How to earn money on YouTube. How to make money on Youtube from scratch on subscribers and views - detailed instructions

With the advent of the Internet, a talented person no longer needs to sit in the office from 9 to 18 hours. If you're good at a certain niche, think outside the box, and are willing to work hard, try your hand at being a vlogger. Read this article and find out how to make money on YouTube from scratch and gain freedom from office slavery.

Greetings to all readers of my blog and those who are ready to study this topic now. I promise maximum useful information.

For motivation, to see that you can definitely earn a lot of money on this world-famous site, I recommend that you look at the previously published material about that - be sure to take a look, there are very interesting numbers.

From this article you will learn:

Beginners also want to eat: how much you can earn on YouTube in the first year

Immediately set yourself up for the fact that earnings on YouTube in the first month will be $ 0. You will need time to prepare interesting materials, shoot and post videos, and SEO-optimize titles and descriptions. And only then it will be possible to think about how to make money on Youtube.

ADVICE. The one who thinks only about money often loses. Treat your YouTube channel like a hobby. The first months you are unlikely to have many subscribers and views. If you don’t like the process itself, then you give up and abandon the channel without earning anything.

In six months, if you manage to get at least 1000 subscribers, you can earn $100-500 per month (subject to regular posting of interesting videos). But these are conditional figures, which depend on many factors. You will learn more about this below in the article.

Or maybe you already make money on YouTube or even on the Internet? Please share by taking the survey.

And now more about how to make money on the Internet as a video blogger.

Earnings on YouTube - detailed instructions

Wondering how to become a blogger on YouTube? Below is a step-by-step guide for dummies and not only following which you will soon see the first results.

Niche selection

The lowest step is the strongest: it is the basis of the stability of the entire staircase (Michel de Montaigne).

What determines at least 60% of success in making money on video? From the chosen niche. The competition among youtube channels is huge, so videos with domestic cats shot on a mobile phone camera will no longer work.

When choosing a topic, follow two rules at once.

1. You must be good at it.

People trust professionals who are able to competently demonstrate knowledge by presenting accurate facts and useful advice. Vasya Ivanov's lengthy discussions about life and the Universe are of no interest to anyone.
Advice. If you have a hobby that makes your eyes burn and your brain think creatively, start making money on it with the help of YouTube.

2. The commercial nature of the niche.

Video bloggers who ignore this rule sigh in disappointment a year later. After all, how can you make money on Youtube? Attract those who have money. And these are advertisers and businessmen who sell their goods and services.

Let's say you love cross stitching. Now think about who is your target audience. As a rule, these are retired grandmothers and housewives, that is, women who do not spend a lot of money, do not buy expensive things. For advertisers, they are of no interest, which means that you are unlikely to be able to make money with the help of a channel about cross-stitching.

You are lucky if you are into cars. Then you can shoot videos about reviews of new models, repairs and tuning. There are many companies on the market that sell auto parts, provide tire fitting, car wash, polishing services. And you collect their clients in front of the monitor screen. Cars are a golden niche.

Regularly adding videos shows that you are always ready to indulge subscribers with fresh information and work on the development of the channel.


Is it possible to make money online without investment? If it's only about money, then yes. But free YouTube channel promotion methods require an investment of time and knowledge. Let's start with them.

Free Methods

1. Fascinating and high-quality videos.

The most effective promotion method, without which all the others simply do not work. We recommend that you do not be lazy and study the maximum information on the Internet about creating a video.

Popular types of videos on Youtube

Combinations of the above types of videos in one video are also possible.

ADVICE. Do not forget to add unobtrusive calls to like, leave a comment or subscribe to the channel in the recordings.

2. Mutually beneficial exchange with other video bloggers.

Find a channel with a similar theme and an average number of subscribers. Ask the blogger to mention you in the video (leave a link) in exchange for the same service.

Why the average number of subscribers? Well-known video bloggers will most likely ignore you, and YouTube channels with a small audience are not effective for your promotion.

Unobtrusively mention your channel on forums, websites, blogs, groups and public social networks, comments on videos. The main thing is to find a similar topic and your target audience.

Example.“Useful video shot, well done. I also like to fry kebabs in the country and recently published a video on my channel - “link”. By the way, I have a couple of recipes for a delicious marinade.

