The coolest pages in contact. How to make an attractive VKontakte profile? How to make a link for a VKontakte page beautiful

Today we will learn how to design a contact page for its best effectiveness in this cool social network that is especially popular.

In order for your design of a contact page to bring you the desired result, you will need to decide for what purpose you will design it. Some need to do this from the point of view of earning money or doing business, others for sales or popularization of a brand, others for making acquaintances and adding friends, and so on.

If travel, fishing or extreme sports are important to you, then target these categories. Let's begin our design of the VK page in practice.

Proper page design is an important step!

To get started, fill out your first and last name correctly, it was written in detail in the article how to set up a contact, so I won’t repeat myself, there are practical visual aids there, if you need to go in and look at the possible options for filling out your page.

After this, in the contact information section, indicate as fully as possible the means of communication with you and addresses of available accounts on other social networks.

In this section, I highly recommend that you indicate your referral or affiliate links. This turns people off more than it attracts them. But if you have a website or run a blog, be sure to indicate them in the fields provided for this.

The education section will help you find people with whom you studied at various institutions, choose for yourself whether you need it or not. But it has been verified that a similar section on the Odnoklassniki network works better than in contacts.

I advise you to fill out sections such as “Activities” and “Interests” in as much detail as possible. When filling out, focus on those words or phrases that fall within your range of interests or online searches. You can add a couple of sophisticated quotes, many people like it.

Take the “About Me” section seriously by filling it out correctly and interestingly.

The most important step when designing a VK page is the correct selection of photos! Please do not put any pigs, frills or other animals or inanimate objects in your avatar photo. The photo should be either representative, mysterious, or intriguing.

Personally, I try not to add as friends those who have something unclear in their photo.

Add photos from your vacation, work, some activities or events, there is nothing wrong with that, that’s what social networks are for.

It is recommended to dilute the information; it is advisable to publish a variety of excerpts and photos, and for example, not about earnings alone. The more varied and informative the information on your page is, and this applies to any social network, the more advanced the page will be. And soon, correctly designed pages on popular networks will mean a lot, believe me.

Use status fields. This can be done both for advertising purposes and for intriguing purposes.

Now you know how to design a page in contact and you will be able to design it correctly, because I advise you to take page design seriously.

How to properly design a VKontakte page

When creating a VKontakte page, uploading a photo is only part of the story. Now you need to fill out the form and make privacy settings for better and safer display. What is it and how to do it - read and do it!

Fill out the VKontakte form

Directly below the avatar there is an active line - Edit page. Click it and go to the mode of filling out the questionnaire. You should not encounter any difficulties or surprises at this stage. Everything is clear and transparent.

How seriously you take the process of filling out the form and how carefully you fill it out, the more interesting your page will be for your guests and how much your VKontakte rating will rise. The rating level is displayed below the photo and even lower there is a certificate that you need to fill out in order to raise your rating.

Even if the rating is not important to you, and you are in a hurry to start communicating online, you still need to fill in at least a little information about yourself, otherwise the system simply will not allow you to write messages and comments. Fill out at least general information about yourself (birthday and gender), but filling out the Personal page is in your interests.

Making page settings

Setting up a page is a little more complicated than filling out a form, but also much more interesting. We look for the My Settings item in the menu (on the right), click on it and go to page settings mode.

I think that you will easily figure out how to fill out the settings. Everything is done clearly and accessible. Just read carefully and watch how your page becomes.

The first important tab – General – allows you to customize the appearance of your page. Here you can configure:

  • which applications to display in the menu on the left - check or uncheck the boxes and monitor the menu;
  • wall - the results are not immediately visible, but what this or that flag means is well commented on;
  • changing a password is a normal operation and does not require any special explanation, except that you should be careful when choosing a password;
  • change of nickname - if you want your nickname or patronymic to be indicated along with your first and last name, indicate it here.
  • Security check is a small service that will allow you to view when and from which browser your page was loaded. Perhaps you will notice a time when you could not possibly be on VKontakte, and, nevertheless, this session is listed. This is nothing more than a signal to change your password.

How can you change the appearance of the page?

On the same tab there is one unremarkable, but funny trick - Language. The default language is Russian. Of course, you can install Ukrainian or Belarusian, but go to the end of the list of offered languages. At the end there are two interesting points: pre-revolutionary and in the Union.

