How to remember Glyph Ingress? Secrets and chips. Ingress: how to play? Description and Instruction Your goal - portals

0 Introduction

The first thing you need to know pumping your agent is how much and what kind of game experience is accrued (AP). Creative actions (installation of resonators, bonds, fields, etc.) give it about twice as much as the corresponding destructive (destruction of resonators, links, fields). Usually, creative actions require more time, while destroying - more requirements for the level of the player and its oven. The following lists the main articles of the accrual of ar, relevant to the player in pumping.

Installing the resonator - 125 Azer, except:
bonus for installing the first resonator in the neutral portal (capture) - 500 AR
bonus for installing the final resonator (full capture) - 250 AP
Increased level of someone else's resonator - 65 AP
Installing Fashion - 125 AR
Creating a Communication - 313 AR
Creating a field - 1250 AR
Charging Resonators - 10 AR
Hacking the opponent portal - 100 AR
Destruction of the resonator - 75 AR
Destruction of communication - 187 AR
Field destruction - 750 AR

Knowing how much and for what you get AR, you need to decide where you will do it. It is desirable minimal planning, invaluable help in which can be intel. This is a map of the area with the designation of the portals and their current status. Having read it before going out to the street, it turns out what changes to the typical route can be made to go through accessible sources of the AP.

Pumping up to 6 level alone

Managing the agent is still low, the main source of the AR can serve as creative actions, that is, the installation of resonators and mods in the portals, as well as the creation of links and fields. Of course, you can try to carry death and destruction, trying to destroy the opponent portals, but in most cases it will take a bunch of time and equipment with a non-marginal result. Open Intel and find the locality where everyday routes live and run. You are interested in the clusters of the portals of your fraction unnecessted nearby the clusters of your fraction or, which is not joking, neutral. Arriving in place, set the missing resonators in them, if it is required that in all portals of the resonators it was eight and they were available for links, and pass along the way. When hacking the keys, connect the portals closest to each other. Your goal is to get as a small triangular mesh of connections, that is, the maximum number of fields folded from links connecting three portals with a triangle. If somewhere there is not enough keys for this, do not change the line plan, because after five minutes you can return to hack the portal again, get the key and complete the "network". And vice versa, if several keys are required from any portal and you already have any already, remember that the portal when hacking can give the key only if it is not yet in the inventory. So, before the next burglary of such a portal, it is required or use the keys to install the appropriate links, or reset the key (s) to the ground before hacking, lifting them from there after the commission. To see whether there is a key from the portal and how much, you can in the upper right corner of the open window of this portal, and by pressing the key icon there - quickly go to the interface of its discharge. Without taking into account the installation of resonators, the creation of each even the smallest field gives you about 2000 AP, which means 300 "000 arms required for 6 levels when it becomes under the power to break almost any portal, not so far away.

It is possible that in the process of pumping, you will meet the players of the opposite faction, on the actions of which against the portals with your participation will be received to be alerts into the scanner, and the result of which will be displayed as quickly palees of resonators and portals, and the gray portals themselves will be displayed. . Do not be discouraged, in this case it is not so bad, but maybe on the contrary, because you may have time to capture and install the resonators in these portals again and again, which means again and again get the AR. Do not try to recharge your portals, here it will be a meaningless spending energy, as well as you should not try to break the portals' resonators, which have already acquired the color of the opposite fraction. If they are installed by the player not much more than you in terms of level, then you can do it later. And directly in the process of destruction by an opponent of your portals, it is better to try to capture the opponent's opponents who have become neutral before, and with the temporary absence of such - to quickly set the missing slots in the free slots. It is also preferably located and moved to the estimated or installed arrangement of the opponent's player itself. In case the enemy destroys a single portal, near which you are, do not install the resonators in all the available slots in it. After all, powerful boosters can destroy all the installed small-level resonators with almost one blow, and the ability to put a new resonator will not be until the scanner actualizes the information that can happen with delay. Under continuous "fire" of the enemy, it is better to install one resonator every ~ 2 seconds, observing whether the previous ones are destroyed. If they quickly disappear - save the installation pace, if the strength of your resonators decreases gradually - increase the pause between installing new ones. If at some stage, the enemy took a pause, then leave a pair of free slots of the resonators, use it to fill the energy using a cube, you can install a shield or a pair to a little delay the destruction of your resonators when renewing the "fire" and give a little more time to react to this is. Pumping begins to deliver a special fan and generate adrenaline! It is possible that in the process of struggle for the portal you were able to visually identify your visa. Be easily possibly polite and friendly, continuing at least with one eye to keep track of your scanner. If the enemy managed to capture your portal, or he left such attempts, and there are other portals of your color to which he allegedly or was installed, then I unobtrously follow him, and better - meters for 10-15 ahead, to have time to play again This is a cheerful game that quickly adds you the necessary AR.


