How to return the layers on the panel in Photoshop. How to return the last closed tab How to return the layers in Photoshop CS6

Restoring layer operations "Adobe Photoshop" program occurs just as the restoration of the file from the changes done, however, this is not always possible, since the memory of the program stores a limited number of operations.

You will need

  • - Adobe Photoshop program.


  • Open the toolbar in the Adobe Photoshop program that contains information about the operations you have done. To do this, open the menu "Windows" in the top of the graphics editor and check the History item. After that, in the lower right corner, you should have a new optional window with two tabs - "History" and "Operations" (History / Actions in the English version of Adobe Photoshop).
  • Select the first and look at the change history with the current file. In order to restore the layers, return the work done on the file to the desired level, in which all the layers were in place.
  • Take advantage of the alternative method for dropping changes to return the layers in Adobe Photoshop. To do this, while in the editing menu of the current image, press the SHIFT + CTRL + Z or ALT + CTRL + Z keys to go to return or repetition of a particular action performed on the image.
  • You can also make it from the main menu of the document using the "Cancel Action" and "Repeat Action" item in "Editing" on the program panel from above. This method is not as convenient as the first, since you are not available to view the entire history of the changes, which is much easier to navigate and return editing the picture to the desired position.
  • Install the maximum number of stored operations in the memory of the Adobe Photoshop program, this will help you if you often perform many actions above the images, and their sequence contains too many storage items in the default settings. This is done in memory settings in the Editing menu. You can change the number of steps memorable to 1000, however, consider that with Photoshop will use a greater number of system resources.
  • If you have erased unnecessary with an eraser in Photoshop, it can be easily restored.

    How to do it?

    When you choose the tool Eraser, At the top of the working window, its panel appears. There is a tab Restore history. Put the checkbox in this checkbox. And now, the eraser will not be washed, but to restore the previously remote. Everything is very simple.

    Restore what you did not need to be deleted, remove the checkbox in the window Restore history. And then the eraser will be as usual to erase the background of the pictures.

    Do not forget to remove a tick, otherwise you will continue to restore the previously erased !!!

    True, there is one thing here ... This feature will work if the function is pre-enabled . It is usually enabled by default.

    Check or enable it if necessary.

    Open the tab Window. I choose in it History - In the window that opens in the upper right corner, click on the pictogram with a triangle.

    In the drop-down menu choose Parameters of history palette.

    In the parameters of the history palette should stand a check mark in Chekbox Automatically create first snapshot. If it is not, then put.

    Everything. Now, if necessary, you can always restore erroneously erased by eraser.

    How to restore the panel in photoshop?

    Master's answer:

    Sometimes the optimization of the workspace on the computer can play with you a cruel joke. For example, if you accidentally pressed on some specific key, after which the desired panel hid or the menu window. Adobe Photoshop is no exception, because it has a large number of opportunities for working with raster images that it provides.

    First, run Adobe Photoshop, and then open the Window on the menu. Here are the items that include or turn off the program panels. All active panels will be marked. If you want to enable some panel, or turn it off, then simply press it with the left mouse button. You can also use hot keys. For example, if you want to remove either restore the layer panel, then you just need to press F7.

    Press TAB. Such a hot key helps to install or hide the status bar, all palettes and toolbar are all together. If in this position, press the combination of SHIFT + TAB, then the palettes will appear. If you press the SHIFT + TAB combination when the toolbar, palette and status bar is displayed in the application, then all palettes will disappear. If you re-press SHIFT + TAB, then the key combination will return the panel with the palette palettes.

    You can also configure hot keys to turn on and off the desired panels. To do this, click Window\u003e Workspace\u003e Keyboard Shortcuts & Menus, and in a new window, open Keyboard Shortcuts. Then see the Shortcutsfor in the new drop-down menu, Application Menus item has been activated. Then open the Window tab. Next, click on the item for which you want to set the desired hot key. To the right of the item you will see the input field.

