How to install the language icon on the computer panel. How to quickly restore the language bar if it suddenly disappeared

There are various goodies in the Windows graphical interface that help the user to receive up-to-date information without even performing any additional actions. For example, to find out the time or what day it is, you just need to lower your eyes and look at the lower right corner of the screen. Of course, if the user has moved the taskbar and notification bar, then you need to look in the place where it is located. In the same place as the date is the language settings panel, which sometimes disappears. In this article, we will take a look at how to display the language bar in Windows 7.

What is a language bar

One of the components of the toolbar that allows the user to understand what language is being used right now for entering text, what keyboard layout is enabled, etc., is called the language bar. In Windows 7, it is small and often poorly seen by users with poor eyesight. For convenience, they drag it from the toolbar to the workspace to end up with a separate window with more detailed labels. We recommend not to do this, it is better to increase the font in the system, because everything should be in its place.

In order not to click on the language bar each time to change the language of the keyboard layout, you just need to press one of the following combinations on the keyboard: Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift. Even if the panel has disappeared from sight, these combinations will work, only to find out the current language, you will need to try to enter letters in text editors or the address bar of the browser. Let's find out why the language bar disappears in Windows.

Why does the language bar disappear in Windows

According to even experienced users, the language bar disappears when "she wants to." Perhaps a flaw in system developers or a bug, but it happens. At the same time, the user himself may become the culprit of this event. Let's analyze this case in more detail:

  1. By adjusting the time or changing the sound volume, the user accidentally removes the language bar;
  2. By dragging the language bar (simply by unpinning it from the toolbar), the user either removed it or hid it so that it is no longer visible on the desktop;
  3. The user has "nagged" in the settings of the "Control Panel";
  4. The panel does not start because the “ctfmon.exe” utility does not start automatically in the “Task Scheduler”.

Thus, "the rescue of a drowning man is the work of a drowning man." You just need to read our article and learn how to enable and pin the language bar in Windows. We will consider the whole process on Windows 7, but the algorithm is suitable for both Windows 8 | 8.1 and Windows 10.

How to enable language bar in Windows 7?

In some cases, turning on the language bar will not work the first time, you need to try several options. For convenience, we divide this paragraph of the article into three sub-paragraphs with different algorithms of actions.

Enabling the language bar in Windows 7. Method # 1

First, let's deal with the "Scheduler", which, perhaps, spoils our "raspberries". The algorithm for enabling the language bar utility looks like this:

After restarting the computer, the language bar utility should start, and that, in turn, will appear on the toolbar. If this did not happen, go to method number 2.

Enabling the language bar in Windows 7. Method # 2

Now we will consider the situation from the point of view of settings failure in the "Control Panel". To enter it, we repeat step # 1 of the previous method, only instead of "Computer" we use the left mouse button to go to the "Control Panel". Further, the algorithm is as follows:

If it still does not appear there, then the problem is located deeper - in the system registry. To finally resolve the issue in our favor, we turn to the third, last, method of solving the problem of the missing language bar.

Enabling the language bar in Windows 7. Method number 3

The essence of this algorithm is that you need to create a file that will make changes to the registry, in this case, regarding the language panel. The text looks like this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Ctfmon.exe" = "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ ctfmon.exe"

Copy it in the same form and paste it into Notepad.

You need to save with the extension not txt, but reg. Any name. Then, when you save it, launch it, confirm the registry entry, and restart your computer. After a reboot, everything will work 99.9% of the time.

Thus, we figured out what the language bar is, how to work with it and what to do if it suddenly disappeared from the desktop or taskbar.

Our realities are such that the majority of domestic users have to work with two languages ​​(Russian and English), and some with more. The language panel helps to navigate what is the active language mode in the system now. In addition, those users who are not used to switching between modes with hot keys do it using this particular icon. But it also happens when he just disappears. Let's figure out what to do if the panel is missing, and how to restore it in Windows 7.

