Received or not a letter. How to understand whether email email read

How to track a registered letter, it is important to know citizens who send or get this type postal shipment. About how to control the transfer of a registered letter, we will tell in this article.

What is the difference from simple sending a custom letter notice

Ordinary letters The sender should not register anywhere - he simply lowers correspondence in mailbox Or transmits an employee of mail to send. A simple letter will be delivered to the recipient in his homemade mailbox. Unlike custom-made shipments, simple letters do not have track numbers to track.

Whereas each custom letter (including sent with the notification), after the registration, receives an individual identifier (tracking number, tracking number), which is entered by an employee of the post office in unified system Accounting and controlling parcels and fixed in the receipt issued by the sender after receiving the letter in the Russian Post Office.

With this identifier, the departure can be tracked at any stage of shipment. Getting information about the status of departure can any person who knows the number to track this letter.

How to trace (find) a registered letter for identifier

On the Russian Post Website, you can track a registered letter using the service located at: (enter the figures of the identifier should be without inserting spaces).

Do not know your rights?

To confirm your desire to find a customer to identifier, a citizen will also need to enter a control code consisting of 5 digits.

Due to the high workload, employees of post offices do not always have time to make information about the departure directly on the day of registration of the letter in the department. As a rule, correspondence information is entered into the database only after 2-3 days. That is why citizens who are trying to check the registered letter on his delivery day in the post office often cannot find data on shipment.

After receiving information about the status of the registered letter, in this way a citizen can subscribe to the data distribution - then he will be able to receive automatic notifications to the address email When changing the status of the parcel.

Subscription is issued after entering the user's email address and confirm by pressing the "Subscribe to Email Notifications" button.

Status of a registered letter

Custom letters sent within the Russian Federation are several stages of shipment, namely:

  1. Arrival in the Sorting Center of the Sending Department.
  2. Departure from the center of sorting separation department.
  3. Arrival in the sorting center of the post office of the addressee.
  4. Departure from the Center for Sorting the Address Department.
  5. Arrival departure to the place of delivery.
  6. Pressing sending to the addressee.

So, now the sender and recipients of registered letters know that any departure can be shifted using an identifier data entry.

On the Russian Post website, you can check a registered letter using an identifier number in a special graph on the tracking page. If you submit a subscription to send the data on the shipment, the citizen will systematically receive the latest data on the status of the letter status.

When creating an information distribution for your company, I was concerned about whether my letter subscribers read. You will not set the counter to the email, you will not execute the scripts, so you need to look for a way out. The easiest way is to ask the user to follow the link - for obvious reasons it can work. The link "Unsubscribe" will work if the user is not interested, i.e. We receive information not entirely what is needed. The output asked himself by itself.

If any items from your site are used in the letter, then you just need to calculate the number of their downloads. Post clients are very primitive and can only be calculated on downloading images. Consequently, we do a script that gives a simple white picture:

Check - really the picture is generated. However, now it is necessary to define a unique visitor. A simple way, putting a tag in the letter in this way:

Where is the unique subscriber identifier (MD5 hash from email). We introduce a page in HTML, check in the browser - is displayed. Now write statistics into the database:

Now, with each download, the picture in the database increases the number of downloads for a specified identifier. We form a letter, send to check. And it turns out that the same Gmail simply ignores such images. You need some way to interpret standard links to pictures as appeals to the script. Of course you can make a bunch of scripts, but it is not rational.

MOD_REWRITE comes to the rescue for Apache. To recognize the link to the picture and replace it with a link to the script you need to create a file.htaccess of this type in the script catalog:

RewriteEngine On Rewriterule ([[: Alnum:]] +). PNG $ img.php? I \u003d $ 1 [L]
In the first instruction, we turn on mod_rewrite, the second regular expression is replenished from the link name of the PNG file, without expansion. Name can

  • consistent with numbers and letters: [: Alnum:]
  • have any of their number: [[: Alnum:]] +
  • name remember: ([[: Alnum:]] +)
  • end Extension will be.png: ([[: Alnum:]] +). PNG
After the gap, we indicate what should be obtained instead of the found: img.php? I \u003d $ 1 [L], where $ 1 is that we have been remembered before in brackets, and [L] - the instruction prescribing on this operation to stop the URL processing. We combine everything into one script:

Now images in letters can be inserted in the usual way:

Mod_rewrite will change the link and give the management of our script. At least gmail, Outlook and even OpenOffice Writer correctly recognized and displayed the image, and the reader reader is properly incremented.

The described method can be used almost everywhere where you need to count the number of openings of HTML structures, because the images are supported almost everywhere.

When the sent message is of great importance, a question may appear: how to find out if the email's email is read. After all, the understanding of who and when the message has opened, eliminates extra experiences. There are several ways, how can this be done.

How to find out if the email email is read?

If you are a mail service client Mail.Ru and you are interested in find out if you read the email email, it will be easier to understand than other services.

"MILE" has a built-in option - "Notice of reading. If you activate it, the sender will receive a message as soon as the letter opens.

It works like this:

  1. Look for a sign to the left of the address input field. It looks like three horizontal stripes. After clicking, the context menu will fall out, where to select "Notify readers".
  2. In the new design is still simpler: press the envelope to the right in the input line of the topic. When you hover the cursor, the phrase "With Notification" will be displayed.
  3. When the recipient opens such a letter, it will have a proposal to confirm reading. Unfortunately, a person may refuse. Then it will not work about getting a message.

It is worth paying attention to that some users complain about the correctness of the function when sending to other postal services.

How to find out if the letter "Yandex.Wes" read?

The answer to the question "How to find out if the email is read in" Yandex "?" It will not be particularly different from the instructions for Mail.

