How to return the language bar. How do I restore the language bar? Missing language bar - what to do

Windows has existed for two decades in different versions and modifications. But novice users of a personal computer still often have such a problem as the loss of the language bar. Search engines and forums are teeming with screams of panicked "users" calling for help. "The language doesn't work!" or “help enable this thing that's gone” are the most common requests. This problem was badly sinned by the operating system XP, but for the "seven" this flaw remains relevant. Apparently, the developers from Silicon Valley simply "forgot" on the Russian-speaking "users", forcing the users to clean up their sins. Let's try to understand why the language bar disappeared in Windows 7.

The situation when the panel for choosing the language disappears is very popular. How to display it? And what to do in this unpleasant situation, we will consider with the help of several examples. Let's start with the simplest.

Option one

It happens that the user, for some reason, has disabled the language layout on his own. To return this function back, you need the following:

It should be noted that for the appearance of the language bar in the system, at least two languages ​​must be active. You can check this in the "General" tab.

It was noticed that most often the language panel disappears when the Russian language is installed as the main one. Incorrect operation of applications and installed programs is considered the main reason for the disappearance of the language bar. If this misunderstanding is too frequent, use a program such as PuntoSwitcher and disable the "native" language bar permanently. So why does the "Windows" language disappear?

Option two. Not looking for someone to blame or restoring Windows 7 Task Scheduler

In the "seven", in comparison with XP, the task scheduler is responsible for launching the language layout. In the case when this option is not started by anyone, the language layout will not be displayed. You can do it like this:

IMPORTANT! Use only trusted sites to avoid getting malware and spyware on your personal computer.

  1. After downloading and unpacking, right-click on "TextServicesFramework" and import the file we need. After turning on the task, we reboot the computer.

Option three. Restore using the registry

All of the above didn't help and the language bar still disappears? Something stubbornly refuses to work? Do not despair! In this case, we will rule the holy of holies of every computer - the system registry. To do this, we need to download the file from the Internet, and then enable it. You can configure the system registry by doing the following manipulations:

Option four. last hope

The last and most reliable way to solve this problem will be to download a small program like PuntoSwitcher, the main goal of which is not to return the Windows language bar, but to replace it on our own. Its main feature is that when you enter such gibberish as, for example, "zpsrjdfzgfytkm", it automatically translates into Russian and "understands" that you entered the "language bar". Download and install PuntoSwitcher, and you will have a program icon that you can click to turn off automatic language switching. With this option, it will be similar to the Windows language layout.


I hope that the answer to such an urgent question: why the language bar disappeared in windows 7 and how to fix this problem has been fully disclosed. It is very easy to turn on the panel for choosing the language using the instructions above. Good luck.

The language bar is used to control the keyboard layout on a working personal computer. Usually it is located on the panel at the very bottom of the screen, which is called the tray. When minimized, it displays the abbreviation of the current input language, for example Ru (Russan) or En (English). This article details how to find and restore the disappeared language bar back to the desktop in Windows 7, as well as how to add a language to the language bar.

Before trying to locate the missing language control button, try taking a close look at your desktop. The fact is that in the tray it is only in a minimized state, while in the expanded state it is a small window into which the system can display the current input language.

Tray settings

The most trivial way to restore the language bar is to change the tray configuration. Perhaps you or any other user, while performing some tasks, accidentally changed the settings through the control panel, as a result of which the object you need was hidden.

You need to right-click anywhere in the tray that is free of icons. In the expanded drop-down menu, you need to select the very first section, which is called "Panels". You need to check the box next to the "Language bar" to re-enable this interface element and return it to the position you are used to.

Language setting

If the simple method described above does not have an effect, users can try to return the desired object through the Windows control menu. To complete these tasks, you will need to do the following:

You can also add a new language to the list of used ones using the "Add" button, which is located here, in the control menu, in the "General" tab. Just select the layouts you are interested in from the list, mark them with checkboxes and click "Ok", after which they will be installed in your operating system in addition to the standard English and Russian.

