Ways to make money on YouTube. How to make money on Youtube from scratch on subscribers and views - detailed instructions

Many people are attracted to YouTube as a way to make money. And indeed on your channel you can earn good money, most importantly- choose a profitable way of monetization.At the same time, in order to earn, you need daily work on the channel, its promotion. And if you are not ready to work, then you will not be able to achieve a high income.

In this article, we will tell you how and how much you can earn on YouTube. Which methods to choose depending on the content and the stage of development of the channel.

If you think that you can make money on the channel only through advertising on your videos, you are deeply mistaken. Below we will tell you other methods for making money on the channel.

Channel monetization (AdSense)

Direct to video

If you managed to promote your channel and gain several tens of thousands of views, sell ads to large companies. They will send you the goods for unpacking, and you will have to unpack and advertise it. Tell in your videos about great offers and promotions, the benefits of buying goods from the advertised store. The cost of this type of advertising is high, but in order to find paying advertisers, the channel statistics must be competitive compared to other bloggers.

It is very difficult to estimate the amount of earnings, some channels are ready to advertise someone else's brand for 1,000 rubles, other bloggers will not consider offers cheaper than 100,000 rubles. In order to avoid hundreds of questions about the cost, you need to develop your own price list for advertising. In the description of the channel, indicate the method for communication and send the price on request. It is not worth putting it on public display.

Advertising of other bloggers

Many bloggers who are just starting their journey on YouTube buy ads from popular channels. If you managed to promote your channel, then develop a price list for advertising and offer it to experienced bloggers. The amount of earnings depends on the type of advertising and your statistics. If you have no more than 20,000 subscribers, sell ads for no more than 1,000 rubles. If you are the owner of a millionaire channel, then the size of the advertising preroll can exceed 50,000 and 100,000 rubles.

most expensive ad- it is prerol or postrol, placing a link in a block is cheaper« interesting channels» . In order to avoid misunderstandings, you need to have a clear TOR and follow it.The main advantage of this way of earning a good income. The downside is that they buy ads only from popular bloggers, and even if you have 50,000 subscribers, people with a small budget will be interested in your ads.

Advertise your product

If you have your own store or you know how to do something to order, then sell your product on the YouTube channel. It is necessary to tell about it in the video and leave a link in the description for communication. You can also sell courses, seminars, trainings.

There are a lot of advantages to this way of earning money: you don’t have to worry about the topic of the channel, just connect it with your hobby, promote and sell the product yourself. If you have a large audience, then the trust of the audience will always be. You just need to create something worthwhile and interesting. The amount of earnings depends on your audience and the cost of goods. If you sell courses worth 10,000 rubles, then even selling 10 materials per month will significantly affect your budget. Of course, if you make children's toys worth 500– 1000 rubles, then you need to try to make good money.

Recently, such type of earnings as donation is gaining popularity. In simple words- this is a donation for the development of the channel, for the purchase of equipment and for any other purposes of the channel owner.

In the description under the video or on the channel, you can insert a link, by clicking on which viewers can transfer a certain amount of money to the owner's account. The amount of earnings directly depends on the income of the audience, someone can throw off 10 rubles, and there are people who send several thousand rubles to the account. Most often, this way of earning is used by streamers.

Sponsorship Subscription

If the channel has more than 100,000 subscribers, then this feature is available to you. Its essence lies in the fact that the most devoted fans will monthly deposit a small amount of money for the provided bonuses. The privileges for them are the ability to be the first to view the video, participate in secret chats, receive unique emoji, mentions in the blogger's video. This method is a bit similar to the previous one, but the amount to donate is determined by the platform itself.- for residents of the Russian Federation, it is 249 rubles. And income depends on the number of donations.

The main disadvantages of this type of income is that the function is available only to channels with more than 100,000 subscribers and the viewer cannot pay more if they wish. The distribution of income occurs according to the scheme: 70/30, where 30% of the earnings are taken by the platform.

