records for the last year. Another 2000 rubles is the subscription fee for a multi-channel direct telephone number (495), and a backup channel. Unlimited calls to landline numbers are already included in the price, calls to cell phones cost about 1.5 rubles per minute.

At the initial stage, your own telephony server may be unprofitable (costs start at 100 thousand rubles). This is where a cloud IP PBX comes to the rescue: to get started, you do not need to buy additional equipment, or install an additional telephone network in the office. The cost varies depending on the number of users, but on average starts from 700 rubles for a PBX in the cloud. Also, to operate a PBX on the cloud, it is enough to have a stable Internet connection and a softphone (softphone), among which there are both paid and free options or IP phones.

Monitor employees and optimize business processes

A modern virtual PBX is software with many functions: built-in statistics for each call with the ability to analyze, recording and storage of conversations, voice greeting for incoming calls, distribution of calls to all managers and a waiting queue, virtual fax and voice mail. Almost any cloud PBX can be integrated with CRM; such integration opens up many possibilities: you see a customer card when you receive an incoming call, the call automatically goes to the responsible manager, you can create telephone alerts about new services, etc.

I began to listen to managers’ conversations with clients and partners, analyze, identify weak points in the conversation and teach managers how to avoid mistakes and follow the script. The quality of conversations has increased significantly, and as a result, the conversion from incoming calls to clients has increased. Adequate analytics have appeared on the number of incoming/outgoing calls, their duration, and the average number of telephone contacts with a client.

Now you have a record of all conversations

Several times, recording a conversation has saved businesses hundreds of thousands of rubles. For example, a partner fined us for replacing a tourist, justifying this fine with the conditions of the hotel in Bulgaria. We called the hotel in Bulgaria directly, and they told us that there were no fines. We sent the recording to our partner and he canceled the fine. Many conflict situations with tourists were avoided simply by referring to the fact that we had a recording of the conversation.

Travel and stay connected

Thanks to a virtual PBX, you can make outgoing calls (the number is defined as an office number) and receive incoming calls anywhere in the world where there is Internet. And your employees can answer an incoming office call from home.

If you suddenly decide to move to Thailand, your clients won’t even notice. Where there is Internet, there is your telephony.

An added benefit is a “free” phone when traveling abroad.

You don't need to be a programmer or engineer to set up a PBX

Previously, to install a telephone line, a company went through the following stages: application, cable laying, telephony setup and its integration into business processes. And if there was a need to change the settings, we had to call specialists and waste time. It was impossible to evenly distribute the load among call center operators and organize a “waiting” queue. With the advent of cloud technologies, the process has been simplified to three steps: registration in the service, payment and setup, which takes no more than 10 minutes.

Customize everything for yourself

A virtual PBX is software that you can integrate with other services - which means adding all the functions and features you need.

Here is an example of such “individual settings”:

You own a real estate agency. You have many real estate agents, whose work has its own characteristics:

    They are constantly on the move and need to be controlled, otherwise it is very difficult to organize several viewings of objects per day.

    If a dishonest agent gains access to a database of real estate properties or clients, then he can use this for his own personal purposes - to make transactions “on the side”, taking the profit for himself.

One of these agencies became a client of the cloud PBX AltegroCloud - this is a virtual office integrated with CRM, corporate mobile communications and geolocation. Here's the solution AltegroCloud made for a real estate agency:

    Realtors who work in the city and are constantly on the move do not see the direct numbers of home owners when receiving calls to their mobile phones. Instead of a phone number, a digital client code is used that you can call.

    A call to the owner of the apartment or a young family is possible only with a work SIM card and only if the conversation is recorded. There is no other possibility, because the real number is hidden. In this scenario, the chances of conducting a “gray” transaction are reduced to a minimum.

    In case of cancellation of the transaction, the owner of the agency can study in detail all the events related to this transaction, including recordings of conversations.

    If the client's assigned agent suddenly changes, there is no need to remember his contacts. A call to a single number will automatically go to the new employee’s cell phone.

Now the AltegroCloud team is testing new services - a geolocation service tied to an employee’s mobile phone, with a complete history of calls and marks on the map. Soon AltegroCloud clients will be able to see online where a particular employee is and call him from the office by clicking on an icon on the map.

