Change the default font size in Word. Changing the default font in Word The larger font in Word does not change

Q: Word won't change font

There is a file. Font "gost type B".
I want to change to Times or Arial. Doesn't change. The format does not clean, etc. I don't know how or what to do.
File fragment attached.

Answer: vmaxime, tried the VBA code taken. It helped with the attached piece, try it on a copy of the document.

Sub changeToRusGOSTB() Selection.WholeStory Selection.Font.Name = "GOST type B" For i = 61632 To 61695 a1 = i a = Trim("^u") & Trim(Str(a1)) b1 = i - 60592 Selection. Find.ClearFormatting Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting With Selection.Find .Text = a .Replacement.Text = ChrW(b1) .Forward = True .Wrap = wdFindContinue .MatchCase = True End With Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll Next i For i = 61472 To 61533 a1 = i a = Trim("^u") & Trim(Str(a1)) b1 = i - 61440 Selection.Find.ClearFormatting Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting With Selection.Find .Text = a .Replacement.Text = ChrW(b1) .Forward = True .Wrap = wdFindContinue .MatchCase = True End With Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll Next i For i = 61535 To 61627 a1 = i a = Trim("^ u") & Trim(Str(a1)) b1 = i - 61440 Selection.Find.ClearFormatting Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting With Selection.Find .Text = a .Replacement.Text = ChrW(b1) .Forward = True . Wrap = wdFindContinue .MatchCase = True End With Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll Next i Selection.WholeStory Selection.LanguageID = wdRussian Application.CheckLanguage = True End Sub

Question: Style in Word 2003

Good afternoon.
Maybe someone has come across something similar.
In a Word 2003 document, Font - Times New Roman, for some reason gives only bold and bold italic - style, even if you look in the Font menu in the Style section, there are only two items, although in other fonts everything is fine, the style is normal. Accordingly, the entire document is written in bold, which is not good.
Tried reinstalling all of Office but didn't help. Unfortunately, I can’t attach a screenshot, because. it's on a different computer.
Ask for advice)

Answer: Each font style is a separate file. Perhaps you do not have files of the corresponding styles, look in the fonts folder there should be four files. Download font Times New Roman all styles.

Q: Changing font options for a specific language in Word

Good afternoon.

I constantly encounter a problem - when choosing a language (in my case, Sanskrit), Word changes the font every time from the previous setting (Times New Roman) to Mangal. It has not yet been possible to disable this feature.

Added after 9 minutes
Also changes to Colibri, in the same word. Another point - the layout is not from the delivery of Windows.

Answer: Further more interesting - Mangala is not in the list of fonts, but reappeared in the Word, and when typing with this layout, only he is already turned on and does not jump. Previously, I always jumped within one word.

Question: Word fonts

How is the addition of letters of the alphabet of another language to ready-made Word fonts?

Answer: In particular. program Font Creator 5.0 allows you to edit already existing TrueType and OpenType fonts (see) and create new fonts based on existing ones.

Added after 3 minutes

Just be careful with changes - not only Word uses fonts.

Also note that some non-standard fonts may affect other fonts (particularly when displayed in a browser). We recently encountered such a problem, and in order to restore the normal look of the browser, the non-standard font had to be removed.

Question: Hieroglyphs in Word

Good afternoon I have such a problem, there is a document in which there are formulas, but they are displayed in hieroglyphs. And when you click on it, MathType shows a completely different formula. Tried different versions of Word2007,2010 as well as MathType 4.0; 6.0; 6.9 and MathCAD 2000.14. I also tried different fonts. The application has a part of the file (I can send it to the mail in full) and images with a problem. Please help fix this if possible.

Answer: Maybe it's all about fonts or versions. I just don't know how to fix it anymore.

Question: Grouping fonts in Word

Is it possible to somehow combine certain (chosen by me) fonts into a separate folder / section? Maybe what add-on / add-on needs to be installed or something else?

The problem is that there is a certain set of fonts (specific, so to speak), the name of which does not correctly display the Word, and between them you need to introduce a system like sections (with the names of the sections / folders themselves) for the convenience of finding the desired font (so that each just don’t poke at random looking for the right one, and since they all don’t differ much from each other, this complicates the search even more)

Answer: Dokim0s, can styles do with the right fonts?