    Remember that only the function keys can be used as hot keys - F1-F12, and another Ctrl combinations and other buttons. If you are inappropriate to specify the key that is already used, the application will report this with the inscription at the bottom of the window - Is Already In Use and Will Be Removed From (hereinafter will be specified, it is for which this key is already assigned). Under the inscription you will see two buttons Accept and Go to Conflict and Undo Changes. If you click on the first inscription, then confirm the replacement of the hot key or the keys, and if the second, then deselect buttons.

    Restoring layer operations "Adobe Photoshop" program occurs just as the restoration of the file from the changes done, however, this is not always possible, since the memory of the program stores a limited number of operations.

    You will need

    • - Adobe Photoshop program.


  • Select the first and look at the change history with the current file. In order to restore the layers, return the work done on the file to the desired level, in which all the layers were in place.
  • You can also make it from the main menu of the document using the "Cancel Action" and "Repeat Action" item in "Editing" on the program panel from above. This method is not as convenient as the first, since you are not available to view the entire history of the changes, which is much easier to navigate and return editing the picture to the desired position.
  • In order to explain the toolbar for which you need, we will spend a certain analogy with a household life. Imagine that you need to collect a small wardrobe for things. All shelves and doors are dismantled, but you have a bunch of screws, screws for its installation. However, you have no turning or other constructive instrument. Naturally, you will not be able to fulfill with your future closet. So in the Adobe Photoshop program: the image will be a furniture representative, self-tapping screws, tops and screws are built-in photoshop functions, and the tool area (located, by the way, on the left) will be scolded to work with photos. Without her you will not be able to process the photo as it is necessary.

    Return the tool panel is very simple

    Of course, the absence of such a function on the workspace does not mean that they will not be able to use the items of this panel. For each of them a hot key is assigned. This means that when you press certain buttons, the appropriate device will open. But everything is quite difficult to learn them, and the choice of these parameters is small. After all, each toolbar item has sub-clauses that do not choose with hot keys. For example, "Eraser", when you press it with the right mouse button, gives the user a choice (what kind of eraser you want to use). We hope that now you understand how important it is to locate this wonderful functional shelf in the workspace.

    Standard Location of Interface Elements

    How to return the toolbar in photoshop?

    Suppose she disappeared with you. It does not matter how the main thing is that it is no longer. Do not be disappointed, because you will get back in photoshop just two steps! We will not pull the rubber, but immediately proceed to these actions:

    1. On the top area of \u200b\u200bthe menu, select "Window".
    2. At the bottom of the window that appeared, check the word "Tools".

    That's all, now the area of \u200b\u200bfunctions will again be true to you and help in handling photos and other images.

    You can enable and disable the panel in the "Window" menu

    How to remove tools?

    No matter how paradoxically sounded, but you may not need how to return the panel in Photoshop, but how to remove it. It is also done easily, especially later you will get it back according to the previous instructions from two steps. What to do?

    1. Go to "Window" from the top of the Adobe Photoshop top menu.
    2. Remove the checkbox from the "Tools" item.
    3. If this method does not like this way, then you can leave the existing toolbar from the edge of the screen to any position, and then click on the cross appeared in the upper right corner of the instrument panel for editing.


    Open the toolbar in the Adobe Photoshop program that contains information about the operations you have done. To do this, open the menu "Windows" in the top of the graphics editor and check the History item. After that, in the lower right corner, you should have a new optional window with two tabs - "History" and "Operations" (History / Actions in the English version of Adobe Photoshop).

    Select the first and look at the change history with the current file. In order to restore layers, return the work done on the file to the desired level, in which all layers Were in place.

    Take advantage of the alternative method for dropping changes to return the layers in Adobe Photoshop. To do this, while in the editing menu of the current image, press the SHIFT + CTRL + Z or ALT + CTRL + Z keys to go to return or repetition of a particular action performed on the image.

