The screen does not respond well to touch. Calibrating the touchscreen on android phones and tablets

Mobile devices fail sooner or later. The situation is unpleasant, but often correctable. In this article, we will talk about cases when the sensor on your phone is not responding and what you can do in this case. Most likely you have already tried to press different buttons on the screen. And everything turned out to be useless - the smartphone did not respond, and does not respond. It is too early to think about technical service. Let's find out how to fix the problem.

The phone turns on, but the sensor does not respond to touch

It often happens that the phone can work, but the sensor does not respond when the device was hit in some situations... And the screen cracked. Perhaps even the honor of the screen has practically crumbled. But if we turn it on with the power button on the edge of the smartphone, the screen will show the desktop of the operating system... You may still not be able to access the cursor control on the screen. But the internal system is intact.

Mobile phone with an inoperative sensor

In such situations, you are clearly powerless, unless you yourself know how to replace the smartphone screen. But you can temporarily control a mobile device using a regular computer mouse with a USB plug.

USB mouse for touch phone control

You probably already know that your smartphone does not have a USB port. Therefore, you need an OTG adapter.

OTG cable

It is inexpensive. And it is a bridge for almost all external devices that a smartphone system with a damaged sensor can support.

For example, you can connect directly any USB flash drive to your device via this cable... It comes in very handy when it comes to transferring files between devices. An OTG cable can sometimes be found with some mobile devices. Connect a mouse to this cable. And the microUSB plug - to the port on the smartphone. Turn on the power button and use the mouse to control.

What to do if the screen works partially on a Redmi smartphone

In some cases, the sensor on the smartphone may be responsive but unstable. May manifest delay in response, virtual buttons remain in the clamped state etc. We will now try to solve this malfunction by replacing the ineffective dielectric gasket. It is located under the battery of smartphones of these models.

An example will be given on the Redmi 5 model:

  1. Unscrew the screws on the back cover to open it;

    Remove the back cover of the smartphone

  2. Carefully remove the cover and pull out the ribbon cable that extends from the camera of the device. It can be pulled out of the slot on the phone board;

    Remove the cover carefully so as not to damage the flex cable

  3. Remove the battery and pull out dielectric spacer, which is located on one of the trains;

    Remove the dielectric substrate

  4. Gently pull out the ribbon cable from the upper slot, put the strips of cardboard tape in one layer under it in the groove so that the battery can fit into place;

    Use cardboard tape to glue the groove for the train

  5. Now put back the ribbon cable, insert the contact into the cell. And reassemble the entire device to test its operation.

Turn it on now and check if the touchscreen on your smartphone is responsive to touch. If this method fails to achieve a satisfactory result, remove the tape. There is another way to eliminate freezes and poor sensor response - flashing mobile device system... You do not need to try to reflash your smartphone yourself if you have never done this before. It is best to take the device to a service.

The screen is whole, but the sensor does not respond

There are some more tips for smartphone owners whose devices have stopped responding to taps on their phones. Users often complain that the smartphone did not fall, did not fall into the water and did not have any damage. And although the screen works, the sensor does not respond to pressing. Try the following method. In some cases, it can help solve your problem.


After that, you may need to reboot the system again. Try to control the smartphone screen.

The touchscreen on the smartphone hangs in one place

People face this problem quite often. When typing text, or numbers in one specific place, the screen does not want to work in normal mode... The letters may not be pressed correctly. Instead of one letter "A", the next "P" is pressed and the like. Such cases are still typical if you have been using the device for more than a year. The reason may lie in smartphone battery.

The surface of the battery may be bloated... After a while, this happens to them. Bloatedness does not have to be determined explicitly. It can be identified by removing and placing the battery on a flat surface. Press down on two opposite corners of the battery to see if a bulge can be detected. A good battery must lie flat on a flat surface and not dangle. And since it already has bulges, with one side it presses on the sensor from the inside. Because of what there may be poor screen responsiveness.

Check also, whether a wire or an extra object has been caught under the battery... Any unnecessary or interfering objects can press on the screen from the inside. You cannot replace the battery right away. And for a few days, you can take a little trick. It consists in incomplete rear cover installation... Hang it on the top mounts. And do not press down the lower ones. In order not to infringe on the convex battery.