In this article, we will analyze 6 specific ways that will allow you to make money on Youtube from scratch, both on your channel and your videos, and on other people's content. You just need to promote the video in the search 1 time, and you will DAILY receive a bunch of free traffic, both from Youtube itself and from Google search.

Videos from Youtube in the search results appear next to regular pages, whereby you additionally receive powerful traffic from search engines.

6 ways to make money on Youtube with your channel

Placement of promotional info-inserts directly inside your videos

Grow your YouTube channel wisely:

This way of making money is only gaining momentum on the Russian Internet, in order to use it, you need a really promoted and visited channel.

For each release, you can receive from 5,000 to 100,000 rubles on average, depending on how many views your videos get when you publish them on the channel.

Earn money on YouTube with built-in channel monetization through AdSense

To start making money in this way, just go to your channel settings and turn on the monetization of the channel on Youtube and you will start earning more and more on your videos every day. All you need to do is gain views And subscribers on the channel.

Explore the complete guide to making money on YouTube HOW TO EARN ON YOUTUBE FROM ZERO

At the same time, you should remember that you will earn money not for views, but for clicks on ads, although it is often customary to consider how much you can earn on views. Looking ahead, let's say that on 1000 views you can approximately earn from 0.5 to 0.8$ through built-in monetization.

  1. Display ads - displayed to the left of the video in the form of banners.
  2. Overlays are pop-up ad units in the style of standard Adsense ads, but for video.
  3. Advertising hints are a relatively new tool, because and the hints themselves appeared quite recently.
  4. Ads that can be skipped - an analogue of standard TV ads at the beginning of the video, at the end. In addition, you can add additional commercial breaks as you watch longer videos.

Earn money on YouTube through an alternative affiliate program VSP Group

The VPS affiliate network works with a large number of advertisers and top video bloggers work with it. Opportunities when working with this affiliate program:

  1. You get a premium account on Youtube (!)
  2. Payouts up to 80% of advertisers' money
  3. A library of 350,000 songs to provide music for your videos
  4. Referral system to attract new partners and YouTube channels
  5. YouTube video optimization and promotion training

Requirements for connecting to the VSP partner network:

  • Age from 18 years (minimum from 14, but payments are made to older relatives and partners).
  • The age of the channel is from 1 month.
  • You shoot good author's video content.
  • Your channel exists more than 1 month.
  • You have a positive reputation on YouTube.
  • From 10 videos per channel.

Promoting your products and services through Youtube

The method is quite simple if you or your partners and friends have a physical business. Most business owners do not bother to make a video, they post optimized info articles on the site as much as possible.

At the same time, business-related videos immediately fall into the main Google and Yandex searches, and you will have practically no competitors. Considering that people will watch the video first, and only then read the articles, and if they don’t find anything on youtube, you can make good money on it.

Lead generation on order

Perfect for a thematic channel, especially if you do not have your own business. You get a fixed payment for each subscriber or for a click that came from your youtube channel. It is important to note that in the case of YouTube, it is much more profitable to work on a pay-per-sales model and receive a percentage of sales. And that's why.

Don't sleep - promote your account: 7 Easy Ways to Promote Your YouTube Channel for Free

Feature - Visitors from Youtube subscribe and buy much better

  • Visitors from youtube come to the site already “warmed up”, they watched the video, which formed trust and interest in the topic.
  • More than 50% of visitors immediately subscribe to a free newsletter.
  • Visitors from Youtube buy about 2 times more often than from other advertising channels.

Cost Per Action Affiliate Programs and Info Course Affiliates

We will definitely talk about different types of affiliate programs and how to choose them correctly in a separate article, but for now I will say that earning money on affiliate programs + using your youtube channel to get traffic is a bundle that allows you to practically earn money on autopilot.

Making money on Youtube on full autopilot

As we said before, if the video is optimized properly and the keywords are well chosen, each video on your channel will bring DAILY free traffic, both from the Youtube channel itself and from Google organic search.

