Instagram comment block. Action blocked by instagram

A lot of companies and online stores have already created profiles for themselves in this network. They created them in order to receive orders and communicate with a potential audience.

Most of all potential sellers on Instagram start randomly creating duplicate accounts and trying to promote them.

In this article, we will tell you in detail what actions Instagram will most likely block your accounts for.

Instagram can block your account for any offense, and it will be impossible to restore your account in the future.

In this article we will tell for what actions an Instagram account blocks accounts?

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Prohibited actions on Instagram

Instagram is very protected from various types of password guessing and almost automatically blocks people for violating the rules. It does not have a support service that considers various issues, unlike Vkontakte.

If your Instagram account is blocked, consider that you have lost it forever. At the same time, it does not matter at all how many photos and subscribers you had there.

When blocked, your account is not only limited in access - it simply becomes deleted. You will not even be able to log into your account, a message will be written everywhere that the account no longer exists.

Any attempts to restore the account will be reduced to changing the password, but the error with a non-existent account will not go anywhere.

Here is an example of such a message

Instagram does not have a support service that will deal with your blocking problems. Blocking occurs automatically, which is why it is very difficult to restore accounts on your own.

Main reasons for blocking
  1. Advertising accounts - You have created an account solely for the sale of goods, this is prohibited by the rules.

  2. The presence of links to various resources - you cannot leave a clickable link on Instagram, except for the main profile page. However, these actions can also lead to blocking.

  3. The account was activated on suspicious phone numbers, or the account was unlinked from the phone.

    Very often, the reason for blocking is exceptionally suspicious activity with phone activation, that is, you either registered a number from someone else's number, or using SMS activator services

  4. The account has not been used for a long time (suspicion of a corrupt account) - our accounts sometimes suffer from this problem, but in our case there is a way to safely restore the account and it will work again.

  5. Use of prohibited content (advertising of porn, various diets and other topics).

    In general, a very rare reason for blocking, since Instagram itself can recognize photos by their subject matter, and most likely it will simply not publish them.

  6. Recruitment of subscribers using promotion services - such actions rarely lead to blocking, however, Instagram reacts to cheated subscribers by simply writing off everything cheated.

    For example, today you have 11 thousand subscribers, and tomorrow you may have only 500 people.

    With frequent charges, you run the risk of losing your account altogether, without the possibility of recovery

  7. Subscription and further unsubscription. In general, it seems to us that this method will soon be closed on Instagram and there will be no point in using it. At the same time, more than a hundred services that work on this principle will have to close on the Internet.

    Who is not familiar with this method - we explain, the essence of the promotion method is very simple. You simply subscribe on a large scale to the accounts of other users and wait for them to mutually subscribe to your profile.

    In the future, you also quickly unsubscribe from them. The result is a free set of real and live subscribers, absolutely legal and free.

    It seems to us that such actions do not lead to anything good.

How to protect your Instagram account from blocking?

Of course, everything is simple - try not to violate the reasons described above. Subject to the rules of Instagram, blocking does not threaten you. If you have already violated the rules and your account is blocked - try not to take any action yourself.

It is better to contact account sellers (for example, to us), and for a moderate fee we will restore your account.

There are methods for recovering accounts that fully restore their performance, while being safe.

Attempts to change the password - and thereby restore the account, as a rule, are useless. If you try to contact technical support and describe your problem, most likely, your account will be blocked permanently (forever). In this case, it will be useless to contact other people.

If you find that your Instagram account has been blocked, it is better to contact the professionals in your field and restore your account for money.

This will save your account from complete loss.

How to quickly get started on Instagram?

Everything is very simple - in our service you can buy Instagram accounts with a large number of subscribers. It is a large number of subscribers that is the goal of most people in this network. We offer to buy ready-made accounts with a different number of subscription base.

All accounts are promoted using white methods (with the help of an offer exchange) and the keeping of these profiles is from 2-3 months and more. This means that after the promotion and recruitment of subscribers, the account was not used for more than 2 months.

All that remains for you to do after the purchase is just change the password and link your phone number, and then carefully change the data for yourself (login, name and upload your photos)

Promoted Instagram accounts are a great opportunity to start working with a large number of followers.
To select available accounts, click on the button below! Buy now Find out how to place an order on our website!

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Sometimes a serious problem arises: on Instagram it says “Action blocked, please try again later.”

What to do? Why is this happening?

Let's look at the causes and ways to solve the problem.

Action blocked by Instagram

Exceeding limits on actions.

Instagram is constantly improving algorithms that fight against accounts that are moving forward (, cheat, etc.).

