How to create a new folder in Windows XP. How to create a new folder in Windows XP How to create a directory on a computer

Hello dear visitors! In this article, I will explain what a folder is and how to create a folder in Windows. It's very simple! Go to the full version of the article and read.

What is a folder?

A folder is a repository for other folders and files that has a unique name within the folder in which it resides. In other words, there cannot be two folders with the same name in the same folder. Folders are designed to organize information on your hard drive or flash drive.

An empty folder does not take up any space on the disk at all, its volume is 0. If you place some files in the folder, then its volume will be equal to the total volume of files.

How to create a folder on the desktop?

In all versions of Windows, the creation of a folder on the Desktop is performed according to the same algorithm. And now we will look at it:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the Desktop that is free of shortcuts, files, and folders. Hover your cursor over " Create».

Desktop context menu

  1. An additional drop-down menu will appear. Move the cursor to it and click on the item " folder».

Dropdown menu Create

  1. A folder named "New Folder" will appear on your desktop. Give it a meaningful name by simply entering a new name. I named the folder "Music".

Folder on desktop

  1. To apply the new name, simply left-click anywhere on the desktop. You can also click on the button Enter on keyboard.

Folder on desktop

How to create a folder in another folder (Explorer)?

There are already two options for creating a new folder: using the context menu and using the button on the panel. The first option is similar to creating a folder on the Desktop. The only difference is that you need to right-click in an empty area of ​​the folder window - it is shown in the figure below:

Main area

To create a folder using the button on the panel (1), just click it and a new folder will appear in the active area of ​​the window, which you need to give a name (2):

Create a new folder using the button on the toolbar

After that, click anywhere in the window or press the Enter key on your keyboard to rename the folder.

This is how easy it is to create folders in the Windows operating system. I hope everything worked out for you. If you have any questions during the creation of a new folder, then write them in the comments.

There are several ways to create new folders. But we will learn how to make them in a universal way, which can then be repeated on any other computer with any Windows system (XP, 7, 8, 10).

How to create a folder:

Right-click on an empty space. A list like this should appear.

This list is called a "menu".

Move the arrow (cursor) to the "Create" item. Another additional window will appear in which you need to move the cursor to the topmost item "Folder" and click on it with the left mouse button.

A new folder should appear. The letters will be tinted with some color (in the picture - blue) and blink. This means that the folder has already been created and the computer prompts you to type in a name for it.

In order for it to be called the way you want, you first need to see what alphabet is installed on your computer. The alphabet that is currently active is shown at the bottom right, it is shown in two English letters.

RU is the Russian alphabet, EN is the English alphabet.

To change the alphabet, click on these two letters with the left mouse button and select the desired language from the list.

To assign the entered word to a folder, click on an empty space.

The new folder is ready!

Good afternoon! Today we will talk about how to create a folder on the desktop of a computer? This topic will be especially relevant for people who begin to learn about a computer. In the article I will present several options for how this can be done.

Create a folder on the desktop with several options

Method number 1.

This option is the simplest. Here's what to do:

Move the cursor over the desktop and press the right mouse button. After that, a window will pop up as shown. You need to follow these 2 simple steps.

After clicking on the word folder, it will appear on your computer desktop! Now you can sign it. If you need it for a photo, write for photos. To do this, double-click the left mouse button on the name "New Folder" and rename it.

Method number 2.

This method shows how to create a folder in another similar folder. For example, there is a folder "Images" and you want to make another one there. To do this, you can create it first on the desktop and drag it there. Well, you can do the following:

After you open the folder, click on the "New Folder" button at the top with the left mouse button.

Here's what should happen:

Now it remains to call her the right name.

Similarly, folders are created on a flash drive and hard drive. Or they can simply be dragged there from the desktop.

Method number 3.

This option allows you to create a daddy in seconds! To do this, press the key combination: Ctrl+Shift+N Such a combination will fulfill your desire in an instant! The keys are pressed continuously. Press ctrl without releasing it, press Shift and again, without releasing these two keys, press the English letter N. That's all, she should appear. If not, just use the methods above!

Video about making a daddy

We used the words "folder" and "file" so often, we even learned what they are. The level of your knowledge is already great enough so that we can talk about more complex and serious things. This time I propose to study operations on these objects. But before that, I recommend repeating the lesson "".

This article will be very helpful, you will learn a lot. In fact, we will partially repeat the previous material and add a couple more spoons to our barrel of knowledge, namely, a couple of lessons on how to create a folder and a file, as well as how to rename, copy, cut, etc.

