Real power bank, or how to distinguish a fake from the original. How to identify the original Xiaomi Power Bank How to identify the original xiaomi power bank

Hello. Today I want to talk about my recent acquisition, this is a Xiaomi Power Bank 2 external battery with a capacity of 10000 mAh.

I am a city dweller, but I often visit my parents in the countryside, although there is electricity there, I don’t want to occupy an extra outlet, and this is not always convenient. It's summer now, it's time to work in the country, but there is no electricity at all, and this purchase is designed to help.

Xiaomi has long established itself as an excellent electronics manufacturer, and I myself know this firsthand. I purchased both an excellent Xiaomi RedMi 4 Pro smartphone and a Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet, now it's time to try out the so-called power bank, especially since it costs only 1100 rubles.

The box came a little crumpled from the sides, no wonder, because the parcel was packed in a regular envelope with one layer of pimply film. The main thing is that the insides were not affected.

Interestingly, the kit comes with a USB cable, although the product page in Aliexpress does not indicate the presence of such, but it is possible to immediately purchase a cable. I was seduced and ordered at the same time also a cable.

This cable is of good quality, the tips are made of metal, the cable itself is stitched with cloth, in general a very good cable, but now I don’t understand what to do with it now.

However, it is much longer than the included cable, so it has some advantage.

Now it is easy to stumble upon a fake on the Internet, and external batteries from Xiaomi are also faked quite often. Therefore, be careful when ordering goods, especially from Aliexpress. One of the confirmations of authenticity is a special holographic sticker on the box.

Also, a fake can be detected by inaccurate or completely crooked writing of the capacity on the end of the battery. It's all right here.

The power bank itself is very thin and stylish, unlike the first version of the battery from Xiaomi. That device was too thick, so it was not always convenient to carry it with you.

Everything has been taken into account in this model, the weight has decreased, the style has remained, but the capacity has not fallen.

The case is made of metal, it pleasantly cools the hand. In general, it is very pleasant to hold this power bank in your hand, it is really clear that the company did their best.

All controls and connectors are displayed on the upper end. Here you will find a socket for charging the battery itself, a USB port for connecting various electronics for subsequent charging.

There is also a button, by pressing which you can see the charge level of the external battery. At the same time, four LEDs light up, judging by which you can find out the level of charge. All 4 LEDs are on - the power bank is charged, for example, one is on - in the battery from 0% to 25% charge.

I tried to charge my Meizu M3 Note, which has a battery capacity of 4100 mAh. It turned out that Xiaomi power bank 2 charges my phone from 0 to 100 exactly 2 times without any problems. After that, 1 LED remains on the external battery, that is, there is not much charge left in it. Naturally, the real capacity of this device is less than the declared one, but I boldly assert that these values ​​are close.

I am very pleased with this purchase and would recommend to everyone. Especially for those who cannot have access to an outlet 24 hours a day.

Barcode check

ATTENTION! A correct barcode does not yet give a 100% guarantee of the originality of the product. However, an incorrect barcode is a clear sign of a fake.
To verify the authenticity of the barcode, you can use the form below.

Enter 13 digits of the barcode:Check

You bought a cool smartphone and are very excited about your new acquisition.

The only fly in the ointment in such gadgets is their weak battery. It seems that a solution has been found - portable batteries or power banks (Power Bank).

This article provides practical advice on determining the originality of Xiaomi Power Bank 20000 mAh batteries.

Packaging differences

  1. The original battery always has white packaging. In addition to the Mi logo, there should be no other drawings on the front side.
  2. The cardboard from which the packaging is made is of excellent quality, quite dense.
  3. Inside the box there is another box that is of the same good quality as the top one.
  4. The battery and accessories sit firmly in the second box, they do not dangle from side to side.
  5. The battery itself is neatly packaged in a white translucent cellophane.

Original packaging

There must be at least two stickers on the side of the box. The first contains a barcode.

In order to be able to recharge a smartphone or tablet in a timely manner, it is not at all necessary to constantly be in close proximity to the mains. There is an alternative option with which the process of replenishing the charge level of your gadget can be carried out in any environment, even outside the city or in a car.

We are talking about external batteries that have the ability to accumulate an electric charge and give it out when other devices are connected. One of the best manufacturers of such devices is the Chinese brand Xiaomi, which presented a number of models of various capacities. However, like all quality products, its products are often copied by unscrupulous manufacturers. How to avoid the possibility of buying a fake Xiaomi external battery? You will learn all about this from our article.