If you have your own stories of useful use of a virtual PBX, leave them in the comments.

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Today cloud PBX takes telephony to a new level, allowing you to save money and get high-quality telephony. The main benefits are increased functionality, ease of use with a significant reduction in fixed material costs. The advantages include a high level of technology. Cloud PBX provides companies with more highly efficient communications, comfortable management, a high-quality voice channel, and most importantly, it is inexpensive in comparison with an analog PBX. Many business representatives have already appreciated these advantages and have not regretted their choice.

To get these benefits, you need to contact a trusted telecom operator. Today, Canmos is actively implementing new technologies in practice, offering its clients high-quality services at a fair price. From the variety of packages presented, it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable one that suits all parameters, including cost.

The company has managed to establish itself well in the field of modern telephony. Today, here you can order not only high-quality communication services, but also Internet connections, hosting, video surveillance and much more. Different tariffs have been prepared for each direction, attracting with fair prices. By choosing the most suitable prices, cooperation becomes the most profitable.


The work of any enterprise requires coordinated actions and constant skillful management. Managers need to address several key issues:

  • correct interaction between employees - required for quickly resolving everyday issues, productive performance of their professional duties by each employee;
  • effective communication with clients – ensures quality service, contributes to the formation of a positive reputation, as well as increased sales volumes;
  • control – affects not only the work of the team, but also the quality of customer service.

Successful completion of the above tasks ultimately allows us to move closer to the most important goal - to develop the business and increase profitability. Undeniable benefits of cloud PBX contribute to this. It combines many attractive qualities. Provided that the cost level is reduced, a huge list of useful options is provided. Their skillful use helps achieve excellent results.

Practice shows that employee communication becomes comfortable, high-quality and highly effective. They can resolve all emerging issues as quickly as possible. For example, video conferencing helps with this. Video calls bring together several participants who communicate comfortably with each other. This will require the use of special software and video phones. It is also appropriate to talk about conference calls here. Thanks to it, communication of the required number of subscribers is organized.

An equally important task is to provide the required list of opportunities for communicating with clients. For this purpose, call forwarding is provided. The caller is redirected to the number he is interested in, where the required information is provided. Suitable parameters are set for redirection. In order not to lose customers, there is an answering machine, as well as receiving calls automatically. The voice menu helps you create a pleasant impression about the company. By following simple tips, you can easily find the required department.

Order a cloud PBX also costs reporting. Your personal account contains comprehensive information. By analyzing it, you can subsequently make appropriate management decisions and make the required adjustments. This approach will allow us to improve many significant indicators in the near future.

Cloud PBX is a universal solution. It is actively used by companies that differ in various parameters. These may be small companies that are just starting out. It is extremely important for them to minimize their fixed financial costs. Multifunctional systems help with this, allowing you to get the required set of effective tools for little money. Large enterprises also need them. For this category of organizations, it is important to use omnichannel. With its help, a large number of calls are received simultaneously. Each of them will be processed, leading to the required result.

Operating principle of cloud PBX

The benefit of choosing such a solution lies in the specifics of the station’s operation, in the principle of operation of the cloud PBX. The service is provided by the provider. It is where the servers are located. The telecom operator approaches the solution of the tasks assigned to him with full responsibility. They come down to service and support. This ensures constant availability, allowing you to get the most out of your system.

The presented operating principle also allows you to obtain additional advantages of cloud PBX. When connecting, you do not need to purchase expensive equipment or spend money on laying cables. The work is based on the use of the Internet. Your provider will also help you with a stable and uninterrupted connection. To do this, you just need to order the appropriate service packages. Management is carried out through your personal account. This is where you can easily set the required parameters.

Initially, Canmos employees provide professional advice on all questions that arise. Their help will be required at the stage of choosing the optimal package. Its parameters must suit the customer’s specialization, take into account his requests, the available budget and many other points. Thanks to the extensive list of services provided, suitable options are selected in each case. This approach helps optimize costs by solving all assigned tasks with minimal effort.

Technically cloud PBX operates using simple technology. The principle of operation is based on several main stages:

  • call the company;
  • call arrival;
  • treatment;
  • redirection to a specific number taking into account the specified parameters.