The panel for switching languages ​​can disappear both due to failures in the OS, and deliberate user actions. In addition, there are even situations when the user accidentally turns off the tool, and then does not know how to restore it. The choice of recovery option largely depends on the reasons why the language switcher disappeared from the taskbar.

Method 1: collapse the language bar

One of the reasons why the language bar does not appear in its usual place may be that the user accidentally clicked on it and clicked on "Restore language bar".

Method 2: Control Panel

There is a simple, but quite effective way to enable the display of the language bar through the "Control Panel".

After making these adjustments, the language bar should appear in its original location.

Method 3: enable the service

Sometimes the language bar is missing for the reason that the service that is responsible for starting it is disabled. In this case, the corresponding service must be enabled through the system scheduler. In Windows 7, this service can be stopped manually only by making changes to the registry, since it is systemically significant and the developers have removed the very possibility of stopping it in standard mode. However, due to various failures, it can become disabled even without user intervention, which will cause various negative phenomena, including the absence of the language panel. Let's see how you can start the specified service.

After restarting the PC, the language bar will return to its original location.

Method 4: manually launch the bootloader

If, for some reason, it was not possible to start the service, then, in this case, as a temporary measure, you can use the manual launch of the language panel loader. The measure is temporary because with the start of the service "Task Scheduler" you will still need to solve something, since it is responsible for activating many processes in the system.

There is also another possibility.

The operation will have to be carried out every time after starting the computer.

It should be noted that this method will only work if the object disappeared due to the service shutdown. If it was disabled manually through the context menu, then in this case you need to apply the steps described in Method 2.

Method 5: add to startup

Still, it is possible to make the language panel automatically start at system startup, even if the task scheduler is deactivated. To do this, add the CTFMON.EXE object to autorun in the registry editor.

  1. Before you start manipulating the registry editor, create a system restore point.
  2. Launch the window "Run" (Win + R). We introduce:

    We press "OK".

  3. The Registry Editor starts. In the left pane of the window there is a navigation tool with a tree-like arrangement of directories. Click on "HKEY_CURRENT_USER".
  4. Next, go to the section "Software".
  5. After that, click on the folder Microsoft.
  6. Next, we successively go through the sections Windows, "CurrentVersion" and "Run".
  7. In the right area, click anywhere with the right mouse button. Go to the inscription "Create"... Select from the list "String parameter".
  8. There is a new string parameter.
  9. Instead of a name "New parameter" drive in "CTFMON.EXE"... We press Enter... Click on this parameter twice with the left mouse button.
  10. A window for changing the string parameter opens. To the area "Value" enter the full path to CTFMON.EXE, namely:

    C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe

    We press "OK".

  11. After the string parameter is formed, you can click on the icon for closing the registry editor.
  12. It remains only to restart the computer so that the language bar is in its place. Now it will always start automatically even when the scheduler is off.

    Attention! If you are not ready to follow the instructions in this method to the smallest detail, or are not confident in your abilities, then it is better not even to try to make changes in the registry editor. After all, if a mistake is made, it can have an extremely negative effect on the performance of the system as a whole.

    It should also be noted that there are other options for adding the CTFMON.EXE file to Windows 7 startup. But it is the described method with making an entry in the registry that is the most optimal, since startup will occur regardless of the account under which the system is logged in.

Method 6: System Restore

If none of the above methods helped you to return the language bar, although it was previously present, we suggest that you use a method that allows you to solve various problems that have arisen in the operation of the operating system - perform the recovery procedure.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the operating system, just for such cases, automatically creates restore points to which you can completely return the computer to work. You only need to select the rollback point when the language bar was still present, and there were no problems in it.

The restore function will completely return Windows to the selected time period, but there are still exceptions: the process will not affect user files - music, videos, documents, etc.

Earlier on our website, we have already described in detail about system recovery, so we recommend that you study the article on this topic.

As you can see, there are various reasons why the language bar has disappeared from its usual location: unpinning, closing, stopping the service. Accordingly, the choice of a way to solve the problem depends on its causes.

