If the Internet does not work after reinstalling the Internet ... several tips. Restoring drivers in Windows OS How to Restore All Drivers on Windows 7

Hello, friends!

Search and installation of drivers is a real headache for many novice PC users.

In this article, we will look at a few examples where, and how to find drivers for your computer or laptop.

Most often, the problem with the search for drivers occurs after reinstalling the Windows operating system. How to reinstall the Windows system with a disk, I wrote in this, installing Windows from a flash drive

How to find out for which devices you need to install drivers? To do this, click the right mouse button (PCM) on the computer icon → Select the Properties tab → Device Manager.

In this example, all drivers are installed correctly and work correctly. If one of the items shows question markSo for this device we will need to search for the driver.

Usually, when buying a laptop or computer in an assembly, a disk with the necessary drivers and utilities is attached to them. One disk with all drivers is equipped with a laptop, to a computer separately; This is usually drivers for chipset, video cards, sound card drivers, LAN. Here everything is simple, install the disk and run the installation of the necessary drivers.

Before searching for device drivers for your system, I essentially recommend getting acquainted with five iron. If there is no drivers with drivers, we use 2 method.

Download drivers from the official site of the manufacturer

Consider on the example of the ASUS K42F laptop. Go to the official website of ASUS and in the search specify this model. Select the tab → Download and specify your operating system (you can find out the system by passing at the address → My computer → (PCM) → properties).

We are looking for all the necessary drivers. The most important drivers are CHIPSET drivers, sound, VGA, LAN (network), etc. If this method does not help, we use the next, third method.

Search driver by device code.

Let's return to the dispatcher of the devices. Computer → PCM → Properties. Suppose we have no audio controller driver..cm drawing.

Click on it by PCM and select item → properties. In the open window, select the "Details" tab, and in the drop-down menu you need to select → " ID equipment"(In Windows XP" Device instance code»).

An example of such a code Ven_8086 & dev_0046.. Select it with the left key and copy by pressing the key combination Ctrl + C.. Now go to www.devid.info website in the search field insert ( Ctrl + V) Copy code.
Click "OK", after which a list of drivers will appear for this device → Download and install. It did not work → use a 4th method.

Good day.

When installing a new Windows, as a rule, the system automatically adjusts many parameters (Put universal drivers, task the optimal configuration of firewall, etc.) .

But it was so started that some points when Windows reinstallations are not automatically configured. And, many who first reinstalled the OS, faced with one unpleasant thing - not by the efficiency of the Internet.

In this article I want to disassemble the main reasons why it happens, and what to do about it (especially as questions regarding this topic - always a lot)

The most common reason why there is no Internet (approx. after installing a new Windows OS) - This is the absence in the network card driver system. Those. The reason is that the network card simply does not work ...

In this case, it turns out a vicious circle: there is no Internet, because No driver, but the driver can not download - because no Internet ! If you do not have a phone with access to the Internet (or another PC) - then most likely you can not do without the help of a good neighbor ...

Usually, if the problem is related to the driver - You will see about the next picture: a red cross will burn over the network icon, and the inscription, something similar to it: "Not connected: no available connections"

In this case, I also recommend going in windows Control Panelfurther open section Network and Internet, then Network and Shared Access Control Center.

In the control center - on the right there will be tab " Change adapter settings"- I need to open it.

In network connections you will see your adapters to which drivers are installed. As you can see in the screenshot below, there is no driver for Wi-Fi adapter on my laptop (There is only an Ethernet adapter, and it is disabled).

By the way, check that it is possible that you have a driver, but the adapter itself is simply turned off (as on the screen below - it will be simply gray and there will be an inscription on it: "disabled"). In this case, just turn it on by clicking on it with the right mouse button and selecting the Menu appropriate in the pop-up context.

Network connections

I also recommend to look into device Manager: There you can see in detail what equipment there are drivers, and what they are missing. Also, if there is a problem with the driver (for example, it works incorrectly) - then the device dispatcher marks such equipment with exclamation yellow signs ...

To open it, do the following:

  • Windows 7 - Perform (in the Start menu) insert Devmgmt.msc and press ENTER.
  • Windows 8, 10 - Press the Win + R buttons combination, insert Devmgmt.msc and press ENTER (screenshot below).

In the Device Manager, open the tab " Network adapters". If your equipment is not in the list - it means there are no drivers in the Windows system - no, which means that the equipment will not work ...