If you exceed the limits on subscriptions, likes, messages and comments, then your account will be temporarily blocked.

Because of this, the error "Action blocked" appears.

Solution method You don't have to do anything, just wait. The block will disappear by itself (the waiting time is from 2 to 30 days).

If you use automated promotion services, then unlink your accounts (this will help speed up unlocking).

There are many different instructions on thematic sites, such as “re-authorize”, “log in from another device / ip address”, “try to restore your account”, but in 2020 all this is irrelevant.

Now Instagram blocks the account for any suspicious activity, it will no longer be possible to mass follow as before.

Subscribe too often? Ban. Giving too many likes? Ban. Do you comment a lot and the same way? Ban!

Solution method- log into your account from another device (for example, log in to the web version through a computer) and .

Also don't forget. Usually the problem disappears at this stage.

If the error still appears, then follow these steps:

  1. Reset your password here:
  1. Delete the app from your device.
  2. Install Instagram through Play Market (Android) or App Store (iPhone).
  3. Log in with your username and new password.

This method has helped many readers.

Video tutorial on the topic: what to do if the action is blocked by Instagram.


You can get a temporary block for not respecting the delays between your actions.
For example, for the systematic use of the function: like, subscribe. In other words, if you follow other people non-stop while violating the limits, you will be given a temporary ban, depending on the extent of your violation.
You may be banned from liking for 2 hours to 2 weeks. It's the same with subscriptions.
To avoid getting a temporary block, do not put more than 65 likes per hour and more than 60 subscriptions per hour.

A permanent ban is the removal of your account from Instagram forever, without the right to return it. Until recently, we believed that the Instagram Administration in this case makes it practically impossible to rehabilitate. Exceptions were less than 1%.
The whole problem is that quite recently, instagram did not yet have loyal support that would resolve issues with sanctions and blocking.
But over time, we tested various ways to communicate with support and found a way with which you can unlock your account with a 90% probability

5. How not to get banned using autoposting and mass subscription?



1. Limits of subscriptions (1000 per day), do not exceed the limits of likes (1000 per day) and do not spam comments at all.

2. Your service must act exactly as you would if you performed the actions manually. If you subscribe to people every 5 seconds, the service notices this. If you make exactly 1000 subscriptions every day, the filter sees it. If you put likes at a speed of 2 seconds - 1 like - you will be blocked.
A person needs time to look at a photo, rate it and like or subscribe.
After all, you will not subscribe to a person without studying his profile.

3. Permanent ban on instagram (instagram)

2. How to avoid permanent blocking in 2018

Use for work accounts with tracking (date of registration) from 6 months.
- If you post someone else's photo, be sure to tag the author with @ nickname.
- Do not sell copies of brands
- Well, if you are selling, do not use the hashtags of popular brands if you are selling their products, so as not to get blocked for copyright infringement.
- Do not use other people's logos
- Use only actual delays during mass following and mass liking..
- Observe limits during MF and ML
- Do not use mass marks and spam comments.
And most importantly, before you start promoting your business on Instagram. Make sure you have native mail from your account, more details about native mail

A ban can be obtained after 3 temporary blocks, in which case the system sees that you do not understand the warnings and blocks you forever.
- Using the Instagram logo on your images is prohibited by the rules.
- For posting photos of other people without their mark on the photo. To tag a person in a photo, you need to write @ and his nickname. For example "@motivgirl"
- For using auto-posting. Instagram is against any automation, so if the filter notices you, you face eternal blocking.
- For massive cheating of bots
- You can get banned for credit card information, social security or other identification number, phone number or email address if it belongs to another person.
- For creating Instagram accounts using third-party services
- For using several ip addresses at the same time. This happens if several people sit from your account from different cities at once. Or when using third party services.

3. If you use your phone for your Instagram account, and at the same time, the auto-posting service uploads a photo from a completely different ip address - for Instagram filters, this is a signal that you are using third-party programs.
Therefore, in all services you must have 1 address. To do this, you need to use individual proxies. Their cost is $4-10 for 1 month of use. You need to connect a new address to your home Internet and to software (not all programs and services allow you to use a proxy, so you should choose just those)

All social media and Instagram is no exception to this, the rules for using the account are established. The site administration is constantly at war with spammers, automation and any other actions that can damage the normal operation of the social network. Many users are interested in what Instagram can block for, what limits are allowed, what are the rules for recruiting a subscription base.

Listen to this video to learn more about blocking on Instagram:

blocking may be temporary or permanent. A temporary block can be obtained for exceeding the limit on likes, subscriptions and comments. Such punishment can be subjected to those actions that the user performs on his own or for him it is done by the service (It does not matter). You can get a permanent ban without warning for more serious violations.

