How to make a negative in Photoshop. How to make a negative in Photoshop

Any amateur photographer and, moreover, a specialist is familiar with such a concept as negative. The word, which comes from the Latin negativus, means the opposite, negative meaning of color: brighter areas on the film turn out to be black, and vice versa. The brightness of the color also changes in the opposite direction, and the paler areas of the image end up being the most prominent.

Printing from negatives allows you to take clearer pictures, touch up some areas of skin or clothing in the direction of their improvement. How to make a negative out of a photo? The program Adobe Photoshop will come to the rescue.

Question "Photoshop CS3" - 1 answer
Open the image to be converted to negative.
The next move is to invert the color.

Inversion is a change of colors to the opposite, reverse. The key combination Ctrl + I will help to do this, or it is possible to perform the operation through the menu: "Image - Correction - Inversion" (Image - Adjustments - Invert). You will notice that the color of the original image has changed.

Many stop at the second step, but this is wrong, because the negative is not completely created. At the end of the inversion, it is imperative to desaturate your painting.

This can be done both from the keyboard - Shift + Ctrl + U, and through the menu: "Image - Correction - Desaturate" (Image - Adjustments - Desaturate). As you can see, the image is completely black and white.

Then you need to correct the photo. The menu item "Image - Correction - Color saturation and tone" (Image - Adjustments - Hue / Saturation) will come to the rescue. Here, be sure to check the box next to the "Colorize" option.

Then use the cursor to change the values \u200b\u200bof the fields from top to bottom: hue - 209, saturation - 15, lightness remains the same, zero. Press OK.

The next move is to work on the ratio of light and shadow: “Image - Correction - Highlights / Shadows (Image - Adjustments - Shadows / Highlights). A new window for image correction will open.

If it's shallow, click on the bottom of "Show More". Change the indicators of light and tone, so that the image is more saturated and high quality. In the item "Shadows" - Shadows set the following values: quantity - 0, width of the tonal range - 50, radius - 30 pixels. In the "Lights" menu: effect - 35, width of the tonal range of light - 75, radius - 30.

The values \u200b\u200bof color correction and contrast of mid tones must be minus: color correction must be set at a level of 8, contrast of mid tones -10.

Quite often when creating negatives, the image is flipped. This can be done through the menu item "Image - reflection and rotation" (Image - Rotate Canvas).

Any function of the Photoshop program implies application in image processing, but giving a negative effect sometimes seems inappropriate, incomprehensible and remains idle. So, in this tutorial, we'll look at how you can apply the above effect.

We select an image (example). Duplicate the original layer. Apply the actions shown in the figures to it.

Apply the Camera raw filter to the layer that has become negative. You should give clarity to the lines, enhance the transmission of shadows.

Part of the girl's body and her face should be removed from the shadow area, but so that there is no fading. To do this, go to the channels, remove the visibility from RGB and select a more suitable channel with a clear pattern. Next, you need to use the "Color Range" function: the "Selection" tab to select the desired part of the image.

Using the eyedropper, select the part of the image that should be selected on the working background.

Copy the selected part. Make all channels visible. Remove visibility from the duplicate channel. Return to the "Layers" window. Paste the copied part of the image on a separate layer.

We carry out the flattening: select the image with the "Rectangular Region" tool and in the "Editing" tab press "Copy the combined data" and "Paste". Apply the Camera raw filter to the "flattening" layer.

Apply the "Cross-strokes" filter to the "flattening" layer: the "Filter" tab - "Filter gallery".

Duplicate the "flattening" layer and apply "Gaussian Blur" to it.

Add a layer mask to the layer and fill it with black. In the mask, use a soft white brush to blur the skin area. The layer can be lowered opacity.

Use "Curves" and "Levels" adjustment layers to enhance the shadows and highlights.

Combine adjustment layers into a group. Add a mask to the group and fill it with black. In the mask, reveal some of the adjustment layers. Alternatively, you can apply to the adjustment layer, fill the mask with black and reveal some parts of the layer.

Perform flattening again and in the resulting layer with a hard type brush of white color carefully, enlarging the image, paint over the areas with dirt.



The next step is to invert the color. Inversion is a change of colors to the opposite, reverse. The key combination Ctrl + I will help to do this, or you can use the menu operation: "Image - Correction - Inversion" (Image - Adjustments - Invert). You will see that the color of the original image.

Many people stop at the second step, but this is wrong, since the negative is not completely created. After inverting, be sure to desaturate your image. This can be done both from the keyboard - Shift + Ctrl + U, and through the menu: "Image - Correction - Desaturate" (Image - Adjustments - Desaturate). As you can see, the image is completely black and white.