Now almost everyone has an account in Odnoklassniki, Facebook or Vkontakte. As soon as you post a video on your YouTube channel, leave a link to it on your social network page. This will increase traffic.

Paid Methods

They allow you to promote the channel quickly and earn money in the first months. But they won't work if you post boring, useless content or don't post videos regularly.

A video blogger with a large number of subscribers and views recommends his audience to look at your channel. The cost of advertising will depend on your business skills and the popularity of your colleague. The price of placement on a YouTube channel with 100,000 subscribers starts at $100. But the method is one of the most effective.

Often people are interested in how many subscribers pay tangible money on YouTube. In fact, it is not the quantity that matters, but their quality. 1000 subscribers of the channel about construction and repair will help you earn more money than 5000 people from the entertainment channel.

Sponsorship subscription and donations

The paid subscription function can be activated if the channel has 100,000 subscribers. It was introduced by video hosting in the summer of 2018. Video bloggers earn 70% of sponsorship fees after taxes.

Donations are a very unpredictable way to make money on YouTube. It cannot be calculated in advance. If you're lucky, you'll earn $1,000 in a month. Or maybe you won’t get a penny at all for the whole year.

The latter way of earning is common among streamers. How to make money on streaming and what is it all about? This is the name of the recording of the gameplay, accompanied by emotional and funny comments. Earnings on the stream also brings great pleasure to the video blogger.

Selling your own products or services

And how to make money on YouTube from scratch in the first month? Use the channel to promote your offline business. You get a double benefit:

  • No need to spend money on third-party advertising;
  • Increasing sales of your products and services.

The main thing is to choose the right topic so that your target audience watches the video on YouTube.

Example. You sell diet products, shapewear or sports equipment. Run a channel about a healthy lifestyle and unobtrusively mention your products in your videos.

Affiliate programs, CPA networks

Well-known Russian video bloggers earn several thousand dollars a month on YouTube from their videos, directly collaborating with brands, online stores, creators of information products and video game developers.

Usually, with this method of cooperation, a fixed fee is charged for the mention or demonstration of a product (service) in a video.

However, large companies do not advertise on channels with a low number of subscribers and views. You can make money on Youtube this way from 300 to 1000 dollars already in 6-12 months, subject to the regular posting of interesting and useful commercial content.

Not all companies cooperate with video bloggers directly. There are also those who place their products in the directories of CPA networks. The essence of earnings is that you are charged for certain actions performed by the target audience. Usually this is registration in some service or purchase of goods.

Double benefit: traffic exchange between blog and YouTube channel

So, you already have a blog where you regularly publish articles on a certain topic. Now you need to open your channel on YouTube and lure a ready-made target audience there. People will see that you are a real expert in the subject, and then invite their friends and acquaintances. As a result, you will have good traffic from both sites.

Here is an example on this topic - there is a popular creative site

And this is their YouTube channel.

How to make money on YouTube without creating your own channel

Is it possible to make money on YouTube without going out on an open stage? After all, there are people who are embarrassed to show themselves to the world. If you are one of those, pay attention to the following types of earnings:

  • Channel design on YouTube;
  • Promotion, SEO-optimization, consulting;
  • Analysis of earnings statistics, provision of financial reports;
  • Shooting and editing videos;
  • Idea generation and script writing.

Any freelancer will choose something suitable for themselves. You can look for work on job portals or offer your services to video bloggers directly. The blog already has a post about that - I recommend it for viewing, especially for beginners.

Schoolchildren and mothers on maternity leave can earn money doing simple things. First you need to register on special services and exchanges (for example, vktarget, casch box, socialtools). They pay for likes, views, subscriptions and comments. However, such earnings will be penny ( up to $30 per month ).

I don't know how to make videos, but I want to earn money

How to become a blogger on YouTube without creating copyright videos? Theoretically, this is possible: just find other people's videos on the topic and upload them to your channel. Then promote using the methods described above.

However, this way to make money through YouTube cannot be called reliable, as it violates copyright. At any time, your channel can be blocked forever, or even sued. Post other people's videos only if you have received permission from the copyright holders.

How to make more money on YouTube?

Here we come to the most interesting question. How to find out your future earnings on YouTube? There are special services on the Internet that allow you to see the treasured numbers:,, However, the principle of most Youtube earnings calculators is too simple: they only take into account the number of views and the cost per 1000 impressions. There are many more factors that affect earnings.