Windows Registry

If the previous methods did not help you restore the language bar in Windows 7, it is possible that your system registry has been damaged as a result of system failures or the actions of virus programs. If the corresponding entry has been removed from the task list, the language control button will not be displayed correctly on the desktop.

It is not the first time that a letter with the subject “ Missing language bar in Windows 7! Help! ". Therefore, I will try to help not only the addressee, but also everyone who also lost the language bar in Windows 7.

First, let's remember what a language bar is. Language bar Is a special toolbar that is automatically displayed on the desktop when text input services (input languages, keyboard layouts, recognition of manual input, etc.) are enabled. The language bar allows the user to quickly switch keyboard layouts or input languages ​​right from the desktop. The user can place the language bar anywhere on the screen, you can also move it to the taskbar or simply collapse. The typical location for the language bar in Windows 7 is in the lower right corner of the screen, next to the tray.

However, it sometimes happens that the language bar disappears. Usually this can be the result of a virus, or, on the contrary, a too "smart" system optimizer or system cleaning program (you need to use them with caution and understanding what is happening). You might argue, but so what, because the keyboard layout can still be switched using the usual keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift. However, in my opinion, working without visualizing the current layout is not very convenient.

Restoring the language bar in Windows 7

How can you get the language bar back to win7? In general, I know several ways to restore it, each of which can help in one case or another (it usually depends on the reason for the damage to your this system setting). I will list the methods known to me to restore the language bar in Windows 7 in order of increasing complexity of their implementation.

1. Restoration by standards by means of Windows

The language bar should now appear in the tray.

If that doesn't help, go to the second method.

2. Recovering the language bar using Windows 7 Scheduler

One of the features of the language bar in Windows 7 (as opposed to XP) is the fact that the system scheduler is responsible for launching it. Rather, the scheduler launches not the language panel itself, but the utility ctfmon.exe(it is she who controls the language bar in Windows 7) . Therefore, if the scheduler service for some reason is not started, then the language panel, respectively, will not appear.

Make sure that the scheduler service is started and the type of start it is Auto.

3. Recovery through the Windows 7 registry

Let's move on to more complex methods of dealing with the missing language bar in Windows 7. Let's try to add a utility for managing the language bar ctfmon.exe to startup. But first, check that this file is in principle present (it should be located in the C: \ Windows \ System32 directory). If it is not there, copy it from the production system. Then:

It seems that everything, I hope that if you have lost the language bar in Windows 7, this article will help you restore it. If none of the proposed methods helped you, write in the comments, we will try to solve the problem together.

Let's consider the most common reasons for the disappearance of the language bar from the desktop and how you can reinstall it.

The language bar is traditionally located at the bottom right of the screen and is a rectangular area indicating the current keyboard language. If you move the mouse carelessly or after the system settings have been made, this panel may move or completely disappear from the screen.

Algorithm of actions in order to install the language bar on the desktop.

The above method is well suited for solving everyday problems associated with simple failures in the operating system. But often critical failures can significantly damage system files and this method will be ineffective and a system error will occur when switching the language. In this case, you can use the second one.

Search for the Task Manager service and make sure it is active and running automatically. If the service fails to start, open the Start menu. In the search box (bottom line), type the word regedit and then press Enter.

When you find the key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ services \ Schedule (language settings), select the Start option. Set the value to 2 and restart the computer (this item repeats the settings of the language bar from item 4 of the previous algorithm).

If none of the above methods could help with your problem, then you will either have to restore the system state to the time of normal operation or install specialized software products that monitor the state of the language bar.

What to do when the Windows 7 language bar disappeared, how to restore it and not let it disappear again? Let's figure it out, and also consider what it is.

Not all users switch the language on a computer using the Ctrl or Alt + Shift hotkeys. Many people need a language bar for this. And to see what language is currently chosen for entering text is extremely necessary for working with text documents and during correspondence. This element is usually displayed on the taskbar, although it can be floating (placed on the desktop). If it is on the desktop, then the language panel must be minimized by clicking on the button of the same name at the bottom right. After that, she will take her place.

