Is it possible to listen to someone else's telephone conversation. How to know if your phone is being tapped or infected with spyware

Has your husband been late at work? Does he smell like your perfume? Have you been intimacy for a long time? Has he stopped caring for you and showing signs of attention? Perhaps he had a mistress. Some wives manage catch the traitor dead to rights. But in most cases, the unfaithful spouse skillfully covers his tracks. If direct surveillance is not possible or has not yielded results, you can wiretap your husband's mobile phone.

Almost all of us use a mobile phone every day. Parents buy cell phones for their children so that the child is constantly in touch in case of emergency. Adults actively use mobile in personal and business communication. He is always with you, anywhere and at any time.

Today, the most popular devices are smartphones. This is a very convenient, multifunctional gadget. Smartphones support cellular communications, GPS navigation, wireless Internet, hundreds of mobile applications for various purposes. If you want to listen to your husband's phone, then you need a special application.

What is this program?

Special software for mobile devices has the functions of tracking the activity of the subscriber, detecting his location, monitoring operations. The spyware is installed directly on the cell phone. Once activated, it does not affect the operation of the device. Thus, it is possible to control the husband's communications. The user will not know that his activity is under attack.

Using the service, you get unlimited access to:

  • listening to telephone conversations;
  • interception of incoming and outgoing calls;
  • tracking location on the map;
  • data exchange and mobile correspondence of the spouse.

Our call listening service is available anywhere in the world. After activating the application, you are offered 12 hours of free testing of the program. This time is sometimes quite enough to confirm their suspicions about her husband's infidelity.

The resource provides complete anonymity and privacy and a high level of information security. Limited access to account data is carried out through a personal password. The created profile is contained on a special site that supports stationary and mobile versions. That is, wiretapping of the husband's phone is carried out via the Internet. So your mobile and mobile spouse must be online.

Application installation

How to install wiretapping on my husband's phone? You need to gain physical access to your husband's mobile phone. But it is better to do this without his knowledge, otherwise all spy games will go down the drain. It is enough to download and install spyware through a special service. By following the instructions, you will quickly complete the activation. After that, you can remotely:

  • find out with whom the husband communicates;
  • where he stays;
  • what institutions he visits;
  • who is in his circle.

Install a mobile spy on your husband's phone and calm your suspicions!

As with the legend of triangulation, carefully mixing fiction with well-measured doses of truth can produce a believable-looking mixture. The most charming thing will be that not a single honest and objective specialist will say "this complete bullshit". Such a hybrid of truth and fiction can even be shown on TV, accompanied by interviews with representatives of leading telecom operators. "Is it true that your company cooperates with special services, passing them information about calls and conversations of subscribers?", the pretty presenter will ask. " We work within the law and provide the necessary assistance in solving criminal offenses,” a company representative will say. And the average person will hear what he wanted to hear: “Yes! Everything said in the show is true! You can turn on the microphone and eavesdrop on me!

Now let's try to figure it out ourselves.

The main postulates of the legend of eavesdropping:

  1. V any mobile equipment initially laid the possibility of providing information about the exact location of the subscriber (accurate to meters), recording and listening to conversations, and even when the mobile phone is turned off (emphasis mine, quote from the first link).
  2. These features can be activated by intelligence agencies or well-trained "hackers"
  3. The phone user cannot detect the very fact of listening
  4. The presence of this possibility is confirmed by quotes from the lips of information security experts, representatives of special services and government organizations.

Imagine that such an opportunity really exists and you have become the object of listening. Your phone's microphone picks up your conversations and your phone transmits them...

This is where the fun begins. How and where does the phone transmit tapped conversations? Even the authors of articles about listening in their fantasies do not reach outright delirium like "the phone has an alternative voice codec that is used to encode speech, and the phone then transmits the received stream on a secret frequency through a separate antenna, without using base stations."

As a rule, they write that the phone, without the knowledge of the owner, makes a call to a certain number, after which everyone on the other side listens carefully and writes down.

