YouTube and Google Play does not work on Android over Wi-Fi. No internet connection, or check your network connection

Hello Sergey. Your site is awesome, everything is written very clearly. I have this problem, I will write the names in Russian this way faster 🙂 and so on the miui phone (Xiaomi Redmi 3s) and on the Asus tablet there was a problem that the Wi-Fi network YouTube and Play Market do not work, the videos were all gray at first on YouTube , but played, then disappeared altogether and writes that connect to the network, and if everything works and boots on the mobile Internet.

Everything works on a computer via Wi-Fi. I called the company that distributes our Internet via the Osc cable, they said they had all the rules, this is a Wi-Fi router. I found your site, I decided to reset the router to the factory ones, according to your recommendations, I installed everything again, I started the router, all the rules are working. on a computer and in a phone, a tablet too, but the YouTube and play market remained lifeless. What to do?


Hello. If you open YouTube and Google Play on your phone and tablet through the mobile Internet, then for some reason I'm sure that the problem is with your Internet provider. There is hardly anything in the router settings. Moreover, no one changed them. Everything stopped working suddenly.

It would be nice to check:

  • Whether YouTube opens through a browser on a phone or tablet.
  • And will there be access to these services if you connect your ASUS, or Xiaomi to another Wi-Fi network.

What can be done? I would try changing DNS addresses. On your phone and / or tablet, go to the Wi-Fi settings and open the properties of your Wi-Fi network to which you are connected. There you can statically set the settings. Write DNS: and

The "No internet connection" and "Check the network connection" error may no longer appear.

A separate article with the main solutions:. There I showed in detail how to change DNS on Android.

Problem: Errors appear when launching Google Play Store No connection or :

At the same time, there is a funny nuance: sites in browsers open normally and other applications also successfully connect to the Internet.

Situation 1. Play Store does not work via wifi or mobile Internet


1. Check if the system date and time is correct. If the date is out of order, set the correct one. Check the boxes:

2. Reboot the device:

3. Find out the version of the Play Market application itself. If the version is not the latest, download the latest one in the format .apk and install from the memory card.

4. Check if the Freedom app is installed. If it is present, start it, press STOP and reboot.

5. Check the hosts file. If it contains lines other than, remove them. This operation will require Root.

6. If all else fails, reset your Android device.

Situation 2. Play Store does not work only when connected via Wi-Fi

This is your case if, when you disconnect the tablet (smartphone) from the Wi-Fi, the error disappears and the Play Market application starts working normally via the mobile Internet.


1. Enter the router settings. Open WAN settings. Try to alternately set the MTU values ​​to 1460 and 1500.

Most often, setting the value to 1460 helps. But sometimes it happens the other way around, when setting the value to 1500 helps.

In common D-Link routers, this is done something like this:

  • Internet Setup
  • Manual Internet Connection Setup

  • Set the value MTU 1460
  • Save Settings:

This is how the setting looks like in old D-Link routers:

  • Home
  • Specify the value in the field MTU
  • Apply

In TP-Link you need to go to the section Network => WAN, change field MTU Size (in bytes) and press Save:

2. In the WAN settings, specify the addresses of Google servers as DNS:

Primary:; Secondary:

Usually it is sufficient to specify as the Secondary DNS.

After these steps, for the purity of the experiment, it is advisable to restart the router.

Frequent user error

Finally, I would like to mention one more situation. Smartphone / tablet may display an error Check your connection and try again if you have launched the Play Store application (Google Play) and in the process of downloading it changed the type of Internet connection - for example, just turned on Wi-Fi. At this moment, changes in network interfaces take place on the device: the priority of traffic is given to Wi-Fi, the default gateway is changed. And it turns out that the device tried to connect the Play Store to the Google server via the mobile Internet, and due to the inclusion of Wi-Fi, this interface was deactivated. In this case, you need to wait a few seconds while Wi-Fi connects to the network and press Repeat:

And henceforth, first turn on Wifi, and then launch applications that connect to the network.

