How to make money on YouTube videos. How to make money on Youtube from scratch on subscribers and views - detailed instructions

The YouTube service is one of the most ambitious projects from Day by day, it is only gaining momentum along with popularity, offering advertisers many effective tools to promote their business, and opening up extensive opportunities for webmasters to earn money.

Let's try to figure out on YouTube for views and whether it is possible. The question is extremely relevant and requires a detailed explanation along with specific steps described in stages. The only thing that is worth mentioning right away is that there is no easy money, as the soap advertising promises, and a lot of effort is needed before you can get any income.

Today, many people talk about how to make money by watching videos on YouTube, but most in their statements reflect only bare theory with little experience (their own or someone else's), without touching on the very essence and without revealing the principles of this earnings.

As an example, we can cite several YouTube flagships that reveal the basic concepts of popularizing video content - these are Gangnam Style videos and the equally scandalous viral video of Van Damme advertising a Volvo truck. These two examples most clearly describe how you can make money on YouTube from views.

The secret of making a profit lies not even in who is the main actor or on what topic the video was shot, but in the correct promotion of the account and competent marketing. It is viral marketing that underlies earnings on the channel, and not half-naked girls and scandalous revelations.

Making a thematic video is only a small part of the work that needs to be done to popularize it. You need daily views, at least 1000 per day, otherwise it will simply get lost somewhere in the depths of the search.

Be sure to keep in mind that the YouTube search engine works on the same principle as Google, so the video host weighs and evaluates many factors along with the characteristics of the content before serving it out to the user. And again, we run into marketing, that is, the promotion of our video. After all, the profit of the promoted project depends on this.

First of all, let's answer the questions: "How much money does a video host pay, what exactly can you make money on, what is traffic monetization, and is it possible to make money on YouTube from views?"

Ways to make money

So, how can you make money on YouTube video hosting? The main point of earning is placing advertiser's links on your videos. In order to start advertising something, you need to either negotiate with an intermediary company, or directly become a YouTube partner. In the first case, the intermediary party will itself look for advertisers for you and take an agreed percentage for its services. Naturally, it is much more profitable to stay on the second option, that is, to work directly with the video host, but the partnership includes a number of requirements that your video must meet.

First of all, we will consider how to make money on YouTube for views directly, excluding the payment of interest to a third-party intermediary. This is important both for future prospects and for higher income.

Copyright videos

The ideal option would be your authorship of all video content that you host with the hosting provider. And it doesn't matter how you got it - filmed with a video camera or through a mobile phone. But this option is not always feasible, therefore "YouTube" offers the opportunity to earn money on third-party videos, but the amount of earnings in this case will be much less.

The main rule of the hosting provider regarding how to make money on YouTube through views is: always focus on the main topic of your account, and all subsequent videos should be tied to a specific category. Thus, you will clearly show your position to future advertisers and identify yourself in a certain category to further promote your profile.

If your experience allows you to establish yourself as a competent specialist in any field and talk about your knowledge and skills, or even more, teach those in need, then the opportunity to monetize your profile will increase significantly.

Video tape

Before you can make money on YouTube with views, you need to decide how often your video is published. The most successful option is to post materials at least once every three days. It is not worth rushing and "pushing the deadline", let it be better that the content is properly prepared and edited, otherwise instead of views you will get chaos in comments and dislikes.

Choose a topic that is close to you, but preferably with a bias that would be popular and often requested on the network, this will increase your chances of attracting advertisers for the selected specifics.


One of the conditions for making money on YouTube for views is the subscriber base. At least 1000 people must be subscribed to your account. In principle, it is not so difficult to collect such an amount. To do this, as mentioned above, you need to clearly formulate and identify all your video materials.

If the user is interested in the topic you proposed, then he will probably subscribe to news from your channel. But when you rush from one topic to another, finding your audience of subscribers will be extremely problematic in such a variety of ways. Therefore, it is better to be an expert in one or two areas, having established yourself as a sensible and knowledgeable specialist, and not to pull all the topics a little bit, so you don't really understand each one.


