Energy saving lamps for the kitchen. What are the best bulbs for your home? Comparison of LED and energy saving lamps

Arranging lighting in an apartment and in your yard is a rather difficult task. Due to the many different models of light sources, the choice can be lengthy and really difficult. After choosing such lighting that will not suit your requirements, you will remain dissatisfied, and it may be necessary to spend extra money for replacement.

In this article, we will help you choose powerful energy saving lamps for you. Let's talk about the principle of their work and how they work. Let's write down what varieties exist and compare with the most popular models such as halogen, incandescent and LED. We will describe the process of selecting a device and tell you which manufacturers are better to choose.

The structure and principle of operation of the lamp

Often the same. They consist of a base - a plinth. It can be of different types, but mainly there are varieties of e27 and e40. It is equipped with two contacts for connection, the plus is located on the back in the form of a dot, and the minus is directed to the entire base.

Also, the walls are made in the form of a spiral thread, in order to be able to screw the base into a standard cartridge e27 and e40.

The outer visible part of the lamp is represented by a glass spiral, which is filled with special vapors, which are ignited when current is applied and the entire system is triggered. The tube usually contains mercury vapors, which emit light. Due to this design feature, llamas cannot be thrown away, but must be disposed of in special receivers.

The curved spiral design is due to the fact that, thanks to this shape, the lamp is much more compact with a rather long glass tube. This is done in order to significantly save space and the ability to use the devices in standard home lighting fixtures.

A special electrical circuit is installed in the base, which is responsible for the ignition and stabilization of the device. Also, through it, the current necessary for the functioning of the lamp is sold. You can call such a component a ballast, but in simple terms it is called electronic ballast.

Such a device works according to the following principle. After the start of the current supply, it enters the electrodes and heats them up to the required temperature. After reaching the required heating, the process of thermionic emission occurs. Then the electrodes begin to release a stream of electrons, which collide with the atoms, which in turn begin to emit light.

But mercury, by its nature, emits only ultraviolet light, which is invisible to the human eye. Here the phosphor enters the work, which transforms it and gives out the already visible spectrum of light. The thermal index of light of such lamps is at around 2700 to 6500K. It depends on the type of phosphor.

Such a device is capable of emitting its own visible light, but its share is only two percent, the rest of the light is ultraviolet, which interacts with the phosphor. The visible part of the light does not participate in the transformation in any way and remains unchanged.

Small comparison with analogues

The technical characteristics of energy-saving lamps differ significantly from other similar devices. Therefore, to be sure whether you need just such a light bulb, you should compare it with similar analogs.

For comparison, it is worth choosing the most common light sources such as halogen, LED and incandescent bulbs.

Very often, manufacturers like to compare a fluorescent lamp with an incandescent lamp right on the package. Adding visually comparing some technical characteristics, such as power, or adding flashy names, which set out the essence of the difference itself.

We will compare them according to the following criteria: power, emitted light flux, required voltage indicator, durability, type of base. The power of the bulbs is completely different, and it is generally accepted to compare it precisely with the power of incandescent lamps, this is a kind of constant constant.

Halogen bulbs have roughly the same performance as a similar incandescent light bulb. LED ones, on the other hand, have up to ten times less power. Energy saving lamps have a power rating of about 15 watts, which is equivalent to a 60 watt light bulb.

Compare different types of lamps

An average 15 watt light bulb is capable of emitting about eight hundred lumens. The radiation index of halogen lamps will be several times lower. LED, with this power, will be able to produce more than one and a half thousand lumens.

All of these devices are capable of operating from a 220 volt network. Only LEDs need additional equipment, since their standard operating voltage is 12 volts. But you can purchase a device with a built-in transformer to create the required voltage indicator.

E27 and e40 base have incandescent lamps, LED fluorescent devices. Halogen ones require the use of a specialized lamp, with a special connection diagram. Although there are options with a conventional e27 or e40 base.

In terms of service life, the devices differ significantly, having the same power, they will be able to serve the following number of hours:

  • Incandescent lamp - 1000 hours on average.
  • Halogen - about 2-3 thousand hours.
  • Luminescent devices - 10-15 thousand working hours.
  • LED - over 50,000.

