Dragon age origins equipment. Best Dragon Age: Origins Mods

Race selection

The choice naturally stands between human and elf, since gnomes, by their very nature, cannot conjure. Each race has its own characteristics, but it is worth remembering that when choosing an elf, everyone will treat you with contempt, and even that is not particularly important.

Distribution of points

Everything is extremely simple here - we download Magic and Willpower in proportions 2 to 1 and do not forget that it is worth pumping in the same trick to a value of 16 to pump influence.

Influence - we must pump it if we want to avoid many unpleasant moments in the game and just persuade anyone;

Combat training - is also required for study, since your spells will be interrupted less often;

Herbalist - the best option, whatever you may say, would be to pump this skill in the secondary characters and not spend the points of the main character;

Tactics - what is generally better not to touch, since you will need manual control over the hero in almost any situation;


You will have to decide on the specializations yourself. It is worth noting that the most useful specializations for you will be Spiritual Healer and Blood Mage.

With the help of a spiritual healer, you can often get out of trouble, and it is worth pumping at least Group Healing and Resurrection, even if you have Wynn in the group.

As for that, this is already a separate build, although some skills, such as Blood Wound, can still serve you well.

Shares the second place as needed with the blood mage Warrior Mage. This also has its own characteristics - for example, you can wear heavy armor.

Werewolf - in this case, we have nothing to do with this specialization.


Here we will go selectively and take different spells from different branches.

Ice grip - refers to the magic of water, deals good damage and decently slows down the enemy. The entire branch is required for pumping;

Lightning - is thrown periodically between water magic. Quite a strong branch, but does not work on some;

Earth - here we take only stone armor - our magician needs protection;

Fire - a lower priority branch, since enemies often have immunity to it;

Creation - here we take treatment for obvious reasons;

Runes - rune of paralysis - here is our best friend if we do not want to get surrounded. You can also take other runes;

Spirit - here we need to Pull manna and then we will definitely not stand aside. Also, in principle, it is worth paying attention to other skills that are no less useful;

Entropy - Siphoning Life is something that any magician should download;

Hero equipment

These things are best for you:

Reaper Clothes - Found in Curiosities of Thedas in Denerim

Key to the citya - in Orzammar we find the pages of the code throughout the city, after which we go to the throne room on assignment, place the party members on the plates and take the item;

Anti magic charm - it can be bought from Bodan in the camp.

Staff of the Lord Master as well as a belt called Andruil's Blessing - we buy from the quartermaster in the Circle;

As for the party then you need to take one warrior, one robber and support in the form of a second magician, or instead of the last Sheila - a golem from the supplement. This concludes our guide to the magician and successful conquest of Ferelden.

The battle mage ammunition kit includes:

two types of armor - one only for women, the other for women and men, sword, dagger and crossbow.

All things are made of red steel and have no restrictions for wearing according to character stats

level, strength, dexterity, etc., but they can only be used by magicians.

The characteristics of armor and weapons make it possible for the magician not to pump those that are not characteristic of him,

but the skills a fighter needs are strength, agility, cunning.

To make a set of Witch's Armor, an armor model was used

The Battle Mage Armor is based on the Black Templar Armor mod by Krayzie.


unpack archive

drag the .dazip file into the daupdater C: Program FilesBioWareDragon Age Originsin_ship window

select it with the mouse

click install selected

Those who use the Black Templar Armor mod need to install the Black Templar Armor fix

present in the distribution, it will make it possible to avoid conflict in Awakening with the Guardian Armor

and will ensure the correct display of Battlmage Armor based on this mod.

To install the fix, you need to place the folder from the BlackTemplarFix archive into

My docsBioWareDragon Agepackagescoreoverride.

Before Lost-Vegas 214 miles / This is us - sawdust ...

Armor belts, armored belts and sorcerous thongs - not immediately) I don't even test.
Yes, I'm not yet testing what is added via the console.
Attention!! Read this post before installing mods. I'm serious.