"Android" is one of the most widespread operating systems around the world. The users were attracted by the user-friendly interface and multifunctionality of the system. In addition, the rights to the platform have been in the hands of Google since 2005, which leads to a huge number of the company's services built into the system.

Play Market

A universal Google account provides access to the store of the same name - Play Market. It is a kind of content navigator and a place where the best applications for your device are collected. In addition, here you can find music, books, wallpapers and much more. To download the selected position, just make a few clicks. Most of the products are free to download, but there is also paid content. As a rule, when buying a device running Android OS, the Play Market application is already in the gadget's memory. If not, you can use it as a web page or download the application additionally. All content is divided into categories, which makes it easier to select and find the required software product. However, from time to time, users face a number of difficulties associated with using the store. For example, the gadget does not go to the Play Market. What to do in this case? This is what will be discussed in this publication.

The device does not enter the "Play Market": no connection

If you see such a message, the first thing to do is check your internet connection. Many users do not pay attention to this and are looking for a more global problem. If you use mobile Internet, make sure that you have not reached the limit of traffic. In general, it is better to use a Wi-Fi connection to download applications and games, but the GPRS network can be so slow that the Play Market will simply not accept it. In any case, downloading content via a mobile network will cost you "a pretty penny" if there is no set limit on the use of the Internet. If the connection was established via Wi-Fi, make sure that the settings of the router have not been reset and if it is working properly. In order to understand if the problem is related to the store, check the network connection through the browser. Try to go to any other site, and if you succeed, you can consider other reasons why "Android" does not enter the "Play Market".

Problems in the gadget system or store

No matter how wonderful the Android OS is, it has one global drawback - the system can lag. Restarting the gadget is a universal remedy against freezing and minor system errors. To do this, it is not necessary to turn it off completely and turn it on again. You can just hold down the lock key and select "Restart" from the options offered. Then try to go to the Play Market again. If still nothing comes of it, move on.

Access to the store itself may be temporarily restricted. For example, there is a technical problem with the server. This happens very rarely, but this option should also not be overlooked. Wait a little, and then go to the Play Market again.

Remember if you have flashed your device recently. Sometimes Play Market may not work due to the installation of custom or low-quality firmware. If you are radically determined to fix problems with the service, it is better to do a restore of the old version (rollback the system back). This will only work if you made a backup (backup). I would like to note that a backup must always be done, it does not hurt, and in some cases it saves the gadget. Yes, and it is better to trust the flashing to professionals, especially if you do not have much experience in this matter.

The most radical way to "fix the brains" of the system is to reset to factory settings. But be prepared for the fact that all your custom settings will be deleted, and the information will only be saved on the memory card.

Setting up "Google Play Market"

As strange as it may sound, if the device does not enter the Play Store, this may be due to the fact that the date or time is set incorrectly. In the "Settings" you need to select synchronization over the network. But such settings can get confused if the gadget is not connected to the Internet for a while. Also, make sure the correct time zone is set.

You can try resetting the Play Market settings. To do this, in the "Settings" find the "Application" section and click on the store application. You will see two buttons "Erase Data" and "Clear Cache". You can also click "Uninstall updates" if still nothing helps to enter the content store. You can also reset your Google Play Services and Google Service Framework settings. Make sure Google Accounts is turned on and your account is connected. By the way, you can try to delete this account and then reconnect it. Be sure to back up your data when doing this.

Pest apps

Sometimes a gadget does not enter the Play Market if other applications are blocking access to it. As a rule, these are applications downloaded from unknown or unverified sources.

Be careful when obtaining root rights, because with them you can make any changes in the system, as well as download programs that interfere with the normal operation of other applications.

Install a powerful antivirus program and periodically run a system scan to get rid of malicious files, because the Android OS is very susceptible to virus attacks. The work of the "Play Market" can be knocked down by a huge amount of unnecessary information and "digital garbage". In this case, the CClaner program will be an excellent assistant. It removes corrupted or temporary files and optimizes the system perfectly.