Initially, the subscriber will hear a voice menu. This option is used very often, since its presence is an important condition for making a good impression and forming a positive opinion about the reliability of the organization. But not only these moments are successfully achieved. It is also important that the caller is easily redirected to a specific department or specialist. Here he is provided with the required information.

Thanks to the station, it becomes possible to process calls even when no one is in the office. There is an answering machine for this purpose. Its operation also takes into account certain parameters. With its help, you can avoid missing out on potential clients by contacting them in the future.

While using the system, the service customer connects to the provider's server. In addition, customization is carried out according to specific wishes. This allows you to adapt the station to specific needs, making its use more productive. Modern technologies make it possible to transmit not only voice messages, but also video. In this case, two types of protocols are used: VolP and Sip.

After successful connection, the service customer receives access to a special interface. This is where management happens. It is possible to set the appropriate settings. Statistical and other information is also viewed. Thanks to the simple interface, control is easy and intuitive.

Cloud PBX functionality

Cloud PBX allows you to create an unlimited number of virtual PBXs and manage them separately.

The cloud PBX functionality includes the full functionality of a virtual PBX with some additional features.

Call transfer.

This is done using the keys on your phone.

Call interception.

Intercept any call in your group.

Scenario for processing incoming calls.

Configurable by time, by caller number, by busyness.

Remote office.

A unified telephone network for all remote employees and departments.


Auto attendant.

Answering machine with sending by E-mail a recording of voice and information about the caller.


Interactive Voice Response. The caller selects a number to connect to the desired department.


Callback phone number.

Online call to the office.

Possibility to call the office from the site for free, via the Internet.

Conference calling.

Implementation of a group telephone conversation with 3 or more participants.

Fax machine.

Receiving faxes and sending by E-mail.

Selecting a phone number.

Select a phone number from the list.

Call tracking.

Call tracking in the web interface.

Video conference.

Video conversations on the phone.


The required number of lines per telephone number is allocated.

Outgoing calls.

Uses multi-channel telephone number, recording, cost control, protection, security.

Statistics of incoming and outgoing calls.

Daily statistics. Online control.

Statistics and management interface.

Web interface.

Creation of virtual PBXs.

Creation of user groups, independent administration.

Remote control.

Administration is carried out using a web interface.

Creating a dialplan.

The administrator manages the company's telephone numbers that are allocated as part of the service.


Implementation of automatic dialing to subscribers with subsequent routing of the call to the voice menu.

Fax server.

Organization of automatic fax sending.

Advantages and key benefits of cloud PBX

Number of representatives of small, medium and large businesses who personally assessed benefits of cloud PBX, is getting bigger. They note the following most significant points as strengths:

  • a large number of functions - the general list of options is very extensive. The required functionality is selected for existing requests;
  • high-quality communication – thanks to the use of new technologies, excellent sound is ensured, the signal is transmitted stably;
  • reliability and stability - uninterrupted negotiations are a priority for the provider, who does everything necessary for this;
  • quick implementation - when connecting, there is no need to select and purchase expensive equipment, lay cables, and also solve many other issues. It only takes a few minutes to set the required parameters;
  • flexibility of settings – users can easily change parameters using their personal account, thereby adjusting the functionality of the system;
  • inexpensive support – to maintain full functionality, you do not need to separately hire specialists, because the main issues are resolved by the provider. If you need to adjust the parameters, it will not be difficult to do this via the Internet using a special interface;
  • mobility - now companies do not have to be tied to a specific location. Changing offices is not a problem, because communication remains at the same level, without any changes or additional hassle;
  • security – thanks to data encryption, you don’t have to worry about the safety of information;
  • scalability – you can quickly add new numbers if necessary.

It is important for companies not to miss customers, providing them with quality communications. To do this, you must immediately provide the required information in telephone conversations. Multichannel helps you achieve great results. It allows you to handle many calls. Each subscriber receives answers to his questions without spending a lot of time on tedious waiting.

It is advisable to order a cloud PBX to reduce costs and take advantage of the benefits of a cloud PBX. Connection and further maintenance of a station operating using the Internet is much cheaper than a conventional one. In the case of a classic system, there is a need to lay cables, install and configure complex equipment. This entire process may even take several weeks. Losing time in business means material losses.