Watch the video on how you can earn on affiliate programs:

Free PDF Book - 10 Secrets Rich People Keep Silent About

In the case of affiliate programs, it is enough to choose 2-3 affiliate offers with payment for % and agree with the owners of the affiliate program on commission. All sales and delivery of goods are organized with the help of partners, and you will receive regular money from each video on your channel.

Unlike pop methods like maintaining a public VKontakte or promotion of your Instagram account, the video does not require the daily publication of a bunch of hackneyed quotes and incomprehensible semi-entertaining info content.

Each new video will give you more and more money, and the effect of earning on YouTube will be cumulative.

How much can you earn on your Youtube channel?

It all depends very much on the specific model chosen. Let's look at a few starting points from which to build:

  1. See how much top vloggers earn
  2. Select related Youtube channels and find out how much do these channels earn
  3. look, how much does youtube pay for 1000 video views

From this information, select related channels and do some simple research:

  1. How many videos are posted on the channel.
  2. How much does a YouTube channel earn (see above).
  3. How many videos are posted per week on the channel.
  4. How videos are optimized (for keywords or viral titles).
  5. How much a channel earns from 1000 views (average from $0.5 to $0.8).
  6. How many views new videos get in the first week.

For example, here is the statistics of one of the channels that earns on the VSP Group affiliate program:

Download the free checklist: 18 ideas that you can sell on Avito right now to earn money

Using this information, you can easily calculate how much you can earn on YouTube if you become a video blogger. In addition, these statistics do not take into account work with direct advertisers, as well as monetization through affiliate programs, so the real income of YouTubers can be much higher!

Earn money on YouTube with the help of other people's videos

  1. You find video content in abundance.
  2. Upload to your channel.
  3. Get views or buy video seeding (paid views) to get your video to the TOP for trending or large low-competitive queries (see below).
  4. Turn on monetization from Youtube and embed commercials every 5-7 minutes.

Watch right now our free master class - 5 schemes for making money on Youtube:

How to increase the views of your YouTube videos

Where to get content to earn money by watching other people's videos (a few examples):

  1. Cutting records and full versions of TV programs (KVN games, once in Russia, National Geographic video, etc.).
  2. News about Putin with viral headlines, like in teaser networks.
  3. Speeches by other popular personalities (Psaki, Obama, etc.).
  4. Old Soviet films.
  5. Cartoons - Masha and the Bear, Peppa Pig, and so on.

In some cases, there may be a problem with copyright content, so this method requires a lot of body movements with a constant risk of getting banned. We advise you to take a closer look at legal ways to earn money.

Instead of a conclusion - the golden button "BABLO" for making money on Youtube

Now think about which of the ways, in your opinion, is the most profitable, when you are paid only 1 time for advertising or eternal 25% from each sale?

Entrepreneur, expert in traffic, business replication and business systems

YouTube video hosting was founded in February 2005 and is owned by Google. At the beginning of 2020, it has several billion active users. Many of them already have their own channels.

Recently, more and more people are starting to create video blogs and videos with their subsequent placement on video hosting sites. For some, this is just a hobby, for others, a way to earn money on the Internet from 5,000 rubles a month. Whoever is not there, both children and pensioners are already involved. In our age, it is difficult to find such a person who would not know that all this, in addition to entertainment, can bring money. Yes, not just a few thousand rubles, but some of the most successful and millions of dollars a year! But we will talk about this at the end of the article, where you can also see reviews about this direction on the Internet.

Let's take a closer look at YouTube video hosting, because it is the most popular in the world and hosts millions of videos on which the authors have been making money for a long time.

How do you make money on YouTube?

5 steps, instructions for making money on YouTube

1. The first thing to do - if there is no account, then register on the site www.youtube.com. Everyone can do it without any problems, registration there is of course free.

2. Work on the channel, that is, shooting / creating videos. This is the main and most difficult. To make money on a video, people need to watch it, subscribe to the channel, put likes (like rating) or dislikes (dislike rating). The video should be interesting, informative and original. You can only post your own video! By the way, you can only use the music in your videos that is in the special section "Music library". You can’t use everything in a row, they won’t be allowed to monetize.

