Rosinterbank: entrance to your personal account. JSC "Commercial Bank" RosinterBank Rosinterbank legal entities

Bank license revoked
The decision to apply an extreme measure of influence - to revoke a banking license - was taken by the Bank of Russia in connection with the credit institution's failure to comply with federal laws governing banking activities and Bank of Russia regulations, repeated violations of the requirements provided for in Articles 6, 7 over the course of one year ( with the exception of paragraph 3 of Article 7) of the Federal Law “On Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism”, as well as the requirements of Bank of Russia regulations issued in accordance with the said Federal Law, the value of the capital adequacy ratios ) below two percent, a decrease in the amount of own funds (capital) below the minimum value of the authorized capital established as of the date of state registration of the credit institution, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)".

Information about ZAO Rosinterbank

Reliability of the Bank

CJSC Rosinterbank is a dynamically developing financial institution in Moscow, the main activity of which is lending to both individuals and legal entities. In addition, the bank makes a special emphasis in its activities on attracting funds from individuals in deposits.

Another scammer, beware!

Name: Rossinvest bank. OTP Group


Attention!!! The scammer can change the link to the site. In order for you to recognize the scam by its appearance, I am taking a screenshot of the top of the site. Be careful!

Verdict: There is no RossInvest bank. The divorce scheme is quite banal and already old. You fill out a questionnaire on the site, then follow simple steps to fill out fictitious applications for approved loans and see:

Ha, 8,300 rubles for applications that I didn’t even fill out correctly! Free card? Well, let's check. Filled in incorrect data on the card registration page.

Pay for the delivery of a non-existent card! Yeah, fuck you three letters swindler!

Do not try to believe in this nonsense and contact this scammer! SCAM!

Rossinvest bank. OTP Group reviews

Rossinvest bank. OTP Group scam

Rossinvest bank. OTP Group scammer

Tell all your friends and acquaintances about the scammer:

It just so happened that when investing their funds, many investors pay attention to the reputation of a financial institution and even its rating among other credit institutions. But, as practice shows, these indicators are not always signs of the bank's reliability. A vivid example of this is Rosinterbank. The problems of his leadership began quite unexpectedly. We will talk more about the troubled bank and the difficulties that it had to face below.

Nothing foreshadowed trouble: generalized information about the bank

RosinterBank is a quite decent commercial bank that has been operating on the Russian financial market since 1990. Since its opening, it has not only sponsored, but also provided comprehensive support to representatives of corporate, small, medium and large businesses.

Its network of branches over time has grown to 40 branches located in Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Krasnodar and other cities and regions of the Russian Federation. This is how RosinterBank began to gain momentum, while Moscow became its main city, where the bank's head office was located.

Bank awards and prizes

Despite the rather strong competition from other commercial organizations, RosinterBank continued to grow and develop. A little time passed, and the financial organization began to receive honorary titles, prizes and awards. For example, not so long ago, its management was awarded the highest award in the Socially Oriented Bank category, and one of the board members was awarded the main prize "For personal contribution to the development of financial literacy of children and youth."

"Rosinterbank": rating

RosinterBank very quickly turned into a well-known and sought-after financial institution. In addition, by the size of its assets, it entered the TOP-70. Later, the organization entered the TOP-10 among financial institutions famous for their impeccable customer service. The clients also singled out the excellent work of the bank's employees, placing their favorite organization in the top ten in the "People's Rating". It is noteworthy that Rosinterbank managed to hold out among the best financial flagships from 2014 to 2015.

Credit cards and other bank products

Until the introduction of the provisional administration, according to numerous reviews, RosinterBank was also engaged in the population. For example, one of the most demanded products of the bank is considered. With its help, many students could pay for their studies at the university. It is noteworthy that this program operated with some support from the state and had the lowest interest rate at that time - 7.6% per annum.

Another advantageous offer of the bank was the Targeted Mortgage Loan, the rate of which was also lower (11.5-13.5% per annum) than similar loan products developed by other financial institutions. In a word, "Rosinterbank" means attractive tariffs that favorably distinguish it from other financial institutions.

What did people say about the bank?