If you want to quickly get the first money and successfully increase your income, pay attention to what your earnings depend on.

  1. Choice of subject.
    We talked about this above in the article. Entertainment (humorous, gaming) channels give more subscribers, but less clicks on advertising, purchases of goods and services by the target audience. Remember which channel is better to create on YouTube in order to make good money? Such that it will allow you to unobtrusively sell things to interested people.
  2. Content language.
    Usually the cost per click or view of an ad unit rarely exceeds the mark 0,5-1$ . But the population of English-speaking countries is much more solvent than people from the CIS countries. Placing content in a foreign language will allow you to earn on advertising up to 2-5$ per click or view.
  3. Video quality.
    Create and post videos that people will enjoy watching. Due to the high competition on YouTube, today it is not enough to shoot videos on a mobile phone camera. Buy good video equipment, think over the background and lighting. Come up with and write a story on paper.
  4. SEO optimization.
    General rule: the title, description and tags must match the content of the video. To select keys, we recommend using the service. It doesn’t matter which search engine people use (Google or Yandex), they are still looking for about the same thing. The optimal number of tags for YouTube is 10-15 per video. They are placed under the description of the video.
  5. Systematic content of the channel on YouTube.
    At least 1-2 videos per week. Otherwise, you will lose your audience and you will not be able to earn a normal income.
  6. Number statistics.
    The more subscribers you have, the more views you have. You can calculate approximate earnings on Youtube here:
  7. The chosen method and quality of monetization.
    The easiest and most stable way to make money on YouTube is to connect Google AdSense contextual advertising. But if you dream of five and six zero sums, you will have to think about direct cooperation with advertisers and participation in affiliate programs. You will have to puzzle over how to organically fit the ad unit into the video so as not to irritate the viewers.

Example. You talk on your channel about how you do apartment renovation. Unobtrusively mention which companies ordered a design project, furniture, bought building materials (paint, laminate).

I advise you to look at the video for some more valuable tips for future bloggers.


As you may have noticed, you won’t be able to make money on YouTube without investments on the go. You need at least at a basic level to master the skills of a screenwriter, director, cameraman, marketer, economist, designer. This albeit creative, but time-consuming process does not always bring returns in the first months.

But there is a prospect of becoming a famous video blogger, earning several thousand dollars a month and doing interesting things all your life. If you are ready to work hard - go for it!

Not so long ago, aspiring video bloggers are already becoming millionaires thanks to YouTube. One of the brightest examples is Ivangay, who created a channel in 2013, and a year later had 1 million subscribers, and now his number of subscribers exceeds 10 million.

So what is the secret to success? In fact, there are many secrets, so I decided to make an instruction for beginners - how to make money on youtube from scratch.

Let's not kid ourselves that great videos are easy to make. In reality, this is shooting dozens of takes, hours of long editing and video optimization for the needs of the audience.
Step-by-step instruction:

Many people think that it is enough to create a channel, upload a few videos with a beautiful picture, and you will already start getting a lot of views and new subscribers! This is partly true, but you need to perform 3 steps:

1. Proper channel creation and setup

The first thing to do is to decide on the subject of the future channel, both the speed of development and the profit per 1,000 views depend on it. The more solvent the audience watches the video, the higher the profit will be, respectively.

  • Automotive: $2 - $6;
  • Finance (forex, earnings, etc.): $1.5-5;
  • Humor: $0.5-2;
  • Games: $0.5-2;
  • Music: 0.3-1.5$;
  • Blogging: 0.15-1.25$.

After choosing a suitable topic, go to the name of the channel, it should be concise, unique and easy to remember. It is desirable that the viewer can always find your channel through a YouTube search.

Take a free tutorial from YouTube on channel setup - YouTube.

The next step is to select a beautiful avatar (user icon), it must be of high quality and unique in order to stand out from the rest. A separate word should be said about the design of the channel header.

The image in the header should be 2560×1440 pixels, where the visible area falls on the center of the image with a size of 1546×423. Don't forget to add social account profiles, in the future, viewers will start following, which will give a chance to start.

Here is a good header example:

The final part of the setup is adding a short and positive description of 300-400 characters, as well as adding keywords. Keywords are comma-separated phrases that are most often typed in searches on your subject. 5-15 phrases are enough that reflect the whole essence of your channel.