You can shoot live using a video camera or a camera with the ability to record video or shoot from the monitor screen showing and telling something. Regardless of what you shoot, the video quality should be high and the sound clear and understandable.

3. The third step is account monetization!

Here you need to choose the right project, for example, this one:

You will be required to take certain measures without which Internet earnings on YouTube will be impossible. Until you have the required number of views, namely 4000 hours for the last 12 months + at least 1000 subscribers, it will be impossible to register an affiliate program.

From YouTube's help section:

To check the possibility of connection, you need to go to the section on your channel: "Video Manager" then to "Channel" then to "Status and Features" and enable monetization if possible. The reputation of your channel plays a huge role in this.

4. The next step - you are approved for monetization, great! So earnings will not be long in coming!

As for Adsense, everything is quite simple. There you need to register, add your channel (in this case, it is better to follow the recommendations of YouTube itself, it will be easier).

An important point - Adsense will pay you your earnings only after you receive an email from him with a code and enter it on their website. Not by e-mail, but in a physical mailbox, it will arrive (some take 2 months). Checking the address, you know. My letter is 4 years old, maybe the design is different now...

As you already understood everything is more than serious! Therefore, when registering, enter reliable data everywhere. I’ll also add to the payout account - there are two options for receiving earned money on YouTube through Adsense.

1. To a dollar account opened with a bank. All you need to do is take your account details for international SWIFT transfers and enter it all in your Adsense account in the payments section.

2. Through the Rapida payment system - this is the same payment system as Yandex Money. Funds will be received for it, and then you can do whatever you want with them - pay for the Internet, withdraw to cards, buy something on the Internet, etc. Their website even has a special section dedicated to withdrawing money from Google Adsense.

5. The last step is the most important and is to systematically shoot video. You need to shoot constantly. A couple of times a week is best to start with. This is the only way to attract a large number of subscribers and get thousands of views. People will not be interested in subscribing to a channel where new videos appear every six months. Please note this very important point. All posted videos must be optimized for key queries and a correct description created. For key queries, search engines and the video hosting itself will post the positions of your video.

These are the main actions and rules, without which you will definitely not be able to make money on your video.

This article about how to make money on YouTube is written on the basis of experience and who earn money for a living only with their YouTube channel. To make money on YouTube, you need to follow several sequential steps:

  1. Understand what needs to be done, how much effort and time to invest in order to become a popular YouTuber. Then make a very important decision, without which nothing will work for sure. This is described in detail in the article: "".
  2. Based on your interests, talents and the popularity of the topic, choose a niche for your channel and create a YouTube channel. How to do this is written in the article: "".


And after all this is done, the question arises, how to make money on YouTube. Let's be honest, if you are at this stage, then it's too early to think about making money on YouTube. You can start making some money on YouTube after you have at least 100,000 subscribers. Therefore, if you want to become a popular video blogger with millions of subscribers, your very first goal should be to gain at least one hundred thousand subscribers. Although if you have just started your channel, then you are most likely thinking now where to get the first ten subscribers. Don't be discouraged, all stars have been through this.

What you need to do to make money on YouTube

Once you have decided on a niche and created your channel, in order to start making money on YouTube, it is very important to do the following things:

  • regularly upload videos to your YouTube channel for many years in a row;
  • learn how to make cool videos;
  • promote your YouTube channel to gain subscribers;
  • monetize your YouTube channel.

And now more about this.

Regularly upload videos to your channel for many years in a row

You will need to develop a video upload schedule and post it on your channel page. Not all stars do this, but many, especially in the US, have this schedule posted in the channel description. Those who do not have a graph in the channel description have this graph in their head. YouTubers understand that one of the important components of success is the regular posting of new videos. If you do not upload videos constantly, then the popularity of the channel will begin to fall. And if you have just started and will not upload videos regularly, then popularity will not shine for you. Yes, there are times when a person uploads one video and gets hundreds of thousands of views at once, but this is more the exception than the rule.