1) Kits :
Assassin Set Rogue Set. Comes himself, on the previous owner)
Velvet Wings and Green Sonata Stylish and suitable set for a magician - clothes, staff accessories. They appear in the inventory or in the camp, at the merchant Bodan, depending on which version you install.
Phoenix Arsenal Beautiful set for girls of any race. Three types of armor (light version uh ... very light), blades, bows. Blades and bows for everyone). They appear - part of the Quartermaster in Ostagar, part in the chest, the key to which is given by the deserter, and also in Bodan / Yuray (from the Awakening).
Daughters Mital Set
Bow and armor, girl-only armor (any race), bow for everyone. In spite of some vyrviglaznost, in the sense of colors, unexpectedly good things. After connecting, the kit will appear in your inventory.
http://modgames.net/load/75-1-0-911 Armor for a male elf, a bow for everyone. The sibling of the previous mod, but less torn-eyed.
Installation. The archive contains 2 folders "Armor" and "Bow".
a) "Bow". The Scorching_Wrath_Of_Elgarnan_1_03-812 file will add the bow to the inventory, the Scorching_Wrath_Of_Elgarnan_1_03-812_vendor file will add the bow to Bodan's shop.
b) In the "Armor" folder, 3 additional folders, according to the color of the armor, select the desired color and put one of the files, the usual one will add the armor to the inventory, the one that "vendor" - to Bodan.
Rune Armor of the Gray Wardens An interesting set for a warrior. Three shields, armor, two-handed sword, three long swords.
There are two files in the archive: one for Awakening, the other for the main campaign. Both must be installed, even if you are only playing Awakening. One file is enough for the main campaign.
Armor and Blades of the Blood Angel Set for a warrior / battle mage, catchy, pretentious and somewhat cheating, but many like it. Once connected, the kit will appear in your inventory.
Shadow Assassin Set Attractive dark armor, a bit Assassin's Creed style (alas, only for men and women), four daggers. There are two options for adding a set. The "Armor of Assasin" file will add a set to your inventory, "Armor of Assasin vendor "will add it to Bodan's shop.
Weapon set "Glory to the Griffin" (very large set) It contains: shield, helmet, ax, sword, one-handed hammer, two-handed sword, two-handed hammer, two daggers, twin axes, two bows and a staff. The stats are normal. Appearance ... specific. I saw a reaction from "fuuu" to "wow", so look at the screenshots and think (I personally really like the shield and daggers, just for the look) There are two options for adding a kit. The file "Glory of Griffon" will add the kit to your inventory, the file "Glory of Griffon vendor" will add to Bodan's shop.
Morozik75 generally has very high quality mods. And very frequently updated)

2) Name kits
Song of the Rose. A very beautiful and suitable set for Leliana (there is everything, accessories, armor, a bow and a pair of daggers). Once connected, the kit will appear in your inventory.
Stan's Helmet A pair of swords, a shield and a very specific helmet for Stan. In principle, anyone can use a one-handed arm and a shield... There are two options for adding. The file "Stens Helmet 1.2" will add items to your inventory, "Stens Helmet vendor 1.2" will add to the shop for Bodan.
Stan's Armor It comes with the Helmet. Spawns in a chest in Lothering Church.

3) Armor only.

Dragon Age: Origins is a party game, despite the fact that you have to play alone. In general, I hate such fights, but here they are made somehow more or less clearly and not so much annoying. Moreover, at increased difficulty, the battles become very interesting.

As befits most of these games - our group should have 4 comrades in its composition and the most effective composition will be as follows: Tank, Doctor, Damager and Controller. Who are they?

Tank - a character who distracts enemies by himself and blocks most of this damage into a shield.

Healer- the main goal of the healer is to stand behind and heal, ideally, the tank, but basically everyone, so as not to die, sometimes slightly adding damage to the target.

Damager - stands behind, if an archer or a magician, but unlike a healer, constantly hits enemies. Well, or next to the tank he cuts with a two-handed sword. The main thing here is the maximum damage in the shortest possible time.

Controller - paralyzes, stuns or blinds and does petty mischief, temporarily incapacitating enemies and preventing them from attacking.


The best candidate here is either Wynn or the main character. In Dragon Age: Origins there will be missions where the hero has to run alone and the easiest way to do this is a magician who knows how to heal. The only problem is that we will not meet Wynne right away. Healing magic is a situational thing and although mana does not eat very much, in the end it will have to be used often, so a lot of Willpower is required.


Branch of creation... Here we take the Heroic aura and defense.

Heroic aura - protects against long-range attacks, we hang on the tank in the presence of a large number of archers, often simply irreplaceable.

Heroic Defense - protection against melee attacks. Also a lot where needed.

Treatment branch.Where can we go without her, it is she who makes us a healer

We need absolutely the whole branch.

A branch of runes.Applies even more effects to the group, it will not be superfluous.

Rune of Paralysis - if you have enough mana, you can use it.

Protective Rune - gives bonuses to mental stability, defense and repelling ranged attacks. A little bit, but all at once.

Rune of repulsion - can be useful to prevent enemies from running. Sometimes useful.

Rune of neutralization - put under other people's magicians, sometimes it can be used as a dispel. Not always possible to use, but it is better to take it.

Branch of the spirit.Here we will need to take dispersion and antimagic barrier.

1st spell is useless, but diffusion is a very important spell.
Anti-Magic Barrier - Imposes a shield on the target that completely blocks all non-physical damage. Also blocks the casting of point spells.

Specializations - Spiritual Healer.

The only spell that is not very necessary is the last one, since usually not everyone needs to be healed, but only the tank, for everyone there is Group healing, it usually copes with the task.


Morrigan is best suited and again ourselves. What does this very controller actually do? In our case, the magician simply does not allow the enemy to move, attack or cast bad spells. In addition, no one prevents the controller from imposing debuffs (damage that reduce attack, defense, movement speed). And again we put everything into the Power of Magic, well, a bit into the Power of Will.


Elemental fire branch.We take for the sake of Fireball.