2. Creating quality videos

What is a quality video? - This is a video with a good picture resolution, a properly built plot and a tuned sound without wheezing and sudden changes in the voice.

3. Proper video optimization

Proper video optimization is one of the most important steps for the rapid growth of a YouTube channel. Thanks to the right approach, you can immediately get 10-100 thousand views per month without additional promotion.

If your browser is Chrome, then I recommend installing the extension - VidIQ(will help in identifying popular keywords and video optimization).

Selection of the topic and keywords for the video
Before you start recording a video, be sure to check the popularity of the topic. To do this, just check a few keywords using services such as KeyWord Planner and WordStat. Or just watch related videos – how many views do they get?

Attractive video title and preview
The name of the video must necessarily contain a key phrase, but the name must be interesting. For example, the key phrase "earnings on YouTube", then you can make an attractive video title "Create earnings on YouTube more than $ 1000 per month".

The second thing is to pay attention to the preview. A preview is a picture for a video that makes it clear to the viewer what he will see there. Therefore, the picture should be made spectacular and it is desirable to duplicate the name of the video in the preview (this is how they click more often).

Calls to Action

At the beginning of the video, it is recommended to make a call to action, for example, subscribe, like, or recommend another one of your videos, for example, using an annotation. And at the end of the video, you should display related videos and a subscribe button.

After all the steps above, your number of views will gradually begin to grow, and with it the number of subscribers, and you are ready to learn how to make money on YouTube from scratch.

But do not rush to earn money, first you should promote your channel and video to more significant values ​​- this will significantly increase profits. For advertising, it is better to get at least 10,000 subscribers and 100,000 views per month.

But how quickly can this be achieved? There are a whole host of both free and paid ways that increase popularity, and as a result, increase earnings from future advertising and sponsors.

Promotion of the channel and video on YouTube

In fact, all the current popular video bloggers have used several ways to promote their channel and videos on YouTube, but few people admit it. Therefore, we also silently unwind on YouTube.

Free ways to promote on YouTube

1. Leave comments under popular videos
It is worth leaving comments under other people's videos, but your comment must be positive at the same time, so that the author of the video does not delete it for spam. Example: “Cool video! By the way, I also released a video on this topic not long ago. .

2. Advertising exchange with thematic channels
This method is used by many video bloggers and it brings good results. Look for video bloggers at your level and offer them mutual PR. Well, if you flashed at least once with a popular video blogger, then you have a chance to get tens of thousands of new subscribers (if the content is good)!

3. Social networks / Forums / Peekaboo
Share your video in various popular groups through comments on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. Find thematic forms that also allow you to upload videos and always in popular branches, leave the video in the comments.

Well, if you have an entertaining video, then we fill the rating on Peekaboo and publish your video. Sometimes publishing a video from there can bring up to 100 thousand views in a few days.

Paid and fast ways to promote on YouTube

1. Order advertising in groups of social networks
Sociate is an advertising exchange where there are practically all groups from contact and classmates. We select groups of 400-500 thousand subscribers and order advertising for your video for 300-350 rubles. You will get a lot of views and new subscribers!

2. Cheat in exchanges
In second place in terms of popularity is the cheating of views, likes and subscribers. Released a new video, but no views? We order 1,000 views and 100 likes, and then real people themselves will notice your video in the news. What exchange to use for this?

The truth is, the disadvantage of this method is that it is forbidden and if YouTube suspects cheating on you, it will remove a certain number of views.

3. Pre-rolls from other bloggers
Pre-roll is an advertising insert at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the video, where a channel or a certain product is recommended. This is a very effective type of advertising, although such inserts cost 5-10 thousand rubles for bloggers with 100,000 subscribers.

4. Contact the SocLike agency
There are special media agencies that deal with PR of the channel or individual videos. Unfortunately, many work only with large channels, or with large investments of money. But there is also an alternative service.

SocLike - they can separately recruit subscribers, make views, order likes and comments. In general, everything that a standard pr agency does is 10 times cheaper.

Service prices:

  • Subscriber price: 1.5 - 2 rubles;
  • Viewing price: 0.8-1.1 rubles;
  • Like price: 1.2 - 2 rubles;
  • Comment price: 4.8 - 7.8

1. Affiliate program
Advertising can be connected with only 300 subscribers and 5,000 views per month, but I hope you promote your channel to 10,000 subscribers. And you can connect advertising either directly from Adsense or use a partner media network, such as Vsp Group.