I highly recommend writing a video release schedule in the channel description. This will be your written promise to yourself and your followers that you will release videos weekly. And such a written promise will help you be more disciplined and keep it. Make a schedule and that's it! From now on, there is no going back. You must follow this schedule for at least 3 years!

You need to post at least one video per week. Ideally three. And successful YouTubers have made YouTube an integral part of their lives and have consistently posted videos on their channels for many years in a row.

Without the regular release of new videos, it is impossible to make money on the YouTube channel.

Learn how to make cool videos

To learn how to make cool videos, you will need to buy and master, master the image editing program Gimp (free) or Photoshop (paid), buy a good microphone that costs about $100. I didn’t find a decent microphone cheaper, and all cool YouTubers, when they first started, used microphones for at least $100, and then switched to microphones for $300-500. High-quality sound is critical to the success of the channel!

Mastering a video editor, an image editor and buying a good microphone will be enough to record training videos from the monitor screen with voice or record the passage of games. And this is the bare minimum you need to make money on YouTube.

If you want to record yourself on video, then you will need to buy a good camera for shooting outdoors, or at least a good webcam if you want to film yourself at home on a computer. In addition, for filming at home, it is imperative to organize high-quality lighting.

This is a separate big topic, and in I told in great detail what kind of video editors, microphones, cameras and webcams are used by a variety of popular YouTubers in the USA and Russia.

Promote your YouTube channel

In order for you to earn money on YouTube, you need to have a lot of subscribers and views in order to become popular. In order to achieve this, a whole range of measures must be taken.

First, your channel and video must be interesting to your target audience. Otherwise, people will simply leave the channel without watching the video and without subscribing.

Secondly, you will need to promote your channel by hook or by crook, by any means available to you. But what are the ways to promote the channel, I will now briefly describe.

promotion on youtube

Optimizing your channel, playlists and videos for YouTube search

You need to promote your videos, playlists and the channel itself on YouTube itself. To make money on YouTube, you must ensure that your videos appear first in response to queries that visitors enter in the search bar on YouTube. To do this, you will need to understand how the YouTube algorithm works, i.e. how YouTube chooses which video to show first, which second, and which video last in response to user requests. Looking ahead, I will say that the most important ranking factor is the depth of video viewing, i.e. how long your channel's visitors watch your videos. If your videos are watched to the end, then they will be shown above the videos that people leave in the beginning or in the middle. There are a number of other important factors that you can influence so that your videos rank high in YouTube search results, I talked about them in great detail in. However, video viewing depth is the most important factor, so make cool videos.

Interaction with other video bloggers on YouTube

You need to find the same novice YouTubers as you, and mutually subscribe to each other's channels, watch and like each other's videos. This is a real way to get the very first subscribers and first views. And, of course, do not forget to ask all your friends and relatives to subscribe to your channel.

Promotion of YouTube channel on the Internet

Create your own website or blog

Ideally, you should create your own blog or website and promote it. Then promoting your site will promote your channel, and promoting your channel will promote your site. But not all successful bloggers have their own websites. Many managed to advance without websites. However, the presence of the site and its promotion will be an additional advantage, but on the other hand, it will take a lot of additional time. Therefore, think for yourself, decide for yourself whether or not to have a site as an additional source of visitors to your channel. In any case, even if you do not make a website, you must definitely buy a domain name with the name of your channel so that no one else takes it.

Promotion in social networks

What almost all popular video bloggers do to make money on YouTube and what you need to do is create your own page on the most popular social network in Russia, vk.com. It is not only the most popular social network, it is also the most popular website on the Russian Internet: vk.com is more popular than Yandex and Google in Russia. Therefore, the very minimum that you need to do is to create a page or group in contact and post information about each of your new videos in it. Better yet, promote your VK group on your own or hire a specialist. This will give you new subscribers and increase the views of your videos. Not everyone promotes their channels on social networks, but many popular YouTubers do.

In addition, you must create a Twitter account. Although Twitter is not very popular in our country, it nevertheless has a large audience. Why do it? Because YouTube has the ability to automatically post information about your new videos to Twitter. You should not miss this free opportunity to attract additional audience, especially since creating a Twitter account does not take much time, and the publication of tweets will occur automatically.