We will stick to this version. So, your phone, without your knowledge, makes a call (using standard GSM functions) to a certain number, and you don't notice it.

This raises a number of awkward questions:

  1. Why is the fact of an active call not visible in the phone interface?
  2. How long will your phone battery last?
  3. what to do with characteristic pickups on the speakers of the surrounding radio equipment?
  4. will the call used for listening in be visible in the detailed listing of your calls?

There must be some answer to all these questions, otherwise such a call will go unnoticed for a maximum of a couple of minutes.

According to paragraph 1, they usually write that special services or a mobile operator can remotely install software on the phone, which will Hide All. However, currently there is no such way to transfer active content to the phone that will work with any phones and SIM cards. SIM-toolkit software requires appropriate SIM-cards, and cannot control the behavior of the phone in such a way as to hide the fact of the call. Software in the form of special Java Applications requires Java support in the phone (and articles about listening appeared long before the advent of MIDP 1.0), plus - the API will not allow them to control the phone sufficiently to hide the call, and installing them will require certain manipulations on the part of the owner phone (at least - open MMS/WAP-push SMS, or install the software yourself). Perhaps the situation is somewhat different with applications for the Series 40/60/80 OS or other OS for smartphones. But smartphones are far from "all phones".

There remains the option of remotely changing / replacing the firmware (firmware) of the phone. Works with any phones. Any models. Any manufacturers. In the network of any operators. To this we can only say that it makes sense for the special services that will be capable of this to retrain as mobile phone manufacturers and effortlessly survive from the market of all current players :)

Point number 2 is usually passed over in silence. However, sometimes they write that "eavesdropping can be calculated by rapidly decreasing battery charge." Which is usually enough for a maximum of 4 hours of continuous talk, after which the phone dies. Somehow not very suitable for round-the-clock stealth surveillance, huh?

Item number 3 is also either passed over in silence or listed as one of the ways to notice listening. But excuse me, in our time, only a completely unobservant person may not know about the connection between pickups on the speakers of radio equipment and the operation of a mobile phone. Again, for secretive way of listening, such a "side effect" is completely unacceptable.

Point number 4 suggests that the secret services are in cahoots with mobile operators. This collusion assumes that:

  1. The operator has nothing against the fact that his voice channels are used for listening, and he does not receive a cent for them. (We do not consider the option "special services pay for the listener", right?)
  2. The operator excludes calls to special services numbers from the detailed listing of calls and from all internal databases (ok, this can be done)
  3. If the listener is in the coverage area of ​​another network (or in roaming), the operator additionally bears the costs associated with roaming and interconnect.
  4. This collusion is valid at least for all operators in the country where the special services in question operate.

Attention, question: what should be the motivation of the operators so that they agree to such a conspiracy - moreover, is it a secret conspiracy?

Since it is secret, then the option "to force it by law" is not suitable (laws are published). Since the collusion involves significant financial losses on the part of the operators, the motivator must be either money or fear. Fear disappears for obvious reasons. And the money... Can you imagine the secret services that pay the operator to modify the billing and the costs associated with listening? :)

(Small digression: I read the "Lawful interception" section in the MSC documentation of at least three manufacturers. Everywhere it was only about monitoring and recording calls from / to specified numbers, and not a word about the mystical "remote microphone activation", "diagnostic phone modes" etc.)

So what do we have? Some almighty intelligence agencies, with the help of a staff of brilliant engineers, are developing a way to remotely change the software of any phone (note that they develop it themselves - the intelligence services of another country will not share their developments with them). Further, these special services agree with all mobile operators to hide the fact of calls to a secret number belonging to the special services. After that, they change the software of your phone and force it to make a call to a secret number. At the risk of being noticed every second by the rapid discharge of the battery and interference with the nearest radio equipment, they have the opportunity to listen to you for about 4-5 hours (if you played into their hands and pre-charged the phone), and if you want to use GPRS, then they will almost certainly have to interrupt (rare networks and phones allow parallel support active voice channel and active GPRS session).

Excuse me, but is the game worth the candle?

