General characteristics of social networks. Comparative analysis of social networks Facebook has a convenient chat

Facebook is a startup from Silicon Valley. Widespread among colleges and universities in most English-speaking countries. It is the second most popular network after MySpace in the US. This network is not yet available in many countries, but is steadily developing and growing. Recommended: college and university students.

MySpace is one of the largest social networks in the world. She conquered the United States with great speed, now MySpace has about 80 million users. In 2005, it was bought by Newscorp for $580 million. MySpace continues to develop rapidly and at the moment it is she who determines the development of social networks. Recommended for: teenagers, young people.

Bebo - Unlike the Americanized MySpace, Bebo is designed for other English-speaking countries such as England, Australia and New Zealand. Functionally, Bebo is very similar to MySpace. Initially, Bebo was created in order to communicate between friends, but later the network has grown and currently has about 40 million users. Recommended for: teenagers, young people.

Friendster, one of the first networks launched as a “social experiment”, has recently acquired a patent for “social networks”. The network has grown very quickly, but by today it has completely fallen and currently occupies less than 1% of the social network market. Very popular in Asia. Recommended: Teenagers.

Tagworld - founded in autumn 2005. Direct competitor to MySpace. It stands out for its excellent implementation of Web 2.0 (tagging, AJAX). Tagworld also has a search engine for music and an IM client with video chat capabilities. Recommended for: teenagers, young people.

Orkut is a product created by a Google programmer in his spare time (each Google programmer has the right to spend 20% of his working time on his own projects). Orkut began its development in the USA, but later became widespread in Brazil (about 65% of users). Recommended: Brazilian youth.

AIM pages - The youngest social network among the most popular. This is AOL's attempt to push MySpace into the social networking market. It was believed that AIM Pages would be a real breakthrough, but she still has a long way to go. Recommended for: teenagers, young people.

Hi5 - has about 40 million users. You have to pay to participate in this social network. One of the distinguishing features of the system is that you can download music from iTunes for money and add it to your profile. On a free account, you can upload photos up to a whole gigabyte. Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson, Tira Banks have profiles on Hi5. Recommended for: teenagers, young people.

Cyworld - originated in Korea and has grown to phenomenal proportions. The daily income of this network is about 300,000 dollars. Now Cyworld is gradually spreading to the US. The network has its own currency (acorns), and each user has their own `minihompy" (profile). Users can decorate their `minihompy" and keep in touch with each other. Recommended for: teenagers, young people.

Tagged - designed mainly for teenagers. The main idea is to be tagged, create tagging teams and earn points in order to become the coolest tagging team. Tagged is slowly gaining popularity among teenagers in the US, but compared to MySpace, it is secondary. Recommended: Teenagers.

Popist is very similar to MySpace, both in interface and focus. Offers users a large number of open features, such as the ability to integrate with other social networks. Recommended: Teenagers.

Tribe - not so long ago this network was acquired by NBC. The main task of Tribe is not so much in dating and communication, but in uniting users' own social networks. Provides the ability to create so-called “clans”, and is also very well localized due to these same clans. Recommended: Teenagers.

ConnectU is very similar to Facebook. It is also designed for students of colleges and universities. ConnectU, unlike Facebook, covers a much smaller number of colleges and universities around the world. Recommended: college and university students.

Yahoo! 360 - Launched in early 2005, a Yahoo product that provides the ability to combine blogs and photo albums. Only for those over 18 years old - this significantly reduces the list of potential users. Recommended: adults.

PeopleAggregator is Marc Canter's attempt to carve out a niche in the social media space. Based on open standards and functionalities. One of the distinguishing features is that this is just a demo version of the software, which can be purchased later. Recommended: adults.

MommyBuzz - Launched just a couple of months ago, MommyBuzz is designed to enable moms to connect online and share and exchange thoughts and ideas with other moms. A wonderful place for such a target group. Recommended: moms.