Fireball. What is a normal magician nowadays without a fireball? In addition to damage, the fireball knocks down even some Bosses. Add a little cost and cooldown - you get the perfect spell.

Elemental earth branch

We take a fist, nothing else is needed.

Elemental branch of ice.The first 3 spells will come in handy.

Ice grip - very useful and irreplaceable.

Ice weapon - telekinetic is better, but here you get access to the Cone of Ice.

Cone of Ice - like Fireball, this is one of the main spells of the magician. He rarely gains resistance, works consistently for Bosses, even dragons. Having caught a lot of enemies that you don't care about now, you can keep them in place as much as there will be mana. The only negative is the radius of attack, the archers will simply shoot us.

Spirit Line - Mana Drain.

Mana burn - according to the idea, it burns out all the mana, but in practice the enemies manage to be healed. But they can no longer beat so much.

Magical power Is a pretty useful thing.

Mana Clash - great damage to magicians, because equal to all burnt mana. Some bosses are however resistant to this.

Spirit Line - Necromancy

Walking bomb -requires skillful use, but the strength is significant, it greatly facilitates the cleaning of groups of enemies.

Death funnel - after switching on, a funnel appears around the character. Decomposes one corpse every second, granting mana in the radius of the funnel. A controversial aura.

Infectious walking bomb - the same bomb, only easier to use. Better still to throw at the target, which is near death.

Skeleton call - an extra, even a dead character is always useful.

Spirit Branch - Mind

Mind Blast - a useful spell, sometimes it saves you from death.

Force field - absolutely necessary. It completely disables the target from the battle, although it makes it completely invulnerable.

Telekenetic weapons - better enchanting weapons. There should be one in the party.

Entropy Branch - Paralysis

Weakness - a standard debuff, like Loss of Orientation.

Paralysis - very necessary for a safety net.

Poisonous fumes - doubtful, but sometimes necessary

Mass paralysis - mass control that allows you to kick targets.

Entropy Branch - Curse

Corrupt vulnerability throwing on a strong target combined with a Life Sip is a very strong combo.

Contagious spoilage you need to throw at a white target (so as not to resist) and one that you will not touch for a long time.

Warding corruption - essentially a debuff, only strong. When successfully applied to a target, its critical hits become normal hits, and normal hits become misses. If he went to the boss, then the boss (applies only to melee) remains helpless.

Destructive corruption - makes all hits on the target critical, which is good for bosses - it is necessary for all damage dealers.

Entropy Branch - Dream

Loss of orientation - a good debuff, use on a strong target. Taken for more important spells

Horror - excellent control. Disables from combat for a long time (the stronger the target, the less time). Be sure to take.

Sleep - the main spell of the controller, because it almost does not meet stability, except for orange ones, but it also works on them properly. Allows you to perform the very queue - whoever woke up, he stammered. Has a huge AoE. And most importantly - Sleep + Horror - there are several combinations of spells in the game, but most are dull (for example, breaking a frozen one), and this has a really huge practical purpose.

A nightmare in reality - despite the fact that it appears after sleep, it is a stripped-down version of it in everything - not reliable, less AOE, more rollback. Better to take.

Entropy Branch - Siphon Life

Siphon Life useful when the main character plays the role of the controller.

Specializations - the game does not have an ideal specialization for a controller, but a good option is Blood Magic.


Whatever one may say, but without a normal tank, well, it simply will not work - the group will simply be taken out. The best candidate is Alistair / Logain and Wall. You can make the main character if you want to, in principle ...

The main characteristic of the tank is, of course, Constitution, but strength is also required for armor and skills, but also dexterity for a shield. We dress for protection and HP. However, this is not all - the main task is not just to keep the blows, but also to distract the enemies from the allies, and this will require provocation skills.

Tank skills

Shield Skill Line - Two Stances

First, we are given a useful shield defense, its improvement, and then a solid defense. The last ability, which gives a large bonus to defense, and when you turn on the Deaf defense - immunity to knockdown, is needed. Everything is needed here.

Shield Skill Line - Shield Cover

Shield Cover itself works well, but Blind Defense is better, and there can be only one stance at a time. And the whole branch requires an increase in dexterity, so the maximum is worth taking. Shield preparation.

Shield skill tree - shield bash

The best sang is the second one, which stuns pretty consistently.

Specializations. None of them is completely suitable for the tank, but Vityaz is closest to this: we reduce the attack of the enemies (we live longer), raise the defense and attack to allies and ourselves, overturn enemies, which gives a respite. You can also experiment with the Ripper - we draw lives from corpses (survivability), inflict damage on everyone around and hit the harder the less health is left. But you end up with a semi-attacking Persian who requires more careful handling. Berserk is not an option. Well, the Templar - has the ability to stun everyone and has great mental stability so as not to get up in dreams and paralysis. For the classic tank, take the Templar + Knight bundle.