Let's apply Occam's razor and try to consider alternative version. Let's say you are a mafioso and you are being followed. By court order, your phone (the number is easily recognizable) is put on a "classic" wiretap - getting the opportunity to listen to calls that you make or receive. In addition, some other information is obtained about you in a different way (perhaps not entirely legitimate). In order to be able to use this information in court and not "shine" their source / method of obtaining, this information is submitted as "a record obtained from the phone using (unnamed) special means." In addition, in their free time, representatives of the security services in (anonymous) interviews can support the legend of listening through the switched off mobile phone - just to "everyone is afraid."

Now compare both options and ask yourself - which one looks more believable and (most importantly) easier to implement?

If you're still unconvinced, shave again and consider the relative plausibility of these options:

  1. A young but ambitious journalist hears/reads that a high-profile arrest has been made on the basis of a "bug" installed in a mobile phone. If you write like that, then the note will be boring and uninteresting. It is much more interesting to write about Turning the Microphone On - then, in addition to the paragraph on the arrest itself, it will be possible to write ten more, stuffed with near-scientific nonsense.
  2. You are a manufacturer of "security products for mobile communications". Any scramblers, additional scramblers, foil caps, lead cases, etc. But here's the problem - your products are poorly bought. The client does not feel the need to shell out money for your inventions. You take the initiative and put a series of articles in the media about the non-illusory threat of Turning the Microphone on... (this is the category the first link seems to fall into).

Yes, I almost forgot - I promised to tell you more about quotes and links to official documents with which this legend is often propped up. Let's take the English-language article, the link to which I gave at the very beginning of the post. The article is full of quotes. I will not analyze everything in detail, I will limit myself to the very first.

What the article says: The FBI appears to have begun using a novel form of electronic surveillance in criminal investigations: remotely activating a mobile phone"s microphone [...]. The technique is called a "roving bug," and was approved by top US Department of Justice officials [...]. The surveillance technique came to light in an opinion published this week by US District Judge Lewis Kaplan. take place near a suspect's cell phone. Kaplan"s opinion said that the eavesdropping technique "functioned whether the phone was powered on or off."".

If you are not strong in English, I will translate. " The FBI has begun using a new method of surveillance: remote activation of a mobile phone's microphone. The method is called "mobile bug" and approved by the highest officials of the US Department of Justice. Judge Lewis Kaplan's opinion, released this week, brought the method to public attention. The judge made a decision. according to which the use of a "mobile bug" is recognized as legal, since [...] . The judge also noted that this eavesdropping method works whether the phone is on or off.".

Now let's see what this opinion really says: "The government applied for a "roving bug," that is, the interception of Ardito"s conversations at locations that were "not practical" to specify, as authorized by 18 U.S.C. Section 2518(11)(a). Judge Jones granted the application, authorizing continued interception at the four restaurants and the installation of a listening device in Ardito's cellular telephone. The device functioned whether the phone was powered on or off, intercepting conversations within its range wherever it happened to be." (emphasis mine).

Everything turned out to be simple. The judge approved the installation of a listening device in the suspect's cell phone. There is no word on the remote inclusion of microphones. Further down, the cited document also explicitly mentions the "installation" and subsequent "removal" of the listening device from another suspect's mobile phone.

- not just an accessory of an active, business person. Owners trust this device for personal and work conversations, sms-correspondence and communication using various instant messengers. Pictures, videos and other files that are not intended for prying eyes are stored in the device's memory and on a flash card. Therefore, it is important to take care not only not to lose your smartphone or steal it, but also to protect the data on it.

How spies steal information, what malfunctions to pay attention to and how to check the phone for wiretapping?

How is wiretapping of mobile phones?

To check if is listening, you need to know how attackers can connect to it. There are three ways:

1. Fraudsters will install malicious software on the phone. Thanks to wireless communications and special programs for hacking, a user of almost any level can use this method. Using certain types of viruses, criminals can steal and destroy the personal data of the smartphone owner and other information that is stored on the phone. So, the encryption system can be changed by hackers or completely disabled. Such software can get on the gadget:

  • via MMS messages;
  • via mobile internet;
  • via Bluetooth;
  • via Wi-Fi connection;
  • when the owner connects the smartphone to the computer.