Flickr is the most popular photo service in the world. Millions of people store their photos on Flickr, tag them, create albums, add them to discussion groups. Recommended for amateur photographers.

MuslimSpace - created by a former computer science student at the American University of Sharjah, MuslimSpace lives up to its name - MySpace for Muslims. Today, the site has about 15,000 users, and its goal is to be a cleaner and more secure site than MySpace and, of course, only for Muslims. Recommended: Muslims.

Stardoll - Would you like to dress celebrities like paper dolls? Originally called Paperdoll Heaven, Stardoll does exactly that. With a strong social network at its core and almost a million users, Stardoll is gaining mega popularity in the world of kids and teens much like Neopets did a few years ago. Recommended: children/teenagers.

Imbee - There are so many teen sites out there, but what about kids? Imbee's goal is to provide a safe and secure social network for kids. So now if your big brother is bragging about his MySpace profile and teasing you can't get one, go to Imbee! Recommended: children.

Dogster is a place where dogs (and their owners) can meet and socialize. On Dogster, each dog has its own web page. The subtitle reads: post pictures of dogs, tell dog stories, make new friends(dogs)! Recommended for: dogs and their owners.

Catster is practically the twin brother of Dogster, developed by the same people, Catster is Dogster for cats. Post photos of cats, tell cat stories, make new friends (cats)! Does anything else need to be explained? Recommended for: cats and their owners

Fuzzster - Being somewhat of a combination of Dogster and Catster, Fuzzster is the place to be for your cats, dogs and other furry pets. Launched in early 2004, it has grown into a fairly large community of animal lovers. Recommended for: furry animals and their owners.

BookCrossing - In the real world, bookcrossing goes like this: someone leaves a book in a public place for others to pick up and read and then do the same. The goal of the BookCrossing site is to run the same process in the virtual world. Recommended: book lovers.

Boompa is a site for car enthusiasts, and there are certainly a lot of them on the Internet. The purpose of the network is to become your online garage. Car enthusiasts can show off their “cars” here, find recommendations for their improvement, meet other car enthusiasts, view videos and photos, and much more. Recommended: for car enthusiasts.

Spout is a database of over 250,000 movie titles, Spout is a social network for cinephiles. Here you can find reviews and recommendations, meet other moviegoers. Spout is a good place to visit before you are going to rent a movie. Recommended: movie buffs.

MOG is a Silicon Valley startup that aims to connect music lovers with the same interests. A very interesting way to meet new people, also here you can discover new musical directions that you did not know about before. Recommended: for music lovers.

Gusto. There are websites about cars, movies, music, books, animals, but what about travel? Gusto is just a place that brings travelers together based on their lifestyle (expressed in preferences). Here you can also find tons of information, recommendations and travel reviews. - combines a social network and shopping. The goal of is to provide a sustainable online shopping experience. The `cash back' system is used, when if one user helps another or vice versa, both users have the opportunity to receive CashBack. An interesting way to shop. Recommended: for lovers of (online) shopping.

Yelp (from the creators of PayPal) is a site similar to Yub in many ways, designed to help shoppers make decisions by showing them reviews from other users. However, unlike Yub, Yelp is more focused on commercial activities and services than on a consumer-oriented product. Currently only available in the US. Recommended: for all US residents (especially in big cities).

LinkedIn - according to polls, the most popular business network, the purpose of LinkedIn is to unite colleagues and business partners, to help find new ones. With close to 5 million users, LinkedIn remains popular with business audiences. Recommended: Mercenaries and businessmen

biddingBuddies - often on auction sites like eBay you have to deal with many people. BiddingBuddies will help you with this. It is the only social network exclusively for eBay users. Now, if you are participating in the auction, why not make friends with the opponents. Recommended: eBay users (buyers and sellers).

Faqqly - There are so many things you would like to know about your friends, so why not ask them through Faqqly? Faqqly creates an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for each user and allows friends to ask each other anything they want.