Resetting your phone to factory settings

Each digital device has a subsystem that regulates the system boot, selects boot media, and also sets parameters for connected devices. Your smartphone has it too. And we will use it to restore the device settings to factory settings if the sensor is buggy in your mobile phone. And also the previous methods did not help to fix problems with it.

Since now we are talking about any phone model, you will need to independently fulfill all the conditions, after which you can enter the menu " Recovery »:

Condition: Explanation:
To enter this mode on the smartphone body, you need to press two or three buttons simultaneously, and hold them until you see a menu unusual for your device. It can be power button clamped together with volume up button... And the volume down and power button. You should experiment with combinations.
Before trying, the smartphone must be turned off. The menu can be launched only when the smartphone is not working.
Connect a smartphone with an inoperative sensor via USB to a computer and transfer data to its memory. If you have access to system folders, gallery, make copies of important files.

Only after all conditions are met, start the Recovery menu:

The mobile phone memory will be completely cleared. Perhaps the problem was at the software level. And after restoring system settings, there is a chance that the device will work stably again and without glitches on the screen. Turn on your phone and check if the sensor responds to your taps. If, after applying the methods described in this article, your device does not work correctly, we recommend contacting the service. Since most likely the problem lies deeper. And competent people cannot do without examining the device.

Modern mobile devices cannot be imagined without touch screens. Therefore, deciding what to do if the sensor on the phone does not work is necessary only after studying the events that led to the breakdown. The screen is the main part of modern smartphones, without which they lose all functionality.

In order to find out why the sensor on the phone does not work, you will need to carefully study the smartphone. Sometimes problems in the phone are visible to the naked eye, for example, if the screen is broken, and in some cases, performance may be lost for no reason. Ingress of moisture, rough mechanical impact and much more can affect the serviceability of the device.
If the source lies in a software failure, then there may be a situation where the gadget does not respond correctly to your touches. Such problems often arise due to the actions of the owner himself, who, through negligence or inexperience, made changes to the operation of the system.

Typical touchscreen faults

The most common reason the touchscreen does not work is mechanical damage. Shocks and other influences can lead to negative consequences. The most neutral will be chips, more serious problems will appear with the formation of a "cobweb" in which the apparatus can continue to function.

Since modern smartphones are quite fragile devices, even after falling from a height of human growth, it stops working. If the device continues to function, and the damage is caused in the form of cracks in the case or its deformation, the termination of the operation of a part of the screen, then it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible to carry out repair work.

Another popular reason is moisture ingress. Despite the fact that the device looks like a monolithic device, it has small slits and gaps through which liquid enters the main board.

Moisture and liquid penetration into the phone case

The ingress of moisture into the cellular mobile leads to the beginning of the oxidation process of the contacts and the board. If the gadget is in a similar situation, then you shouldn't disassemble the smartphone without special need. The first thing to do is dry the machine. If drying does not work, then it should be taken to a specialized repair center, which is especially true for expensive models, interference with the internal circuit of which leads to irreversible consequences. During the repair, you can use a cheap replacement of the device, which will receive calls and SMS.

Elimination of oxide

In some cases, after moisture has got inside the gadget, after a certain time it will start to work, but badly or incorrectly. In this case, you can try to eliminate the oxide that arose upon contact with the liquid yourself.

To do this, you will need a tool with which the oxide will be removed (a plastic card, a screwdriver, and so on). Also needed: rubbing alcohol, toothbrush, eraser and tissue. Before disassembling a smartphone, you need to read the instructions that can be found on the Internet.

The cleaning procedure must be carried out carefully, as any awkward movement can lead to additional damage. The disassembled gadget must be folded on a sheet or napkin so that it can be easily assembled, as shown in the drawing. Each place must be wiped with alcohol, an eraser and blotted with a dry napkin.

If traces of rust were found, then it is removed with a toothbrush. The place is treated with alcohol, the remaining corrosion is removed with an eraser.

It will be especially difficult in cases where the cause was a sweet drink. The impact of such a mixture has a chance to disable the gadget, and without the intervention of a specialist, repair will be impossible.