    You can also make it from the main menu of the document using item "" and "Repeat Action" in "Editing" on the program panel from above. This method is not as convenient as the first, since you are not available to view the entire history of the changes, which is much easier to navigate and return editing the picture to the desired position.

    Install the maximum number of stored operations in the memory of the Adobe Photoshop program, this will help you if you often perform many actions above the images, and their sequence contains too many storage items in the default settings. This is done in memory settings in the Editing menu. You can change the number of steps memorable to 1000, however, consider that with Photoshop will use a greater number of system resources.


    When you re-open the image after it is saved, it is impossible to restore layers.

    Sometimes the optimization of the workspace turns into the user with an evil monster. For example, when a random pressing on a specific key hides from the eye some of the desired panel or the menu window. Adobe Photoshop is no exception if you take into account the number of options for working with raster images that it can provide.


    Run Adobe Photoshop and open the Window menu item. Here are the items to enable / disable the program panels. Activated panels are marked with checkmarks. So, to enable or disable any of the panels, just click on it with the left mouse button. You can also use the hot keys to turn on / off the panels, for example, to remove or restore panel Layers, just press F7.

    Press TAB. This hotkey allows you to hide or set the status bar, panel Tools and all palettes. If you press SHIFT + TAB in this position, the palettes will appear. If you press SHIFT + TAB when the program displays and panel Tools, and a status bar, and palettes, then palettes will disappear. Pressing Shift + Tab will return panel With palettes.

    In addition, you can independently configure hot keys to turn on / off certain panels. To do this, click Window\u003e Workspace\u003e Keyboard Shortcuts & Menus and in the window that appears, click the Keyboard Shortcuts tab. Make sure that the Application Menus item is activated in the Shortcuts For drop-down menu and expand the window window. Click on the item, the hot key for which you want to install, the input field will appear to the right of it.


    The layer panel in the on state may have two display options. To deploy it, just click on the "Layers" icon on the panel, which is usually placed at the right edge of the window. And any panel is collected on a double arrow at the right edge of its title.

    Open the "Window" section in the Photoshop menu and check the "Layers" item if the display of this panel is turned off. This can be done, not only by clicking the desired inscriptions with a mouse pointer, but also with the keyboard. To open the menu partition, click the Alt key first (left or right - no matter), and then the key with a letter "O" on the Russian keyboard layout. Use the navigation buttons to move through the section. Since the desired string is closer to the end of the list, you can get to it faster with the up arrow. Well, the left mouse click on the selected item replaces the press key.

    You can do without the editor menu, since the layer panel on / off command is assigned a hot key, pressing the panel when the panel is turned off leads to its appearance, and when the opposite is turned on. This key is F7, use it to quickly display or hiding this interface element.

    Most of the components of the PHOTOSHOP work environment can freely move by the user. It is convenient, but sometimes with a careless movement you can push some of them so that it becomes completely incomprehensible how to return it to the space available for the usual setup. This happens with the layer panel: it is impossible to find it on the screen, although in the menu of the graphics editor opposite the corresponding point, the mark is exhibited. In this case, use the "emergency" method - upload another option of the working environment. To do this, open the "Window" section in the menu, go to the Work Environment section and select one of the preset options (for example, "Drawing" or "Basic Working Environment").

    Quite often to reduce the weight of the image photographers turn off layers. A similar step can significantly reduce the scope of the picture, which is especially important when downloading a file from the Internet to save traffic.

    You will need

    • - Personal Computer;
    • - installed software - "Photoshop", any version;
    • - Snapshot in which you need to turn off the layers.


    As a rule, image files containing a large number of layers (especially for a variety of templates), rather voluminous by weight. For some of their relief, many photodizainers turn off layerswhich is very easy to restore in any version of "Photoshop". This is especially in demand when loading images on the Internet.

    In the operating window on the top of the menu bar, find the "File" item. It is located on the left side. Click on this button and select "Save As" from the list of options. After that, in the window that opens, specify the location of the image that needs to be processed.