2. Selling goods through YouTube
I have already told you more than once how you can make good money selling goods from AliExpress. You can learn more about this -. It is easy enough to reach the level of 100,000 rubles per month, although the disadvantage of such a business is that you gain few subscribers and the views will be at the level of 30-50 thousand per month.

3. Direct sale of advertising
Various pre-rolls and integrations belong to this type. When they contact you directly and order a small advertisement for their channel or product. Where you just need to say a few words and leave a link at the very beginning of the description.

Such advertising can bring in 3-10 thousand rubles if your videos gain an average of about 80-100 thousand views. Imagine that we have 10 videos per month, then our income will be at the level of 30,000 - 100,000 rubles.

4. Hidden advertising
Hidden advertising is available only to the most popular video bloggers; they earn more than 1 million rubles a month on YouTube, thanks to the fact that they wear clothes of certain brands, ride a certain brand of car and eat in the right places. And they can also receive a good fee for the positive mention of the brand.

5. Selling ads on other social networks
When your popularity grows on YouTube, then Vkontakte, classmates and instagram begin to subscribe to you. And in these social networks, you can start advertising posts, for example, using the same Sociate exchange.

All income will come from advertising, so initially choose the right topic where there is a paying audience, or go to the topic where videos get millions of views per day.

Release videos 2-3 pieces a week, try to choose only the most interesting topics that may be of interest to a wide range of people.

Try to contact the viewer more often and ask questions that require answers in the comments, this helps to rank the video higher among others, which ultimately leads to more views.

Keep up with the times, see what trend is gaining momentum and shoot a video on this topic. Perhaps you will catch the popularity due to the infusion into the trend.

I think this instruction will help novice video bloggers understand how to make money on YouTube from scratch, and a lot of money. If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments.

I welcome you, my readers, to the pages of this blog. This article will talk about how to make money on YouTube from scratch. There will be a lot of useful information, especially for beginners. So, let's begin.

1. Earn money on YouTube - what should you do?

Video version of the article:

At first glance, everything is very simple. All you need is:

  • Create a channel;
  • Choose a topic for your video channel;
  • Pick up keywords;
  • Regularly shoot and upload videos (preferably interesting ones);
  • When you have enough subscribers, start monetizing.

Just listing all the actions, I think it will not be enough, you need to talk in more detail about each item. First, I’ll talk about monetization so that you understand that this type of money making is really real.

2. How bloggers make money on YouTube - video monetization

There are two ways to monetize:

  • - Earnings on commercial views;
  • Advertising- the most common type of monetization. The advantage is that ads can be inserted anywhere and any way. For example, at the beginning of the video, in the middle, or in general, all the time, spin some kind of logo in the corner of the screen.

Let's say that at the beginning of our videos for 20 seconds there will be a story about a vacuum cleaner, a store or another product - almost all viewers will see this type of advertising. But if we show ads from affiliate programs, then their display can be easily blocked using the well-known ad block (browser application), which almost every user now has.

If you still doubt whether you can make money on YouTube, just go to any popular channel that has more than 200 thousand subscribers. And you will see ads at the beginning or at the end of the video. Or do you think that bloggers advertise all sorts of different things for free?

3. How to start making money on YouTube?

Now let's talk about how to start earning and what to do. Everything is in order. And before proceeding, I want to say that further I will give some links to our forum. I do this because I don’t want to give too much material in one article and overload you with redundant information.

  1. You need a channel to make money. I will talk about this very soon in a new article and at the same time there will be a video instruction;
  2. If you already have a channel, then you need to start making videos. But what to shoot? About what? How to choose a topic? You will find answers to all these questions here " ";
  3. Next, you need to learn how to choose the right keywords, I wrote about this;
  4. The next step is the promotion and promotion of the channel. You can look at these articles on how to promote a channel at the initial stages: promotion or promotion of a channel on YouTube.
  5. When your channel has enough subscribers, you can start monetizing, namely, connecting an affiliate program. About how to connect an affiliate program, see I will tell in this article: “coming soon”.

