What is yandex ticks, how to see tits. Titz buttons or Yandex money Titz bar

Greetings to you, dear readers of the blog site. In my articles, I quite often mentioned such indicators as Tietz and PR (). In general terms, probably everyone understands that the higher these indicators (quite often they are called puzomers) for your resource, the better.

Undoubtedly this is so, but you still need to know and understand how to check Titz and PR for your own or someone else's site, how to raise them (increase), what is the update (up) of the citation index and how often they occur.

In addition to these indicators, there is also Vitz (weighted citation index), which cannot be found in Yandex, and there is also Alexa Rank (), which indirectly reflects the level of attendance of your resource (traffic).

Unlike citation index and PR indicators, it is important for Alexa Rank to learn not how to raise it, but, on the contrary, how to lower it. The fact is that it reflects the position of a website in the ranking depending on its traffic.

Consequently, the most visited resource will be in the first place, and its Alexa indicator will be 1. You need to strive for this, well, at the beginning of its journey, your project may well have a Rank equal to twenty million (or so). It can be checked both on the service itself and using the methods described below.

For Runet, Alexa is not such a serious indicator of website promotion as Tit or PageRank, but nevertheless, in this article we will take a closer look at the issues related to all three indicators of website promotion () and find out how and where they can be viewed, as well as let's talk about how you can raise them and track their updates.

What is Witz and Tietz (Yandex Citation Indexes)

The very name of the thematic citation index (Tit) is close to the concept of citation index (CI) used in the scientific world, which actually determines how often other authors of scientific articles refer to your materials.

This is far from Pr and Tit, but it was with this scheme that it all began. But in this case, it turned out to be enough to create a resource for several thousand pages and refer from all of them to the promoted document, and now you already have a CI higher than that of the recognized meters.

To avoid such an incident, the principle of a weighted citation index was developed, which is also called PageRank or, in relation to Yandex, Vits (weighted citation index).

VIC takes into account not only the number of links included on a given page, but also takes into account the weight that is transmitted on each of these links. Vic or Pr (its analogue in the Google search engine) allow us to take into account the fact that the link comes from a very trustworthy and authoritative Internet resource or it is from a page that has just been created and does not have any static weight.

Thanks to their introduction, Yandex and Google () have the opportunity to take into account the quality of links leading to the page and, based on this, calculate the static weight of each page (document) on the Internet.

Unfortunately, there is no way to check or find out the value of Vits in Yandex, but Google only allows you to check the toolbar value of Pr, which is very approximate, and besides, its update (up) occurs only once every few months. In addition, the toolbar value, in contrast to the real PR, changes according to the logarithmic law, which somewhat complicates the analysis of the results of its verification:

However, the impossibility of verifying the real values ​​of Vits and Pr does not change the principle of their accounting. All pages on the Internet that are indexed) and Google () have a certain Witz and PageRank value (static weight).

If from this document there are links to other documents on the Internet, then part of the statistical weight is transmitted through these links. This weight is evenly distributed among all links outgoing from the document. Thus, the higher the statweight of a document and the fewer external links it has, the more weight (real values ​​of Pr and Vits) will be transferred to the page of your site (by the hyperlink leading from that document).

Why increase and increase the citation index

But besides Vic, there is also Tit (thematic citation index), which can be found and checked for any site in a million different ways. This indicator is fundamentally different from the weighted index in that it is calculated for the entire resource as a whole, and at the same time not only the quality of incoming links is taken into account, but also the coincidence of the topics of your resource (acceptor) and the resource from which a link is put to you (donor).

In order to raise Tietz, it will not be enough to get a bold link from a trust resource, you will also need to match your topics. Otherwise, you will not be able to raise the thematic index using such a hyperlink, because the contribution of this non-topical link will be greatly underestimated.

Yandex took this principle of formation as a basis and as a result we got a puzomerka, which is calculated for the entire resource entirely(by analogy with the scientific world, this is your personal rating as an author, and not the rating of some of your individual scientific works).

The value of Tits for the site can vary from zero to its maximum value, which is not limited from above. This indicator of promotion depends mainly on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of hyperlinks that are attached to it from other resources.

