Tracking Likes on Instagram. Instagram tracking services

If you actively use Instagram, then you have probably already studied its capabilities up and down and could not help but notice that in it in no way can you track who has unsubscribed from you. In most other social networks, if a user removes you from friends, then he disappears from the friend list, but remains in the list of your subscriptions. For example, the inscription "request sent" or following will remain. On Instagram, the unsubscribed person disappears without any trace.

Hidden features: how to find out who has unsubscribed on Instagram

So let's take a closer look at this issue. If you still have no idea how to find out who unsubscribed on Instagram, you are behind the times. Progress does not stand still: applications and web services that complement the program's functionality arose almost simultaneously with this social network. And it's not just about trying to satisfy curiosity. Such programs are a must for those who use their Instagram profile for commercial activities or promotion of a project. Subscriber activity statistics allow you to evaluate the results of your campaign. After all, if people unsubscribe from you, you are clearly doing something wrong.

You can track your audience's behavior both from your computer and from your phone. In the first case, you go to sites specially created for this purpose, in the second, you download the application to your phone.

Useful sites for tracking subscribers

If you value the convenience of working at a computer and do not want to clog the phone's memory with unnecessary applications, then pay attention to the following sites:

  • former, now known as and allows you to work not only with Instagram, but also with other social networks.

The principle of operation is simple: go to the site, register using your own data from "Instagram". However, do not expect that the screen will immediately display who has unsubscribed from you during the entire existence of the account. On the contrary, only now the service will start tracking your subscribers.

Is it possible to find out who unsubscribed on Instagram before registering for the service? Unfortunately no. After all, the principle of operation of such programs is to create an initial database for your profile. Subsequently, the program will check with it and track what has changed. On such sites, you can also see who follows you without mutual subscription (your fans) and with whom you have a common friendship.

Spy on your phone: surveillance apps

If you only have a smartphone, it doesn't matter, because you can find out who has unsubscribed on Instagram not only from your computer. For each of the systems (Android, iOS or Windows Phone), several applications of this kind have been written. Among the most popular:

  • Followers.
  • Instafollow.
  • Unfollow Spy.

The procedure is similar everywhere: download the application and log in using your Instagram login. For future manipulation of subscribers, the program will need permission to access your data. This is a forced necessity, as in the case of working with sites, if you are wondering how to find out who has unsubscribed. The activity of the spyware will not be displayed on Instagram if you do not want to (for example, unsubscribe from several users at once using any of the above utilities).

What's the catch?

For all their indispensability and usefulness, third-party services remain so. Roughly speaking, you "merge" your username and password, thereby allowing a foreign program to get inside your account.

Then does this article contradict itself? Don't worry, no one on the other side of the screen is going to hack your account - all of these services value their reputation. However, you can put your account at risk by downloading an app from unknown developers. Or the Instagram administration itself will consider the actions of the service inside your profile unsafe and will block you. It is useless to explain to the support service that your goal was nothing more than to find out who unsubscribed on Instagram. The application is famous for blocking algorithms that are not fully understood by end users. Therefore, do not abuse the use of spyware. Remember that everything is good in moderation. Use your knowledge of tracking software and services wisely and it won't harm you.

Hello dear blog readers. Today we will talk about the Instagram social network, and in particular we will understand how to find out who has unsubscribed on Instagram. Agree, if we develop our account on this popular social network, it will be a shame to realize that the number of subscribers is rapidly decreasing. Instagram has a form of subscribing to the account you like, but it does not allow you to keep a list of unsubscribed followers. At the same time, such people can be detected in other ways. Which ones? You will find out if you read the article to the end.

Agree, we all monitor the number of subscribers in our Instagram account. And when the number of subscribers starts to dwindle, we feel a nagging feeling inside.

But why such a seemingly trifle as a simple, meaningless number has such a powerful effect on our life? That this is just our human nature? Is the rise of vanity in the age of selfies? Pride?

Who knows. What do we start to do when we realize that the number of subscribers is dropping sharply? After exclaiming "WHY DO THEY UNSUBSCRIBE BECAUSE I HAVE SUCH GREAT PHOTOS", our next question would be ...

WHO. Who did this to me?

As I already mentioned, Instagram currently does not provide an opportunity to find out who has unsubscribed from you. Perhaps this was done by the developers on purpose so that you only experience joyful emotions when working on Instagram.

See how this person is gaining several dozen subscribers a day to his Instagram account without spending a penny on it

And trying to calculate the deserter among the subscribers, behaving like an egoist, we certainly look far from ideal. Fortunately, now there are many opportunities to understand who has unsubscribed on Instagram from a computer online or from an application.

And, as a good Samaritan, I will show you those applications, both paid and free, as well as those that I use myself.

Because, in all seriousness, if you are not only for chatting with friends, it is imperative to keep track of your loyal followers. So, let's take a look at those services and applications that will help us find out who has unsubscribed on Instagram.