3.1. How many YouTube subscribers do you need to make money?

The answer to this question depends on how you are going to monetize the channel: through affiliate programs or through advertising. If you want to connect an affiliate program, you must first select it, and then look at the requirements. There will be written about how many subscribers you need.

If you plan to make money on advertising, then it all depends on the customers. For example, if you have 20 thousand subscribers, then few people will want to buy your ads. It’s another matter if the channel has 100 thousand subscribers, and it’s a completely different matter if there are a million. Firstly, more customers, and secondly, advertising is more expensive.

3.2. How much can you earn on YouTube?

This question is also very popular, because everyone is interested in it. I will not talk about any numbers. If you are really interested, you can ask how much bloggers earn on YouTube. To do this, just go to the TOP of YouTube, then visit several channels from there. Almost always in the description under the video there is a link to the advertising page. You can find all rates there.

If we talk about my little experience in this field, then in a year I was able to gain 500 subscribers. And for me, youtybe is just a tool to improve the blog, not .

So, 500 subscribers and more than 150,000 views brought me only $60.

As you can see from the screen, incomes have recently begun to increase, since I decided to record some videos specifically for the promotion of the channel. And here's what I'll tell you: the more new videos I have, the more my monthly income becomes. Yes, let him be funny now, but in a year an additional 10-20 thousand rubles will not bother me.

3.3. How much do you earn on YouTube for 1000 views - approximate numbers

Why do I say that these are approximate figures? Because no one can say for sure. First, prices are constantly changing. Secondly, each channel has different earnings. So, approximate numbers:

  • Automotive topics - from $3 to $5;
  • Game - from 50 cents to $ 2;
  • Financial - from $2 to $4;
  • Musical - from 40 cents to $ 2;
  • Humorous channels - from 60 cents to $ 2.5;
  • Beauty blogging - from 25 cents to $ 2.

4. How do people make money on YouTube without much effort?

Now I don’t mean various vloggers and let’s play players, they still do at least something. We are talking about viral videos. For example, you filmed how your cat meows funny, and in a day the video will gain a million views. This is what is called a viral video. But I don’t think that you can make money this way, because it’s unlikely that you will be connected to an affiliate program if you promise to make a viral video.

Other people earn on this, who simply collect such popular videos and upload them to their channel, making all sorts of selections. It's also good if they do it with high quality, with jokes and other design, such as +100500 or TIX.

It's still a different matter. But there are such masters who simply stick together from the funny moments they saw for 3 minutes and spread it under the name like “jokes to watch rzhak 2016”. How much money do you think such channels earn on YouTube?

5. How can you make money on YouTube without making a video?

To do this, you need to upload other people's videos - this is logical. We discussed one of these methods above. But you can use not only viral videos.

Any videos that will not be claims due to copyright will do. For example, if there are many channels with reloaded films. Of course, such a channel will most likely not be connected to an affiliate program, but here you can earn on advertising. What can be reloaded? Movies, TV shows, Twitch streams, various video presentations and much more.

However, it should be understood that you will always walk on a sharp blade, for example, not all authors allow someone else to use their video. It's one thing when you make reviews or reviews of other people's videos out of other people's videos, and it's another thing when you stupidly steal someone else's content.

6. How much can you earn on YouTube in a month?

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question for sure. It all depends on how many subscribers are on the channel, what topics, whether there is an affiliate program, how much advertising costs. Earnings are not stable, because you can buy a lot of ads this month, but not buy any next.

If you are interested in making money on YouTube, visit our forum, where you can find a lot of training videos on creating channel promotion, creating a header and logo - in general, a lot of useful information. It would also be cool if you left your comments from personal life experience.

With this, I think it's time to end. See you in the next articles.

Sincerely, Sergey Ivanisov.

Money does not guarantee happiness, but it does guarantee material freedom.

Many people are attracted to YouTube as a way to make money. And indeed on your channel you can earn good money, most importantly- choose a profitable way of monetization.At the same time, in order to earn, you need daily work on the channel, its promotion. And if you are not ready to work, then you will not be able to achieve a high income.

In this article, we will tell you how and how much you can earn on YouTube. Which methods to choose depending on the content and the stage of development of the channel.

If you think that you can make money on the channel only through advertising on your videos, you are deeply mistaken. Below we will tell you other methods for making money on the channel.