Why did the language icon disappear from the taskbar in Windows XP, 7, Seven... How to treat? But nevertheless, switching keyboard layouts is still Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift. Where are the language bar settings?

Language bar not showing windows xp

If you still need the icon to be on the panel, then this is done like this.

1 ... Check if there is ctfmon.exe at startup.

To do this, launch the registry editor (Windows icon + R> regedit> OK).

Find the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run and the string parameter CTFMON.

If there is no such thing, then it must be created: on an empty space, right-click and create a string parameter "ctfmon" with the value

"C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe"

2 ... We do the same in the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run.

Note: This section is for all users.

Language bar not showing windows 7

4 ... We have left now customize the display of the language bar.

Start - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options - Languages ​​and Keyboard - Change Keyboard

Tab "- Language bar".

Selecting the Language Bar - "Pinned to the taskbar".

Uncheck " Language bar is transparent when inactive"

There are situations when it is impossible to open the Settings Panels in the standard way.

In this case, we will use the windows commands:

  • language and regional standards"
  • Languages ​​and keyboard"

Why the language bar disappears and windows xp is not displayed

XP user choice. It seems that such a problem, the lack of a language bar, arises after the fight against viruses. The virus renames ctfmon.exe to ctfmon.rgn

Or you use broken line, not licensed software or OS... Or they cleaned the registry with some utility like Aulogics BootSpeed.

ICQ 7 can give problems to the language bar.

Sometimes toolbars can create a problem. For example Google Toolbar. Toolbars are often included in programs, as a free application, as add-ons. And they are removed through Control Panel> Add or Remove Programs.

If the checkbox is checked and the language bar is still not displayed in the lower right corner, where it should be.

Then look for the language bar on the desktop... Perhaps someone pulled this socket onto it (on the desktop). Or try unchecking and re-ticking.

And further. Try it remove the Russian language and put it back.

If the panel sometimes disappears, then uncheck "Turn off additional text services".

If missing, the language bar W7 has disappeared

There are known cases of virus infection of the language bar file (ctfmon.exe). If the file is infected, let the antivirus remove it. Then extract the original version of ctfmon.exe from the Windows 7 installation disc and paste it into the System32 folder.

The language bar icon has disappeared. How do I display the language bar on the desktop?

It is possible that the keyboard layout disappears after installing Office XP, Office 2003.

This is ctfmon's brains for adding an additional layout - "Alternative User Input".

The switching of languages ​​from English to Russian disappears. Program, Punto Switcher Language Bar Utility

Punto Switcher is designed to automatically switch keyboard layouts. Sometimes you forget to switch the keyboard layout from Russian to English and get, for example, "Tsshtvschtsy" instead of "Windows" and, conversely, without switching the keyboard layout from English to Russian, you get "Hjccbz" instead of "Russia". Now you can simply forget about the keyboard switch, switching will be done automatically.

The Punto Switcher language bar program does many other useful things, which you can learn about at ... link

Note: On my Win7, sometimes, when I start some "left" program, the language switching icon disappears. I just installed Punto Switcher, and I no longer suffer.

If it disappeared, the XP, W7 language bar disappeared. The language bar icon disappeared, the language switching is not displayed.

1 ... To do this, you need to do the operations described above. Or in the Windows settings "Language selection" set to English by default, and then again Russian and the language bar will appear again.

2 . Display a shortcut to the desktop from ctfmon.exe from C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 and every time if it disappears, click on it. There is nothing smarter yet, if you have not yet found the reason for the disappearance of the language bar.

For Windows 7 (Seven)

"Control Panel - Clock, language and region - Change keyboard layouts and other input methods"

Or use the windows commands:

  • Press the Win + R key and enter the command intl.cpl The " language and regional standards"
  • Entering the command control intl.cpl, 2 will open the " Languages ​​and keyboard"
  • Entering the command control intl.cpl, 3 will open the Advanced tab

Then select the item "Change keyboard" and change the default input language to "English" or whatever and press apply and ok. And then put the Russian language back by default. And you're done. It always helped 100%.