The next condition for how to make money on YouTube on views is the number of visitors to each page with your video. If you gain more than 1000 views of each video, then a certain barrier will be removed from your account, overcoming which you can submit an affiliate application to YouTube and start earning money directly.

After passing the threshold for views on a special form from a video host, you confirm that you have rights to your channel and additionally fill in all the necessary points of authorship.

What does YouTube pay for?

Above, we examined how to make money on YouTube for views, now let's figure out how much and for what exactly the video host pays to the authors of the videos.

As already mentioned, for maximum earnings, your channel must fully disclose a certain topic and category that may be of interest to a potential advertiser and user. This will lead to clicks on links that will be posted in your videos, and thus money.

Below we will consider how to make money by watching videos on YouTube using different methods.

Google adsense

In the event that you are the author of all the videos presented on your channel, you shoot interesting clips, advertisements or films, and they are of good quality with expected views of more than 10 thousand, perhaps it makes sense to conclude a partnership agreement with the largest advertising agency from Google - Adsense.

The result of this partnership will be that Adsense searches for advertisers that match your content, rather than the other way around, as is the case with a simple partnership program. And the more often users click on the ads in your video, the more money you'll make.

Other ways of cooperation with the company involve either an independent search for advertisers, or the conclusion of an agreement with an intermediary partner of the video host.

Alien video content

Let's try to figure out if you can make money on YouTube by watching someone else's video. It's no secret that many authors upload third-party content to their accounts in order to increase traffic and views. Basically, if you upload someone else's video on how to train kittens in the Far North, and leave an advertising link to your pet store under the video, then nothing terrible or illegal will happen.

But if you want to use for your own purposes, for example, any piece of music whose rights belong to another author, then it is imperative to place an active link to the source.

Before making money on YouTube on views using someone else's video, it is important to know that this is far from the best option for monetizing your profile, since all material published on your account is rigorously checked by YouTube moderators. When using non-unique content on your account, remember: the risk of your profile being blocked is very high.

Such measures are very often applied to spammers, and the process of profile monetization itself is based on the same principle as SEO promotion of regular sites: the higher the uniqueness and relevance of the topic, the more chances to be at the peak of search results. YouTube policy works on the same principle as regular search engines.

Advertising of external resources

This method talks about how to make money on YouTube on views using an external website and content posted on a video host. For example, you shot a detailed training video about the promotion of Internet projects, and in the content of this content posted a link to a company engaged in this business, or, for example, to the same courses that tell you what and how you need to do in order to succeed in your endeavors.

As a result, you are paid a percentage of the direct advertiser (company or course owner). This type of earnings is a bit similar to how Google Adwords works: the more users click on an ad, the higher the chances that a product or service will be ordered.

But before you post something on your channel, you need to decide whether you will conduct a search for advertisers yourself or contact an intermediary company.

How much can you earn from YouTube?

This is probably the most exciting question for all newbies. The video hosting policy is structured in such a way that many factors affect the webmaster's earnings: the type of advertisement, the promoted topic, the number of links and many other nuances.

The top-tier topics that are always in demand by Google are cars, Forex, and construction. Advertisers are willing to pay pretty good money for these areas, and in some cases they themselves are looking for more or less promoted channels for possible cooperation.

Therefore, it makes sense to select a more popular topic for your profile on YouTube, and if it also coincides with your hobby or life profile, then, as they say, money will go into your hands.


It is not enough to know how to make money on YouTube on views, you need to be able to calculate your profits. The majority of advertisers pay their webmasters 50% of their realized income.

Thus, we can see that if you promote your channel and have 30,000 views per month, then you can earn $ 90 dollars. Therefore, to generate significant profit, you need to increase views, and therefore the quality and usefulness of your videos.

You will learn how to create and design a YouTube channel, where to start creating and what videos to upload to keep viewers interested. Also read the article on how to find out how much a channel earns.

09.04.2018 Ivan Rostovtsev

Youtube is not just a platform for creativity, but a source of additional or even basic income. In this article, we will talk about proven ways to monetize, give practical tips for increasing profits, and also mention the pitfalls.

Equip yourself with a notebook with a pen and tea with buns - a step-by-step action plan for conquering Youtube awaits you!