Channel monetization (AdSense)

Direct to video

If you managed to promote your channel and gain several tens of thousands of views, sell ads to large companies. They will send you the goods for unpacking, and you will have to unpack and advertise it. Tell in your videos about great offers and promotions, the benefits of buying goods from the advertised store. The cost of this type of advertising is high, but in order to find paying advertisers, the channel statistics must be competitive compared to other bloggers.

It is very difficult to estimate the amount of earnings, some channels are ready to advertise someone else's brand for 1,000 rubles, other bloggers will not consider offers cheaper than 100,000 rubles. In order to avoid hundreds of questions about the cost, you need to develop your own price list for advertising. In the description of the channel, indicate the method for communication and send the price on request. It is not worth putting it on public display.

Advertising of other bloggers

Many bloggers who are just starting their journey on YouTube buy ads from popular channels. If you managed to promote your channel, then develop a price list for advertising and offer it to experienced bloggers. The amount of earnings depends on the type of advertising and your statistics. If you have no more than 20,000 subscribers, sell ads for no more than 1,000 rubles. If you are the owner of a millionaire channel, then the size of the advertising preroll can exceed 50,000 and 100,000 rubles.

most expensive ad- it is prerol or postrol, placing a link in a block is cheaper« interesting channels» . In order to avoid misunderstandings, you need to have a clear TOR and follow it.The main advantage of this way of earning a good income. The downside is that they buy ads only from popular bloggers, and even if you have 50,000 subscribers, people with a small budget will be interested in your ads.

Advertise your product

If you have your own store or you know how to do something to order, then sell your product on the YouTube channel. It is necessary to tell about it in the video and leave a link in the description for communication. You can also sell courses, seminars, trainings.

There are a lot of advantages to this way of earning money: you don’t have to worry about the topic of the channel, just connect it with your hobby, promote and sell the product yourself. If you have a large audience, then the trust of the audience will always be. You just need to create something worthwhile and interesting. The amount of earnings depends on your audience and the cost of goods. If you sell courses worth 10,000 rubles, then even selling 10 materials per month will significantly affect your budget. Of course, if you make children's toys worth 500– 1000 rubles, then you need to try to make good money.

Recently, such type of earnings as donation is gaining popularity. In simple words- this is a donation for the development of the channel, for the purchase of equipment and for any other purposes of the channel owner.

In the description under the video or on the channel, you can insert a link, by clicking on which viewers can transfer a certain amount of money to the owner's account. The amount of earnings directly depends on the income of the audience, someone can throw off 10 rubles, and there are people who send several thousand rubles to the account. Most often, this way of earning is used by streamers.

Sponsorship Subscription

If the channel has more than 100,000 subscribers, then this feature is available to you. Its essence lies in the fact that the most devoted fans will monthly deposit a small amount of money for the provided bonuses. The privileges for them are the ability to be the first to view the video, participate in secret chats, receive unique emoji, mentions in the blogger's video. This method is a bit similar to the previous one, but the amount to donate is determined by the platform itself.- for residents of the Russian Federation, it is 249 rubles. And income depends on the number of donations.

The main disadvantages of this type of income is that the function is available only to channels with more than 100,000 subscribers and the viewer cannot pay more if they wish. The distribution of income occurs according to the scheme: 70/30, where 30% of the earnings are taken by the platform.

Hello new youtubers! Vasily Blinov is in touch and in today's article we will begin to analyze, I think, the most important topic of this column - how to make money on YouTube.

Since this is the first part, I will tell you what ways to make money using YouTube video hosting exist and briefly review them, and in the following articles we will already analyze those methods that require more detailed study and proper application.

As you know, the Internet is a big advertising platform, remember, I talked about this in an article? Therefore, the monetization of any resource here, be it a YouTube channel, a website or a social profile. networks, consists mainly of different types of advertising, but you can earn money here not only by running your own channel.

You can start earning income using two strategies:

  1. You create your channel from scratch, develop it and receive money from advertising. You are a businessman.
  2. You help create, develop channels for other people and get paid. You - .

Both strategies have their pros and cons. From my experience of working with people, I can say that not everyone is able and predisposed to film themselves or their voice on video. Most are simply afraid to be open and show themselves on the Internet.

Earn money on YouTube - the best 10 ways

We will look at ways to make money for both strategies, but we will start with the first. I will show you how people make money by making videos and posting them on YouTube.

