How to forward a message to classmates. How to copy a message in Odnoklassniki

If you are new to Odnoklassniki, then all the functionality of the site is still unknown to you. Consider this situation: you urgently need to write a message to a person who is not on your friends list. You do not have time to study the site, and the matter does not require delay. How to write a message to classmates if you are not friends? Our screenshots and detailed explanations will help the user.

How to answer a stranger

The first option - a stranger wrote to you. You will be informed about this by the appearance of a green icon above the "Messages" section next to a white envelope.

Click on it with your mouse. You will see the text of the message, and below it is a notification from the site administration with a warning.

If the user intends to reply to the sender of the message, he must write the answer in the line below and press the envelope in the orange window.

Reply sent.

How to send a message to a stranger yourself

Let's say you're scrolling through the feed and stumbled upon an ad from a user that interests you. The person is selling something and you want to clarify some details. You need to write a message, for this move the mouse cursor over the username. A small menu will open in which you select the desired action.

Now you can start chatting.

There is one "but": if the user's profile is closed, you will not be able to write him a message. There is only one way out - to offer him friendship and wait for confirmation. If a user adds you as a friend, you can write to him, but if your offer is ignored, sending a letter is impossible.

Find a person and write him a letter

Another situation: you know that a person exists, you need to write to him, but you do not know where the user's page is. Try to find the profile first. On the main page, under the big photo, select the action "Find new friends" - this is the top line.

Click it and in a new window enter the information that you know about the person. The more data you provide, the easier and faster the search will be.

  1. Name, surname.
  2. Age - if not exact, then estimated.
  3. Location.
  4. Place of study.

Everything you know.

The system will display a list of results, which can be very long. Then you will have to look at the photos displayed on the page and choose the right person. Found it? Click on his name.

Every fairly active user of the social network VKontakte, using the basic communication capabilities provided by this resource, sooner or later it becomes necessary to forward letters from one dialogue to another. Further in this article, we will tell you how this can be done by resorting to exclusively standard site tools.

It is important to note that the considered functionality as a whole differs significantly, depending on the type of social media used. networks. Thus, the mobile version of VK requires slightly different manipulations than the full-fledged computer version.

The platform variety mostly affects the location of the desired partitions.

An equally important detail is the ability to send messages, regardless of the type of dialogue. Moreover, the functionality covers not only your personal correspondence with other people, but also conversations with an extensive staff.

Pay attention to such a nuance as the independence of the type of letter from the possibility of forwarding. Whatever the content of the message, be it text or just emoticons, it can in any case be sent to another dialogue.

Full version

As with almost any other functionality, a full-fledged version of the VKontakte social network provides more opportunities than a lightweight one. Because of this, problems can appear, as a rule, in the vast majority of users.

The method is independent of the type of interface used, whether it is classic dialog design or enhanced. However, keep in mind that we will look at the process using the example of a standard menu for selecting conversations with users.

  1. Open the section through the basic menu of the resource "Messages".
  2. Select the dialog in which the information to be sent is located.
  3. After opening the indicated correspondence, find the desired letter.
  4. Select the found message by left-clicking on its content.
  5. In the same way, you can select several letters at once within one dialogue.
  6. The location and date of the initial sending of messages will not affect the success of the subsequent process in any way.

  7. If you accidentally select an unnecessary letter, you can cancel its selection by clicking again, but only until the moment of sending.
  8. The number of simultaneously selected messages within one shipment equals one hundred letters, regardless of their content.
  9. The selection information is located on the top toolbar within the conversation.

  10. To use the functionality of sending letters to a dialogue with another person, click on the button Forward on the top toolbar.
  11. At the next stage, you need to click on the conversation in which you want to place the selected letters.
  12. You should not select the correspondence where the content was copied from. Otherwise, the messages will be fixed as a regular repost, which will require repeating all the previously done manipulations.
  13. If at this stage you have reasons to refuse to forward letters, use the key "Esc" on the keyboard or simply refresh the page.
  14. After specifying the final transfer directory, the dialog will automatically open, and the sent data will go into the standard citation status.
  15. Here you again have the opportunity to stop sending by using a special button with a cross.
  16. As a final step, you need to send a letter using the corresponding button within the message creation form.
  17. After that, all the selected content will be published and available to the interlocutor.

The appearance of letters always remains unchanged, including additional notes from the amendments.

In addition to the instructions, please note that the described process can be repeated an unlimited number of times. In addition, forwarded letters may well be subject to deletion or alteration, taking into account the appropriate opportunities for quotes within the conversation.

Be that as it may, do not forget about the existence of basic site restrictions on sending letters to other people, for example, in the form of a black list.

mobile version

To date, users of the social network VKontakte have access to not only the full version of the resource, but also a lightweight one. Moreover, everyone can choose to use both a special mobile application, which has its own characteristics, and a special website.

