Why is android better than ios. Which is better Android or iOS - comparison

The main operating systems used in smartphones are Android and iOS. Before buying a new mobile device, you should decide for yourself: which is better Android or iOS.

Which is better Android or iOS

When buying a smartphone, any user is interested in the question related to the stability of its work. iOS is in the lead in this situation, as it is used only on Apple devices, so every element of the new version is thoroughly tested. iOS is also more secure. All downloads are offered only in the App Store. They are pre-tested. There is no possibility to infect the device with viruses. The latest version for iPhone is iOS 11.3.

iPhone is more stable at work and practically not susceptible to viruses

Android OS loses to iOS in stability and security, but has its advantages.

  • Android provides the ability to use 2 SIM cards in one device, as well as increase memory due to a microSD card;
  • Another advantage of Android is smartphone personalization. There is a wide selection of different settings and firmware to give your mobile device a personality;
  • Android has simplified data exchange between different devices.

The latest version of Android 8.1 released in 2017.

You can expect surprises from Android, and not the most pleasant ones

Table: Comparisons between Android and iOS

Comparison indicators Android iOS
Stability No stability, virus infection is possible.More stable due to its closed nature.
Application work Errors may occur. Some apps don't work on cheaper devices.There are practically no failures. When they appear, just restart the application.
Synchronization Data exchange is possible with any device. In this case, the smartphone performs the function of a removable medium.Compatible with Apple devices only. For third parties, the installation of a special program iTunes is required.
App Stores A large number of free applications.There are many paid apps on the App Store
Firmware Ability to install firmware over OSNone.
Updates Possible only for top models.New versions of updates are released regularly, which can be installed even on older iPhone models.
Flexibility of settings It has a wide variety of individual settings, which allows you to personalize your smartphone.There are minimal settings.
Multitasking Multiple applications are supported concurrently.Small RAM does not allow multitasking support.
Speed More thoughtful and slower.High.
The cost A wide price range: from budget models to expensive ones.All manufactured models belong to the high price category.

iOS is a more closed, but stable and secure system. Android OS is suitable for those who love individuality.

When choosing a gadget, many users cannot decide whether to take an expensive Apple device or choose one of the many relatively cheap devices running Google's operating system. Therefore, further we will try to figure out which is really better - Android or iOS, and for whom this or that system is more suitable.

Often, the primary factor affecting the choice of a device with an Android or iOS by a user is the issue of the safety of its use, the safety of data and protection from viruses. Compliance with these conditions is ensured when several requirements are met at once:

  1. Continuous improvement of the OS, quick elimination of vulnerabilities;
  2. Regular release of system and software updates, their availability for all users;
  3. Availability of a sufficient number of antivirus solutions, including free ones.

We must say right away that new versions of both Android and iOS come out quite regularly, and there are practically no problems with the availability of effective antiviruses for both systems.

True, the ubiquity of Android serves him in disservice - most viruses for mobile OS are written specifically for the "green robot".

But to be fair, malicious applications for IOS today are also not uncommon, however, it is quite difficult to pick up an infection on a regular unlocked device even in the absence of a third-party antivirus installed in the system.

This is another benefit of iOS security - regularly released system updates immediately reach the end user, who can immediately install them on any iPhone or iPad. According to statistics collected by Apple based on the results of users' visits to the App Store, about 60% of Apple device owners use the current secure version of iOS 10, 32% also use the modern iOS 9.x.

On the contrary, more than 30% of Android smartphone users are still using the outdated and insecure KitKat 4.4 and below, not even receiving security updates. And the latest OS Android Nougat 7.0 is used by no more than 0.3% of gadget owners. In a word, updates for different Android smartphones reach the user with a great delay, and new OS versions sometimes take away so much memory from old systems that users are forced to roll back updates to restore the previous functionality of the device.

Therefore, the use of antiviruses, which, by the way, additionally load the mobile OS, is highly desirable for android gadgets, especially if through them the owner performs transactions with wallets, bank deposits, etc. This problem is not so urgent only for users who regularly change their devices for flagship models - they receive the freshest Android along with the new device.