How realistic is earnings on YouTube?

Today, unless the lazy one has his own site on YouTube. Some make videos about their lives, others teach something, and still others upload entertaining content. At the same time, many YouTubers make good money on their brainchild. The income of top bloggers is calculated in tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars per month.

What can you earn on

So you've decided to become a pro YouTuber?

Try one or more ways to monetize your site.

contextual advertising

Advertising from Google is perhaps the easiest and most stable way to make passive income, although not the most profitable. Its essence is that during the showing of the video, a pop-up ad appears, for the passage through which the owner of the site is charged money. YouTube recognizes the topic by name and selects the appropriate advertising.

Video advertising

You can advertise both someone else's product and your own - with the difference that in the first case you get only a percentage of the profit, and in the second - the entire amount. It can be an advertising splash at the beginning, one or several videos that open while watching, as well as a small mention of the product from the author of the video.

In this case, only commercial impressions are paid, i.e. only those that have been viewed to the end. If ads are disabled, views are not counted.

Paid likes

Get an additional audience by buying a Like from a popular blogger. As a result, all of its large audience will see your content in the feed, and if it arouses interest, you will receive additional views and likes.

Posting ads on social networks

Your pages on social networks are an additional audience for YouTube. Post links to videos on your pages, collect likes and reposts from your friends, get additional views. Or leave links in open thematic groups.

How to create your own YouTube channel and make money on it - where to start?

For those who are inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200ban additional source of income on the Internet, we offer step-by-step instructions.

This guide is the best and easiest way to get your own YouTube site.

Step 1. Register a Gmail account

If you have a Google account, great! If not, we will rather register it.

For this:

  • go to the registration page:
  • fill in all the proposed items;
  • coming up with an address and password;
  • agree with the privacy policy;
  • if desired, upload a photo (but you can do this later).

Registration details are in a special story:

Voila, the account is ready:

Step 2. Choose a niche and create a Youtube channel

Do you already know what you will be posting? If not, we advise you to immediately decide on a niche in order to choose a blog name, as well as to design it thematically.

Now let's proceed to registration:

  1. We go to .
  2. Click on the "Login" tab and automatically log in with your Google account.
  3. After successful authorization, go to your YouTube account settings (gear in the upper right corner).
  4. Go to the "General information" tab, click on "Create channel".

Your YouTube account is ready and waiting for the first video to be posted!

Step 3. We design the channel and start publishing videos

The look of the homepage makes the first impression. It depends on this whether the visitor will watch the video or simply close the tab. If possible, it is better to entrust this process to professional designers. But if you want to do it yourself, let's start with the easiest.


It can be a personal photo, a logo, or just a pretty picture. The main thing is that it reflects your personality.

Image size should not exceed 800 pixels. Therefore, you need to select an image of the optimal size, or one that does not lose its appearance when cropped.

  • click on the place of the avatar in the upper right corner;
  • we are automatically sent to Google Plus, since it is there that all changes in the account are recorded;
  • load the image, scale it and click "Finish".

The avatar will not be updated immediately, you need to wait a few minutes.


This is exactly the background that visitors will see when they go to your page. The hat should support the content theme and demonstrate it visually. So that the picture does not lose quality, you need to adhere to the size of 2560x1440 pixels, and the weight should not exceed 10 MB.

You can order a picture for a hat from a designer, make it yourself or download it on a photo stock.

Installing the header:

  1. We go to your account.
  2. In the right corner, click Customize the view of the "Overview" page.
  3. In the window that opens, click "Add appearance", and then "Select file on the computer", if the picture is of the optimal size, skip the cropping process.
  4. We click "Select" and see the result.


Agree, it is much more convenient to search for videos by topic than to watch them in a chaotic order.

Therefore, you need to work hard on the structure, especially since it will not take much time:

  • on the main page, select the "Playlists" tab;
  • press "+ New playlist";
  • enter a name and add a description;
  • adjust the basic parameters.

Step 4. Promote the channel and connect monetization

Once the main stages of design are passed, it takes some time to add content and attract an audience.