In addition to the tank that holds the blow, the healer who mends this tank and the controller who prevents the enemies from hitting the tank too often, someone else is needed who will hand out change for such suffering. Here we just have a huge choice: Warrior with a two-handed sword, mage, battle mage, warrior with dual weapons, archer, robber with daggers. How many options to choose from. One is more beautiful than the other, we will understand in more detail who is who.

Warrior with a two-handed sword

This type of damage dealer is very popular with newbies because of the highest numbers. Here Stan, Ogren and the main character will fit in. We put everything into force and do not take a steam bath. You can, if you wish, a little more dexterity. We look for clothes for damage, protection is not so important here.

Skills and abilities

In addition to standard military skills, we have one of our branches, there are three lines in it. But first - any warrior-damage dealer must take the Exit from the battle, because it is important that they beat the tank and not us. It is also advisable to take the last skills from both lines of the warrior - it is very important to restore a few stamina, and for a while, it is generally excellent to remove mistakes from yourself. And the increase in the chance of crit in the crowd pleases.

Two-Handed Weapon Line - Stun

We take everything. Hilt strike - extra control. Indomitability - if the aggro is thwarted, or the boss knows how to stun everyone, not just the tank. Chance to stun - can also work on the boss. Helpful. An adjustable crit is also important.

Breaking Armor

The first spell is a debuff. Breaking armor - knocks off the armor of enemies.

Mighty blows

And while including mighty strikes is a controversial decision, due to the penalties to the attack, getting to a single multi-target strike is worth any cost. Especially considering the nominal damage from two-handed weapons.

Specializations: - Berserker. For 4 points, we get a plus to damage without penalties and one very strong blow. 2nd - any, if there are points for development. The knight will improve the deal with the hit, and strengthen the position of the second tank. The Templar is always useful, but not more than 1 in the party, the Ripper is more of a tank, the damage dealer should not take it and spend 4 points on just one useful but dangerous spell - large damage with low health.

Damager magician

It is best for them to be the main character. We increase the power of magic and a little willpower. We take armor with a bonus to Elemental damage (all sorts of gloves and rings + 20% fire damage, etc.) and the power of magic. Sometimes you can pick up a stock or mana regeneration in battle.


We take everything listed in the Treatment and Controller only when there are extra points.

Elemental Branch -Fireball. Lightning Cone + Cold Cone.

Lightning stitch.The chain lightning is interesting here.

Branch of Creation - Nature

Magic light - enhances our magical power (i.e. increases damage). It is useful to turn it on when you have already spent 50% of your mana.

Magic Flower - increases the regeneration of mana, which will be in short supply.

Wasp swarm - great damage to one target, we take.

Take the Walking Bomb (Spirit Line, Necromancy Line), if there is no one in the team yet. The rest is control.

Specializations - Blood magic. For 4 points we have an alternative resource for the use of spells, its replenishment (it is advisable then to take two spells from the Siphon Life line, the Entropy branch), Good AoE damage + control and a strong single disable + damage. The last spell-single-control on bosses in the Maleficar branch will work as damage at best, because the game will not always allow you to get control of the Orange ones.

Battle Mage

Available naturally only to the magician. Candidates are any magician. A mage who walks in light clothing does all the spells in battle, and when mana runs out, he climbs into the bag, puts on Heavy armor, turns on all auras and passives, and goes to melee the mobs. Lazy magicians immediately walk in heavy armor, and spit on fatigue at 30-40%. In this regard, we take the heaviest armor, because fatigue will eventually result in a bonus to attack. As practice shows, the damage per second with a two-handed, one-handed or with a dagger is the same, only the dagger penetrates armor even better.


Battle Magic Line

Battle magic - allows, instead of strength, to require Magic Power from equipment. We can immediately carry anything

The second skill passive (when enabled) changes the formula for calculating the hit from "Strength + Agility" to "Power of Magic + Agility". We do not have the second, but the first in bulk. Changes the formula for calculating weapon damage from Strength to Magic Power, which changes increased fatigue into an attack bonus. When enabled, it takes 50 mana (although this is not said) and immediately gives instead of 5% fatigue - 50%. So many because fatigue is our hitting the enemy. So in the end we got the "coolest" armor and weapons (except for bows and daggers). Then we take a passing, but useful improvement in attack and defense in the battle mage stance and take ....

Shimmering Shield... Gives resistance to all types of magic damage - 75% each. Example - In one place the whole party will receive constant damage from spirit magic. Everyone (and the tank) takes 11-13, the battle mage takes 2 damage. Feel the difference. Gives 100 psycho. and physical sustainability. No one can knock down or stun a battle mage, except for the harmful, arrogant and generally uncultured Ogres. It also gives a serious bonus to armor, not like the solid defense of the tank. You take 50 more energy into the supply and slowly devours your mana. This is not a joke or a mistake by the developers - after turning on seconds after 10 mana, you will have 0.

The last spell makes it possible to dodge an attack without checking an attack-defense (Dodge, judging by other games with an attack-defense, a check for a Dodge goes before checking an attack-defense, which is very useful) and mana regeneration, which is nonsense, because a shimmering shield all the same it will gobble it up with you. The only thing, if you are not tanking the boss, then you can not turn on the flickering shield and during the battle magic you will eat up your mana.

