How to switch youtube to night mode. How to enable dark (night) mode in YouTube? Turning on the new interface

I already told you how you can change the theme on YouTube from light to dark. If in the last lesson we used a special extension for browsers, then in this lesson we will use the built-in mechanisms of the Youtube site itself. Now you will feel like a developer.

Open the browser and go to the Youtube video hosting site. Next, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I or right-click on an empty area of ​​the site and select "View Source" from the drop-down menu (may be called "Inspect Element" in other browsers). This will open the Developer Tools panel. Here we are interested in the "Console" tab (Console), so we immediately go to it.

The next step is to paste the code below into the console and press Enter:

By doing this, special cookies have been added to your browser. Thanks to them, you can get a little more features compared to ordinary users.

Now let's close the developer console and refresh the page. The site needs a little makeover, but the theme is still light. The next step is to click on your icon in the upper right corner of the page. A new item should appear in the drop-down menu, which allows you to enable a special "Night mode".

To turn off YouTube night mode, simply put the switch in the "Off" position. For those who want to completely turn off this theme and the ability to switch, just select the "Return to classic design" item in the menu.

After reloading the page, the site will return to its previous mode of operation, and there will be no trace of YouTube's night mode.

In this lesson, I will talk about the function watch later on youtube. This option allows you to save videos that are interesting to you in a separate folder, but, unfortunately, there is no way to watch them now, i.e. the ones you don't want to lose.

Today we will analyze the first of several ways in which you can change the standard white theme of YouTube video hosting to dark. We will come to the aid of a special extension called Magic Actions for Youtube. This extension is available for all browsers and has a number of additional features, which we will discuss below.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to enable and how to turn off autoplay of youtube videos. The principle of this function is that while you are watching a certain video, youtube analyzes it, selects a similar one and automatically starts showing it when the current video ends.

If you think dark modes are just for apps, think again. YouTube now offers a dark "night" theme for users who are tired of the video streaming site filling their faces with bright white light.

Initially night dark mode YouTube worked exclusively on desktop, but on March 13, YouTube rolled it out to their iOS and Android mobile apps, now you'll learn how to set up this feature on desktop and iOS. If the mobile instructions don't work, try updating it, force quitting the app, reopening it.

How to enable YouTube dark mode on PC:

1. Click the profile icon in the upper right corner.

2. Tap "Night Mode: Off".

3. Tap the "Night Mode" switch: you have unlocked youtube dark mode! Grab some Popcorn and enjoy your favorite video.

How to turn on YouTube dark mode on iOS on iOS:

1. Click the profile icon in the upper right corner.

2. Click "Settings".

3. Turn on night mode.

You have enabled dark mode for YouTube! Now you have learned how to turn on the brand new night mode setting yourself. YouTube on iOS, with which I greet you. I recommend reading about another and very important function "".

Google introduced an updated and improved design YouTube. In the list of bright differences is "Night mode" - a version of hosting with a black background. Today, one of the most attentive users managed to discover that in YouTube Now you can turn on the "dark mode". Google continuously working on its services and programs, including the latest features and visual improvements. It is clear that innovations are first tested in a narrow circle of users. And most importantly, now all the features of this function are available, though for now, to owners of smartphones based on the IOS system. But soon, according to the developers of video hosting, this feature will affect all platforms.

And so, in order to activate the dark mode in the YouTube application, we need, in addition to the application itself, the service ""

1) First of all, download and run the program "Preferences Manager"
2) We are looking for the application "YouTube" in the list
3) Open the file youtube.xml
4) Enter in the search bar "dark"
5) In both paragraphs, you need to change the parameter false on the true. If there are none, then you need to add them manually using the "+" symbol in the upper right corner.

6) Then save the changes and restart the application.
7) We use! Dark mode will especially appeal to users who often
spend time watching videos YouTube at night time.

Users of the Reddit forums have discovered a new mysterious mode on the YouTube platform. Together with the discovery, the network also published a way to activate the new function. As it became known, users stumbled upon the "Night Mode" of the site, which changes the usual color scheme of the site. The white background changes to black, and the logo and font color become white. Apparently, "Night Mode" was created in order to reduce the strain on the eyes of users from watching videos at night.

Under normal conditions, secret mode is not available to ordinary users of the resource. To activate it, you need to set a special cookie value in your browser. In this article, you can learn how to activate secret mode on YouTube (night mode).

Instructions for enabling night mode on YouTube

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+I
  2. Type in the window that appears - document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE"
  3. Reload YouTube Page
  4. In the settings menu in the upper right corner of the screen, select "Night mode"

If everything is done correctly, the site will change the color scheme. However, the changes will be temporary as the cookie has a limited lifespan. In order not to repeat the activation again and again after the cookie expires, you can manually change the cookie expiration to 1 year. To do this, in the second step, instead of document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE" you need to enter the following:

var cookieDate = new Date();

cookieDate.setFullYear(cookieDate.getFullYear() + 1);

document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE; expires=" + cookieDate.toGMTString() + "; path=/"

Summing up

Now you know how to activate secret mode in YouTube (night mode). YouTube representatives have not officially announced the new mode. Presumably, "Night mode" will be one of the new features that will appear in the near future.

If you spend a lot of time watching videos on the Internet in the evenings, then you should know how to enable night mode on YouTube. Thanks to him, browsing sites will be more pleasing to the eye.

Dark background on YouTube

Night mode allows you to change the background of the application interface to darker colors so as not to tire your eyes when working with programs at night. As a rule, such a function is available in electronic books (e-book), since reading books on a light background in the middle of the night is not so comfortable and tiring. Absolutely, the function makes browsing any sites comfortable, and everyone knows that many people spend more time on YouTube.

A bright theme is not suitable for viewing at night when the room is dark. But there is a way to turn on YouTube's hidden night mode, which changes the interface background to dark gray. It is only possible to enable it in Google Chrome, but it will probably be available in all browsers soon. See how to make a dark background on video hosting.

Activate Night Mode on YouTube in Chrome Browser

Open the home page in your browser. Before enabling the dark theme, make sure you are logged in with your Google account, and then press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I.

A window with developer options will be displayed. Switch to the Console tab. If you are using any ad blocking plugins, you may see red entries for blocked items in the console. Pay no attention to them. At the very bottom, find the line that starts with ">".

It is intended for entering commands in the console. Copy the following snippet and then paste it into a string:


Confirm your input by pressing Enter, and then refresh the YouTube page. The new site interface is activated. Now click on the profile icon in the upper right corner and select "Night mode" from the drop-down menu.

A switch will be displayed that allows you to enable or disable the night background in YouTube on demand. Move it to the "On" position. The interface will change its bright design to black and gray.

If you want to restore the light version of the interface, you can turn off the dark mode in youtube using the same switch in the user menu.