Based on this, it can be assumed that energy-saving light bulbs have fairly good performance in comparison with their counterparts. They do not compromise on them at all and will be able to satisfy your needs in full.

In terms of popularity and with a more in-depth analysis of the characteristics, energy-saving light bulbs take an honorable second place after LED ones.

Choosing an energy-saving lamp

Choosing the right device for lighting your room, you will be completely satisfied with your choice and it will suit all the wishes and requirements for the place where you install the light bulb.

What indicators should you pay attention to without fail:

  • The first thing to note is the installation location. These bulbs will not function normally in every room. The same applies to the lamp, if installed in the bathroom, it is necessary to select a waterproof lamp.
  • The need for luminous flux power. Depending on your personal wishes and the need to create a certain level of light, you should also choose the power of the light bulb. For example, for the work area, you should choose more powerful devices to provide the required luminous flux. In a bedroom or a desk lamp for reading, a low-power device is sufficient. If you want to fully illuminate your yard, then buy a high power fluorescent lamp.
  • The type of socket in which the light bulb will be installed. You should select such a light bulb so that it is equipped with an e27 or e40 base, these two options are most common in home lamps. The e27 and e40 chuck is compatible with the e27 and e40 sockets, respectively.
  • When choosing a device for illuminating a home nursery or an aquarium, you should choose a lamp for just such purposes. There are also varieties for home and outdoor use. They have different degrees of protection against dust and moisture.

Which manufacturer is better

You should not weed out all the cheap manufacturers at once and stop only at expensive brands. As a rule, absolutely everyone has a share of marriage. And it is completely unknown and unpredictable whether you will fall into this unpleasant percentage by paying substantial money or a meager amount.

Less popular and budget brands use cheap materials in their devices. This is precisely due to the low price. But not the fact that they all produce low-quality products. As often happens, such devices work no worse than their expensive counterparts, but their service life may be lower.

With the ever-increasing price of electricity, we strive to save money and at the same time use normal lighting that does not hurt the eyes, is bright enough and does not cause irritation. That is why energy efficient devices are the most optimal solution for those who want to use high-quality light economically. From this material, you will find out which lamps are the most energy-saving, which varieties currently exist, the better this or that type and whether their cost really pays off.

Energy saving lamps: which are better

To understand which lamps are the most energy-saving, let us compare them with the usual incandescent bulbs, which are already familiar to us all, or, as they were also called, “Ilyich's bulbs”. By purchasing one such device, you will understand in just a month how profitable, pleasing to the eyes and more economical. Compared to a conventional incandescent lamp, they:

  1. They consume less energy, but give the same light output. That is, the efficiency of this device is much higher. Unlike an incandescent light bulb with an efficiency of no more than 18–20%, such a product achieves a maximum performance of no less than 70–80%. In simpler terms, out of every hundred watts, an ordinary lamp, working at full power and heating the spiral, emits only eighteen to twenty percent of the light.
  2. They last longer and have a longer warranty period. Any store that sells energy saving bulbs will provide you with a lifetime warranty. In some varieties, it can be about twenty years. Considering how often ordinary lamps burn out, this is very beneficial, because you can always change a burnt out energy-saving device under warranty.
  3. Quite safe. All energy-saving lamps (except for the halogen type) do not have a direct connection of contacts, while in the Ilyich light bulb, all contacts are connected with a spiral. Therefore, in this case, a short circuit is practically impossible.
  4. They do not carry such a load on the general apartment network as usual. This is also one of the safety indicators, due to the non-congestion of the network, other household appliances will not be affected.
To understand which products are better, it is worth considering the standard comparison table for energy saving lamps. It compares light bulbs in terms of heating, power, anti-vandalism, luminous flux, service life and economic benefits. Comparison of energy-saving lamps with conventional ones speaks unequivocally in favor of the former. And if you overpay when buying, then when using it you definitely save.