Block for violation of the rules

Account will be blocked if the user:

  1. Posted pictures of others. Therefore, if you need to upload other people's photos, you should specify a link to the original.
  2. Uses the community logo in his photos. This is prohibited by the rules of Instagram.
  3. Uploads too candid erotic pictures. If you really need to publish such images, the spicy areas of the body must be covered with some kind of overlay, such as an asterisk or a flower.
  4. If the published pictures are propaganda of violent acts or violate the law. This rule applies to all communities.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to post weight loss propaganda, as this is one of the points of the program to combat anorexia.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to rent or sell your account.
  7. Do not post other people's documents. If it is proven that they belong to another person, the account will be blocked.
  8. Don't post celebrity photos. For such a violation, it is also worth waiting for a ban.
  9. It is undesirable to publish photos or information that contradict the generally accepted norms of society. This will cause resentment and complaints from many users, which will also lead to blocking.
  10. It is strictly forbidden to create multiple accounts: if at least one of them is blocked, then all accounts that were created from one device in the next period will receive a ban. Therefore, it is recommended not to register more than five accounts from one device in a short period of time.
  11. Social network filters are being improved every year, they are constantly improving the system for detecting the simultaneous creation of a large number of accounts using special programs, so their use is not recommended.
  12. If after receiving 3 temporary blocks for the frequency of posting photos (no more than 3 photos per day are allowed, six months after the creation of the page - no more than twelve), writing too many comments, adding subscribers, the user has not corrected himself and continues to violate the rules, his account will receive a permanent ban. Be careful with posting on new accounts.
  13. Cheat with the help of bots is quite dangerous- they are twisted. If the user does not stop such actions, he is blocked.

Ways to protect against blocking

A reliable way to protect your Instagram account from blocks is to link it to Facebook. It is important that this is the page of this particular user, to which he has access. This will significantly expand the possibilities and allow you to make more publications, put more likes, increase limit for daily subscribers. In addition, the account will not be blocked too often even if the rules are violated.

You cannot use different services at the same time, especially for delayed publications and mass following. Use Zengram to perform actions, we have settings for safe limits and speed on the service.

You should strictly adhere to the necessary limits if the account is less than a month old and you are just starting to promote it. The system quickly detects that they are violated, this will lead to blocking the account. You can work both with the help of programs and manually, but in no case should you exceed the recommended number of actions in your account.

Frequent violations on the site tend to accumulate. If the user constantly received temporary blocking and warnings, it is advisable to give the account time to rest. In a couple of weeks, all claims will be removed, the account will no longer be monitored, and it will be possible to work in the usual mode again, but you should not lose your vigilance. At the slightest suspicion of blocking, Zengram pauses actions, so some actions can be performed quite slowly (pauses are individual for each account)

It is not recommended to use dubious applications. When you enter each of them, the risk of account hacking by fraudsters increases. Therefore, before entering any application that is outside of Instagram, you need to get more information about it and read the reviews. Our service has long won the trust of hundreds of thousands of satisfied users and continues to delight customers, and our partners recommend it to all new users.

Even if the account has been blocked, you can always contact the support service with a request for it unlock. To do this, you need to report that the account has been hacked and its owner has not done any illegal actions. The unlocking process in this case is not fast, the site administration will need to provide all the necessary information and materials. Most often the first time the user side is taken

Varieties of temporary blocking

Temporary locks may vary. In some cases, for exceeding the number of photos posted, a message appears stating that the user has been blocked. You should not be afraid of this, but you should not abuse it either - you just need to leave attempts at actions for a while. The same block can be superimposed on likes, adding subscribers. This happens if some action was performed more often than the site rules allow, or it happened from several devices. Therefore, we ask users to never duplicate the actions of the service - trust Zengram, we will do everything for you. This restriction is called action blocking.

One reason for the temporary block may be increased activity. For example, if you entered your account from one country, then went to another and decided to show your friends its picturesque views, then the account can be temporarily blocked for security purposes and asked to confirm your right to it using a code that will be sent to your phone or mail.

How to run automated ads on Instagram Stories?

What is the duration of blocking Instagram

How long the temporary blocking of the account will last is determined individually in each individual case. On average, its duration is from 1 to 7 days. To find out when the page is unlocked, you need to repeat the action on which the restriction is imposed. After that, information should appear why it was imposed and for how long. Sometimes the block period is extended without explanation. In this case, no action should be taken until it is removed: this will help restore the trust of the social network. Our service always notifies the user about how much time still needs to wait before the end of the pause for the action.

