How to get out of international roaming. Types of roaming from Beeline

Today, many subscribers of the MTS operator often travel, including across Russia. If you need to visit other regions of the country or travel to other states, then in order to ensure uninterrupted communication, you need to think in advance about connecting roaming. Everyone knows that communication in this mode is somewhat more expensive than usual. In order to reduce the very costly communication abroad, the operator has developed special services, within which you get a reduction in the cost of communication outside your home region.

With the help of roaming, you use communication within the Russian Federation, as well as other countries with the maximum benefit for yourself. This can be done by connecting the popular services "International access", "International and national roaming", as well as "Easy roaming and international access". In addition, you can activate "Zero without borders" and "Everywhere at home" to minimize your communication costs in these modes. However, if you are abroad (including the territory of Russia outside your home region) do not intend to use mobile services, it is recommended to turn off roaming. This opportunity was specially provided by the MTS operator. So how to properly disable roaming on MTS in Russia?

It should be noted that you can activate the above-mentioned option called "Easy roaming" only if you use your current SIM card for more than 6 months or use more than 470 rubles for communication services. Otherwise, roaming is activated within the "International and national access" option. Below we describe the options for actions that allow you to disable roaming within these two services.

To deactivate the "Easy roaming" option, you need to take your mobile phone and dial * 111 * 2158 #. In the case of the "International and national roaming" option, it is necessary to use the span class \u003d "num"\u003e * 111 * 2150 # command. Check in advance which of the options you are using when you are away from your home region.


To deactivate the "Easy roaming" option, you need to send a message with numbers 215 to number 111. And to deactivate the "International and national roaming" option, you need to send an SMS without text to number 1118.

Personal Area

If we talk about possible options for deactivating roaming, then it is impossible not to mention the possibilities of your personal account. With its help, you are able to independently manage many services, including changing the tariff plan and turning off all kinds of options. In our case, you need to go to the menu item called "Service Management" and select the option that is used by default for roaming. Just a couple of clicks with your mouse and the option is disabled.

Call center

You can always count on support from the MTS subscriber support center. You just need to contact them, and the center's specialists will try to solve any problem that has arisen as soon as possible. To contact the operator, you need to dial 88002500890. All calls are made completely free of charge. And if you are currently abroad, dial +74957660166. Sometimes you need to wait until you are connected to a free operator. However, it is enough to simply ask to deactivate roaming and the whole procedure will be immediately performed without any particular difficulties.

MTS office

Any question regarding the services of the MTS company can be resolved by going to their office. Experts in the office closest to you will be happy to help you solve absolutely any problem that may arise. It is enough to contact them and ask them to deactivate roaming. However, be sure to bring your passport for identification purposes. This method is suitable if you could not figure out the issue of disabling roaming using the other methods mentioned.

Until recently, moving outside the home region of the network was a harbinger of high mobile costs. In some cases, you even had to purchase a separate SIM card with a cheaper tariff. This is not needed now!

To save more on the trip, you just need to connect roaming to Beeline, and you can do this without changing your number and SIM card!

Before connecting roaming to Beeline, you should carefully study the description of your current tariff. You can get comprehensive information about it in the following ways:

  • By calling 0611;
  • Using the SIM card management menu ("Beeline Menu" is in every phone with an operator's SIM card);
  • By visiting your personal account on the official website of the operator -

You should find out if roaming is available on your Beeline tariff, as well as familiarize yourself with the terms of its provision. It is necessary to pay attention to what amount on the balance is the minimum in order to connect roaming, which payment system is available - prepaid or postpaid, as well as the extension of the service to different countries.

If your tariff provides an opportunity to enable roaming on Beeline, you can proceed directly to the connection. This is done in one of several ways - depending on the direction of your trip and communication requirements.

How to activate and deactivate roaming on Beeline in Russia

In order to reduce communication costs while traveling across Russia, it is recommended to connect. It allows you to use mobile communications on favorable terms without a monthly fee. Basic services are charged as follows (except for the home region):

Turning on roaming within the framework of this service costs 25 rubles - the amount is charged once at the time of activation. As we already said, this service does not have a subscription fee and there is no need to disable it either - the roaming option is automatically activated as soon as the subscriber leaves the home region and is deactivated after his return.

To activate the option, dial * 110 * 0021 # from your mobile phone and press the call, the disconnect command is * 110 * 0020 # call.

How to enable and disable international roaming on Beeline

Connecting international roaming for Beeline subscribers will allow you to make profitable phone calls while abroad. Subscribers are offered a choice of two different options: and - each of them has its pros and cons, we have examined them in detail in separate reviews.

You can connect to the “My Planet” service with a short command * 110 * 0071 # call, and to the “Planet Zero” service with the command * 110 * 331 # call. Also, to connect roaming on Beeline, you can visit the personal account of the subscriber, contact the employees of one of the Beeline offices or the support service for help.

In order to get rid of unjustified overpayments upon returning from a business trip or travel home, you should turn off Beeline roaming. This is as easy as activating this service.