This is due to the fact that the buyer does not have the slightest idea of ​​what structural components the device consists of, what components were used and whether all technological nuances were observed. Xiaomi carefully monitors the quality of its products, controls their production at every stage and guarantees their impeccable quality.

Also, by purchasing a fake Xiaomi Mi Power Bank, the risk of discrepancy between the declared capacitive indicators and the real ones increases sharply. This means that the number of possible recharges of the gadget will be less than the owner expected.

And most importantly, a fake product can cause the devices connected to it to fail, since the quality of the connectors can be far from the best and safe.

Pay attention to capacity

Currently, only 6 models can be purchased with a variety of capacity options. The indicator is measured in mAh:

  • 5 000;
  • 5 200;
  • 10 000;
  • 10 400;
  • 16 000;
  • 20 000.

Accordingly, if you are offered a Xiaomi external battery with a different capacity, then this will be a clear sign of a fake product. And by the way, it is definitely a fake Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 20800, since the manufacturer did not release this option for sale.

On the back of the device, the manufacturer applies data on the capacitive characteristics of the device. On original products, you will find numbers and letters in a pleasant silver hue. If you touch them, they will be slightly rough.

If you are dealing with a copy of Xiaomi, then the letters / numbers will most likely be black and glossy. There is a possibility that they will be fuzzy, and their contours will be blurry.

code designation

In order to make sure that you do not have a fake Xiaomi Power Bank 20000 or other modification, it is recommended to pay attention to the data contained in the code on the package. The box of this machine must have a sticker with a protective layer on the top. It is enough to rub it with a hard object, as a combination of 20 numbers will appear before your eyes.

It is needed in order to enter it in the appropriate field on the website For ease of introduction, the code combination is divided into four parts of 5 digits. Just below you will see a captcha field, which is required to confirm that the request was sent by a real person and not a robot.

After pressing the Verify button, literally a few seconds will pass, and information about the origin of the device will appear on the monitor. You will also find out how many times a request for Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 10000 was made. Please note that if this figure is greater than one, then someone already has access to the identification code, which cannot but alert.

USB cable design

Regardless of the modification, microUSB is included in the original product package. It is completely white, there are no markings on it, including things like Mi, or brand names, and the manufacturer recommends charging an external battery through it.

It is recommended to carefully inspect the connector, as its inner plastic part should be black. In most fake Xiaomi Power Bank 10400 and other variants, the connector inside will be white, sometimes with jagged edges.

Another feature - the inside of the USB ports must be made of pastel-colored white plastic.

The fake ones will have a black plastic material in the microUSB port, while the standard USB will have a milky white hue.

Flow Charging

Agree, how convenient is the flow charging function: it is enough to connect an external battery to the network, and already another gadget to it, and simultaneously charge two devices at once. Fake models are not capable of this.

It is easy to check this: connect the Xiaomi power bank to the electrical network (it is not recommended to connect it to a laptop or PC, because there may not be enough power for this check), and a smartphone or tablet to it. If you have a fake Xiaomi Power Bank 2 or another model, then only the battery itself will be charged. The phone/tablet will not be recharged.

Function of the LED indicators

The original Xiaomi power bank is distinguished by its ability to keep the LEDs glowing when charging and holding the power button. Even if you release it, the indicators will not go out, but will continue to burn. Accordingly, the copy does not know how to do this, therefore, no matter how much you press the button when recharging, the LEDs will not work.

And one more important point: the presence in real Xiaomi external batteries of the function of protection against recharging the gadget “itself”. Checking for its presence is very simple: connect the cable included in the kit to both ports at once and make sure that the device will stop working. But the fake version will try to replenish the charge even in this way.

Rechargeable batteries

You can verify their original origin only if you carry out an independent opening of the product. Keep in mind that after this procedure, the terms of warranty service will no longer apply to it due to the fact that the integrity of the case has been violated. The Xiaomi brand installs batteries from trusted companies that have proven the quality of their products. We are talking about LG, Samsung and Panasonic. If you have batteries of a different brand in front of you, then this is clearly a counterfeit product.

To connect their contacts, strong wires are used, without breaks and backlash. They are thick enough, unlike non-original wires, which eliminates the possibility of their melting at high current.

Using our advice, you can buy a Xiaomi power bank in the original design and get confidence in its durability and reliability.