It is believed that before contacting any financial institution, you must first study user reviews in detail. RosinterBank is a financial institution with vast experience and length of service, which is why many Russians applied here. For example, some were tempted by a large selection of loan products and deposit programs. Others liked favorable conditions for deposits and loyal requirements for early withdrawal of invested money.

Another excitedly talked about the excellent service they received in the office located on Kondratyuk Street, 3 and in the office at the address: Moscow. st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 55.

Some reviews about banks, on the contrary, contain a tearful story about poor service, which led to a number of additional expenses on the part of the client. In a word, opinions about the work of the bank itself are different, as are the clients themselves.

"Delicious" and tempting contributions of the organization

In addition to credit products, RosinterBank offered deposits for individuals. As in the case of loans, deposit programs assumed high interest rates and very attractive terms of registration. A prime example of this is a recent contribution called Festive+.

According to the conditions, it was possible to issue it in domestic or foreign currency for a period of 100 to 550 days. The interest rate for a ruble deposit was 10.5-11.5% per annum, and in foreign currency - from 0.8 to 2.4%.

Interestingly, the interest accumulated by the depositor was monthly credited to his card account, which was opened for him by RosinterBank (by the way, the license of this bank has not yet been revoked). And most importantly, "Festive +" allowed early withdrawal of cash within 30% or 60% of the established deposit rate. And, of course, program participants could automatically become happy owners of a gift voucher in the amount of 20,000 rubles (during the bank prize draw). It's a song, not a sentence!

Another "delicious" offer of the bank was the "Perspective" program. And if at the beginning of the year it assumed a rate of 10% per annum, then closer to the summer, the starting rate grew to 12%. And the “Profitable +” deposit initially offered everyone to invest their money at 14% per annum.

As a result of a competent marketing policy, the attracted population and business representatives simply lost their vigilance. They entrusted their finances to what seemed to be a reliable credit institution, and KB RosinterBank let them down cruelly. What happened to him? And what is the reason for his problems?

Cause and effect: what happened to the bank?

As early as September 9, the bank's representatives were loudly shouting about their new credit card designed for teachers. But a couple of days ago, the office and all operating branches of the financial organization were suddenly closed. The official website of the organization stopped working, and the hotline phones were disconnected.

As a result, most investors panicked. Many of them began to write angry reviews ("Rosinterbank" is a financial institution that works with both entrepreneurs and individuals), and ask questions. And some even came to the central office and tried to break the bars, desiring to get inside the building at all costs. But they were all interested in the main question: “What happened?”.

And the casket just opened

Having gained patience, the clients of the unreasonably "silent" bank finally received answers. As it turned out, RosinterBank (deposits here could be opened in foreign and domestic currencies) suspended its work due to the sanctions of the Central Bank. He, in turn, explained these actions as forced measures aimed at determining the real financial picture in the bank.

According to the regulator, the position of "Rosinterbank" at the moment was defined as unstable and unstable. And since this was a direct threat to creditors and depositors, it was decided to stop its work for the duration of the audit.

Introduction of an interim administration

As a result of proceedings by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, a temporary administration was introduced in RosinterBank (problems here began quite recently). At the same time, such a responsible post was unanimously transferred to representatives of the DIA (Deposit Insurance Agency). The powers of the managers and shareholders of the financial organization are temporarily suspended.

The interim administration of the bank was appointed for a period of six months and began its duties on September 15 this year. According to eyewitnesses, the bank managed to publish this information on its official website on Thursday. From the same moment, the system of electronic payments was disabled and the cards in the terminals of the financial organization were no longer serviced. But what is the reason for the dissatisfaction of the regulator?

What is the reason for the distrust of the Central Bank?

According to numerous reviews, RosinterBank not only pursued a high-risk credit policy, but also frankly cheated using deposits from the population. The same information about the bank was confirmed by a source close to the regulator. A huge number of questions from the Central Bank arose precisely because of the state of liabilities formed by attracting funds from depositors of a credit institution.