Another option. We will forcefully show all the icons on the Taskbar (it is at the bottom of the screen). To do this, change the settings in the Taskbar.

  • Right-click on the taskbar and select Properties.
  • We find Notification area and click Configure.
  • We put the bird " Always show all icons and notifications on the taskbar"

In this case, all hidden icons should appear. If not, then ctfmon.exe is not loaded, or someone is replacing it (a virus?)


  1. SSL Connection Error - Unable to create a secure connection to the server. The server might have a problem or the authentication certificate is missing

In Windows 7, there is a small problem - sometimes you cannot see the familiar language bar, which can be extremely inconvenient especially for novice users who switch keyboard layouts using it. But this useful element of the system can be returned at any time, and for this you can choose one of several possible options for action.

Using system controls

Using this tool, you can try to restore the desired item in one of the most accessible ways:

A check mark should be placed opposite the bottom line, which is responsible for displaying text labels on the language bar.

The fastest way to get to the layout settings window

In order to use the tool we need, we don't have to enter the computer control system. Moreover, you don't even need a Start button, which can be useful if the problem is caused by malicious applications. We will use hotkeys and the standard Windows 7 Run utility:

  1. Press Win and R at the same time, the "Run" window will appear;
  2. Write the line intl.cpl in the field for entering commands, press Enter, and then the configuration tool will open.

Next, you just need to follow the steps to configure the utility, described earlier in the last section. If, in the end, the element cannot be returned to its usual place, more laborious manipulations will have to be performed.

We use the system registry

First, you should try to make changes to the registry manually. To do this, you need a standard Notepad editor. Here enter the following three lines as in the picture.

  1. In the list of commands on the "File" menu, select "Save As";
  2. Name the file Run.reg and in the bottom line of the file type, instead of text, select "All files", confirm saving the changes.

Now all that remains is to run the file you just created and click "Yes" in the window for confirming registry changes. If, after a reboot, the desired system element was still not returned, you will have to use other options for making changes to the registry.

System tools for modifying the registry

Now, to return the Windows 7 language bar, we will use the capabilities of the built-in registry editor:

  1. Open Run (Win and R), write regedit in the command line, press Enter;
  2. In the left part of the window, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, in it - Software, then the nested directories Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion and Run;
  3. In the left window of the program, find the CTFMon parameter, the value of which should be C: \ Windows \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe.

If the above CTFMon parameter with the required value is present in the list, then the reason for the absence of the system element is not in the registry. If it is not there, perform CTFMon recovery yourself. For this:

  1. On the empty field of the left window, right-click and in the context list the items for creating a string parameter;
  2. Name the latter CTFMon and double-click on it to set the previously named value.

It will remain to reboot, after which Windows 7 should be able to switch the layout.

Using third-party utilities

If it was still not possible to restore the language bar in Wnidows 7 by all the methods described, then the best replacement for it would be the third-party program Punto Switcher from Yandex. This utility displays a similar element in the same place in the same way and you can use it in the same way. In addition, Punto Switcher provides users with additional, sometimes very useful features:

  1. The program automatically switches the layout if the user forgot to do so and types, for example, Russian text in Latin;
  2. If an error is detected when typing a word, the program issues a sound notification;
  3. Checks spelling automatically;
  4. The floating program indicator can be marked not only on the taskbar, but also anywhere on the screen;
  5. Punto Switcher can translate Russian text of any size into transliteration, the reverse action is also possible;
  6. The utility remembers the history of the texts saved in the clipboard;
  7. Create templates for automatic replacement of phrases using the built-in tools;
  8. With the help of your own diary, you can keep track of what users are typing on the keyboard, information is sorted by date;
  9. The meaning of any word can be found in Yandex dictionaries and Wikipedia using the Punto Switcher quick search function (select a word and press Win and S).