Correspondence by email - instruction. E-mail correspondence - instruction manual movement letters to folder

On Mail.Ru Incoming letters are saved in the "Inbox" folder, and outgoing - in the "Sent" folder. Messages that could not be conveyed due to the interruption of sending or network are placed in the "Cherniviki" folder. The location of the letters can be changed by moving them into the above folders or creating new ones. After removing letters from the folders, they are placed in the "Basket" folder. By default, all letters are automatically deleted from the mailbox in the basket. To change this setting, in the "Mailbox Interface" section you need to remove a tick next to the "Clean the Basket folder at the entrance" string. Rambler- contains the same folders as When removing messages from the folders, they move to the basket. You can clean the basket manually by clicking on the corresponding button next to the folder. The shelf life of letters in it expires after 30 days .Yandex-mail also has such folders as "incoming", "sent", "draft", "spam", only the basket is referred to as "deleted". The shelf life of letters in this folder is 7 days, after which they are automatically deleted. You can manually remove messages by clicking the Clear Folder tab. Gmail In addition to the "Inbox" folders, "sent", "Spam", "Chernoviki" contains such as "marked" to make it easier to look for certain letters, and "important" to keep the most significant messages. Letters sent to the "Basket" folder are automatically removed after 30 days. You can manually delete them by clicking on the Clear Basket tab in this folder. In the opening of email Microsoft Outlook. ("Starting - All Programs - Outlook Express) You can see the" Inbox "folders," outgoing "," sent "and" Chernoviki ", where letters are stored. Also on your computer is a message bank, the path to which can be viewed in Outlook Express as follows: Service - Parameters - Service - Bank Messages. Usually letters are on the disk with - Documents and Settings - User - Local Settings - Application Data - Identities - Microsoft - Outlook Express. Letters can be saved in any other place on your computer by clicking when the "Location of Message Bank" window appears on the Edit button.


  • Gmail.

Invested files into emails allow you to not translate the contents of the message to a written look, and allow the addressee to the very much what the sender wants to show. However, sometimes open attachments do not work. There may be several reasons for any.


The first needed thing that needs to open attachments is installed programwhich allows you to view files with appropriate extensions. For example, such common MS Office 2010 version files are preserved in a format that are not older versions of office programs. Posted file created in a highly specialized program, think if the recipient can open the attachment. It is better to send the use of common formats. Or make sure that it has the same program that you use.

Some modern online services, for example, Gmail allow you to open attachments without loading them on hDD . Thus, you can view attached files, even if you do not have the appropriate programs. True, the list supported to display in online formats is not so wide. Basically, these are pictures, Documents of the MS Office package and files adobe format PDF. However, a serious advantage of using this service is the ability to operate online with office documents, to make corrections in them, edit them, etc.

Distribution of letters in the mail on the desired folders, in accordance with certain criteria - the thing is very comfortable and useful! In this article, I will show how to create folders for letters in the mail service Mail.Ru, as well as how to configure the automatic movement of letters to the desired folders immediately after entering the mail or how to do it manually.

In the previous 2nd articles, it was about how to place emails on mail folders from Google (Gmail) and Yandex. The principle is similar, but if something is not clear, you can find an answer in those articles.

Creating folders for letters in Mail.Ru

Being in his mail Mail.Ru, Move the mouse over the block on the left, where the main mail folders are located, such as, for example, "incoming", "sent", "Chernoviki". Below will appear the link "Configure Folders". Go through it.

Click "Add Folder".

Specify the name of the folder so that you can understand what letters will be in it. You can specify the position of the folder, namely: to position the folder at the level with the rest (nearby) or to attach the folder into any already created and, thus, to make it subfold.

For example, you can attach a folder into "incoming", and you can either have previously created the previously created folder if required.

For example, you receive letters from the manual and create a "from the manual" folder. But these letters can still be divided into categories "Reports", "Plans", etc. Thus, if necessary, you can create the appropriate subfolders in the already created folder "from the manual".

Click "Add" to create a folder.

The folder is created. You can immediately see it in the "folders" section of the mail settings, as well as in the overall window with letters.

Move the desired letters to the appropriate folders on Mail.Ru

As in other mail services, on Mail.Ru you can move letters on the desired folders as manually and automatically.

Manual movement of letters in the folder

Manual movement is when you choose one or more specific letters and select the folder to which they will be moved.

To do this, you mark one or more letters in the list of letters, click on the "Move B" button and select the desired folder from the list.

The same can be done already in an open letter.

Automatic distribution of letters in folders (filtering)

The automatic method implies the setting of the so-called filter so that certain letters themselves are placed in the appropriate folders according to the conditions you specify.

Automatic distribution of letters in folders You can configure in the "Filtering Rules" section of the parameters of your mail.

Quickly configure the distribution of letters in folders as follows:

All, the automatic movement of certain letters to the desired folder is configured. You can also enroll with other letters by asking the conditions you need.

Setting up the created folders and remove them

Any created folder can be changed and, of course, delete. To open the Action Window over the already created folder, click on it right-click. In the window that opens, select Edit to change the folder settings (for example, its name and location relative to other folders), "Clear" to delete all letters from the folder, "Delete", respectively, to delete the folder itself (the choice will appear: Move the letters to another folder or in a basket). Here you can also go to the creation of a new folder.

The "Clear" option is available only if there is at least one letter in the selected folder.


In the mail service Mail.Ru, folders are very easily created and the distribution of letters on them is configured. If you get a lot of letters from repeating addresses, it is very convenient to configure filtering to automatically accommodate them in the desired folders, as shown in the article. Well, some letters can be moved to any folders manually. Useful thing!