As it turned out, the official data provided to the regulator by RosinterBank corresponded to the established norm for many years. However, the real figures, according to inspectors, should be much higher. Perhaps there is some truth in this. Judge for yourself, just for the first quarter, according to unofficial data, the cost of funds raised was 13.5% in annual terms. But the result of such a stormy activity is not reflected in the documents of the bank. This means only one thing, that the credit institution is playing a shadow game and is associated with dubious monetary transactions.

Interbank market: borrowing money

Simultaneously with the strange record keeping, "RositerBank" was noticed among the major creditors of the interbank market. According to preliminary information, at the beginning of August, the total share of borrowed funds of this financial institution was more than 30% of all passive income. Gradually, this figure began to grow, as the representatives of the bank, apparently, fell into a certain dependence on creditors. According to experts, such actions on the part of the borrower indicate problems with its liquidity. This is also evidenced by numerous reviews of banks that had similar situations before declaring bankruptcy.

Bank representatives got caught in a hot

Probably, the last straw in the activities of the bank was an incomprehensible scam, which was recently carried out by its representatives. According to a source close to the regulator, there were various rumors about the strange activities of RosinterBank. However, the Central Bank could not verify their authenticity or refute them until a certain point. As it turned out, the representatives of the regulator decided to take on the hot dishonest representatives of the bank.

To do this, they sent their man, who pretended to be an ordinary depositor who decided to put money on deposit. At a certain moment, he called RosinterBank (the address of the branch in question, unfortunately, is not available), said that he needed to go abroad for a long time, and clarified about the calculation of interest.

After a certain time, according to a source, a certain amount of money was debited from the account of the “spoiled Cossack”, although in reality he did nothing of the kind. As a result, the representatives of the bank had to explain themselves to the regulator's employees for a long time.

A more detailed investigation is currently underway. It is assumed that some depositors' funds, as in the cases with Arksbank and Mosoblbank, were not officially listed anywhere. At the same time, the owners of such accounts themselves might not even be aware of this. All these controversial points are to be studied by representatives of the interim administration.

Overview of the official website of the bank

The official banking website is the face of any bank. Thanks to the widespread Internetization, often the first acquaintance of a potential client with a particular bank occurs through the Internet. Therefore, each credit institution pays special attention to its own Internet representation. The official website of Rosinterbank fully corresponds to this trend, acting as a remote intermediary between the bank and customers.

Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the official site of RosinterBank is the high quality of execution. Rosinterbank's website address is and at first glance at the main page, it is obvious that the bank's management entrusted the creation of the website to highly qualified professionals. The design looks very attractive, but it is not overloaded with unnecessary distracting elements. All menu items are perfectly readable, and the sections of the site on the main page are in their “own”, intuitive places.

Well, and most importantly, absolutely all sections and subsections of the RosinterBank website are available from the main page. That is, for whatever purpose the visitor would come here, in “one click” he will get to the desired section and will be able to quickly resolve his issue. Moreover, in parallel with the solution of the main purpose of visiting the site, the visitor immediately gets acquainted with the current exchange rates (internal bank and Central Bank), news, as well as with the bank's current promotions, popular deposits and loans of RosinterBank. Moreover, everything is very fast and easy to read, the perception of information is not difficult in any way. Also, from the main page, you can go to the page of an online application for a deposit or loan, contact the quality control service for RosinterBank employees.

The main navigation menu is also very well thought out. On the main field of the page you see 4 main sections: "Private individuals", "Business", "Financial organizations", "About the bank", and a little lower - all subsections of the current information block. When you move the mouse pointer over a particular subsection, all menu groups are revealed, and you are already one click away from the goal. And this menu is available not only from the main page, but also from any other page of the RosinterBank website.

The topmost part of the pages of the official website of RosinterBank is reserved for information about the bank's contact numbers, addresses of branches and ATMs, and a search form on the site. In addition, here you can change the regional binding of the site presentation or start logging into the Internet bank. Well, at the bottom of the site pages there are all options for feedback from the bank's specialists (skype, forum, e-mail), buttons for going to the bank's pages in social networks (Facebook, VKontakte). From here you can also go to the website and leave a review about the work of RosinterBank.

Thus, without exaggeration, the official website of RosinterBank can be called not just a worthy banking representative office, which 100% performs the functions of a banking website, but, of course, one of the best Russian banking websites.