Dirty display

If the display becomes dirty without damaging the screen, then just wipe the sensor thoroughly with a cleaning liquid, and then remove the remaining moisture with a dry cloth. To preserve the display, it is recommended to use a protective film that can be easily glued and removed in case of contamination.

Loop damage

Damage to the loop of the device is one of those causes of breakdown that cannot be fixed at home. Therefore, if the sensor sometimes does not work correctly, it is worth contacting a specialist who, with a guarantee, will be able to restore the device to work.

Software glitch

  1. Restart your smartphone. In some cases, the changed software settings will not be applied after a system restart.
  2. Use the built-in sensor test program. To do this, you need to enter a combination that is unique for the device of each brand.
  3. Check the temperature of the device and place the device in a favorable environment.
  4. Check the operation of the memory card and SIM card.
  5. Load the gadget in safe mode.

In some cases, the problem can be solved with these simple methods. If the attempts have not yielded any fruit, then you should contact the masters.


In case of any damage to the phone, even a small one, it is better to contact the service center, since even a slight deformation on the case can lead to a complete failure of the sensor. Specialists will be able to carry out repairs and provide a guarantee for a certain period.


Good day, dear reader!

Today I will tell you a story from my life. This is not just a story, this is some kind of practical advice. It is not for nothing that this article is placed under the heading "Everyday matters."

I have several phones. Yesterday, on one of them, the touchscreen (or touch screen) "died" - a touch screen that completely replaces the physical keyboard.

As usual, he partially "died", but this was enough to completely paralyze all the work.

Light spot

Sensitivity disappeared on the narrow strip on the right. The phone was turned off at night, and in the morning I tried to turn it on. This procedure is accompanied by a password. And I need this narrow strip on the right, since I'm using the number located there.

As a result, I could not even turn on the phone. As usual, calls began to service centers and replies: "Leave your phone number - we will call you back, as we check if we have such a touchscreen or not." As a rule, everyone promised to call "today or tomorrow." What should I do right now?

In general, there was only one bright spot in this whole story - the Internet. Why light? Because 99% of your questions you will always find answers on the Internet! I found the answer too.

Which one? I'll tell you now.

Where to get it

If the touchscreen is “covered with a copper basin” on your phone, you will need a piezoelectric element to “resurrect” it. Where can I get it? Of course, in a piezo lighter. But I don't have a piezo lighter at home: with a handle, on a wire or on a battery - there is none.

But there is a piezoelectric element. It is installed on the hob of my gas stove. Turning the knob, I turn on the gas. At the same time, I push the handle down and turn on the piezoelectric element. This is how I light the burner.

In general, I need a piezoelectric element, but no gas is needed. I turned off the gas tap. Turned off my phone. I brought it to the piezoelectric element with the screen: the place where my touchscreen "died". I switched on the piezoelectric element and moved the screen for a few seconds so that the spark covered the “dead” area of \u200b\u200bthe touchscreen.

After that, I turned on the phone, and - lo and behold! - the touchscreen is working! He really recovered! He became fully operational!

The effect lasts ...

Various sources on the Internet report that the effect of such resuscitation lasts from several days to one month. Today is my second day when the touchscreen “came to its senses” - everything works perfectly.

Of course, it is imperative to replace the touchscreen, but reanimation from a piezoelectric element as a momentary method is just great!

If my solution helps you, I will only be glad! Have you had a sudden "death" of the touchscreen at the most inopportune time? How did you solve this problem?

A touchscreen phone is a very functional and convenient thing. However, the more high-tech the device is, the easier it is to damage it. The sensor (touchscreen) is the "Achilles' heel" of modern gadgets, because it is very fragile and at the same time is constantly exposed to mechanical stress. Sloppy users can put a bag on it, sit down, pour it, or even run it against the wall in a fit of anger. And now the long-suffering phone comes to a moment when the touchscreen sensor no longer responds to finger touches. What if the phone stops obeying its owner?

There are many reasons why the touchscreen does not respond to touch... The main provocateurs are hardware damage, which can only be diagnosed and eliminated at a service center.