If we consider all these devices regarding their effect on human vision, energy-saving lamps, incandescent, daylight, then they all flicker with a certain frequency during their operation. This is due to the way in which the electron pulse passes through them. It is not noticeable to the naked eye, but upon detailed study, scientists found that:
  • The cold spectrum affects vision more than normal and because of this, the retina is destroyed.
  • The brightness and more frequent flickering in fluorescent lamps affects the brain and the stability of the nerve nodes. People who work in an office with such lighting are 30 times more likely to seek help from psychoanalysts.
  • According to the latest data from ophthalmologists, the optimal brightness is considered to be 2700–3100 K. This is good for both the living room and the children's room. Therefore, when choosing a light bulb, keep this in mind.
  • If the lamp is in front of a mirror, it affects vision by an order of magnitude. It is best to install energy-saving light bulbs near mirrors and glass doors. Paying attention to your appearance, tidying yourself up before going to the store or for a walk, your eyes and brain will not be so tired.
Comparing economical light bulbs with each other, you should pay special attention to heating. Your LED device will practically not heat up, the luminescent one will become warm, and you can even burn your fingers on the halogen one. In terms of the warranty period, they are also very different from each other, and if the halogen one works for 2000 hours, then the LED is ready to provide its factory warranty for at least 50 thousand hours.

If we talk in more detail about what it is and what they are, then let's move on to the next point of our material.

What are the types of energy saving lamps?

By definition, an energy efficient lamp is a special device for uniform light distribution, powered by the mains. In comparison with its counterparts, such a product has an increased level of light output and significantly saves electricity.

Such economical devices are linear (LL) and compact (CFL). They all contain mercury and LED substances. A common feature of linear and compact fluorescent lamps can be considered a tangible savings in electrical energy consumption. And at the same time, they fill the space with much more light than the usual incandescent lamps. The latter are gradually disappearing from use, since many countries of the world have recently set a course for the operation of energy-efficient devices due to their overall safety and economy.

What lamps are energy saving?

Energy-saving fluorescent lamps include compact and linear lamps, differing from each other in terms of technical indicators and functions. Let's consider them in more detail in order to understand which energy-saving lamps are best for the home:
  1. CFL (compact fluorescent lamps) it is characterized by an arched shape, which allows it to be placed in small luminaires. They are almost always used at home, being the best replacement for conventional incandescent lamps. Often they are included in the package of non-standard lighting fixtures. In the composition of such a light bulb there are inert gases (known to many argon and neon), as well as mercury vapor. The outer casing is finished with a phosphor. Due to the collision of electrons with mercury components, an externally invisible UV radiation is released, which turns into scattered light (this is facilitated by a phosphor coating). Compact lamps consist of three parts: a base for connecting to the mains, an electronic control device for igniting and keeping the lamp burning. It makes the transition from the 220 W mains to the one required for stable lamp operation without flickering. The third component of the device is the bulb, which is the outer shell of the lamp. Due to the difference in these elements, the type of CFL is also determined: for example, by the color of the radiation, the features of the base (there are categories 2D, often installed in shower cabins, E27 - for a regular cartridge, E14 - for a reduced cartridge, E40 - for a large cartridge).
  2. Linear fluorescent lamps (LLL) are circular, straight, or specific U-variation. Straight-line devices are in the form of long glass tubes, at the ends of which are legs made of glass, where, in turn, electrodes are fixed. On the inner surface of the lamp there is a phosphor coating, and the tube cavity itself is filled with inert gases and mercury. The safety of people from the destructive evaporation of mercury is guaranteed by hermetically sealed lamp. Linear lamps differ in terms of the diameter and length of the tube, the width of the basement element. As a rule, the larger the LL dimensions, the higher the electricity consumption is. Often, such LL are used in manufacturing plants and enterprises, in offices and places of public importance. The most popular among consumers are compact fluorescent lamps, and their linear alternative is slowly leaving production.