Hacker programs can turn on a microphone and the criminal will receive information while being within a radius of 100 meters from the owner of the phone.

2. Wiretapping of phones using special mobile devices. Such systems usually consist of a computer or two phones with special modifications. It seems to some that such equipment is easy to operate and available to almost any user. This is not true. Only a professional signalman can operate such equipment. You will have to pay up to several hundred thousand dollars for the system.

3. This method is the most expensive. For wiretapping, special complexes are used, the price of which starts from several hundred thousand dollars. Such equipment is sold semi-legally. Only signalmen with professional education and experience can serve it. This method is used to listen to other people's conversations in real time.

Phone tapping metrics

To determine wiretapping, you need to pay attention to the following 7 details:

1. The smartphone seems to “gurgle” at the moments when it is next to electronics -,. Interference is natural if you are using the device at this moment. But when the phone is idle, there is reason to think.

2. The gadget "independently" turns on and off, re-registers in the Network. If the user inattentively installed and configured unverified applications and programs, this situation is normal. Otherwise, the device can be controlled without the knowledge of the owner.

3. The battery should not get hot if the phone has not been used for a while. Hidden running programs can overheat the battery. It is possible that spyware.

4. Wiretapping is evidenced by the screen of the mobile, which does not turn off when the device is turned off. Or the phone itself can’t turn off for an unusually long time. But such failures can be the result of installing software without a license and other software errors.

5. The battery is running out faster than usual. A gradual decrease in battery capacity after a year of using the device is the norm. Troubles of this kind with the new phone speak of the included microphone and continuous recording of conversations.

6. In a smartphone that supports two SIM cards, an unknown operator appears, signed with several numbers.

7. Echo or crackle in the speaker during a conversation confirms the fact of eavesdropping.

How to know if the phone is being tapped?

If anxiety about possible wiretapping causes discomfort, you can seek help from a service operator. The telephone company most likely owns the equipment to test the line. You should go to the police if there is evidence of espionage activity.

There are also programs for smartphones that help to find out if the current conversation is encrypted or available to intruders:

1. Checking the phone for wiretapping using EAGLE Security FREE. The program analyzes the location and identifies stations. A useful feature is the study of applications that covertly use the camera and microphone, and the ability to block access to .

2. Using Darshak, you can detect programs and applications that send text messages without the user's knowledge.

The most obvious way is official wiretapping by the state.

In many parts of the world, telephone companies are required to provide access to wiretapping lines to the competent authorities. For example, in Russia, in practice, this is carried out technically through SORM - a system of technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search activities.

Each operator is obliged to install an integrated SORM module on his PBX.

If the telecom operator has not installed equipment for wiretapping the phones of all users on its PBX, its license in Russia will be canceled. Similar programs of total wiretapping operate in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the USA, Great Britain (Interception Modernization Program, Tempora) and other countries.

The venality of government officials and intelligence officers is well known to everyone. If they have access to the system in "god mode", then for the appropriate fee you can get it too. As in all state systems, in the Russian SORM there is a big mess and typical Russian gouging. Most of the technical specialists are actually very low-skilled, which allows unauthorized access to the system without the intelligence agencies themselves noticing.

Telecom operators do not control when and which of the subscribers are listened to on SORM lines. The operator does not check in any way whether there is a court sanction for wiretapping a particular user.

“You take a certain criminal case about the investigation of an organized criminal group, in which 10 numbers are listed. You need to listen to someone who has nothing to do with this investigation. You just finish off this number and say that you have operational information that this is the number of one of the leaders of the criminal group, ”says knowledgeable people from the website.

Thus, through SORM you can listen to anyone on "legal" grounds. This is such a secure connection.

2. Listening through the operator

Cellular operators generally view the list of calls and the history of movements of a mobile phone, which is registered in various base stations according to its physical location, without any problems. To get call records, like the secret services, the operator needs to connect to the SORM system.