Now I will tell you about the beta version of the game having an English interface, access to which is provided only by invites. So with one sentence, I made you think "and why do I need it?" And move the cursor to the "cross" of the active tab. Do not hurry, perhaps everything is not so scary as it seems!

First of all, it is impossible to just go past the only game, in the developers of which Google is specified (or more precisely, its small division with the name of Niantic Labs), and the number of installations has exceeded 500,000. Despite the fact that we are only a beta, in addition to The game process is invented the whole world and even released several books.

The uniqueness of this game is also in the fact that, unlike 99% of Entertainment applications, Ingress will require you not to develop the dexterity of fingers and speed of the reaction, but good physical training, orientation on the ground, knowledge of attractions and desire to wander at the commemorative places of the hometown.

Difficulties with the receipt of invite also does not occur. The easiest way is to simply send an ingress request.

It remains from the minuses only an English interface. Therefore, in this review, I will try as much as possible to stay at the very initial stage of the game, which often becomes a stumbling block and scares Russian-speaking users with many terrible and incomprehensible terms.


So, let's start with the basics. Ingress. - Multiplayer online game with elements of augmented reality. To implement the gameplay, you need a device with an installed application and the presence of a permanent connection with the Internet and GPS satellites (the definition of your location by Wi-Fi is supported, but the accuracy is very and very lame, so we will assume that there is no such possibility at all).

There are two fractions in the game, belonging to which is visually shown by blue and green colors of objects on the map. Your primary tasks are capturing free and enemy portals and the creation of connections and fields between your portals. In the process of performing gaming actions, your level increases, which gives you additional features and advantages. Organized command actions have the greatest efficiency, to coordinate which the chat is built.


Oh, these scientists! Forever they are not sitting calmly! So this time they distinguished themselves: during the experiment, a certain exotic matter was obtained in the next collider (Exotic Matter, abbreviated - XM), which scattered around the world. But instead of chasing the wind and spoil the ozone layer, she slowly pulled to monuments, libraries, museums and other knowledge of knowledge, where began to self-end and multiply. Over time, in these places, portals appeared somewhere in another world. And some incomprehensible creatures are seized from them (Shapers). Who are they, as they look and what they need from us - it is unclear. But they really want to change our world.

It's all over again to get everything. But not everyone, but only those who are generally aware of what is happening and has special scanners (as XM and portals are not visible to a simple human eye). But it is so historically develops that it is not possible to come to one opinion, and as a result two fractions are formed - enlightened ( Enlightened) and resistance ( Resistance).

The first sacred is confident that the sheipers bear good, joy and happiness. They found out that sheipers from ancient times managed creative people, helped humanity to develop. And if the opportunity appeared, then let them affect people directly, leading humanity into a bright future.

Resistance, as it is easy to guess, the rainbow perspective is so close to communicating with an unknown mind. For them, it is the invaders who manipulate the human consciousness, do not bring anything new, and now (thanks to experiments), they can also take possession of human bodies (they have no bodies in our world).

To prove the correctness of his point of view, each fraction seeks to gain control over a large number of units (Mind Units, abbreviated Mu.), but speaking in Russian - ordinary people. For this portals are captured and connected by connections. Zone inside created by any fraction of a triangle (where portals - angles, and the links - parties) forms a field that contributes into a common piggy bank of a fraction of a certain amount of MU. And who has more MU - that's right!

Step First - Installing and Starting Game

First you need to get an invite one of the above methods. Invite is a small code that needs to be entered when the game is first started. To get it through the site it is enough just to click on the "Request An Invite" button and enter your email address.