This is what happens if we install the Pre-Revolutionary language:

And here’s what your page will look like if you set the language to V Soyuz instead of Russian:

Setting up privacy and notifications on VKontakte

Privacy settings allow you to open or restrict access to the entire page or to individual parts of it. You can allow only friends to access your page, and then those who are not on your friends list will only be able to see this picture:

Setting up privacy involves defining viewing rights for a group of users (everyone, friends, or friends of friends) of a page or collection of photos, audio, or video. These same settings include the right to leave comments, write on the wall, view the wall, and write messages.

VKontakte has the opportunity to view how the page will be displayed for friends and for other users. The presence of such a function allows you to configure the page more correctly and avoid all kinds of misunderstandings about hiding the page for beginners.

Setting up a notification means allowing or disallowing the system to notify users about changes to your page, about the addition of new photos, notes or comments. Your event list will be visible to friends when they view news.

tell friends

How to beautifully design a VK page

There is no limit to perfection!

Do you still think that people are greeted by their clothes? No matter how it is! Imagine the situation: you found out that a new girl is coming to your class. The teacher announced her first and last name to the class. Let us guess: next you will go to social networks to take a good look at her profile and photos. You see, these days the first impression of a person is based on... his VKontakte page. This means that you need to take care of how your profile looks so that any mysterious stranger can immediately pay attention to you and appreciate your many merits. How to do this?

The picture should be attractive

Agree, few people would want to add a fake Selena Gomez or a girl with some vague selfie on Avik as friends. Therefore, pay attention to your avatar - make it as attractive as possible! Let everyone remember you as you are in this photo. What kind of photo it is depends on what impression you want to make. You can look mysteriously into the distance or smile from ear to ear, you can hug a friend or cuddle a dog. You are what you like, so show it to others!

Important: don't overdo it. It will be quite ridiculous if in your avatar you appear as a fatal temptress, but in life you turn out to be a shy schoolgirl with pigtails. Love yourself for who you are, don’t be shy to show your true face and admit to people who you really are.

Interests should captivate

Do you think the VKontakte developers, out of nothing to do, created these stupid columns with interests? Not at all. Information about you is no less important than Avik. This is where you can express yourself and highlight your characteristics and achievements. We are sure you have something to be proud of. Perhaps you have read the entire list of school literature - then brag about it in the “books” column. Or you are crazy about Twenty One Pilots and Marvel comics - write about it, and it will be much easier for your like-minded people to find you.

Important: You are not required to fill out all fields. If you start pouring water, it will only distract the guest of your page from the really important information. So after you describe your passion for arthouse cinema or your love for Johnny Depp, stop! Focus on the most interesting and do not turn the fields “interests”, “favorite TV shows”, “favorite books”, etc. to huge lists. Conciseness is your best friend.

Turn your wall into a mini blog

Has your wall not been updated for years or is it completely littered with invitations from friends to the game Farm Frenzy? Then it’s time for you to think seriously... Remember that friends see every post of yours in their feed (of course, if you haven’t changed your privacy settings), which means you have a real chance to attract attention. Think about what “your audience” would like to know about or what you yourself would like to talk about. No wonder the VKontakte developers wrote a hint: “What’s new with you?” If you think that no one is interested in your life, you are deeply mistaken! Remember a funny story or share your impressions of the premiere of a new film, and you’ll immediately get a few likes. Also pay attention to the status - this is a great opportunity to set the mood for your page or intrigue its visitor. Here you can express your imagination as much as possible, insert a line from your favorite song or a joke about yourself. But please, no quotes like “I’m hard to find and easy to lose,” we conjure you!

Important: Think about what else you could fill the page with. Maybe your favorite poems, tracks or landscapes from your summer travels. Your wall is your mini-blog, a reflection of your thoughts, so you can do whatever you want with it. Do not be shy!

