Who is the sysadmin? We study the profession. Functional responsibilities of the system administrator System administrator what he does

A system administrator (from English literally "system manager") or in colloquial slang "system administrator" is one of the most difficult professions that has appeared quite recently, but has already become indispensable for the stable, well-established work of administrative and educational institutions, banks, production, business, sphere sales and services, etc.

Many anecdotes are associated with sysadmins, humorous stories about their complex relationships and misunderstandings with network users, a mysterious professional language, a "strange" mode of work and typical habits.

History of the profession

Initially, this profession was mastered by talented self-taught, as a rule, men, confidently mastering the technical, mathematical and organizational fields of knowledge. Today there is an opportunity to get an already excellent secondary special or higher education in this specialty, to take specialized training courses. However, in the field of system administration, practice, possession of the necessary skills and abilities will always prevail over theoretical calculations.

At the present time, the rapid advancing development of network technologies, computerization of companies and state institutions, the profession of a system administrator is becoming super relevant and in demand... In the long term, its improvement and further development are expected.

For information on who system administrators are, see the following video clip:

Basic requirements for an employee

A system administrator (or IT administrator) is an employee whose job responsibilities are to ensure the regular operation of the computer hardware, network and software fleet, as well as information security in an organization.

The position of a system administrator exists today in almost all organizations where there is a large computer network. Small firms have to turn to hiring such a specialist through what is financially more profitable than maintaining the position.

Many users confuse the profession of a system administrator with related ones, calling him a computer scientist or programmer. For this reason, sometimes the responsibilities of a sysadmin are either narrowed down to just technical support of a working network, or incredibly expanded to a specialist who can solve any problem related to computers.

Specialization in system administration depends on a specific area of ​​work. There may be the following types of profession: web server administrator at a hosting company, database administrator, network administrator, system engineer or system architect, etc.

As a rule, a system administrator begins his career with small firms, where he gains experience for a nominal salary, and then, having become a specialist in his field, gets a job in a large promising company.

The following are presented to the specialist qualification requirements.

System Administrator must know:

  • software fundamentals (MS Office, 1C, graphics and other computer programs) and methods of its development;
  • the architecture of modern PCs and computers, the content of the hardware of computers;
  • principles of operation of network protocols and construction of computer networks;
  • basics of data organization, methods and mechanisms for managing them;
  • principles of organizing expert, operating and file systems;
  • Linux system and some programming languages ​​at the entry level;
  • English for the technical field;
  • foundations of higher mathematics and computer science, theory of algorithms;
  • legislative norms in the field of information, copyright and related rights;
  • rules for preparing technical documentation;
  • safety and fire protection, labor protection standards;
  • information protection methods, information security basics.

This specialist you need to be able to:

  • install and maintain various versions of Windows and server software;
  • build a corporate network in the office and support its work;
  • interact with network users, advise them;
  • perform network administration processes in various operating systems (Windows, Unix, Novell, etc.);
  • to support the work of the Internet, mail, maintenance of automatic telephone exchanges;
  • work with hardware, PCs and office equipment, diagnose and troubleshoot equipment;
  • back up data;
  • create and keep up to date user accounts;
  • support the work of anti-virus programs.

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Range of duties

To the staff of a large enterprise as a system administrator can be appointed candidate with higher professional education, experience in maintenance of personal computers and office equipment, knowledge of the basics of local networks.

Specificity of processes system administration at an enterprise involves maintaining an extensive local network, consulting a large number of users, interacting with many departments.

Here is a specialist is responsible for installing operating systems and software on servers and workstations, as well as configuring and maintaining them in working order. They also register users of the local network and mail server, assign passwords and identifiers.

At a large enterprise, the issue of training personnel in the basics of computer literacy and working with applied programs is relevant. The functional area of ​​the system administrator includes technical support for users, their advice on the operation of the local network and programs, identification and correction of errors in the operation of the software.

Specialist carries out monitoring and development of the network infrastructure, makes proposals for its modernization, cooperates with the management on information and technical issues. It also provides information protection, security of internetworking and the operation of anti-virus programs. The most important responsibility is to keep the equipment running and to troubleshoot system problems.

For work in an office environment, system administrator should have higher technical education and preferably one year or more work experience. The main task of the specialist will be to ensure the smooth operation of the company's network, protect confidential information, back up data and restore it through the fault of any of the employees - network users.