After you got an invite, you can go on Google Play and install the game. Currently incompatible with ingress devices are extremely small, however, if you did not find this application, you can search for thematic groups in VKontakte, Google+ or forums, as many buildings have already been created for weaker phones (the craftsmen even ported it on the iPhone, but this Already a completely different story).

The installation process is standard and does not cause any difficulties. But when you first start, problems can be revealed. And the most common one is the need to disable fictitious locations in your device settings.

Especially often this parameter is included in custom firmware (for example, in CyanogenMod). In Android 2.x, this parameter is disabled to Setting -\u003e Applications -\u003e Development.

To turn off the fictitious locations in Android version 3.x and over to the "For Developer" section in the settings menu (in some Android versions, it is required to activate this mode to enter the "phone" section and click on the firmware assembly number 10 times. Here is the protection "from the fool").

Also, the game will not work in the absence of internet or satellites. If the Internet connection is not initially established - the game does not start at all. In other cases (if the GPS satellites were not found or disappeared) - tell you about the problem.

Step one and a half - we study the basics

Those who know English well, you can immediately move to the next step - learning. There ADA will tell everything much better than me. However, if you have tight languages, it is better to read this section very carefully.

During the game, the screen displays your location on the stylized map (without specifying street names), as well as additional game elements (portals, XM, etc.). Card management - two fingers, such as in the usual navigation programs (you can change the scale and angle of the review). Game elements are toughly tied to the map, that is, in order to interact with them, you need to come / come to the place where these elements are located.

Divide in the gameplay itself. Initially there was matter, and she was called Xm.. These are such white shimmering points on the map. In order to make any actions, you need to have a sufficient amount of XM. To find out how much xm you have at the moment, you need to touch the scale at the top of the screen.

In most Russian-speaking communities, XM is also called the energy that, in principle, most accurately characterizes the essence of this element of the game.

Your device turns into a scanner ( Scanner.) Since he "scans" the terrain around you and shows the game items. How easy it is to guess, your exact location is displayed on the map in the form of an arrow indicating the direction of your movement. There is a scanner on XM, so with an acute deficit, it will turn off (ripples appears on the screen and all game elements except XM become inaccessible for interaction). However, not everything is so bad - the scanner attracts XM, if he falls into the zone with a radius of 35 meters around the player (on the map it is displayed as a circle around the arrow).

Most of all XM can be collected from the portals ( Portals). It is understandable - it is the portals that are the main "nodes" of the games on which all the gameplay holds. And it is for their service and will leave all XM.

The main actions that can be performed with the portals is:

  • breaking into ( Hack) portal;
  • installing resonators ( Resonators.) and mods ( MODS.) for an unoccupied portal;
  • attack of the portal of another fraction;
  • recharging of resonators;
  • creating connections ( Links.) and fields ( Fields.) Between the portals of your faction.

    Almost all of these actions can be mastered during the passage of training, the main thing is to understand what, in fact, expect from us.

    Hacking portals is needed in order to receive objects used in the game ( Items.) (resonators, weapons, mods, keys and other yummy).

    You can hack both your portals and others (however, in the second case, more than xm is spent on hacking, and the likelihood that you will not get anything, is great). You can crack every 5 minutes, it is allowed to make 4 hacks for 4 hours (then the portal overheats).

    The resonators point to the portal belonging to the fraction. The portal without resonators is a draw, is displayed on a silver color map. In total, the portal can be installed ( Deploy.) 8 resonators. If at least one resonator of someone else's fraction is on the portal, then it is impossible to put it without his destruction.

    The resonator has such a characteristic as a charge. How easy it is to guess, this is an XM number indicator in this resonator. If it drops to zero - the resonator is destroyed. That this does not happen, the resonators on the portals must be recharged ( Recharge.), that is, put the XM assembled in them.

    As I have already written above, to capture someone else's portal, you need to destroy all the resonators on it. This is done by special bombs ( XMP Bursters.). The power of the impact directly depends on the distance from you to the attacked resonators.

    Fashion are additional elements for which 4 slots are provided in the portal. Until recently, the mods were only shields ( Shields.), but others will soon appear.

    Shields strengthen the protection of the portal, other modes affect both protection (allow the portal to "snap" in response to attacks, take away from the opponent XM) and on the other properties of the portal (for example, allowing you to crack the portal more often than 5 minutes).