Question: Letters sticking together in MS Word 2003

“Adhesion” of letters in MS Word 2003 (in 2007 and 2010 - the same thing!). View - “Normal” or “Page Layout”, with “Web Document” - normal. It appears only when displayed on the monitor screen (both CRT and LCD!), on the printout - it's normal. Noticeable in the smallest font (eg Tahoma 8). The kerning and spacing settings do not help: with an increase in the spacing, the “sticky” letters “fall apart”, but the spacings that were normal before become unacceptably large, i.e. there is a noticeable unevenness of the value of intersymbol intervals. Screen resolution does not play a role (it appears up to the “native” 1920 * 1200 on a 17 ’’ laptop!). Is this problem solvable?

Answer: viwaldy,
We have regulated the Times new Roman font for all documents, perhaps the problem is in it. If in a problematic document you change the font to any and back, then in half the cases it helps.

Question: Is the Tahoma font guaranteed in the OS?

Good evening.
I am writing a program that should also work on Windows XP. It checks if the Segoe UI font is installed and changes the font in all signatures in the program window to this one. If there is no font, Tahoma is used.

I was interested in the question: Is it possible to be sure that Tahoma will be present on Windows XP? I've seen it in a clean install, but haven't tried to remove it. Is there a font that you can be sure you have in Windows XP?


The default shell user interface font differs from one set of languages ​​to another. For all Latin and European languages, it remains the same as English (Tahoma).
The Arabic Widows edition of the default desktop theme is equal to the classic, classic desktop font used by Microsoft Sans Serif while the standard desktop font is Tahoma.

If you at least sometimes inserted text into Microsoft Word from some other file, for example, with the *.pdf extension, then you probably encountered a situation where you couldn’t change the style of writing letters. Let's now figure out what the problem might be, and what to do to still change the font for the text.

The first reason can be quite banal - due to inattention, you did not select the desired fragment. Therefore, select either everything printed or a small piece and select one of the available font options in the drop-down list.

Some are faced with the following situation - they inserted information into a document from the Internet and cannot change the words so that they become familiar Times New Roman or Arial.

In this case, you can do the following. Go to Start and find in the list or through the search bar.

Return to the main document and copy the piece you are working with from it - select it and select the appropriate item in the context menu, or press Ctrl + C after selection.

After that, do the opposite - copy the text from Notepad and paste it into Word. This way might help.

There is one more option. To do this, select the desired fragment and on the "Home" tab, click on the button "Clear Format", or, in newer versions of the editor, "Clear All Formatting".

If none of the above helped, and at the same time you are trying to apply some beautiful font from the list to the text, then it simply cannot be selected for Russian words.

The fact is that some fonts are not created for all languages, and when you use one of these, the printed may simply not change.

Therefore, it is worth choosing something else from the list that applies to your text.

If you didn’t pick up anything, then you can install additional fonts in Word. Follow the link to download a set of 179 pieces, and you will also learn how to install them there.

Everything from the drop-down list can definitely be applied to English text. Highlight words, choose a font, and the printed text will change accordingly.

These are all the methods known to me that should be used to solve the problem with a font that cannot be changed in Word.

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Are you frustrated by having to change the font size every time you create a document in Word? Want to know how to end this once and for all and set your favorite default font size for all documents?!

Microsoft installed the font in Word 2007 Calibri size 11 after being in that role for many years Times New Roman size 12. Although this is easy to get used to, in Microsoft Word, you can change almost all the default settings. For example, you can use the font Calibri size 12 or Comic Sans size 48 - whatever you want! Next, you will learn how to change the default font settings in Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010.

How to change font settings in Microsoft Word

To change the default font settings, click on the small arrow icon in the lower right corner of the section Font(Font) tab Home(Home).

In the dialog box Font(Font) Set the desired options for the font. Notice the line +Body(+Body text) in the field Font(Font), it says that the font itself will be determined by the style of the document that you select, and only the font style and size are configured. That is, if the font is used in the document style settings Calibri, means the default font will be used Calibri, and the font size and style will be whatever you choose. If you want to set a specific font as the default, simply select it from the drop-down list, and this choice will take precedence over the font selected in the document style settings.

Here we will leave all the settings unchanged, just set the font character size to 12 (this is the text size for the body of the document). Those who use Asian languages, such as Chinese, may see the settings box for Asian languages. When the options are selected, click the button Set as Default(Default) in the lower left corner of the dialog box.

You will be asked to confirm if you really want to set these default settings. In Word 2010, you will be given two options to choose from - change the default settings for this document only or for all documents. Check option All documents based on the Normal.dotm template(all documents based on the Normal.dotm template) and click OK.

In Word 2007 just click OK to save changes to the default settings.

From now on, every time you start Word or create a new document, your default font will be exactly as you specified. If you decide to change the settings again, just repeat all the steps again.

Editing a template file

Another way to change the default font settings is to change the file Normal.dotm. Word creates new documents from this file. It usually just copies the formatting from that file into the newly created document.