Join groups, add music, post videos

Take a close look at the list of your VKontakte groups. Do they truly reflect your passions? Do you have time to visit each group every day? Do you read your own feed? If you answered “no” to all these questions, then do a spring cleaning. We know that you are a versatile person, but this does not mean that you have to sign up for everything and mislead your friends. Groups are one of those things that a new guest on your page first notices. Subscribe only to the most interesting and cool public pages, repost, comment. Let everyone see how active and enthusiastic you are. The same applies to your audio and video recordings if they are visible to other users. Remember - everything you add to your page creates a certain impression about you. So, the guy of your dreams may lose his head when he sees fierce hardcore in the list of audio recordings :)

Important: If you don’t have enough simple reposts and you have a lot of ideas in your head that you want to tell the whole world about, start your own group and post everything there. Creating your own public page is a responsible undertaking. You need to carefully think through the concept of the group in advance, make sure that you have enough time to promote it and consult with a couple of friends.

Be reasonably confidential

Surely you have friends whose parents do not even allow them to put their real name with the surname “VKontakte,” not to mention sharing personal information with friends from social networks. There are enough scammers roaming the Internet who want to hack your page and find out passwords and other secrets. Let's not be paranoid, but just in case, you should play it safe and think carefully before writing your mobile phone number or home address. And since we are talking about how to make your page cooler and more popular, here’s another plus for you - no one will be able to compromise you with childhood photographs or gossip about your new boyfriend if this information is simply not on your page. There is no need to use VKontakte as a personal photo album and upload things there that you will be ashamed of later. Be sure to pay attention to your privacy settings, if possible limit access to your personal data for strangers, and don’t forget about such pitfalls as “photos of you” and “saved files”, which especially curious people like to look into (and to which you often add a lot of unnecessary things) .

Important: Do you even know how many VKontakte friends you have? Who is included in their number - the chosen ones or all of them; the people you see every day or everyone who decides to get to know you? Of course, the number of friends is your choice. Just don’t forget who exactly is one of them when you’re going to post something purely personal. And don’t chase a round number, because quantity is not an indicator of coolness. And don’t forget to check the so-called “outgoing requests”, which show which of your friends dared to deprive you of the honorary title of friend.

By the way! Sometimes it is very useful to read messages from the creators of VKontakte themselves, where they talk about new functions and capabilities. This way you will always be on top of all the improvements and interesting competitions. And, of course, don’t forget to check if new gifts and stickers have appeared during the holidays. With their help, you can make your correspondence a little brighter and more pleasant;)

VKontakte registration. How to make a menu in public? (fixed)

Considering that this menu is not in a group, but on a VKontakte page (public), I decided to show you how it’s all done! For a long time now I have been asked questions: how to make a menu in a public page, how to make the menu open, how to make it sticky, etc.. Here are the instructions for you!

So, how can you even create a menu on a public page in contact? We all know that the ability to add a built-in wiki menu is only available in a group; I wrote about it here and here. But how can you create a menu in a public page if there is no such function in the settings? There are no restrictions for an inquisitive mind and a professional SMM specialist! This is what the menu looks like in our corporate public page:

Menu in public? As easy as pie!

Review the articles again: how to make the VKontakte group menu useful and how to create and install a beautiful graphic menu in VK, now we will need this knowledge!

3 steps to a beautiful public menu!

You probably already guessed that the basis of such a menu is... a pinned post with an internal page! Personally, I really like this method, even in my blog group I abandoned embedding and use the “pinned menu”. And now I will give you clear instructions “how to do it”!

Step #1: Create an internal menu page

So, in order for a menu to appear in our group, it needs to be created on a separate internal page. And as you remember, in public pages we do not have the opportunity to add a menu, but we will go the other way and create an internal page. In order to create it, we must enter the address correctly in the browser line. Here's a link template:

Option 1: (regular)

where XXX is the ID of your public page,

and “Page_name” is any word that will be used to name the page

Option 2: (lightweight, but for the cunning)

Or click on the “add” item in the [List of Wiki pages] section if you have vkopt installed (I have already talked about this script in detail here)

So, we create a wiki page and fill it out in the same way as if we were filling out a menu for a group. That is, we write all the images and transitions there. We should get something like this:

This is the menu wiki code

Attention! If you don’t yet know how to create visual menus in Contact, then I repeat, read this article! If everything is ok. then you will get a picture like this:

And this is the finished menu page

Step #2: Create a post on the wall

Now we need to add our menu to the VKontakte community wall. To do this, copy the link to the internal page and add it to the post, like this:

You probably already know that a link to a post is attached automatically and after the link is attached from the post itself, the page address can be deleted. If you publish a link, the menu will not appear on the wall, but there will simply be a link, by clicking on which a person will be taken to our menu. This is only half the battle! We need the menu to be noticeable and hang in place, i.e. in the most visible place.