Freedom app

This is a fairly well-known program that allows you to make in-game purchases without money. But we know where the free cheese is, and therefore not everything is clean with the application itself. If you come to the conclusion that because of it the device does not enter the Play Market, then you need to get rid of it urgently. It is very important to first stop its work, and then delete it. To do this, in "Settings" and "Applications" you need to find Freedom, tap on it, click "Stop", and then "Delete data".

We have told you about the most common reasons why the device does not enter the Play Market. If none of the above tips helped, the gadget needs to be shown to a specialist.

The process of downloading programs, books and games becomes much easier if you use the capabilities of the Play Market store, which is available for users of smartphones running on the Android system. Internet is required to open a resource. The easiest and most affordable way to connect is Wi-Fi.

Sometimes there are situations when the Play Market does not work over Wi-Fi. As a result, it becomes impossible to download the necessary information and programs, which causes a lot of inconvenience. Why is this happening and is it possible to solve the problem on your own, without the involvement of specialists? This will be discussed in our article.

Why doesn't Play Market work over Wi-Fi?

  • Incorrect setting of the date and time on the smartphone;
  • Violations in the operation of the OS, including its incorrect configuration, which is responsible for access to the network;
  • Failures in the functioning of the installed service;
  • Inoperability of the router and lack of traffic, if the connection with the phone is via a modem;
  • Store errors that Google is responsible for.

Ways to solve problems

If you do not know exactly what the reason is, then it is advisable to first try the simplest and easiest options for solving the problem:

Incorrect synchronization with the modem

If the Play Market does not function only via Wi-Fi, then the reason should be sought in the settings of the router:

When the methods for correcting software errors have not yielded results, then the likely reason for the inoperability of the product lies in its failure. There is a wire break, an antenna breakdown, a burnout of modules - what exactly broke, only a repair shop specialist will answer when disassembling the device.

Disruptions in the work of Google Market

Another reason for malfunctioning is software glitches that have occurred in the operating system. How to eliminate them?

There are several ways:

  • Create or go to another Google account, because maybe the entrance is blocked from your account;
  • Installing updates. It is advisable to make a backup in advance;
  • If you have already created a backup, then you can try to restore the application using it. For this, programs like Titanium Backup are perfect;
  • Comprehensive OS recovery, provided that you have used TWRP Recovery for Xiaomi in advance. All partitions should be discarded (with the exception of the memory card) and restore the last stable copy;
  • Clearing the cache. To do this, go to "Applications" and select "All applications". Your task is to clear the cache of Google Play and its services. Re-entering the service must be done after restarting the device;
  • It is recommended to use the official versions of MIUI skins, as there are often bugs in custom firmware.

Difficulties with access settings

If they are performed incorrectly, then it is necessary to correct possible errors, including.

Most of the owners of Android devices use the services of the official Play Market from the IT giant Google, which, in general, is not surprising. Here, each user will be able to find any content to meet their needs, be it special programs, films, music or games. However, situations are not uncommon when Google Play Market does not work on Android.

Such failures in the service can occur for a variety of reasons. Now we will look at what may be causing the problem and suggest the most effective ways to fix it.

In fact, the reasons provoking such an error can be very diverse, the most common are:

  • There is no connection to and-no, caused, for example, by a failure in settings (smartphone, router, etc.).
  • Technical problems on the part of the Play Market itself are quite rare, but not excluded.
  • File problems hosts, which is automatically edited by the system.
  • Conflict between any installed application and Google Play.
  • The date / time parameters are out of order.
  • Other.

The first thing we have to do is just restart our smartphone. The fact is that this banal procedure can be an effective solution not only with the described problem, but also in other cases of system "freezing". If rebooting the device did not have any result, let's move on.