How to solve the driver's question?

  1. Option number 1 - try update hardware configuration (in Device Manager: Just right-click on the header network adapters And in the pop-up menu context, select the desired option. Screenshot below).
  2. Option number 2. - If the previous version did not help, you can use the special utility 3DP NET (It weighs about 30-50 MB, which means it can be downloaded even with the phone. In addition, it works without connecting to the Internet. More about it I told here :);
  3. Option number 3 - download comrade, neighbor, friend, etc. on the computer, etc. Special driver package - ISO image by ~ 10-14 GB, and then run it on its PC. Such packages "walks" a lot over the network, I personally recommend Driver Pack Solutions (reference to it here :);
  4. Option number 4 - If nothing from the previous one did not succeed and did not give results, I recommend looking for a driver on VID and PID. To do not paint everything here in detail, give a link to your article:

But this will look like a tab when the driver for Wi-Fi adapter will be found (Scrong below).

If you cannot connect to the network after updating the driver ...

In my case, for example, Windows refused to search for available networks and after installing and updating the drivers - the error and the icon with a red croser also issued.

Next, the Master of Troubleshoots will automatically begin to eliminate the problems associated with the inaccessibility of the network and advise you for each step. After the button was pressed "Show list of available networks" - troubleshooting wizard set up the network accordingly and all available Wi-Fi networks have become visible.

Actually, the last touch remained - select your network (or that network from which you have a password to access :)), and connect to it. What was done ...

Entering data for connecting to the network ... (clickable)

2. Disabled network adapter / No power cable connected

Another frequent reason for the lack of the Internet is a disconnected network adapter (when the driver is installed). To check this, you need to open the tab. (where all network adapters that are installed in the PC and which are drivers in OS) .

The easiest way to open is to press together the buttons. Win + R. and enter ncpa.cpl (Read ENTER. In Windows 7 - Runtime is in Start'e) .

Opening the Network Connections tab in Windows 10

In the tab that opens network connections - Pay attention to the adapters that are displayed in gray (i.e. colorless). Next to them will also be clogged with the inscription: "Disabled".

Important ! If nothing will be in the list of adapters (or there will be nothing (or there will be no adapter that you are looking for) - most likely you simply have a necessary driver in the system (the first part of this article is devoted to this).

To enable such an adapter - just click on it right mouse and select "Enable" in the context menu (Screenshot below).

After the adapter is turned on - pay attention to whether there are no red crosses on it. As a rule, there will be even a reason for the cross, for example, on the screenshot below the "Network Cable is not connected".

3. Invalid settings: IP, main gateway, DNS, etc.

Some Internet providers need to manually set specific TCP / IP settings (This applies to those who do not have, in which these settings have listed, and then you can reinstall Windows :) at least 100 times) .

If this is, it is possible in the documents that the Internet provider gave you upon concluding the contract. Usually, they always indicate all settings to access the Internet. (as a last resort, you can call and clarify in support).

Configured everything is quite simple. IN network connections (How to enter this tab is described above, in the previous step of the article) , Select your adapter and go to this property.

Ethernet Network Adapter Properties

In properties, you need to specify the data that provides you with an Internet provider, for example:

  • IP address;
  • subnet mask;
  • main gateway;
  • DNS server.

If the provider does not specify this data, and you have some unfamiliar IP addresses and the Internet does not work - then I recommend simply setting the IP address and DNS automatically (screenshot above).

4. Not created PPPoE connection (as an example)

Most Internet providers arrange access to the Internet using the PPPoE protocol. And, let's say, if you do not have a router, then after reinstalling Windows - you have an old configured connection to connect to the PPPoE network will be deleted. Those. It is necessary to create it again ...

To do this go to windows Control Panel at the following address: Control Panel \\ Network and Internet \\ Network Management Center and Common Access

Then select the first masonry " Internet connection (setting up broadband or switched Internet connection)"And click Next.

Then choose " High-speed (with PPPoE) (connection via DSL or cable requiring username and password)"(Scrong below).

Then you need to enter your login and password to access the Internet (These data should be in a contract with an Internet provider) . By the way, pay attention, in this step you can immediately allow you to use the Internet to other users, putting just one tick.

Actually, you only have to wait until Windows establish a connection and use the Internet.

P S.