So, now we need to remove the link from the “body” of the post (the attached page will remain), and add an image to the post that subscribers will see. The trick is that if there is a link and an image in one post, then clicking on the image will take you to the link! Everything ingenious is simple! The picture may partially or completely repeat the menu itself, it’s up to you to decide. If you order a menu for a public, then you also need a banner, i.e. a picture that will hang in a clip. This is what we will get when publishing a post:

The picture repeats the menu and attracts the attention of page visitors

Step #3: Pin the post

Finally, we have everything ready and the post is hanging with a picture and a link on the wall! Now we need to move it to the group header, pin the post to the main page, pin it... To do this, click on the date/time of the post (under each post there is a publication date), we get to the internal page of the post, scroll down and look for the “pin” button there " Look in the picture to see what you need to find: Click on this button and refresh the page. Voila, you're done! Enjoy the beautiful menu!

You can even choose a picture that would become a continuation of your avatar - this design looks very nice.

So, with the help of three simple steps, we managed to create a beautiful menu that can be used in any VK community!

That's all I have for it! Share the article with your friends, add it to your favorites and follow the blog updates so you don’t miss new interesting articles!

With love, Marina Lazareva!

A lot of users want their VKontakte page to be popular. How does it manifest itself? It is generally accepted that the more friends and subscribers (see), the more popular you are on a social network. An indirect fact is a large amount of materials (photos, posts on the wall, comments (see), and likes).

How to achieve this? If you are a popular person, say a politician or a musician, then there is nothing to worry about. Everything will come anyway. But if you are a mere mortal, then you will have to work hard. But in the end, everything will come down to simple cheating.

Now I'll show you how to make your VKontakte page popular.

Video lesson: how to make your VKontakte page popular by making friends

We are recruiting friends

The method is extremely simple. We go to VKontakte and find in the search a group with the name "Add to friends".

All you have to do is go to his page and submit your application (see). As a rule, they are taken within a few minutes. And your number of friends begins to increase, and with them, the popularity of the page.

Likes and comments

To increase activity on the page, you can follow the same path. Find groups where users share mutual activities.

Write in the search and go to the appropriate group.

The process here is very similar. We are looking for an ad from a person who needs likes (see), comments or reposts (see). And he promises to do the same for you. We simply fulfill his request and write ours in a personal message. That's all.


By increasing the number of friends and subscribers, as well as the growth of user activity, you will gradually make your VK page popular.

But don't engage in aggressive promotion. This way you risk getting blocked (see).


In contact with

Everyone wants to look beautiful and individual, stand out from others and feel special. This also applies to your personal VKontakte page, which can also be transformed beyond recognition, even without the notorious themes for VKontakte.

Filling out your profile

The first thing you can do with your page is: fill out your profile completely. This will not only allow you to show others your preferences, but will also simplify the search for you among friends, acquaintances, relatives, classmates, etc. Add information about your studies, service, work, then smoothly move on to personal interests: cinema, music, hobbies. The more information you have in your profile, the more interesting you will seem to other people.

Page ID

Your page ID is a special code, an individual number that you can find in the address bar of your browser when you link to your page. Mostly this is a random set of numbers, which can be changed to an interesting name, nickname or your own set of characters. To do this, just go to My Settings, then go to the general tab and there you will see My Page Address. Here you can change the ID: just enter the required name in Latin (spaces must be replaced with the symbol “_”) - you will need SMS confirmation for the changes to take effect.

Add a photo and make an album

If you don't have a single photo in your albums, feel free to add them. The page is live if the user constantly writes something on the wall and adds new photos. If the quality of the photo does not suit you, you can use the built-in VKontakte photo editor. To do this, select Edit under each photo. Here you can crop the photo, add filters, frames and other objects to the photo.
Also create thematic albums for easy viewing of photos.

Smileys in status

We have already told you how to add emoticons to your status; we will only mention why this is done. Smileys in status- it is not only beautiful, but also very informative. Sometimes there are simply not enough words to convey your mood and emoticons will help you express your feelings or simply communicate your mood to others.


Few people know that on the social network VKontakte you can set not only some geographical language, but you can also set interesting language packs. For example, the Pre-Revolutionary package will allow you to transform the page into the era of the Revolution of the early 20th century. And the Soviet package will give interesting Soviet names to your Audio Recordings and Bookmarks.


