Swap groups. Throw it away immediately! How to exchange "unnecessary" things for money

Notice boards

A quick and easy way is to place ads on the sites "Daru Dar", "Avito", "I will give it for free", "From hand to hand". There are specialized platforms for children's clothes: Deti.Mail.ru, Baby.ru, Babyblog.ru and others. On some message boards, you can charge a nominal fee for your items in the form of chocolate or fruit. Or just exchange things with someone.


To do this, the city hosts popular recent times freemarkets. These are self-organized free fairs without money, where you can freely exchange things. People arrange their goods on a common counter-table by categories: clothes, shoes, books, toys, household items. Everyone can take their favorite new clothes. You can follow the information about new freemarkets in the group "Freemarkets of Moscow".

Thrift stores

You can donate unwanted clothes in good condition to thrift stores, the store will sell them at a big discount, and the money received will go to charity. Among the charity shops is BlagoButik. The profits from the sale of things go to the treatment of the wards of the "Vera" and "Podari Zhizn" charitable foundations. Address: st. Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya, building 1, RIO mall, pavilion U20a (ground floor). The store is open daily from 10-00 to 22-00. The Charity Shop accepts clothes and accessories in good condition, free from stains and scuffs. Then these things are put up for sale. Most of the profits go to pay for education and finance career guidance and employment programs for graduates of orphanages belonging to the Center for Equal Opportunities for Orphans "Up". Employees of the Charity Shop carry out campaigns to collect clothes in the offices, install their containers for things there by agreement, and also accept clothes from individuals in their store at the address: st. Novokuznetskaya, 1, from 11:00 to 21:00. Clothes can be brought daily from 11:00 to 22:00 at the Lavka Joy charity store. Address: Maly Sukharevsky lane, 7 (metro station Tsvetnoy Boulevard). There you can also take any item you like for free donations, that is, leave a small amount: 20-30% of the cost of a new item. The money received will be used to buy clothes for those in need. "BlagoMarket"(Khokhlovsky lane, 7), in addition to clothes and shoes, accepts glasses, bags, belts, jewelry. Also in the store you can buy designer items in good condition. In the anti-cafe "Ziferblat" on Pushkinskaya (Tverskaya st., 12, building 1) there is an unusual second-hand shop on the second floor. Here you can exchange your old clothes for the ones you like.


In H&M stores around the world, boxes for receiving unwanted items are installed near the cash registers. And for two standard packages of things, the buyer is given a 15 percent discount on any purchase. H&M cooperates with the sorter company I: CO. From all H&M stores, things are taken to the German city of Wolfen, where the marshalling yard is located. There they are divided into four categories: second-hand items, unsuitable for washing floors, for recycling and for energy. As a result of garment processing, regenerated textile fibers are obtained. Non-woven materials (for example, plant cover) are made from it, as well as hardware yarn, from which textile products are again produced. In addition, recycled old clothing is used as a raw material for technical felts, sound insulation materials, flooring and lining materials in the furniture industry.

Temples and organizations

There are collection points in most of the capital's temples. Clothes and shoes are given to the poor, sick, homeless and others in need. The Moscow city branch of the Russian Red Cross accepts warm clothes and bedding for low-income families with many children and single mothers and homeless people. Address: Volokolamskoe shosse, 15/22, entrance from Panfilov, 22. The Salvation Army International Organization (Moscow branch) will also accept clothes for large families, pensioners and homeless people. Export is possible for organizations. Address: Khlebnikov per., 7, bldg. 2. The public organization "Parus Hope" helps people with disabilities. They will accept clothes for their charges, household appliances and dishes. They do not have a warehouse, but they will recommend a specific person, family or boarding school who can be helped, and they will travel with you.