Why iOS is safer

So, in terms of security, iOS is superior to Google's OS for the following reasons:

  1. Android updates are often released, but they need to be adapted for each device, which manufacturers often do not do. As a result, smartphones even a year old are mainly run by outdated OS versions. Apple, on the other hand, has a regulated period of support for old devices - 48 months, so owners of, for example, old iPhone 4s have the opportunity to upgrade to iOS 9.x., iPhone 5 - to the most modern iOS 10.
  2. Apps for the App Store are more secure as they go through rigorous testing when they enter the Apple store. Google Play does not have such extensive censorship, as a result of which malicious code can often be embedded in official utilities.

Moreover, according to forecasts, the number of viruses for Android will grow at an ever-increasing pace, so it will become more and more difficult for users of fairly old Android devices to take care of their own information security. Therefore, in this regard, the comparison between iOS and Android does not seem in favor of the latter.

Often applications for iOS look prettier, it is more convenient to work with them, and they function on the device without "brakes", which is sometimes inherent in their Android counterparts. Moreover, serious developers, when adapting their products to a mobile OS, are almost always the first to write utilities for iOS. This was the case, for example, with Instagram, when, with a working iOS version, Android users waited for the suppression of a similar utility for a whole year.

However, in terms of functionality of devices, the advantages of Apple products are not so obvious:

Another inconvenience of Apple's gadgets, oddly enough, is associated with the updates described above. The fact that these devices receive 3-4 updates in their lifetime brings not only benefits in the form of fixing security holes, but also obvious inconveniences due to the fact that the quality of the latest Apple updates (except, perhaps, the last 10 -th version of iOS) is worse than competitors from Google. They do not make the devices much more functional, faster, on the contrary, many people note that applications start to start slower.

Unlike iPhones, not the cheapest Android devices with powerful hardware work quickly and after large-scale updates (of which no more than two are usually released for each device), they receive new functions. Therefore, many users prefer to take care of their own safety themselves, working on these gadgets with not the latest software, but fast and functional.

For them, buying Android is better than using an iPhone for years, which runs slower with each update. Therefore, in the competition of functionality and ease of use, the leaders for many are devices with modern versions of the "green robot" - 6th and 7th.

These useful features are available on select Samsung and LG devices. Launching two applications at once, working on one screen, allows Android users to simultaneously, for example, read documents and communicate on the Web, and perform other tasks. On the iPhone, two applications on the screen at once cannot work. Therefore, in this situation, the owner of the device is forced to switch between applications.

Selecting a source for installing the utilities

On Apple devices, all applications without exception can be installed only from the App Store, unless, of course, the system is hacked. In Android, initially, downloading applications is also available only from the Google Play store, but nothing prevents you from telling the system to make it possible to download from other sources in the settings. After that, the already wide range of available applications can be expanded with utilities from other developers not presented on the Market.

For more than 10 years, two large corporations have been delighting their users with interesting "goodies". This is not just happening. The world of technology is quite progressive and requires new ideas. And in order to remain the leader in sales of their products, everyone's favorite Android and iOS platforms are forced to compete. Many users of mobile gadgets will ask: “Which system is better - iOS orAndroid? ". In this review, we will look at the features of the two operating systems.

Each of the platforms is the basis on which your smartphone or any other gadget works. Having their own characteristics, minuses and pluses, they attract consumers. If you take a deep look at the difference between these products, it is not difficult to notice significant differences.

OS Android was created based on the kernel Linux... Most of the applications that make up this platform were written using the Java programming language. Only the owners can change the filling of applications root right. Regardless of how many applications are active, they run in a so-called sandbox. Thanks to this limited action, the program will not gain access to other active processes.

For correct operation on the platform, a digital signature certificate for the application is required. A kind of signature of the application developer himself. On the platform Android the developer does it himself. This nuance is required to identify and protect the application.

Applications run under their unique account. It is not possible to run two or more applications from one account. In addition, the platform can remove applications at a distance. This feature is only active if the program poses a threat.

The number of manufacturers using this system in devices is several hundred. These are mainly small firms that occupy a small part of the entire market of manufacturers. But the main competitor of the company Apple, firm " Samsung»Use the system Android... Let's see what attracts this system, except for an interesting logo:

  1. Android is an open system. It makes it possible for all people with programming skills to change it to suit their needs.
  2. Online store Play market has much more than App Store, free mobile applications. However, there are paid programs, but they are inexpensive.
  3. The storage system makes it easy to share files between different devices.