Recall that turning off Beeline roaming is advisable only when you return to your home region from abroad, it is not necessary to turn off the "My country" option for national roaming.

You can deactivate the My Planet service using the * 110 * 0070 # call command, and the Planet Zero service - * 110 * 330 # call.

In the event that you do not remember which option you have connected, use the automatic assistant. It can be accessed by calling 0611. Follow the voice prompts and learn the shutdown command. You can also use the menu for managing a SIM card or personal account built into the phone.

For the modern type of business person, roaming is a must in your mobile phone. But what if you urgently need to turn it off at some point? For example, what if you accidentally switch on your phone in a country that you are crossing by car on your way to your destination, and the mobile phone is automatically registered in an unnecessary network? What to do then?

To refuse the option as unnecessary, MTS subscribers can:

  • When traveling internationally
  1. Dial * 111 * 2192 # Call,
  • With Easy Roaming
  1. Dial * 111 * 2157 # Call,
  2. Send SMS with digits 2157 to number 111,
  3. Through the Internet Assistant on the operator's website,
  4. Call the Contact Center 0890 from mobile devices, +74957660166 while traveling, 88002500890 from mobile and landline phones,
  • Disable the option in the Communication Office of the MTS operator.

Disabling roaming is quick and easy if you know exactly how to do this.

First of all, it should be noted that our portal offers you several ways to disable this service. So, for example, if you want to know how to disable the option on MTS, you may be offered options using the mobile Internet to access the "Internet Assistant". In this case, this method applies only to the case if you connected the service together with the presence of the Internet in the service package. Since the “Easy Roaming” option excludes the possibility of data transmission over the Internet, “International and National Roaming” is your option. In general, a little below we will describe all possible ways to solve this problem, however, we strongly recommend that you be careful about turning on your mobile phone at the borders of a particular state.

IMPORTANT: All information provided on prices and rates, key combinations and phone numbers is current at the time of this writing. If for some reason you have not achieved the desired result, we advise you to contact the official resource for updated information.

Disabling MTS roaming: what you need to know?

As we have already said, today there are many different ways to disable roaming on MTS. Have you come from abroad and would like to continue using MTS services in your region? Is it time to say goodbye to "International roaming", since distant warm Spain is left behind? - Disable this service on MTS and again merge into the usual state of the caller every five minutes of the phone! Give your subordinates or business partners the opportunity to finally get through to you in order to announce the good news of a successful transaction during your absence from the workplace!

So, you can turn off roaming on MTS in the following ways:

  1. Enter the required key combination, which is located on the official website of MTS LLC. This option for solving the problem is the highest priority, since this way you can turn off unnecessary services on your mobile phone as soon as possible.
  2. Call the Customer Support Center from your mobile phone. Dial the desired number and wait for the operator's answer. Within a couple of seconds, the employee on duty will remove the tube, and you will be able to provide him with all the necessary information.
  3. Take your passport in hand and contact any nearest office of MTS LLC. Go to any free specialist and inform him of the situation that has arisen. Be sure: within a couple of minutes the option will be removed on your mobile phone, and you can continue using the mobile network in your region under the old terms of service.
  4. If you are an MTS subscriber, you can disconnect by means of a counter connection to the service called “Neighboring Regions”. In order to connect this service to your mobile phone, you are invited to activate the keyboard of your mobile phone and enter the following numbers and symbols: "* 111 * 2150 #" + "Call".
  5. Another effective way to deactivate the International or National Roaming service is to contact the service called “My Services”. In order to log in to it, you need to send a completely free SMS to the number "1118" with an empty text inside.

In general, the above options effectively help to solve the question "How to disable the roaming service on MTS?" Our portal offers to your attention only relevant and detailed information, which will be very useful to every interested visitor of the site. If you want to receive extremely effective information, welcome to the pages of our Internet resource, where you and your friends can find truly high-quality material that can help in any problem in the mobile sphere.

Prohibition of GPRS roaming MTS

Today, absolutely any subscriber of the MTS network may experience situations when it is necessary to disable packet data transmission services. In other words, in order to refuse to provide the opportunity to use the “3G-EDGE-GPRS” service (Internet prohibition in roaming), you need to turn to the “Prohibit GPRS-roaming” option. It is with her that each interested client of MTS LLC in his roaming gets the right to block all incoming and outgoing data through the above-described information transmission systems.

IMPORTANT: The cost of disconnection, connection is 0 rubles. There is no subscription fee for using the service.

How to enable or disable an option:

  • Through the self-service system "Internet Assistant"
  • Through the resource "Mobile Portal" together with a set of keys like "* 111 * 496 #" + "Call"

Via "SMS Assistant":

  • To activate the service - send SMS to the number "111" with the text like "496"
  • To deactivate the service - send SMS to the number "111" with the text like "4960"

As you know, in order to stay connected even when traveling within the country or abroad, mobile operators offer their subscribers roaming services and separate roaming tariffs. Most of them today already have very tolerable conditions, which can often even be called favorable.