How to find out who has unsubscribed on Instagram

5 best tools to find out who unfollowed us on Instagram


Go to the resource and if you are not registered yet, then complete the registration. Since I am already registered, I just have to log in.

After registration, you will be taken to a section where you can choose to manage publications or see the number of “New Unfollowers” \u200b\u200bwho have unsubscribed:

The resource will show the unsubscribed subscribers of the account, but only from the moment you registered in it. Also, the disadvantages of the resource include the fact that it is paid, and although its basic version is free, its capabilities are extremely curtailed, and the Premium version will cost $ 20 per month.

Unfollowgram (online only)

Unfortunately, the ability to view unsubscribed readers on Instagram in this service has been disabled, as indicated when trying to enter it through Instagram. But, on the other hand, it provides an opportunity to find out who have unsubscribed on the Twitter social network.

Crowdfire (there is also a smartphone app)

Formerly known as Justunfollow, this resource, available both online and across all mobile apps, is the most popular choice for those looking to find out their Instagram follower count. Crowdfire is beautifully designed, easy to use and available in all formats. You can add multiple Instagram and Twitter accounts at once.

Another method that you can use is to download a dedicated phone app. Now it is possible to select different applications of this kind for phones on different platforms. Go to the Play Market and ask for example "Followers Insight For Instagram"

The search engine will show several options for choosing applications that are similar in functionality, but we should choose the first one from the list:

As you can see, the application has more than 5 million downloads, and the score is quite high, therefore, the developers made it of high quality, we can safely install it on our phone by clicking on the "Install" button.

It remains to wait until the installation of the application is completed. As soon as the installation is complete, it can be opened both in the Play Store itself and on the phone. Click the "Open" button and perform the proposed actions:

We enter the username and password to access Instagram and after passing the authorization, we connect to our account:

The menu that opens displays information about the number of subscribers added and how many were lost. Just the same parameter "Subscribers lost" shows how many subscribers have unsubscribed. In my case, it shows zero unsubscribed, since the application collects data only from the moment it was installed, and not for the entire history.

I hope the listed applications will help you better understand how to find out who has unsubscribed from you on Instagram. Of course, it is not very pleasant to realize that someone is unsubscribing from your account, especially if it was a mutual subscriber, but I think you still need to know this information in order to change the tactics of maintaining your posts and recruiting subscribers in the future.

The company Facebook, in whose clutches the Instagram application is now, does not forget about its "brainchild" and regularly adds new features that users find useful to use. Recently, representatives of the social network announced the upcoming appearance of two new filters - Fade ("Dim") and Color ("Color"). For iOS users, this update will be available a little later. But now is not about that. To keep track of your favorite contacts on the network, the developers have come up with a special button, the location of which we will tell you about.

In the Settings of the Instagram app, there are quite a few adjustable options, among which is the setting of notifications. True, here you can set alerts only for new comments, "likes", subscription requests, etc. But what if you want to receive notifications, for example, only about the latest publications of your significant other?

In this case, developers offer to use a special button. To access it, go to the page of the specific account that interests you. In the upper right corner, click on the "ellipsis" button. Among the offered functions you will find “Turn on Post Notifications.” Click, and now you will be regularly notified when the Instagram feed of the contact you are interested in is updated with a new photo. In exactly the same way, this feature can be disabled or applied to other favorite subscribers.

Agree that this function will be useful not only for use on the iPhone, but also on the Apple Watch. We already know that the developers have prepared a version of the social network for the wrist accessory. And it just doesn't make sense to use interactive notifications about new photos from all contacts. And for people who are very interesting to you - the function makes sense to use it on Apple Watch.

Instagram spy

Spy apps to spy on someone else's Instagram account

Instagram is an app for free sharing of photos and short videos. In addition, there you can communicate, as in any other social network. In recent years, the popularity of this resource has increased dramatically; almost everyone uses it. Therefore, many began to ask more often the question - how to view private messages in the directorate?

If you need full access to your profile, take a look at the section and read the important points of cooperation with me. Write, I will definitely help you!
And in this article we will talk about programs for monitoring hidden user actions on a social network.

Spy for Instagram: the phenomenon of the popularity of the social network

Find out how to follow your Instagram account using the program! All the most interesting features are here!

The site is actively used in all countries. Today it is the second largest social network. The number of visitors is increasing every day. What is the secret of such wild popularity? A variety of functions!

Let's take a closer look at 10 cool features that make this app cooler!

Filters. When uploading a photo, you will see a line with filters at the bottom of the screen. Choose any you like. In addition, there is also a photo correction - brightness, sharpness, contrast, etc.

Stories. This innovation quickly fell in love with users. Now stories have the ability to record short videos, attach gifs, write in different fonts, etc.