How to avoid blocking

Consistent and thoughtful actions will help reduce the likelihood of blocking. You should limit the number of likes to 100, subscriptions-unsubscribes to 60 and comments to 15 per hour. If you have to post a lot of new content, you should avoid hashtag spam, which means not writing too much and not repeating the same hashtags too often.

Is it possible to quickly promote the page and make all subscribers buyers

It is very easy to promote your Instagram page in the shortest possible time using mass liking and mass following. These methods are now working flawlessly. To use mass following, you need to register in Zengram. You need to add your personal account to your account and carefully carry out all the necessary settings.

After that, likes are automatically placed from the account, subscriptions and comments are made on the pages of potential customers, direct messages are sent to new subscribers, activity in the profile increases noticeably. During this time, you can do something more meaningful, such as working with clients that have been received since the beginning of work in the account and publishing important content.

If everything is done correctly and the speed is set automatically in Zengram, the tracking system will not be able to distinguish between human and bot actions. If you understand what limits your account has, go to the PRO version and add the number of actions, speed and schedule.

To be completely calm for your account, you can create several additional ones. And from there to conduct promotion and advertising campaign. Interested customers can simply give a link to their main page. This way of working will help protect your account from blocking and promote your services using mass following And massliking. But these are extreme measures for the most cautious.

Almost 100% fast promotion on Instagram, it's about applying an automatic hello feature to every new follower. Statistically, every second user goes to chat and is interested in correctly offered services if they have been contacted for the first time. When manually sending the same messages, only 1 out of 10 users entered into the dialogue. It was also noticed that when automating the sending of welcome messages, the percentage of sales and those who want to use the services is much higher than when working independently.

Do not ignore the gratitude to the subscriber for agreeing to subscribe to your page. These actions will confirm that this message is not spam, which means that many troubles can be avoided. Be sure to use the auto-direct feature to increase the loyalty of other subscribers. The more you communicate in direct, the less Instagram considers you a bot.

What promotion service is better to use and why

When choosing a service, many users pay attention to such details:

  • price per month;
  • convenience
  • a variety of useful options;
  • flexible settings.

There are the most popular services, the work of which has been tested in practice. But when choosing, an individual approach is also necessary, because what is optimal for one type of activity is categorically not suitable for another. If you make the right choice, then promotion today will bring good results. For this, many Instagram users use services that contain a lot of useful educational information, which will allow them to work professionally and quickly promote their page from the first day. The most advantageous in this regard is our Zengram, who has a whole blog regarding the features of promotion in this social network.

Zengram service provides 7 free days. Using the services of the site for a month will cost 699 rubles. The test mode applies to all services of the service, however, for security reasons, the first days of the account will not be available for comments.

Such a set of functions, which is in our service, is available only to our customers, it is not available in any other service.

Limits to be adhered to when promoting an account

Pages that exist for no more than 6 months are recommended to be promoted with a delay between each action of up to 30 seconds. You need to make unsubscribes-subscriptions no more than 30 per hour and no more than 500 daily. Comment - with a frequency of 1 comment per minute, their total number should not exceed 150 per day.

In the first week after registration, all actions must be performed manually. Only after that you can connect the service so that Instagram gets used to it. At first, the number of all actions should be minimal, then you can increase them to 700 throughout the day. It is advisable not to exceed this amount, otherwise there is a risk of blocking.

If the account is more than 2 months old, then there can be up to 100 actions during the day. For example, on the first day, put fifty subscriptions-unsubscribes. Every day you can increase all actions by 50.

If the page has lived for more than six months and only after that its owner decided to start promotion, then subscriptions-unsubscriptions should be made in 20-30 seconds. Up to 60 of them can be produced per hour, 1000 per day. The frequency of comments should not exceed 1 per minute. In total, they should be no more than 30 per hour and 300 daily. It is important to note that subscription and unsubscription are perceived by the site as the same action, so if after an hour 60 subscriptions are made, then it is better not to unsubscribe at this time. Even if the limit is not reached, but the account is blocked, any actions on it should be stopped.

In total, you can sign 7.5 thousand accounts. In this case, you need to unsubscribe a certain number of users. But it’s not worth rushing to unsubscribe everyone at once, because not everyone can give an answer on the first day.

Instagram is an ordinary social network that was created for entertainment. If users are prevented from having fun, but loaded with serious problems, the administration must protect their rights. This is what temporary and permanent locks are for. There can be any number of temporary locks. For automated promotion of their account, they use special services, against which Zengram compares favorably: it has a favorable price, it is safe to use it, it has a blog that contains a lot of information that will help you understand the operation of the service.