Social help centers

Leftover clothes and shoes from free markets are often sent to social help centers. You can also bring unnecessary things into them. Here are some addresses: Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children "Koptevo": Cherepanovs Ave., 44. Complex Center for Social Services "Otradnoe": st. Rimsky Korsakov, 6. Center for Social Services "Yaroslavsky": st. Palekhskaya, 11, bldg. 2. Center for Social Services "Donskoy": Sevastopolskiy pr-d., 1, bldg. 1a. Besides clothes, she accepts toys and books. Center for social assistance to families and children "Prosperity": Pyatnitskoe highway, 36. In addition to clothes, it accepts toys and books. Center for Social Services "Yasenevo": st. Golubinskaya, 32, bldg. 2. Center for social assistance to families and children "Solnechny": Zelenograd, bldg. 913. Social service center "Matveevsky": st. Nezhinskaya, 13, entrance 21, apt. 707, code 1234. Social service center "Obruchevsky": st. Novatorov, 36, bldg. 5. Center for social services of the Arbat district: Trubnikovskiy per., 21, bldg. 1. Muscovites can bring clothes, dishes and household appliances for low-income people to the Emergency Social Service. Address: st. Volkhonka, 5, building 7, 1st entrance, 3rd floor, from Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 15.00.


The Mercy Foundation operates a collection center at the Vasily the Great Exhibition Center. You can bring your belongings on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 to 20:00 at the address: Dmitrovskoe shosse, 71. You can help families from the regions of Russia at the Russian Birch Foundation. They send things by mail at the individual request of those in need. They accept clothes and shoes for children and adults in good condition, washed and ironed. Prerequisite: clothes must be in plastic bags or waterproof bags. Address: st. Spartakovskaya, 19, building 3, entrance from the courtyard into the basement (metro station "Baumanskaya"). Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00. Children's things are accepted at the Volunteers to Help Orphans Charitable Foundation. Clothes and footwear are accepted daily and around the clock in agreement with the coordinator, tel. + 7-926-283-72-32. Address: st. Admiral Lazarev, 43, under. 5 (metro station "Buninskaya Alley"). The Elizaveta Glinka Foundation (Dr. Lisa) helps the homeless and people in difficult situations. They accept clothes strictly according to the season (in summer - dresses, in winter - fur coats), since there is simply nowhere to store it. Address: st. Pyatnitskaya, 17/4, building 1 (metro station "Novokuznetskaya"). Working hours: from 10:00 to 20:00 seven days a week. You can help the homeless and people in difficult life situations in the orthodox organization "Kursk station homeless children". First of all, men's clothing is needed here, as well as outerwear and footwear. Women's and children's clothing is mainly sent to those in need in the Tula region. Address: Yakovoapostolskiy lane, 6 (the territory of the Temple of Apostle Jacob Zebedeev, metro station "Kurskaya"). Opening hours: Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 17:00. You can bring clothes at other times and leave them to the temple guards. You can also help internally displaced persons and homeless people in the Civic Assistance Committee at 22 Olimpiyskiy Prospekt, on weekdays from 10:00 to 20:00. Charitable organization Center "Perspektiva" accepts clothes for large and single-parent families, disabled people and the elderly. They can bring not only clothes and shoes, but also books, equipment, stationery and other accessories for Everyday life... Address: Balakirevsky per., 23, bld. 1, Center "Perspektiva" (metro station "Baumanskaya", tr. 22, 25, stop. "Balakirevsky lane"). An appointment must be made in advance by phone: (499) 267 -70-33. The Sozidanie Charitable Foundation accepts items for fire victims, poor and disadvantaged families and people affected by floods or other emergencies. They accept everything from clothing to kitchen utensils, stationery and personal care products. Address: st. Magnitogorskaya, 9, bldg. 1. Things for the elderly can be taken to the Sofia Foundation. Clothes are accepted on Tuesdays from 15.00 to 20.00 at the address: st. Yartsevskaya, 21, cinema "Brest", entrance to the store "TsentrObuv", metro station "Youth". You can take your belongings to the old people to the Old Age to Joy charitable foundation. Before the trip, you need to agree on a list of things with the coordinator by phone: + 7-926-276-69-91.

