The scandal on the first channel fired the presenter. Ekaterina Andreeva left Russia after the scandal on the first channel

A few days ago, passions around the permanent TV program "Time" Ekaterina Andreeva were in full swing. Recall that Andreeva was suspended from work on Channel One for some time without explanation, and then she was completely transferred to work on Orbits. In the fall, her place was taken by TV presenter Kirill Kleimenov, who, after his appointment, received a flurry of criticism from fans and all connoisseurs of Andreeva's talent.

On her Instagram, the telediva commented on her replacement, writing “such is the taste of the bosses” and added that her fans still stayed with her - some even bought satellite dishes on purpose so as not to stop watching their favorite.

A few days after that, Ekaterina Andreeva returned to the air and began to broadcast the evening news on Channel One. True, this again did not last long, because recently she again disappeared from the TV screens. Fans again began to speculate, but everything turned out to be more prosaic - Andreeva "walks off" her vacation, which she hastened to inform her subscribers about.

“I am very glad that now each of us must take our legal vacation (such a decree is signed) and I have just 12 days left from the summer. We decided to go with my husband and friends on a trip to Africa! Full of unexpected surprises, meetings and adrenaline, but what about without it, ”wrote Andreeva.

According to her, “Leva” (meaning a lion) may well come to their tent, check “what are these“ crowded here ”, she is also“ waiting ”for monkeys to visit, who will hunt for cookies. “In general, it’s fun, a reboot and a Place of Power,” the TV presenter summed up.

Note that Ekaterina Andreeva has already tried several times to “fire” the leadership of Channel One from the air of the Vremya program. For example, this story received wide publicity in 2009, but as people familiar with the situation say, then this news reached the members of the Russian government, who “stand up” for the main final news of the country. According to rumors, last summer, the 56-year-old Andreeva again escalated a long-term conflict with the channel's management, as a result of which she went on a promotional tour of South Korea.

Ekaterina Andreeva came to television in 1991, was the announcer of Central Television, and then the host of the Morning program. In January 1995, she became the host of the ITA News news program. In 1995, she became the editor of ORT information programs, as well as the host of the Novosti program. And in early 1997, she became the host of the Vremya information program. According to a survey in 1999, she was recognized as the most beautiful TV presenter in Russia.

Numerous fans on the Instagram page literally bombarded Ekaterina Andreeva with questions regarding her future on Channel One, after the TV presenter was suddenly replaced by Kirill Kleimenov. In the comments to one of the posts, Ekaterina spoke about the current situation.


“My“ Time ”cannot end. From the Volga to the Yenisei, I lead“ Time ”to the whole country. And Moscow, as you know, is not all of Russia. All of Russia is much more than Moscow,” Andreeva said categorically.

Note that the people reacted ambiguously to the absence (albeit temporary) of Ekaterina Andreeva. Some rejoiced at the transformations in the studio, which should now be ultramodern and even newfangled, others were upset and asked to return the TV presenter.

However, on the sidelines of Channel One, many do not like Andreeva and do not even greet her, considering her arrogant, arrogant and harmful. In addition, according to rumors, as the face of the channel, she receives more than other employees - about 14 thousand dollars a month.

Publication from Ekaterina Andreeva (@ekaterinaandreeva_official) Jan 3, 2018 at 7:33 pm PST

Recall that Ekaterina Andreeva has been working as the host of the Vremya information program since the beginning of 1997. During this time, Channel One, as they say on the sidelines, received more than one bag of letters asking them to remove her from the air. The teachers of the Russian language were surprised by the ignorance of the leading orthoepy (rules of stress) and intonation. And fellow TV workers laughed at Katya's manner of swinging in the frame, for which they called her "running on the waves."

After a high-profile scandal and the subsequent dismissal of the person of Channel One, Ekaterina Andreeva, publications began to appear on the Internet and in the media that Ekaterina Andreeva had left Russia. Many fans of the unfading beauty thought that the permanent TV presenter of the channel's news blocks had left the country forever.

Reason for leaving Channel One

After the beloved by the entire television audience, who hosted the Vremya program for 20 years, ceased to appear on the television screen, information appeared about her dismissal.

Viewers began to bombard the channel with questions about the reason for Andreeva's absence on the air, some even asked to explain why Ekaterina Andreeva left Russia.