Contextual advertising Google Adsense

Since video hosting has long been owned by Google, it is worth noting that the most official way to monetize videos on YouTube will be contextual advertising. Google adsense.

The essence of the method is that you simply shoot videos that people watch, YouTube itself shows them ads and pays you a small percentage for these impressions or clicks on ads.

YouTube media networks

Media networks, or, as they are also called, “YouTube affiliates” (not to be confused with) - this can be said to be the same as Google AdSense, only from private companies. Advertisements are displayed in exactly the same way, and payment for impressions and clicks is exactly the same.

The only difference is that media networks can pay more, allow you to withdraw your earnings in more convenient ways, and have technical support to help you figure out if problems arise. For example, with a complaint about copyright infringement.

In the next part, we will analyze popular YouTube affiliate programs and which network to choose for your channel.

Partnership programs

In my opinion, this is the best way to monetize for beginner YouTubers.

I have a whole section on my blog dedicated to, in which I share my experience on how you can get them consistently from 100,000 rubles a month.

In short, the principle is that you take a product, register in its affiliate program, get your link, advertise it (put the link in the description of the video) and receive a percentage of each sale of the product. On average, the size of the commission is 5 - 30% of the cost of the product.

Even with a small but targeted number of views, you can already earn good money.

Sale of goods and services

Very often, many companies create their own channels in order to talk about their product. If you are engaged in the production of some things or the provision of services, you can sell them through videos without any financial investment.

The scheme is very simple, I think there is nothing more to explain.

Direct Advertising

If you do not yet have a large audience and several tens of thousands of subscribers, then this method will not be relevant. It makes no sense for an advertiser to buy an ad that too few people will see. But to disassemble this method, so that you understand what to strive for, I think it is necessary.

Direct advertising is when an advertiser contacts you with the goal of advertising his product in a video for money. For popular channels and bloggers, this type of monetization is the biggest source of income. One advertising insert can cost from 10,000 rubles to infinity.

For example, on channels where each video gets 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 views, advertising costs an average of 300,000 - 600,000 rubles. And such videos can come out in 2 pieces. a week or more. Here also consider.

  • Pre Roll - a short insert at the very beginning of the video.
  • Mid Roll - an insert somewhere in the middle of the video. Like a TV ad.
  • Post Roll - promotional video at the end of the video.
  • Integration - when the author of the channel makes a special advertising story.
  • Hidden advertising - when the author simply uses the product of a brand and does not mention it in any way. For example, he wears Nike clothes or constantly drinks coffee from Starbucks.
  • Like on Youtube. The essence of a like is that by putting it, the video gets into the “Liked Videos” album, and some part of the channel’s subscribers will definitely see it.


Recently, I have been observing such a popular type of income for video bloggers as a donation, or in Russian speaking, a donation. Through a special service, any viewer can donate some amount to the authors of the channel.

The author registers on the service, receives a special link (for example, and inserts it into the video description. All services are integrated with YouTube and you can see live streams.

Here you can see what this way of earning looks like.

It may seem like begging to some, but this is just your belief in life. I myself often send donations to projects that I read or watch, simply in gratitude for the fact that they share useful information.

Youtube traffic monetization

I don't know what to call this method, but so be it.

By developing your YouTube channel, sooner or later you will have a large audience that will subscribe and follow you on social networks. Or switch from videos to a site with text material.

One of my channels KNOWLEDGE BASE I monetize in this way, I drive traffic from YouTube to the blog and then I already advertise something.

Bloggers lead their followers on social media. networks and then sell additional advertising on VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook and other sites.

Now, let's say you don't have your own channel and you don't want to start one, let's look at what you can do to make money.

Providing your services

You can make money with YouTube, as a freelancer or as a remote employee. For example, to engage in the creation, design, promotion of channels, consulting, etc.

Or get a permanent job as a YouTube channel administrator and receive a fixed salary for your work. The duties of the administrator include uploading videos, SEO optimization, compiling a content plan, analyzing statistics and providing reports, promoting videos, moderating comments, and much more. Cope, I think, everyone can if they want.

Video Maker

For sites, there is such a profession as. YouTube likewise requires people who make videos for money.

In order to develop several of my channels, I am currently looking for such people. Therefore, if you are interested in making videos (mostly educational screencasts), then write to me on VKontakte (