Sites where you can place ads for the sale of things that are no longer needed, but still useful, are very popular. Advertisements say that by placing ads on such sites, you benefit from a financial point of view and make a profit from the things that have already served you. But is it true that other people are eager to pay money for your old things? The question is controversial! Perhaps if it is, for example, a refrigerator, and it was found purposefully, the deal will take place. But there are doubts about the fate of smaller and useful, but pretty things. Most likely, their age will end in the trash.

In Finland, an Internet business idea for an effective site for the exchange of things and goods was implemented. If people do not want to pay money for other people's old things, this does not mean that they have no desire to take possession of this thing. Just thinking logically, a person decides - why am I going to spend money on "old stuff", I'd rather add and buy a new one, "right from under the machine." But it is a completely different matter when a desired thing can be exchanged for one that is already unnecessary, but necessary for another. In this case, everyone wins - no one spends money, and everyone gets what they want. Actually, on this simple and ingenious principle, a new site for the exchange of things was founded under the name Netcycler (in translation - "virtual circulation").

On currently exchange site operates in three countries, because Since its launch in Finland, it has gained unprecedented popularity, and other Europeans have expressed a desire to have a similar service at home. Thus, the site is available in three European countries- Finland (in the .fi domain zone), Germany (.de) and Great Britain (.co.uk).

Netcycler is an Internet service with which you can exchange your belongings for others you like. All this is free, fun, environmentally friendly and economical - says the Netcycler team.

“If we talk about ecology, then our Internet project is directly related to the problem of pollution of the planet with human waste,” says Per Andler ( P? R Andler), one of the company's employees. - If people exchange old things, it means that they do not buy new ones and do not throw out the old ones. When millions do it, the effect is quite obvious. What we are proud of ”.

Navigating through exchange site Netcycler is not complicated and accessible to everyone. So, under the product you like, click on the I wan this button (I want it) and offer your product in exchange. The person whose product you liked receives a notification at email and makes a decision. Several people can participate in this cycle at once, which is another of the advantages of this site, which establishes such a kind of barter relationship.

© - portal of business ideas

25.02.2011 09:19:19

Even more interesting

Cosmetics will always be in demand and will never go out of style. Every year, sales of cosmetics are growing by 5-10%, so an online cosmetics store is a promising business idea.

Thrift shops have returned to the market. This is an inexpensive and simple business - what an entrepreneur needs without experience and capital. In this article, we will tell you how to make money on commission trading in children's goods.

Commission trading is experiencing a new wave of popularity. This idea can become profitable precisely in times of crisis, when the cost of any mistake in choosing a business direction increases many times over.

It's time to clean up your wardrobes and dressers. In Europe, people easily donate not only old and unnecessary things, but also know how to get huge benefits from this. Several times a year they organize fairs where they donate what is no longer useful and necessary for them.
You don't have to be an individual entrepreneur or buy a special permit to take a seat at this fair. As a rule, ordinary married couples participate there, who donate unnecessary things that have accumulated in the house. Home-made pavilions exhibit interior items, books, clothing, music records - everything that anyone would definitely want to accept as a gift. Eventually, the event turns into a general holiday. But if the exchange of things for the whole day did not take place, then they are again taken home or sent to a landfill.
In fact, barter is very good way accept as a gift something that can no longer be bought in a regular store or in the market, and in return give something of your own. The main thing is that this "something" has at least some kind of presentation that will attract its new owner. As a result of such transactions, people remain happy and satisfied that they were able to accept the right thing as a gift without spending their own money.
Science does not stand still. Today, in order to feel all the benefits and benefits of the exchange of things, a person does not need to go out. The transaction is easily and simply done via the Internet. The virtual market is usually specially created sites, where the exchange of things takes place. Users register on them and get acquainted with the rules of the exchange.
This way of exchanging things is very simple and profitable. A person does not need to spend a lot of time to find a like-minded person. It is enough to enter into any convenient search engine- Google, Yandex, etc. - keyword"Exchange of things" and he will immediately give out more than one hundred necessary sites. The choice is up to the user.