Next, you need to correct the photo. The menu item "Image - Correction - Hue and Saturation" (Image - Adjustments - Hue / Saturation) will come to the rescue. Here, be sure to check the box next to the "Colorize" option. Next, use the cursor to change the values \u200b\u200bof the fields from top to bottom: hue - 209, saturation - 15, lightness remains the same, zero. Click OK.

The next step is to work on the ratio of light and shadow: “Image - Correction - Highlights / Shadows (Image - Adjustments - Shadows / Highlights). A new window for image correction will open. If it's small, click Show More Options at the bottom. Change the tone and light values \u200b\u200bto make the image richer and better. In the item "Shadows" - Shadows set the following values: quantity - 0, width of the tonal range - 50, radius - 30 pixels. In the "Lights" menu: effect - 35, width of the tonal range of light - 75, radius - 30. The values \u200b\u200bof color correction and contrast of mid tones should be minus: color correction should be set at level - 8, contrast of mid tones - 10.

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negative, In photography, the image is usually found on a strip or sheet of transparent plastic film that reproduces the bright parts of the photographed object in dark and dark parts as light areas.

The reverse order occurs, since chemicals are extremely sensitive to light, use to capture an image quickly enough that normal shooting is darkened rather than discolored by light and subsequent photographic processing.

Exposing sensitized paper through a negative, either by placing the negative or paper in close contact, or by projecting the negative image onto the paper, cancels out these tones and creates a positive photographic print.

There are two kinds of negatives:

  • Black and white negatives: consist of grains of metallic silver, chemically reduced during the development of silver salts, damaged by light during exposure;
  • Color negatives: are composed of three inverse-backed images that are generated along with the silver image at design time.

Now that we have a basic understanding of what a negative image is, let's start learning how to make negative photo effects in easy ways.

The best way to create a negative photo with WidsMob Retoucher on Windows and Mac (macOS Catalina included)

WidsMob Retoucher is a professional positive and negative photo effects editor now available in Mac OS X. With it you can easily add negative effects to your photos.

WidsMob Retoucher

WidsMob Photo Retoucher - helps you remove noise from high ISOs, low light, high shutter speeds, and more by using custom information for each image and apply saturation, contrast and grain to your digital images from the most legendary grain of the image. analog movies to give your photo a unique look.

Step 1: Add photo to WidsMob Retoucher for negative effect

Click "Open" to add the photo to the program or directly drag the photo to the interface. Download and install WidsMob Retoucher on your Mac and then open this negative effect editing program. Click "Open" to add the photo to the program or directly drag the photo to the interface.

Step 2: Apply negative effect to your photo

Click the FILM PACK button on the top right sidebar. Select Color Negative Film from the Color Gamut Profile drop-down list.

As you can see the negative effect on photography at the same time for your operation, you can also choose Different film effects to change negative color.

You can also change color modes by adjusting contrast, saturation, and custom tone, and adjust film grain and intensity.

After editing, click the Save button at the top of the main interface to directly save the photo to your Mac. You can change the name and add tags to your photo. You can also choose where to save, format (JPEG or TIFF) and photo quality before saving.

Check out the video tutorial below to make it easier:

Method 2: take a negative photo online with LunaPic

There are many online positive and negative photo editors on the internet, you can choose one of them to make your photo negative. Let's take, for example, to do negative photo switching online.

1. Enter in your browser and find Negative For more information, see Filters.

2. Click the Select File button to select a photo from your computer, or directly enter the URL of your online image in the Open URL form to apply a negative effect.

You can also use another online video editor like, which can help you easily take a photo with negative (or positive from negative) effects.

Just select the image on your computer or mobile phone, click the "OK" button on the Page button, then wait a few seconds and you can directly upload the negative photo.

Method 3: create negative photos with Expression Studio on Windows 10/8/7

If you are using a Windows computer, you can use the Invert Photo Negative filter in Expression Studio to invert the colors of an image. This filter is useful for converting a positive image to a negative, or for a positive result from a programmed negative value.

1. Open Expression Studio in Windows and select an image file.

2. Click "Image Editor" in the menu and then click "Undo Photo Negative".

3. Then click OK to invert the image in the Undo Photo Negation window and the negative image was saved successfully.

Method 4: make negative on iPhone / iPad

Step 1. Open "Settings" on your iPhone or iPad. This is a gray app that contains gears and sits on the home screen.

Step 2. Scroll down and tap General. Then click "Accessibility" in the middle of the individual section menu.