Ideally, you need to create pages in the three most popular social networks in Russia: Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram and post information about your new videos and in them. This will attract an additional audience.

Publishing your videos and links to them on websites, blogs, forums on the Internet

One way to get traffic to your channel is to post links to your videos on forums that are dedicated to the same topic as your channel, as well as arrange with the owners of thematic sites and blogs to publish your videos in their articles. In order for someone to agree to this, you must have high-quality and interesting videos. So, for example, did Michael and Lauren, the owners of the channel Mike and Lauren, which led to many leading newspapers and blogs writing about their channel. Promoting your channel on the Internet in this way is one of the tips they give in response to the question of how to make money on a YouTube channel.

Paid advertising

Youtube channel monetization

Once you have a lot of subscribers, you will be able to earn income from your YouTube channel. How popular youtubers make money on their channels? Here are all the real ways:

Showing someone else's ads in your videos (Google Adsense)

With Google Adsense, you can show ads while your fans are watching your videos. You get 55% of the ad revenue shown on your videos and YouTube gets 45%.

YouTube channel monetization is available only to channel owners who have 1000 subscribers and have accumulated at least 4000 watch hours in the last 12 months. To monetize the channel in this way, you need to become a member of the YouTube affiliate program - YouTube Partner Program .

This way of making money on the YouTube channel brings the least money, you can earn much more even on a small channel using affiliate programs and selling your own products. To earn a lot of money on the channel in this way, you need a huge number of views. How much YouTube pays for a million views and how much different YouTubers earn on their channels, I described in detail in the articles "" and "".

Watch this video on how to make money on your channel with Google Adsense, created by YouTube staff:

You can also watch the full series of articles and videos in the YouTube Author Academy: How to make money on YouTube. These are very high-quality and beautiful video tutorials, but, in my opinion, there is little practical use in them, but it will still be useful to watch them.

Partnership programs

This way of making money on YouTube channel brings much more money than selling Google Adsense ads. Its essence lies in the fact that you advertise other people's products, and in the case of the sale of such a product, you receive a percentage of each sale. How is it implemented technically? You leave a special link in your video or in the video description, which is called an affiliate link and in which your unique identifier is hidden. Here is an example of an affiliate link: https://themeisle.com/themes/hestia/?ref=8070. This link "?ref=8070" is your affiliate ID. When a visitor clicks on this link, the seller will know that this visitor is from you, store the visitor's data in a cookie on the visitor's computer, and if he buys something on the seller's site within 30 days, you will receive a percentage.

If everything is done correctly, then this method brings in significantly more money than showing ads in a video. To earn tangible money on the YouTube channel in this way, it is not necessary to have a huge number of views.

Selling your own goods

If you create and sell your own products, then you can earn decent money on the channel even with a small audience. Goods can be electronic and real. You can sell your courses, e-books, or create your own physical products such as dietary supplements. It really brings in the most money!

How much can you earn on youtube channel

Of course, everyone is primarily interested in the question, not how to make money on YouTube, but how much money you can earn on your channel. I wrote a separate article about this with screenshots, with links to sources, in which I told how to quickly and reliably estimate how much money a channel brings to its owner and how much popular video bloggers earn. In the meantime, looking ahead, I can say that on YouTube you can earn $ 20,000 per month or more, or you can earn nothing at all.

How to earn money from YouTube views? In just 1 day, more than 4 billion videos are viewed on the site. Last year, the media holding earned about $12 billion from advertising. And every year the profit only grows. Why don't we try to pinch off a small piece of the multi-billion dollar money circulating there. Create a channel, upload videos and earn money. Moreover, the income is almost constant - they posted a video and forgot. The money will continue to drip into the account without your further participation. Some have more, some have less.

How much do you earn on YouTube channel?

The top videos with hundreds of millions of views bring their owners hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is usually a professionally filmed commercial video. But this is not our level.

Top video bloggers earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. We are still far from this, too. So we will consider the usual prospects for earning a regular channel.