Runet networks

In contact with. Search for fellow students and classmates, the most visited resource in Russia and Ukraine. Created in 2006 by Pavel Durov (registration requires an e-mail and mobile phone number).

Odnoklassniki - Founded in 2006. The largest social network, has 11 million (February 2008) users. will help you find old friends and find out what and how they live now. You can send messages to people with whom you have lost contact, and perhaps arrange a meeting with them (registration has recently become free).

My Circle is a social network for finding jobs and employees. The first social network in Runet created in 2005 by a group of recent graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University and the Russian Economic School to search for classmates, classmates, colleagues and employees (as of June 2006, 100 thousand users were registered in it). On March 27, 2007, the service was bought by Yandex; now it is one of the Yandex services and continues its development under his tutelage.

LovePlanet is a dating and communication site.

TooDoo - as the authors of the site write: “This site is a social network of site fans, designed to unite Runet and allow everyone to exchange opinions with their friends about their favorite (or least favorite) sites, find new interesting pages, recognize “by sight” those who reads the same sites, make new acquaintances with interesting people - for example, with the authors of favorite sites. is a site about people and interests. Communication, blogs, communities, videos... is a Russian network for mobile phones.

The site will help you find new acquaintances, both for a serious relationship, and just for the sake of pen pal friendship.

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    Tatyana Kotova, a freelance editor, wrote a column specifically for the Netology blog on how to create content, taking into account the characteristics of different .

    Companies that promote their products and services on Instagram, Facebook and VKontakte rarely create different content for different social networks, as this requires additional effort and time. However, each social network has its own characteristics, and in order to get the necessary response, the content needs to be adapted.

    All differences can be divided into two categories:

    • design difference,
    • content difference.

    Difference in design

    The sizes of photos and the maximum number of characters in the text are different for each social network. It is believed that using the optimal content size increases the natural reach of the post. The algorithm for displaying publications built into the social network considers that such a publication is of better quality.


    On Instagram, the first thing a user sees is a picture. It is thanks to her that a person decides whether to read your post further. Therefore, it should be of high quality and be relevant to the content of the text.

    Square photos need a size of 1080x1080 pixels to display correctly. For vertical - 1080x1350 pixels, and for horizontal - 1080x566 pixels.

    When uploading a video, keep in mind that its duration cannot exceed 1 minute. Minimum resolution: 600x600 pixels for square video and 600x315 pixels for landscape video.

    The amount of text in a post is limited to 2200 characters. If the description is longer, you can add the second part to the comments, or better, shorten it or make two posts.


    On Facebook, you can post without a photo, but in this case, the post gets less coverage.

    If you upload your photo, then the optimal size is 1200 × 630 pixels. If you share the link, then the image size should be 1200×627 pixels.

    Facebook also has requirements for videos: no more than 120 minutes long and no more than 4 GB in file size.

    The text description of a Facebook post is limited to 63206 characters with spaces. But there is a study, according to which a post with a description of up to 80 characters will have a 66% better reach, and posts up to 120 characters have a higher CTR.

    In contact with

    The optimal size of a picture on VKontakte is 700×500 pixels. The image for external links should be 537×240 pixels.

    If you upload a picture of a smaller size, the social network will stretch it, if it is larger, it will compress it. In both cases, the picture will be distorted and will look worse.

    To upload a video on VKontakte, its size must not exceed 2 GB.

    You can use hashtags on VKontakte, but there is evidence that if there are more than 10 hashtags, the system will ignore them.

    Content difference

    Different social networks have different content. The audience on Instagram, Facebook and Vkontakte differs by age, gender, geography and social status. Accordingly, the interests and needs of users are also different.


    The Instagram audience is 79% female and 21% male, with an average age of 16 to 34.

    People come to Instagram for inspiration, so a beautiful picture is very important. It attracts attention, encourages the user to read the text and subscribe to the account.

    Since the main part of the audience is young women, their interests are relevant: fashion, beauty, sports, children, health, career.