Step 3. Click Show Placement and move Invert Colors to On. It will turn purple and the colors on your device will now be inverted.

All amateur photographers and, even more so, a specialist are familiar with such a concept as negative ... The word, derived from the Latin negativus, means the opposite, negative meaning of color: more clear places on the film turn out to be dark, and vice versa. The brightness of the color also changes in the opposite direction, and the more pale areas of the image are the brightest as a result. Printing with negative ov makes it possible to get more clear pictures, to correct some areas of the skin or clothing in the direction of their improvement. How to make from a photograph negative ? The program Adobe Photoshop will come to the rescue.


1. Open the image to be converted to negative .

2. The next step is to invert the color. Inversion is a change of colors to the opposite, reverse. The key combination Ctrl + I will help to do this, or it is allowed to perform the operation through the menu: "Image - Correction - Inversion" (Image - Adjustments - Invert). You will see that the color of the starting image has changed.

3. Many people stop at the second step, but this is not normal, because negative not done completely. After inverting, you must rigorously desaturate your image. This can be done both from the keyboard - Shift + Ctrl + U, and through the menu: "Image - Correction - Desaturate" (Image - Adjustments - Desaturate). As you can see, the image is completely black and white.

4. Next, you need to correct the photo. Support will come the menu item "Image - Correction - Hue and Concentration" (Image - Adjustments - Hue / Saturation). Be sure to check the box next to the "Colorize" option. Next, use the cursor to change the values \u200b\u200bof the fields from top to bottom: hue - 209, saturation - 15, lightness remains the same, zero. Click OK.

5. The next step is to work on the ratio of light and shadow: "Image - Correction - Highlights / Shadows (Image - Adjustments - Shadows / Highlights). A new window for image correction will open. If it is small, click on the bottom "Show More Options". Change the tone and light parameters to make the image more intense and solid. In the item "Shadows" - Shadows set the following values: number - 0, width of the tonal range - 50, radius - 30 pixels. In the "Lights" menu: the result is 35, the width of the tonal range of the light is 75, the radius is 30. The values \u200b\u200bof color correction and contrast of midtones must be minus: color correction must be set on a tier - 8, contrast of midtones -10.

6. Often when creating negative The image is turned over. This can be done with the support of the "Image - Rotate Canvas" menu item. Your negative ready.

Photoshop is a must-have graphics program for all occasions, and it will help you even in such seemingly difficult situations when you need to draw authentic and realistic-looking print. Creating a seal is a swift and primitive process, one that will not take you more than 10 minutes.

You will need

  • Adobe Photoshop


1. To get started with printing, make a new document in Photoshop, 300 by 300 pixels. On a white background, write a small line of any text that ends with an asterisk.

2. Select the text layer. In the upper control panel of the text layer you will see an icon in the form of an arc above the letter "T" - click on it in order to open the text transformation window. In the Style section, select "Arc" with the Horizontal value, then click OK. Your text turned out to be curved in the form of an arch, the 1st step to the new seal is done.

3. The layer with the changed text must be copied (Duplicate layer), then select the Transform parameter from the Edit menu and specify a 180 degree rotation (Rotate) in it. The copy should be mirrored under the original. Merge the layers.

4. Then on a new layer select the Elleptical Marquee Tool and select with its help the text area. Select the Edit menu, after that Stroke, select 5px and set the default to black. Repeat the same process, making the circle smaller inside your print. Change the circle text as you like, and place any other image or newest text in the center of the print on a new layer.

5. There are final touches left, add the seals of realism. Make a new layer with Render Clouds filter and add noise result (Add Noise). Set the noise parameter as you wish - 30-40%. Set this layer's options to Screen instead of Normal and you will see the print take on its authentic appearance.

In Adobe Photoshop, photos and any other images can be altered beyond recognition, and virtually any of your creative ideas in image processing with Photoshop support can become a reality. Repeatedly, in working with photographs or in the process of creating collages and photomontages, it becomes necessary to turn the image in a mirror image - so that the figure in the photograph remains the same as before, but looks in the opposite direction, or even turns out to be turned upside down.


1. To unfold the image, open it in the program, and then go to the Edit menu and select the Rotate Canvas item. Select the Flip Canvas Horizontal or Flip Canvas Vertical subsections.

2. With the help of these commands, you will be able to rotate the picture horizontally or vertically in a couple of seconds, depending on what result you want to get. This way you will be able to unfold all the layers of the image.