It is also important to timely correct malfunctions in the operation of various devices, maintenance of computer equipment and other devices (replacement of cartridges in a printer, setting up a scanner), internal automatic telephone exchange.

Office sysadmin must understand perfectly in network protocols, construction and modernization of local computer networks, maintenance of computer databases. His responsibilities also include installing, configuring and optimizing system software and software tools.

The specialist is required to maintain a positive moral climate in the office, exercise trust and mutual assistance. He must provide comprehensive assistance to users - employees of the company in working with computer equipment and programs, as well as interact with the administration on information activities and the use of computer technologies.

The system administrator of the office helps to conclude agreements with third-party organizations on the technical equipment of the enterprise, carries out information exchange with external organizations. He may be entrusted with the procurement of office equipment.

To work as a system administrator to school specialists with higher education and work experience of at least one year are appointed. In addition to knowledge of the regulatory framework of their activities, the system administrator must also be familiar with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Federal Law "On Education", the charter and local legal acts of the school.

The specifics of the work presupposes constant communication with the administration, teaching staff and students of the school, therefore, the specialist must show a patient attitude to the requests of users, be responsive and attentive.

The system administrator performs in school such functions, how: creation and development of an intra-school computer network, setting up basic software and hardware, developing and implementing the school's network policy, organizing the normal functioning of all elements of the educational institution's information system.

He provides technical support for equipment, is responsible for security when working on the Internet, ensures the operation of a local network and an Internet server, and makes a schedule of distance classes for students with age-specific features.

Working at a school, a specialist must take care of compliance with industrial discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, fire protection, health and safety of students.

For an example of how a system administrator works at a school, see the following video:

The employee has the right:

  • Be familiar with the documents defining his professional rights and obligations, criteria for assessing the quality of work;
  • Establish and correct the rules for using the local computer network;
  • Discuss, together with management, proposals for improving the system administration process;
  • Require the management of the company to provide organizational and technical conditions for the performance of their duties;
  • Expect users of the information system to comply with the software operating instructions;
  • Improve your qualification level in the prescribed manner at courses, seminars, scientific events;
  • Protect your professional honor and dignity.

First of all, a system administrator is a competent user, information analyst and administrator who has a good command of the subject area of ​​knowledge. His main personal quality is sociability, the ability to both lucidly advise ordinary employees and effectively interact with management to solve current and future issues of informatization of the enterprise.

The system administration specialist is a kind of liaison between the organization and the software developers. It creates an optimal secure information environment for users who are united by work for a common result. It depends on him how efficiently this or that automated section at the enterprise will work, how the information system as a whole will function.

For more details about this profession, see this video report:

Sysadmin. Who is this?

The word "sysadmin" is heard by many working people. So this is a fairly popular vacancy on various job search sites. But who is a sysadmin and what does he do?

Sysadmin (System Administrator)- an employee of the company who is obliged to ensure the regular operation of computer equipment, networks and software, and also deals with information (network) security.

By virtue of his profession, the sysadmin often has to deal with "stupid users" for whom "the program does not start", "the printer does not print", etc. But according to official duties, the sysadmin is obliged to solve these problems.

As a rule, system administrators are not very sociable employees (they prefer their own social circle), and they also dress in a peculiar way. But there are always exceptions, so it's not worth stigmatizing everyone.

What should a system administrator know?

This question is rather difficult to answer. The sysadmin must be very well versed in standard software, know the architecture of a computer and computer networks, the basics of computer security. Well, an additional package of knowledge depends on the requirements of the company and the specialization of the system administrator.

There are the following specializations of system administrators:

  • Web server administrator (knowledge of Unix, FreeBSD, Apache, mail servers, OSI, TCP / IP).
  • Database administrator (knowledge of DBMS: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird; DBMS operating system: Linux, FreeBSD).
  • Network administrator (deep knowledge of TCP / IP, IPX, routing, VPN, billing systems, network equipment, network architecture).
  • System engineer (knowledge of popular operating systems, popular DBMS, document management systems).
  • Network security administrator (knowledge of encryption and authentication protocols, PKI planning, access control systems).
  • System administrator of a small company (knowledge of popular software, operating systems, computer technology, network architecture and information security, programming basics).

But in fact, it all depends on the vacancy. In it, as a rule, all the requirements for the candidate are indicated. And they can be very different ...