To change a file Normal.dotm, enter the following expression in the address bar of the explorer or in the command line:


This command will open the Microsoft Office templates folder. Right click on the file Normal.dotm and from the context menu choose open(Open) to open the file for editing.

Do not try to open the file by double-clicking the left mouse button - this will only lead to the creation of a new document from the template Normal.dotm, and any changes you make will not be saved in the template file.

Now change any font settings as you normally would.

Remember: Anything you change or type in this document will appear in every new Word document you create.

If you suddenly want to reset all settings to the initial ones, just delete the file Normal.dotm. Word will recreate it with default settings the next time you start the program.

Please remember: Changing the default font size will not affect the font size in existing documents. They will still use the settings that were specified when these documents were created. In addition, for the template Normal.dotm may be affected by some add-ons. If you feel like Word doesn't remember font settings, try disabling add-ins and see what happens.


Sometimes the little things can be very annoying. Being able to customize the default font the way you want it is a great help to get rid of irritation and make your work more productive.

Now answer the question: Which default font do you prefer - Calibri size 11, Times New Roman size 12 or some other combination? Write your answers in the comments, let the world know what you like!

If you at least sometimes inserted text into Microsoft Word from some other file, for example, with the *.pdf extension, then you probably encountered a situation where you couldn’t change the style of writing letters. Let's now figure out what the problem might be, and what to do to still change the font for the text.

The first reason can be quite banal - due to inattention, you did not select the desired fragment. Therefore, select either everything printed or a small piece and select one of the available font options in the drop-down list.

Some are faced with the following situation - they inserted information into a document from the Internet and cannot change the words so that they become familiar Times New Roman or Arial.

In this case, you can do the following. Go to Start and find in the list or through the search bar.

Return to the main document and copy the piece you are working with from it - select it and select the appropriate item in the context menu, or press Ctrl + C after selection.

After that, do the opposite - copy the text from Notepad and paste it into Word. This way might help.

There is one more option. To do this, select the desired fragment and on the "Home" tab, click on the button "Clear Format", or, in newer versions of the editor, "Clear All Formatting".

If none of the above helped, and at the same time you are trying to apply some beautiful font from the list to the text, then it simply cannot be selected for Russian words.

The fact is that some fonts are not created for all languages, and when you use one of these, the printed may simply not change.

Therefore, it is worth choosing something else from the list that applies to your text.

If you didn’t pick up anything, then you can install additional fonts in Word. Follow the link to download a set of 179 pieces, and you will also learn how to install them there.

Everything from the drop-down list can definitely be applied to English text. Highlight words, choose a font, and the printed text will change accordingly.

These are all the methods known to me that should be used to solve the problem with a font that cannot be changed in Word.

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Why doesn't the font change in Microsoft Word? This question is relevant for many users who have encountered such a problem at least once in this program. You select the text, select the appropriate font from the list, but no changes occur. If you are familiar with this situation, you have come to the right place. Below we will deal with why the font in Word does not change and answer the question of whether this problem can be fixed.

No matter how trite and sad it may sound, there is only one reason that the font does not change in Word - the font you have chosen does not support the language in which the text is written. That's all, and it's impossible to fix this problem on your own. It's just a fact to be accepted. The font could originally be created for one or more languages, just the one in which you typed the text may not be in this list, and you should be prepared for this.

This problem is especially typical for text printed in Russian, especially if a third-party font is selected. If you have a licensed version of Microsoft Office installed on your computer that officially supports the Russian language, then when using the classic fonts presented in the program initially, you will not encounter the problem we are considering.

Note: Unfortunately, more or less original (in terms of appearance) fonts are often completely or partially inapplicable to the Russian language. A simple example of this is one of the four available Arial font types (shown in the screenshot).


If you can create a font yourself and adapt it for the Russian language - great, then the problem raised in this article will certainly not affect you. For all other users who are faced with the inability to change the font for text, we can only recommend one thing - find in the large list of Word fonts as close as possible to the one you need. This is the only measure that will help find at least some way out of the situation.

You can also search for a suitable font on the vast expanses of the Internet. In our article, presented at the link below, you will find links to trusted resources where a huge number of fonts for this program are available for download. There we also talk about how to install the font into the system, how to then activate it in a text editor.



We sincerely hope that we have answered the question why the font does not change in Word. This is indeed an actual problem, but, to our great regret, its solution, for the most part, does not exist. It just so happened that a font that is far from always pleasing to the eye can be applicable to the Russian language. But, if you put a little effort and effort, you can find a font that is as close as possible to it.