Switch between multiple profiles. If you have two pages, it is not necessary to leave one to enter the other. You can open two at once and work with them, instantly switching.

Publication notifications. Now no one will miss the posts of your favorite bloggers and celebrities! You just need to enable notifications about new publications of this page.

Section "Interesting". This tab constantly contains publications that you might like. This section is formed individually for everyone.

Conservation. All photos and videos have a “Save” icon below them. Saved posts will not be seen by anyone except you. In addition, they can also be sorted by collection.

Actual. This feature has appeared quite recently. In actual, you mark at will the stories that were published earlier. They will not be deleted after 24 hours, but will hang in your profile as long as you like.

Direct. Initially it was impossible to write messages, but over time the developers added this section.

View photos you have liked. The tab is located in the settings, there are all the posts that you liked earlier.

Archive. Now it is not necessary to delete the photo, the button "transfer to archive" has appeared. This will hide the publication, but you can restore it at any time.

I think now you understand why the service is so widely known.

How to read messages in a direct on Instagram - spyware

Learn all about how to follow someone else's Instagram profile! All the most relevant information in this article!

During my work, I faced various problems due to which clients needed access to other people's pages. But there are several reasons that were most common. I will tell you about them now.

Suspicions of infidelity. Not all relationships are built on trust. In most couples, partners suspect each other of being unfaithful. But how can you verify your suspicions? The surest way is to contact a specialist, gain access to your personal account and read the correspondence of your soul mate.

Curiosity. Some people read other people's correspondence only because they are interested in knowing what other people are texting about. I don't think this is bad. Curiosity is okay. Especially when it comes to people close to us.

Parental control. All parents are worried about their children. The natural desire is to protect them from all troubles. Therefore, many parents try to control their children's online behavior.

Desire to receive valuable information. If you urgently need to find out something or get valuable documents, photographs, files, people resort to the services of specialists and get full access to all their materials transmitted over the Internet.

Last edited: Feb 26, 2018

I answer your questions:
1. I am installing specialized software for spying on other people's accounts. You can also search for programs on the Internet, but do your search carefully. I must say right away that there are no free spies. And in order not to send money to cybercriminals - check the terms of cooperation and the terms of use of the program.
2. Yes, it is possible to hack remotely. From you I will only need a link to the girl's instagram account. Agree, this is much easier than looking for software on the network yourself. I work quickly and honestly.

Contact us!

You intrigued me. Remote installation is what I need, but I was afraid that it was impossible. I will go and see your conditions.

How to find out who has unsubscribed from your account on Instagram? You can notice this by the number of subscribers, which has decreased, but it was impossible to find out exactly who it was, at least in the application itself.

How to check people who have unsubscribed from a computer

Can I find out who unsubscribed on Instagram? More recently, there were many sites that allowed you to find out online who unsubscribed, right from your computer. But because of the innovations of Instagram, most of these sites either stopped working or retrained, for example, in auto-posting services. This happened to the popular, which explicitly states on its website that the previous functionality is no longer available.

Also, and other well-known sites do not work. At the moment, our team has not found a secure site that allows you to find out who has unsubscribed from you.

Important information: no matter which third-party site or application for tracking unsubscriptions you use, namely, enter your username and password - you put your account at risk. If Instagram considers such a site to be unsafe, then your account may be temporarily blocked for suspicious actions.

We've handpicked several apps that allow you to track your account and that have worked well. However, we repeat, you give access to your account to any third-party applications at your own peril and risk, because this is prohibited by the official rules of Instagram.

How to check who has unsubscribed on Instagram using apps

We've tested and recommend apps such as FollowMe and Followers, they are available for both iPhone and Android. Followers allows you to see new subscribers, who unsubscribed from you, to whom you follow, but who did not follow in response and who blocked you.

The FollowMe app is partially paid, but it still lets you see who has unsubscribed from you. We would like to note that statistics starts to be collected the moment you enter your username and password. That is, who unsubscribed yesterday and the day before yesterday, if you installed the application only today, you cannot.

How to see who has unsubscribed on Instagram using applications from iPhone and Android? After installation, you just need to enter your username and password for your account, and then the application will collect the information itself.

How to unsubscribe from someone on Instagram?

To unsubscribe from a specific user, simply go to his page, click the “Subscriptions” button and then “Unsubscribe”. Done!
Many are interested in the question: if you unsubscribe on Instagram, will a person recognize? We want to reassure you, the user will not receive a notification on the iPhone that you have unsubscribed.

How can I unsubscribe a user from my updates?

Recently, some of Instagram users have the opportunity to remove a person from their list of subscribers. That is, the user will no longer be able to view your feed (if you have a closed profile or you have blocked it). To do this, go to the list of your subscribers, and click on the three dots on the right next to a certain user and select “Delete”.

In this case, the person will also not receive a notification that he is now unsubscribed from your feed.