A special section for the exchange of things "I change" has also been created on our website. Residents from all over Russian Federation with great pleasure they place their announcements in this section. The range of goods placed for exchange is very wide. Freebie lovers will surely find for themselves not only a lot of interesting, but also useful. In order to facilitate the search, you need to use the filter by city. Thus, you can find ads about the exchange of things in your city. Special indicators under the text suggest its relevance.
Among the huge variety of applications submitted for the exchange there are ads about children's things, clothes and shoes, cosmetics, as well as much more. It is very easy and convenient to exchange things on the site. It is high time to be convinced of this. For example, in an apartment there are several unnecessary books on the shelves that may still be useful to someone. Some of them just give them away, while others can offer a profitable exchange of things. People do not always agree to give back an item of equal value, but no one forbids asking for a can of coffee or a couple of delicious chocolate bars for the items on display. Thus, it is much easier and more pleasant to release occupied place from old or useless items.

Exchange of things(barter) has existed for a long time and still does not lose its relevance and popularity. People from all over the world exchange things using the Internet. Start you too! Let Our site be the first in your endeavor! Become a part of a large community called "Exchange of Things" and do not miss the opportunity to find what you have been interested in for a long time, absolutely free!

Hello everyone!

I want to start right away with a clarification. Each of us has a different attitude to used things. If this is unacceptable for you, if you prefer to buy exclusively new things in the store, then please treat with respect to those who treat this normally. Situations in life are different.

I am not in poverty, but with our prices in stores and the quality of these things .... In general, I am calm about used, in the store they try on things)) Okay, I will not breed a philosophical conversation here. I'd better tell you about the site and the application.

I have a lot of things at home that I don't wear, but it's a pity to throw it away, and no one buys on Avito. Then I came across the SwopShop website.

The idea of ​​the site is original and very convenient. In order to take a thing, you need to give something.

Everything is described on the site, but I will tell you again in my own words.

There is a virtual currency - swap. You expose your lot (item) and estimate its value in swaps. The better the item, the more "expensive" you exhibit it. Another person who wants to pick up your item must have swaps (for items given away) in their account. When an exchange occurs, the person gives you special code... You enter it into the application when you close a trade and receive swaps on your account.

What are the advantages?

  • You don't waste money
  • You are making an equal exchange. In exchange for your expensive and unnecessary things, you can take the same expensive and necessary, well, or a lot of cheap and necessary ones)
  • In VKontakte groups, for the thing you like, you have to give something in return to this particular person. It often happens that you really need his thing, but you have nothing to offer in return. Here you give to one, and take from another.
  • General meetings. It is not necessary to go to the other end of the city. There are general meetings every Wednesday and Sunday where you can give away all your lots and collect from others.
  • There is a website and an application for a smartphone.

This is what the application looks like.

I have already told the whole point, and now let's see clearly how it works.

My profile.

Your photo, name, your rating and your balance are displayed here.


Things give different. From trash to cool and new. Clothes, shoes, toys, interiors, dishes, for the home, plants and much more.

Current deals.

The app displays the lots that you will pick up. Those. those lots that you have selected in the application, they are automatically booked for you and no one else sees them. Private messages are opened with this person.

And the lots that are taken from you.

This is what I will pick up at the next general meeting and what I will give away.

On the sites "Avito", "From hand to hand" and other well-known sites, you can post advertisements for the sale of unnecessary things. If you don't need payment, take a look at "Give away for free" or "Daru Dar". Children's things are usually distributed on the services Deti.Mail.ru, Baby.ru and other sites. The price is small everywhere, and this is ideal when you need to empty the shelves. Of the minuses, it can take quite a long time until a real buyer is found.