    But we left the main goal of the game - to subjected to the influence of our fraction more people. For this, only the capture of portals is small. They must be associated. To create connections, keys are used ( Keys.), falling out most often when hacking portals.

    Communication is created from the portal on which you are, to the one you have a key. To connect two portals, you need to execute several conditions:

  • portals must belong to your fraction;
  • from one of the portals you must have a key;
  • portals should not be separated by connections;
  • on both portals, all the resonators should stand;
  • the portal to which you are making a connection should be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe action of which you are;
  • the portal from which you create a connection should not be inside the field.

    In addition to ties, keys can be used to remotely recharge the portal.

    The field is formed when three portals are associated with each other. On the communication card, the strips are displayed between the portals, and the fields - the flickering colors of the fraction, which this field created. Sometimes the creators of the fields are fond of and make an element of creativity in their creations. ☺

    Information is much and sounds scary, I agree. But in practice, on the second day of the game, you definitely understand what can be associated with, and what is impossible. In general, all these seemingly tormented rules are very simple and logical, and any questions that have already emerged have answers to thematic resources.

    Step second - Training and choice of faction

    Now, when we generally know the essence of the game, you need to get comfortable with the interface and learn how to make all the steps described above. By performing all the learning missions in turn, you will immediately understand what exactly needs to be done in one situation or another. To start the mission, select "View Briefing", accept the message and, after listening to the task, click "Start".

    Tasks in front of you will be set:

    1. Listen to ADA, make sure that she contacted you and reported the idea that it is not just a game (no action is required).

    2. Collect xm around yourself (go, watching your move on the map - the XM field falling into the zone will attract to you).

    3. Set the test portal, approach it and crack (tap the screen next to you - the portal will appear, click the Choose button; then go to the portal so that it turns out to be in the area of \u200b\u200byour action, touch it and in the right post. Press the Hack button).

    4. Install a test enemy portal, approach it and blow up the resonator (tap the screen next to you - the portal will appear, click the Choose button; then go to the portal to become as close as possible to the resonator, hold the finger for a few seconds on the screen and when the menu opens , move your finger on the inscription Fire XMP).

    5. Install the test portal, approach it and install the resonator (it is performed similarly to hacking, only at the end instead of Hack press the Deploy button).

    6. Install a test portal, approach it, hack, install the missing resonators and recharge already available (first actions you are already familiar, to recharge the Recharge button in the portal menu).

    7. Create a connection between the portals (you need to crack the portal already installed, then hack the neighbor, install all 8 resonators on it, click the Link button, select the portal selected by spinning petals and confirm the connection).

    8. Create a field (similar to the previous mission, only exciting not one, but two resonators and do not alone, but three connections, connecting three portals in the triangle).

    After learning, you will be asked to choose which fraction you want to play. Since it is more interesting to play when the fractions in the region are approximately equal, it is preferable to choose the one that is currently in the minority. You can find it, going to the page and choosing your city on it. In Orel, for example, enlightened to the arrival of shepers are ready, so it is better to join the resistance.

    Step Last - game

    Finally, they were put on the main game space. Now you have sufficient knowledge to start pumping your level. Your level is the action points (Action Points, Ap.). They are added every time you make certain actions in the game. Most of all points you get for the creation of fields. You can see your number of APs by touching the circle in the center of which your current level is indicated. Total in the game 8 levels. The higher your level - the more "cool" items you can use. We go, wake up portals, create connections and fields, communicate with more experienced players.

    In the process of the game there may be such a problem that portals in your city or very little, or not at all. To solve it, the game has a built-in function of sending an application for registration of a new portal. Read in advance what kind of objects can be portal photos and what should be the photo of the portal. Then take a picture of the desired object and or from the game, or from the gallery Send an application (pre-specifying the name of the portal and its location on the map). Within 2-3 weeks, the application will be considered and (in most cases) satisfied. Many players mostly do not engage in the territory, but by creating new portals.

    If there are few players in your city or at all, then do not be discouraged! Create the initial conditions with a pair of dozens of portals is fairly easy, and I can say on personal experience that many friends begin to be interested in such an unusual hobby and in the future drawn into the game.