Proven advantages of energy efficient lamps

Summing up all of the above, I would like to emphasize that the use of energy-saving lighting devices in everyday life or in production has many advantages, among which the following are especially noticeable:
  1. According to lighting manufacturers, the use of energy-saving lamps can reduce electricity costs by up to 80%. The luminous flux of these devices is much higher than that of the usual incandescent lamps.
  2. Energy efficient lamps have a long service life. This is more than 10 times longer than ordinary light bulbs. Such a long operating time is also a big plus for placing economical lamps in places where frequent lamp changes are very difficult (on high ceilings, between flights of stairs, etc.).
  3. They generate less heat than conventional lamps. Due to this, it is advisable to install small CFLs with a high power rating, especially in complex structures: sconces, chandeliers and swirling shapes of lamps. Economical lamps will not melt the wires and plastic elements of the socket, which sometimes happens when using ordinary lamps.
  4. The light from energy-saving lamps is much more beneficial for the eyes as it is evenly distributed. A uniform glow is obtained thanks to the design of the lamp: the area of ​​their body is larger than that of the spiral of conventional bulbs.
  5. A choice of different color temperatures is possible. Lamps 2700K give white color, 6400K - cold whiteness, 4200K - daylight. These data are measured on the Kelvin scale.
Choosing an energy-saving light bulb, it is necessary not only to look at all the indicators and the price, but also to pay attention to the manufacturer, how reliably the base is made and what quality glass is in the product. Only if you are satisfied with all the combination of factors, the product is worth buying. Otherwise, you may well be uncomfortable with such lighting, the lamp can quickly fail, cause a short circuit in the entire apartment, or be not as economical as you would like.

For more on choosing energy-saving lamps, see the video:

Buying lighting lamps for an apartment or house is a routine but not trivial task. It is necessary to correlate the cost of the lighting device, the quality of its performance, and, above all, the technical characteristics. The lamp power, luminous flux and its color temperature must correspond to the room in which it is used. For example, in the study and the bathroom you need bright white light, and in the bedroom you need a muffled warm light. This article will help you find out by what criteria you can choose energy efficient, affordable and useful lamps for your home that promote productive work or quality rest.

Types of bulbs suitable for houses and apartments

Incandescent lamps

These are classic household bulbs made in the form of hollow volumetric bulbs in the shape of a pear, ball, candle, etc. with tungsten filaments is more than half a century old. During this time, they were replaced by various types of devices, superior in all respects, except for cost. The low price is the main reason why incandescent bulbs are still widely bought and used. And this despite the fact that they process more than 90% of the consumed electrical energy into heat, that is, release it into the atmosphere.

In recent years, inexpensive and energy efficient alternatives have emerged, so the rate of production of incandescent lamps is greatly declining. Feeling the economy on their own wallet, people became convinced of the low efficiency of this option.

A significant disadvantage of incandescent lamps is their short service life - from 1000 to 3000 hours of glow. In addition, they are available exclusively for screw chucks. A small plus is that the lamp works directly from a 220 V network without any problems. Due to the fact that the device heats up the air around it strongly, incandescent lamps cannot be used in stretch and some suspended ceilings, as well as for organizing lighting in furniture.

Halogen lamps

Halogen bulbs also work due to the glow of an incandescent filament installed inside the bulb. However, these devices are more durable, since they are filled with halogen vapors to extend their service life by 2-3 times. The most commonly used vapors are bromine or iodine. Halogen light sources are available with both screw and pin sockets.

For use in various purposes, these models are made with a different shape of the bulb, supplemented with a sputtering of reflective materials. This changes the temperature, brightness and angle of dispersion of the light flux. Due to this variability and small dimensions, halogen bulbs were initially used mainly in electronic equipment, lighting of furniture and ceiling structures.

The luminous efficiency of halogen lamps is 25-30 lm / W. They are available in E14, E27, G4, G6, G9 and others. Due to the bright directional flow, they are convenient to organize accent lighting with their help.

The principle of operation, based on the incandescence of internal components, gives this type the same disadvantage as traditional "pears" - they intensively convert electric current into thermal energy, which is dissipated in the air. Nevertheless, the energy consumption is reduced by three times.

An important feature is the requirement for the cleanliness of the flask surface - fats and moisture must not get on it, otherwise the device will burn out. Therefore, the replacement is always carried out with gloves.