The choice of virtual telephony helps to avoid all these problems. In this case, the provider is responsible for resolving all technical issues. The client can only manage the system using his personal account, extracting maximum benefit.

Interestingly, while reducing investments, the functionality expands significantly. Now you don’t need to initially spend money on purchasing expensive equipment, cables, or deal with other cost items. Everything is much simpler. You just need to contact the provider and order the most suitable package for your specific tasks. After this, employees will promptly complete all stages of connection.

Huge business opportunities

When running a business, managers face many challenges. But the key point is increasing profitability. To do this, it is necessary to competently organize the activities of the entire organization as a whole. This is ensured by obvious benefits of cloud PBX, Flexibly customized to the needs of a specific customer.

The advantage of a cloud PBX is its versatility. But the most important functions include:

  • multichannel – multiple calls are processed simultaneously. Each subscriber receives the required information, on the basis of which he subsequently makes appropriate decisions;
  • voice menu - the subscriber, listening to voice prompts, easily goes to the desired department;
  • redirection – occurs at an intellectual level, taking into account predefined characteristics;
  • video calls – to increase the efficiency of employee interaction, it is proposed to use video conferences with the participation of the required number of people;
  • restrictions – set using a blacklist;
  • calls from the site - help increase the flow of customers through the official web resource of the organization;
  • reporting – basic information is provided on calls made, including dates, duration, etc.;
  • integration with CRM is a modern solution that helps improve the level of quality of work with clients.

Separately, it is worth noting the integration with the site. Today, the vast majority of organizations have their resources on the World Wide Web. Why not use them to further increase the number of buyers? A call back will help with this. To make it easy for visitors to use it, a special widget called “Call Back” is installed. The subscriber's number is remembered. Then the employee will call you back shortly. “Call online from the site” will also be convenient. This allows you to contact for free.

Subscribers calling the company will appreciate the voice menu. Initially they will hear a pleasant greeting. This will allow you to immediately create a great impression. Thanks to this, the company is perceived as a solid and reliable organization, which makes it attractive. This menu is a kind of answering machine that can easily guide the subscriber and lead them to the desired department based on the prompts. To do this, you only need to indicate certain numbers or numbers. With this feature, the load on the line is significantly reduced and communication efficiency increases.

For competent guidance, it is suggested to use reports. Statistics indicate basic information about conversations. Based on the data obtained, you can analyze the productivity of employees. It will be useful to listen to telephone conversations. Preserved information will be important to improve the quality of service. Also, thanks to her, controversial situations are resolved.

“Smart” forwarding also contributes to achieving this result. In order for it to occur most productively, it is initially necessary to indicate the appropriate schemes according to which the process will occur. To do this, certain settings are specified. They take into account the day and time when the call occurs, as well as many other significant points.

If you want to improve the level of customer service, it is advisable to use the possibility of integration with CRM. They store a lot of information about customers, purchases they made, and so on. By skillfully using this data, managers will be able to take sales and service to a higher level.

For a business, regardless of its size, order a cloud PBX becomes profitable from all sides. This decision will ensure the fruitful work of the entire team. Now employees can choose the most appropriate method of communication. So, they will be able to contact you using their short numbers. In this case, online communication becomes free, which does not lead to additional financial expenses. It is also convenient to communicate via conference calls. This function can combine several sections at once. They will be able to see each other through video calls, quickly carrying out various business processes.

Important benefits of cloud PBX

    Cloud PBX

    Seven virtual PBXs

    Select numbers

    Select operator


    Moscow Central Administrative District

    Optics to PBX

    Cloud PBX

    Independent management


    Depends on the server

    New telephony

    WebRTC, Call Back

    Canmos phone

    Android application


    Separate for legal entities


    Separate by legal entities

    Video calls

    Video conferencing

    Connection quality

    Digital telephony

TO benefits of cloud PBX includes the ability to adapt it to specific needs. The wide range of packages offered by the provider helps with this. To make the right decision, it is worth starting from the characteristics of the company. The direction of activity, specialization, and characteristics of the work matter. Also, special attention is paid to the size of the organization, the number of employees, including specialists located in the office, working remotely, as well as in other branches and representative offices.

Most often we are talking about a basic list of functions. This includes the basic and most important options that you cannot do without. If necessary, their list can be expanded by ordering additional functionality. As a rule, all required material costs are recouped due to the improvements achieved.