Quality here means the authority of the resource from which the link to your project is placed, as well as the proximity of their subject matter. The higher the citation index of the donor's website and the closer its subject matter to yours, the more value you can get in the next update.

Yandex updates the value of the citation index approximately once a month and the update time is called ap. Due to the fact that Tietz is calculated for the entire site, it is important to have a large number of links from different thematically close resources, and not from different pages of one or several websites (by analogy with the scientific world - it is important that as many different scientists, and not one or more pundits who put an indication of you in every work).

For a blog, a very good and productive way that allows you to significantly increase Tietz is to exchange posts with other, related blogs. Moreover, I prefer to exchange links in posts not to the main pages, but to some specific articles. In this case, you can always try to achieve greater thematicity, which will allow you to significantly increase this significant indicator.

Sometimes novice webmasters have a question, why, in fact, increase Tietz and where can you find out or check it? After all, according to Yandex itself, this indicator of promotion does not affect the position of your website in the search results (i.e., with its increase, the traffic of the resource will not increase). But still, if you are trying to increase this puzomerka, then these very actions of yours can lead to an increase in traffic. But, of course, there is no direct connection here.

The most important factor that can induce you to increase the citation index is that its value affects the position of the resource in the Yandex Catalog. The higher you were able to raise this indicator, the closer to the first position your web project will be in its heading of this directory. But, unfortunately, it is not at all easy for an ordinary ordinary webmaster to add a site to the Yandex directory ().

Although, as a rule, after adding a project to the YAK, the thematic index begins to increase much faster, but it is true that you will have to pay a tidy sum for this. Therefore, first of all, the desire to increase Tietz is inherent in serious projects that have spent a lot of effort to get into the catalog and now it is important for them to attract the maximum number of visitors from it.

Well, if such a prospect does not shine for us in the foreseeable future, then it turns out that it is not at all necessary for us to know and check the value of this puzomerka, as well as to think about how it can be increased. But this, of course, is not the case, especially if you are interested in making money on the site. One of them is the paid placement of links on it.

This is usually done through exchanges (for example, SAPE or), or through advertising review and posting exchanges (for example, GoGetLinks, RotaPost, GetGoodLinks). Moreover, the second method is much safer, because for placing links with SAPE on your web project, you can easily get banned from Google or Yandex, and posting posts and reviews is practically harmless for your web project.

So, the more you can build up this puzomerka on the website, the higher the price you can ask for placing links on the pages of your project. This is exactly what is the driving incentive for increasing Titz among webmasters whose web projects are not located in the Yak.

How to check (find out) Tit and Pr site

The question of how to determine the Tit and Pr of the site arises from almost all novice webmasters immediately after they find out what it is and what they are for. As a rule, at first you will be disappointed in the form of a zero value, or, as the Russian Internet mirror itself writes: "The resource citation index is less than 10".

In general, the easiest and most reliable way to check Tietz is ask Yandex itself... To do this, you will need to add the following URL to the address bar of your browser:


Just don't forget to replace the domain name "site" with your own. The update () of the citation index occurs approximately once a month or two. As such, there is no exact timetable. As a rule, the up comes unexpectedly, when you are not expecting it at all (just like winter for our utilities).

You can study the graph of previous APs, for example,. You can find out the puzomerki of any site on a variety of online services, and you can also use special Seo plugins for browsers (, and, allowing you to check these puzomerki, simply by opening the desired page in the browser.

Here list of online services where you can find out and check Pr and Tit:

I surf the Internet through the Opera browser and use the wonderful one for it. It allows you to see the indicators of resources opened in the browser, determine whether backlinks are open on the page, and much more from the field of assessing the success of website promotion and promotion.

In the FireFox browser, I use a plugin called SEOBar (simple enough and no unnecessary bells and whistles):

Also, for any browser, you can install the so-called Yandex.Bar (), which, among other features, can check Titz for the page currently open in the browser.

If you need indicators of several resources at once, then services for mass verification can help. And also very convenient, in my opinion, is the service of Alexander Gogolev.

You can also define puzomerki using various Seo programs, of which I would single out Site-Auditor () separately.