What if you have the touchscreen does not work on the phone:

  • Pay attention to the neatness of your phone first. Due to dirt or oil stains, the touchscreen may not respond correctly to the user's touch. Therefore, do not be lazy to regularly wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth. Such a simple cleaning can bring it into working condition. In addition, make it a rule not to pick up your phone with dirty or wet hands.
  • An improperly installed screen protector can be the culprit for the touchscreen not responding to fingertips. This is due to air bubbles and dirt trapped between the touchscreen surface and the film. To solve the problem, you need to re-glue the film.
  • Sometimes the touchscreen does not work due to the fact that the signals received by the device may not be perceived correctly. In this case, a reboot or reset is enough to bring the system back to life.
  • Examine the screen carefully for cracks. Even small cracks can force. As a result, the touchscreen partially reacts to touch only in certain areas. Only replacing the sensor on the phone at the service center will help to return the phone to full functioning.
  • If the touchscreen does not work on your smartphone, this may be the result of a breakdown or failure of the sensor control chip. As a rule, failure of a microcircuit occurs due to shock and falls. It can also be caused by moisture penetration into the case. Replacing the microcircuit with a new one will help to solve the problem.
  • In addition to everything mentioned, part of the touchscreen on the phone does not work due to the breakdown of various components. For example, failure of the printed circuit board or its components, caused by moisture penetration, physical or mechanical stress, can lead to loss of functionality. Only a full-fledged diagnosis will help determine what exactly is out of order.

As practice shows, in cases where the sensor on the phone does not work, the problem lies in the touchscreen. According to statistics, in 90% of cases, replacing the glass on the phone will help to restore full functionality. And only 10% of the reason lies in other details.


If the touchscreen does not work for you, do not try to repair the phone yourself so that you do not have to buy a new one later. Replacing the glass on the phone should be carried out only in a specialized service center using original parts, since fakes quickly become unusable and cannot be repaired.

The service center masters will promptly identify the site and qualitatively eliminate the malfunction at an affordable price.

The main element of the tablet computer is the display. If the matrix fails, then the tablet turns into a "brick". Therefore, it is so important to preserve the integrity of the sensor, using all kinds of protection: glass, films, cover. But what if the tablet doesn't respond to touch? Let's take a look.

In 90 percent of cases, this happens through the fault of the user, regardless of the make and model of the device. A list of reasons why the technique stops responding to touch and the image disappears completely or partially:

  • External physical impact (fall, squeezing, impact);
  • Operating system failure (viruses, update curves);
  • Matrix calibration failure;
  • Screen contamination (fatty, chemical, abrasive substances);
  • Non-original elements in the design.

Of course, there are other breakdowns, especially on cheap Chinese devices (Prestigio Grace 3101/3201 4g / 3157/3257, Digma Citi 1508/1544, Supra m72kg, Explay hit, Texet tm 8044, Dexp ursus s169 / ns210, Irbis tw 36, Dell Venue 8 3830 t02d, hp slate 7, Onda X20, Nomi C101044 Ultra4 LTE), on gadgets with outdated resistive liquid crystal displays (with stylus).

Let's dwell on each reason in more detail. In detail, we will discuss the means of restoring the functionality of the LCD display of portable devices.

Wipe the screen

Users do not part with the gadget while eating or taking a bath.

Remember! Subtle contamination can negatively affect the quality of the sensor's response. What can we say about greasy spots and water droplets on capacitive displays.

For cleaning oleophobic coated glass, it is ideal to use LCD screen cleaner and microfiber cloth.

Try restarting

If the display functioned perfectly and at some point stopped responding to touch. For example, it is impossible to turn on the camera or change the brightness of the screen - the operating system probably crashed, and the device simply hung up. A forced reboot will help here: hold down the power button for a few seconds. Learn more about the procedure.

If you cannot restart your tablet using the Power key, remove the battery and try turning it on after a few minutes.

Remove the protective film

If the sensor stopped responding to touch after installing the protective film, most likely this was the reason for the malfunction of the touchscreen.

  • Perhaps you bought a fake, film or glass is not designed to work with this type of screen.
  • The thicker the protective glass, the slower the reaction to touch;
  • Air and dust bubbles prevent good contact.