Classification of channels according to their profitability.

1. altruists. They run their own channel and upload videos solely as a hobby. You can draw a parallel with social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook). People just like it and therefore do not bring any income.

2. minimalists. Earnings are not their main goal (see paragraph 1), but they do not mind earning a small penny. Average income 10-50$ per month.

3. Hard workers. They try to earn as much as possible. They shoot videos, maybe even upload someone else's to their channel. But there is no mass popularity. Average income 100 — 300$.

4. Average. They do the same thing as people from the 3rd group, but more successfully. They have more interesting (and popular) videos, a lot of subscribers. Seriously engaged in the promotion of their channel. As a result, the level of income is already an order of magnitude higher - about 500 — 1000$ and even higher.

5. Famous video bloggers. They are engaged in channel promotion more professionally, regularly upload new interesting videos. The number of subscribers starts from the amount with five zeros and is constantly growing. Their income is also growing. Income starts from several thousand dollars.

6. Elite. Multi-million views and fame in your country (or even around the world). Even simple videos are gaining huge popularity due to the name. Add to this advertising contracts and invitations to various shows. Money flows into their pocket like a river, the flow begins from 50 thousand dollars per month.

Of course, it is very difficult to reach the last 2 stages of popularity (and, accordingly, the level of income) (but still possible). But let's face it, all this will require you to make a significant return on both time and money.

Your aim: go from the first level (or even zero, if you don't have a channel yet) to 3-4.

It is quite possible for everyone to reach an income of 50-100 dollars a month. There is nothing difficult in this. It will take you 2-3 months to reach this level.

To estimate how much profit your channel can make, you need to understand

what makes money on youtube

  • viewing ads. Money is credited only if the user has watched the advertisement to the end. The ad display is usually placed at the beginning of the video (rarely in the middle). Ads can be skipped by clicking the appropriate link, or you can force them to watch to the end. I advise you to be careful using the second method. So you may not get many views, some (including me) leave immediately.
  • pay per click. If the user clicks on the advertisement, then you are rewarded. As a rule, if certain conditions are met. Suppose the user clicked on the link and immediately left, do not wait for the money. Particularly "meticulous" advertisers set a number of strict conditions: spend at least 30 seconds on the advertised site, view at least 3-4 pages of the site, etc. CPC can also vary. It all depends on the topic and competition. Let's say advertising in the field of finance and real estate is very high, there are many advertisers, and in order to place their ads they are ready to pay at the highest “tariff”. On the other hand, take for example toys for children. There are not so many advertisers in this area, so there is practically no competition among them. And the cost per click will be minimal.

All these actions together determine your earnings.

For those who want to hear more concrete numbers, there is simplified formula to estimate your YouTube income.

On average, the error of this formula is plus or minus 20%. But nevertheless, it shows the approximate income.

So anyway,

How much can you earn watching videos on YouTube?

If you take an ordinary person who created a channel and does not have any special skills in the field of creating special effects, editing voice acting, etc. the minimum income level is about 80 - 100 dollars and higher. You can try to make money on other people's videos. Of course, this is not entirely legal from the point of view of copyright, but everyone does this, and more than one year. And no one was punished. In extreme cases, I will block your channel for six months - this is the maximum punishment.

Let's use an example to calculate how much you can earn

Let's say you posted 30 videos, on average each of them is viewed by 30 people a day (not that many, actually). We get 30 videos x 30 views x 30 days in a month = 27,000 views per month.

Approximately this $30. It seems to be a little. But ... ... for a year it is already 360 dollars. Work done in one go. And if there are 10 times more views, or you post not 30, but 100 videos. Your income will immediately increase many times (at least 5-10 times). And these are completely different numbers.

To earn monthly 100 dollars enough to collect 100,000 views in total for all your videos. If you actively communicate in social networks for you in general it will be a couple of trifles. Like your videos, and then a chain reaction will begin, some of your friends will watch (some of them will also like), then friends of friends, and so on. Yes, one interesting video can collect so many views, not to mention several dozen.