Counters, informers and buttons displaying the Tit and PR of your site

And, of course, in order for visitors to find out the puzomerki accumulated by you, you can install a special counter or informer on your website. The most obvious way is the Yandex button, which looks like a banknote with a denomination equal to the citation index of your resource. For example, for my blog, such a button looks like:

You can get the code of such a button on this page by simply entering the address of your web project in the field of the same name and clicking on the "Get code" button. It will look something like this:

You can insert this code of the button (counter) in the desired place in the template of your web project. And by wrapping it in DIV tags and with the parameter name, you can then position it using CSS properties relative to the adjacent template elements.

For instance:

and in the CSS file for your skin, you can insert properties for this class:

Tic (float: right; margin: 5px 40px 5px 0px;)

The result will be something like the following counter code:

Let me explain the CSS properties for the tic class:

  1. float: right; () - forces the given block with the button to snuggle to the adjacent design element on the right.
  2. margin: 5px 40px 5px 0px; () - sets the offset in pixels of this block with the button relative to adjacent blocks. Indents are listed in this order: top, right, bottom, left

In addition to the standard counter in the form of a button, you can install any other Tietz informer and PR on your website. For example, on this service you can get separate counters to display them.

However, you will have to register first.

You can also use the services of the Wtools service, where you can set up and receive a code for the Tietz and Piara counter. On the page of the informer creation wizard, you will need to specify the URL of the main page, select a color scheme for the background, its frame and font colors:

and then copy the resulting code and paste it into your resource template:

What is an update and how to check if there was an ap Tietz

First, let's define what it is. The citation index update is a normal recalculation of this parameter for all resources indexed by Yandex. Moreover, as they say, the total index value before and after the update remains unchanged. Those. it turns out that there is simply a redistribution of Tits between all resources on the Internet during the next up.

As for the Pr update, it happens less often, but this concerns exactly the toolbar value, which we can find out and check using the methods described above. But the up of the actual PageRank value occurs almost constantly (perhaps once or several times a day). Google still has much more computing power than the Russian Internet mirror.

In Yandex, there is also such a concept as search results ap, which is a recalculation of the ranking of sites for all search queries. This takes into account the changes that were made in the documents (text update) and changes in the reference mass (reference ap) that have occurred since the last change in the base. This business usually takes place at intervals of several days.

How do you know if there has been an update on Tit, Pr or SERP? Basically, the most popular SEO forum - Searchengines... On this forum there are separate branches in which the latest update will be discussed. As soon as it happens, the corresponding topics will immediately appear in these branches.

You can find out the history of the latest ups on this resource. There are also a lot of more sophisticated resources that not only show the history of the latest updates, but also try to predict the next up, but I think that this will be more than enough.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Checking PageRank for all pages of the site, as well as their presence in the main and Supplemental Google index (how to get out of it)

The concept of a citation index (the number of resources linking to a given one) in Yandex was introduced in 1999 with the advent of search in catalog categories. August 2 can be safely considered the day of the appearance of the citation index on the RuNet. The first "money" (buttons) was drawn for Yandex by the studio of Artemy Lebedev. Even then, they had text entries about the number of referring sites:

Later, on October 18, 2000, the thematic citation index (TCI), which formed the basis for ranking positions in Yandex.Catalog. The idea of ​​a TCI differs from the value of a regular TCI in that when it is calculated, not only the number of resources linking to your site is taken into account, but also their quality. The need to indicate the number of backlinks in the "money" is gone. Below is a screenshot of the TCI buttons for 2006.

Even in the past design, the lines in the lower right corner had different lengths for different CY values, which very much confused some SEOs. Well, at the moment, the buttons have been modernized and look the way you see them on many sites:

Money differs among themselves by the pattern, color and numbers, indicating the parameter of the thematic citation index.

25 pcs. from 0 to 240 (step 10)
10 pieces. from 250 to 475 (step 25)
10 pieces. from 500 to 950 (step 50)
40 pcs. from 1000 to 4900 (step 100)
50 pcs. from 5000 to 9900 (step 100)
40 pcs. from 10,000 to 49,000 (step 1000)
50 pcs. from 50,000 to 99,000 (step 1000)
16 pcs. from 100,000 to 250,000 (step 10,000)

That is, there are 241 buttons in total. In this archive you can download almost all the current TCI buttons (179 pieces, without some with maximum values).

From a conversation between two webmasters:

- Yesterday I was on your site ...