Xiaomi is a fairly young Chinese company, just over five years old. But it is already being called "Chinese Apple" for its many quality products with excellent design. Moreover, they manage to combine these qualities with a great price. But now is not about that. The popularity of Xiaomi products is so great that almost immediately the Chinese themselves began to fake them. That is why it is necessary to be more than careful when choosing a place to buy Xiaomi products and their subsequent verification.

How to recognize fake Xiaomi

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  • First of all, wherever you buy goods - in Russia or in China, do not rush to the cheapest prices. Find and read store and seller reviews on Aliexpress. It is best to find a topic on a product of interest in specialized forums - they usually discuss good sellers there.

    Secondly, upon receipt of the goods, it must be checked for authenticity. Here, Xiaomi itself took care of the buyers - the company's website has a special section for verification, and there is a unique secret code on the boxes with the goods. The code is covered with a protective layer that can be erased with a coin.

    To check any Xiaomi product for authenticity, go to the website, select English and enter 20 digits of the secret code.

    After we press "Verify now" - check. If your device is a genuine Xiaomi device, you will see something like the following picture:

    The tested product is Mi Power Bank, an external battery. It is also clear that this code was entered only once on the site and no one tried to check it before us. From this information we conclude that we have a really genuine product.

    If you have any questions -! Be careful and don't fall for fakes!

    Smartphone designers of almost all companies strive to make their devices thinner. Often, the autonomy of gadgets suffers from this, although according to customer surveys, it is its higher indicator that is the most desirable in new models.

    In contact with

    Because of this, you have to resort to the world of auxiliary accessories, in the top of which are (namely Power Bank, and not battery cases, which greatly inflate harmonious devices).

    The most popular model has become, characterized by a low price and good quality. But the problem is that there is no official delivery to the CIS, and about 80% of Xiaomi external batteries sold are fake. In this article, we will tell you how to distinguish an original high-quality accessory from devices made by people who are hungry for profit.

    I personally became a "victim" of a fake by ordering Xiaomi Mi Power Bank for 16,000 mAh. Ultimately, the battery is able to charge the iPhone 6 a little less than a full two times, and the self-discharge of the battery is simply huge. But with the purchase of Xiaomi Mi Power Bank for 5,000 mAh, I was lucky and now there are clearly signs of a fake and an original device. By adding world experience, we got this material.


    Mi Power Bank is packed in a white package made of high quality cardboard.

    It will have a license sticker with a unique code under an erasable protective coating consisting of 20 digits.

    It is enough to go to the official Xiaomi page and enter the code, as many questions will automatically disappear. A fake may not have a sticker at all, or it will have an indelible surface. This method of checking for originality is the simplest and most effective.


    The short original charging cable has plastic with black connectors inside the USB plug. For fakes, they are usually white.

    Butt with specification

    The easiest place to determine if a device belongs to a particular camp.

    The lettering should be clear but not bright, while fake print is darker and the edges are often blurry or have ink streaks. Frankly weak fakes have a completely different text and obvious errors. For example, the inscription under the icon "LHON", although it should be "LI-ION".

    front part

    The MI logo should be darker, and the fake font is often somewhat larger. The very surface of the fake aluminum gives a light glare, which clearly smacks of cheapness, while the original "can" has a matte, almost non-reflective surface, very similar to the MacBook case. In addition, the case of counterfeit products often has scuffs or small scratches.

    End with buttons, indicator and USB

    1 . The indicator in the original Power Bank, covered with a protective transparent plastic, has a very small diameter. In a fake, the holes for the indicators are usually larger, and there is no protection at all.

    2 . Inside the MicroUSB port there is a plate with contacts. The original is white, the fake is black.

    3 . The plate of the original USB port is white, while the counterfeit one is beige.

    4 . At the far end of the USB port, there should be a company logo - "MI".

    What is inside?

    The original Mi Power Bank battery uses LG proprietary batteries connected directly to the circuit board. Fake external batteries have a mediocre manufacturer, and the batteries themselves are connected to the board through thin wires that are prone to heat.


    If you turn on the original Mi Power Bank to be charged through the adapter to the outlet and simultaneously connect the iPhone to it, then both devices should be charged. In a fake external battery, this is not possible. The test fails if charging is carried out from the computer's USB port.

    While charging the iPhone or iPad with the original Power Bank, the indicator will blink.


    When buying a Mi Power Bank, like any other device, the cost should not be lower than the price indicated on the official website. If you do not place an order from the official website through an intermediary, then make sure that the third-party store that sends the battery to your region has positive reviews on the product and a high rating (usually the markup in such stores can reach 60% of the original cost of the product). Be carefull!