Each of the users has the opportunity to choose the most suitable roaming option for themselves, which can be connected depending on their communication needs. However, the problem is that upon returning home, not all subscribers remember how to turn off roaming on the Beeline, and not everyone remembers that it generally needs to be turned into a deactivated state.

That is why today we propose to understand how the disconnection of all currently relevant roaming services on the Beeline is carried out.

How to disable the service "The most advantageous roaming" on Beeline

This option attracts a huge number of operator subscribers, if only because of its name. However, the truth is not far from the name. Indeed, in this package, subscribers have the opportunity for quite democratic 200 rubles per day to get the opportunity to both call and send text messages.

One of the main advantages of this option is also the fact that there is no need to additionally connect it - it is available for use by all Beeline subscribers who have gone abroad. Making any call during the day will automatically activate the subscriber a package of minutes, and sending a message - a package of messages.

However, the lack of an activation procedure does not deprive users of questions regarding the deactivation of the service. After all, the majority of subscribers are worried that upon returning home, the payment for using communication services will be charged according to roaming tariffs.

We hasten to assure you that this assumption is incorrect. There is no need to turn off the "Most Profitable Roaming" service, it stops working as soon as the subscriber returns to the borders of the Russian Federation.

How to disable the roaming service "My Country" from Beeline

If you used national roaming while traveling around the country within the framework of the “My Country” service, and upon returning home want to return to the standard conditions for using cellular communications, then for this purpose you need to remember a short and simple number 0683 ... By calling the specified number, the service is instantly deactivated.

How to turn off the Internet in roaming for traveling in Russia

The service providing Internet access for subscribers staying in national roaming is offered for use in two variations: for 7 days and for 30 days. The services, of course, have different terms of use as well as financial aspects. But we are not talking about this, but about how to successfully deactivate them, therefore, to suspend the debiting of the user fee when the subscriber returns to the home region.

And here, as in the case of "The Most Profitable Roaming", you should not worry once again. After all, both the younger and the older variations of the service do not have an automatic renewal function, and after 7/30 days from the moment of connection, the options are automatically deactivated.

How to disable roaming "Our country +" on Beeline

This option is in demand among subscribers who go on a trip to the territory of the Crimea peninsula. When the service is activated, both incoming and outgoing calls are charged at very favorable terms.

This service, unlike the previous one, has a need to be disabled. And you can deactivate it by entering a USSD request *110*0050# .

How to disable "Unlimited Internet" in roaming on Beeline

As part of this offer, unlimited Internet access in roaming is provided for 350 rubles per day. However, without limiting the speed per day, you can use only 100 megabytes, and those can be regulated by Beeline partners in the host country. All traffic over 100 megabytes is provided in unlimited mode, but the speed is cut down to 128 kilobits per second, which is 16 kilobytes per second - which is quite a bit. For example, it will take you about 10 minutes to download one MP3 melody.

It should be understood that this option works until it is disabled by the user. Therefore, upon returning home, it must be deactivated in order to avoid unnecessary communication costs. However, given the speed at which the Internet works after using 100 megabytes of traffic per day, you may think about deactivating the service before you return home.

Services in roaming differ significantly in cost from standard ones, because they are much more expensive, so when you return home, be sure to check whether you have deactivated the roaming service. Here we will describe how to turn off roaming on MTS, return the previous tariffication and not waste money on roaming communication services.

To travel abroad, MTS usually offers the following options, combined into one package: "International access", which allows you to make calls and send SMS on the territory of a certain country, and "International and national roaming", designed to interact with Russian users.

There are some conditions under which you may not be able to connect to this package: using MTS for less than six months and spending on communication services at the same time - less than 470 rubles per month, or using the network for less than a year. In these cases, you may well be denied connection. However, at the same time, MTS allows you to activate such a service as "Easy roaming and international access". According to the terms, this service is similar to the previous ones.

The above services are not the only thing that MTS can offer, because there are several more options that allow you to communicate abroad much cheaper. But we are interested in the issue of disabling such services when returning home. This can be done using USSD service or SMS code. An online method is also available using the Personal Account on the company's website.

So, here we will list the commands and codes for SMS, designed to disable a particular service:

  • "Double package of international and national roaming" is disabled via USSD by number *111*2150# or SMS with an empty value to 1118 .
  • When “Easy Roaming” service is activated, *111*2158# or an SMS is sent in the form 215 on 111 .
  • To deactivate the service called "Zero without Borders" is applied *111*4444# .
  • You can deactivate roaming “Like at home everywhere” on MTS, which is used for international calls, by requesting *111*3333# or SMS in the form 33330 sent to 111 .

Now you know how to disable international roaming on MTS. When using the above methods, you will receive a response message about the operation performed. But anything can happen, and write-offs may continue, or you are in doubt whether roaming was turned off correctly. In such cases, visit the company's salon or call the operator at 0890 or 8-800-250-0890 .