The difference only in the location of the button on the inclusion of notification. Users "Yandex.pocities" need to look for it at the bottom of the message. Confirmations about reading are sent automatically. Another useful difference from colleagues from - the alerts of the Yandex post service is correctly triggered when sending letters to other services.

How to find out if the recipient read the letter sent to Gmail?

But before you know if the email is read by the email "Google", you need to use another approach. Built-in features service does not offer. How good that there are replacing their extensions for Google Chrome! Such programs work even even better. In addition to reading, can also:

  • notify whether the recipient of the investment has opened from the letter, and also click on the links;
  • remind if the deadline has not received the answer later;
  • help to make a massive shipment of personal letters to people.

At the moment there are several decent options. But the extension called YesWare is particularly popular. It acts on the same principle as many others. A small picture is inserted into the letter. But it serves not for beauty, but as Tracking Pixel. When a person opens the received letter, the image is loaded from its own company servers. At the same time, of course, leaving "digital traces".

YesWare receives a signal to open the picture, and you are notification of reading. Also, you can later revise the menu. Useful bonus: With the help of the service, you can find out the city and the device of a person who read the letter.

How to hide that you read someone else's letter?

Sometimes you find yourself on the place of a person who wants to hide the fact of reading the letter.

If it is about you, use a few tricks:

  • Disable the display of pictures in the body of the letter. And it is better not to open letters from unfamiliar senders.
  • If the letter is applied to the letter, hover the cursor on it. But do not hurry to press! Look at your browser's left lower corner. There will appear the address for which the transition occurs when clicking. If he has nothing to do with the link specified in the link, it is not worth risking.

How to find out if the letter is read using psychology?

There is no time and desire to understand technical intricacies, but the question remains how to find out if the email letter is read? Then you can take advantage of simple psychological tricks:

  • Contact the destination by name and specify that the text was written personally for him. Most are located to close automatically generated texts immediately.
  • Be concise, otherwise reading the letter is likely to postpone. Have you ever sinned themselves?
  • Format the text so that it is nice to read. Remove words and structures that do not bear sense. Break the narrative. You can use lists, underscore or highlighting bold. The main thing is not to relocate.
  • Set the recipient a specific question. If you can quickly answer a couple of proposals, many people will do it immediately. But the long opus will take time to prepare.

(fee or free), and you can fix the event on every letter and watch the Google Analytics report. It is clear that this option is not for everyone - rather, for maniacs convinced web analysts. To do this, go to Gmail and write a letter to someone (with pictures, text formatting, hyperlinks and what you still need). We save a letter in drafts, go to this document in Google Docs. The document will propose to save a copy - agree. Choose "Email Tracker" in the "Initialize" menu. Confirm the connection with Gmail is a unite operation, it will allow you to send letters directly from Google Docs.

After that, go to Send Email and choose the desired draft on the topic of the letter by adding a profile ID to it in Google Analytics *. Press "Send Mail".

In fact, the script adds a microscopic transparent "picture" into your letter, the size of 1 * 1 pixel. The addressee will not see her. Yes, and you too :)

When the addressee opens the letter, the script will work out this event and counts the "visit". Considering that you can watch the reports of the web analytics system in real time, you can observe this case "with special effects" :)

How to view the right report on Google Analytics?

Important refinement: All this will work if the addressee will include the display of pictures in the received letter.

Open the system of web analytics and select "Events" in the "Standard Reports" menu. There will be your category Email Open and events on it. Email addresses of your addressee, letters and other statistics will be displayed.

* Google Analytics Tracking Identifier (ID) Looks like in such a format: UA-XXXX-YY. You can easily find it in the system of web analytics (Administrator -\u003e Choose a specific view (project) -\u003e Resource Settings and look there TRACKING ID)

There is an even easier way to check if you read the addressee your letter: use link shortreers, such as GOO.GL or, and then check if it switched on these links.

How many times have you sent an important letter, and then suffered in anticipation of the answer?
Or maybe the recipient left ... or he had a computer breakdown ... And what if the letter was generally lost somewhere and did not come? - Many of us asked such questions, distinguishing the sad thoughts that the letter "important" for you simply flew to the basket, without having received a response message. Nothing, now, thanks to the Spypig service, you will know exactly if you read your letter or not.

The service provides absolutely free services for notifying users about reading the addressee of their mail messages. The service of the service is not only free, but also does not require registration, which is doubly pleasant.

Using Spypig is laid in a few simple steps. When you wrote an important letter, the reading of which you want to track, then before sending it off, visit the service site. Here you will see the form on the right side of the page that you want to fill.

In the upper field, enter your email, the next field - the header (topic) of the letter sent. This is done in order to receive a notice of reading from Spypig, you immediately understood about which letter is we talking about.

Next you need to select an image that will be inserted into the sent letter. We are given a choice of several pretty pigs, a service banner or an empty white square, if you do not want the signal image to be noticeable. However, there is a boot option of any of its own image, so you can use your company's logo to track the logo or your avatar for example.

Then click on the big button Create My Spypig, and just below the selected pattern appears with a time countdown timer for one minute. For this moment you need to copy the drawing into your letter. Note that Gmail users, due to the features of this service, must first highlight the pattern on the page, and only then copy and paste it by using the Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V keys.

Now you can send a letter and quietly expect notifications about reading it. As soon as the recipient opens a letter, you will receive a message about this type:

This letter contains not only confirmation of the very fact of opening the letter, but also some additional information, such as the time of reading, the IP address of the recipient and even its approximate geographical position.

Despite the cartoon pigs and playful design, the service performs a very responsible and demanded task. With it, you will finally bear it on the clean water of all these deceivers, who are unless tell you that you did not see your letter and did not see anyone.