- So it was you! ..

Let's imagine the Internet in the form of a three-headed Serpent-Gorynych:

- the owner of the information creates a web resource;

- the user who needs this information tries to find it;

- search engines act as an intermediary, finding the necessary information at the request of the user.

It is no secret that attracting as many visitors as possible is one of the most important tasks of any Internet resource. Only the content of the site - its content and content - can attract (and attract, or scare away!) Visitors. Therefore, one of the most important indicators for any site is traffic. Attendance statistics (in real time) are clearly displayed using all kinds of attendance counters.

The main goal of any search engine is to quickly find any information on any request of any user of the Global Network. But you need not just find information - it is necessary that the information found as fully and accurately as possible correspond to the search query, - this is called relevance(otangl. relevant- significant, significant, important; relevant; relevant, pertaining to the question / request). For this, the analysis of the content of the resource is used, the density and weight of keywords and many other indicators are taken into account. Here it is necessary to note such a nuance: almost all of these parameters are under the control of the author of the resource. Therefore, in the face of fierce competition for high places in search engines, text content analysis is not enough: there are a huge number of sites optimized for popular queries that do not answer these queries!

To increase relevance, search engines use link citation parameter, i.e. begin to take into account external links to the site (after all, as a rule, the more interesting and significant a resource is, the more links there will be to it from other thematically related resources). However, a large number of links does not in itself guarantee the quality of a site. It is also necessary to take into account the quality ("weight") of each link.

An equally important indicator is the site's rating, which indicates the popularity of the resource more than the attendance (although the more popular the site, the more visited it is!). The site's rating can be judged by IC, TCI and VIC.


What is a web resource citation index

Citation Index (IC) Is a search engine indicator calculated on the basis of the number of links to a given resource from other Internet resources. In the simplest variety IC only the number of links to the resource is taken into account. IC evaluates the popularity of a particular resource, i.e. some absolute value of the importance of the site. Each search engine uses its own algorithms to calculate its own IC as a rule, these values ​​are not published anywhere.

Originally (before the advent of website optimizers) IC more or less really reflected the popularity of the corresponding resource on the Internet.

The first major search engine to actively use IC, became Google (technology PageRank).

In the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, the most famous is IC Yandex ( TCI, or the so-called "Yandex Money").

Subject citation index (TCI) - technology of a search engine, which consists in determining the "authority" of Internet resources, taking into account the qualitative characteristics of links to them from other sites. TCI is calculated according to a specially developed algorithm, in which special importance is attached to the thematic proximity of the resource and the sites referring to it ( TCI, in addition to the number of links to the resource, it also takes into account the topics of the sites referring to the resource, that is, it shows the popularity of the resource relative to other thematically related sites).

TCI defined for the resource as a whole.

Weighted citation index (VIC) takes into account the popularity ("importance") of the referring sites (also in most cases calculated based on IC). Unlike usual IC, which is an absolute indicator (i.e. some specific number), VIC is a relative value, i.e. shows the popularity of a given page relative to the popularity of other pages on the Internet. VIC does not take into account the thematic relationship of the page and the resources referring to it, but depends only on the quantity and quality of external links.

VIC defined for each page of the site.

Average Citation Index (JRC). Many SEOs and website builders claim that there is a direct relationship between VIC(or PR) and TCI(the higher TCI, the higher and VIC). With this in mind, a unified logarithmic ranking system for websites has been created - Average Citation Index (JRC). This parameter is displayed on a 100-point scale, which is more informative than PR and less blurry than TCI (0 – 41000). JRC leads to a clear and objective understanding of the rank of sites on the Internet.

PageRank (PR) - it VIC Google search engine. Scale PageRank can vary from 0 to 10: PR from 4 to 5 - the most typical for most sites of average popularity. 6 - a very well-promoted site. 7 is a value that is practically unattainable for many sites, but sometimes it occurs. The values ​​8, 9, 10 have extremely popular and significant projects. For example, now the English Wikipedia has PR= 8, Microsoft site = 9. Only a few dozen sites have a value of 10, for example www.whitehouse.gov, www.adobe.com... It is believed that the essence PR is such that it is difficult for them to manipulate. So if you get a good PR, it will be difficult for your competitors to compete with you.