The profession of a system administrator is one of the most demanded today. Thanks to the work of this specialist, all computer equipment of any company functions properly. For more information on who a sysadmin is and what he does, read below.

Average salary: 40,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


A system administrator is an employee of a company or organization who is responsible for the smooth operation of the "fleet" of computer and office equipment, software and the internal network as a whole, as well as for the security of stored information.

History of the profession

The profession of a system administrator appeared in the 80s of the XX century, when large firms began to install modern sophisticated computing equipment that required constant maintenance. It is believed that the first local area network was created at the Pentagon, and the best specialists of their time were engaged in its adjustment.

With the development of the Internet and the development of software available to all users, PCs have become ubiquitous. Now a sysadmin is not a computer genius, but a standard employee of an enterprise or office who understands hardware, software and network technologies and is able to ensure the smooth operation of all equipment in an organization.

Description of the profession

In large companies with a large number of office equipment, several system administrators usually work, each of them is engaged in work in his own profile:

  • System architect- a highly qualified engineer capable of selecting the necessary applications to create a corporate infrastructure.
  • Net-administrator responsible for local networks and Internet connection. He knows how to lay cables, configure network protocols, organize routing, billing systems.
  • Web server administrator installs software on it, configures and maintains it. Usually works for hosting companies.
  • Database wizard provides services for the systematization of information, its placement and preservation.
  • Network Security Specialist responsible for protecting corporate documents from unauthorized outside interference, countering viruses, DDOS attacks, develops internal regulations for staff.
  • E-mail adminictrator configures mail services and constantly maintains them in working order, fights against spam and malicious software sent in letters.

If the number of workplaces in the company does not exceed 30, then the system administrator has to perform the functions of all these employees at once.

What specialties are better to study

You can become a system administrator by graduating from a secondary vocational or higher educational institution in one of the specialties:

  • information systems (general profile or by industry - economy, transport, communications, etc.);
  • computers, complexes, systems and networks;
  • organization and technology of information protection;
  • network and system administration;
  • computer systems and complexes, etc.
  • Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex;
  • Computer Academy "STEP";
  • Modern Science and Technology Academy;
  • International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation.

In all these educational institutions, for a very affordable price, you can get good knowledge, confirmed by a diploma of professional training.

Responsibilities at work

The responsibilities of the system administrator include the implementation of a number of tasks of different directions:

  • installation and configuration of computers and office equipment;
  • creation of a local corporate network and automatic telephone exchange, determination of access levels for each employee;
  • ensuring the smooth functioning of servers and system software (Linux, Windows);
  • creating user accounts and keeping them up to date;
  • taking measures for the safe operation of the company's network;
  • installation, maintenance and timely updating of applied and office software (accounting and other specialized programs, MS Office, e-mail, Internet browsers);
  • maintenance of equipment;
  • data safety control, regular data backup.

In addition, the system administrator constantly monitors the status of office equipment (computers, laptops, faxes, scanners, printers) and components, prepares proposals for its replacement with a more modern and productive one. He can also take part in the procurement of the necessary hardware and software. In addition, the sysadmin does the rough work: connects and lays wires so that office workers do not stumble over them, negotiates with service organizations, is responsible for the timely refilling of toner cartridges, and participates in the disposal of decommissioned computers and office equipment.

And, of course, there is no escape from the employees of the organization, who constantly ask naive, from the point of view of a professional, questions like “where did the information go, because it was just here”. Consulting the staff and providing them with technical assistance is also the responsibility of the system administrator.

Who suits

The profession of a system administrator is suitable for people with a mathematical mindset who love to delve into technology. Minimum requirements for a sysadmin:

  • knowledge of various versions of OS Windows, the ability to customize and maintain them, it will also not hurt to own Linux;
  • ability to work with server software;
  • the skill of building local computer systems and using network protocols;
  • knowledge of the most common applied software, depending on the direction of the company (1C, MS Office, Outlook);
  • understanding of the PC hardware device, the ability to troubleshoot;
  • technical English.

Sometimes you need knowledge of coding languages, at least at the initial level (JavaScript, PHP) and the ability to organize the smooth operation of remote users.