3. If you need to unfold only one layer without touching the others - say, leave the landscape as it was, and unfold the object placed on it in the other direction - use the Edit\u003e Transform command, and then select Flip Horizontal or Flip in the subsections. Vertical.

4. Accordingly, you can flip any object on a separate layer, or all image layers as a whole, overturn from right to left, or flip vertically.

5. To overturn only one layer from each set of layers of a photo or drawing, you can use the Layers palette. Right on the palette, click on the layer that you want to change and expand, and make sure that it is not linked to other layers.

6. Later, repeat the above action more closely - open the Edit menu, select the Transform item and specify whether you want to flip the image horizontally (Flip Horizontal) or flip it vertically (Flip Vertical).

In the distance, color photography is not invariably more beautiful and fascinating than black and white. Sometimes it is monochrome colors that make it possible to convey well-being, create the necessary entourage. In addition, it happens that color photography is cool by everyone, but some too shiny detail distracts from the main subject of photography. In order not to throw out the picture, convert it to black and white. And he will not only be saved, but, perhaps, will become much prettier and more colorful.

You will need

  • Photoshop, photography.


1. Adobe Photoshop provides several methods to make picture black and white. Before starting work, make a copy of the "Background" layer independently of which method you prefer. Select the item " picture - correction - black and white ”. A window will appear in front of you, allowing you to adjust the brightness of various tones. This is the most comfortable and solid method to get black and white. picture , from the fact that you yourself can edit the brightness of the colors and make them what you need. Let's say you can do it so that your face appears clear or, on the contrary, is tanned. The firmament can become dark and gloomy, or everyday life can become clear.

2. 2nd method - applying channel mixing. Mixing - mixing. You can strengthen or weaken the power of one or another channel for the overall picture. “Image - correction - channel mixing” is the way we need it. At the very bottom of the window that appears, check the "monochrome" checkbox. The image will turn black and white and by moving the sliders of the different channels you can get the desired result.

3. The 3rd and easiest method is discoloration. Select the menu item "Image - Correction - Desaturate" or primitively press the Shift + Ctrl + U key combination. The layer will lose all color information, making picture black and white. The disadvantage of this method is that you will not be able to influence the appearance of the photo and edit the brightness of the tones is unrealistic.

Probably most people have a lot of dilapidated, but dear to heart photos together with negatives ... And many people still use film cameras. In the age of modern innovations, when one technical novelty is ahead of another in its functions and probabilities, the problem can be easily solved. A USB scanner that is perfect for home use will help you save precious pictures. With such a USB scanner, it is permissible to place photographs from negatives at ease into the computer.


1. The tiny device scans, recognizes and saves an image from a negative in jpeg, tiff and other formats in a matter of minutes. As usual, it comes with Photoshop and other drivers. A USB scanner is a small device that works through a USB port and is prepared for "digitizing" photos from negatives. At the push of a button, you can download a 5 megapixel color image to your computer. The USB scanner also comes with a special program for adjusting the colors in the picture.

2. Connect the USB scanner primitively to the computer and adjust the operating parameters according to the instructions. Depending on the frequency of use of the system, the options are recommended to be connected modularly or monolithically. If you plan to use the scanner less often, or if you easily value your computer sources, use a modular connection, because the driver help will be included only when necessary.

3. Check the entry for the connected device. When the scanner is typically recognized by the system, you are allowed to start working with it. Now you can comfortably keep your old pictures in a computer, create photos in a new quality, tea, they reflect significant life events and places where you once visited.

Oftentimes, even those photos that you think are good lack saturation. This is extremely invisible when printing - the LCD monitor shows the image more brilliantly than ink and paper can do. This is a common snag, but it is absolutely fixable with the help of Photoshop or another graphics editor similar to it.

You will need

  • - Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop
  • - Photo for correction


1. Open the photo in the graphics editor Adobe Photoshop using the "File - Open" menu, or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O. Crop your photo if necessary.

2. Often photos lack contrast in the first place. Sometimes this is not immediately intelligible: at first glance, the photo looks typical. But once you open the "Levels" dialog box, the truthful alignment becomes intelligible. This window is invoked by the shortcut Ctrl + L, or through the menu "Image - Adjustments - Levels".

3. Pay attention to the diagram that you see in the dialog box. Free spaces between its edges and the edges of the dialog box are a sign of unsatisfactory photo contrast. Move the black and white markers closer to the middle, keeping track of how the photo changes. As you can see, the photo has become more contrast and intense. But do not overdo it, make sure that the colors remain common.