LinkRank Is the link value of the page from which the link comes. LinkRank equal to the purchased page PageRank, to which there is only a link from the analyzed page.

WebaltaRank (WR) - a value that determines the position of the Internet resource in the search engine Webalta, taking into account links and quotes to it from other sites.

How to install a citation index button ("money") on your website

The button (counter) of the citation index allows you to visually (in real time) display TCI, VIC and JRC site.


- go to the page help.yandex.ru/catalogue/?id=873433;

- into the text field Site address http: // enter your website address (without the http: // prefix);

- press the button to get the code;

- copy the code that appears in the scrolling list;

- include it in the html-code of your page;

- now on your site there will always be a "money" of the required "dignity" - the number written on it will correspond to the citation index of your resource! ..

Notes (edit)

1. Citation index Yandex calculated for all resources, links to which Yandex. found on the Russian Internet, provided that the resulting value TCI for them at least 10.


- go to the sitepr-cy.ru;

- In chapter Counter of particles and pr in the text box Your domain: http: // enter your website address (without the http: // prefix), click Check;

- on the opened page Informer for displaying particles and pr choose a counter style for your site;

- add the counter code to your website:

Notes (edit)

1. The counter shows TCI and Google PR.

2. If the counter does not appear when loading, refresh the page.

3. Data is updated after updating TCI and PR, automatically.

4. First select the style, then copy the code.

5. You can do a complete analysis of your site.

To do this, in the section Complete analysis in the text box Your domain: http: // enter your website address (without the http: // prefix), click Check;

- the page with SEO-analysis of your site.

6. You can do a quick domain analysis.

To do this, in the section Fast domain analysis enter your website url, click Check;

- a page with a short SEO-analysis of your site.


- go to the siteprcy.myws.ru;

- into the text field Website address enter the url of your site (without a prefix, for example, google.com), press the button Refresh;

- click in the scrolling list The code, copy the highlighted code, use it on your website webpages:


- in the text box enter one or more Url(enter each next address on a new line);

- press the button Submitting a request;

- a window with the query results will open.

How to install in a web browser Google Toolbar

- go to the site Google Toolbar;

- if necessary, in the drop-down list Select a language Choose language;

- press the button Install Google Toolbar;

- in the next window, check the box Enable PageRank;

- press the button Accept terms and conditions and download.

Notes (edit)

1. An open Internet connection is required.

2. As part of search technology Google, button PageRank indicates the level of importance that is determined based on several factors, including the number of important pages associated with this web page. The more the number of important pages associated with a web page, the higher its ranking PageRank.

How to enable the function PageRank Google Toolbars

- on the Toolbars click on the icon with a stylized image of a wrench;

- in the window Google Toolbar Settings open the tab Tools;

- check the box PageRank, press the button Save.

Valery Sidorov

The idea of ​​the importance of a resource in terms of the number of its citations on other sites of the network was borrowed from the scientific community. The idea is simple, the more often you are quoted by others and the better the resources where you are quoted, the better.

However, concepts are better, worse cannot be quantified. To quantify the significance of a resource, search engines entered their own indices. Google introduced PageRank (PR), and Yandex introduced TIC (Thematic Citation Index).

Here is what Yandex writes about its TIC citation index:

"Our thematic index takes into account the number of links to the site from other sites, giving these links different" weight "(that is, significance) depending on the authority of the linking site"

What is TIC Yandex

It is believed that Yandex has an unpublished weighted citation index of the VIC that is not published anywhere. It resembles PageRank and shows the overall importance of a site without considering its subject matter. According to the theory, the VIC is not available to webmasters and works “for official use”. To optimize the site and work with it, the TIC is more interesting.

As you can see in the quote from Yandex itself, the more links to your site, the better they are, the more the site has its TIC. An important feature of the TIC is its calculation for the whole site, and not for individual pages. Yandex shows TIC in values ​​rounded to tens of 10, 20, etc.

How to check TIC Yandex

Let's see how to find out the TIC of a site. Here are some options.

Yandex webmaster

If you need to look at the TIC of your site, then the most reasonable thing is to create an account in Yandex tools. Webmaster. In the wizard's office, you can monitor the indexing of your site and its parameters without any problems. The TIC will be available on the main page of the cabinet. In addition, the history of the TIC is kept here.