  • How to create a folder
  • How to create a file
  • How to rename a folder or file
  • Context menu (right mouse button)
  • Copy/cut - paste
  • How to select objects
  • Properties

How to create a folder

The first question you may have is where can you create folders and files? You can do this on any local disk, as well as in the space of removable media and even disks, but in preparation for recording (repeat the lesson “What is a flash drive. What is a CD and DVD drive”).

Let's try to create a folder:

  • Select the desired location where the folder will be created;
  • In any empty space, right-click;
  • We are looking for the line "create";
  • In the pop-up submenu, select "folder", as a rule, this is the first line.

Here we have a new folder. If you try to create another one, it will be created under the name "new folder (2)". The third will have the number 3 and so on.

How to create a file

Creating a file follows the same pattern. But what kind of file do you want to create? The fact is that the file has a type (the extension points to it, remember the previous lessons). By and large, you need to be able to create only text files and files of the “Microsoft Office” application, for example, the same . But I do not limit you in any way. Explore the creation menu, try to create something. There is nothing to worry about, and your sample products can always be removed.

How to rename a folder or file

Agree, using the information on the computer as quickly as possible when all folders are called “new folders” is very inconvenient. Therefore, we should talk about how to rename a folder:

  • The name of the folder is given automatically when it is created, but it will be highlighted. At this point, you can enter your choice.
  • If the folder is already created, then click on it with the left mouse button to highlight the folder. After one or two seconds, click again, but this time on the folder name (it is located immediately below the folder). If everything is done correctly, the folder name will be highlighted and you can change it.
  • If for some reason the first two options do not suit you, then there is a third, more cumbersome way. Right click on the folder icon. In the context menu, find the line "rename". Enter your choice of name.

We will not dwell on how to rename a file in detail. This is done in the same way as with a folder.

Now we know how to create a folder, and we can even tell less literate colleagues how to rename a folder that has already been created. Let's move on to the study of new operations.

Context menu (right mouse button)

I often ask you to press the right mouse button, but I didn’t really explain what kind of window pops up when you click it, and why it is needed. Now is the best time for this.

Depending on the environment where the menu was opened, the set of functions in it may vary. For example, if you right-click in the working field of any folder, you will see something like this window:

The first three lines will help you make the display of folders and files more convenient. You can change the icon size, sort folders according to one of several options, and split them into groups. Practice on your own and organize the folders the way you like.

The "configure folder" line allows you to change the properties of that particular folder, in the workspace of which the context menu was opened. In general, if you need to perform some manipulations on a specific object, then you need to right-click exactly on the icon of this object, much like we did a little earlier when I explained how to create a folder and rename it.

The "properties" line will allow you to see some information about the open folder and change a few of its options. Don't be too arrogant there.

Now let's move on to more specific work with files and folders.

Copy/cut - paste

If the files on the computer are located chaotically, then we can say with 100% certainty that a quick search for information is alien to such a computer. You can, of course, try to find the desired document through the search menu (the magnifying glass icon, which is located in the upper right corner of the open window). But such a trick will pass if you remember the name of the file accurately enough. And if the hard drive is a few unnamed local drives packed to capacity with "new folders", then the idea is doomed.

Therefore, now I will quickly teach you how to move objects, and you will clean up your computer as a homework.

The easiest way to copy a folder is as follows.

  • Look for the desired folder that you are going to copy;
  • Open the folder where you are going to copy;
  • Drag and drop a folder from one directory to another. To do this, left-click (LMB) on the copied folder and, without releasing the LMB, drag it to where you want to copy it.

Note: a directory is a path to a document (in our case, to a folder). In other words, the address of a folder is called a directory (each folder has a directory).

The fact from which to which local drive you are moving the folder is very important here. If this is done within the same local drive, then with this method of moving the folder will be cut from one place and pasted in another. If the local drives are different, then the folder will be copied. This means that the original will remain where it was. If you do not need it, then hold down “ctrl” while moving, or use another method:

  • Right click on the folder;
  • Choose "copy" or "cut" from the menu if you want to move the folder;
  • Open the destination directory;
  • Click anywhere in the working field with the right mouse button;
  • Select "Insert" from the menu.

If you need to transfer several files and folders at once, then first select the entire group, and then use one of the two methods above.