And finally the topics. You can find specialized skins on thematic sites. Such scripts and extensions will help you radically transform the appearance of your VKontakte page. But remember that such page customization is not suitable for users with a weak computer, as the page will glitch and twitch when scrolling.

Transform VKontakte, customize each field and make your page more informative. If you decide to look for people on a social network, communicate with them and generally make a positive impression, then you must create a VKontakte page.

Yes, taking the first steps is a man’s job. But you shouldn’t ignore the passive way of meeting girls. Its advantages are visible to the naked eye. Your page works for you around the clock, attracting girls. If you fill out the VKontakte page correctly, you will be able to attract them and encourage them to get to know each other.
In order to make the most of your VKontakte profile, it is best to create a certain image that girls like. This could be a romantic, macho, adventurer, etc. It is important that this is an image that girls like. The image of a computer game lover is unlikely to impress girls who visit your page. After this, you need to fill out your profile in accordance with the chosen image.
The filling for each image is individual, but we will consider the standard filling of the page, which will endear the girl to you and protect you from standard mistakes.

Quick navigation:

How to fill out the page correctly?

Avatar as a way to attract attention.

We will start, of course, with the avatar. This is what the girl will see at the very beginning, before she even has time to go to your page. It must be taken by a professional photographer using professional equipment. The main photograph should not only be of high quality, but also attract attention. If a girl sees your comment in some group or on your friends’ page, then she should have an irresistible desire to click on it and see your page. It should be unusual, intriguing, creative. This way, you can get more views on your profile. Filling a VKontakte page with more than just text, it is important to have high-quality images.

We create an image using avatars.

So, we attracted the girl’s attention and she went to our page. First of all, she will click on your avatar and start flipping through them, trying to assemble your image from them. There must be at least 10 photographs and they all must be excellent. Even one low-quality link in the chain can ruin everything. Photos should be taken in different places and show you from your best side. It is best if they all convey the image you have chosen.

Popularity of avatars.

Photo albums.

They should reflect your passions and create a common Lifestyle. Photos should show you as a sociable, positive and interesting person living a busy life. This is also no place for bad photos.

Positive status.

It is located at the top of the page and attracts attention. Therefore, you can use it too. If you use an image, then write something appropriate. Otherwise, come up with a positive status without boringness and any “snot”. By the way, you can take a photo of them, it’s called a photo status, we tell you how to make it.


It’s not for nothing that they say: “Tell me who your friend is, and I’ll tell you who you are.” Clean up your friends list and remove “dogs” and all sorts of dubious personalities. Leave only successful and interesting personalities.

Family status.

Let's move on to filling out information about ourselves. Guys mistakenly believe that girls don't read these fields. But in fact, they will pay great attention to studying information about the owner of the profile. In the “Marital status” field it is better to put “Single”. This is the best option for active and passive dating. “In Active Search” is also an acceptable option, although less preferable.

Real name.

We indicate the real city and real name. This will make it easier for offline girls to find you online.


There is no need to indicate non-existent relatives, for example, children and grandchildren (of course, if they really don’t exist).


Do not provide a phone number or a non-existent website. It's best to leave these fields blank.

Activities and interests and about yourself.

There is no need to write banal things here; it is better to come up with something unusual, adding a little mystery and intrigue.

Favorite music.

There is no need to include chanson and pop music here. If you don’t know what to write, then choose famous Western performers, for example, you can fill out a VKontakte page: Sting, Beatles, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, etc.

Favorite films.

Here it is better to write world masterpieces of famous directors. Most girls will approve of this choice.

Favorite TV shows and games.

We also leave these fields empty. Filling out the page does not mean describing all possible places; leave some blank.

Favorite books.

If you mention Russian classics here, you may get the impression that you just read something assigned according to the school curriculum. Write foreign classics and popular writers.

Education and career.

We fill in education if you have a higher education, and career if your job is prestigious. Otherwise, leave it blank.

Life position.

If there is no image, then the main thing in life is improving the world or self-development. The main thing in people is kindness and honesty. It is better not to indicate political preferences and worldview. If you do not smoke or drink, please indicate this. We tell you everything about your life position.


It’s good if you publish posts on the wall in which you address your friends or send information about events in your life.