I will finish the simple advice. If you reinstall Windows (all the more) - make backup files and drivers -. At the very least, you will be insured with cases when there is no Internet to download or search other drivers (agree, the situation is not pleasant).

For additions on the topic - a separate MERSI. On the sim all, good luck!

That is, the return of them to the previous version is a unique feature of Windows, which is supported in all new versions of the OS.

Windows saves the previously installed drivers and allows you to automatically restore them, which makes it possible to significantly save time if it led to the inoperability of system or peripheral devices.

To restore the driver:

1. You must log in to the Windows operating system under the administrator account.

2. Find the "My Computer" icon, right-click on it and select "Properties" in the drop-down menu.

3. On the Control Panel tab, click on the Device Manager button.

4. In the list of devices, double-click on the branch corresponding to the non-working device. For example, clicking on the "Video adapter" branch reveals its contents.

5. Select the device you are interested in and by clicking on it, in the context menu, click "Properties".

6. In a new dialog box, select the "Driver" tab and click "Run".

7. By clicking "Yes", thereby confirm the selection in the window containing the message "Do you really want to restore the previously installed archived former version of the driver?"

8. The previous driver will be restored. Click on the window closing button. 9. Close the device manager window, click on the "OK" button and restart Windows.

In the worst version, when the inoperability of the system devices driver led to the collapse of the entire OS, you can return to the driver recovery by downloading the computer in safe mode. It is also possible to return the system to the previous efficient state using the "Return to the last successful configuration" function.

The ability to restore the system is an alternative solution that allows not only return to the previous hardware configuration, but also refuse all changes in the software and registry.

Read what to do if the update of the video device led to failures In the game, the appearance of black labels on the screen, freezing or hang pictures or the completion of the computer. Manufacturers NVIDIA and "AMD" Monthly release new updates of drivers for their video cards. They often improve productivity, color reproduction and features of graphics cards, especially in recent games. But there are exceptions.


In most cases, installing an updated GPU driver actually leads to improvements. But sometimes the driver update can lead to failures in the game, the appearance of black labels on the screen, freezing or hanging the picture and even to the completion of the computer. One of these updates actually spoiled work. "Windows"And I had to completely restart my computer.

What if the latest version of the driver update conflicts with your new game or installed system? The answer is quite simple. You have several options: perform a clean driver installation, return to the previous version of the driver or is the most radical way - it is completely reinstalling your operating system.

Before starting work. Create a system recovery point

The newest versions "Windows" allow you to create point of recovery Systems are a predetermined image of your operating system, which allows you to return back to the operating version of the system every time you install the new version of the application. It also applies to your graphics card driver. You can always manually create a system recovery point if you are afraid that installing new drivers or applications may damage it. Or use the service of automatic recovery point.

Press the button "Start" or click "Windows" On the keyboard, select the tab "Parameters" And press the corresponding result. In the menu that opens on the tab "System Protection" Press the button "Create".

Come up with any name of the recovery point, what do you like, for example "Before updating the driver 13.02.2018". It is advisable to add the date of creating a recovery point in the title description. This will help you streamline your records. Press the button "Create"And your computer will save all installed programs and system settings.

The first way. Remove current drivers and return to the previous version

If the last installed drivers do not work correctly, will fail or determine the system, the easiest way to correct the problem is to delete them and reinstall the previous version of the drivers. First, download the latest version of the driver, which you know will work correctly. Use official sites to download NVIDIA or "AMD" - Both companies keep the driver database.

After you downloaded the older version, go to the settings menu and delete the installed version. To do this, click "Start", Select the tab "Parameters ", enter in the search row of parameters "The installing and deleting of programms". In earlier versions "Windows" You can find this menu in the tab "Control Panel" In chapter "Programs and Components".

Driver package NVIDIA will be labeled as "NVIDIA Graphic Driver" (including version number). For cards "AMD" - just as software "AMD". Select an entry in the list of installed programs and applications, click "Delete" And follow the instructions on the screen. As soon as the removal procedure is completed, you will probably have to restart the computer. After that, the image on the screen can flicker or screen settings can use incorrect resolution.

After rebooting the computer, open the installation file of the older version of the driver you downloaded, run the installation process and follow the instructions. Upon completion, your computer must earn the way it was before installing the new version.

The second way. "Perform a clean installation" Drivers

Alternatively, if the first option does not work, try using the function "Perform a clean installation". This installation will delete existing software (plus possible add-ons, such as "Physx" from NVIDIA), Update all the settings and install the latest version of the driver. And B. NVIDIA and B. "AMD" You can choose this option to install drivers.

