The app on the iPhone stopped seeing the subscription. How to cancel paid subscriptions on iPhone? Subscription is not canceled

There is always something to spend money on in the iTunes Store: interesting games, movies, favorite music, useful applications and much more. In addition, Apple is developing a subscription system that allows access to advanced features for a humane fee. However, when you want to stop recurring expenses, you need to cancel your subscription, and you can do this in different ways.

Each time, Apple and other companies are expanding the number of subscription services. For example, take at least Apple Music. For a low monthly fee, you or your entire family can have unlimited access to your iTunes music collection by listening to new albums online and downloading especially favorites to your device for offline listening. If you decide to cancel some subscriptions to Apple services, you can do this through the iTunes program that is installed on your computer or through your mobile device.

Method 1: iTunes

For those who prefer to perform all actions from a computer, this option for solving the problem is suitable.

Method 2: Settings in iPhone or iPad

The easiest way to manage all your subscriptions is directly from your device. It doesn't matter if you're using a smartphone or tablet, canceling a subscription is the same.

Removing an application from a smartphone does not mean unsubscribing to it. Due to such an erroneous opinion, many users are faced with a situation where a program or game was deleted from the phone a long time ago, and funds for it are written off over a long period.

Some developers do not send emails warning about automatic debiting of money after the end of the paid period. This is done not only for the purpose of obtaining additional income, but also because of the heavy workload. Letters may also not arrive after the expiration of an already paid subscription period.

Even after the complete cancellation of the completed subscription, the application will be available during the previously paid period. It is important to pay attention to the received email. Always with any change in the Apple ID, an email is sent to the email specified in the account, which details the actions taken. The absence of this letter indicates that something went wrong in the process. In such a situation, it is better to check the list of subscriptions again after a day or two.

  1. First of all, you need to go to the section "Settings" in your gadget.
  2. The first line in this section is the first and last name of the person to whom the Apple ID is registered. Click on this period. Account access is required to manage subscriptions. If you're not logged in with an Apple ID, don't remember your password, or don't own the device, you won't be able to delete or edit paid subscriptions.
  3. Next, you need to find the line "iTunes Store and App Store". Depending on the version of iOS, some details may differ slightly in their location.
  4. In line "Apple ID" your email address must be included. We click on it.
  5. After clicking, a small window with 4 lines opens. In order to go to settings and subscriptions, select the line "View Apple ID". At this stage, you may sometimes need to re-enter your account password. Especially in cases where you have not entered an access code for a long time.
  6. In the settings section of your Apple ID, all personal information about the account will appear. We click on the button "Subscriptions".
  7. Chapter "Subscriptions" includes two lists: active and inactive. In the top list, you will find all applications that are currently paid for, as well as programs with a free trial period. In the second list - "Inactive"- Apps that have been subscribed to have expired or been deleted. To edit a subscription option, click on the desired program.
  8. In chapter "Change Subscription Settings" you can specify a new expiration date for the registration, as well as completely unsubscribe. To do this, click on the button "Unsubscribe".

From this moment on, your subscription will become disabled, which means that spontaneous debiting of funds from the card will not be made.

Possible issues with iTunes subscriptions

Due to the rather confusing work of the subscription service, many users have problems and questions. Unfortunately, Apple's support service does not work as well as we would like. In order to solve the most common problems regarding financial issues, we have considered them separately.

Problem 1: No subscriptions, but money is debited

Sometimes a situation arises when you check your subscription section in iTunes and there are no paid programs there, but a certain amount is debited from your bank card. Let's take a look at why this could happen.

First of all, we recommend checking if your card is linked to other iTunes accounts. It doesn't matter how long ago it happened. Remember if you indicated your data with the help of relatives or friends. In order to untie a bank card from iTunes, to which you do not have access, you can contact your bank or use online banking to prohibit payments without SMS confirmation.

Secondly, you should never ignore the possibility of a technical failure. Especially during the update period and the release of new versions of iOS, it is possible that your account does not show your subscriptions. You can also check the list of active subscriptions through your email. When you activate a paid subscription to any application, you receive a confirmation email. Thus, you can check which programs you have previously subscribed to and unsubscribe using the above method.

If you are absolutely sure that there are no subscriptions or that the card is attached to other accounts, you need to contact Apple support, as your card may have been hacked by scammers.