It doesn't make much sense for Russian law enforcement agencies to install Trojans, unless they need the ability to activate the smartphone's microphone and record, even if the user is not talking on a mobile phone. In other cases, SORM does an excellent job with wiretapping. Therefore, the Russian special services are not very active in introducing Trojans. But for informal use, it's a favorite hacker's tool.

Wives spy on their husbands, businessmen study the activities of competitors. In Russia, Trojan software is widely used for wiretapping by private clients.

The Trojan is installed on a smartphone in various ways: through a fake software update, through an email with a fake attachment, through a vulnerability in Android, or in popular software like iTunes.

New vulnerabilities in programs are found literally every day, and then closed very slowly. For example, the FinFisher Trojan was installed through a vulnerability in iTunes that Apple did not close from 2008 to 2011. Through this hole, it was possible to install any software on behalf of Apple on the victim's computer.

It is possible that such a Trojan is already installed on your smartphone. Didn't it seem to you that the smartphone's battery has recently been discharged a little faster than it should be?

6. Application update

Instead of installing a special spyware Trojan, an attacker can do something even smarter: choose an application that you voluntarily install on your smartphone, and then give it full authority to access phone calls, record conversations, and transfer data to a remote server.

For example, it may be a popular game that is distributed through the "left" mobile application directories. At first glance, an ordinary game, but with the function of wiretapping and recording conversations. Very comfortably. The user with his own hands allows the program to access the Internet, where it sends files with recorded conversations.

Alternatively, the malicious functionality of the application may be added as an update.

7. Fake base station

The fake base station has a stronger signal than the real BS. Due to this, it intercepts the traffic of subscribers and allows you to manipulate data on the phone. Fake base stations are known to be widely used by law enforcement agencies abroad.

In the USA, a fake BS model called StingRay is popular.

And not only law enforcement agencies use such devices. For example, merchants in China often use fake BS to send bulk spam to mobile phones that are within a radius of hundreds of meters around. In general, in China, the production of “fake honeycombs” is put on stream, so it’s not a problem to find a similar device in local stores, assembled literally on the knee.

8 Femtocell Hacking

Recently, some companies have been using femtocells - low-power miniature cellular stations that intercept traffic from mobile phones that are in range. Such a femtocell allows you to record calls from all employees of the company before redirecting calls to the base station of cellular operators.

Accordingly, to wiretap a subscriber, you need to install your own femtocell or hack the original femtocell of the operator.

9. Mobile complex for remote wiretapping

In this case, the radio antenna is installed close to the subscriber (works at a distance of up to 500 meters). A directional antenna connected to a computer intercepts all phone signals, and at the end of the work it is simply taken away.

Unlike a rogue femtocell or a Trojan, here the attacker doesn't have to worry about breaking into the site and installing the femtocell and then removing it (or removing the Trojan without leaving a trace of the hack).

The capabilities of modern PCs are enough to record a GSM signal on a large number of frequencies, and then crack the encryption using rainbow tables (here is a description of the technique from a well-known specialist in this field, Carsten Nohl).

If you voluntarily carry a universal bug with you, you automatically collect an extensive dossier on yourself. The only question is who will need this dossier. But if needed, he can get it without much difficulty.

Before you think about, say, how to listen to your wife's mobile phone, you should take into account the fact that any interference in a person's privacy is completely illegal. And it doesn’t matter who he is to you: wife, husband, sister, mother, and so on. Therefore, if suddenly you seriously decide to take care of this problem, keep in mind that all the actions you take are against the law.

How to listen to a mobile phone legally?

The answer is simple - no way. Only law enforcement agencies can carry out actions to wiretap the phone, and only with a court order for this. In this case, they are assisted directly by the mobile operator, which is obliged, according to the decision, to provide maximum assistance to law enforcement agencies.

An ordinary person will never be able to use this service of cellular operators. Unless you find someone in law enforcement who is willing to help you with this problem.