And now the characteristics of a good sysadmin in terms of personal qualities:

  • responsible, patient and disciplined;
  • has logical thinking, a technical mindset and a good memory;
  • persistent and persistent in achieving the goal;
  • creative and proactive;
  • stress-resistant;
  • sociable and able to tell difficult things in simple words;
  • constantly improving his qualifications through self-education.

The advantages of the profession include its relevance, good wages and working conditions. In addition, this position in the organization is to a certain extent “strategic”: a good specialist is constantly in contact with the management and forms the direction of the company's movement in terms of informatization. Such an employee is autonomous and works according to a free schedule, moreover, hardly anyone else in the company has sufficient knowledge to check the effectiveness of his activities.

The description of the profession will be one-sided, if you do not remember the negative aspects, which include constant nerves due to the fact that something constantly breaks or glitches, which causes corresponding friction with the authorities. An irregular working day, eye fatigue from the monitor cannot be called an advantage.

How much do they get

The size of the salary of a system administrator depends on the region, the specific place of work and the level of qualifications. So, the average income of an employee who owns a standard set of tools and skills in the country fluctuates between 40-45 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 15-20% more. If you specialize in one area of ​​activity (web servers, networks, information security), you can count on higher earnings, but at the same time, employment opportunities are significantly reduced.

If a specialist knows how to work with databases on Linux and web servers with a high load, then his salary is much higher - from 60 to 75 thousand rubles, and in the capital - about 85 thousand rubles. In addition, using a home, or even a work, computer, you can earn extra money, for example, remotely run another small company.

How to build a career

As for career advancement, there are no special prospects for a universal employee in a government organization or small business; the same issues will have to be dealt with for years. If the company's activities are related to the provision of services to clients in the field of informatization, in this case, a career is quite possible. Starting as an intern or junior sysadmin, you can, having received additional education, become the head of the information technology department, or even the IT director.

In addition, there is the option of freelancing or starting your own business. Professionals with pedagogical ability teach courses at training centers, usually remotely. With a good knowledge of technical English, you can work for a foreign IT company with a good income, but you will have to withstand serious competition.

Profession prospects

Nowadays it is profitable and prestigious to be a system administrator, since the market demand for such specialists is high. The main thing is to have fundamental knowledge, be able to apply it in practice, track and master constantly emerging technical innovations. Although, according to some experts, the cloudless future of sysadmins in the coming decades will be in jeopardy. The development of cloud technologies, neural networks and artificial intelligence can “bite off” a significant part of their work, primarily related to fixing and configuring software and storing information.

The sysadmin is abbreviated name of the profession system administrator. He is engaged in setting up computer equipment, monitoring its work. It is an interesting, challenging and well-paid profession.

What is the job of a sysadmin

According to the rules, the system administrator should only deal with installing, debugging and monitoring behind computer equipment. From experience, the situation looks somewhat different. Usually a sysadmin performs a wide variety of work related to the operation of computers and computer networks.

He is engaged repair and maintenance of office equipment, installation of operating systems and auxiliary programs. Installs a local network and a lot of other things that he shouldn't do by definition.

Of course, the fact of forced disregard affects the operation of computers and computer systems. They work unstable, often fail while the sysadmin is busy with other things. The result is equipment downtime and large losses.

What knowledge and skills a sysadmin should have

The system administrator should know about the device and operation of the computer and all computer networks. He must be able to work with any operating system and specialized programs.

He must be able to properly assemble and disassemble the computer and even compose it from different components. That is, to have certain knowledge in circuitry and electronics.

Some resources write that the sysadmin should also be able to develop and layout sites, but this is already superfluous. In fact, he must understand principles of programming. Even know several programming languages, but the area in which he will have to use this knowledge is outside of web design and layout.

He must be able to write programs to test the operation of equipment, or those that improve the performance and stability of computers. So that the system notifies immediately of a malfunction before a real emergency occurs and the equipment is completely out of order.

What sysadmin usually does, although he shouldn't

In most small and medium-sized firms and companies, in government agencies, the sysadmin is not doing what he should be doing. Such firms and institutions, for some unknown reason, hire a highly qualified specialist in order to so that it does:

  • Installation of operating systems (today this can be done by a student or a simple PC operator, but the name is a system administrator);
  • Search and remove viruses (it is not clear why a good antivirus was not installed);
  • Connecting a mouse, keyboard and monitor to the system unit (easier than installing an OS);
  • Cleaning and debugging printers, filling cartridges;
  • Connecting a computer to the network, installing a modem and a router;
  • Elimination of technical problems, replacement of parts in the system unit;
  • Correction of errors in the 1C: Accounting program.