Try to remove the protection and see how it affects the operation of the gadget.

Pull out the charger

Try to use only the original charger to charge the battery.

Non-original Chinese chargers (also applies to cheap cables) create interference and negatively affect the operation of the touchscreen. The tablet computer stops responding adequately to touch, and “phantom” system responses appear.

During the charging process, use the gadget as little as possible. But these are ideal conditions, and not always possible. If, after connecting to a non-native memory, the device begins to behave strangely - immediately turn off the power and change the charge.

Remove memory card

The failure may have occurred after inserting a new and / or damaged memory card.

  • an outdated flash card of low class with a slow speed;
  • high speed sd card
  • file system not supported by Android or Windows;
  • manufacturing defect of the flash drive.

Try removing the memory card and rebooting the left. If this helps, then you need to replace the flash memory. Pre-familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the tablet and the purchased SD card.

Reset to factory settings

This can be done through the Recovery mode by selecting the wipe data / factory reset item or using a personal computer and a utility for your gadget. Instructions and details.

Roll back firmware

If the bottom or top of the screen does not respond to finger touches after reinstalling or flashing the operating system, we recommend that you roll back the version to the old working one. How to do this correctly depends on the model and manufacturer. Within the framework of this article, it will not be possible to disassemble every case in detail.

Ask a question to the virtual expert

If you still have questions, ask the virtual expert, the bot will help you find the problem and tell you what to do. You can talk to him about life or just chat, it will be interesting and informative!

Enter your question in the field and press Enter or Submit.


Strong mechanical stress

Most often, the touch screen stops working after mechanical impact from the outside, with careless handling of the device. Strong shaking or pressure can ruin the touchscreen, let alone if it falls on the asphalt or tiles.

  • When the protective glass is cracked, you can fix the LCD yourself by simply replacing it with a new one. If the internal components of the monitor are affected, then you should not try to fix it yourself. It is better to entrust the repair to a professional.
  • If you dropped the device into water, then dry it before turning it on. If possible (with cheap Android devices it will not be difficult, but the iPad should not be disassembled) and leave to dry for at least a day. There is no need to put the gadget on the battery, blow it with a hairdryer or place it in the sun. As a last resort, you can put it in rice for 3-4 days. The groats will absorb excess moisture.
  • If you spill tea, coffee, lemonade or a chemical (nail polish remover, kerosene, gasoline, etc.) on your tablet PC, take the tablet to a service center for cleaning.

Brand models (Apple, Lenovo a3000 / a7600, Samsung galaxy tab / t555, Asus Zenpad / Transformer tf300t, Acer a701, Sony, Highway, Nexus, Oysters t72 / t72x) are more expensive to repair, but finding original parts is easy enough. But getting items for budget or little-known brands can be difficult. Before repairing, we recommend asking how much it will cost. Sometimes it's cheaper to buy a new gadget than to repair an old one.

The train is gone

How to understand what kind of breakdown occurred as a result of a fall:

  • Turn on your tablet PC normally.
  • If there is no image and reaction to pressing, but there is sound and / or the indicator is on. Perhaps a ribbon cable has flown out of the connector in the motherboard.
  • If the situation permits, remove the back cover and check if all connectors are connected. The cable from the matrix or touchscreen is really neatly put in place with your own hands using tweezers and a needle. Of course, if it hasn't broken or torn.

Oxidation of contacts

If after getting water on the sensor:

  • Stripes and black spots began to appear;
  • Lost sensitivity in the corners or in the center;
  • The touchpad does not respond to pressing;
  • Single luminous pixels appeared

This means that the contacts have oxidized. Cleaning with a special liquid or simple alcohol can help in this case. You need to act very carefully. You can use a toothbrush or paint brush with artificial bristles.

In Chinese smartphones (igma plane 1550s / 7535e / 8584s / 7006, prestigio grace 3157 / visconte v, Irbis tz86, Navitel t700), oxidation often occurs without contact with water, but due to poor contact processing and poor quality of components.