Your wall should have posts from friends, likes and comments. It should be full of life. New material should appear there every 2 days. The more likes your post gets, the better. Posts from girls are welcome.


Almost any music that would be played on the radio is welcome in your audio recordings, with the possible exception of chanson. It’s better to be youthful, something that both boys and girls like.

A well-filled profile is the key to dating success on VKontakte.

If a girl does not write first in contact, this is not a death sentence. If you fulfill the requirements described above, then your page will attract new acquaintances with virtually no participation from you. In addition, a pumped-up profile will help you in active dating, increasing girls’ interest in you.

How to make a VKontakte page: 5 detailed steps for registration + how to make a beautiful link for a VKontakte page + method of deleting a page with restoration.

Therefore the question is how to make a VKontakte page, is still relevant.

1. Making a VKontakte page in 5 steps

Step 1.

The first step to register a page is to go to the official website When prompted " Create a VKontakte page“In search engines you may get completely different addresses, for example, links to different manuals.

Step 2.

You need the window that is located below (circled in red in the picture). As soon as you write your last name, first name and date of birth, click the " Register".

Registration can be done through (everything will look almost identical).

If you have a Facebook page, then you can do without registration and simply log in through your existing social network account.

Today, registration takes place only on the basis of linking the page to a mobile phone number. The administration was forced to do this for the safety of its users.
If the page is accessed from an unknown computer or phone, a notification in the form of SMS will immediately be sent to your number.

Step 4.

After entering the number, you should receive an SMS on your phone containing a code to confirm your registration. Enter it in the specified field and click the “Send code” button.

Step 5.

After sending the code, you need to come up with a unique password that will be difficult for scammers to crack. After entering, you will immediately be taken to your .

Thus, the login is your phone number, and the password is a code that you yourself came up with. Be sure to write it down in your notebook so you don’t forget.

Advice! Do not use your date of birth, first name, last name, etc. for your password. For strong protection, you should use Latin letters + numbers mixed in a chaotic order.

Registration is now complete.

Next, you need to fill in the fields with personal information and photographs. If you decide to create an account to communicate with real friends/classmates, then you should provide reliable information about yourself, and also upload only your photos. This will make it easier for people to find you and add you to their friends list.

2. How to make a VKontakte page official?

The official VKontakte page is needed for those who are a public figure or represent an official community.

To confirm your status, the following checkmark will appear next to your name in your profile:

A VKontakte page can be made official in this way:

  1. Make sure that you meet the criteria of the VKontakte administration - otherwise no one will be able to get the page verified.

    Find the list of requirements here:

  2. If you are eligible, all you have to do is submit an application and wait for the administration’s decision:

3. How to make a link for a VKontakte page beautiful?

After you create your VK page, you will have your own link. Usually it looks like this:

It is better, of course, that it consists of Latin letters, a word that can be easily read and remembered. This is especially important for owners.

How can you change a random combination of numbers to something more beautiful?

As a result, you will become the owner of such a letter link, which will be very convenient to remember:

4. How to delete a VKontakte page?

Many people are interested not only in how to create a contact page, but also in how to delete it. For various reasons, users decide to delete their account.

There are no restrictions regarding deleting; it is quite simple to do. And what’s especially nice is that you will have escape routes. But first things first!

First you need to go to the specified address: Or go to the settings tab and simply scroll to the bottom of the window.

Let's return to the question that you can still change your mind about the fact that you no longer need a VKontakte account. Indeed, after deletion, the user still has the right to restore his page for some time.

To return your account to work, just go to the main page, where you will need to enter your login, password and click the “Restore” button.

According to the rules of the site, if a user does not visit a deleted account for 7 months, then it is permanently deleted.

After this, it is impossible to restore the old VKontakte page (including all the data that was stored on it).

Please note: after deletion (even permanent), your phone number still remains in the social network’s database. That is, it will no longer be possible to link another page to this number again.

Even after deletion, all the likes and comments you put on other people's pages will remain. If you do not want your first and last name to be on VK, then change them to fictitious ones before deleting.

How to create a VKontakte page?

Find out about it right now from this video:

Better yet, before making a VKontakte page, think again about what part of your life you are ready to “open up” to other people. After all, despite all the precautions and privacy measures, what has already made its way onto the Internet is very difficult to remove from there without a trace.