Fluorescent lamps

The principle of operation of these devices is based on the ability of certain substances to emit a glow under the influence of an electric charge. Such substances are called phosphors. The fluorescent lamp is a sealed glass tube of a tubular type, the walls of which are covered with a phosphor from the inside. The inside of the flask is filled with mercury vapor and contains several electrodes. When an electric current is applied, an electric charge is generated, due to which the glow begins.


A couple of decades ago, it was believed that tubular fluorescent lamps were the most economical light bulbs for the home. At that time, they really were the best option available. The regulation of the required charge in such a device is carried out by a start-regulating unit, which combines a starter and a voltage transformer. It is included by default in the design of the lighting device into which the lamp is inserted. Fluorescent lamps are not compatible with other types of lamps.

Compact "housekeepers"

Compact fluorescent lamps, in which the bulb is made of several thin tubes, are very popular these days. Their work is based on the same principle, but the devices are more versatile. First of all, they are available with the common E14 and E27 bases, making them suitable for replacing ineffective incandescent bulbs. In addition, the control circuit is built into the structure of the lamp itself.

These devices are sold in every store as energy efficient. They are indeed many times more efficient than incandescent lamps, because they consume less electricity and do not convert it into heat. In addition, they are more durable, which is why they are popularly called "housekeepers".

Fluorescent lamps have two incorrigible disadvantages. First, the device emits a pulsating light. This is caused by fluorescent lighting technology. Such light increases eye strain, leads to fatigue, and can negatively affect the psycho-emotional state. Second, there are potentially hazardous mercury vapors inside the flask. In case of depressurization or it is necessary to carry out a number of works to ensure chemical safety in the room. Moreover, they cannot be thrown away with ordinary household waste - they must be taken at a collection point or in a special container for hazardous waste.

LED lights

The operation of this type of lighting device is based on the action of semiconductor LEDs. For these elements to glow, you do not need to create an airtight environment and fill it with certain substances, therefore, LEDs for chandeliers, sconces and home lamps are made bulb-shaped by tradition. To light up the LEDs, you only need a DC power supply with a voltage of 12 or 24 V.

To ensure normal operation in household electrical appliances, a driver must be present in the LED power supply circuit that converts the current to the required operating parameters. In lamps for screw holders, it is already included in the design and is located between the base and the LED itself.

In terms of the ratio of energy consumption, service life and lighting efficiency, it is believed that these are the best light bulbs for household and non-only use. Firstly, they consume up to 10 times less electricity, often giving out an even brighter luminous flux. In addition, they are several times superior to their counterparts in terms of service life. Some LED luminaire manufacturers claim that their lifespan, if properly used, reaches 25-35 years.

The characteristic disadvantages of LED lamps are the high price, as well as the presence on the market of a large number of low-quality products. Cheap devices from "nameless" brands often pulsate, which can quickly tire the eyes and impair well-being. Due to the use of low-grade electronics in the ballast, they also do not have an impressive life span. Therefore, the purchase requires a thorough approach to the choice and does not tolerate savings.

What lamps are the most convenient and useful for a house or apartment?

Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which bulbs are better for use in household electrical appliances. Firstly, it is difficult to focus only on cost, brightness, power consumption, color temperature, or some other indicator. Secondly, different options are preferable for different rooms and devices:

  • incandescent lamps produce the most comfortable light for the eyes, but they “burn” a lot of electricity;
  • fluorescent lamps are economical, but tiring of the eyes;
  • economical and bright halogen, but they are not recommended for use in bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • LED bulbs are good in many ways, but expensive.

For a deeper understanding and easy comparison, check out the following table.

Comparison of LED and energy saving lamps

The brightest, most durable and energy efficient options today are LED and luminescent "housekeepers". Both options have a good ratio of generated lumens to consumed watt, however, the lower cost speaks in favor of the second option. In turn, the average lifespan of LEDs is 5 times longer. Consequently, the difference in price is more than compensated for in the long term.