There are some tricks to speed up this process:

  1. Attraction from search engines - "sharpen" the name and description of videos for search queries that are selected using the Yandex Wordstat service.
  2. Post only your videos - only unique content will help win the interest of viewers.
  3. Post a link to videos on social networks - friends can promote them well.
  4. In each video, do not forget to call for a subscription - if the video interested the visitor, he will probably want to view the author's updates, so it would be nice to remind him of the opportunity to subscribe.

To become a YouTube partner, you need a video to get 10,000 views. A beginner should start with Adsense, which has a minimum threshold of just 200 views.

You can increase the number of subscribers in the following ways:

  • services for boosting subscribers - although it is much more pleasant to increase their number naturally;
  • mutual advertising - agree with authors of similar topics to advertise each other's channels, although popular bloggers will agree to promote you only for money;
  • its own trick - arrange a competition, shoot a review at the request of the audience, or complete some interesting task that can be determined by voting.
  • youTube affiliate program - 10,000 views;
  • adsense - 200 views.

You can withdraw money only when the amount reaches $ 100.

Here are some simple tips for styling your page so that it is pleasing to the eye of the visitor:

  1. Before starting work, study the sites of popular bloggers. See how the page is framed, how the videos are sorted, how often the content is published. Try to take all these factors into account in your creation and periodically evaluate your profile from the side of how the visitor sees it.
  2. Be sure to stick to the specified avatar and header sizes so that image quality is not compromised.
  3. Organize your videos into categories so that any topic is easy to find in a specific playlist, rather than scrolling through the entire list.

What videos should you upload to your channel to earn money?

There is really no consensus on which videos are best monetized.

With quality content, any category is equally popular.


If you are an expert in any field and are ready to tell the general public about this, you surely have an audience that will watch your videos in one gulp and look forward to new ones.


Do you often shop and test new items?

Your experience will surely be useful to thousands of viewers. Reviews are taken not only for products - they can be films, books or music.

Travel Videos


A video with the passage of your favorite game will certainly interest avid gamers.

Entertainment videos

Video jokes, videos with children or animals are very popular. In addition, if your life is rich in interesting events, there will surely be an audience that will be interested in "following" you in real time.

How to find out how much a channel earns on YouTube?

There are many services with which you can easily find out how much youtube bloggers actually earn.

Here is some of them.

The service gives out the income of each YouTube account as close as possible to reality. The main page displays the rating of popular bloggers - view their statistics on topics of interest to you. Or enter the name of a specific channel and find out how much income it brings.

This is an analogue of the above service, which also publishes the approximate income of any channel. Most likely, when checking for different services, the amount of income will differ slightly, so it is worth considering the average.

An Angolan-language service, in which there is no way to determine the income of Russian-language channels. But with its help, you will be inspired by the earnings of foreign bloggers.

Finally, here are some tips to help you speed up your Youtube channel monetization.

Follow them and your earnings will increase.

Tip 1. Come up with a bright and catchy name

Imagine having watched a very informative video and even subscribed to the author's channel. But if the name of the channel, for example, Vasya Sidorov, after a while you will hardly remember who he is. Think about it ahead of time and give the channel a name that best reflects the essence of its content.

Tip 2. Make your videos as interesting as possible for viewers

Nothing contributes to the rapid promotion of a channel like unique and interesting content. Remember the rule of 15 seconds, during which the viewer either closes the video or continues watching - so make them as exciting as possible so that the video wants to be watched to the end.

Tip 3. Make viewers come back

Gaining attention is not enough - you need to keep it. When you get a new subscriber, your job is not to disappoint them. And for this you need to regularly publish new videos.

It is very convenient to stick to the prepared plan and release content at regular intervals. Then your subscribers will know that once a week (or more) you should definitely drop in to visit you. Better yet, post announcements of the future storyline.


Earnings on Youtube cannot be classified as passive income. Also, do not expect instant profits - in order to monetize a channel, you need to gain at least a minimal audience.

But if you regularly create useful and interesting videos, put your soul into your channel and think about your audience, after a while you will definitely start making money!