You can return the language bar to Windows 7, which is not present on the desktop either, in the following ways ":

  • through the corresponding element of the "Control Panel";
  • using the registry editor;
  • adding a link to the file responsible for the function in autorun;
  • via the command line.

How can you restore the language panel in the "Seven" without resorting to tricks like launching the command line? We carry out the algorithm below.

  1. First of all, open the "Control Panel" through "Start", "Explorer" or in another way.

  1. In the panel, click on the "Language, Regional Standards" icon if the elements are displayed as icons.

Another option to get into the desired window is to execute the "intl.cpl" command in the Win + R command interpreter or in the "Start" search bar.

  1. Switch to the "Languages ​​and Keyboards" tab.

Also, this window is opened by the command "control intl.cpl, 2".

  1. Click on the "Change keyboard ..." button.

  1. In the lower part of the window called "Installed Services" we look to see that the system has at least two languages ​​(Russian and English, for example).

As you can see, this is the problem, and to solve it we need to add one more language. The next steps should be followed by those who do not have the required language on the taskbar. If everything is in order here, go to step 9, which shows how the language bar is restored in Windows 7.

  1. Click on the "Add" button.

  1. Find the desired section, expand it and then click on the "Keyboard" element.

  1. We mark the added language with a checkbox and close the window with changes to the system.

  1. Click on the name of the second tab.

  1. Here you need to put a switch next to the satisfying option:
  • "Placed anywhere on the desktop" - allows you to display a floating window on the desktop or dock it;
  • "Pinned to the taskbar" - the corresponding icon will return to the taskbar near the clock;
  • Hidden - most likely this option is activated, so the element is not displayed.
  1. Click "OK" to save the new settings.

In the "General" tab (section "Default input language") you can set the language that will be used for entering text in the system as standard.

The "Switch keyboard" tab allows you to configure the combinations of buttons that change the keyboard layout, as well as set their combination to select a specific language.

If necessary, an item can be placed anywhere on the taskbar, including between the Start button and shortcuts, and pinned there. If, after restarting the computer, the language bar is again not in its usual place, then the source of the problem lies in a different plane.

Registry editor

You can also enable the display of the language bar, which for some reason disappeared, by directly editing the registry key responsible for displaying it.

  1. Open the registry editor by executing the "regedit" command in the search bar or Win + R command interpreter.

  1. Expand the branch with global configuration parameters and go to the "Software" section.

  1. We go to the address: "Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion". Here you need to find the "CTFMon" key or make sure it is absent.

Most likely it is not there - we correct the situation.

  1. Call the "Create" command through the context menu and select the parameter type as "String".

  1. We replace its name with "CTFMon", although it doesn't matter what it will be, the main thing is the meaning.
  1. By means of the context menu of the element or by double-clicking on it, open the editing dialog.

  1. Enter the value as "% windir% \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe" and click "OK".

After rebooting, we check the effectiveness of the work done.

For a beginner, to return this interface element to its place, you can perform the above algorithm without the registry editor.

  1. Go to the directory "% userprofile% \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup".

  1. Call the command for creating a shortcut through the context menu of the free area of ​​the window.

  1. We click "Browse" and set the path for storing the ctfmon.exe file - usually it is "C: \ Windows \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe", but in order to avoid the situation when the system volume is not the C: \ drive, enter "% windir% \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe "and click" Next ".

  1. Enter any name for the shortcut and click "Finish".

As a result, we will have a shortcut for launching after the start of the operating system of the program responsible for alternative input methods and the language panel, in particular.

Command line or interpreter

The easiest way to perform the procedure is through the command or search line "Start" or the command interpreter (consider it as an example, because the fastest).

  1. Press Win + R and enter the following line REG ADD HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run / v CTFMon / t REG_SZ / d% windir% \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe / f then press Enter or click "OK"

This will create a string parameter "CTFMon" with the value of the path to the ctfmon.exe file in the registry key specified after the "ADD" command. If this entry exists, it will be overwritten without prompting. In general, everything is the same that was done through the registry editor, only much faster.

Video how to restore the language bar

The video shows how to quickly return the language bar to Windows 7 using the first method.