Regardless of your preferences, both VK variants have the functionality of forwarding letters from one dialogue to another. In this case, in general, the required actions are of a general nature.

  1. Using any convenient browser for Android or Windows, open the specified site.
  2. Through the main menu switch to the section "Messages".
  3. Go to the dialog containing the mail you want to forward.
  4. Click on the content of the desired messages, thereby highlighting them.
  5. By analogy with the full version, it is possible to select up to 100 letters at a time, without fear of resetting the selection due to transitions within the dialog.

  6. Now, having selected the required data, use the button Forward on the bottom toolbar.
  7. In accordance with the hint of the social network, indicate the correspondence in which you want to add the highlighted letters.
  8. It is quite possible to unpin the forwarded content by clicking on the cross in the block "Forwarded Messages".
  9. If everything suits you, click on the button "Send".
  10. After successful forwarding, messages will be displayed among others.

As in the first section, all actions apply to forwarded information as to other content within the dialog. In particular, this concerns the unique feature of this version of the site, which allows you to delete letters.

Due to the high popularity of various mobile devices, the official VKontakte application deserves much more attention. Although the steps are not very different from the light version of the site, it's still better to take a closer look at the process.

  1. Using the application toolbar, open the section "Messages".
  2. After opening the dialogue, find the forwarded letters regardless of the sender or the time of publication.
  3. Click and hold anywhere on the screen until selection mode is activated.
  4. Next, you need to select the messages to be sent by clicking on their content.
  5. After completing the marking, on the top toolbar, click on the button Forward, with an arrow icon.
  6. The required key does not have any signatures, which is why you should be guided by the screenshots.

  7. On the page "Choose a recipient" click on the dialogue with the desired interlocutor.
  8. If successful, a block with attached letters should appear above the standard field for creating messages.
  9. As in the earlier cases, it is quite possible to refuse attachment by using the corresponding button.
  10. To publish the forwarded information, click "Send".
  11. If you did everything clearly according to the instructions, then the messages will appear among the rest of the content.

In fact, this could end this topic, but one cannot fail to mention an additional method within the VKontakte mobile application. In this case, we are talking about the quick ability to send one message at a time.

  1. In accordance with the first part of the previous instructions, open the desired dialogue and find the message.
  2. Click once on the block with the letter to display a context window on the screen.
  3. From the list of options provided, select Forward.
  4. At the next stage, indicate the dialogue with the desired recipient.
  5. If necessary, dilute the content of the letter with text and send it.

Giving your preference to one or another approach, you should be guided only by your own necessity. In addition, no matter what you choose, the transfer will be completed successfully in any case.

Users also correspond with friends and acquaintances. Through messages, you can arrange a meeting, including a business meeting, solve household or work issues, and much more.

And so, for example, you corresponded with a friend, and decided to organize a meeting with mutual acquaintances. Accordingly, they need to be invited. And how to be? Send everyone a separate message? And if there are a lot of people, then it will take a long time to print, and the same text is also the same.

In this case, you can use message forwarding. That is, they sent a letter to one person, and simply forwarded it to the rest. Or, you can paste the previously copied text into the dialogue with each user. Now we will figure out how to forward messages, and it can be either plain text or a photo, picture, link, gif, and so on.

From computer

Of course, after the developers of this social network noticed that many would not refuse the possibility of forwarding messages, a special button was added that copes with the task in no time. But there are other options - copying and pasting the text of interest to us. Let's consider both.

Using the Forward button

By the way, using this button you can send not only text messages, but also those containing pictures, links, GIF-animations, voice messages, music and more.

Copying and pasting text

If the method above does not suit you and it is important that the person does not know that the message has been forwarded (for example, you are sending an advertisement to the company's employees), then the following option will do.

  1. Open a dialog that contains the text we need. Then select the text of the message with the mouse and click on the selected one with the right mouse button.
    In the context menu that opens, select "Copy", or press the Ctrl + C combination on the keyboard.

  1. Next, open a dialog with the user to whom we want to send, and put italics in the text input field. After that, in this field you can right-click and select "Paste" from the context menu, or press the Ctrl + V combination. When the text is inserted, send it by clicking on the envelope image.

Photo transfer

If you have been sent an interesting photo or picture, and you need to send it to another user, then there are several ways to send the image.

  1. The first one is using the Forward button, which was discussed at the very beginning of the article.
  1. Second, open a dialog that contains a photo and click on the image.

After the photo is opened in a separate window, right-click on it and select "Copy Image URL" from the context menu.

Then return to the list of dialogs and open the one to whom you want to send the selected photo. Click in the text input field to place the cursor there, and in the same field press the right mouse button. Select "Insert" from the context menu, and the link to the picture will be added.

When the photo or image is attached, click on the button with the envelope to send it.