    In addition to the game itself, the developers constantly develop its legend. This is not just like that. In the game there are so-called pokes ( Passcodes.), giving rare (and even unique) objects, experience and XM. Decoding is complex, but interesting. And besides there are many (including Russian-speaking) communities, where new codes are laid out almost daily. You can enter the code in the items section by clicking on the field at the bottom of the screen.

    The more you dive into the game, the more interesting and the unusual it will seem to you. Daily players from around the world are coordinated to perform operations for creating huge fields, sometimes unifying countries. In general, the scale of the project is simply amazed. Being aware of events will help you periodically drop down reports ( Ingress Reports.). They also reported about the closest innovations, give lessons for players of different levels and yes, secret codes are hidden.

    Recently, you can constantly be aware of the events about the state of the portals in your city. Pop-up messages will notify you that any portal is attacked that in some cases it helps to respond promptly and take action. However, these alerts can always be disabled in the game settings.

    But despite this, the game does not look raw. On the contrary, plunging into her world, perplex why it is not yet available to everyone?


    Already half a year, as my husband and Her husband and ingress. And you must admit that this is the most useful game I can imagine on Android. Walking around the city and visiting sometimes at all unfamiliar places can not leave impressions. In addition, these are new acquaintances and, unlike other online games, dating real, when you accidentally (or having agreed in advance) meet at the monument or in a park with one, two, and maybe ten other players and develop new plans for Capture peace.

    But no honey without a spoon. And this spoon is power consumption. The combination of the Internet + GPS + screen kills any, even the most long-lived phones, and the specifics of the game does not allow you to recharge the batteries. Therefore, the presence of a spare battery (or spare device) is a necessary necessity. However, still can correct - this is still beta!

    It is impossible not to mention and some more unique minuses associated exclusively with the "real" component of the game. The surrounding people extremely suspiciously react to single players or whole groups that, bolding into the screens of phones, cut circles around monuments or museums, and sometimes it takes time to explain that you are not looking for a place where to put a bomb. In some cases (behind the wheel of motor vehicles and on deserted streets late in the evening) ingress can even become dangerous. In the United States there were cases of real skirmisms of representatives of factions, but nowhere I have not heard about the like. On the contrary, in most cities, the war bears exclusively virtual character.

    There is no sense about the analogs. Yes, they exist, but not on such a scale, not with such prospects and not such quality. Ingress - unique if not in essence, then by implementation. And the pace of development hints on the fact that the current type of game is just the very beginning.

    As for the assessment ... Once upon a time, at school, the teacher was so pleased with my answer on the subject that it was not 5, but 6. Now I would like to put this game of 11 points out of 10. Because it is the most tangible step Over the past 10 years in Era, absolutely new entertainment, where the game and reality is closely intertwined.

  • Starting from level 7 (and sometimes before) Ingress agents starts missing inventory (mods, boosters, ultrasters) and glyphs come to the rescue

    Ingress glyphs are mysterious characters that have their own design and name (and sometimes even a few names).

    An example of the results of the hack portal 6 or 7 levels - you need to enter 4 glyphs.

    Chips with hack portals with glyphs:

    1. Enter all the characters correctly, then you will get more bonus and glasses for Medals Translator

    2. The rate of input - it also gives plus to the bonus, but the main point 1 otherwise one error and no longer (although it all hides it more than without a glife).

    3. Incorrectly entered glyph can be canceled and redrawing it (this button was introduced not so long ago, very convenient)

    4. From chips - if suddenly you have grown a symbol or thought or distracted, then if you are in the portal availability radius, it is better to rewrite the hack - for this we simply block the screen button and then you will unlock and the hack will be interrupted and allow you to repeat the hack again without waiting period.

    5. Glifes have names and these names are collected in meaningful sentences: for example, the combination of shaperes is the past - the present is the future.

    6. Based on paragraph 5, it makes sense to memorize the original glyph names (preferably in English, if you do not know English, you can listen to pronunciation and learn the words or at least Russian translation of names) in any case, it will be easier to enter and better.

    7. There are tables with glyphs - you can print and take a little learn.

    8. You can play glyph emulators if you do not have at hand of home portals (I didn't really like this way, but it is also not bad)

    9. There are sites with clay lessons, I liked this

    Good farm on a farm who has not yet taken, take 8 lv