    Photos showing ordinary life, everyday routine, but beautiful at the same time, are very popular. Users are happy to like and comment on such posts.


    The Facebook audience is 58% female and 42% male.

    Facebook is a favorite platform for professional communities, people of creative professions, designers, IT specialists. This social network is loved by entrepreneurs who use it as a platform for the exchange of professional experience.

    The Facebook audience is progressive, educated people who follow trends in business and fashion. They like to share information, not be afraid to express their opinion, actively participate in the life of society and the country.

    Therefore, content on hot political and social topics, author's comments on important newsworthy events, recommendations and life hacks for business and career development, and for improving professional skills are popular on Facebook. Any articles that are useful will be gladly received by the audience: they will be shared, they will be commented on. It's good to make the first paragraph provocative and leave the question at the end of the post to engage users in the discussion.

    In contact with

    57% of women and 43% of men are registered on VKontakte. The average age is from 13 to 34 years.

    If people come to Facebook to talk about serious topics, discuss business problems, then on Vkontakte they come to chat with friends and relax: listen to music, watch videos, play games. This social network has many different features and functions, which is probably why it is so popular among students and schoolchildren.

    In addition to entertainment content, collections of music and films, parables, and quotes are popular on VKontakte. Users of this social network also love the benefit, so don't forget about it when creating your posts.

    Posts with external links are poorly indexed by the smart feed. Moreover, any user can disable the display of reposts in the settings of their page. Therefore, try not to repost or supplement them with your own comments.

    To make an effective post on VKontakte, post light, non-sharp content, play games and arrange polls.


    1. Make different posts for different social networks to increase the audience's interest in your posts.
    2. Depending on the social network, select a high-quality photo of the desired size.
    3. Remember that each social network has restrictions on the number of characters under the post.
    4. When creating content, keep in mind the different interests and needs of your followers on different social networks.

    What are Social Networks and what are their characteristics? What are the features of different social networks in different countries? What are the pros and cons they promise their users? What is their functional specialization and how to work with them?

    1. Popularity and visualization of the use of social networks in modern conditions

    To understand the reason for such a high popularity of social networks, it is advisable to use the results of visualization of their practical use. According to the review of the social networking market in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe in 2009, one can understand how this market will develop further: what penetration models will follow and what methods should be used to further promote social networks in a particular country.

    Russian social networks are developing following the example and experience of social networks in the United States and Western Europe, small social networks in Eastern Europe and the CIS, partially adopting the experience of their “big brothers”, are simultaneously looking for their own way to achieve the greatest impact on their users (Fig. 1-2).

    Fig.1. Results of visualizing the use of social networks in the world.

    Fig.2. Social networks popular in Russia, CIS countries and Eastern Europe.

    J'son & Partners Consulting presents an overview of the social network market in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe: the most popular social networks, their audience, its characteristics, as well as the features of the development of regional social network markets and development prospects.


    In Russia, the most popular social networks are projects and [email protected]: their monthly audience at the end of 2009 was 17.7 and 15.6 million users, respectively. In total, in Russia, on average, there are about 25 million users who use social networks at least once a month.

    In the CIS countries, Russian social networks are leading: took the first place, followed by and [email protected]. Thus, is the first in Armenia, [email protected] is the leader in terms of the number of users in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova. But in Belarus and Ukraine, takes the first place.

    The fact that it is Russian social networks that have become most widespread in the CIS countries is due to close social ties between the citizens of these countries and Russians, the popularity and prevalence of the Russian language. Important factors are the high quality of services and the presence of a large number of registered users - what actually keeps the popularity of social Internet projects. The popularity of Russian projects could not suffer with the development of national social networks in the CIS countries - due to the above factors, none of these projects manages to bypass the Russian ones in popularity.