The list goes on and on. All of this should be handled by other professionals who are best outsourced.

This suggests that managers simply do not have the understanding that the system administrator should not deal with such trifles that distract him from his main work - monitor the work of computers and debug it in such a way that the whole system runs smoothly.

How to get a job as a system administrator

It is quite easy for a system administrator to find a job, the question is what kind of job it is. Most managers do not understand what level of specialist they need, so a situation often happens when the system administrator does not work at work(see section above).

If a specialist has normal work experience, he will try to find a place where he can work by profession, and not by some unknown person. Unfortunately, most sysadmins have a very different experience doing odd jobs.

Therefore, large IT companies such as Yandex., are forced to carry out for their own means of training the specialists necessary for the company. Provides training courses and certification for system administrators. There are similar departments in other companies, for example, Google and Microsoft, the latter have even developed a whole system of certification of specialists.

Over time, managers will understand that at work, you need not only those who run around the office, but also those who are vigilant at work of the system.

At the right time, the system administrator will determine the cause and fix the failed computer equipment. Eliminates not only the cause of the failure, but also prevents serious damage from occurring, which will lead to long downtime and costly repairs.

Recently, almost no large company or organization can do without it. He - System Administrator, "King and god" of computer "hardware". Some consider the profession of a system administrator prestigious and highly paid, while others do not know what, in fact, system administrators are doing.

A system administrator, usually referred to simply as a sysadmin, is one of the most demanded employees in any organization that has a large park of computer equipment or a more or less organized network of computers. Ensuring the operability of the company's computer network, the serviceability of all computer hardware and software, as well as the information security of the company - this is the job of the system administrator.

Some managers of enterprises and organizations who are “far from” computer technology consider the professions of a system administrator and, for example, a programmer, to be identical. In some other cases, the system administrator is "equated" with an advanced PC user who knows how to install the necessary software.

Sysadmins are also considered equally "geniuses", whose actions are inexplicable from the point of view of the average person, and hopeless "lazy" in stretched sweaters who do nothing but sleep in the workplace ...

Due to the very ambiguous attitude to the profession of "system administrator", the position of a system administrator is paid in different ways. As a rule, in small companies, the system administrator is an "enikey" (that is, a computer specialist for all occasions) and does not receive a very high salary.

Large companies, one "enikeyshchik" cannot do. The staff of such companies may include a web server administrator, a database administrator, a systems engineer, and a network security administrator. Each of these specialists has its own clearly defined range of tasks, deep knowledge in the field of their activities.

I want to be a system administrator!

According to a survey recently conducted by the Research Center of the recruiting portal SuperJob.ru in Russia, the profession of a system administrator is considered prestigious by 47% of respondents... The opposite opinion was expressed by 21% of the polled Russians.

Many in the profession of a system administrator are attracted by the non-standard tasks, the need to think creatively, the opportunity to improve and constantly learn something new.

About 3% of respondents who participated in the survey value the profession of a system administrator for the size of the salary, another 3% - for freedom of action. The same number of respondents value the free time that a system administrator has if the computers and networks entrusted to him are working normally.

System administrator - this specialty does not yet exist in domestic universities. Basically, future system administrators receive education in related IT specialties at technical universities or at technical faculties and departments of classical universities. As a rule, the diploma of a graduate of one of these specialties will be listed as "engineer", "computer technology engineer", "system programmer".

A system administrator must have a set of certain qualities in order to become “professional”. For a system administrator, technical thinking is required, the ability to quickly and clearly respond in extreme situations, a high degree of responsibility.

It goes without saying that you also need the corresponding knowledge in the field of computer technology in accordance with the chosen job profile. So, for example, a web server administrator needs knowledge of Unix systems, experience in configuring web servers, mail servers, deep knowledge of the TCP / IP protocol stack, etc. But a database administrator needs completely different skills and abilities: knowledge of systems database management (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle), knowledge of the operating systems on which the databases work (Windows Server, * nix-systems), knowledge of the information-logical SQL language.

The profession of "system administrator" is very difficult, but also very interesting. A good system administrator with a high level of professionalism is in demand in the labor market. If you are ready to embark on this thorny path - boldly dare and may good luck accompany you!