    For convenience of viewing photos on the free space of the workspace, right-click and select the view "Page Sketches". In the bottom line, specify the format of the image used. For working with layers, PNG and PSD are most preferred.

    When the desired photo appears in the working window, proceed to the processing of the layers. You can open the screen in which they will "dry", by pressing the "Hot" key F7 on the keyboard or selecting the "Window" section in the menu panel. If you decide to take advantage of the second option, the next step will be the choice of the "Layers" option.

    After that, the list of all the layers available in the photo will appear in the additional window. To enable / disconnect them, it is enough in the left page of the opened screen to click the left mouse button in the corresponding squares. "To see" a layer will help the affected eye sign. If you turn off this icon, the layer will automatically hide from the image.

    In this way, you can hide or open part of the layers in the photo or all at once.

    The structure of the layers in the Adobe Photoshop program is a part of the main toolkit that gives the designer to work with a flat digital image, as with a system of independent graphic objects imposed on each other and the components of a single composition. The creation of each new layer increases the image processing flexibility, makes it possible to carry out many operations on retouching, color correction, effects imposition, etc.


    The system of the program of the program is a similarity of the pile of flat images taken from the real life of the stack of flat images, as if you were a collage of the cut-out paper cuts from somewhere and pieces, they laid out on the table one on top of the other - some would overlap each other, some were Partially visible, some stuck outside the working surface. If the material of the illustrations would be translucent, through it would see the underlying bottom, etc. Adobe Photoshop program is implemented in a similar way, only images and cut-out figures are digitally.
    The strata of the photoshop program can be several types.
    First, it can be actually digital raster images - fragments, drawings, etc.
    Secondly, it can be layers generated by the program - monophonic and multicolored geometric shapes, primitives, lines, letters, etc.
    Thirdly, it can be layers that do not have their own image, but performing service functions - as a rule, these are layers, corrective color, brightness, etc. Parameters under them below the picture below.
    In the list of layers, as a rule, there is one special layer - it is marked with the name of the background or background, which has significant restrictions, compared with other layers: it has the size rigidly attached to the composition of the composition, it cannot be shifted from its place, and Does not have transparency / Being at the same time, on the most recent line in the list of layers, it is the default of the entire composition, all other layers are located above this background layer. When you first open any image in the photoshop program, it represents a minimal composition - that is, consists of a single layer having a type of background.
    All other layers created during operation can have more free parameters and used more flexibly.
    - First of all, they can have any dimensions - their height and width can be both less than the working field of your composition, and more than it, in the latter case, of course, the edges of these layers will be hidden behind the frames of the picture.
    - Secondly, each layer can have one of the freely selectable overlay modes - that is, you can specify how it will interact with the image under it under it. This is primarily a common degree of its transparency, controlled by a separate parameter. As well as the mathematical on which the interaction will be determined - it can donate or wind the subject to be the resulting image, influence its shadow areas or be visible only in light areas, to have an effect on color, saturation, and the like.
    - Third, each layer may have a transparency mask. Mask is a raster card having the same geometric dimensions as the layer to which it belongs. The color of each pixel can be in the range from black to white, which, accordingly, makes an image of an information layer on this site visible, invisible or translucent. That is, for example, you have a rectangular, and you need only to be visible to be visible in the form of oval, outside of which the layer must be invisible. To achieve this you can in the right place on the mask of the layer, portray the white oval, then the edges of the layer will become transparent, and the picture inside the oval will be visible.

    Since the layer of type Background, as mentioned above, cannot change either its transparency, nor its geometric sizes, then most often the most necessary operation is to get rid of these restrictions, i.e. Creating a full-fledged layer from the layer background.
    To do this, open in the Adobe Photoshop program. We make a visible panel with a list of layers (F7 or menu item Window\u003e Layers). We see that in the list there is only one layer of the background (background), we bring the mouse to it and in the context menu (in the Windows system - this is the left mouse button) we find the Layer from Background item (layer from the background). Also, this command can be found in the Layer\u003e New\u003e Layer from Background.
    Now the resulting layer can be moved, stretch - increase and decrease in size, relative to the composition of the composition, - to wash, delete, or mask unwanted areas, etc.