To decide on the choice, LED or energy-saving, information about the disadvantages also helps:

  • "Housekeepers" work well under constant load. Frequent switching on and off will wear them out quickly. This is a poor choice for installation in a kitchen, hallway, bathroom or toilet;
  • the narrow operating temperature range does not allow installing fluorescent lamps outdoors. They also work worse at high humidity, so a bath or a bath is also not an option;
  • fluorescent lamps are poorly dimmable - a smooth change in the brightness of the glow through a special driver;
  • if the energy-saving lamp has lost the phosphor, it begins to shine in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. For safety reasons, the replacement must be carried out even if the device continues to operate;
  • LED bulbs don't actually burn for 25-30 years because they are never used in ideal conditions. On average, their service life is 2-4 years;
  • there are many inexpensive low-grade models on the market that shine too brightly and with a strong ripple;
  • an LED lamp costs up to 5 times more than an energy-saving lamp;
  • for long-term operation, the LED lamp must be in a lamp with good heat dissipation, the fact is that the high temperature overheats the LED, and it burns out.

When choosing light bulbs for an apartment and a house in accordance with the consumption of electricity, consider what model of power you will need to use. To calculate the illumination (in lux), divide the luminous flux (indicated in lumens) of the bulbs by the area of ​​the room in which they are used. According to the building codes in force in the Russian Federation, the illumination rate in kitchens and living rooms is 150 Lx, for children's rooms - 200 Lx, libraries and workrooms - 300 Lx, bathrooms, corridors, halls, showers and bathrooms - 50 Lx (for bathroom can be increased up to 100 Lx).

Do not forget that lamps from reputable manufacturers are guaranteed to correspond to the operating standards and the declared technical characteristics. When buying incandescent lamps, this is not so noticeable, but when purchasing an LED or fluorescent lamp, it is better to pay extra for the brand to be sure of quality, safety and durability.

The modern Russian lighting market is diverse. Manufacturers, even at the design stage of lighting devices, predetermine the optimal characteristics for each element. Light sources (lamps) are no exception. It is not difficult to choose the appropriate bulb shape, base type or lamp wattage for a particular luminaire. It is much more difficult for the consumer to decide on the type of light source itself: energy-saving or LED.

This issue can be resolved both by comparing the advantages of common structural elements of energy-saving and LED lamps, and by identifying the pros and cons of their additional operational parameters.

Design features

The only structural element that unites all types of lamps is the base. Otherwise, the design differences between energy-saving devices and LED ones are significant.

All such devices are divided into three types:

  1. Incandescent. Base: tungsten filament; a vacuum flask, usually with an inert gas composition.
  2. Gas discharge.
  3. LED.

Only gas-discharge and LED light sources are considered energy-saving.

The glow of gas-discharge lamps is realized by means of an electric discharge in metal or gas vapors. Gas dischargers can be divided into:

  1. High pressure lamps. There are sodium, mercury and metal halide. This type is ideal for outdoor lighting.
  2. Low pressure lamps. This type includes fluorescent light sources. The main structural element is an electrode tube filled with argon gas and mercury vapor. The inside is covered with a phosphor. For its glow, a short-term high-voltage discharge must hit the spiral. If there is a low voltage in the electrical network of the house, the lamps may light up problematically (not immediately and dimly or not at all). They are used for both indoor and outdoor lighting of a house or apartment.

When it is necessary to choose which light bulbs are best for the home, LED or energy-saving, the latter mean precisely luminescent devices.

LED devices are a modern alternative to the types of lamps described above. Such lighting elements, due to their design, are characterized as:

  • energy saving;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable, resistant to line voltage drops.

An insignificant drawback is the cost of LED lamps. Their production technology is new, has not yet been modernized, due to this, it is quite expensive. The recoupment of one-time costs for their acquisition is almost 100%, due to their durability and efficiency.

Design features of LED sources:

  1. The principle of using the luminous flux. The light emitter is an LED or a group of them. Such a diode element converts electric current into light by flowing current through a special crystal (semiconductor).
  2. The light emitting element of the diode family converts electrical current into light by passing it (current) through a semiconductor crystal. A significant advantage - the current is passed only in the required direction.
  3. The light emitter can be either in an open structure or placed in a special bulb.