But still, back to close combat. We also take the previously mentioned Magic Protection and Stone Armor. The first gives protection depending on the Power of the magician, and the second - armor. Don't forget to include telekinetic weapons in the party. What do we get when it's all included? And we get a cool Persian, who two minutes ago ran in a robe, and now receives (at a certain stage of the game) instead of 30-40 damage that the tank received, only 20 from the boss. It hits with 1 sword like a two-handed one (albeit without the included racks for a two-handed one), Spits on stuns, Paralysis and other people's nukers. Are we all running to download the Battle Mage? Not really. One problem remained - the attack. She's still missing. Even with 100% fatigue. We hang on ourselves the Heroic Attack, we remove the protection from the enemy by all means - this is how you can still live. But what really literally kills a battle mage is other people's attack debuffs (Weakness, Curse, other people's knights) - you can forget about hits. For to dispel someone else's debuff - to remove yourself ALL buffs, do not forget. And we have them from 5 to 8. And how long will you stand to turn it on again (and the flickering shield also has a brutal CD)?

Dual Wielding Warrior

Why a warrior? Because the robber is imprisoned for something else. You can of course make a melee-warrior-rogue with a-twin-weapons, but it will be underworld. The candidates are the protagonist and the warriors. The characteristics are strength and agility in half. A little more agility for abilities. If there are big problems with men at arms - try to look for things to pierce armor. And everything is simple - maximum damage, we look at armor by bonuses, not by severity. Although if you are in massive armor, you will not be much different from the tank on the bosses. By the way, this is a feature of both Damager warriors. They are more reliable than others, more tenacious, less demanding for constant supervision. Abilities - Like two-handed, native branches are desirable all the way. The only hit because of the greater dexterity is better here.

A branch of Weapon in each hand

We teach all the way, without this, the penalties for weapons in each hand will be serious and the damage is small

Debuff line

Double punch... In fact, with the same attack speed, you start hitting the target twice as painfully (checked, the attack speed is not lost). Also, plus the damage from each hit. The price is the impossibility of regular crits. But the warrior's crits are not so frequent. Taken in any case for the next spell.

Counter attack - Crete + Stan.

Crippling blow - Crete + removal of defense (and also attack and running speed) from the enemy.

the Punisher - optional.

AoE damage

The first ability, a swing with two weapons, is a godsend. Not only did the damage to everyone who fit somewhere about 150 degrees in front of the warrior, but also with increased damage! The two-hander is making his way to hell knows how much, and his damage is normal there.

Triple hit -not worth the stamina put into it.

Rush. Eart stamina is serious, so turn it on when this very endurance is already 0. Increases attack speed very decently. Excellent ability.

Vortex - makes a blow to everyone around, but for such a price, and even the usual damage. We are not a tank to be surrounded. The sweep is much better.

Specializations - Everything is the same as with a two-handed man.


Candidates - The main character is a robber or Leliana. Why is a robber better than a warrior? The rogue will be able to pick locks. Warrior specs - Berserker will do, and the rest are unusable, and the Rogue has two useful ones. And the robber will receive a third more crafts - he will pump poisons, and combat training and, if necessary, Conviction. Crafts are not demanding, poison is welcome, mainly because of grenades, and it will help in close combat, since it is much more reliable to pull out two daggers than to swing shooting at point-blank range (more on that later). There is no trap, we are standing in the distance. Stats - agility. We don't need the ability to substitute cunning for strength in the calculation of the attack, since the bow has its own formula - exclusively agility. We swing it, a little trick if we break the locks. Clothes are agility. Only dexterity.


Of the standard robbers, we only need to pick locks, if there is no one else in the party, but you can take the line of lethality (replacement in the formula for damage, not attacks, so the damage will increase, and as a gift for 3 points 2 pleasant debuffs, except for changing the formula).

Archery Branch

Aimed shootinguseful, we reduce the attack speed, but we get all sorts of goodies, although the decrease in attack speed is felt strongly.

Special Shot Line

Pinning Shot seemingly good control, always useful, only rarely works.

Crippling shot - reduces the attack and defense of the target - useful, we hit more often.

Critical shot swing, good damage.

Arrow assassin deals very high damage, much more than a critical shot, although there is nothing about it in the description. So download.

Explosive Shot Stitch

Smashing shot - debuff on armor, useful. It also drops the target from its feet. It was unexpected and pleasant.

Overwhelming shooting - improves the life of the tank by reducing the enemy's attack. It can come in handy on the boss, all the more it works together with aimed shooting, if you decide to turn it on.

Explosive Shot - Resilience rarely comes to him, he works on a gigantic area. The only adequate control with a large AoE outside the mage, although conventionally it is multitarget, like a chain monia. Go to him and take it right away.

Specializations - Assassin and Duelist, of course, for close combat. Two remain - Bard and Pathfinder. We take them.