    You can duplicate the layer, sometimes it is necessary for editing operations when some areas need to be modified, but the original image should remain intact. Then, choosing the desired layer in the list of layers, we find the Layer\u003e New\u003e Layer Via Copy command in the main menu (layer by copying). In the layer panel, this can be done by simply dragging the line with the desired layer on the "clean sheet" icon at the bottom of the panel.
    On a separate layer, not the entire source layer can be poured, but some kind of it. To do this, you can first make the selection on it - tools from the LASSO, Marquee, Quick Selection kit, etc. In this case, when the Layer Via Copy command is selected, only the source fragment will be copied to the new layer.

    For any image inserted into the composition through the clipboard, your new unique layer will be automatically created.
    When creating geometric primitives or inscriptions, photoshop tools, its own layer will also be automatically generated for each object created.

    Corrective layers, with which color correction operations are performed, you can create through the Layer\u003e New Adjustment Layer menu, or finding the layer panel at the bottom of the layer panel with a black and white circle. Next, you have the ability to choose one of the types of the correction layer. Such layers will be created. Recall that if there is a selection before starting the operation to create a new layer on the image - and this is evidenced by the presence of flickering dotted lines in the discards of the selection, then the layer created by the layer will inherit this allocation as a mask. Thus, for example, the color correction operation with the help of a new layer will be made not above the entire image, but only over the selected part, that is, where the layer mask will allow him to be opaque.


    In the course of working with the composition, a lot of lines can accumulate in the list of layers. To streamline a large number of layers, they can be grouped into folders, can be combined into one layer, draining with each other. It should always be remembered that both the creation of a new layer increases the flexibility of editing and expands the ability to process the picture and the destruction of it - merging with others - deprives, sometimes irrevocably, you access to information about the image and the ability to edit one or another object or Fragment. You should always be aware of whether the modification of the image on this separate layer is finished and it will never need it anymore.

    In the event of failures in the operation of the operating system, optionally in Windows, the functionality of some programs is sharply on the decline. For example, sometimes several panels disappear in the Firefox browser, thus it is difficult to go to the Internet page even using search engines.

    You will need

    • - Mozilla Firefox Internet browser.


    When you start the browser, you may find that there are no navigation panels, address string among the displayed panels, etc. There are cases when absolutely all panels disappear by "happy" coincidence. In such cases, it is not necessary to panic, re-put your Internet browser or, where worse, update the version of the operating system.

    Almost all program presets can be changed through the settings menu, but what if this menu is not displayed. In the latest browser releases, this flawed has been fixed, and when you click on the ALT key, the top line of the menu appears. It is necessary to release the key and the menu will again disappear.

    Therefore, you need to clamp the Alt key, press the View menu and select the "Toolbar" item. In the list that opens, you must mark the missing panels in the top of the browser. Also, the location of the panels and individual icons can be changed after selecting the "Configure" item item "Toolbar" menu.

    In the window that opens, not only panels will be available, but also other icons (commands), which are not added to the browser by default to save space to display online pages. For example, if you use information from pages to citation in forums, Internet pagers or other communication tools, you can display items of work with the text ("Insert", "Cut" and "Copy").

    If you definitely do not remember which panel and where it was located, just press the "Restore" button in the open window and all panels will take the same location. You can also change the display of current icons by adding signatures to them either by removing the icons, leaving only the text (drop-down list "Show"). To complete work with the settings of the toolbar, click the Close button, the browser restart is not required.

    Panel B. Photoshop - Important component of the program. They contain basic information and tools for work. Work without panels is not possible, if for any reason they disappeared from the field of view, they must be restored.