By the disadvantages of the system, you can immediately understand the advantages of competitors. The negative aspects include the following factors:

  1. The interface is not very user-friendly. This is compensated by the presence of many different skins and firmwares. They are created by mobile device manufacturers.
  2. The system is considered open, so its security is poor.
  3. The system update operation is not easy and can fail. It depends on the development of the device manufacturer.

Features of the iOS operating system

On the other hand, the operating system iOS developed on the basis of the kernel Mach, representing the semblance of the system UNIX... The platform exists by linking the kernel with drivers that are directly related to system functions, networking, and hardware. Access to the kernel and drivers is limited to the user; only libraries and applications of the system itself have it.

The system is used only in devices manufactured by the company Apple... At the same time, the system does not suffer from a lack of enthusiastic users. Other operating systems cannot take it further than second place.

Considering the advantages of the system iOS, then the following significant points can be distinguished:

  1. Very friendly, beautiful and well thought-out interface. It allows a person to do everything intuitively, without straining their brains.
  2. Combining different devices produced by the "apple" company with each other, creating a good synchronization of information.
  3. A wide range of mobile applications, sufficient to meet all x customer needs in an online store Apple Store.
  4. The unavailable system code is both a disadvantage and an advantage. This is considered individually in each case. In the benefit board, the system wins in terms of upgrades and security.

The disadvantages of the iOS system should be highlighted:

  1. The bulk of the programs and applications in the online store App Store paid. But there are also free apps.
  2. The system is closed, so it is impossible for other programmers to make changes to it.
  3. The way information is stored makes the exchange between multiple devices much more difficult.
  4. The firm’s strict security policy does not suit everyone.

iOS or Android - differences

All applications on the platform iOSas on Androidwork through the sandbox. With some differences in limited functionality. Here, the sandbox controls the actions of applications to the hardware, network, or system functions. Thus, the risk of personal data leakage is almost impossible. There is also a function to remove malware remotely.

In addition to all that has been said, it is already possible to understand that both platforms provide sufficient security for gadget carriers. However, attack vectors are gradually developing and there are still holes in the systems. Some of them:

  1. Social engineering.
  2. Online fraud.
  3. Creation of malware.

Most often, these components are found in combined form, which makes it easier to carry out attacks. It is worth noting that users iOS virtually not exposed to cyber attacks. Simply because the sandbox won't activate the app without having a digital signature, which must be approved by the corporation Apple... On the Android platform, by contrast, the signed system works, but now even a slightly advanced student can purchase it. On iOS, it's not enough just to build an app and publish it to App Store... The company itself tests the application before publishing Apple, first on a screening program, then manually. Only then can the created application see the light.

Thus, fundamental differences in the creation and distribution of applications on these operating systems determine the capabilities of their owners. Platform iOS does not propagate internal system code when Android posted some scripts. iOS protects well against viruses, but Android it cannot boast.


Summarizing all of the above, we can understand that each of the corporations Apple and Google do everything to ensure that their product remains in demand. OS updates do an excellent job, some of them are even delightful. But which of the products - iOS orAndroid, suits the user more, depends only on his decision.

As you can see, the rivalry of two different systems is similar to the history of competition as systems Linux and Windows... But in our case, the superiority of a closed and friendly system towards ordinary users is not so visible. This is the disadvantage of mobile gadgets from Apple, and their high cost. As much as the Americans want to dominate the world, the promise of Steve Jobs to "kill" Android, remained unrealized. Corporation development Google calmly outlived its rival, and functions to this day.

It seems this war will never end. Android vs iOS - Which OS is Better?

The other day I came across a post on Facebook and could not resist. I decided to do my bit in the confrontation.

IOS pros

1.iOS is an ecosystem

It is clear that there is no ecosystem for mobile devices as such. It means communication between devices.

Photos from any device are uploaded to a shared cloud, text written on the iPad can be continued from Mac, a shared bunch of passwords, and so on.

There is no such thing between gadgets on Android. The only one trying to do anything close is Samsung. The others seem to have completely forgotten about this feature.