The administration of Channel One had to clarify the situation. The press service of the channel at the beginning of the year explained that no one fired Andreeva. Just because of the modernization of the news studio, news for the European part will be read instead of Ekaterina by her colleague Kirill Kleimenov.

Andreeva will now broadcast to the eastern regions and on Saturdays, together with another TV presenter Vitaly Eliseev, will conduct a special news program.

The official representatives of the channel were quick to assure their audience that the current situation was caused only by technical work, and not by Andreeva’s conflict with the management, that the favorite of the TV audience would definitely return to the air of Channel One soon.

What does Ekaterina Andreeva herself think about this situation?

The host of the Vremya program, Ekaterina Sergeevna Andreeva, hastened to explain the current situation and the rumors about her departure from Russia in her microblog. The famous Russian TV presenter actively maintains a page in which she posts her photos and comments. She was quick to inform her followers that she was not fired, but simply moved to a different time zone.

    Liked by Ekaterina Andreeva

She also posted her last photos on vacation, trying in this way, most likely, to refute the rumors about her departure from Russia forever. She commented on the posted photos as a long-awaited vacation, which she went on schedule.

By posting positive photos with dolphins and a shot of a boat ride on the sea, Andreeva most likely wants to show that the current situation did not hurt her, and that she enjoys her well-deserved with great pleasure.

Meanwhile, in the lines of the message on the social network, you can see her regret and annoyance at the decision of the leadership of Channel One, because after 20 years of flawless work and a large number of well-deserved awards, she could count on something more than a Saturday program and news recording for the eastern regions countries.

Perhaps her loved ones were advised to step back from the current situation and have a good rest during the holidays.

Biography and career in television

Yekaterina Andreeva, who is rumored to have left Russia, was born in Moscow in 1961 to a Soviet official who worked for the USSR Gossnab. In addition to her in the family, there was also the youngest daughter of Light. Katya grew up a strong and healthy child, studied well at school and was actively involved in sports.

For some time she even played for the school basketball team, and then studied at the school of the Olympic reserve.

She received a higher legal education, worked in the Prosecutor General's Office. At the beginning of the 2000s, Ekaterina Sergeevna entered the courses of TV presenters, graduated from them, and in 1991 made her debut in the Good Morning program. The talented girl was noticed by the famous Soviet announcer Igor Kirillov, who later helped her in mastering the television specialty.

In 1995, Andreeva became the editor of information programs, in 1998 she moved to work in the Vremya program as a host. She has served in this position for over 20 years.

Personal life

Ekaterina Sergeevna was married twice. From her first husband, she has her only daughter, Natasha. In 1992, she marries a Serb Dusko Perovic for the second time, who fell in love with her when he saw her on TV. He asked his journalist friends to introduce him to a girl and, after meeting, offered to marry him. The couple have been together for over 20 years. Ekaterina says that she has an ideal husband.

Today, Ekaterina Andreeva took a vacation and, together with her husband, left Russia to rest in the Maldives.

The management of Channel One fired one of the producers of the channel's music directorate, who was responsible for going on the air. It is reported that the dismissed employee worked together with the Red Square company filming the project, and it was he who was responsible for the "content" of the content, being able to control it with the help of "scissors", L!FE reports.

“The person had to watch and correct, but he scored. He was busy with other projects,” a source on Channel One revealed the details of the dismissal of one of the producers.
Yevgeny Smirnov performing at the Minute of Glory show | Jellyfish

A series of high-profile dismissals on Channel One was the result of the release of the Minute of Glory issue, in which the dance number was presented by the disabled artist Yevgeny Smirnov. After his speech, according to tradition, all members of the jury of the project gave their comments, among which were not the most flattering statements. The scandal on this basis erupted specifically because of the assessment and, which called the dancer an "amputee" and urged him to "fasten" his second leg so as not to speculate on stage with the help of his disability.

Scandal on the show "Minute of Glory" with Litvinova and Pozner (video):

The scandalous moments at the "Minute of Glory" literally "blew up" the Network. Runet users announced a real boycott to Renata Litvinova and demanded that the organizers of the show urgently disband the judging panel, in which people like Pozner and Litvinova have no moral right.