Such light emitters are much more resistant to mechanical stress, in contrast to a similar element of fluorescent lamps (electrode tube with mercury and gas vapors).

Differences in the design of CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) and LED bulbs are one of the main parameters of technical and operational characteristics, which makes it possible to determine how they differ. Their efficiency is also important.

Luminous flux: which lamps are more economical

Most consumers are guided by this very criterion, making a choice in favor of fluorescent or LED lamps. The difference in economy and electrical efficiency of these two types can be determined by comparing them in terms of energy consumption and operational efficiency with traditional incandescent lamps.

The most important indicator, without which it is impossible to make such a comparison, is the luminous flux. This parameter determines how light it will be in the room of a house or apartment. Measured in Lm (lumens; lm). The higher the luminous flux figure of the lamp, the brighter it will be in the room during its operation. Over time, this value may decrease.

Almost all manufacturers of energy-saving and ice-light bulbs indicate on their packaging that the basic operating parameters of their lamps correspond to those of incandescent lamps.

Based on the average values ​​of similar performance characteristics of most common models and manufacturers of lamps, an analysis was made of the efficiency and economy of electricity consumption in relation to the value of the luminous flux. The results of such a comparison are shown in the table.

Based on the tabular data, you can easily determine that LED bulbs are much more economical and better in terms of the quality of operation compared to similar energy-saving ones.


The efficiency of the light bulb is also indicated by the value of the ratio of the luminous flux to the working power of the lighting element. This value isolates a certain set of indicators and is called efficiency (efficiency) or "luminous efficiency". Measured in lm / W. The higher the indicator, the more economically the lamp works.

For an incandescent lamp, this value is very underestimated - less than 10 lm / W, therefore, it has a very low luminous efficacy. This is its most significant drawback. For comparison: the average efficiency of an ice lamp is 90%; for most energy saving ones - below 90%.

To make it easier to make a choice, it is worth considering how these types of lamps differ.

Comparison of quality indicators of light sources

The fundamental differences in the main parameters of such a characteristic should be summarized by highlighting the most basic criteria. Namely:

  1. Brightness. This parameter is also called luminous intensity. Measured in cd (cd). Data on this indicator can be found on the packaging of lamps that are not intended for home use. This is an important criterion when choosing an artificial source for the "running lights" of cars.
  2. Colorful temperature. Also called color rendering index, color temperature. Measured in K (Kelvin). Base is a measure of the hue of a source color, which can be divided into:
    • warm color. It is indicated on the package with numbers from 2700 K to 3300 K. This shade is comparable to the diffused color of the sky at sunset;
    • daytime or natural color. It is designated 4000 K; 4200 K. Compare with the shade of a dim sky;
    • cold. The packaging indicates 5000 K.

To determine the priority in such a choice, it is also worth considering the difference in the sizes and shapes of the lamps.

Appearance: type of base

The perception of interior design largely depends on the quality of room lighting. A correctly selected lighting option will emphasize the dignity of the interior and hide the flaws. An important aspect, without which it will not be possible to implement such a design move, is the choice of a suitable shape and pleasant appearance of lamps for modern lighting fixtures.

Having decided on the type of light bulb, a person pays attention to the type of base. They are:

  1. Standard or screw. Most common in everyday life: E14 (minion) and E27. The number indicates the diameter of the base. Installation features are not provided. Bulbs with E40, E27 or E14 base are allowed to be mounted in standard incandescent lamp holders. The E27 base has a thread of 27 millimeters, and the E14 has a reduced thread of 14 millimeters.
  2. Pin. In everyday life they are not used as often as screw ones. Pin contacts are more often used in luminaires with modern lighting options. Cartridge marking is very important.

The number that follows the letter marking of this type of cap is the distance between the pins, indicated in millimeters (GU4 or GU5.3, etc.).

After choosing the base, the type and size of the lighting electrical elements is selected. More original shape (candle, ball) and beautiful design - for LED and halogen lamps. Luminescent can only have the shape of a spiral or tube.