2.iOS is a long-term support

Unlike Android devices, iPhones, iPads, clocks and macs receive regular updates. And this happens throughout at least four years... A living example: iPhone 5s from 2013, on which the fresh iOS 11 works wonderfully.

The biggest long-livers in Android are the Nexus and Pixel smartphones. The rest can only guess whether at least the next version of the operating system will be released on their device.

3. iOS is finely tuned for the hardware of Apple devices

No matter what anyone says, Apple has improved iOS 11. Even the most buggy OS is well optimized again: it works great on most devices. There are exceptions, usually of a local nature.

This usually happens with the release of a new operating system: any Apple device can run a little slower with a new firmware. BUT it happens as smoothly and without jerking as before.

Android smartphones can't do this a priori. Each manufacturer has a number of their own add-ons, including a skin. And they are all optimized in different ways, so they spend resources the same way.

According to user reviews, even the Galaxy S8 may not open some standard apps well. For example, Phone or Camera.

4.iOS is a secure system

Apple's operating system is considered secure for a reason. This is a closed "axis".

Applications are installed only from the App Store, you simply cannot download the installer from the Internet and install the program.

Therefore, there are no special antiviruses for the iPhone, they are simply not needed. The same cannot be said about Android owners, who have a much higher chance of catching a virus.

Pros of Android

1. Huge selection of devices

While iPhones are available for a lot of money, anyone can afford an Android smartphone. And the choice among them is huge.

Manufacturers fall into all price categories. Who wants more expensive, takes the top-end Samsung or HTC, cheaper - a simple ZTE, Elephone, Xiaomi and so on will do.

And it often happens that a mid-range Android smartphone is quite comparable in performance to the same iPhone SE. Even the camera may be approximately the same.

2. Support for two "SIM" and microSD-cards

IPhone owners have always suffered from a lack of memory. Yes, now there are models for 128 and 256 GB, but they also cost accordingly.

Android users, as a rule, have the option of expanding memory out of the box. I bought a smart card for 10,000 rubles with 4 GB of memory, bought a card for 2,000 rubles for 128 GB, and you enjoy life.

But the second SIM-card in iPhones is really not enough. Sometimes situations arise when it is simply necessary.

For example, one is used for friends and at home, the other is for work. I don't want to carry two devices with me in order to be always in touch. It's easier to stick in the second SIM card.

3. It's easy to upload any files to your Android device

Whether it's music, an app, a document, or something else, you can download it to your Android device in a couple of clicks. Straight from the computer.

Yes, Apple has partially resolved the file issue by creating an application of the same name. True, it still works only with cloud storage, and without the Internet you cannot get access to them. And who thinks that downloading something through iTunes is easy - argue with me.

4. Android can be customized

If the owners of iOS devices can change the minimum for themselves (ringtone, wallpaper, and so on), then there are much more settings in Android.

In it, you can change any small interface element and make it "unique". The settings sliders are changed, the icons are replaced. But you can download a couple of plugins and change the look of the operating system beyond recognition.

Who won that?

I would say that friendship won. Whatever one may say, but no operating system is inferior in the current realities. iOS and Android are very similar, with minimal differences.

With each new release, the two most popular mobile platforms are increasingly reminiscent of each other. Simple borrowing and creative reworking of the rival's achievements has long ceased to embarrass either Google or Apple. Nevertheless, both the iOS and Android operating systems have a large number of ardent supporters, many of whom, however, will not be able to immediately name the advantages of "their" OS.

It is worth trying to figure out why one OS is fundamentally better than another. Let's consider the features of Android and iOS, let's leave the advantages and disadvantages of specific devices overboard. Today, all attention is paid to the "apple" operating system. What makes it stand out from Android? Does she have enough arguments to attract supporters of the "green robot"?

1. App Store. No matter how hard Google strives to catch up with Apple in terms of the number of quality applications, the App Store remains the most enjoyable catalog of programs. It's not that more apps are available for iOS - in terms of quantity, Apple's mobile directory, on the contrary, lags behind Google. We are talking about the quality of the store in general and the software in particular.

Apple is fairly strict in checking the content that developers want to put on the online store. Thanks to this, there is no wild amount of "junk" and openly malicious programs in the App Store. Almost all mobile viruses today are lodged on Android gadgets. Of course, not all of them are distributed through Google Play, but these are already questions for the application distribution system itself in different operating systems.