How to make money from YouTube views? More than 4 billion videos are viewed on the site in just 1 day. Over the past year, the media holding earned about $ 12 billion from advertising. And every year the profit only grows. Why don't we try to pinch off a small piece of the multi-billion dollar money circulating there. Create a channel, upload videos and make money. Moreover, the income is almost constant - they posted the video and forgot. The money will continue to drip into the account on its own without your further participation. Someone has more, someone less.

How much do you earn on YouTube?

The top videos with hundreds of millions of views bring their owners hundreds of thousands of dollars... This is usually a professionally filmed commercial video. But this is not our level.

Top video bloggers make tens of thousands of dollars a month. We are still far from that, so we will consider the usual prospects for earning a regular channel.

Channel classification according to their profitability.

1. altruists. They run their channel and upload videos exclusively as a hobby. You can draw a parallel with social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook). People just like it and, accordingly, does not bring any income.

2. minimalists. Earning is not their main goal (see item 1), but they don't mind earning a small penny. Average income 10-50 $ per month.

3. Hard workers. They try to earn as much as possible. They shoot a video, maybe even upload someone else's on their channel. But there is no mass popularity. Average income 100 — 300$.

4. Average people. They do the same as people from the 3rd group, but more successfully. They have more interesting (and popular) videos, a lot of subscribers. They are seriously engaged in promoting their channel. As a result, the income level is already an order of magnitude higher - about 500 — 1000$ and even higher.

5. Famous video bloggers. They are promoting the channel more professionally, regularly uploading new interesting videos. The number of subscribers starts from the sum with five zeros and is constantly growing. Their income is also growing. Income starts from several thousand dollars.

6. Elite. Multimillion views and fame in your country (or even around the world). Even simple videos are gaining immense popularity due to the name. Add to that advertising contracts and invitations to various shows. Money flows into their pocket like a river, the flow begins from 50 thousand dollars per month.

Of course, it is very difficult to reach the last 2 steps of popularity (and, accordingly, the level of income) (but still possible). But let's face it, all of this will require a significant investment in both time and money.

Your goal: go from the first level (or even zero if you don't have a channel yet) to 3-4.

It is quite possible for everyone to reach an income of $ 50-100 per month. There is nothing difficult about this. To reach this level, you will need 2-3 months.

To assess how much profit your channel can generate, you need to understand

what makes up earnings on YouTube

  • viewing ads... Money is credited only if the user has watched the ad to the end. Ads are usually displayed at the beginning of the video (less often in the middle). You can skip the ad by clicking the appropriate link, or you can force the ad to be watched to the end. I advise you to be careful using the second method. So you may not get a lot of views, some (including me) immediately go away.
  • pay per clicks... If the user clicks on the ad, then you are rewarded. As a rule, if certain conditions are met. Let's say the user clicked on the link and immediately left, don't expect money. Particularly "meticulous" advertisers set a number of strict conditions: spend at least 30 seconds on the advertised site, view at least 3-4 pages of the site, etc. CPC can also vary. It all depends on the subject matter and on the competition. Let's say advertising in the field of finance and real estate is very high, there are a lot of advertisers and in order to place their advertising they are ready to pay at the highest "tariff". On the other hand, take toys for children, for example. There are not so many advertisers in this area, so there is practically no competition among them. And the CPC will be minimal.

All these actions together determine your earnings.

For those who want to hear more specific numbers, there is a simplified formula to estimate your YouTube income.

On average, the error of this formula is plus or minus 20%. But nevertheless, she shows an approximate income.

So still,

How much can you earn by watching videos on YouTube?

If you take an ordinary person who created a channel and does not have any special skills in the field of creating special effects, editing voice acting, etc. minimum income level about $ 80 - $ 100 and higher. You can try to make money on other people's videos. Of course, this is not entirely legal from the point of view of copyright, but everyone does it, and more than one year. And nobody was punished. In extreme cases, I will block your channel for six months - this is the maximum punishment.

Let's calculate with an example how much you can earn

Let's say you posted 30 videos, on average each of them is viewed by 30 people a day (not so many, in fact). We get 30 videos x 30 views x 30 days a month \u003d 27,000 views a month.