Bard - only the third song is needed, which gives advantages to attack, defense and crit. chance. Considering aimed shooting, there should be no problems with hitting. The only thing is that if you do not download the trick for breaking locks, then the song will be weaker for you than for those who download. But more agility.

Pathfinder - allows you to summon a Wolf or Bear or a Spider and with the last spell improves all three.

Wolf has the same health as a tank, the same nominal damage, and also reduces the enemy's armor.

Bear fat, hits well, can drop from his feet, only he does not pull on the tank.

We make any shot for 50 energy in battle, we call the wolf. If he was killed, we call the bear. In general, the Pathfinder is a huge support for the squad with new fighters.

Improved beast - animals receive an extra ability, but there are no special differences in stats (damage for a wolf, health for a wolf and a bear). If you have a lot of points, you can spend it. If you only use a wolf, it makes little sense to spend 3 points.

Dagger Rogue

Dagger. The candidate is only a robber. The Rogue is a unique daemager. First of all, it is about stab in the back - it always works when stabbing the enemy in the back. Characteristics - Agility and cunning. Daggers, unlike bows, require dexterity + strength, and we can replace strength with cunning. And cunning is more necessary for other abilities of the robber. Crafts - poisons are very, very necessary. Combat training is enough to take 3, I will explain why. The rest is optional. Clothes - due to the small amount of strength, we will carry the easiest. Weapons - daggers, with any bonuses, the main thing is that the damage is great. Even with one medium paralysis rune in 1 dagger, paralysis happens quite often, which is very pleasant, because as soon as your enemies wake up from control, you will not have stabs in the back, and the dps falls.

Abilities - Firstly, out of 4 lines, relatives will need a little from everyone.

Rogue Line - Backstab Stitch

Dirty fight control is always pleasant.

Movement in battle - great thing, expands the backstab area from quarter to half. Bextebs have become much easier.

Feigned death - the best reset aggro. If this is a problem - swing the blow of mercy.

Stitching Stitching Tricks

Kick debuff on defense and attack is pleasant

Death blow - debuff on armor, also useful.

The third skill Changes the formula of damage, so that after taking this ability, the damage will approximately double (in the back, for sure). Unfortunately, it does not change the hit formula (strength + dexterity), but great dexterity and permanents from dual weapons should smooth out this minus .. Escaping is again for open combat. DPS will not increase. ...

Locks stitching

It is not necessary to take level 4 locks. Locks only enhance the Rogue's natural ability to break chests and doors, which depends on cunning. Download is optional, depending on how often you see it is locked.

Invisibility line

There are two options, either take everything or take two. The 1st option allows you to go into stealth right in battle, but if you don't take the 4th level, they will constantly be noticed. The 2nd option allows you to save points, but from stealth you are just starting the battle, during the battle only Feigned Death will help to throw off aggro. Yes, and in the 2nd option, they will often notice you

Dual wielding tree

Everything is a little different here than with the dual-wielding warrior

Debuff Line

Counter attack - control is always helpful.

Crippling blow - duplicated by a kick, but useful.

Permanent line 4

All are needed except the last one, because he gives to carry swords. The dagger requires dexterity, better penetrates armor, hits faster. The sword will require strength, it penetrates armor worse, hits more slowly. You can beat with a backstab from a sword, only the formula for calculating damage includes dexterity only for piercing weapons - bows and arrows. For a sword, a lot of dexterity is almost useless. True, masterful swordsmanship also reduces the cost of using ... but just for the sake of it alone, swing the 4th level of combat training? The rogue constantly hits with crits (backstab is a kind of crit). He does not need any songs from the bard for crit, or a diverting corruption from the controller.


Killer. Not being discussed. Reinforces backstabs, restores stamina after a kill (like a warrior) and increases all physical. target damage. We do not need the bard - his only useful song is not needed, we do not need any crits or attacks. It would seem obvious - grab the duelist and don't think. Only here is the point. In fact, what the duelist gives: plus to attack / defense (we have both in bulk), a blow to reduce the speed of walking / defense (we already have two of them) and all hits \u003d crits for a while. Wait a minute. The backstebs are already crits. So the duelist will give almost nothing to the secretive robber. Therefore, there is the last option - Pathfinder. What the ranger gives for 1 invested point: a pet with hp like a tank. Tank damage. Reducing the target's defense (like the duelist). Just one point. That is, an animal that can tank up on occasion, and in fact, an increase in damage that you will not find anywhere else for 1 point. And you can also call the bear when the wolf dies. Assassin + Duelist is an obvious option. Assassin + Pathfinder seems dubious, but in practice it shows itself well.

Dragon Age - Origins - Making a Universal Group was last modified: July 29th, 2015 by admin

Dragon Age: Origins is a great game, but alas, it is a product of its time. BioWare released Dragon Age in 2009 while working on Mass Effect 2 in parallel, so Dragon Age sometimes falls into the same rake in terms of design as the first Mass Effect.