Microcrack on glass

A tablet display has three parts:

  • Protective glass with an oleophobic or other coating;
  • Capacitive or resistive (outdated) sensor (touch screen);
  • Liquid crystal matrix with backlight panel;

If you sat down, stepped on or dropped the tablet, then after an unsuccessful fall, pressure or impact, microcracks may form in the insole:

  • Everything works - only the protective glass needs to be replaced. This is the easiest and cheapest damage option.
  • The image is displayed in full, and the touch screen reacts only halfway, from below, from above, from the side or does not work at all - replacing the entire module will help;
  • If it shows only the floor of the LCD or the image disappears completely, the matrix is \u200b\u200bdamaged. The screen needs to be replaced.

Software problems

Loss of sensor sensitivity can occur due to a software error caused by:

  • Downloaded applications causing the operating system to crash. If you have Windows OS, boot the gadget in safe mode and check the sensitivity. If the touch screen activity has resumed, then the violation is caused by a previously loaded software, and you need to remove it. Or reset to factory settings.
  • Virus attack. Connect your tablet to your PC or laptop and run a full scan with your antivirus. Do not neglect these programs, do not disconnect and even more so do not delete from the tablet. They are the key to your safe Internet experience.
  • Overheating of the processor and other modules can also temporarily disrupt the response of the monitor. First of all, budget models suffer from this (Digma Plane 8548s / 1503, digma optima, Prestigio multipad wize 3038/3797/3131, 4Good T700i 7 3G, Dekhp Ursus tc210 / ts 310, Texet X-pad NAVI, Supra, Explay, Irbis tz11, Philips, LG G Pad 8.3 v500, Megafon login 2, Bravis NB102, bq 7021g / 7022g). If the problem occurs regularly, contact the service center.

Self replacement

If your tablet display has stopped functioning due to cracks and dents on the monitor. We recommend that you send it to a specialized center as soon as possible for diagnostics and repair. Tightening up with this can damage the die, and a full replace repair will cost you much more. This is especially true of famous brands (Huawei mediapad 10 link, Sony xperia tablet z2, Asus t100ta / tf701t / transformer, Lenovo a7600, Oysters t104w, Samsung galaxy tab 2 / n8000, bg-1081 G 3G, Acer Iconia Tab A 210). Moreover, you should not do this on the Apple ipad, because this manufacturer has provided protection against interference with the structure and the introduction of third-party elements from the outside.

Changing a broken screen requires certain skills. It would be right to entrust it to professionals in order to avoid even greater damage to the internal components of the device.

Question answer

How to unlock if the sensor is dead

1. You can control a tablet PC that supports USB OTG with your mouse. Connect the adapter cable, and a cursor will appear on the monitor, with which you can unlock the LCD display and perform further actions with the device. For example, make a BackUp before going to the service.

2. Make all the settings:

  • Hold down one of the Volume and Power buttons at the same time.
  • Select Wipe data / factory reset.

3. Other or classic password on the Android device.

How to shutdown or restart without sensor

If the tablet does not turn off, it will be enough to hold the Power button longer. But remember that an incorrect shutdown of the operating system will result in the loss of unsaved data.

If the button does not work, and you need to turn off the tablet, you can:

  1. Remove the battery if it is removable;
  2. Wait until the battery is completely discharged;
  3. Use the Reset button. It is usually located on the rear panel.

DIY replacement

If you do decide to change the touchscreen yourself, then you need a flat screwdriver, tweezers, "stars" and great care when working with small parts.

  • Remove sim card and memory card
  • Remove the back cover of the device. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the wires and cables;
  • Disconnect the motherboard from the front of the tablet;
  • Remove microphone, speaker;
  • Take out the train;
  • Carefully detach the matrix from the front panel of the touch screen;
  • Remove the touchscreen;
  • Glue the new sensor in place of the old one;
  • Assemble the device.


To keep the touchscreen happy with long and stable performance, take some care. Spend no time in protecting the most important and fragile element - your tablet display:

  • Wipe the monitor periodically with special products;
  • Do not drop and sit on the device.
  • Keep it away from water, do not use in rain, avoid contact with wet hands.

No matter how simple the replacement process at home may seem, it is still better to entrust it to a professional at the service center in order to avoid complete failure of your device.