    In Eastern Europe, by contrast, it is regional social networks that attract the most citizens. Having interfaces in state languages ​​and domain names in regional zones, they owe their popularity to the carefully guarded and cultivated identity of the population and their linguistic specificity. In Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, such projects are in the lead in terms of the number of users. The exception is Romania, a country in Eastern Europe, where the largest number of social network users is accounted for by the American project


    At this stage, the development of social networks in Russia, Eastern Europe and the CIS is at different stages. For convenience, J'son & Partners Consulting analysts have divided the social media markets in the CIS countries, Eastern Europe and Russia into four categories based on the size of the social media audience and its growth rate.

    Fig.3. Categories of social media markets by size and audience growth rates.

    First category , which included only Russia, is characterized by a large number of social network users (from 6 million people) and high growth rates. For example, in our country there are currently 25 million social network users, which is comparable to the total number of social network users in other countries under consideration combined. According to J'son & Partners Consulting forecasts, the annual increase in the number of social network users until 2014 in Russia will average about 23%. This dynamic defines Russia as a fast growing and promising market.

    The number of social network users from 6 million and low growth rates These are markets close to saturation. This group includes the Polish market of social networks. Thus, according to the results of 2009, there were about 11 million active users of social networks in Poland. The growth rate of the audience of social networks in Poland is gradually declining, which indicates the saturation of the market.

    The number of social media users of less than 6 million people and low growth rates characterize the social media markets in most countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS . At the same time, the social networking market in Eastern Europe - primarily in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Romania - is characterized by a decrease in audience growth rates. The third group also includes completely new, only emerging markets for social online services in Kazakhstan and Armenia.

    to the fourth group , in turn, includes social media markets with a small number of users (less than 6 million) and high growth rates. This situation is observed in most CIS countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan. Social networks and the Internet itself in these countries are at an early stage of development, characterized by rapid growth. The highest growth rates of the audience of social networks were noted in Uzbekistan - on average, about 40% per year.

    The further development of social networks, as well as methods of traffic monetization, largely depend on the mentality of the people, the spread of electronic payment services, the income of the population and a host of other factors. Advertising and marketing solutions, customization and premium services, games and entertainment, and various communication services are among the most well-known and popular methods of making money from social networks.

    Russian social networks are developing following the example and experience of social networks in the United States and Western Europe; small social networks in Eastern Europe and the CIS, partially adopting the experience of their “big brothers”, are simultaneously looking for their own way to achieve the greatest impact on their users8.

    2. General characteristics and direction of the use of social networks in Russia

    Mankind has always tried to streamline its existence, defining and developing classes, castes, estates, groups. Belonging to one's own class, perhaps, has never been a very interesting task. The emergence of social groups, such as a school class or a university stream, also for a time streamlined the life of an individual. But time passed, the school ended with a graduation party, and student life ended with the presentation of diplomas. Friends and acquaintances parted, became distant in their interests, in a word, the social group disintegrated.

    Social networks on the Internet are a completely unique phenomenon. Any user can choose his social group, and communication in it can be established, even if all participants are in different parts of the country and have not seen each other for many years. ( is the most popular social network of Runet. Its features are listed on the main page - search for classmates and friends, correspondence with them, viewing photos, organizing meetings (Fig. 4).

    Fig.4. The most popular social network.

    The site interface is extremely simple, so we will not consider it. Eighteen million users have managed to figure it out, so no difficulties should arise. It is much more important to imagine the advantages and disadvantages that inevitably await all users who decide to join a social network.

    The advantages include the search for people. Yes, you can see your whole class again, see what funny boys and girls have become now, tell them about yourself. You, too, can be found even by those friends and friends with whom all contacts have been lost. A sea of ​​emotions, making new-old acquaintances, observing amazing metamorphoses - all this awaits you immediately after registering on the site.

    The disadvantages of being on social media are not immediately felt. For starters, get ready to spend quite a bit of time on the site. Why? Yes, because a lot of old acquaintances will write to you - everyone needs to answer, they will evaluate your photos on a five-point scale, which means you will also need to look at their photos and put down ratings. Recall of addresses and phone numbers will be collectively-joint, so you will have to take an active part in this. All this requires a lot of time, and, most likely, your stay on the site will be absolutely necessary in the midst of the working day. Therefore, it will be necessary to push boring things aside and plunge into the world of nostalgia. Of course, this will affect the work itself.