On free markets, all buyers are real and are ready to exchange the dress you do not need for boots or a handbag. The main thing is to be able to agree. It is most convenient to follow such events in a group. "Freemarkets of Moscow"... In some second-hand shops, exchange is also practiced. You bring your old things, and in return choose something from the available assortment. But there may be certain restrictions concerning, for example, the proportionality of things. It is better to find out the features of the exchange in advance. By the way, some semblance of such swaps can be found in social networks... For example, the community alkoshmot unites those who want to exchange things without additional payments. The main idea here is conscious consumption. The group works for two cities at once - Moscow and St. Petersburg, and updates appear several times a day.

This is a great chance to get rid of unnecessary things and do a good deed. Thrift stores, for example, the "Shop of Joy" or "Charity Shop" work in a similar way: they accept things in good condition, and then sell them at low prices to those who really need them. The money raised usually goes to charity as well.

Perhaps the most convenient way to transfer things to those in need is to leave them in special boxes that can be found in different parts of the city. So, on this moment in Moscow there are 8 collection points of the Kind Box project, a number of collection points and containers of the Kind Things project. Not only clothes and shoes are accepted, but also stationery, educational materials, books, games and gifts for children in orphanages.

You've probably noticed special boxes installed near the checkouts in H&M departments. They accept unnecessary things and give a voucher for each package of textiles to receive a discount on any purchase at H&M. Next, your belongings will be sent to the German city of Wolfen for a sorting yard and for processing. This is how the store demonstrates its social responsibility. You can use a coupon for only one item on the check, which is sold at full price.

Such well-known organizations as the Red Cross and The Salvation Army regularly organize the reception of things, which are then given to the homeless, low-income and large people. By the way, not only things are accepted. On official websites or in groups in social networks, information regularly appears about what kind of help is most needed now.

Temples and churches are the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to getting rid of old things. Indeed, in many churches there are organized places for receiving clothes and food, which are then distributed to those in need. But clothes are not accepted everywhere. If you decide to take something to the nearest temple, it is better to find out in advance all necessary information... It may be that things will need to be sorted beforehand, not to mention that they will need to be washed and tidied up.

Foundations accept clothes, shoes, bed linen, dishes and other things. You can contact the Charity Foundation, Russian Birch, Volunteers to Help Orphans, Civic Assistance, the Perspective Center, the Sozidanie Foundation, and the Friends in the Street movement. Things for the elderly will be welcome at the Sofia Foundation. Medicines, hygiene products, clothing and food can also be brought to the Fair Help Fund for Dr. Lisa. Also, any clothes in a suitable condition are accepted by the "The Heart Is" project. He helps large families, foster families, single-parent families and low-income families. You can transfer something that has already served you, but may be useful to others, through volunteers or bring it to the fund yourself.

If you want to get rid of unnecessary things, but do not want to waste time sorting and transporting them to collection points, you can order the removal of things directly from your apartment or garage. There are special projects in Moscow, for example, "Svalka", which independently and free of charge will take away clothes, toys, old household appliances, furniture. You can leave a request for the removal of things directly on the website. Another project, "Young Timurovtsy", gives away part of the collected things for sale (so it turns out to recoup transportation costs), and distributes the rest between the poor, orphanages and baby homes. And in the project "Give things for free" there is even an evening pick-up - cars are ready to come for your clothes before midnight. Then things will go to families in need.

Some groups of the population need regular help and support. These are homeless, low-income families, old people, disabled people and just people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. All kinds of social assistance organizations provide them with targeted assistance. They, in turn, are always ready to accept help from caring people. We need not only money, but also medicines, clothing, food and just the participation of volunteers.

Do not forget about the existence of commission stores if you want to get rid of things that have become unnecessary and get some benefit from it. Do you think that your clothes can still serve someone, and will generally look good on the counter? In a commission shop, for a small fee, they will accept for sale everything that the former owner does not need. For example, the "Pioneer" store will display your things not only on its windows, but also on trading platforms in the Internet. The Mamantin store specializes in used children's things. Toys, shoes, strollers, clothes and more will come in handy here. They are ready to give the money right away, and if you are not satisfied with the proposed ransom amount, you can give the goods on a commission.