However, Yandex.Webmaster is not available for determining competitors' TICs.

SEO tools online

Remember, TCI values ​​may depend on the use of www in the site's domain (these are not links).

  • http://info.seocafe.info/tools/prcyinformer/(with informer)
  • http://info.seocafe.info/tools/massprcy/(bulk check)
  • http://seo-tols.com/tools/massprcy/(list up to 6, with informer)
  • http://pr-cy.ru/ (general SEO site analysis)
  • http://www.seogadget.ru/prcy
  • https://seobudget.ru/freechecker/
  • http://www.raskruty.ru/tools/cypr/(up to 1000 sites)
  • https://www.cy-pr.com/tools/masscheck/(bulk check)
  • http://gogolev.net/tools/webmaster/
  • http://e.megaindex.ru/ (comprehensive SEO audit)
  • http://seo-monster.ru/
  • https://seolib.ru/tools/site/cypr/
  • https://xtool.ru/blog/proverka-tic-pr/

The list can be continued, but it is more interesting to further reduce the time for checking the TCI and use browser extensions for this.

Browser extensions


It will further accelerate the recognition of TIC, one of the special extensions of the browser used.

  • RDS bar... chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/rds-bar-seo-pagerank-dmoz/jlipcaflaocihnmlhnhcfombgmmfglho?hl=en
  • SEO-tools... chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/seo-tools/pchdjfphepablonpcppmolebmpebgjia?hl=en
  • SEO informer... chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/seo-informer/echecnhplnnhmcemelogefnpjohpbfpk
  • Yandex TYC... chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/yandex-tyc-%2B-google-pr-in/npnpocgajlfmoaaaglofcoedjpcilale?hl=ru
  • Site analysis from PR-CY.ru(following a link).


  • RDS bar(seo: tit, pr, dmoz, sape) addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/rds-bar/
  • TYC + PR indicator... addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/tyc-pr-indicator/
  • Webmaster SAPE... addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/webmaster-sape/
  • Seo panel xtool_checker... addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/xtool_checker/


According to Yandex, the site's TIC does not affect its ranking in search results. However, the TIC remains an important indicator for assessing the quality of the site for exchanges and services that trade links.

In my opinion, there are more important topics for discussion at this distance from the start. But many who have just started a blog are interested in seeing the numbers showing the "" of their blog every day (while the wallet has 0 rubles, so at least please yourself with abstract numbers).

Visitor counter button

You can get it in the service that you use to count visitors. Whether it's LiveInternet, Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics. Everything is simple here - the services themselves are happy to offer you a code for placing the button.

TCI button

We get the button. Earlier I wanted to devote a separate article to the TCI indicator. But, nevertheless, it seems to me that there is not much to say about him. Here are just the facts worth mentioning:

  • TCI(thematic citation index) - a multiple of 10 (0, 10, 20, ..., 50, 100, ..., 1000, 100500, etc.), which is considered the "weight" (authority) of the site in " eyes "search engine Yandex. Perhaps, Yandex has the maximum TCI (210,000 at the moment). Like my blog, I wrote earlier;
  • growth of the TCI indicator is associated with an increase in the number of links to your site from other sites. The more various sites link to your - the better for the growth of the TCI. Surely not from every site the link is useful for the growth of TCI (useless - does not mean that it is harmful), otherwise enterprising people have long found a way to generate a million of the same type of useless sites, not forgetting to put a link from them to the "promoted" site;
  • TCI update is carried out by Yandex with a period from 2 weeks to 2-3 months. On average, once a month you can find a change in numbers on the TCI button;
  • why do we need a TCI- a philosophical question. My opinion: to estimate the cost of a link on a site if you want to sell links from your site. Although officially Yandex does not approve of link trading.

Everything else that can be said about this mysterious indicator of Yandex authority is controversial, far-fetched, etc. TCI build-up algorithms represent commercial value. Moreover, the guarantees of the performance of the algorithm offered at the sale are bullshit. The only guarantee is your mind. Beware of scammers who sell TCI.

Thank you for your attention. I'll go turn it on and cook my own lunch in it. Still, I deserve it - I wrote such an article.