  1. Third - first download the selected photo to your computer, and then attach it to the dialogue and send it to the selected person.

From phone

Considering that the Odnoklassniki application has been downloaded many times, there is a need to consider this issue for phones as well.

Via Forward function

Here, as well as on the desktop version of OK, the necessary button has been added.

  1. To begin with, go to the application itself on your phone or tablet and go to the "Messages" section.
  2. We find the dialog in which there is a message to be sent, and select it.
  3. Next, you need to click on the message itself.
  4. A menu with additional functions appears. In it, select the "Forward" item.
  5. At the very bottom, you can type the text that will accompany the forwarded message. Then look for the desired chat from the list and click on the "Send" button.
  6. Opposite those to whom you will forward the letter, instead of the Send button, Go to will appear. If you click on it, a chat with the selected person will open.
  7. Now about what the forwarded message looks like. At the top is the accompanying text that you typed (if, of course, you typed it). And then comes the letter itself, indicating that it was forwarded and from whom exactly.

Social networks are a kind of platform for virtual communication, when users from different countries can talk in real time. Today it is extremely difficult to meet a person who would not have an account on at least one such resource, because, whatever one may say, virtual communication has replaced the usual for many, face to face.

Of course, if you do not overdo it and do not overdo it, then the correspondence on the social network can be very useful in many situations. For example, when you need to discuss some task with a colleague or learn about news from friends. In general, there are many situations in life, and it is not always possible to meet with this or that person. Using is a great way out. However, not always the user can understand a particular issue, for example, how to forward a message to Odnoklassniki? We will talk about this.

How to forward a message to Odnoklassniki

If you have come across another social network - Vkontakte, then you know that there is a "Forward" function there, and many similar services also have it (Yandex mail, for example). Unfortunately, Odnoklassniki does not have such an opportunity, so you have to make do with the good old method of copying.

So, if you want to send a user a letter written to someone else, do the following:

Please note that if you want to forward a message to multiple people, you will have to do it manually. However, there is another option: you add several users to the conversation and insert the desired text there.

How to send a photo to Odnoklassniki

The message does not always contain only text, there may be, say, photographs or pictures. If you want, there are several options to solve this problem. The first is this: you right-click on the photo and save the image to your computer. Next, go to the correspondence with a potential recipient and add a picture to your conversation.

In addition, you do not need to save the photo to your computer. So, if you wish, you can click on it, again, with the right mouse button, selecting the line "Copy image URL". And then go to the dialog with the recipient and click "Insert". Done!

Good day, friends, the topic of today's post, as you already understood from the title, will be devoted to our favorite social network.

Yes, in contact, there are many subtleties that we don't even know about. And it is about one of those subtleties that we will understand in this post, I hope you enjoy it.

How to forward a message to VK to another person

Many people ask this question and do not even realize that this can be done very simply.

The obvious way is this:

  • Step 1 - open a dialog from which we want to forward the message we need.

  • Step 2 - now, having opened our dialog, we put a check mark on the messages that we want to forward. Below in the picture I showed how this is done.

  • Step 3 - at the top of the site we see the Forward button, click it.

  • Step 4 - we are thrown to the page with our dialogues, but simply to those with which we recently communicated.
  • Step 5 - choose the dialogue or the person to whom we want to forward. For example, I will choose a friend of Denis.

  • Step 6 - at the bottom we see that our messages are hanging, we just need to click on the "Send" button, as shown in the picture below.

Well, is it really difficult? The same can be done from any phone, smartphone, "android", the principle is always the same, first we copy the necessary messages, and then we throw off the person who needs it.

This is what forwarded messages look like

An unobvious way to forward messages

To be honest, this method is really not obvious, since here we will not send a message, but its screen. As you understood, the transfer of data messages is needed in order to even prove it.

For example, a person wrote bad words to you, and you took and forwarded these messages to his mother.

On the Internet, this is called "proof", the same proof. But, for these purposes, you can use not only VK functions, but also ingenuity.

If you do not have the lightshot program on your computer, I recommend downloading it.

You can use it to make quick screenshots. To send, we launch this program - click on the "PrtSc" button - make a selection of the screen area - and send it to the person we need.

We forward the message from the wall

Now, if we need to show a person our any post on the wall in, we can use the standard functions of the social network.

For this you need:

  • We find the required entry on our wall.
  • We press on the time and we only get this record. It will be in the middle, everything else falls, as it were, on the second layer. Well, like that, as shown in the picture.

  • At the top of the post, we find the link and copy it.

  • We insert this link to the person you see fit.

Again I want to ask the question: is it difficult? I think not, but for beginners who did not know this, I am sure this knowledge will be useful.

In this article, I told you how you can forward a message to VK to another person. If this knowledge was useful to you, then write your comment, whether I wrote everything or forgot something.

Respectfully, Yuri Vatsenko!