    Be prepared for the fact that messages will be written to you not only by old friends, but also by new strangers. After all, from a technical point of view, a social network is not much different from a regular dating service. Therefore, persistent spam should be expected.

    It also needs to be understood that, despite the enchanting possibility of renewing old ties, let's ask ourselves why these contacts were broken? Why did a few friends from school always stay in touch with you, unlike the rest, who were completely lost? Maybe different interests, different destinies, lack of common topics for conversation, social circle? Your paths parted when you were children, and now, as adults, they can converge again? Social networks cannot bring you back to the classroom as a schoolboy, they only allow you to communicate with people who have become who they are now.

    But the main disadvantage of social networks is the provision of complete, reliable information about you. Apart from the proverb "Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are", forgotten but still working, anyone here can get a detailed idea of ​​you. Numerous photographs, often looking like a reflection of a tax return, help to attract the attention of not only your friends.

    Rice. 5. Search for social networks in the Yandex Catalog.

    The commercial success of Odnoklassniki.Ru has led to what social networks are now doing or trying to do, all and sundry. Therefore, a simple search in Yandex itself can lead to a low-quality site, which may not at all guarantee the confidentiality of the information provided. Therefore, it makes sense to use sites that have been tested by the editors of Yandex Catalog. Unscrupulous sites cannot get there.

    My Circle. The social network Moi Krug ( is not developing at the expense of the nostalgic feelings of its users. Work, work and work is the main idea of ​​this resource (Fig. 6).

    Fig.6. Social network My Circle (

    After registering and filling in information about themselves, users invite their colleagues and friends to their circle (communication). This is how the first circle of communication is formed. Friends of friends automatically form a second circle. The third circle is formed in the same way.

    The network provides the ability to search for jobs, services or employees. In order to inform your first circle that you are looking for a job, it is enough to check the box "I am looking for a job" (Fig. 7).

    Fig.7. Profile fragment.

    In the same way, you will learn about your friends' job searches. As a result, a very old, offline principle is being implemented - work for one's own.

    The service encourages you to provide information about yourself in the most complete way. The percentage scale allows you to certain services after filling out the profile.

    However, you can view vacancies, an employee's profile and even his photo album without registering on the site at all. For example, let's find all users who have indicated Moscow State University as their university in their profile (Fig. 8).

    Fig.8. Search for people at the request of Moscow State University.

    But in order to contact a person, you have to register. Note that descriptions of the place of work or study, as well as the surname of users, are openly indexed by search engines.

    With the help of the service My Circle you can view a list of all employees working in a particular company. Firms, especially those working in the field of information technology, like to register with all teams on My Circle.

    The principle of job search and creating, in fact, personal profiles of professionals is the basis of the largest English-language social network LinkedIn (

    Tesen World! Tesen World! ( is a social network with users linked to a geographic map (Fig. 9).

    Fig.9. Social network Tesen World!( The video on the main page clearly demonstrates the idea of ​​the service.

    Even without registration, in two clicks you can see all the users who are with you in the same city. Entering the network and indicating our street, we will find our neighbors and friends. Indeed, the world is small!

    The service allows you to create communities, search for friends by interests, blog, exchange messages, post your photos. But the most interesting features are pointing yourself on the map, linking descriptions and opinions to certain places.

    In contact with. To be in contact only with those with whom you want to communicate allows the social network "VKontakte" ( This is a social network with groups, friends, messages, search, etc. On the main page of the site, we are greeted by a step-by-step wizard that clearly demonstrates all the advantages of the network. For example, your data, such as phone and e-mail, is best shown only to friends. And the service allows you to do this (Fig. 10).

    Fig.10. Restriction of contact information. Be in contact only with friends.