The specific price depends on the selected package. Qualified Canmos employees will help you make the right decision. The list of services provided includes different types of PBXs, including virtual, software, mini, corporate, office, operator. In addition, IP telephony is very popular. In each case, a personal approach is applied.

The proposed cost becomes fully justified taking into account the undeniable benefits that everyone receives. We are talking about comprehensive savings. It all starts with an inexpensive connection, since complex and expensive equipment is not required. In the future, you can save a lot on telephone calls. We are talking about long-distance and international calls. Moreover, employees receive their own short numbers. Using them, they will be able to communicate within the network for free. Maintenance will also not be expensive.

Cloud PBX connection diagram with explanatory note

The cloud PBX in the diagram is connected to virtual PBXs; in reality, virtual PBXs are located on the same server as the cloud PBX. For high-quality telephone communication, you need to connect to the canmos provider with an optical cable for high-quality transmission of telephone traffic.

An additional telephony provider can be connected using a VPN channel using the Internet.

1. Cloud PBX

2. Remote subscribers connected via the Internet and a wireless telephone exchange is used DECT. Allows the use of radio tubes.

3. Mobile IP phones, program installed on a mobile smartphone. Zoiper or any other sip phone program.

4. Mobile IP phones on the Internet.

5. Additional office connected via the Internet and a telephony gateway. Analogue telephones are used.

6. An additional office is connected via an optical cable, a gateway and analog phones are used.

7. Additional office connected via optical cable, landline IP phones and video phones are used.

8. The main office is connected by optical cable, a multi-port telephone gateway and analog phones are used.

9. VPN (FXO) channel from the telephony provider, telephone traffic and telephone numbers are transmitted.

10. Optical cable between the cloud PBX and canmos, telephone traffic and telephone numbers are transmitted. All outgoing calls to the city telephone network are used by canmos.

Order a cloud PBX

Order a cloud PBX, get the most out of this solution. To do this, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a partner. An important requirement for a provider is reliability. This is expressed in a combination of many points. These include the use of advanced equipment, software, and successful implementation of innovative technologies directly into practice. In this case, professional support is a prerequisite for the correct operation of the system. Provided that these requirements are met, the quality of communication always remains at the highest level, and the station will operate stably.

"Canmos" is the right decision!

All the above benefits are offered by the telecom operator. There are many reasons for choosing it. Experienced and highly qualified employees work here, advanced equipment is used, and the provision of services is based on the use of the most modern technologies.

This approach allows us to offer customers seamless communication. Telephone conversations become comfortable and fruitful. All conditions are created for productive work of employees and quality service.

When working with clients, all wishes are taken into account. This involves offering many packages. Having familiarized yourself with the conditions of each of them, it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable one. If necessary, you can additionally consult with employees. You can contact them in the most convenient way. So, on the website you can use a call back to receive detailed advice on issues very soon. For specific requests, optimal solutions are offered to solve all problems in full, investing within the available budget.

The use of proven order fulfillment technology allows us to connect new clients in a short time frame. Additionally, this is facilitated by the ease of connecting the system, when there is no need to lay cables or take a long time to set up expensive equipment.

The provider has a long history, but does not stop with the results achieved. Constantly monitoring new technologies, their successful implementation, and improving the quality of services provided produces results. The number of satisfied repeat customers continues to skyrocket, as does the number of positive reviews they provide.

Place your order today!

Order a cloud PBX, connecting telephony can be very easy and fast. The site has all the possibilities for this. Initially, you need to decide on the list of services. A lot of information has been published for this, as well as advice from experts who can be contacted in a convenient way.

The manager clarifies all existing requests and wishes. Based on this, the most suitable tariff is selected that suits all its components, including price. If all conditions are suitable, connection occurs. This allows you to access your personal account. All the necessary information is presented here. In the future, specific parameters are indicated here for the most convenient and efficient use of the automatic station.

Thanks to the reliability of the provider, the quality of communication always remains at the highest level. Despite this, if you have questions, you can always contact our 24-hour support service, staffed by experienced staff.

To actively use the enormous possibilities of modern telephony via the Internet, contact Canmos today without wasting time!

Quick connection to a cloud PBX

Order a cloud PBX