Approximately this 30 dollars... It seems to be a little. But …… for a year it is already 360 dollars. Work done at a time. And if there are 10 times more views, or you post not 30, but 100 videos. Your income will immediately increase many times (at least 5-10 times). And these are completely different numbers.

To earn a month 100 dollars enough to collect 100,000 views together for all your videos. If you are actively communicating on social networks, this will be a piece of cake for you. Like your videos, and then a chain reaction will begin, some of your friends will watch (some of them will also like), then friends of friends, and so on. Yes, one interesting video can collect so many views, not to mention several dozen.

Not everyone knows that on the popular YouTube service you can not only watch various videos and clips, but also earn good money. To do this, you need to create an interesting video that users will watch and connect an affiliate program to it. Each view will bring you a few cents - if your channel is popular, then you can get a good monthly income.

How to earn

So How To Make Money On Youtube and what are they paid for? A YouTube channel can be compared to a website. If you fill it with quality content (content), then you will quickly form a thematic audience. And for the target audience, you can always choose an advertisement that will be shown while watching.

Making money on YouTube is easy to start from scratch - all you need is smartforn and internet

That is, the principle of making money on YouTube is as follows:

  1. You create your channel and add an interesting video to it.
  2. Users view it, “like” it, it becomes popular and attracts new viewers.
  3. You connect contextual advertising to your profile.
  4. Advertising is shown to the user before watching the video or during it.
  5. You are credited with money per view or click on Google ads.

Google acts as an intermediary - it receives money for showing ads from advertisers, and then shares them with authors. An advertisement can be either a banner with a specific text and a link (appears after viewing), or a filmed video that is played at the beginning of your clip.

In order to start earning, you do not need any investments - you can even shoot an interesting video on your phone or digital camera. Upload it to your channel, confirm your copyright (YouTube is banned for plagiarism), and connect the affiliate program in the settings. Ads will be added to the video according to your location (that is, Chinese videos will not play in Russia) and the topic of the channel. You can turn on the possibility of earning on the tab parameter "Monetization".

Note:respecting copyright is very important. If you use someone's video or music, then you may be blocked on the complaint of the copyright holder and all videos will be deleted.


The partner account is very different from the “basic” one. You can upload videos to it with unlimited duration and maximum quality. You can also design your channel: set a cover, wallpaper, etc.

To make money on YouTube, upload a video to your channel and enable "monetization"

To make money on YouTube for views , you need to verify your account. By clicking on the "Monetization" button, you will open the confirmation panel for your profile. Here you will need to enter your phone number, receive an SMS or a call to it, and enter the code in the appropriate field. Then you will need to fill out a form with some details. After that, you will receive the title of “partner” and can start your own business.

How much can you earn?

How much can you earn on Youtube from 1000 views? If you have a thematic channel and many subscribers, then 5-6 dollars from 1000 is collected quite easily. Moreover, high-quality video will be watched not once, but constantly.

How to earn more?

The basic rule of business is that the intermediary earns the most, and not the manufacturer. What does this mean? The fact that you physically cannot constantly produce high-quality thematic content. Therefore, you can simply collect it or create general thematic videos. A simple example is a channel dedicated to a game. A video is posted on it with a frequency of once a month, which collects views of only 40% of the audience of this game. In parallel, there is a blogger who reviews all new games that come out. Even if he posts a review once a month, he will have more views due to the popularity of the topic.

You can view all statistics on views, video popularity and income in your personal account

This principle works everywhere: a film studio cannot be compared with the audience of a channel about movies and celebrities, a performer with a music channel. Therefore, producing secondary information is more profitable than producing original content.

Note:there are a lot of people who make money on YouTube. This means that you will have serious competition from the very beginning. Therefore, you need to choose the right niche - it should be interesting for both you and the audience.

Selection of topics

The best thing to do is to make a video on the topic that you understand. If you are a fisherman - shoot a video about tackle, bait, fishing methods, tourist equipment, etc. If you sell phones, then do reviews of new products, tests, comparisons with other popular phones. Be sure to see how your competitors do it: think about where they make mistakes, what would you like to add to the video or remove.