4. In some cases, the adjustment of the tiers is pleased, so that the photo bought more colorful colors. If you want to add more saturation, refer to the menu item "Image - Adjustments - Hue / Saturation". It can also be called by pressing Ctrl + U.

5. Move the slider to the right, which is responsible for the saturation value of the photo. Track how the photo changes. When the colors are intense, but remain normal, click OK. If you want to adjust the concentration of a particular color channel, choose it from the list, the one at the top of the dialog box. Traditionally, the default mode is “Master”. In the same window, you can adjust the hue of the photo (by moving the "Hue" slider), and its brightness ("Lightness").

6. Save the corrected photo using the menu item "File - Save as".

Useful advice
There are also many other methods for correcting the contrast of a photo, say, through the Curves dialog box. It is also allowed to use the Auto Contrast and Auto Levels functions, but they do not invariably lead to a fairly solid result.

Continuous stress becomes the cause of nervous disorders and the accumulation of anxiety and depression. If you see that emotions interfere with a sober assessment of the situation; if you continuously notice only trashy, it's time to learn to see the world with different eyes.


1. Think about the right consequences. If you have been doused with mud from a puddle, you should not focus on your current state. Imagine coming home, changing into everything dry and clean, and taking a hot shower. If you constantly think about the dirt on your clothes and the fact that now every day is hopelessly ruined, this will happen. As soon as you want, events will begin to take on a positive or negative connotation at your request. There is nothing glorious about showing up for work in the mud, but the tragedy of the situation should not be overestimated.

2. Be optimistic. It seems that what is happening to you is the most terrifying thing that can be in this world. Or it’s just flowers, but the worst will certainly come soon. Going back to the dirty clothes example, you can fantasize that you are even lucky. Absolutely could be doused from head to toe, ride on your fingertips, or completely hook on the hood. You happily got off, more closely for this alone it is worth being grateful to fate and rejoicing. And a ruined shirt certainly costs less than buying a new woolen suit, and that outcome is cooler than an intensive care unit.

3. Learn to look for the great next to you. If you can't find anything positive, don't despair. Even here you can easily take the situation into your own hands. Let's say you were doused by a car, it happened before the main meeting at work, you can't keep up with home any more, and there is no time to change clothes or really make yourself look more or less respectable. Yes, you will not find anything positive here. Learn to look at things philosophically. But you will probably be able to rummage in your memory and find something excellent that happened on that day. A neighbor smiled at the entrance, they gave me a salary. Any negativity is allowed to be obscured by something different and clear.

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Some events, unfortunately, are unthinkable to translate from negative to positive. If something similar happened to you or your loved ones, do not try to wrap everything up in a joke. Occasionally it is permissible to grieve, if it is clever and appropriate.

Useful advice
Never think too long about tasks. Continuous rubbing of one and the same does not change the situation for the better, but spoils the state of health and exhausts the nervous system.

Photographic film is still vigorously used in photography, and many important and expensive frames are stored in analog form, since they were obtained in the years when digital special technologies were not yet developed. Currently, there are several different methods of copying an image. negative .


1. There are two different approaches for reshooting. negative : digital and analog. Digitizing the film gives the likelihood of a comfortable long-term storage of the image without further periodic reshooting, guarantees its physical safety. Copy negative from film to film cannot boast of such a faithful and indestructible preservation, but it can be aesthetically significant, and most importantly, it allows printing from film by hand, which is the highest value and quality of printed photography.

2. When scanning film to digital, you have to solve the hitch of choosing a file format and scanning equipment. There are many raster formats for storing images. The most common options are two types: with and without compression. The famous compressed format is JPG. It takes up little space in comparison to other species and stores a huge amount of information about the image. If the photographic materials are not planned to be printed later or to do some other manipulations that require the quality of the source, then it is allowed to limit ourselves to this type. Otherwise, you should use a genuine uncompressed image in TIFF or BMP format.

3. The scanner has the greatest power on the quality of the material it receives. There is a huge number of instrument collations associated with the type of matrix, illumination lamp and programmed probabilities. Scanners can be divided into two groups: amateur flatbed and highly professional drum scanners. It is preferable to use the final view, this will allow you to get a larger size, image sharpness, sound study of the reshoot negative in shadows and midtones.

4. Reshooting negative from film to film is less common, but until now exists and is justified for some purposes. There are two options: reshooting with the support of a photographic enlarger on technical film and photographing negative ... For the latter method, special lens attachments for macro photography are sold, into which a negative or a slide is inserted, after which it is filmed with a camera. It should be noted that the final method can also be used for digitization. negative (when shooting with a digital camera), however, scanning is preferable.

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