Are there other options for listening to a cell phone?

In our modern time, when, as they say, progress is advancing by leaps and bounds, there are many ways to listen to a mobile phone. One of them is the use of special equipment. Based on this option, a person who needs to obtain certain information uses special, usually very expensive equipment, thanks to which the outgoing signal from the victim's mobile phone is intercepted on the way to the base of the mobile operator.

Despite the fact that this method is more than expensive, it allows you to listen without making contact with the victim.

Strange MMS

It's no secret that most detective agencies employ former employees of the secret services. Sometimes they reveal their secrets of how to listen to a mobile phone. This option is possible thanks to the genius of programmers or hackers. In order to use this method of listening, all you need to know is the victim's phone number. A special virus program is attached to the picture, which is sent as a regular MMS message to a specific number. As soon as the subscriber opens the message for reading, the Trojan program is quickly activated in the phone and starts its work.

Now you can talk not only about how to listen to someone else's mobile phone. This virus allows you to listen to conversations that are conducted outside the device. Even if the subscriber turns off the smartphone, listening will continue.

Smart phones

If we talk about what kind of listening devices for mobile phones exist, then first of all I would like to note the device itself.

It is known for certain that there are certain models of smartphones that have built-in programs that allow not only to listen to the subscriber's telephone conversations, but also to read all SMS correspondence, as well as to listen to the environment. Of course, you will not find such devices on free sale.

It is known that some Internet resources are actively selling listening devices and the smartphones described above in particular. If you have an idea to buy such a phone to give to your wife or spouse, then pay special attention to such offers. Otherwise, you run the risk of shelling out 30 thousand for a regular Chinese smartphone without any spyware.

Do you trust sites on the Internet?

Believe it or not, it's up to you. In fact, sources that offer help in deciding how to listen to someone else's mobile phone should be treated with extreme caution. If you look closely, the cost of any equipment for wiretapping is quite high. Here we are talking not only about spy phones, but also about bugs and other devices.

You may be asked to pay only a fraction of the cost. But such an amount is also very impressive, especially when you consider the fact that there are at least a dozen like you.

Therefore, before you rush headlong into an adventure, acquiring super-listening devices, think carefully about whether you are ready to throw a certain amount of money down the drain. Yes, just take it and throw it away! Not? Then, perhaps, it is not worth trying, buying who knows what and who knows from whom?


In fact, you can manually install a virus on your phone that will spy and send you reports about the information received. In order to understand how to eavesdrop on a cell phone using spyware, you will need the program itself and access to the victim's phone.

Install via the Internet, activate and ... listen to everything and everyone. True, for this you need to have the software itself available. But, again, be careful, because there are plenty of people who earn money by “divorcing” users on the network.

As a rule, such "craftsmen" in all colors paint the charms of this program. They offer an absolutely perfect option on how to listen to the victim's mobile phone. The scammers justify their kindness by the fact that, for example, being once deceived by their beloved wife or husband, they show solidarity and want to help everyone who finds themselves in such a similar situation.

Further, as a rule, a detailed description of the program is given, instructions for use are given, detailed screenshots of the screen are given, and then it is proposed to download the installation file itself either through a paid file hosting service or by sending SMS to a short number. Sometimes, after downloading the program, you will suddenly find the simplest software for installing bluetooth, for example.

In some cases, the program will download to your computer without an installation file, which you will be offered to buy at a separate price.

Be carefull

In fact, when deciding how to listen to a mobile phone, you may be under the hood yourself. Ask yourself the question: do you know exactly what files you install on your PC? But what if they contain some Trojan viruses that will later steal your personal information?

It's good if you have excellent anti-virus protection on your computer. But it is known that some users simply neglect it.

Performing deliberately illegal actions, think about the fact that the question of whether they can listen to a mobile phone that is in your personal use, you may well get an affirmative answer. I wonder how you would feel in such a situation? Will you be offended and outraged because you are an honest person? Think about it, perhaps the person you are going to spy on does not do anything immoral either. Maybe you just misunderstood something?