The most popular topics on YouTube are:

  1. Humor. This includes various popular bloggers and programs +100500, KVN, This is Good, etc.
  2. Music and clips. Here, making money is more difficult, since the authors can complain about the video and demand that it be removed.
  3. News and reviews of the situation. There is a lot of room for creativity, but you must always keep your finger on the pulse of events and have your own style.
  4. Blogging. This is a description of various games, films, events, etc. Partially overlaps with the third point, but if analytical thinking and understanding of the situation is needed to review news and politics, then blogging can be done by almost anyone. This is the easiest waymake money on YouTube from scratch.

Video hosting YouTube was founded in February 2005 and is owned by Google. At the beginning of 2020, it has several billion active users. Many of them already have their own channels.

Recently, more and more people are starting to create video blogs and videos with their subsequent posting on video hosting sites. For some it is just a hobby, for others it is a way to earn money on the Internet from 5000 rubles per month. Whoever is not there, children and pensioners are already involved. In our age it is difficult to find such a person who would not know that all this, in addition to entertainment, can bring money. Yes, not just a few thousand rubles, but some of the most successful and millions of dollars a year! But we will talk about this at the end of the article, where you can also see reviews about this direction on the Internet.

Let's take a closer look at the YouTube video hosting service, because it is the most popular in the world and hosts millions of videos from which creators have been making money for a long time.

How do you make money on YouTube?

5 steps, instructions for making money on YouTube

1. The first thing to do - if there is no account, then register on the site ... Anyone can do this without any problems, registration there is of course free.

2. Work on the channel, that is, shooting / creating videos. This is the main and most difficult one. To make money on a video, it is necessary that people watch it, subscribe to the channel, put likes (like the rating) or dislikes (don't like the rating). The video should be interesting, informative and original. You can only upload your video! By the way, you can only use the music in your videos that is in the special section "Music Library". You cannot use everything in a row, they will not be allowed to monetize.

You can shoot live with a camcorder or a camera with the ability to shoot video or shoot from the monitor screen showing and telling something. Regardless of what you are shooting, the quality of the video should be high and the sound should be clear and understandable.

3. The third step is monetizing your account!

Here you need to choose the right project, for example, this one:

You will be required to take certain measures without which Internet earnings on YouTube will be impossible. Until you have the required number of views, namely 4000 hours in the last 12 months + at least 1000 subscribers, it will be impossible to issue an affiliate program.

From the YouTube help section:

To check the connectivity, you need to go to the section on your channel: "Video manager" then to "Channel" then to "Status and functions" and enable monetization if possible. The reputation of your channel plays a huge role in this.

4. Next step - monetization is approved for you, great! So earnings will not be long in coming!

Adsense is pretty simple. There you need to register, add your channel (in this case, it is better to follow the recommendations of YouTube itself, it will be easier).

An important point - Adsense will pay you your earnings only after you receive an email from him with a code and enter it on their website. It will arrive not by e-mail, but in a physical mailbox (some take 2 months). Checking the address, you know. My letter is 4 years old, now the design is different ...

As you already understood everything is more than serious! Therefore, when registering, enter reliable data everywhere. I will also add to the payout account - there are two options for getting earned money on YouTube through Adsense.

1. To a dollar account opened with a bank. All you need to do is take your account details for international SWIFT transfers and enter it all in your Adsense account in the payments section.

2. Through the payment system Rapida is the same payment system as Yandex Money. The funds will go to it, and then what you want with them is what you do - pay for the Internet, withdraw to cards, buy something on the Internet, etc. Their website even has a special section dedicated to withdrawing money from Google Adsense.

5. The last step is the most important and is systematic video shooting. You need to shoot constantly. For a start, a couple of times a week is better. This is the only way to attract a large number of subscribers and get thousands of views. People will not be interested in subscribing to a channel where new videos appear every six months. Consider this very important point. All uploaded video must be optimized for key queries and create a correct description. For key queries, search engines and video hosting itself will display the positions of your video.

These are the basic actions and rules, without which you will definitely not be able to make money on your video.