In addition, it just so happened that a similar program for iOS and Android can seriously differ in quality. Most of the owners of Android devices faced this problem. In addition, many programs are primarily released specifically for iOS.

No matter how Google's supporters defend its mobile platform, the fact remains: if you need the latest programs, the most functional, stable and convenient, iOS is still out of competition.

2. Convenience and ease of use. Seasoned owners of Android phones are sure that there is nothing simpler than "combines" under the control of a "green robot". They say who cannot deal with him in five minutes is a fool. Maybe so, but there is no escape from reality - it is easier for children and the elderly to understand the structure of the iOS menu than to delve into the wilds of Android.

One hardware button and no main, contextual and other menus. No extra keys, no steps back, or, what good, a menu with additional functions. For an advanced user, all these arguments are unlikely to be relevant, but for those who are just starting to master smartphones, acquaintance with the brainchild of Apple is easier and faster.

There is, however, one "but". As they approach each other, both systems adopt both positive and negative traits from each other. The latest version of iOS "pleased" users with a number of errors, complicated settings and unstable work. Simplification of the Android interface is solved by using third-party skins. Nevertheless, Apple's platform out-of-the-box is so far superior to its competitor in terms of ease of use.

3. Support for new versions of OS. A weighty and one of the most serious advantages of iOS is that the new version of the OS can be installed even on smartphones that were released three or four years ago. An impermissible luxury for Android!

Even the Nexus line, for which updates are released the most quickly, cannot boast such long-term support. What can we say about countless manufacturers, including top vendors, who are in no hurry to transfer both budget and flagship models to the current version of the OS.

At the moment, about 80% of all operating Apple devices work on iOS 10. Only 16% of devices remain on iOS 9 and only 5% use earlier versions of this platform.

Compare with the mess in the Android camp. A little less than 8 months after the release, the current version of Nougat is installed on less than 5% of smartphones and tablets. The previous Marshmallow is used by 31% of users and the same number - by the even more ancient Lollipop. Every tenth device is still hobbled on the Jelly Bean sample already in 2012 (the time of the iPhone 5).

4. Lack of extra preinstalled software. Three browsers, two third-party app stores, antivirus, a non-working support service, several useless "readers", any of the many Office with a 10-day subscription, heels of primitive games, clients of Chinese social networks and, without fail, a program to clean up memory. All this heap of unnecessary and often hard-to-remove junk has long become an integral attribute of many Android tablets and smartphones, especially in the budget and middle segments.

Some manufacturers seem to be trying to compensate for the lack of their own shell, clogging the device drive with an insane amount of "junk" software. In iOS - only the required minimum of applications, unnecessary ones can be easily removed from the desktop. For everything else, welcome to the App Store. And it is right. Let the user decide for himself how to use the free space of the built-in memory, and not shovel through forums and file jams to get root-rights.

5. Soft "goodies". Despite mutual borrowing, functional advantages remain in the arsenal of iOS and Android. The same 3D Touch capabilities, which allow literally in one click to call a favorite contact or add a photo to Instagram or VKontakte, is a very convenient thing.

Signs of the extremely useful Continuity function can be found in Android, but still it is Apple that has so far been the most successful in implementing the ability to continue working in programs when switching from iOS devices to a computer and vice versa. You can fully experience the possibilities in the latest generation OS. Started writing a letter on Mac? You can add it to your iPhone somewhere along the way. And this applies not only to mail, but also to other built-in applications - Safari, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, "Maps", "Reminders" and "Calendar". You can receive calls on your iPad even if your iPhone is in another room somewhere. You can also receive and send SMS via a tablet or computer.

AirDrop allows Apple device owners to share content with a couple of taps. A kind of analogue of a Bluetooth connection, only simplified, with a higher speed and without unnecessary gestures with searching, entering passwords and other indecencies.

With AirPlay, you can play content from one iOS device to another. Again, all this works in a few taps, without third-party applications and dancing with a tambourine around DLNA-compatible devices.

Of course, everything listed in this paragraph can be implemented in Android to one degree or another. However, for this you will have to tinker a lot with the settings, third-party programs and utilities, spend a lot of time and effort. Moreover, it is not a fact that in the end something workable will turn out.