Reset updates

Quite an effective procedure. Our actions - go to "Settings":

We open " Applications"(Maybe" Application Manager "), from the list that opens we find Google play, we press. In the window that opens, click on the position " Remove updates"To return the Play Store to its original state:

We reboot the gadget, try to log in. What, there is no reason for joy yet? Then let's continue.

Reset settings and clear cache

Again, through the basic settings, go to " Applications", We find" Google play", We open. First, we tap on Erase data", then " Clear cache»:

Restarting, trying to go to Google Play. If the question "why the play market does not open" is still relevant, we continue "dancing with a tambourine."

Correction of GP service data

As in the third step, from "Settings" we go to " Applications", We find" Google Play Services", Erase the data and clear the cache:

Clearing data and cache "Google Services Framework"

We follow the beaten path " Settings» → « Applications". In the tab “ Everything"Find and open" Google Services Framework". We erase the data and clear the cache:

Checking the work of Google accounts

It is possible that for some reason this function turned out to be disabled, which was the reason that the play market does not work on android. The fix is ​​simple. From the settings in the " Applications"We need to open the" Everything", select " Google Accounts"And, if this application is really disabled, then connect it, and along the way (if necessary) clear the cache:

Debugging the download manager

Disabling the download manager can also be a likely problem, in order to exclude it we go to " Applications", Swipe to the left to switch to" Everything"And open" Download manager". If necessary, we activate, and if the presence of a cache is detected, then we clear it too:

Deleting and restoring your Google account

Another effective way, which on our website was devoted to detailed instructions "". After the described exit procedure,.

Resolving Application Conflicts

As mentioned above, there are applications that can block the operation of Google Play. One of these programs is Freedom. Advanced gamers will surely understand what this is about. The fact is that Freedom allows you to bypass the Market license check in order to purchase all sorts of paid buns in games for free (coins, crystals, extensions, etc.), for which the user can pay with a fake card:

Inappropriate use of the application, or its incorrect deletion is one of the most common reasons for the failure of the Google Play Market to work caused by changes in the file “ hosts". To work with the application (install and uninstall). More details on how to fix the situation can be found in a special video:

Clearing the hosts file

It is worth dwelling on this point in more detail. The fact is that you probably do not have the Freedom application installed (see above), and there may be a problem with the file, and here's why. In the hosts file, the Android system (as well as Windows) stores a database of sites, as well as their IP addresses. And every time, opening this or that site, the system will refer to the "hosts" file, and only after that to the DNS server. That is, in fact, being, in principle, a primitive filter (firewall), hosts can, for security purposes, block access to almost any site, including Google Play.

It is then that it becomes necessary to edit it. To do this, we need a file manager, for example, and (since we will be dealing with a system file).

Launch ROOT Explorer, find the folder system:

It contains a folder etc, go into it and set the rights R / W(Read / Write) by clicking on the corresponding button in the upper right corner:

At the request of the Superuser rights system, we provide:

Now we open hosts and start editing it. It should contain only one line by default - localhost... If you see two or more lines, it means that other programs have made their own changes, so we delete everything unnecessary without mercy:

Correction of date and time parameters

If there was a failure in this position (which could also block access to the play market), then:

  • We open " Settings»
  • In chapter " System"We find the item" date and time", We open.
  • We enter the correct data, save the changes.

Reset Android Settings (or Hard Reset)

This is the last, so to speak, control shot from our arsenal, if you are convinced that there are no problems with the Internet connection, and all the methods described did not bring the expected result (which I very much doubt). What should we do:

  • Go to " Settings"And open" Recovery and reset”Without forgetting to perform a backup.
  • Select the item " Reset».
  • "Tap" on the field " Reset phone settings».
  • In conclusion, press “ Erase everything».

This procedure will erase all data on the internal storage of the device, leaving the information on the memory card intact.

Perhaps this is all that we wanted to talk about on the topic. Maybe you had a successful experience in solving a problem that was not described in the article, we will be grateful if you share it with our readers. Good luck!