If you played Dragon Age in its release year, then it is likely that you missed out on mods that reveal the project from a different angle. In the past five years alone, enthusiasts have released dozens of amazing mods that are recommended to all fans of the series. So before you start battling templars and mages in Dragon Age: Inquisition, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the 15 key ones that started a successful series. Initially, there were 18 mods on the list, but some of them had to be cut, since they were either removed by the authors themselves, or they were incompatible with the game for one reason or another.

Dragon Age, due to its venerable age, does not have integration with the Steam Workshop. Honestly, it's even surprising that the game itself is on Steam, and not exclusive to Origin. All mods collected here are available on the official Dragon Age mod portal, and each has a separate installation guide. I advise you to use the convenient DAModder application with a clear interface, which will simplify downloading and installing mods.

It's only now that I've gotten used to the Steam Workshop that I begin to realize how chaotic and inconvenient third-party modder portals can be. While DAModder can save you some headaches, it doesn't work with all mods. Some of them, like the same Bash Locks, require manual copying of the code into files with the .ini extension. Others, like Dragon Age Redesigned, have their own installers with an .exe extension. I still recommend using DAModder, but I emphasize that the program will be useful for about half of the mods from the list.

Does this mean that I am a whiner who needs to serve everything on a silver platter? With many hours of fiddling around trying to navigate the readme.txt files and multi-page PDF manuals to get the mods I want, the answer is yes, I'm a whiner. And I advise everyone to be. Now let's move on to the best mods for Dragon Age: Origins.

Gameplay mods


I've almost never picked thieves / hackers / shadows in role-playing games. If the characters in the RPG reflect the character of the players, then, apparently, I am the person who smashes everything around and accidentally breaks furniture, just falling on it.

For those who also destroy everything in their path, closed chests and doors serve as a sad reminder that it is impossible to explore every corner of every cave. We do not have the skills to crack tiny locks, and therefore we cannot enjoy the secrets that are hidden behind closed doors.

Unless, of course, you have the Lock Bash mod installed. Thanks to this mod, warriors and magicians in Dragon Age can knock out castles with a huge hammer or destroy them with magic. There is even an animation of the destruction of locks, so this feature does not stand out from the general atmosphere. I came across a couple of bugs while playing with Lock Bash installed - for example, I could not speak to quest NPCs through doorways (namely Blacksmith Owen in Redcliffe), so I had to remove it temporarily. However, such bugs are extremely rare, and this wonderful mod deserves your attention.


The most useful and at the same time the most pretentious mod on this list, Auto Loot, makes searching corpses noticeably faster. It is enough just to click on a dead enemy, as all the contents of his inventory will move to you without any delay. Let's face it, you would have clicked the Take All button anyway, so why waste your time? The game knows that you are taking everything in your pocket and does not judge you.

The pretentiousness lies in the fact that the modder under the nickname Pheelon really does not want you to forget the name of the author of this work. Therefore, whenever you collect loot from enemies, a message will appear on the screen stating that the service is provided by the Auto Loot © mod from Pheelon. Everyone. God's. Time.
By the way, the last paragraph is provided by the Auto Loot © mod by Pheelon.


From time to time, melee sword fights end with a combination of powerful blows, in which one of the opponents dies a severe death, which is more suitable for some. This happens relatively rarely, but if you would like to see such cruelty more often, then the Forced Deathblows mod is at your service. The settings allow you to make special kills a regular event or even a standard ending for any sword fight. If you've played Sniper Elite, you'll see the familiar X-ray kill animations that show you in full detail how your opponent's entrails burst.

Mods to improve graphics and environments


One of the more modest mods on the list, Improved Atmosphere, is usually left out when it comes to useful addons. But we could not pass by, because Improved Atmosphere makes simple NPCs in each city more realistic - they go about their business and throw lines in response to the hero's actions. They gather around bonfires, eat, walk around the location and behave like ordinary people.

At the same time, your companions also become more talkative, which pleases exactly until, from the endless skirmishes of Alistair and Morrigan, they begin to ring in their ears. Corpses remain in place even after you've searched them, adding an element of darkness to the game. This mod allows you to make the world more alive and realistic - the cities and surroundings now look not like dollhouses built specifically for the player's amusement, but like real fantasy places.


All Dragon Age heroes have very nasty teeth. Just disgusting. “But wait!” You say. "Brown teeth are historical realism." Do you know what I think about this realism? I do not need him. I came here for fantasy elves, magic daggers and other fabulous paraphernalia. Therefore, the White Teeth mod made it to the list of my favorites as it whitens the teeth of all characters. I did some serious research and realized that heroes were 600% less disgusting. Thank White Teeth


This mod made me realize how old Dragon Age: Origins was. Already after the release of Mass Effect 2 in this series, it became possible to make helmets invisible in order to look at the faces of your favorite characters, even if they were chained in heavy armor.

But back in 2009, for this it was necessary to install a mod called No Helmet Hack, which added to each character a special book that did not take up extra space in the inventory. Using this book made helmets invisible and vice versa. Simple, elegant and effective.