For NVIDIA, accept the terms of the license agreement, select "Selective installation", Mark the cell "Perform a clean installation" and press "Further". Upon completion of the driver installation, you will need to restart the computer.

For installer "AMD" Select "Custom update", version of your driver, then option "Pure installation".

Again, you will probably see that during the installation process, the screen shimmers or several times its permission is adjusted. Upon completion of the installation, restart the computer.

Third way. Use the recovery point

If none of the above methods helped, use the system recovery point. You can use the system recovery point created in automatic or manual mode. The main thing is that its creation date was before the date of installation of your problem drivers. However, try to choose the nearest date, as all programs and applications installed after this date will disappear. Whatever the option of recovery point you have selected, changes will be made only in system files, and user files will remain unchanged.

IN "Windows 8" or "Windows 10" Press the button "Start", Select the tab "Parameters", in the search bar type "Creating a recovery point" And open the appropriate menu. This time, press the button with the inscription "Restore" Under the same header (just above the middle of the menu). The program will be published before you, follow the step-by-step instructions to return to the point of the stable operation of your system.

Click "Further", then select the desired recovery point you have created before (or an earlier automatic version of the system recovery point, if any). Confirm your choice by clicking the button "Further" again.

Click "Ready"To start the recovery process. Your computer will restart and return to the previous point.

If your drivers are spoiled so much that you don't even see the image on the monitor, you can try download "Windows" In safe mode . In this mode, you still have access to the system recovery program, even if your computer does not work at full power. If your motherboard contains active video outputs - a place to connect the monitor in addition to your discrete graphics card - you may have to connect directly to see what you do.

Radical way. Reinstall "Windows"

If nothing worked, you can always simply reinstall the operating system "Windows" rebel. Obviously, this is not the perfect option. It will require a lot of time, and you can lose some files after reinstalling the system. In any case, it is better than nothing. It is also a good reminder that it is always desirable to have a reliable fresh version of the backup.

Later versions "Windows" Pretty simple in the installation. If you purchased your computer assembly with the pre-installed operating system, it has a license code "Windows". You can find it on your computer package. If not, the code will be in the dial or instruction set.

If you have tried all the options, but still see that your computer when working or using computer games fails, it may be a problem with the hardware part of the video card itself. Here you will need to seek help in a service center for repair or replacement.

Have you happened to encounter such a situation when after updating the drivers to one of the components of the computer or some peripheral device that suddenly stopped working? This happens infrequently, but still sometimes happens. There is nothing to be surprised here, because it's no secret that the Windows operating system is far from perfect and generous to all sorts of system errors. But, on the other hand, this OS is the most popular and convenient to use, so we will not hurry to go to the camp of "Penguin lovers", and it is better to continue to continue using the usual system, simultaneously dealing with ways to solve emerging problems. Moreover, as the experience will accumulate in this difficult case, we will be able to become increasingly skillful users who can not only handle their computer, but even others to instruct others to "travel experienced PC users."

So, what do you need to do if the driver update is very unsuccessful? Many in such cases immediately rush to reinstall the problem drivers again, from the installation disk or downloading them from the Internet. However, there is a much simpler output from this situation. The fact is that the Windows operating system automatically stores backup copies of the drivers immediately after they are installed, so you only have to perform their rollbacks, which is done by the OS funds and is not much difficult.

The first thing you need to do is log in to the Windows operating system under the administrator account. Then open the menu Start, go to Control Panel and go to the section Device Manager.

In the Device Manager window, open the branch opening access to the device you need. Then click the icon of the non-working device with the right mouse button and select the item from the context menu. Properties.

The properties window of the selected device opens. In it you need to go to the tab Driver and click on the button Roll out.

A dialog box appears with a warning that the driver rollback to the previous version may have a negative impact on the functionality of the device. Press Yes And perform the driver rollback.

After that, it remains only to restart the computer and the recovered driver will start functioning again.

In the case when the non-working driver of one of the system devices prevents the normal loading of the operating system, you can boot from the LiveCD flash drive or disk and restore the driver, and if it does not help, then run the system rollback using the function Archiving and recovery. For more information about how to create a boot disk and how to use it, you can read the system restore system using Kaspersky Rescue Disk.

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