How to select objects

A single file or folder can be selected with a simple (single) mouse click - we already know this. A group can be selected with the mouse by holding down the left mouse button and selecting all those documents that are needed. And this, I hope, is not a secret for you. And how to select objects that are not located nearby? Take a look at the keyboard and find the Ctrl and Shift keys there.

To select several objects located in a row, select the first object in the list, and left-click on the last one while holding down “Shift”.

If you need to select objects located at random, click on them with the mouse while holding down “Ctrl”.

These methods can be combined. Try it. Practice in mastering the computer plays the most important role.

I will add just one tip to the topic on how to create a folder. If you suddenly give a non-unique name to a new folder (that is, the name that some folder already has), you risk replacing the existing folder with a new one. The system will offer you options for action, but I know from my own experience that many may not notice this. Be careful and don't lose information. Therefore, try to name all new folders with unique names.


This option in the context menu allows you to open a window that looks like this:

In the "general" tab, you can get information about the current state of the object and make it invisible (for this you need to check the corresponding box). The “access” tab is needed to restrict or vice versa open access for third-party computers on the local network to this folder, unless, of course, this local network exists. "Settings" will help you optimize the folder for a certain type of files and choose an original icon for it. Well, the “security” tab doesn’t matter much to you, try not to change anything there.

Try creating some folders and practice with them, repeating all the operations that you learned today. This will help to consolidate the material and facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge in the future.

In this article, we will learn how to create a folder, how to work with folders and files on a computer. Before learning how to create a folder on a computer, you need to know what a folder on a computer is.

Folder- this is a computer object in which you can add other files and folders for convenient further viewing and use.

File- this is a computer program, or one of the components of the program (in the event that the program is large). All computer functions are accessed through files.

Now let's move on to practice, let's talk about how to create a folder on the desktop, and anywhere else on the computer.

To create a folder on the desktop, it is enough to do just a couple of actions:

  1. On any empty space on your desktop, click right mouse button.
  2. A properties window has appeared in front of you, find a property called "Create" and move the mouse cursor over it.
  3. From the list that appears, select the "Folder" property.
  4. Congratulations, you have created your first folder, now its name is highlighted in blue, which means that you can rename it at the moment, just start typing on your computer, and you will see how your folder name starts to change.

Thus, you can create a folder on your desktop and anywhere else on your computer.

In the dropdown menu under "Create" you have seen a lot of files that you can create. These are both text files and Microsoft Office files. The creation of these files is identical to the creation of a folder. Simply choose the file you want to create instead of creating a folder.

Now let's learn how to work with a folder, and more specifically, how to rename, edit and delete it.

To rename the created folder on the desktop, you need to do the following:

  1. Right click on the folder.
  2. In the drop-down box, select "Rename".
  3. The folder name is highlighted in blue, now if you start typing, the folder name will change into what you type.
  4. When you typed the name, press Enter, or left-click on an empty area of ​​​​the desktop.

In the drop-down list, you have already seen other properties, because the right mouse button opens the properties of the object that you click, and the properties of the desktop are completely different from the properties of the folder or files.

Let's talk about folder and file properties

Send- by clicking this property, you will see places on the computer, or external connected objects, where you can send this file.

Cut / Paste- for example, you want to properly structure files and folders, and suddenly you accidentally got a folder with music in the section with photos. There are properties for this. Cut / Paste. You right-click on the music folder and click Cut. Next, open the folder where the music should be, and click Paste. To quickly select this function, you can press hotkeys. To do this, select the file or folder you need, and press together the keys "Ctrl + X" to Cut, and "Ctrl + V" - to paste.

Copy- the function speaks for itself, by clicking on it, you copy the selected file, and then you can paste a copy of it somewhere else.

Create Shortcut- consider the situation, you have a bunch of movies in a folder somewhere inside the computer, but it's not convenient for you to go somewhere deep into the computer every time to get to your movies, in this case the "Create Shortcut" item will help. After clicking create a shortcut, a shortcut to this file appears next to your files, and now you can cut this shortcut and paste it somewhere closer, for example, on the desktop. The difference with the Copy function is that the shortcut takes almost no space on the computer, it does not copy files, but makes a link to them, which saves a lot of your memory on the computer.

Delete- a function that will remove the selected file to the trash. If you accidentally clicked delete, then don't worry, the file can still be restored from the trash.

Properties- this is an item for viewing the internal properties of a file, such as file size, creation date, etc.

I hope I answered your question about how to create a folder on the desktop.

In the next article, I will