As I noted, Dragon Age is aging inexorably. And the Dragon Age Redesigned mod is a great way to enjoy the game for all newbies. It has redrawn the faces of the characters, so that random NPCs no longer look like cartoon trolls, but look like cartoon trolls stained with sand. We've also improved most of the companions - for example, Morrigan has 4 face versions to choose from.

The installation process for Redesigned is not as enjoyable as the redrawn faces: you have to download two separate files. For some reason, one of them needs to be run twice in order to install the mod correctly. For each of the satellites, a separate archive with textures was created, which must also be downloaded manually, so to update the entire squad, you will have to download and run about 8-9 files in total. The final result, of course, pleases, but is it worth the effort? I'm not sure, but it's up to you. I will only note that this mod, for some reason, conflicts with the White Teeth mod, and some (but not all) allies have their teeth again painted in their original color.

Mods for improving companions


The Mabari Hound is the Gray Warden's best friend, and is prized for its strong jaws, pointed ears, and muscular chest. These are fantastic pets that magicians and fighters who attack at long distances cannot do without. However, his place in the squad is quickly taken by more powerful companions who can carry items in their inventory, use artifacts and, of course, talk.

With the addition of an additional dog slot, your mabari becomes a permanent fifth member of the squad, tied directly to the main character. The bloodthirsty mabari dog, never leaving your character, of course, slightly upsets the balance of the Dragon Age combat system, but just look at those big sad eyes. How can this creature be abandoned? Of course not. Who is a good dog? Who is our good boy?


You see a dark raven landing on the fence. An ominous looking elixir is tied to its leg. Drink it and ... you can redistribute skill and skill points at any time!
Well, it was unexpected.

Since Dragon Age's strategy can change depending on the hero class, it would be nice to be able to reallocate skills to create the most effective squad. And the Character Respecialization mod allows you to do this without breaking the rules of the fantasy universe. After installing the mod, you can find a dark raven in almost any city and change the skills of your hero.


Dragon Age, are you aware that we are living in an era of tolerance? So it's time to wave rainbow flags. Equal Love removes all restrictions on interaction with companions, and now you can flirt, kiss and fall in love with any companion, regardless of their gender. Moreover, the new conditions of the game directly affect its ending, so that the male protagonist can henceforth [spoiler] with [spoiler], provided that he chooses the ending with provided [spoiler].
But the addition of same-sex relationships in the game does not mean that gamers will be able to arrange weddings between heroes and mabari dogs, and therefore your relationship with a faithful pet will develop completely in a platonic manner.


Most relationships between people are known to be based on giving gifts. In the first part of Dragon Age, finding special "gift" items usually led to a lot of dialogue as we tried to understand who the item was for. The Madd Gift Guide mod adds clues to the description of these gifts to the game, so now we know exactly which of our companions should be given them. If you are determined to win the "Best Gray Guardian of the Year" competition, then this mod is an irreplaceable find.


Many people probably remember Sir Gilmore - a kind and noble childhood friend who appears in the game for just a few minutes. Initially, it was he who was supposed to become the new Gray Guardian, however, he sacrifices his life so that the main character and his mother can escape from the burning castle.

However, Sir Gilmour can be returned to the game using this mod. Moreover, he is ready to join your adventure and even has full voice acting, which is a rarity in the world of amateur modding. The voice acting is done quite well, and the character himself fits perfectly into your squad. After installing this mod, you can miraculously find a surviving childhood friend in the village of Lothering.

Subject Mods

The hell out of Howe [plot spoilers]


Earl Rendon Howe sooner or later becomes a thorn in the heel of any Dragon Age player, and his dastardly betrayal actually launches a separate storyline. How bad is this? It was voiced by Tim Curry himself, if that means anything to you.

Regardless of how you progress through the game, Howe's encounter is an important story event. But the outcome of this fight is a little disappointing, as the writers decided to give Howe the death of a typical Hollywood villain, who always has time to say a few words goodbye. However, with this mod, the necessary emotional intensity appears in the scene thanks to additional cutscenes. Howe is a real bastard who deserves suffering, and now we at least see that suffering.


For those who want to move away from the Dragon Age universe and try something new, the Baldur's Gate 2 Redux mod is perfect. Easily recognizable by classic fans, the Irenicus Cave has been completely recreated by a team of modders along with original sounds and famous dialogue from Baldur's Gate 2. And although this project was supposed to sooner or later transfer the entire BG2 to the Dragon Age engine, posts on the forums indicate that that the developers have already lost all interest in this. However, they can be thanked at least for the opportunity to spend an hour or two in a familiar cave and indulge in nostalgia.


Alley of Murders, another exciting addition to the rich Dragon Age universe, is a brand new campaign that follows a serial killer in Denerim. Local law enforcement officers cannot find the criminal in any way, which means that it's time for the Gray Guard to intervene. The mod has a full-fledged voice acting (in places not very convincing) and takes about half an hour.