Problem 2: There is no "Unsubscribe" button

The most common problem is the lack of an unsubscribe button. This situation is faced by account holders who did not pay for the use of the application on time. Button "Unsubscribe" is displayed only in the case when there are no outstanding bills on the account. And it absolutely does not matter whether you overdue payment for a particular subscription or for another. For example, you downloaded a paid game some time ago and installed it for a free trial period that ended after a month. After 30 days, instead of canceling your subscription, you simply deleted the game and forgot about it.

To resolve the situation in this case, you should contact the support service for a specific application, having previously paid the debt. If you want to dispute the debt, you should also file a complaint with the program support team, describing the situation in detail and explaining why you think you do not owe anything. Please note: in most cases, such applications are rejected. That's why we note how important it is to keep a close eye on your subscriptions.

In this article, you learned all the current options for canceling a subscription and solving related problems associated with the inability to perform this operation.

We think that it often happens to everyone - you have issued monthly subscription in the AppStore for a specific application and now for one reason or another want to cancel this subscription. Perhaps you stopped liking this application or the need for it disappeared, or you even forgot that you signed up for a subscription, and then you received a message about debiting funds.

Cancel subscription payment you can directly from your iPhone or iPad, the most important thing is to know how. For those who come across this for the first time and do not know how to cancel a paid subscription, we explain how to do it:

First of all, we pass in settings your device, then go to the section " iTunes Store and App Store". In this section, at the very top, click on your Apple ID. Click on it, then click on "View Apple ID".

After successful authorization in your account, select the section " Subscriptions". In this section, all active and inactive subscriptions that you previously issued will be visible.

In our case, there is one active subscription and to cancel it, you just need to click on it. At the very end you will see the inscription " Cancel Subscription"- press.

After that, you will see a subscription confirmation window. Click confirm. You have successfully canceled your subscription. In this way, you can cancel your subscription even to Yandex music, even to Apple Music. You will see all active subscriptions in this section and on any iPhone, even 5s, 6, 7, 8 or 10.

And lastly, keep little life hack. In the event that you make out the so-called trial subscription, for which money is not debited for a certain period, but at the same time you do not want to pay for subscriptions further, then we do the following. At once after registration, go to the subscription and cancel it. The free subscription will continue to work, and you do not need to wait for the end of the trial period, and most importantly, you will not be able to forget that you previously subscribed to this subscription.

That's all we have. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Good luck to all!

Alexander Grishin

Some programs or games from the App Store have a paid subscription option. Some of them can be used for free, and if you want to buy a PRO version, and there are completely paid copies, with a trial period of 7 to 30 days.

The latter option implies automatic debiting of funds after the "probe", for example, for 1 month of subscription to updates. Therefore, it is very important to know how to disable a paid subscription to applications on an iPhone so that money is not automatically debited from your account.

What is a subscription?

A subscription is the granting of access to certain content of an application or game that is not available in the free version, or a periodic payment for use.

Disable Subscriptions via iPhone

To view and remove installed subscriptions from your phone, you must:

  1. Go to settings menu
  2. Go to the "iTunes Store and App Store" tab
  3. Click on the line "Apple ID" and select "View" in the window that opens.

Note! Subscription deactivation is carried out only after the end of the previously paid period. Those. if you have already paid for a month in advance and canceled the subscription, it will still be valid for another month.

Cancel Subscriptions Using iTunes

You can also cancel a paid subscription on iPhone through a computer using iTunes. To do this, you need to log in to the program using your Apple ID, click on "Account" and click "View" in the menu that appears.

After that, you need to go to " Settings", There is an item" Subscriptions", And on the side of this line the button" Manage", By clicking on which, you can disable paid applications both on the iPhone 5s and 6, and on all other Apple devices.

During the WWDC 2017 conference, Apple CEO Tim Cook revealed that the company paid out $70 billion in total to app developers in a year. One of them, Johnny Lin, was curious about where such a gigantic amount came from.

Johnny Lin, mobile developer

Lin took a look at the top-grossing programs in the digital store and found some rather suspicious ones. They included a subscription that users unknowingly signed up for when they installed the app. For example, one VPN service charged a person about $125 per week.

That is why it is very useful to periodically check your subscriptions.