    In posted group photos, it is best to list the participants by name. But not just "Left - right ...", but highlighting each character with a graphic frame and entering his name (Fig. 11).

    Fig.11. Each participant in the photo will receive highlighting and recognition.

    Viewing photos, visitors will no longer leave comments like: who is the third in the second row? Everything is simple and clear.

    Vkontakte is a repository of video and audio clips. A place for communication of more than 14 million people, and the number of users is displayed in real time (Fig. 12).

    Fig.12. Fragment of the main page. When you decide to visit it, the number will be much higher.

    The VKontakte service was accused of being similar to the American social network Facebook (

    Infographics are always simple and beautiful. Even a person who does not know English can easily understand it. Today I want to tell you about a study from the company - Web Design Company which they posted on their blog. I will try to state its main theses in Russian.
    So, the infographic is built on the five most popular social networks today - Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
    It is in this order that these networks are arranged in accordance with the number of registered users:
    1. Facebook - 901 million users,
    2. Twitter - 555 million users,
    3. Google - 170 million users,
    4. LinkedIn - 150 million users,
    5. Pinterest - 11.7 million users.

    This is followed by an indicator such as number of unique visitors per month:
    1. Facebook - 7012.9 million,
    2. Twitter - 182.1 million,
    3. Pinterest - 104.4 million,
    4. LinkedIn - 85.7 million,
    5. Google - 61.0 million

    The next indicator by which these social networks were compared is male to female ratio in them (I am a man and therefore they are arranged in descending order of the percentage of men in them):
    1. Google - 63% of men and 37% of women,
    2. LinkedIn - 55% and 45% respectively,
    3. Twitter - 43% and 57%,
    4. Facebook - 40% and 60%,
    5. Pinterest - 31.8% and 68.2%.
    As you can see, the vast majority of men prefer Google and LinkedIn, while women use Pinterest the most. In general, I advise those who are not familiar with this social network to get acquainted. Very interesting and promising service in my opinion.

    This is followed by such an important indicator as average amount of time spent on the social network per user(min. per month):
    1. Facebook - 405,
    2. Pinterest - 89,
    3. Twitter - 21,
    4. LinkedIn - 17,
    5. Google - 3.
    As you can see, users spend most of their time on Facebook and Pinterest.

    Followed by age characteristics of social network users. It’s probably not worth listing all the categories, because everything is already clear on the Infographics, but it’s still worth pointing out the peak values:
    1. Facebook.
    29% of the users of this social network are between the ages of 18 and 25 and 23% are between the ages of 26 and 34. By simple mathematical calculations, we find that 62% of the users of the social network Facebook are people aged 18 to 34 years.
    2. Twitter.
    30% of Twitter users are people aged 26 to 34, 27% of users are 35 to 44 years old. Here we already see a shift in the main user mass to a higher age category - from 26 to 44 years old - 57% of users.
    3. Google.
    The ratio of the age categories of users of this social network is very similar to the ratio in Facebook, but the numbers are still different: 23% aged 18 to 25 years and 35% - aged 26 to 34 years. In total, these two categories combine 58% of this social network.
    4. LinkedIn.
    A very close percentage of mainstream users to Twitter, with 31.2% of users aged 26 to 34 and 24.8% of users aged 35 to 44. The total number of users of the combined age range from 26 to 44 years will be 56%.
    And finally, the dark horse (for some, but I'm just starting to get to know her) - Pinterest. In it, users are distributed almost evenly already in three age categories - from 26 to 34 years old (28%), from 35 to 44 years old (28%) and from 45 to 54 years old (25%). And here we already see that the majority of users (81% in total) are distributed based on their age in a much wider range (from 26 to 54 years old).

    And finally, the last point that we are offered in the framework of this study is estimated value of users of social media data:
    1. Facebook - $118
    2. Twitter - $71.43
    3. LinkedIn - $71
    4. Pinterest - $28.09
    For some reason missing from this Google metric.

    Well, below is the infographic itself and a link to the company's website.