Add folder

  1. Click "Add Folder".
  2. In the "Name" field, enter the name of the new folder.
  3. In the "Position of the Folder" field, select:
  • "Folder at the top level" if you want the folder to be displayed in the list of other folders.
  • Name of the parent folder if you want to create a subfolder.
  • Install extra options, If you want to.
  • Click "Add".
  • You can also set the password on the folder. To do this, check the box next to the "folder is protected by a password" and fill in the fields:

    Clear folder

    If you want to clear the folder from letters, hover the mouse over the desired folder name and click "Clear". Letters from the folder will be in the "Basket" folder.

    Delete folder

    You can delete any folder, with the exception of the system: "Inbox", "Spam", "sent", "Chernoviki" and "Basket".

    To remove the folder, hover the mouse over your name and click on the icon.

    The folder will be permanently removed, and all letters will be in the "basket".

    Unable to delete the folder if there are invested folders. First you need to remove the invested folders, and then the folder at the top level.

    Rename folder

    You can rename personal folders. To go to the folder editing page, hover the mouse over your name and click on the icon.

    Rename the folder and click Edit.

    Folders "Incoming", "Spam", "Basket", "sent" can not be renamed.

    Make a folder inaccessible to download by mail programs by POP3

    To make the folder inaccessible to download via the POP3 protocol, hover the mouse over the desired folder and click on the icon. In the window that appears, install the check mark on the contrary "is not available for postal programs (POP3) "and click" Change ".

    You can not download posts by mail programs by POP3 protocol from folders "Sent", "Chernoviki" and "Basket".

    Make a folder archive

    If you move old letters to the "basket", they can aby: from "Basket" a letter is removed in 30 days. So that old letters have always been available, create an archive folder.

    To do this, check the "Make the Archive folder" checkbox. The folder will appear in the list after the "Chernivikov" and will have its own icon. In this folder fold old unclaimed letters in order not to clog the "incoming".

    Install on the password folder

    To set the password to the folder, hover the mouse over the name of the folder you need and click on the icon. In the window that appears, check the box opposite the "folder is protected by a password" and fill in the fields:

    The password for the folder will help additionally protect the letters that are contained in it. However, if someone has access to your drawer, it will not protect the letter completely. Turn on in the mail security SMS so that no one fell into your box.

    Order folders

    Folders in the mail are built automatically in alphabetical order. The first one always stands the folder "Inbox", then the folder with the name from 0 to ∞, then from A to Z and at the end - from A to Z. Complete the list of office folders: "Sent", "Outgoing", "Chernoviki", " Archive, "Spam", "Basket".

    If you want to put folders in your own order, add numbers at the beginning of their names: 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on until you denote the desired folders.

    Example manual order Folders with numbers at the beginning of the names

    If you have a problem with the input to the folder, use our assistant .

    For example, Sidorov.
    2. figure the address where your destination box is located, for example, @yandex
    3. Uside the services of special postal programs that will help you send and get, view email, for example, ***** @ *** RU
    4. Periodically check your box.

    Open on the Internet main page Yandex. To enter your mailbox Press in the upper right corner Log in mail .

    A window will appear for login and password.

    Enter your username and password and click To come in .

    Get a letter

    After you click the button To come in the window opens in front of you. Yandex Mail . On the left in the window: folders for work with mail. Folder " Incoming " Contains incoming letters and leaves first when entering into the mailbox.

    If you have already sent a letter already, then open it by clicking on the left mouse button on the author's name or on the topic of the letter.

    Note that the document may be invested in the letter, this can be understood if there is an designation for the attached file next to the letter "width \u003d" 256 "height \u003d" 116 "\u003e

    In the window that opens, save the file by selecting the appropriate folder upstairs.

    Check mail

    In order to test if you do not have new letters, click the link Check

    Delete a letter

    Select a letter or several letters you want to delete and check the tick opposite them.

    Write an email

    To create a message you enough, going into your mailbox, click on the link Write a letter


    Field "From" Filled automatically with your email address.

    Field "To whom" Designed to address the message to the recipient. Type in this field electronic address Recipient. (***** @ *** RU; ***** @ *** RU)

    In field "Subject" You can briefly describe what this letter is written about (for example: My first letter to a friend; Happy Birthday)

    Below is a text field, intended for the text of the letter itself.

    Button "Send" Sends an email to you to send it to the recipients written by you. Before clicking on it, check the correctly filling in all the fields of the letter you.

    How to send a photo or document by mail .

    Choose the desired file. (photo or document) and click on the button "Open".

    If you want to send more than one photo, click on the link "Attach files" again.

    To delete the attached file, press the Red Crossbox, which is next to the file name.

    Click on the button "To send a letter" . After downloading the file to the server, your letter will be sent.

    When departing email You get an automatic notification of the delivery of your letter to the recipient server as a message "The letter has been successfully sent."

    If in the future the mail server of the recipient will not be able to deliver the letter to the drawer of his user, you will receive a notice in the form of a letter in which the causes of the shortcomings will be indicated. "width \u003d" 337 height \u003d 128 "height \u003d" 128 "\u003e

    To send a letter, on the address saved earlier, click on it twice with the mouse.

    change Password

    In the Mail Setup window, select Down Change password

    In field old password Enter old password. In fields New password and the confirmation Enter a new password.

    Below, enter numbers from the picture below. Press the button Ready .

    Completion of work