How to check subscriptions

To find out which apps are sucking money from your card, first go to your iPhone or iPad settings. In the iTunes & App Store tab, find the Apple ID button, click on it, and select View Apple ID.

At the bottom of the account settings page is the Subscriptions section. In it you can find information about all active subscriptions and when they end and renew.

Click on a specific subscription to change its duration or cancel it altogether. You will be able to enjoy all the benefits until it expires.

You can also manage subscriptions from a Mac. Sign in to iTunes and select "View My Account" from the "Account" tab in the menu bar. The account information page will open. Clicking the Account button on the main page of the Mac App Store will open the same page.

Here you can make adjustments to payments and subscriptions. If you are the organizer of a family subscription, you will not be able to manage other people's subscriptions. Only account holders can do this.

The iPhone is good, in many ways even beautiful. But for various add-ons (listening to music, using the application, and so on) there is a fee, and it sometimes turns out to be quite substantial. Often the user agrees to a trial period, and when it ends, he wonders where the funds from the account have disappeared. And if you don’t want to be in such a situation, you need to know where and how to view subscriptions on iPhone 7, 7 Plus, 6, 8, 10, 5, 6S, 5S and how to turn them off in time so as not to lose your hard-earned money.

Important! Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the end of the application. Otherwise, the system will easily decide that you, by your silence, agree to an extension, and write off the money. Therefore, it is better to unsubscribe from the iPhone subscription in advance, before the day the paid or trial period ends.

Consider three options that are deservedly popular:

  • making adjustments to the settings on the device itself;
  • iTunes control (great for PC use);
  • logging into the App Store and canceling everything you don't need.

Where to see subscriptions on iPhone

First, let's figure out how to view paid subscriptions on the iPhone itself without auxiliary software, only by the iPhone itself. This option can be used everywhere, since it does not require, for example, a computer.

To do this, on the device, go to personal settings. Next, go to the iTunes and App Store section.

Select View Apple ID.

Please note that before you can find out subscriptions on iPhone, you may need to authenticate to confirm further actions.

Following this, go to the subsection where the iPhone subscriptions are located by clicking on the appropriate item.

A list will open, select from it the one that you need to cancel on iPhone 7 as an unnecessary subscription. Detailed information about it will appear.

First, there is an indication of the validity period of the current option, then options where you can find the renewal of an iPhone subscription for a different period. Below them is a button to cancel the renewal. If you click it, the application or service will continue to work until the end of the paid period, and after that it will be disabled.

Do the same for any other items on the list that you don't like.

Similarly, you can view subscriptions on iPhone, where payment is made directly through Apple. But with third-party service providers, everything is more complicated. For example, streaming sites often require you to log in to your personal account on the corresponding resource.

Interesting: Users from Turkey, Israel and South Africa, where paid iPhone subscriptions have their own rules, can view and cancel them instantly, with a refund for unused time. The amount of the balance will depend on the period that remains before the end of the paid period.

Control via iTunes

An alternative way to cancel a subscription to an application or service on an iPhone is to use iTunes. The method works equally well for PC and Mac.

It also requires you to sign in with your Apple ID for the system to allow changes. After that, you need to go to the account information through the corresponding item of the main menu of the program.

At this stage, authentication may be required, after which it will be possible to proceed directly to viewing. To enter subscriptions like on an iPhone, scroll to the settings section.

At the very bottom, under the options, is the cancel button. Use it to refuse further service.

How to view paid subscriptions in the App Store

Another place where in-app purchase subscriptions lurk on the iPhone is the App Store, the main app store where purchases are usually made and subscriptions to something you want to cancel later.

Open the store and go to your account at the very bottom and open your account details. Before letting you into the section where it is possible to disable a subscription on an iPhone, the system will ask you to enter a password. Then you can go to the desired subsection.

Open the section where you can select the iPhone app subscription that you want to delete as unnecessary.

The detailed view will also display information about possible extension methods, if you still decide not to part with the service and continue to use it.

There will also be a cancel button. Use it to no longer pay for the use of this program. Please note that it will be available at the end of the paid term (if you are not from the above countries where special rules apply).

If the methods described above did not work for you for some reason, you can also contact Apple technical support directly. Describe the situation and your difficulties in order to get qualified help from specialists. Also, this method can be used if you accidentally subscribed to something.