Comparison of shapes and sizes

It is important for the modern consumer not only how much more economical the operation of one type of lamp will be compared to another, but also the priority of their appearance.

By choosing the optimal size, it is possible to exclude the situation when a lamp that does not fit in size and shape sticks out of an ordinary lamp.

Energy-saving lighting elements can often be found in the form of a complex spiral tube with a phosphor deposited inside. They are as compact as possible - they can be mounted in a medium-sized shade.

LED devices have a much more varied interpretation of shapes and sizes. Of these, the two most common are:

  1. Miniature size. The diameter of the crystal circle is 1.5–3 cm. A source with this size of the LED will turn out to be quite small - less than three centimeters. Very often, such a light bulb is installed in furniture and suspended ceilings.
  2. Standard format. It all depends on the size of the flask. Its presence is optional. The diode does not need a specific environment. More and more often, bulbless LED lamps are used (they are called "corn" for their characteristic appearance).

As a result, when choosing which type of lighting source is better, you can see that LED lamps have more advantages - many different shapes and sizes.

Advantages of LEDs in comparison with fluorescent counterparts

Of course, if there is an opportunity to choose, it is better to buy ice lamps to illuminate your house or apartment. To justify such a decision, it is enough to highlight the advantages of this type of light bulb and compare with an analogue, based on the above material, namely:

  1. Increased operational efficiency. The average value of the level of light output in relation to the operating power is 130–160 lm / W. For comparison: most energy saving light bulbs have a maximum of 100 lm / W.
  2. Immunity to temperature. It means that this kind of light sources can work at different temperature indicators of the environment, both at –60 ° C and at +40 ° C.
  3. The presence of a different direction of the light flux. An important advantage, especially when installing tabletop or wall-mounted lighting fixtures. Ice-bulbs mounted in them will realize a uniform luminous flux for a specific narrow-beam device.
  4. The quality of the luminous flux. The design of this type of lamp is performed with a different number of LEDs. Due to their significant concentration, the quality of light output will be as high as possible.
  5. Some modern ice technology fixtures are designed to be dimmable.
  6. Durability. Structural elements of ice-light sources are immune to most external factors, do not have burnout elements (as in old lamps - a tungsten filament). The service life of an average energy-saving light bulb, at the request of manufacturers, is about 10,000 hours of operation, for an LED light bulb - from thirty to sixty thousand.

It all depends on the manufacturer, the price-quality ratio. Preference should be given to global brands: OSRAM; Philips or domestic - "Era"; "Space". These companies are stable in terms of selling high quality products.

In addition to the technical and operational advantages of LED sources, it is worth dwelling on the comparison of the impact on the user's health.

Effect on the human body: comparison of fluorescent and ice lamps

Such a criterion is easiest to define by highlighting the following main points of impact:

  1. Radiation. LED bulbs are completely coherent. This means that the LED itself acts as an emitter of light of the working spectrum. In comparison with energy-saving ones, it does not have a tangible effect on human vision. Fluorescent lamps are the opposite. Their principle of light production is based on the interaction of the discharge and the phosphor, which is exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the discharge. This creates lighting. Moreover, such a discharge also creates an additional luminous flux - ultraviolet radiation. It affects the vision insignificantly, but negatively.
  2. Shimmer. For an ice lamp, such an operating characteristic is uncharacteristic, there is practically no flicker, due to the fact that a constant voltage is required for the operating power of the LED. And the flickering frequency of fluorescent lamps is about fifty hertz.
  3. Mercury. Fluorescent lamps contain mercury vapor. If the flask breaks, the body is poisoned by certain doses of these vapors. LED sources do not contain any harmful substances.

The choice of an LED or energy-saving lamp to illuminate your home is a very topical issue. It is quite simple to decide by assessing the advantages and disadvantages of each type: both operational and design. After such a comparison, the user will understand how to distinguish an ice lamp from an energy-saving one not only in appearance, but also find differences in their functionality. Then it will be possible to choose the optimal light source for a specific lighting design solution and for the individual operational characteristics of the room.